Error message  "missing method body, or declare abstract"

This is my test driver. Does anyone know why it is not working?
public class TestInfo
   public static void main(String args[])
          Info results = new Info();
     public static String printInfo();
          System.out.println(" The Diameter is: " + results.diam
          + " The Circumference is: " + results.circum
          + " The Area is: " + results.area);
}The error message I get is: missing method body, or declare abstract
The print block has to be a separate method. The print block works when I put it in main. When it is in a separate method and I call it in main it doesn't work

You have an extraneous semi-colon after printInfo. This tells the compiler that that's all there is for that method, which only makes sense if it's an abstract method. It sees the block after the semicolon, but it thinks it's an initializer. So it wants you to either declare it abstract, or give it a method body.
Just remove that semicolon and you're fine.

Similar Messages

  • Missing method body or declare abstract error

    I have been working on this simple Java 1.3.1 program for three days now and cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. If anyone has done the "Building an Application" tutorial in the New to Java Programming Center, you might recognize the code. I am trying to set up a frame with panels first using the BorderLayout and then the FlowLayout within each section of the BorderLayout. It will have textfields and checkboxes. I am working on the code to retrieve the user input from the text boxes and also to determine which checkbox the user has checked. Here is my code: (ignore my irrelivent comments!)
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.Color.*;
    import java.awt.Image.*;
    //Header Comment for a Routine/Method
    //This method gathers the input text supplied by the user from five text fields on the Current
    //Purchase tab of the tabbed pane of the program. The way it gathers the text
    //depends on the current processing state, which it retrieves on its own. It saves the text to
    //a text file called textinput.txt.
    public class CollectTextInput extends JPanel implements ActionListener
    { // Begin class
         //Declare all the objects needed first.
         // These are the text fields
         private JTextField currentMileage;
         private JTextField numofGallonsBought;
         private JTextField dateofPurchase;
         private JTextField pricePerGallon;
         private JTextField gasBrand;
         // Declaring the Labels to go with each TextField
         private JLabel lblcurrentMileage;
         private JLabel lblnumofGallonsBought;
         private JLabel lbldateofPurchase;
         private JLabel lblpricePerGallon;
         private JLabel lblgasBrand;
         // Declaring the Checkboxes for the types of gas bought
         private JCheckBox chbxReg;
         private JCheckBox chbxSuper;
         private JCheckBox chbxUltra;
         private JCheckBox chbxOther;
         private JCheckBox chbxHigher;
         private JCheckBox chbxLower;
         // Declaring the Buttons and images needed
         private JButton enter;
         private JButton edit;
         //private JButton report; //Will be used later
         private JLabel bluecar;          //Used with the ImageIcon to create CRV image
         private JPanel carimage;     //Used in buildImagePanel method
         private JPanel datum;          //Used in buildDatumPanel method
         private JPanel gasgrade;     //Used in buildGasTypePanel method.
         //Declaring the Panels that need to be built and added
         //to the border layout of this panel.
         //private JPanel panlimages;
         //private JPanel panltextinputs;
         //private JPanel panlchkBoxes;
         // Class to handle functionality of checkboxes
         ItemListener handler = new CheckBoxHandler();
         // This is where you add the constructor for the class - I THINK!!
         public CollectTextInput()
         { // Opens collectTextInput constructor
              // Must set layout for collectTextInput here
              // Choosing a BorderLayout because we simply want to
              // add panels to the North, Center and South borders, which, by
              // default, will fill the layout with the three panels
              // we are creating
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              //Initialize the objects in the constructor of the class.
              //Initialize the textfields
              currentMileage = new JTextField();
              numofGallonsBought = new JTextField();
              dateofPurchase = new JTextField();
              pricePerGallon = new JTextField();
              gasBrand = new JTextField();
              // Initialize the labels that go with each TextField
              lblcurrentMileage = new JLabel("Enter the mileage at the time of gas purchase: ");
              lblnumofGallonsBought = new JLabel("Enter the number of gallons of gas bought: ");
              lbldateofPurchase = new JLabel("Enter the date of the purchase: ");
              lblpricePerGallon = new JLabel("Enter the price per gallon you paid for the gas: ");
              lblgasBrand = new JLabel("Enter the brand name of the gas: ");
              //Initialize the labels for the checkboxes.
              chbxReg = new JCheckBox("Regular ", true);
              chbxSuper = new JCheckBox("Super ");
              chbxUltra = new JCheckBox("Ultra ");
              chbxOther = new JCheckBox("Other: (Choose one from below) ");
              chbxHigher = new JCheckBox("Higher than Ultra ");
              chbxLower = new JCheckBox("Lower than Ultra ");
              //Initialize the buttons that go on the panel.
              enter = new JButton("Save Data");
              edit = new JButton("Edit Data");
              //Initialize the image that oges on the panel.
              bluecar = new JLabel("2002 Honda CR-V", new ImageIcon("CRVBlue.jpg"),JLabel.CENTER);
              // Now bring it all together by calling the other methods
              // that build the other panels and menu.
              // Once the methods above build the panels, this call to add
              //  them will add the panels to the main panel's border
              // layout manager.
              add(datum, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              add(carimage, BorderLayout.EAST);
              add(gasgrade, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         } // Ends the constructor.
            // This method creates a panel called images that holds the car image.
         public void buildImagePanel();
         { // Opens buildImagePanel.
              // First, create the Panel
              carimage = new JPanel();
              //Second, set the color and layout.
              carimage.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              // Third, add the image to the panel.
         }// Closes buildImagePanel
         //This method creates a panel called datum that holds the text input.
         public void buildDatumPanel();
         { //Opens buildDatumPanel
              // First, create the Panel.
              datum = new JPanel();
              //Second, set the background color and layout.
              datum.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 4, 20, 20));
              //Third, add the textfields and text labels to the panel.
              //Optionally - Fourth -set a border around the panel, including
              // a title.
              datum.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Per Purchase Information"));
              //Fifth - Add listeners to each text field to be able to
              //  know when data is input into them.
         }// Closes buildDatumPanel
         // This method builds a panel called gasTypePanel that holds the checkboxes.
         public void buildGasTypePanel()
         { // Opens buildGasTypePanel method
              // First, create the panel.
              gasgrade = new JPanel();
              // Second, set its background color and its layout.
              gasgrade.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 1, 10, 20));
              // Third, add all the checkboxes to the panel.
              //Optionally, - Fourth - set a border around the panel, including
              // a title.
              gasgrade.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Gas Type Information"));
              // Fifth - CheckBoxes require a CheckBox Handler.
              // This is a method created separately
              // outside of the method where the checkboxes are added to
              // the panel or where the checkboxes are even created.
              // This method (CheckBox Handler) implements and ItemListener
              // and is a self-contained method all on its own. See
              // the CheckBox Handler methods following the
              // actionPerformed method which follows.-SLM
         } // Closes the buildGasTypePanel method
    // Create the functionality to capture and react to an event
    //   for the checkboxes when they are checked by the user and
    //   the text fields to know when text is entered. Also to react to the
    //   Enter button being pushed and the edit button being pushed.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
    { // Opens actionPerformed method.
         if((evt.getSource() == currentMileage) || (evt.getSource() == enter))
              { // Opens if statement.
                // Retrieves the text from the currentMileage text field
                //  and assigns it to the variable currentMileageText of
                //  type String.
                String currentMileageText = currentMileage.getText();
                lblcurrentMileage.setText("Current Mileage is:    " + currentMileageText);
                // After printing text to JLabel, hide the text field.
           } // Ends if statement.
          if((evt.getSource() == numofGallonsBought) || (evt.getSource() == enter))
              { // Opens if statement.
                // Retrieves the text from the numofGallonsBought text field
                //  and assigns it to the variable numofGallonsBoughtText of
                //  type String.
                String numofGallonsBoughtText = numofGallonsBought.getText();
                lblnumofGallonsBought.setText("The number of gallons of gas bought is:    " + numofGallonsBoughtText);
                // After printing text to JLabel, hide the text field.
           } // Ends if statement.
           if((evt.getSource() == dateofPurchase) || (evt.getSource() == enter))
                     { // Opens if statement.
                       // Retrieves the text from the dateofPurchase text field
                       //  and assigns it to the variable dateofPurchaseText of
                       //  type String.
                       String dateofPurchaseText = dateofPurchase.getText();
                       lbldateofPurchase.setText("The date of this purchase is:    " + dateofPurchaseText);
                       // After printing text to JLabel, hide the text field.
           } // Ends if statement.
           if((evt.getSource() == pricePerGallon) || (evt.getSource() == enter))
                            { // Opens if statement.
                              // Retrieves the text from the pricePerGallon text field
                              //  and assigns it to the variable pricePerGallonText of
                              //  type String.
                              String pricePerGallonText = pricePerGallon.getText();
                              lblpricePerGallon.setText("The price per gallon of gas for this purchase is:    " + pricePerGallonText);
                              // After printing text to JLabel, hide the text field.
           } // Ends if statement.
           if((evt.getSource() == gasBrand) || (evt.getSource() == enter))
                       { // Opens if statement.
                         // Retrieves the text from the gasBrand text field
                         //  and assigns it to the variable gasBrandText of
                         //  type String.
                         String gasBrandText = gasBrand.getText();
                         lblgasBrand.setText("The Brand of gas for this purchase is:    " + gasBrandText);
                         // After printing text to JLabel, hide the text field.
           } // Ends if statement.
           // This provides control statements for the Edit button. If the
           //  Edit button is clicked, then the text fields are visible again.
           if(evt.getSource() == edit)
           { // Opens if statement.
             // If the edit button is pressed, the following are set to
             //  visible.
         }// Closes if statement.
    } // Closes actionPerformed method.
         private class CheckBoxHandler implements ItemListener
         { // Opens inner class
              public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e)
              {// Opens the itemStateChanged method.
                   JCheckBox source = (JCheckBox) e.getSource();
                        if(e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
                        }// Closes the itemStateChanged method
                   }// Closes the CheckBoxHandler class.
    } //Ends the public class collectTextInput classThe error I keep receiving is as follows:
    C:\jdk131\ missing method body, or declare abstract
         public void buildImagePanel();
    C:\jdk131\ missing method body, or declare abstract
         public void buildDatumPanel();
    2 errors
    I have looked this error up in three different places but the solutions do not apply to what I am trying to accomplish.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!

    C:\jdk131\ missing methodbody, or declare ?abstract
    public void buildImagePanel();^
    C:\jdk131\ missing methodbody, or declare abstract
    public void buildDatumPanel();Just remove the semicolons.
    Geesh! If I had a hammer I would be hitting myself over the head with it right now!!! What an obviously DUMB newbie mistake!!!
    Thanks so much for not making me feel stupid! :-)

  • Missing method body or declare abstract...

    Hi There,
    Im working on an assignment that works with the math class and performs a bunch of mathematical functions. Im trying to declare the different fields in the math class and I keep getting error messages!!
    This is what I have right now
    public class Math
        // Returns the absolute value of a double value.
        double abs(double a);
        // Returns the absolute value of a int value.
        int abs(int a);
        //Returns the greater of two double values.
        double max(double a, double b);
        //Returns the greater of two int values.
        int max(int a, int b);
        // Returns the lesser of two double values.
        double min(double a, double b);
        // Returns the lesser of two double values.
        int min( int a, int b);
        // Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of
        // the second argument.
        double pow(double a, double b);
        // Returns the remainder of division of two integers.
        int remainder(int a, int b);
        // Returns the closest long to the argument.
        long round(double a);
        // Returns the sum of all the elements in an array of doubles.
        double sum(double [] doubleArr);
        // Returns the sum of all the elements in an array of ints.
        int sum(int [] intArr);
        // Storage for the list of integers used for the int sum method.
        private int [] intArray = {5, 10, 15, 20};
        // Storage for the list of doubles to be used double sum method.
        private double [] doubleArray = {5.25, 10.00, 14.50, 21.90};
        }When I try and compile it tells me that Im missing method body or declare abstract.
    I originally had this
       // Returns the absolute value of a double value.
        double abs;
        // Returns the absolute value of a int value.
        int abs;
        //Returns the greater of two double values.
        double max;
        //Returns the greater of two int values.
        int max;
        // Returns the lesser of two double values.
        double min;
        // Returns the lesser of two double values.
        int min;
        // Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of
        // the second argument.
        double pow;
        // Returns the remainder of division of two integers.
        int remainder;
        // Returns the closest long to the argument.
        long round;
        // Returns the sum of all the elements in an array of doubles.
        double sum(double [] doubleArr);
        // Returns the sum of all the elements in an array of ints.
        int sum(int [] intArr);
        // Storage for the list of integers used for the int sum method.
        private int [] intArray = {5, 10, 15, 20};
        // Storage for the list of doubles to be used double sum method.
        private double [] doubleArray = {5.25, 10.00, 14.50, 21.90};When i tried doing this it told me that I had already declared the field previously when it got the the field with the same name and thats why I added the bit in brackets.....
    Im so lost... can anybody hep????

    here is your code...
    modified by correcting my bad habit...
    public class Math
        // Returns the absolute value of a double value.
        double abs(double a){return 0.0;}
        // Returns the absolute value of a int value.
        int abs(int a){return 0;}
        //Returns the greater of two double values.
        double max(double a, double b){return 0.0;}
        //Returns the greater of two int values.
        int max(int a, int b){return 0;}
        // Returns the lesser of two double values.
        double min(double a, double b){return 0.0;}
        // Returns the lesser of two double values.
        int min( int a, int b){return 0;}
        // Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of
        // the second argument.
        double pow(double a, double b){return 0.0;}
        // Returns the remainder of division of two integers.
        int remainder(int a, int b){return 0;}
        // Returns the closest long to the argument.
        long round(double a){return 0.0;}
        // Returns the sum of all the elements in an array of doubles.
        double sum(double [] doubleArr){return 0.0;}
        // Returns the sum of all the elements in an array of ints.
        int sum(int [] intArr){return 0;}
        // Storage for the list of integers used for the int sum method.
        private int [] intArray = {5, 10, 15, 20};
        // Storage for the list of doubles to be used double sum method.
        private double [] doubleArray = {5.25, 10.00, 14.50, 21.90};
        }if you want to extend Math class to any other class.. then make all the methods abstract
    Edited by: Dhaval.Yoganandi on 1 Mar, 2008 3:48 PM

  • missing method body, or declare abstract

    I am creating a color chooser applet but I keep receiving this error please help me to resolve this as my heads wrecked.
    Here is my code:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Color2 extends Applet implements AdjustmentListener, ActionListener
              Scrollbar redbar, grebar, blubar;
              TextField rfield, gfield, bfield;
              myColorSquare cSquare = new myColorSquare();
         public void init()
              Panel n= new Panel(new GridLayout(3,3));
              n.add(new Label("Red (0-255)"));
              this.redbar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,0,10,0,265);
              this.rfield = new TextField("0",5);
              n.add(new Label("Green(0-255)"));
              this.grebar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,0,10,0,265);
              this.gfield = new TextField("0",5);
              n.add(new Label("Blue(0-255)"));
              this.blubar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,0,10,0,265);
              this.bfield = new TextField("0",5);
         private void updateColor()
              int red = this.redbar.getValue();
              int green = this.grebar.getValue();
              int blue = this.blubar.getValue();
              Color aColor = new Color(red,green,blue);
         public void adjustmentValueChanger(AdjustmentEvent e)
         public void ActionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                   if (e.getSource().equals(this.rfield))
                        int red = new Integer(this.rfield.getText()).intValue();
                        int blue = new Integer(this.bfield.getText()).intValue();
                   if (e.getSource().equals(this.bfield))
                        int green = new Integer(this.gfield.getText()).intValue();
              class myColorSquare extends Canvas
              Color c =;
              public void paint(Graphics g);
                        g.fillRect(0,0,this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
              public void updateColor(Color v)
                        this.c = v;

    What happens if:
    public void adjustmentValueChanger(AdjustmentEvent e)
    is changed to:
    public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e)

  • Java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - missing method body

    I am getting the following error at runtime
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - missing method body, or declare abstractwhen I try to instantiate a class using reflexion as following:
    MyInstance = MyClass.newInstance(); I have tried to find some explanation using Google, but could not find any that fit my case. MyClass's implementation has a public constructor with no parameter. There is no error at compile time when cleaning and building all code.
    Anyone has tips about what could cause this error?

    Jrm wrote:
    It is not my code originally... You are making far too many unchecked assumptions about the reality of this situation to even get close to what that reality it is... Get over patronizing, it would improve your social/people skills... Thanks !It is your own problem that you perceive something as patronizing, while in fact it was only an honest and straight to the point attempt to help you. This forum does not deal in sensitivity, it gets in the way of helping people to see the error of their ways.

  • Missing method body and cannot resolve symbol

    I keep getting these two errors when trying to compile. I know that I need to call my fibonacci and factorial functions from the main function. Is this why I am getting the missing method body error? How do I correct this?
    Am I getting the cannot resolve symbol because I have to set the num and fact to equal something?
    public class Firstassignment
    public static void main(String[]args)
    public static void fibonacci(String[]args);
         int even=1;
         int odd=1;
         while (odd<=100);
         int temp = even;
         even = odd;
         odd = odd + temp;
    public static void factorial (String[]args);
         for (int count=1;
         fact = fact * count;
         outputbox.printLine("Factorial of" + num + "is" + fact);

    Hey... :o)
    the problem is that you've put semicolons at the end of the function signature, like this:
    public static void fibonacci(String[]args);
    }that should happen only when the function is abstract... so ur function should actually look like this:
    public static void fibonacci(String[]args)
    }also, i think you've missed out on the declarations (like what are fact and num??)....

  • Missing method body

    class Board
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Board example = new Board();
        private Board();
            char array[][];
            array = new char[3][3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    array[i][j] = '.';
    }compiler says missing method body, but i can't think where the error is? private Board has to be a constructor.

    Are you using a text editor or an IDE? If you are already fairly familiar with the Java programming language and the java/javac and you understand how classpath works, then you might consider to step over from the text editor to an IDE, such as Eclipse. It will save time and effort in developing. I tried to reproduce your problem in Eclipse and it clearly understrikes the "Board();" part during typing and says "This method requires a body instead of a semicolon" which makes much more sense.

  • Error message: Missing PDF maker files in Word 2007

    OK, I am beyond frustrated. I have had nothing but trouble with Windows Vista and Adobe Acrobat. Please help!!!
    What happens: first, the pdf addin for Word 2007 suddenly becomes disabled, for no apparent reason. Forget about trying to re-enable it through the Add-Ins menu, because Word tells me that the "connected state of Office Add-Ins registered in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE cannot be changed". This is a problem for me, because I use a special font (Vietnamese) that sometimes gets corrupted when running pdf maker. The only consistent way I have found to avoid this problem is to run the pdf maker as "Quick PDF" and as far as I can see that option is only available through the pdf addin in Word, I have never been able to find it when I open the Acrobat program and create a pdf from there.
    Second problem: shortly after the pdf addin becomes disabled, my Acrobat program loses the ability to create pdfs altogether. I get the error message "Missing PDF maker files". Yes, I have tried repairing the installation and re-starting my computer per the instructions given. It doesn't fix the problem. I also tried looking in the Knowledge Database on this website, but it appears that the instructions they have to fix the problem there are for earlier versions of Word, not 2007, because my version of word does not look like the version of Word in their little videos.
    This is the second time this has happened. The first time I resolved the problem by a) re-installing Acrobat, which is a pain because it involves calling Adobe and wading through their customer service to get a new installation number, and b) paying a computer repair service to dig deep into the guts of my computer and convince it to change the Office Add-ins to allow the pdf addin again. It worked for about 6 months, and now I have the same problem again. For some reason Vista is spontaneously disabling Acrobat.
    I simply cannot deal with this every few months. We all know that Vista is a crappy program, but I run a business and I need a program that works with whatever crappy program Microsoft puts out. Please, can anyone give me suggestions about how to re-enable these functions when Vista disables them?
    Thanks in advance!

    for Office 2007, see if this Microsoft product will work for you 041&displaylang=en

  • I keep getting the error message "Missing PDFMaker files. Do you want to run the installer in repair mode"

    I keep getting the error message "Missing PDFMaker files  Do you want to run the installer in repair mode"when I try to convert a file into a pdf.  I have tried uninstalling then reinstalling but I continue to get the message.  I am able directly print file, but there are some errors in the pages, but some of them have font errors. Please advise.

    Hey Suzanne,
    Could you please let me know what Acrobat version are you using and what kind of file are you trying to convert to PDF.
    If you are using an MS Office application, then PDF Maker has to be an active plug-in for the PDF conversion.
    Have you tried using Print to PDF option from the File menu for the same?
    Please check and then let me know.

  • I get the error message "Missing PDFMaker files" when trying to convert a microsoft word document(.docx)

    When I right click the word file and select Convert to Adobe PDF, I get the error message "Missing PDFMaker files".
    Im using Windows Vista Home Premium, Service Pack 2, 32 bit operating system.
    Im using Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010
    I have Adobe Reader X installed

    Hi RhodaMcP,
    You might want to check the KB:

  • On Pages 09. Error Message "Missing Font" - text on all my files/Documents has disappeared. I know it is still there from the word count - but it is invisible. Any clues Gratefully received.

    On Pages 09. Error Message "Missing Font" - text on all my files/Documents has disappeared. I know it is still there from the word count - but it is invisible. Any clues Gratefully received.

    What version of Pages '09?
    Have you updated it to the latest iWork '09 v4.3?

  • TS1424 I get an error message "missing msvcr80.dll".  Can anyone help?

    I'm getting an error message "missing msvcr80.dll".  Can anyone help?

    there are numerous threads on this... the latest update kind of messed up (I'm being polite here) and I found a good solution under the thread title
    for all those having issues with the update
    I tried to copy & paste, but it's not possible on this site.

  • Error message: "Missing required plugins" - Illustrator CS3 will not load

    I am running CS3 Web Prem on Vista, dual core Athlon with 2g Ram.
    Illustrator has stopped working - gives error message: "Missing required plugins. Pathfinder Suite." Or it says "Missing required plugins. ArtConverters.aip PDFformat.aip Pathfinder suite.aip Rasterize.aip"
    I have tried the suggestions from knowledge base article - I have tried deleting AIprefs; I have also tried in new user account - initially worked but not on opening program a second time. I have also re-installed Illustrator.
    Any other solutions?

    Glad to hear it.
    Not sure what possible nuances to performance or memory management there may be to running in compatibility mode. Since I can't run in any other mode, it is hard to make a comparison.
    It seems to run fine though, for me.
    There should be a Windows Update that came out in the last day or so that is supposed to address this issue ( At least thats what it says.
    BUT, after that fiasco with SP1, I am real reluctant to do any more updates.
    SP1 toasted my ability to connect with network resources, external and some internal hard drives, ALL my USB equipment failed to connect anymore. I removed SP1 (uninstalled it per the instructions on the MS KB) but that process trashed the OS and required a complete clean re-install of Vista. A week later I am pretty much back to where I should be (see, my system backups were with SP1. Brilliant, eh?).
    Still have to run many so-called "Vista Compatible" applications in this compatability mode though.

  • HELP! ERROR MESSAGE: Missing PDFMaker Files

    My Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0 has been running perfectly fine for over a year now. However, today I went to create a pdf. and I received the following error message:
    Missing PDFMaker Files
    Do you want to run the installer in repair mode?
    So I said yes, and then restarted my computer. That didn't fix it.
    I uninstalled Adobe Acrobat Professional and re-installed it. That didn't fix it.
    I really have no idea what to do. It's extremely frustrating because I have CS2 and the phone support people said they couldn't help me because I don't have the newer version. I'm looking for any sort of solution to this problem because it makes this program virtually useless.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    ok i just got mine working. you have 7 i have 8, but its still worth a try. here are the steps i took. i hope this helps good luck
    i did this in excel, so ill use excel as the application, otherwise its outlook or word or whatever your application name is ok oh i have 07 office
    - open excel
    - click the office button (the big yellow button at the top left)
    - click excel options button (at the bottom)
    - click add ins on the left side dialog box
    - do one of the following
         - if pdfmoutlook or acrobat pdfmaker office COM addin is not listed, choose COM Add ins form the manage pop-up menu (at the bottom) and click go
         - if pdfmoutlook or acrobat pdfmaker office COM addin is listed under Disabled Application Addin, select disabled items from the manage pop up menu and click go
    - select pdfmoutlook or acrobat pdfmaker office COM addin and click ok
    - restart your application (again i was in excel)
    i choose acrobat pdfmaker not outlook
    i googled
    activate PDFMaker in Microsaoft Office and clicked on the one that says
    acrobat 9 pro extended convert a file using pdf maker
    for some reason (im not very good with these forums) i cant copy the link into this wondow and its extremly long
    it begins and so google that and click on that link
    let me know if this owrked ok

  • Error message: missing file  MSVCP110dll in CS6. Happens when I go from  LR5 to CS6 [was: help]

    error message missing file  MSVCP110dll in CS6. happens when i go from  LR5 to CS6

    reinstall your NIK collection:

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