Error Message ORA-31043: Element 'person' not globally defined in schema

Hello All,
We have registered 2 xsd documents as follows..
   lc_test_xsd   CLOB;
   lc_test_xsd   := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <simpleType name="LastNamePrefix">
                Additional word to last name (name prefix) corresponding to SAP HR Core
                Table T535N; V.
        <restriction base="tns:String255" />
    <simpleType name="CountryID">
                Codes for the representation of country names according to ISO 3166.
        <restriction base="string">
            <maxLength value="2" />
    <simpleType name="LocationCode">
                Code of a location, e.g. Fe, Wa2 or Kor.
        <restriction base="string">
            <maxLength value="4" />
    <simpleType name="GenderCode">
                Code of the gender: male, female, unknown. Unknown is used if the value is
                unknown or must not be stored due to legal restrictions.
        <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="male" />
            <enumeration value="female" />
            <enumeration value="unknown" />
    <simpleType name="String255">
                String with 255 characters max
        <restriction base="string">
            <maxLength value="255" />
            <minLength value="1" />
    <simpleType name="RB-CostCenter">
                Cost Center
        <restriction base="string">
            <minLength value="3" />
            <maxLength value="6" />
    <simpleType name="OrgUnitName">
                Name of the Organizational Unit
        <restriction base="string">
            <minLength value="1" />
            <maxLength value="18" />
    <complexType name="StringMCA">
                Multi Country String. Strings, which must be stored in ASCII code and
                country specific. The subelement ASCIIString contains the string encoded
                with ASCII. The subelement countrySpecificString allows country specific
            <element name="asciiString" type="tns:String255" minOccurs="0" />
            <element name="countrySpecificString" type="tns:String255" />
    <simpleType name="OrgUnitID">
                ID of the Organizational Unit
        <restriction base="unsignedInt">
            <totalDigits value="8" />
    <simpleType name="GlobalID">
                Global unique identifier of persons at xyz
        <restriction base="unsignedInt">
            <totalDigits value="8" />
    <simpleType name="CiCatPersonID">
                CI-CAT Identifier of Persons (CiCat-PID). Unique identifier of a person
                in CI-CAT
        <restriction base="unsignedInt">
            <totalDigits value="20" />
    <simpleType name="CiCatAccountID">
                CI-CAT Identifier of AD Accounts (CiCat-Ben-Sid). Unique identifier of
                AD Accounts in CI-CAT.
        <restriction base="unsignedInt">
            <totalDigits value="20" />
    <simpleType name="PersonnelActionTypeCode">
                The operation that was performed on the person: entry, data change,
                re-entry (into company), exit (out of company)
        <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="entry" />
            <enumeration value="data change" />
            <enumeration value="re-entry" />
            <enumeration value="exit" />
    <simpleType name="ContractStatus">
                Contract Status: active, inaktive, resigned, retired
        <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="retired">
                        End of contract relationship because of retirement
            <enumeration value="resigned">
                        End of contract because of quitting
            <enumeration value="inactive">
                        Incactive contract relationship, e.g. motherhood, suspension
            <enumeration value="active">
                        Normal contract status
            <enumeration value="deleted">
                        Contract physically deleted in the source system
    <simpleType name="KnownAssociateCode">
                Describes status of person to xyz: internal/external/fixed-term
        <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="External" />
            <enumeration value="Internal" />
            <enumeration value="Fixed Term" />
            <enumeration value="unknown" />
    <simpleType name="AssociateCode">
                Describes status of person to xyz: union of known values plus free string
                for not yet known types
        <union memberTypes="tns:KnownAssociateCode string" />
    <simpleType name="KnownExternalRelationType">
                Describes relation (contract relation) of external person to xyz:
        <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="Contractor" />
            <enumeration value="Customer" />
            <enumeration value="Supplier" />
            <enumeration value="Subsidiary" />
            <enumeration value="Selfregistered" />
            <enumeration value="unknown" />
    <simpleType name="ExternalRelationType">
        <union memberTypes="tns:KnownExternalRelationType string" />
    <simpleType name="ValidityState">
                If an attribute was taken over by an authoritative source such as HR-MDS or
                WOM. Set to "Valid" to indicate that the value was taken over from the
                source and is therefore valid. Set to "Invalid" if the source indicates the
                value is no longer value, e.g. because it got deleted. Otherwise set to
                "Unknown", e.g. when the value was entered manually.
        <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="Valid" />
            <enumeration value="Invalid" />
            <enumeration value="Unknown" />
    <complexType name="HrPersonnelId">
            <element name="hrSourceSystem">
                        Name of HR source system
                    <restriction base="string">
                        <minLength value="1" />
                        <maxLength value="20" />
            <element name="hrPersonnelId">
                        ID of person in HR source system
                    <restriction base="string">
                        <minLength value="1" />
                        <maxLength value="20" />
    <complexType name="AccountType">
                Types of Accounts: Three main categories are known: Person, resource or
                service account. A person account represents a single natural person. A
                resource account represents a resource such as a printer, a computer or a
                meeting room. Service Accounts represent everything else. The can be used
                for example for technical users or group accounts. Both resource and service
                accounts have an owner that is responsible for them. Each account type has
                subtypes for further categorization.
            <element name="personAccount" type="tns:PersonAccountType" />
            <element name="resourceAccount" type="tns:ResourceAccountType" />
            <element name="serviceAccount" type="tns:ServiceAccountType" />
    <simpleType name="KnownPersonAccountType">
                Pre-defined types of Person Accounts
        <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="Office" />
            <enumeration value="Admin" />
            <enumeration value="Test" />
            <enumeration value="unknown" />
    <simpleType name="PersonAccountType">
        <union memberTypes="tns:KnownPersonAccountType string" />
    <simpleType name="KnownResourceAccountType">
                Pre-defined types of Resource Accounts
        <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="Room" />
            <enumeration value="PC" />
            <enumeration value="Printer" />
            <enumeration value="unknown" />
    <simpleType name="ResourceAccountType">
        <union memberTypes="tns:KnownResourceAccountType string" />
    <simpleType name="KnownServiceAccountType">
                Pre-defined Types of Service Accounts
        <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="Group" />
            <enumeration value="Machine" />
            <enumeration value="Support" />
            <enumeration value="System" />
            <enumeration value="unknown" />
    <simpleType name="ServiceAccountType">
        <union memberTypes="tns:KnownServiceAccountType string" />
    <simpleType name="ActionType">
                Defines the action that was performed on the object.
        <restriction base="string">
            <enumeration value="Create" />
            <enumeration value="Update" />
            <enumeration value="Delete" />
    <simpleType name="LegalEntityId">
                ID of a legal entity
        <restriction base="unsignedInt">
            <totalDigits value="8" />
   DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTERSCHEMA (schemaurl   => 'BasicTypes.xsd',
                                  schemadoc   => lc_test_xsd);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('BasicTypes.xsd registration successfully completed');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('BasicTypes.xsd registration failed '||SQLERRM);

2nd xsd..
-- register PersonTypes.xsd schema
lc_person_xsd   CLOB;
      := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Change History:    
    This schema contains all types that represent objects (i.e. Person and ADAccount).
    <import namespace="" schemaLocation="BasicTypes.xsd"/>
    <complexType name="ADAccount">
                Active directory account of a person (also known as NT or Windows account)
            <element name="cicatAccountId" type="basic:CiCatAccountID">
                        CICAT internal ID of account (CI-CAT Ben SID)
            <element name="domain" type="basic:String255">
                        NT domain of the userID, e.g. "de", "emea"
            <element name="userID" type="basic:String255">
                        NT userID e.g. "xyz5mum" without domain (NT-SID)
            <element name="guid" type="basic:String255">
                        Active Directory GUID of account.
            <element name="isMasterAccount" type="boolean"
                default="false" minOccurs="0">
                        A person can have several accounts. One of them is marked as the
                        master account. The master account is the account which is mainly
                        used by the user.
            <element name="accountType" type="basic:AccountType">
                        Types of Accounts: Three main categories are known: Person, resource
                        or service account. A person account represents a single natural
                        person. A resource account represents a resource such as a printer,
                        a computer or a meeting room. Service Accounts represent everything
                        else. The can be used for example for technical users or group
                        accounts. Both resource and service accounts have an owner that is
                        responsible for them. Each account type has subtypes for further
    <complexType name="Person">
                All attributes a CI-CAT person record can contain
            <element name="globalID" type="basic:GlobalID" minOccurs="0">
                        Globally unique identifier of a person at xyz. This ID is defined
                        by HR MDS.
            <element name="cicatPID" type="basic:CiCatPersonID">
                        Unique identifier of person in CI-CAT.
            <element name="hrPersonnelId" type="basic:HrPersonnelId" minOccurs="0">
                        Personnel ID of person in an HR system. The personnel ID is unique
                        throughout one system. But different systems can use the same ID.
            <element name="title" type="basic:String255"
                        Title of the person. In some countries and HR-MDS this field is used
                        for the academic title. In other countries it is used for the job
            <element name="firstName" type="basic:StringMCA">
                        First name of the person
            <element name="middleName" type="basic:StringMCA" minOccurs="0">
                        Middle name(s) of the person
            <element name="lastNameAddOn" type="basic:String255"
                        Additional word to surname (name prefix)
                        corresponding to SAP HR Core Table T535N; V.
            <element name="lastName" type="basic:StringMCA">
                        Last names of the person.
            <element name="displayName" type="basic:String255" minOccurs="0">
                        Display name of the person. This attribute is calculated from the
                        name, the department. In case of external users it also contains
                        an external flag and the name of the company. This field is
                        calculated by CI-CAT.
            <element name="gender" type="basic:GenderCode" minOccurs="0">
                        Gender of the person
            <element name="orgUnitID" type="basic:OrgUnitID" minOccurs="0">
                        ID of Organization unit (determined by C/AOO). This ID is taken over
                        from WOM.
            <element name="orgUnitIDValidity" type="basic:ValidityState" minOccurs="0">
                        Defines if the attribute orgUnitID was validated by an authoritative
                        source. The default value is "Unknown".
                        - orgUnitID is linked with WOM reference and orgUnitID is active in WOM
                        - orgUnitID is linked with Exception Organization list maintained in
                          CI-CAT by C/AOO. orgUnitID is active in with Exception Organization list
                        - orgUnitID is linked with WOM reference and orgUnitID is inactive in WOM
                        - orgUnitID is linked with Exception Organization list maintained in CI-CAT
                          by C/AOO. orgUnitID is inactive in with Exception Organization list
                        - orgUnitID is not linked with WOM reference or Exception Organization
                          list. Active state of the department is not known.
            <element name="orgUnitName" type="basic:OrgUnitName">
                        Unit Code (determined by C/AOO) of the organizational office, e.g.
                        Department, group, Project.
            <element name="costCenter" type="basic:RB-CostCenter">
                        Cost center the person is assigned to.
            <element name="costCenterValidity" type="basic:ValidityState" minOccurs="0">
                        Defines if the attribute costCenter was validated by an authoritative
                        source. The default value is "Unknown".
            <element name="email" type="basic:String255"
                        Primary email of person
            <element name="legalEntity" type="basic:LegalEntityId" minOccurs="0">
                        ID of a legalEntity. Legal Entity List will be
                        retrieved from CI-CAT.
            <element name="officeLocation" type="basic:LocationCode" minOccurs="0">
                        The office location where the person is currently working,
                        e.g. Fe, Kor, Wa2. Maintained in CI-CAT.
            <element name="maintenanceLocation" type="basic:LocationCode" minOccurs="0">
                        The location of the HR department which maintains the person, taken from HR-MDS.
            <element name="building" type="basic:String255" minOccurs="0">
                        Building free-from data
            <element name="room" type="basic:String255" minOccurs="0">
                        Room (Section, floor and room number)
            <element name="externalCompany" type="basic:String255" minOccurs="0">
                        For Externals: Name of the external company.
            <element name="externalCompanyLocation" type="basic:LocationCode" minOccurs="0">
                        For Externals: The location of the external company.
            <element name="personnelActionType" type="basic:PersonnelActionTypeCode" minOccurs="0">
                        Defines the action type used in SAP HR systems,e.g. Hiring (entry);
                        Organizational reasignment; Transfer; Change in pay;
                        early retirement / retirement; leaving; Re-entry into company
            <element name="statusOfContract" type="basic:ContractStatus">
                        Status of current occupation, e.g. active; inactive; resigned; retired
            <element name="xyzGroupAssociate" type="basic:AssociateCode">
                        Indicates whether person is xyz Group associate or external
                        according to respective regulations : external; internal
            <element name="externalRelationToxyz" type="basic:ExternalRelationType"
                minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        Describes for persons of type xyzGroupAssociate = external the
                        relationship to xyz, e.g. customer, subsidiary, ...
                        Persons can be in more than one relation to xyz.
            <element name="phone" type="basic:String255" minOccurs="0">
                        Phone Number
            <element name="otherPhone" type="basic:String255" minOccurs="0">
                        "Business 2/Other Telephone" ist ein multivalue field which can be
                        filled with additional phone numbers (canonical format). 
            <element name="mobile" type="basic:String255" minOccurs="0">
                        Mobile Phone Number
            <element name="paperFax" type="basic:String255" minOccurs="0" />
            <element name="electronicFax" type="basic:String255" minOccurs="0" />
            <element name="ipPhone" type="basic:String255" minOccurs="0">
                    <documentation>IP Phone Number</documentation>
            <element name="lastModified" type="dateTime">
                        last Time person was modified in CI-CAT
            <element name="lastModifyingUser" type="basic:String255">
                        Last person, who modified person in CI-CAT. Can be a CI-CAT system
                        user, e.g. user to connect CI-CAT to WOM.
            <element name="assistant" type="basic:GlobalID" minOccurs="0">
                        Assistant of person. Reference to assistant vie
            <element name="activeDirectoryAccount" type="tns:ADAccount"
                maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
                        List of Active Directory accounts of the user.
                        To indicate that a user is deleted, the list of
                        AD accounts is empty.
        <attribute name="action" type="basic:ActionType" use="required"/>
    <element name="person" type="tns:Person"/>
   DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTERSCHEMA (schemaurl   => 'PersonTypes.xsd',
                                  schemadoc   => lc_person_xsd);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('PersonTypes.xsd registration successfully completed');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('PersonTypes.xsd registration failed '||SQLERRM);

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    The first thought is that you didn't invest much time in researching this error as it is probably the most written about exception in these forums and on google.
    So there you go ... hit the search button.
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    u have to assign depre area to ur company code..
    Please check.. you have to done step as following
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    5. Specify Financial Statement Version for Asset Reports(OAYN)     
    Hope this help.
    Message was edited by:

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    v_CAUSE varchar2(8);
    v_ACTION varchar2(8);
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    You can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
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    ParikshitBhandari wrote:
    Welcome to the forum.
    Before proceeding, please read the forum FAQ. The link is in the upper right corner of this very page.
    I have a VM Machine with OEL 4.5 and have oracle 11g release 2 installed but do not have database created.
    on the command prompt I am getting error message
    ORA-01034: Oracle Not available
    Process ID: 0
    Session ID: 0 Serial Number: 0
    is it because I have not created the database... ?Yes, it is because you have not created a database.
    It is A Good Thing (tm) that you actually copied and pasted the entire error message. Some here seem to think "it doesn't work" is an actionable error message. However, for future reference, error messages are the result of something happening. They are far more meaningful if you were to also copy and paste the command that triggered the error.
    if yes can some one please guide me how I can create database...
    Easiest way is to use the utility 'dbca' (database configuration assistant).
    **** Sorry for asking these silly questions however I am new to oracle, just want to kick start my carrier in oracle...**** :-)=================================================
    Learning how to look things up in the documentation is time well spent investing in your career. To that end, you should drop everything else you are doing and do the following:
    Go to
    Drill down to your product and version.
    <b><i><u>BOOKMARK THAT LOCATION</u></i></b>
    Spend a few minutes just getting familiar with what is available here. Take special note of the "books" and "search" tabs. Under the "books" tab (for 10.x) or the "Master Book List" link (for 11.x) you will find the complete documentation library.
    Spend a few minutes just getting familiar with what <b><i><u>kind</u></i></b> of documentation is available there by simply browsing the titles under the "Books" tab.
    Open the Reference Manual and spend a few minutes looking through the table of contents to get familiar with what <b><i><u>kind</u></i></b> of information is available there.
    Do the same with the SQL Reference Manual.
    Do the same with the Utilities manual.
    You don't have to read the above in depth. They are <b><i><u>reference</b></i></u> manuals. Just get familiar with <b><i><u>what</b></i></u> is there to <b><i><u>be</b></i></u> referenced. Ninety percent of the questions asked on this forum can be answered in less than 5 minutes by simply searching one of the above manuals.
    Then set yourself a plan to dig deeper.
    - Read a chapter a day from the Concepts Manual.
    - Take a look in your alert log. One of the first things listed at startup is the initialization parms with non-default values. Read up on each one of them (listed in your alert log) in the Reference Manual.
    - Take a look at your listener.ora, tnsnames.ora, and sqlnet.ora files. Go to the Network Administrators manual and read up on everything you see in those files.
    - When you have finished reading the Concepts Manual, do it again.
    Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

  • Error message "ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact" during dbca

    Background info: I am building a new test RAC cluster running on IBM pSeries hardware with AIX 6.1 OS level. I need to practice building a cluster and then adding a new node later. Because of limited hardware availability, my inital cluster will have 1 node and I will add the additional node later.
    I installed Grid Infrastructure successfully. GI and ASM are online and appear to be working normally. Today I installed the database software. I am now trying to create a test database using DBCA. After entering all of the database information (SID information, where db files should reside, memory sizing, etc.) the database creation begins, then immediately issues the error message "ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact".
    I have searched MOS (Metalink) and also reviewed a few sites using Google. All of the information indicates this problem occurs most often when trying to log into an existing database using sqlplus. I haven't found anything related to this error message during database creation.
    Does anyone have advice on how to troubleshoot where the problem is coming from? Can you point me to some documentation that would help with this issue?
    Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you!

    I was verifying that I understood your request. The last install log relates to the Oracle db software installation and was created by OUI. The DBCA utility has not created any actual install logs. DBCA issues the error less than 10 seconds after I choose the "Finish" button to begin the database creation process. I also reviewed 4 notes on MOS and unfortunately they do not seem to apply. The permissions settings appear correct on all directories for both the database software owner and the grid infrastructure owner as well.
    Here are the last 200 lines from the OUI install log. Thank you again for all of your help!
    $ tail -200 installActions2012-07-16_10-20-11AM.log
    INFO: This variable s_caHelpPtBRJar is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_caHelpKoJar is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_caHelpJar is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_caHelpJaJar is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_caHelpItJar is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_caHelpFrJar is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_caHelpEsJar is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_caHelpDeJar is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_authAdaptors is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable ps_netCA_Args_OverRide is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_net8ServerInstalling is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_javavmIsInstalling is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_isWindows is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_isUNIX is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_cmanIsInstalling is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_anoIsInstalling is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_xmlparservLoc is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_skipharegistrationFlag is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_ouiJlibDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_opsmJlib is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_ntwkTools is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_netjlibDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_netcahelpLocation is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_netcaJlibDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_netcaDocDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_netPropertiesFile is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_netCA is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_net8caFileToInstantiate is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_jre15Location is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_jlibDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_inventoryPrereqOui is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_emdwLibDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_caHelpDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_assistantJlibDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_JavaFlag is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_isOPS is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_windowsCommandLine is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_srcOracleHome is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_net8caExecutable is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_netcaUserDirArg is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_installTypeForNetCA is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_netcaSilentFlag is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_netCAInstalledProducts is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_netcaClasspath is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable PROD_HOME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: ORACLE_HOME is not settable, hence not setting the value
    INFO: Handling the storing of variables for aggr name oracle.assistants.server
    INFO: This variable s_operatingSystem is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_jreLocation is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable pn_dboffset is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable cs_swingName is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable cs_komodoName is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable cs_kodiakName is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable cs_jewtName is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable cs_iceBrowserName is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable cs_ewtcompatName is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable cs_ewtName is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable cs_baliShareName is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_orabaseContainsOrahome is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_isWINDOWS is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_isUNIX is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable sl_dbmaParameterListForIcon is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable sl_dbcaParameterListForIcon is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_xmlparservLoc is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_skipHARegistrationFlag is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_ouiJlibLocation is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_oratabLocation is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_opsmLocation is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_dbuaLocation is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_dbcaLocation is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_OracleBinLocation is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_dbcaInstLaunchFile is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_dbcaLaunchFile is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_dbmaLaunchFile is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_dbmaInstLaunchFile is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable PROD_HOME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: ORACLE_HOME is not settable, hence not setting the value
    INFO: Handling the storing of variables for aggr name oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: This variable s_sid is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_serverInstallType is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_platform is not added to the global context map
    INFO: HashMap added with the key oracle.sysman.console.db and an empty variable Vector
    INFO: Adding the variable s_obfOc4jAdmPasswd to the aggregate oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: Adding the variable s_obfOc4jAdmPasswd to the global context map for the aggregate oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: Adding the variable s_obfJtaAdmPasswd to the aggregate oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: Adding the variable s_obfJtaAdmPasswd to the global context map for the aggregate oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: This variable s_nlsLang is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_emailServer is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_emailAddress is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_cfgtyperet is not added to the global context map
    INFO: Adding the variable s_JtaAdmPasswd to the aggregate oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: Adding the variable s_JtaAdmPasswd to the global context map for the aggregate oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: This variable n_uploadInterval is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable localhost is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_launchTools is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_launchBrowser is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_isUNIX is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_centralConsole is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable USE_HTTP_PROXY is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable USE_DB_CONSOLE is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable SET_CONSOLE_MODE is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable SA_SETUP is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable OC4JLOC is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable NO_PC_MODE is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable LOGGING_LEVEL is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable JRE_HOME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable ISQLPLUS_PROTOCOL is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable ISQLPLUS_PORT is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable HOST_SID_OFFSET_ENABLED is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable HOSTNAME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_UPLOAD_DISABLE is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_UIX_DEBUG_FLAG is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EMPRODVER is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable CONSOLE_MODE is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable CONSOLE_CFG is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable sl_oraclehomes is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_oc4jDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_oc4jAppsDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_jreHome is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_configcommand is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_isRAC is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_UNIX is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable OJSP_JAR_LOC is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable OJSPUTIL_JAR_LOC is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable LDAP_JAR_LOC is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable JAVA_HOME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable ISQLPLUS_HOST is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_UIX_LOCATION is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_REPOS_HOST is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_PING_COMMAND is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_OC4J_HOME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_EAR_LOC is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EMDROOT is not added to the global context map
    INFO: Adding the variable s_oc4jAdmPasswd to the aggregate oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: Adding the variable s_oc4jAdmPasswd to the global context map for the aggregate oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: This variable s_launchBrowserClasspath is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_javapOracleHome is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable PROD_HOME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: {Parameter:TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT in {Aggregate:OuiConfigVariables:}}: Parameter data type is not compatible with the provided String Array.
    INFO: passing params to cf done
    INFO: done saving info by cf
    INFO: This is a shared oracle home or remote nodes are null. No copy required.
    INFO: Checkpoint:Failed Checkpoint found returning it for getAllFailedCheckPoints.
    INFO: Checkpoint:Failed Checkpoint found returning null for getLastFailedCheckPoint.
    INFO: Checkpoint:Index file written and updated
    INFO: Checkpoint:Transfer of file done from remote node
    INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwRootShWCDE
    INFO: Updating the global context
    INFO: Path To 'globalcontext.xml' = /u01/app/oracle/cmdseries/11.2.0/install/chainedInstall/globalcontext
    INFO: Since operation was successful, move the current OiicAPISessionDetails to installed list
    INFO: Number of scripts to be executed as root user = 1
    INFO: isSuccessfullInstallation: true
    INFO: isSuccessfullRemoteInstallation: true
    INFO: Adding ExitStatus SUCCESS to the exit status set
    INFO: Completed setting up InstallDB
    INFO: Number of scripts to be executed as root user = 1
    INFO: User accepted to run root scripts
    INFO: Shutting down OUISetupDriver.JobExecutorThread
    INFO: Cleaning up, please wait...
    INFO: Dispose the install area control object
    INFO: Update the state machine to STATE_CLEAN
    INFO: Setup completed with overall status as Succeeded
    INFO: All forked task are completed at state setup
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <setup>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating view at state <setup>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <setup>
    INFO: Validating state <setup>
    INFO: Completed validating state <setup>
    INFO: Verifying route success
    INFO: Get view named [FinishUI]
    INFO: View for [FinishUI] is oracle.install.ivw.db.view.FinishUI@6f286f28
    INFO: Initializing view <FinishUI> at state <finish>
    INFO: Completed initializing view <FinishUI> at state <finish>
    INFO: Displaying view <FinishUI> at state <finish>
    INFO: Completed displaying view <FinishUI> at state <finish>
    INFO: Loading view <FinishUI> at state <finish>
    INFO: Install Succeeded: true
    INFO: Config Tool Succeeded: true
    INFO: Remote Install Succeeded: true
    INFO: Completed loading view <FinishUI> at state <finish>
    INFO: Localizing view <FinishUI> at state <finish>
    INFO: Completed localizing view <FinishUI> at state <finish>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state finish
    INFO: FinishAction Actions.execute called
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <finish>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <finish>
    INFO: Adding ExitStatus SUCCESS_WITH_WARNINGS to the exit status set
    INFO: Finding the most appropriate exit status for the current application
    INFO: Exit Status is 6
    INFO: List of warnings encountered in this Application:
    INFO: Shutdown Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Installer
    INFO: Unloading Setup Driver

  • I purchased Premiere Elements 13 a few weeks ago, it downloads without issue, but I can't open it. I get an error message that reads "Elements 13 has stopped working" HELP!!!

    I purchased this online, downloaded it without issue, and it won't open. I get an error message that states "Elements 13 has stopped working"
    I have removed it and redownloaded it several times, and still no luck... HELP!
    When I contacted Adobe support that's all they suggested, to reinstall...

    What computer operating system?
    Uninstall, free ccleaner run through, and reinstall with antivirus and firewall(s) disabled is not a bad idea. But, let us look at some other
    factors before that.
    1. When you try to open the program, how far do you get....Welcome Screen - clicking on Organizer or Video Editor or other?
    Have you tried to open the program directly from the Adobe Premiere Elements.exe file after you have applied Run As Administrator to that file?
    2. Does the problem exist with and without the antivirus and firewall(s) disabled? Are you working in a school or company network?
    3. Are you working with a pen and tablet device instead of mouse?
    4. Is your video card/graphics card driver version up to date according to the website of the manufacturer of the card?
    4. Do you have the latest version of QuickTime installed and are you running the programs as administrator?
    Let us start here and then decide what next based on the details in your reply.
    Besides uninstall/ccleaner/reinstall, we may next try deleting the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file or the whole 13 Folder in which it
    exists or installing the program in a newly created user account with administrative privileges and trying to run the program from there.
    But, let us rule in or out the first 4.
    Any questions or need clarification on any of the above, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Thank you.

  • Error Message - ORA-01722 Invalid Number

    I have the following situation. When I create an organization, a record is inserted into the following table, AGREEMENTS, and populates four fields.
    I have an update form which selects the organization from the AGREEMENTS table so the user can populate the rest of the table. In addition, on this form, there is a drop-down box which allows the user to select the name of a legal document along with the version of the document in which the user needs to select. This select list is created via an LOV joining three tables. The item name for this select list is :P6_DOCUMENT.
    The code for the LOV is:
         ORG_DOC_CURR_VER O,
        S.DOC_TYPE = 'HISA'
    AND O.ORG_KEY=:P6_ORG_KEY_LEWhen the user completes the form, the SUBMIT process is a PL/SQL block consisting of an UPDATE statement to update the AGREEMENTS table based on the selected organization and an INSERT statement to insert a record into the AGREEMENTS_DOC table to store the value stored in :P7_DOCUMENT.
    Ok, now here is where my problem starts.
    When I first bring up the form and I select the organization I want to update, I click the Search button to find the organization and I receive the following error message: ORA-01722 Invalid Number.
    At this point all I'm doing is a basic search. There is no insert/update or anything going on. I'm not understanding why I would be receiving this error message.
    The search is based on the database column ORG_KEY_LE whose datatype is NUMBER.
    In my application, the item assigned to ORG_KEY_LE is P6_ORG_KEY_LE.
    I have a PL/SQL block process created (On Load-Before Header) in the Page Rendering area of my page definition. The PL/SQL code that is written is:
    IF :P6_SEARCH_ORG != '0' THEN
    END IF;
    END;I then have an Item created, :P6_SEARCH_ORG, which is a Select List. In the LOV portion of the page for this item, I have the following:
    select ORG_KEY_LE display_value, ORG_KEY_LE return_value
    order by 1The reason for using this table is because this table contains the newly created organization which needs to be updated with the remaining columns of data.
    I then have a Search button in the Button area which has the following settings:
    Button Position: Region Template Position #CHANGE#.
    Condition Type: Value of Item in Express 1 is NULL.
    Expression 1: :P6_ORG_KEY_LE.
    To troubleshoot this problem, I created two pages, one page to do the UPDATE and the second page to do the INSERT.
    The SEARCH functionality in both pages are identical.
    When I run my UPDATE page, which only involves updating the missing fields, the process works. I have my search box, I'm able to search for the organization, make my updates, and I'm good.
    When I run my INSERT page, which involves inserting the record with the assigned document, I receive the error message after I click the SEARCH button. In order to INSERT the record into this table, I first need to SELECT the organization that was UPDATED in the AGREEMENTS table (using the UPDATE page described in above paragraph). When I select the organization, the user can then assign the appropriate legal document to the organization and insert the record into the AGREEMENTS_DOC table.
    Can someone help me with this error message? I'm not sure why I am able to perform my SEARCH on a page with the UPDATE statement, not able to perform the SEARCH on the page with my INSERT statement, and not be able to perform the SEARCH on the page that combines the UPDATE and INSERT statements.
    I did some more troubleshooting and I do believe my SUBMIT process which contains the INSERT statement is the issue. I created a fourth page which doesn't have a SUBMIT process. I brought up the form, searched for my organization and the information for that organization appeared. The problem is definately with my UPDATE/INSERT process.
    The PL/SQL block for the Submit process is the following:
    END;There is something wrong with the above statement and I do not understand what it could be. Can someone help?
    Thanks for the help.

    I believe you are on to something.
    The select list for item :P6_DOCUMENT appears when I first bring up the form. When I select my organization and receive the error message, I clicked on the Session in the Developer's bar. The value in item/field :P6_DOCUMENT shows %null%.
    This is the path in which my user would like to accomplish her task:
    1. Select an organization
    2. Display the information for that organization from the AGREEMENTS table
    3. Enter the data for the remaining fields in the AGREEMENTS table
    4. Select the document (:P6_DOCUMENT) from the drop-down.
    5. Click Submit
    6. Update the AGREEMENTS table with data entered in #3.
    7. Insert a record into the AGREEMENTS_DOC table with the selection from #4.
    Somehow I need the :P6_DOCUMENT field not to show the %null% during the SEARCH functionality. I think that is causing the problem.
    How do I fix this?

  • HT1926 I was loading an update to my i-Tunes for my computer and got an error message and now I can not open my computer itunes and may have lost all the content. What do I do?

    I got a request from apple to update my itunes and while uploading the update, the program gave an error message and now I can not open my itunes and fear that all my music etc is gone?  what do I do to correct this problem?

    Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs (Win XP) or Programs and Features (later)
    Remove all of these items in the following order:
    Apple Software Update
    Apple Mobile Device Support (if this won't uninstall move on to the next item)
    Apple Application Support
    Reboot, download iTunes, then reinstall, either using an account with administrative rights, or right-clicking the downloaded installer and selecting Run as Administrator.
    The uninstall and reinstall process will preserve your iTunes library and settings, but ideally you would back up the library and your other important personal documents and data on a regular basis. See this user tip for a suggested technique.
    Please note:
    Some users may need to follow all the steps in whichever of the following support documents applies to their system. These include some additional manual file and folder deletions not mentioned above.
    HT1925: Removing and Reinstalling iTunes for Windows XP
    HT1923: Removing and reinstalling iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8

  • Error message FI 759: Fund does not exist in FM area

    I have to make a distribution in CO-OM (tr KSV5) according to fund
    But if I customize fund as sender, choose fund from the fund catalog  and make a formal chek of cycle I see an error message FI 759: Fund does not exist in FM area. How can I make it go away?

    Hi Irina,
    As per the note 489315, you must choose a layout that contains the exact data for the active objects.
    When planning for non-FM company codes you will have to change the profile/layout that only contain the elements that are active in the company code.
    If you encounter error: KAFF002 while doing the above then please can you see if point 3 of note 555134 will help to by-pass the message.
    Once you add the field Fund and set it to optional you should be able to use planning.
    Note 555134:
    3.  The fields of the Funds Management are defined as 'Required entry
        fields' in the standard layouts, in other words depending on the
        permissibility of the initial value for a field an entry is always
        demanded. To prevent this there are two options:
        a) Copy the desired standard layout into an own (transaction KP65,
           KPG5, OPO1) and via "Extras -> Variables -> Variables definition'
           set the corresponding field to 'Optional". Then, add this layout
           to your planner profile with transaction KP34.
        b) Implement the attached program ZK555134 (correction instruction
           461025). After the entry of planning area and layout all fields
           of the Funds Management are set depending on your selection of
           'Optional' or 'Not optional' (standard system). Like this you can
           also change standard layouts. The check for the fields for which
           'initial' is not a valid value is still carried out.
    If you want to use FUND Accounting, I suggest you to read note 518610 for your reference. This note contains information about FUND Accounting and its effect.
    If you only want to use 'Fund' in Funds Management, you do not have to activate the 'Fund' account assignment element.
    If you activated the FUND account assignment element, which is at CLIENT level activation, the fund would always have to be filled as a required  entry field in CO, FI-AA and HR for all company codes in the client concern.
    Please also refer to notes 625262 and 659086.
    or re-import the standard planning layout from the client 000. In the note 320197 is descriped how to do this.
    I believe this will resolve your issue.
    Best Regards,

  • Err 62007: SQL Error: 99999 ORA-24338: Statement Handle not Executed

    I am facing a problem while adding a new parameter n my JSP Report JDBC query based on a ref-cursor from a stored procedure define in a package in database.
    No problem at database level, I have added the new parameter in package specification and Package body for that procedure and compile my package, it complies without any error and warning.
    but when I open the report and add parameter in the report JDBC query window, then it is generating a error message,
    "Err 62007: SQL Error: 99999 ORA-24338: Statement Handle not Executed "
    and I am unable to add the new parameter in report.
    Actual which was working is:
    My-package.My-procedure(:P1,:P2,:P3 ,:P4,:P5,:P6,:P7)
    I want to do this:
    My-package.My-procedure(:P1,:P2,:P3 ,:P4,:P5,:P6,:P7,:P8)
    but unable to do due to this error message:
    ("Err 62007: SQL Error: 99999 ORA-24338: Statement Handle not Executed ")
    Reports Builder 10g:
    Database 10g:
    Operating system windows XP:
    using JDBC Query base on ref-cursor coming from the stored procedure define in the Package.

    and compile my package, it complies without any error and warning.That doesn't mean anything in this case. You are getting a runtime error, not a compilation error. The error is coming when you execute your procedure.
    Did you test your modified procedure in sqlplus or SQL Developer?

  • How to update more than 5 million records without error message ORA-00257:

    Hi ,
    I need to update some columns in my table which is contains about 5 million records
    I 've already tried this
    Update AAA_CDR
    Set RoamFload = Null ;
    but the problem is I've got the error message ("ORA-00257: archiver error. Connect internal only,until freed.) and the update consuming about 6 hours with no results ,
    then I do the commands ( Alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=50G) and the problem solved .
    but I need to update about 15 columns of this table to be null ,what I should do to overcome this message and update the table in reasonable time
    Please Help Me ,

    The best way would be to allocate sufficient disk space for your archive log destination. Your database is not sized properly. NOLOGGING option will not do much for you because it' only applies to direct load operations when the data inserted into nologging table is selected from another table. UPDATE will be be logged, regardless of the NOLOGGING status. Here is the quote from the manual:
    LOGGING|NOLOGGING specifies that subsequent Direct Loader (SQL*Loader) and direct-load
    INSERT operations against a nonpartitioned index, a range or hash index partition, or
    all partitions or subpartitions of a composite-partitioned index will be logged (LOGGING)
    or not logged (NOLOGGING) in the redo log file.
    In NOLOGGING mode, data is modified with minimal logging (to mark new extents invalid
    and to record dictionary changes). When applied during media recovery, the extent
    invalidation records mark a range of blocks as logically corrupt, because the redo data
    is not logged. Therefore, if you cannot afford to lose this index, you must take a backup
    after the operation in NOLOGGING mode.
    If the database is run in ARCHIVELOG mode, media recovery from a backup taken before an
    operation in LOGGING mode will re-create the index. However, media recovery from a backup
    taken before an operation in NOLOGGING mode will not re-create the index.
    An index segment can have logging attributes different from those of the base table and
    different from those of other index segments for the same base table.
    If you are really desperate, you can try the following undocumented/unsupported command:
    That will cause database to compress your archive logs and consume less space. This command is not documented or supported, not even in the version and causes the database to start spewing ORA-0600 in version 10G. DO NOT USE IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT!!!!

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  • Re: Forte Express Question

    I tend to agree with Chris Kelly's earlier posting that the problem is not with date, but rather with the other fields. Forte takes care of date format that Oracle can understand. Oracle's will allow year entry of between -4713 and +4713. Forte chose