"Error reading settings"

"Error reading settings" if I try to setup the web server tab,
and it won't connect to localhost or my local ip address...can anyone help please ?
I had setup an apache server before I installed Lion, but since it did not work, I bought mac os x lion server, but it still dosen't work...

This worked for me (although I have not rebooted the box to double check):
cd /etc/apache2
sudo mv httpd.conf.default httpd.conf
sudo apachectl graceful

Similar Messages

  • Unable to resolve Wiki "Error Reading Settings"

    I am running the newer 2.2.1 version of the Server.app.   I am still having the dreaded Error Reading Settings error dropdown box when launching the Server.appl.  Profile Manager is and always has been running fine.
    Here's what I have done:
    Trashed Server.app and entire Library/Server folder.  Moved app back and re-built.  Wiki Error reading settings message still there.
    Did same as above but with trashing the Server.app and re-downloading a fresh copy.  Same result.
    Did the "last resort" of trashing the Server and Library/Server folder and ran the WipeDB script as per Apple's request.   Had to set up all of Profile Manager again (no easy way to back up and restore Profile Manager database at all) and Wiki still states Error reading Settings!  
    Unfixable in my case?   Anyone have any other ideas because wiping the database again is not a viable option and did not resolve the issue the first time. 

    I also found out postgres isin't running
    and wiki has an error too
    wiki:state = "RUNNING"
    wiki:error = "CANNOT_MALLOC_ERR"

  • Mountain Lion Server 10.8 DNS ERROR READING SETTINGS

    Hi! Well I changed from windows 2008 server to Mountain Lion Server. So far, I have been able to set up website hosting for one website, and I must say works better than windows server 2008, maybe thats because the mac keeps the drive spun up, while in windows server it was an external drive, whatever the issue mac serves up the site much faster that it comes exploding onto the screen of the searcher.. Then I went to try to set up email, I was totally excited, but I think I did a no no in the dns settings, and now, I cant even see them, I just get "Error Reading Settings" Of course I see things in the log that I should undo, but I cant access the DNS settings at all. Any ideas how I can get to the dns settings so I can undo my booboo? Now it has streched its error self into the file sharing, and I cant access those settings anymore either, so that means I cant set up other websites because I cant give permission to view those folders. I also just got another err saying "Multiple errors occured on this server while processing commands. Just exactly what the heck did I do? I must have REALLY SCREWED THIS THING UP! Also strangely Safari browser no longer acceses the web from the server computer. I THINK I KILLED IT.
    Any Ideas?
    Thanks I really appreciate any tips, I havent got to calendar or vpn, or any fun stuff yet.. Or maybe it might not be fun at all? hahahahahaa!

    I've gotten into this mess as well and Apple solved it for me.
    The Server should be able too lookup itself so running DNS is a good thing, actually the server sets up DNS at install time if it can't find a server to serve it's DNS so it can lookup itself.
    The main error in my case was that there wasn't a NS record pointing the machine itself and that there were some firewall rules preventing DNS lookups. Since there is no way to edit the firewall rules via GUI the engineer manually changed some stuff, but wasn't sure where the problem lies exactly, so he passed it on to another engineer.
    At this point I was already forced to switch to Google Apps for Business and my website was already running at GoDaddy, at much lesser costs and to much lesser frustration I might add.
    Let's face it, Apple has to deliver a better product with the old Server Admin back into place for those who want it for the extra control.
    My servers were running great with Lion (eventually), but Apple just had to remove Server Admin from OS X Server... #their_loss

  • Time Machine Service Page in Server App says "Error Reading Settings"

    I have a Mac Mini running 10.8.3.
    For some reason the Time Machine Page in the Server App refuses to work properly.  If I reboot the server it looks fine for about 10 minutes.  It displays the backup location and the list of individual backups.  Then I get this message:
    25/03/2013 14:37:51.673 Server[286]: Error: The server '' reported an error while processing command of type: 'readSettings' in plug-in: 'servermgr_timemachine'. Error: Error Domain=XSActionErrorDomain Code=1000 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo=0x7fdc1b2445e0 {NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred}
    Also the Time Machine page in Server Apps is blank apart from "Error Reading Settings" and the slider at the top says Time Machine is off.
    However Time Machine does work for some clients.
    Anyone got any idea?
    I think it started having problems when I got a "The network confirguration has changed" alert.

    Hi Linc Davis
    here are the logs from reboot to failure to load:
    26/03/2013 16:57:50.256 servermgrd[1379]: [1379] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 16:59:55.633 servermgrd[1527]: [1527] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 17:01:58.077 servermgrd[1546]: [1546] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 17:04:03.937 servermgrd[1561]: [1561] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 17:04:05.220 Server[1154]: Error: The server '' reported an error while processing a command of type: 'readSettings' in plug-in: 'servermgr_timemachine'. Error: Error Domain=XSActionErrorDomain Code=1000 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo=0x7ffac4620f20 {NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred}
    26/03/2013 17:06:07.359 servermgrd[1666]: [1666] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 17:06:07.829 Server[1154]: Error: The server '' reported an error while processing a command of type: 'getBackups' in plug-in: 'servermgr_timemachine'. Error: Error Domain=XSActionErrorDomain Code=1000 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo=0x7ffac480f000 {NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred}
    26/03/2013 19:18:51.737 servermgrd[1678]: [1678] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:18:51.777 servermgrd[1678]: [1678] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:20:55.346 servermgrd[2846]: [2846] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:20:55.381 servermgrd[2846]: [2846] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:22:57.682 servermgrd[2861]: [2861] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:22:57.683 servermgrd[2861]: [2861] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:22:58.114 Server[1154]: Error: The server '' reported an error while processing a command of type: 'readSettings' in plug-in: 'servermgr_timemachine'. Error: Error Domain=XSActionErrorDomain Code=1000 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo=0x7ffac4836250 {NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred}
    26/03/2013 19:25:00.016 servermgrd[2872]: [2872] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:25:00.135 Server[1154]: Error: The server '' reported an error while processing a command of type: 'readSettings' in plug-in: 'servermgr_timemachine'. Error: Error Domain=XSActionErrorDomain Code=1000 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo=0x7ffac494c120 {NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred}
    26/03/2013 19:26:02.690 Server[1154]: Error: The server '' reported an error while processing a command of type: 'getBackups' in plug-in: 'servermgr_timemachine'. Error: Error Domain=XSActionErrorDomain Code=1000 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo=0x7ffac4826a80 {NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred}
    26/03/2013 19:33:51.868 servermgrd[2886]: [2886] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:33:51.901 servermgrd[2886]: [2886] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:35:54.539 servermgrd[2932]: [2932] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:35:54.580 servermgrd[2932]: [2932] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:37:56.926 servermgrd[2947]: [2947] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:37:57.424 Server[1154]: Error: The server '' reported an error while processing a command of type: 'readSettings' in plug-in: 'servermgr_timemachine'. Error: Error Domain=XSActionErrorDomain Code=1000 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo=0x7ffac472ad50 {NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred}
    26/03/2013 19:39:59.284 servermgrd[2958]: [2958] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:40:01.135 Server[1154]: Error: The server '' reported an error while processing a command of type: 'getState' in plug-in: 'servermgr_timemachine'. Error: Error Domain=XSActionErrorDomain Code=1000 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo=0x7ffac4657ce0 {NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred}
    26/03/2013 19:42:04.286 servermgrd[2973]: [2973] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:42:04.322 servermgrd[2973]: [2973] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    26/03/2013 19:45:20.502 Server[1154]: Error: The server '' reported an error while processing a command of type: 'getState' in plug-in: 'servermgr_timemachine'. Error: Error Domain=XSActionErrorDomain Code=1000 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo=0x7ffac43f84a0 {NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred}
    27/03/2013 11:56:52.191 servermgrd[110]: [110] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out
    27/03/2013 11:58:54.217 servermgrd[371]: [371] error in getAndLockContext: flock(servermgr_timemachine) FATAL time out

  • Lion Wiki error reading settings

    Unable to start Wiki on Lion receive error reading Settings.

    Solved! At least for me...
    I have described all solutions to the major problems I've been having from a crippled 10.7.3 install to a flourishing one here:https://discussions.apple.com/message/17740033#17740033
    Hope this helps!

  • How do I fix the web and wiki server - error reading settings?

          I upgraded to OS X Mountain Lion and installed the OS X Server.  The Wiki pane has the error message "Error Reading Settings".  The Websites pane looks fine, but when I click on "View Server Website", I get the webpage that simply says "Server Error".  (I am wondering if these are interrelated, which is why I put them in the same discussion.)  I will note that the admin tools must have changed since trying to follow the discussions for previous versions of the Server leads to paths that are not present.  Any suggestions on what to try would be most appreciated.  Many thanks!

    Hello.  Unfortunately, serveradmin is indeed one of those paths/tools that are no longer present in the new version of OS X Server.  Either that, or it is renamed to something new that I am not aware of.  However, doing a ps -A | grep -i postgres, I get the below.  I am not sure if this really means postgres is running or not.  Looking in system.log file, I am noticing a weird error (attached).  Any thoughts on this would be most appreciated.  Many thanks!
    --------- ps -A | grep -i postgres -------
    3709 ??         0:01.67 /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/bin/postgres_real -D /Library/Server/PostgreSQL/Data -c listen_addresses= -c log_connections=on -c log_directory=/Library/Logs/PostgreSQL -c log_filename=PostgreSQL.log -c log_lock_waits=on -c log_statement=ddl -c log_line_prefix=%t  -c logging_collector=on -c unix_socket_directory=/var/pgsql_socket -c unix_socket_group=_postgres -c unix_socket_permissions=0770
    3724 ??         0:00.79 postgres: logger process                          
    3726 ??         0:02.08 postgres: writer process                          
    3727 ??         0:01.45 postgres: wal writer process                          
    3728 ??         0:02.25 postgres: autovacuum launcher process                          
    3729 ??         0:05.38 postgres: stats collector process                          
    6591 ??         0:00.01 postgres: caldav caldav [local] idle                       
    20614 ttys000    0:00.00 grep -i postgres
    ---------- system.log postgres error? --------------
    Jul 25 21:33:32 toshiro-k-ohsumis-macbook-pro.local wikiadmin[20810]: [main.m:81 73290180 +0ms] PID 2655 in /tmp/wikiadmin-is-running.pid is stale, removing
    Jul 25 21:33:32 toshiro-k-ohsumis-macbook-pro.local wikiadmin[20810]: [main.m:86 73290180 +0ms] Failed to remove /tmp/wikiadmin-is-running.pid: Permission deniedJul 25 21:33:32 toshiro-k-ohsumis-macbook-pro.local wikiadmin[20810]: [main.m:99 73290180 +0ms] wikiadmin is already running (pid=2655), check /tmp/wikiadmin-is-running.pidJul 25 21:33:32 toshiro-k-ohsumis-macbook-pro.local collabd[8654]: [CSConnectionPool:141 9be8000 +162ms] Schema is STILL out of date (0 < 69) after launching wikiadmin, update failed! collabd will refuse to run until this is fixed.Jul 25 21:33:32 toshiro-k-ohsumis-macbook-pro.local collabd[8654]: [CSConnectionPool:152 9be8000 +0ms] Could not open a connection to Postgres. Please make sure it is running and has the correct access.Jul 25 21:33:32 toshiro-k-ohsumis-macbook-pro.local collabd[8654]: [PGCConnection:148 9be8000 +4ms] Error in TXN: Error executing query [INSERT INTO entity_attrs (entity_uid_fk, attrs_bin) VALUES ($1, $2)]: ERROR:  bind message supplies 0 parameters, but prepared statement "" requires 2        (                0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8d8ca716 __exceptionPreprocess + 198                1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff8e824470 objc_exception_throw + 43
                    2   PostgreSQLClient                    0x00000001099929ae -[PGC
    Connection checkResultOK:forSQL:] + 360
                    3   PostgreSQLClient                    0x00000001099935bd -[PGC
    Connection executeUpdate:withParams:] + 879
                    4   CSService                           0x00000001098e9298 -[CSContentService insertEntityAttributesRow:inTable:withGUID:] + 275
                    5   CSService                           0x00000001098ea1fc __57-[CSContentService _internalCreateEntity:asUser:withACL:]_block_invoke_0 + 586
                    6   PostgreSQLClient                    0x00000001099925a2 -[PGCConnection transactionInBlock:onError:] + 62
                    7   CSService                           0x00000001098e9f3f -[CSContentService _internalCreateEntity:asUser:withACL:] + 771
                    8   CSService                           0x000000010990b3e5 __88-[CSContentService createEntitiesFromTemplate:withData:andVariables:andACL:andLanguage:]_block_inv oke_0 + 898
                    9   PostgreSQLClient                    0x00000001099925a2 -[PGCConnection transactionInBlock:onError:] + 62
                    10  CSService                           0x000000010990b004 -[CSContentService createEntitiesFromTemplate:withData:andVariables:andACL:andLanguage:] + 237
                    11  CSService                           0x000000010990b5f1 -[CSContentService createEntitiesFromTemplate:withData:andVariables:andACL:] + 126
                    12  CSService                           0x000000010990ba6b -[CSContentService createEntitiesFromTemplate:] + 124
                    13  CSService                           0x000000010990cd84 __24-[CSContentService init]_block_invoke_02420 + 225
                    14  PostgreSQLClient                    0x00000001099925f7 -[PGCConnection transactionInBlock:onError:] + 147
                    15  CSService                           0x000000010990c4f4 -[CSContentService init] + 789
                    16  CSService                           0x00000001098bb11b -[CSLocalServiceLocator allocateService:] + 191
                    17  CSService                           0x00000001098bb1c7 -[CSLocalServiceLocator locateService:] + 108
                    18  CSService                           0x00000001098c1cf7 -[CSServiceBase locateService:] + 70
                    19  CSService                           0x00000001098d3f55 __42-[CSSessionService unauthenticatedSession]_block_invoke_0 + 35
                    20  CSService                           0x00000001098c26d7 -[CSServiceBase disableRefObjsInBlock:] + 279
                    21  CSService                           0x00000001098d3e13 -[CSSessionService unauthenticatedSession] + 200
                    22  CSService                           0x00000001098d452f -[CSSessionService currentOrNewSession] + 59
                    23  CSService                           0x00000001098d58a5 -[CSSessionService enterMagicalAuthRealm] + 51
                    24  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8d8bdcac __invoking___ + 140
                    25  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8d8bdb47 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 263
                    26  CSService                           0x00000001098bc50f -[CSServiceDispatcher executeRequest:asPartOfBatch:usingServiceImpl:] + 1507
                    27  CSService                           0x00000001098bc9be -[CSServiceDispatcher executeRequest:] + 114
                    28  collabd                             0x0000000109851393 +[CSServiceDispatchHTTPRouter routeServiceRequest:response:] + 705
                    29  collabd                             0x000000010984fe37 __53-[CSRoutingHTTPConnection httpResponseForMethod:URI:]_block_invoke_0 + 73
                    30  collabd                             0x000000010985286c __56-[CSHTTPBackgroundResponse initWithConnection:andBlock:]_block_invoke_0 + 185
                    31  libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff82b49f3d _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
                    32  libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff82b460fa _dispatch_client_callout + 8
                    33  libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff82b4723e _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 304
                    34  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8cc0cceb _pthread_wqthread + 404
                    35  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8cbf71b1 start_wqthread + 13

  • Getting error reading settings with service profile manager. Why and what can I do to solve problem?

    Getting "error reading settings" with the service profile manager in Lion server OS. Why and what can I do to solve problem?

    I have also had the 'Error reading settings' problem in Profile Manager, despite trying everything in the discussions and clean reinstalls (which work for a little while only).
    It seems that various different fixes work for some people but not others; and the underlying cause of the problem has not been resolved.
    There are now numerous threads on this problem (there are yet others with similar problems):
    I have posted this in each to try and pull things together a bit.
    Does anyone know if Apple has acknowledged the issue and offered an official response?

  • Mountain Lion Server upgrade; "error reading settings"

    Just upgraded to Mountain Lion server and now ALL services have an "error reading settings".
    For example; I select "websites" and I get the message "an error occured on the server while processing a command. teh error occured while processing a command of type 'getWebAppState' in plug-in 'servermgr_web' "
    There are similar errors for every service. I can't turn anything on.
    Server can't even read the Logs. it just sits there with "Loading..." displayed.
    My web site is gone and even the Groups have been gutted.
    I have a backup of my Web site but how to I clean this up so I can even start from scratch  !?!

    I have the final solution and fix but beware you may not like it that much.
    Having had all of the above problems with more or less everything I finally pieced it all together from various threads. This will fix both the AEBS control and the central services problems.  Dont shout at me for being a bit basic and not coding etc. but it worked for me.  If I can avoid code I do as often as possible as am less likely to balls it up!
    This method will loose some data but the main files and users do remain
    The Fix:
    1. Close Server.app
    2. Library/Server  make a copy of Server file under a diff name as software server files and a few others would appear to still be usable and you will have to re download it all again of you dont copy it back in ( I didn't and now have learned my lesson). then delete the whole of the Server file.
    3. Go to Keychain and search all Airport then delete associated keys permissions etc
    4. Delete Server.app and reinstall.
    5. Start new setup and it will migrate properly with no errors. This time a big green tick will appear!
    6. Replace the software update files into the new Library/Server folder if you want to or leave it untill the rest is done
    7 Reconfigure any missing bits..... any enrolled devices will have vanished but probably if you have  saved the data from this in Library/Server prior to deletion you may be able to reinstate this but I didnt risk it
    This is going to be a total pain if in a large organisation but once working the system is excellent with no swapping from one control set to the other.  As each service is switched on it auto configures the AEBS and no further errors and a joy to work with unless you really like to get into the nuts and bolts.
    Hope this helps and good luck

  • Again "Error reading settings" for wiki on OS X Server 10.8

    I tried everything I found on the web but still getting the "Error reading settings" for the Wiki of OS X Server for Mountain Lion.
    The postgresql service is running and responding. But still I believe it's a postgres problem.
    I tried the "remove Server.app -> remove /Library/server -> reinstall Server.app" but it doesn't change anything: wiki "Error reading settings".
    Is there a way to reset the built-in postgresql of OS X Server? What about the hidden users (e.g. _postgres) - which of them are required for the
    postgresql and how do I see if they all do well?
    Any ideas?

    I feel the exact same way ... i have read everything i can find on here and through Google ... tried it all. nothing has worked

  • HT200088 Error Reading Settings in Lion Server Profile Manager

    Whenever I try to use Profile Manager in Lion Server, it says "Error Reading Settings". Can anybody help?

    I did a clean install of Lion/Lion Server, but I ran ino the same problem too with "Error Reading Settings" for both the profile manager and the wiki.
    INVESTIGATION: I checked to see if the postgres database (which I presumed was were the settings were being read from).
    # sudo serveradmin fullstatus postgres
    postgres:dataDirHasBeenInitialized = yes
    postgres:PG_VERSION = "9.0.4"
    postgres:dataDir = "/var/pgsql"
    postgres:postgresIsResponding = no     # !!! why isn't it responding???
    postgres:dataDirIsDirectory = yes
    postgres:PGserverVersion = 0
    postgres:dataDirExists = yes
    postgres:setStateVersion = 1
    postgres:state = "RUNNING"
    PROBLEM: The postgres service hadn't been started properly; I found this by doing the following:
    # sudo serveradmin stop postgres
    postgres:state = "STOPPED"
    # sudo serveradmin start postgres
    FIX: The postgres service couldn't create the log file because it didn't have permission. I did this to fix it, then simply restarted it and all was well:
    # sudo chmod 777 /Library/Logs/
    # sudo serveradmin start postgres
    postgres:state = "RUNNING"
    I hope this helps someone.

  • Lion Server app not responding(it says Error reading settings under profile manager tab)

    I have installed Lion server app 10.7.3 but due to some reason i am unable to use it since it gives me an error (Error reading settings)
    I have fully made server app functional also added devices but now i cant use the profile manager tab.
    Even when i try turning ON the tab it comes back to off state.
    Need help.
    Vikram Madhav Shinde
    <Phone number Edited by Host>

    I ended up booting to the recovery partition, erasing the hard drive, and starting over.
    All is working fine now.

  • Error reading settings in wiki and profile manager

    I have just upgraded from Snow Leopard Server to Lion server.
    I now have the following errors in server app:-
    Wiki : message "Error Reading Settings"
    Profile Manager: message  "Error Reading Settings"
    What do I do to get my wiki back!
    When I visit my default ssl Wiki I get the following:-
    Collaboration::PGCConnectionError in Sources#index
    Showing /usr/share/collabd/coreclient/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb where line #5 raised:
    FATAL:  role "collab" does not exist
    Extracted source (around line #5):
    2:      :user => @user,3:      :entity => @entity,4:      :owner => @owner,5:      :service_client => service_client,6:      :controller => controller7: }) %>8:
    Rails.root: /usr/share/collabd/coreclient
    Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Traceapp/controllers/application_controller.rb:325:in `service_client'app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:5:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb___1616978790_2215846900_0'app/controllers/application_controller.rb:44:in `render_server_error'app/controllers/application_controller.rb:43:in `render_server_error'
    Show session dump
    Show env dump
    Please help

    I did a clean install of Lion/Lion Server, but I ran ino the same problem too with "Error Reading Settings" for both the profile manager and the wiki.
    INVESTIGATION: I checked to see if the postgres database (which I presumed was were the settings were being read from).
    # sudo serveradmin fullstatus postgres
    postgres:dataDirHasBeenInitialized = yes
    postgres:PG_VERSION = "9.0.4"
    postgres:dataDir = "/var/pgsql"
    postgres:postgresIsResponding = no     # !!! why isn't it responding???
    postgres:dataDirIsDirectory = yes
    postgres:PGserverVersion = 0
    postgres:dataDirExists = yes
    postgres:setStateVersion = 1
    postgres:state = "RUNNING"
    PROBLEM: The postgres service hadn't been started properly; I found this by doing the following:
    # sudo serveradmin stop postgres
    postgres:state = "STOPPED"
    # sudo serveradmin start postgres
    FIX: The postgres service couldn't create the log file because it didn't have permission. I did this to fix it, then simply restarted it and all was well:
    # sudo chmod 777 /Library/Logs/
    # sudo serveradmin start postgres
    postgres:state = "RUNNING"
    I hope this helps someone.

  • Profile Manager Error Reading Settings code:-1

    I receive this error when I am going into Profile Manager tab on server. Any ideas?
    Profile Manager Error Reading Settings code:-1

    Did you ever find a resolution? If not then this might help Server: An error with code -1 occurred while setting up Device Management

  • After i installed updates for my mac mini server, the web services for the server app wont start, it gives an error massage: "Error Reading Settings"

    After i installed updates for my mac mini server, the web services for the server app wont start, it gives an error massage: "Error Reading Settings"
    The system logs reads:
    Mar 29 22:06:25 server servermgrd[82]: servermgr_web:  Error Domain=XSServerFoundationErrorDomain Code=4 "Failed to read settings: Exception:
              undefined method `downcase' for nil:NilClass
              ." UserInfo=0x7fc547901080 {NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to read settings: Exception:
              undefined method `downcase' for nil:NilClass

    To check the local network for some of the common configuration problems, launch Terminal.app and issue the following diagnostic command:
    sudo changeip -checkhostname
    That'll report some local configuration information and then either no errors detected and no changes required, or it'll point to whatever configuration errors or issues it might detect.  That doesn't catch everything, but it catches the common errors.
    FWIW, and are poor choices for the local network, as VPNs are based on IP routing and IP routing gets tangled when the same subnet is used on both ends of the VPN. and are near ubiquitous in home networks and coffee shops.

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    I am receiving the following error when trying to access the websites service through the server app:
    An error occurred on the server while reading settings.
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    Server version 2.2.1
    Any suggestions on how to address?

    Start by running this shell command and acting on any error message it may produce:
    apachectl configtest

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