Error - REP-1517

Dear Guru's
I want to display username in report footer, where i had created a formula column and given the following code but it is given me error as REP-1517
function CF_1Formula return Char is
x varchar2(20);
select username into x from pur_lpoh where purlpono=:purlpono;
return (x);

you better ask this in reports forum ... anyway, it seems like :purlpono belongs to a group that is not compatible with footer.

Similar Messages

  • Error - REP-1517 COLUMN CF_1

    Dear Guru's
    I want to display username in report footer, where i had created a formula column and given the following code but it is given me error as REP-1517
    function CF_1Formula return Char is
    x varchar2(20);
    select username into x from pur_lpoh where purlpono=:purlpono;
    return (x);

    REP-1517What is the full error? Most forum users don't know just error codes from memory really.

  • Rep-1517 error

    hi all,
    I have 2 quarries and i  have 2 sum for each one.
    and i want to have the sum of that 2 sums
    so i made formula column and i wrote the trigger that do what i want but when i run it i face that error "rep-1517"
    any solutions plz
    ,thanks in advance.

    check this... Similar to your requirement..

  • The report terminated with error:  REP-110: File test2. cannot be opened. REP-1070: An error occurred while opening or saving a document.

    I'm getting the below error for reports.
    The report terminated with error:
    REP-110: File test2. cannot be opened. REP-1070: An error occurred while opening or saving a document. REP-0110: File test2. cannot be opened. .
    When checked Environment using url 'http://host:port/reports/rwservlet/showenv?server=your_repserver_name"
    found below
    Reports Servlet Environment Variables
    Security Mode Non-secure
    HTTP Environment Variables
    SERVER_PORT   8888
    SCRIPT_NAME   /rwservlet
    SERVER_SOFTWARE   undefined
    GATEWAY_INTERFACE   undefined
    SERVER_PORT_SECURE   undefined
    ACCEPT   image/jpeg, application/x-ms-application, image/gif, application/xaml+xml, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/, application/msword, */*
    REMOTE_HOST   test-wam-app
    REMOTE_USER   undefined
    AUTH_TYPE   undefined
    PATH_INFO   showenv
    QUERY_STRING   server=RptSvr_test-wam-app_wamtest
    PATH_TRANSLATED   undefined
    CONTENT_LENGTH   undefined
    CONTENT_TYPE   undefined
    AUTHORIZATION   undefined
    USER-AGENT   Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0; .NET4.0E; .NET4.0C; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; InfoPath.3; MS-RTC LM 8)
    REMOTE_IDENT   undefined
    REFERER   undefined
    Oracle Reports Services - Servlet Environment Variables  Select to jump to the top of the page  Return to Top
    KeyMapFile   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/user_projects/domains/WamTest/config/fmwconfig/servers/WLS_REPORTS/applications/reports_11.
    DBAUTH   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates/rwdbauth.htm
    SYSAUTH   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates/rwsysauth.htm
    server   rep_wls_reports_test-wam-app_wamtest1
    DIAGNOSTIC   yes
    ERRORTEMPLATE   /u03/apptest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates/rwerror.htm
    ENCRYPTIONKEY   reports9i
    DIAGHEADTAGS   undefined
    DIAGBODYTAGS   undefined
    HELPURL   undefined
    RELOAD_KEYMAP   undefined
    Oracle Reports Services - Server and Engine Environment Variables  Select to jump to the top of the page  Return to Top
    PATH   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/bin:/u01/java/jdk1.6.0_23/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/../lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/lib:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/lib:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/opmn/lib:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/lib
    ORACLE_HOME   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome
    TNS_ADMIN   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/instance1/config
    RW   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports
    REPORTS_PATH   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/samples/demo:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/integ:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/printers:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/instance1/reports/fonts:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/templates:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/samples/demo:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/integ:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/printers:/u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/instance1/reports/fonts:
    REPORTS_TMP   /tmp
    REPORTS_TAGLIB_URI   /WEB-INF/lib/reports_tld.jar
    java.class.path   /u01/wamtest/FMW_11.1.1/apphome/reports/jlib/rwrun.jar
    ORACLE_HOME is on mount point u03, checked but no mention of mount point /u01.
    Dont know from where /u01 came. Could you please help me re configuring the env pointing to /u03.
    Reports server is up though without any issues.

    Ensure that the report name is correct. Also ensure that the report exist in REPORTS_PATH environment variable. Otherwise run the report including the reports path.
    report=<reports directory>/test2.rdf

  • Reports error REP-0069,REP-57054,REP-300

    I am getting below error while running the report.
    REP-0069: Internal error
    REP-57054: In-process job terminated:Terminated with error:
    REP-300: Parallel query is not supported on temporary LOBs
    Plz suggest.

    1 Please always write complete English words as opposed to IM-speak as 'Plz'. We are not teenagers.
    2 Do not dump all error messgaes in the Database General forum. This is an Oracle Reports message and does not belong in this forum.
    3 All error messages can be looked up in the online documentation.
    This error message is self-explanatory.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

  • Error REP-0300: ORACLE error occurred while running Custom Report

    Hi Team.
    We are facing a very strange issue here.
    We have an env , where all the custom reports are failing .Whereas the concerned env is a clone of the Production instance . There is one more instacne which is also a clone of the prod, over there these reports are working fine .
    I have checked all the thread here about this error, but could not get the required information .
    We are on RHEL 5 on Linux 64 bit server.
    Could you please guide me , how to figure out whats the difference between these cloned instances .
    We have an Sr with Oracle Support but its progressing very slowly.
    Error trail from log file
    | Starting concurrent program execution...
    P_FROM_DATE='2013/08/01 00:00:00'
    P_TO_DATE='2013/08/10 00:00:00'
    Forcing NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to: '.,' for XDO processing
    APPLLCSP Environment Variable set to :
    Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
    Enter Password:
    REP-0300: ORACLE error occurred.
    REP-0069: Internal error
    REP-57054: In-process job terminated:Terminated with error:
    REP-300: ORACLE error occurred.
    Report Builder: Release - Production on Thu Nov 28 07:41:22 2013
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Thanks .

    Please confirm that you have the patches mentioned in (Doc ID 1368715.1) applied.
    I understand this is a cloned instance, but this error is intermittent and having the patches applied should clear our doubts.

  • Error :  REP-771: 'afterpform': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred

    I have oracle app server 10gr2 on solaris.
    when i try to access the reports it shows me the error : REP-771: 'afterpform': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred
    Did not get any good information from the logs.
    How can I solve the problem or any other logs I can look yet.

    I'd assume you change varchar2 to clob in db. Reports does not support clob so you need to_char() on the former varchar2 column, which is clob now.

  • Iam getting the error REP-1401: '': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred. when i

    When i run the report to generate xml file in report builder the following error messages are displayed.
    REP-0069: Internal error
    REP-57054: In-process job terminated:Terminated with error:
    REP-1401: '': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.
    pls help me.Its urgent

    What is EBS version? Is it custom report or not?
    See below which is mention similar errors
    Autoinvoice Error: ORA-1403: no data found [ID 1209403.1]
    APXIIMPT - Payable Open Interface Import Fails on "REP-1401: 'cf_source_nameformula': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred. ORA-01403: no data found" [ID 222058.1]

  • Generating delimited file from a report in reports 6i gives error rep-1814

    Hi all,
    We are using reports 6i.
    We have a report from which we are trying to generate a delimited file.
    We are encounterign the error REP-1814 The object vertically can never fit.
    After looking into forums we came to know that there is something like DELIMITED_HDR should be set to NO..
    Also we observe dthat this is done using th following command
    set_report_object_property('exp039r', null,
    ' DELIMITER=tab' ||
    We tried doing that but, it is not working. Is there anything we should do to get it work.
    Thanks and Regards,

    See in Forms Forum
    generating delimited file from a report in reports 6i gives error rep-1814

  • ORACLE 6i-Errors REP-0736 / REP-1247-Report works with a different name

    Hi everybody,
    I have a problem with a Report developed in 6i after I compiled it with Linux.
    When I run report I had errors REP-0736 and REP-1247. But I didn't had any problem during compilation.
    The fact is.............if I changed report name (just the name, without any other modification), compiled and run, it works perfectly. Just changing the name!
    Obviously there is some place where the report name is corrupt, but I don't have the knowledge to find it.
    Please, if somebody can give me a clue to solve this problem, I would appreciate a lot. I'm lost!

    **What do you mean exactly by changing the name? The file name or the Name property in Report Builder?**
    **What are the exact version numbers (Reports and Linux)? Did you make sure the combination is certified?**
    **Did you create the report in Windows and transfer it to Linux? How did you do that? E.g. if you ftp it, make sure you use the binary format.**
    **Are you compiling and running with the same user (Windows/Linux)?**
    **Are the database versions the same (still assuming you develop in Windows development and run it later on Linux production)?**
    Thanks for answer!
    1. I mean by changing the Name property and the file name. Both.
    2. The combination of versiones numbers is certified. This is the first report with this kind of problem. I've been compiling without any trouble until now. And even now, the only report with compilation problems is this.
    Report version is
    Linux version is Suse 9
    3. I modify the report in Windows and transfer it to Linux. We use to copy the .RDF file to the directory where we always compile the objects to Linux.
    4. Yes, I'm compiling with the same user
    5. The database versiones are the same. You're correct, we develop in Windows and run it on Linux (production).

  • Terminated with error: REP-1924: Cannot locate the font file 'Arialbd.ttf'

    hi all
    i am using Application server 10g R2 while running report i am getting the following error
    Terminated with error: REP-1924: Cannot locate the font file 'Arialbd.ttf'
    i configured the Reports_Path
    with C:\windows\fonts if anyone faced the same problem plz help me.

    if you have problem you can post your own thread and we will try to help you.

  • Terminated with error: REP-300: ORACLE error occurred

    We have OAS 10g on solaris.
    When trying to generate a report we get the error : Terminated with error: REP-300: ORACLE error occurred
    The report has been running fine until yesterday and today we are getting the error. I did not find anything relvant in metalink.
    And no changes have been to the report.
    Can anybody suggest me what to look yet or any possible things that might cause the error. The tracing is not enabled.

    Found out it was a data error.

  • Terminated with error:REP-56048:Engine rwHighEng-0 crashed

    Hi Friends,
    When i run a report using Oracle 10g IAS,i get an error:
    'Terminated with error:REP-56048:Engine rwHighEng-0 crashed'
    Anybody have the solution to handle it.Pls help!Thank you very much!

    Hi to all,
    Since the last couple of days we are having a problem with Oracle Reports.
    Whenever we run these reports, it behaves erratic.
    The report comes normal for the first few reports, then suddenly the server gets hanged and no reports can be generated.
    OS on Application server is Windows Server 2003.Os on client machine is XP and Vista
    Error is as below in Application Report Server status
    Terminated with error: REP-56048: Engine rwEng-0 crashed, job
    Any immediate help is appreciated

  • See my error : (REP-1272: Column ‘CF_1’ may not be used as break Column.)

    Hi master
    Sir I have master detail report and I use one formula column and one place holder column in my report in master section
    I use this code
    function CF_1Formula return Date is
    if :chqdate is not null then
         :cp_1 :=:chqdate;
         :cp_1 :=:sdate;
         end if;
    Sir when I run my report then system give me this error
    REP-1272: Column ‘CF_1’ may not be used as break Column.
    Please give me idea how I get report

    Break Order cannot be used for some Column Type :
    (CLOB is not explicitly specified, but the restriction for LONG and LONG RAW exists for CLOB too)

  • The report terminated with error:  REP-501: The specified database cannot b

    Dear All,
    We are usning forms and reports 11g in weblogic . while running the reports from forms
    frequently getting the error The report terminated with error: REP-501: The specified database cannot be connected..
    Can anyboby help me to solve this problem

    REP-501 typically means that Oracle Reports are unable to locate any available Oracle Databases. By default, Oracle Reports (similar to Oracle Forms) will only look for available databases in tnsnames.ora. Not only that, but the Reports environment by default will always look for the tnsnames.ora file in %ORACLE_INSTANCE%\config ($ORACLE_INSTANCE/config in Unix). I have seen these scenarios happen before especially if the TNS_ADMIN variable for your Forms environment variables is a directory different from %ORACLE_INSTANCE%\config. This would be the first place I would look.
    If tnsnames.ora is located in %ORACLE_INSTANCE%\config, do all generated reports fail with this message or a select amount of them? If only a select amount of them, are there any similarities with these reports (e.g, size, parameters, etc.)?

Maybe you are looking for