Error when installing the ERP6.0 SR3 in windows MSCS

Hello Gurus,
When i tried to install ERP 6.0 SR3 in windows MSCS+ oracle, I met a issue.
1. oracle + OFS is installed.
2. ASCS is installed.
3. first MSCS node is configured
4. then i try to install the DB instance, according to the installation guide, there is a statement saying:
Make sure that in the database host field, the local database host is displayed.
but during my installation, the DB host field is blank, so i manually enter the local host name, click on next, choose the export directory and done.
then in the checking oracle existing step, an error occurred:
oracle software is not installed, please install oracle before ...
Could you help me how to solve the issue?
Best regards,

After restart the OS, this issue seems to be vanished, but we met another error.
In the installation where sap creating DB instance, there's a option to let us to choose the oracle db version, since i installed the oracle, i chose 102 as the version, but an error message pop up indicating that the version is wrong. And then i re-select version 112, it can continue...
i looked back at our installation and noted that when we installed OFS 3.4.15, the installer indicated that 11g. i suspect it could be SAPinst read the version from the wrong place, instead of 102, it recognize 112.
Did you guys have any similar experience of it?
Could you give me some help?
Thanks a lot in advance!

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    g_start_time    number;
    procedure log_init
        g_start_time := dbms_utility.get_time;
    end log_init;
    procedure log_page_view
       insert into eba_oll_page_views
          ( APEX_USER,
            CONTENT_TITLE )
          ( v('APP_USER'),
            case when v('APP_PAGE_ID') = 24
                 then v('P24_CONTENT_ID')
                 else null
            case when v('APP_PAGE_ID') = 24
                 then v('P24_CONTENT_TITLE')
                 else null
                 end );
       if v('APP_PAGE_ID') = 24 then
          insert into eba_oll_content_views
             ( APEX_USER,
               NOTE )
             ( v('APP_USER'),
               'Viewed' );
       end if;
    end log_page_view;
    procedure log_content_click
       insert into eba_oll_content_views
          ( APEX_USER,
            NOTE )
          ( v('APP_USER'),
            'Launched' );
    end log_content_click;
    end eba_oll_log;
    create or replace package body eba_oll_api
    function gen_id
       return number
       l_id  number;
       select to_number(sys_guid(), 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
         into l_id
         from dual;
       return l_id;
    end gen_id;
    function eba_oll_tags_cleaner (
        p_tags  in varchar2,
        p_case  in varchar2 default 'U' ) return varchar2
        type tags is table of varchar2(255) index by varchar2(255);
        l_tags_a        tags;
        l_tag           varchar2(255);
        l_tags          apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
        l_tags_string   varchar2(32767);
        i               integer;
        l_tags := apex_util.string_to_table(p_tags,',');
        for i in 1..l_tags.count loop
            --remove all whitespace, including tabs, spaces, line feeds and carraige returns with a single space
            l_tag := substr(trim(regexp_replace(l_tags(i),'[[:space:]]{1,}',' ')),1,255);
            if l_tag is not null and l_tag != ' ' then
                if p_case = 'U' then
                    l_tag := upper(l_tag);
                elsif p_case = 'L' then
                    l_tag := lower(l_tag);
                end if;
                --add it to the associative array, if it is a duplicate, it will just be replaced
                l_tags_a(l_tag) := l_tag;
            end if;
        end loop;
        l_tag := null;
        l_tag := l_tags_a.first;
        while l_tag is not null loop
            l_tags_string := l_tags_string||l_tag;
            if l_tag != l_tags_a.last then
                l_tags_string := l_tags_string||', ';
            end if;
            l_tag :=;
        end loop;
        return substr(l_tags_string,1,4000);
    end eba_oll_tags_cleaner;
    procedure eba_oll_tag_sync (
        p_new_tags          in varchar2,
        p_old_tags          in varchar2,
        p_content_type      in varchar2,
        p_content_id        in number )
        type tags is table of varchar2(255) index by varchar2(255);
        l_new_tags_a    tags;
        l_old_tags_a    tags;
        l_new_tags      apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
        l_old_tags      apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
        l_merge_tags    apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
        l_dummy_tag     varchar2(255);
        i               integer;
        l_old_tags := apex_util.string_to_table(p_old_tags,', ');
        l_new_tags := apex_util.string_to_table(p_new_tags,', ');
        if l_old_tags.count > 0 then --do inserts and deletes
            --build the associative arrays
            for i in 1..l_old_tags.count loop
                l_old_tags_a(l_old_tags(i)) := l_old_tags(i);
            end loop;
            for i in 1..l_new_tags.count loop
                l_new_tags_a(l_new_tags(i)) := l_new_tags(i);
            end loop;
            --do the inserts
            for i in 1..l_new_tags.count loop
                    l_dummy_tag := l_old_tags_a(l_new_tags(i));
                exception when no_data_found then
                    insert into eba_oll_tags (tag, content_id, content_type )
                        values (l_new_tags(i), p_content_id, p_content_type );
                    l_merge_tags(l_merge_tags.count + 1) := l_new_tags(i);
            end loop;
            --do the deletes
            for i in 1..l_old_tags.count loop
                    l_dummy_tag := l_new_tags_a(l_old_tags(i));
                exception when no_data_found then
                    delete from eba_oll_tags where content_id = p_content_id and tag = l_old_tags(i);
                    l_merge_tags(l_merge_tags.count + 1) := l_old_tags(i);
            end loop;
        else --just do inserts
            for i in 1..l_new_tags.count loop
                insert into eba_oll_tags (tag, content_id, content_type )
                    values (l_new_tags(i), p_content_id, p_content_type );
                l_merge_tags(l_merge_tags.count + 1) := l_new_tags(i);
            end loop;
        end if;
        for i in 1..l_merge_tags.count loop
            merge into eba_oll_tags_type_sum s
            using (select count(*) tag_count
                     from eba_oll_tags
                    where tag = l_merge_tags(i) and content_type = p_content_type ) t
               on (s.tag = l_merge_tags(i) and s.content_type = p_content_type )
             when not matched then insert (tag, content_type, tag_count)
                                   values (l_merge_tags(i), p_content_type, t.tag_count)
             when matched then update set s.tag_count = t.tag_count;
            merge into eba_oll_tags_sum s
            using (select sum(tag_count) tag_count
                     from eba_oll_tags_type_sum
                    where tag = l_merge_tags(i) ) t
               on (s.tag = l_merge_tags(i) )
             when not matched then insert (tag, tag_count)
                                   values (l_merge_tags(i), t.tag_count)
             when matched then update set s.tag_count = t.tag_count;
        end loop;
    end eba_oll_tag_sync;
    procedure render_tag_cloud (
       p_selection          in varchar2 default null,
       p_app_id             in number,
       p_session_id         in number,
       p_min_nbr_tags       in number default 1,
       p_max                in number default 100,
       p_limit              in number default 10000,
       p_link_to_page       in varchar2 default '2',
       p_tag_item_filter    in varchar2 default 'P2_TAGS',
       p_clear_cache        in varchar2 default '2,CIR,RIR',
       p_more_page          in varchar2 default '62' )
       l_printed_records    number := 0;
       l_available_records  number := 20;
       l_max                number;
       l_min                number;
       l_class_size         number;
       l_class              varchar2(30);
       type l_tagtype is table of varchar2(2000);
       l_tags l_tagtype;
       type l_numtype is table of number;
       l_cnts l_numtype;
       l_size number;
       l_total number :=0;
       l_buffer varchar2(32676);  
       CURSOR c_all_tags
           select tag, c from (
           select t.tag, count(*) c
             from eba_oll_content c,
                  eba_oll_tags t
            where c.content_id = t.content_id
              and c.display_yn = 'Y'
              and (p_selection is null or
                   (p_selection is not null and
                   (   (substr(p_selection,1,1) = 'R' and
                        substr(p_selection,2) in (select release_id
                                                    from eba_oll_content_products cp
                                                   where cp.content_id = c.content_id))
                    or (substr(p_selection,1,1) = 'C' and
                        substr(p_selection,2) in (select product_id
                                                    from eba_oll_content_products cp
                                                   where cp.content_id = c.content_id))
                    or (substr(p_selection,1,1) = 'P' and
                        (substr(p_selection,2) in (select product_id
                                                     from eba_oll_content_products cp
                                                    where cp.content_id = c.content_id) or
                         substr(p_selection,2) in (select p.parent_product_id
                                                     from eba_oll_content_products cp,
                                                          eba_oll_products p
                                                    where cp.content_id = c.content_id
                                                      and cp.product_id = p.product_id)))
                    or (substr(p_selection,1,1) = 'G' and
                        (substr(p_selection,2) in (select pg.group_id
                                                     from eba_oll_product_groupings pg,
                                                          eba_oll_content_products cp
                                                    where pg.product_id = cp.product_id
                                                      and cp.content_id = c.content_id) or
                         substr(p_selection,2) in (select pg.group_id
                                                     from eba_oll_product_groupings pg,
                                                          eba_oll_products p,
                                                          eba_oll_content_products cp
                                                    where pg.product_id = p.parent_product_id
                                                      and p.product_id = cp.product_id
                                                      and cp.content_id = c.content_id)))
            group by tag
           ) x where rownum < p_limit
                 and c >= p_min_nbr_tags
            order by upper(tag) ;
       -- Fetch tags into arrays
       open c_all_tags;
              fetch c_all_tags bulk collect into l_tags,l_cnts limit p_limit;
          end loop;
       close c_all_tags;
       l_available_records := l_tags.count;
       -- Determine total count and maximum tag counts
       l_max := 0;
       l_min := 1000;
       FOR i in l_cnts.first..l_cnts.last loop
          l_total := l_total + l_cnts(i);
          if l_cnts(i) > l_max then
             l_max := l_cnts(i);
          end if;
          if l_cnts(i) < l_min then
             l_min := l_cnts(i);
          end if;
       end loop;
       if l_max = 0 then l_max := 1; end if;
       l_class_size := round((l_max-l_min)/6);
       -- Generate tag cloud --
       sys.htp.prn('<div class="tagCloud"><ul>');
       for i in l_tags.first..l_tags.last loop
           l_printed_records := l_printed_records + 1;
           if l_cnts(i) < l_min + l_class_size then
              l_class := 'size1';
           elsif l_cnts(i) < l_min + (l_class_size*2) then
              l_class := 'size2';
           elsif l_cnts(i) < l_min + (l_class_size*3) then
              l_class := 'size3';
           elsif l_cnts(i) < l_min + (l_class_size*4) then
              l_class := 'size4';
           elsif l_cnts(i) < l_min + (l_class_size*5) then
              l_class := 'size5';
           else l_class := 'size6';
           end if;     
           l_buffer := '<li><a class="'||l_class||'" href="'||
                  htf.escape_sc(l_tags(i)) || '<span>' || l_cnts(i) || '</span></a></li>';
           l_buffer := '';
           if  l_printed_records > p_max then
           end if;
       end loop;
       -- print if there's more
       if l_tags.count - l_printed_records != 0 then
               htp.prn('<p><a href="f?p='||p_app_id||':'||htf.escape_sc(p_more_page)||
                     ':'||p_session_id||':::'||htf.escape_sc(p_more_page)||'">View all tags</a></p>');
       end if;
       exception when others then
          sys.htp.prn('<p>No tags found.</p>');
    end render_tag_cloud;
    procedure email_when_feedback (
       p_feedback_id  in  number,
       p_host_url     in  varchar2,
       p_app_id       in  number )
       l_body       clob;
       l_body_html  clob;
    for c1 in (
       select f.feedback_comment, f.feedback_by,
              c.title, nvl(ct.feedback_contacts,'[email protected]') email
         from eba_oll_content_feedback f,
              eba_oll_content c,
              eba_oll_team ct
        where = p_feedback_id
          and f.content_id = c.content_id
          and c.team_id = ct.team_id (+) )
       l_body := 'You have received feedback for a piece of content you own in the Oracle Learning Library (OLL) Application.
    Content: '|| c1.title || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    Feedback: '|| c1.feedback_comment || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    Left by: '|| lower(c1.feedback_by) ||'
    You can respond via the OLL Application, '||p_host_url||'f?p='||p_app_id||':47:::NO::P47_ID:' || p_feedback_id || '.';
       l_body_html := '<div style="border: 1px solid #DDD; background-color: #F8F8F8; width: 460px; margin: 0 auto; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; padding: 20px;">
    <p style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0 0 10px 0; padding: 0;">
    You have received feedback for a piece of content you own in the Oracle Learning Library (OLL) Application.
    <table style="width: 100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Content</td>
    <td style="font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;"><a href="#" style="color: #000">'||c1.title||'</a></td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Feedback</td>
    <td style="font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">'||replace(c1.feedback_comment,CHR(10),'<br/>')||'</td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Left by</td>
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">'||lower(c1.feedback_by)||'</td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center; font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">
    <a href="'||p_host_url||'f?p='||p_app_id||':47:::NO::P47_ID:' || p_feedback_id ||'" style="display: block; padding: 10px; background-color: #EEE; font: bold 16px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #444">Respond to this Feedback</a>
       apex_mail.send (
          p_to        =>,
          p_from      => '[email protected]',
          p_subj      => 'OLL - New Feedback for your team',
          p_body      => l_body,
          p_body_html => l_body_html );
    end loop;
    end email_when_feedback;
    procedure email_when_response (
       p_feedback_id  in  number,
       p_host_url     in  varchar2,
       p_app_id       in  number )
       l_body       clob;
       l_body_html  clob;
    for c1 in (
       select f.feedback_comment, f.feedback_by, f.response, c.title
         from eba_oll_content_feedback f,
              eba_oll_content c
        where = p_feedback_id
          and f.content_id = c.content_id )
       l_body := 'You have received a response to your feedback left in the Oracle Learning Library (OLL) Application.
    Content: '|| c1.title || '
    Feedback: '|| c1.feedback_comment || '
    Response: '|| c1.response || '
    You can also view this response via the OLL Application, '||p_host_url||'f?p='||p_app_id||':60:::NO::IR_ID:' || p_feedback_id || '.';
          l_body_html := '<div style="border: 1px solid #DDD; background-color: #F8F8F8; width: 460px; margin: 0 auto; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; padding: 20px;">
    <p style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0 0 10px 0; padding: 0;">
    You have received a response to your feedback left in the Oracle Learning Library (OLL) Application.
    <table style="width: 100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Content</td>
    <td style="font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;"><a href="#" style="color: #000">'||c1.title||'</a></td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Feedback</td>
    <td style="font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">'||replace(c1.feedback_comment,CHR(10),'<br/>')||'</td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Response</td>
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">'||replace(c1.response,CHR(10),'<br/>')||'</td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center; font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">
    <a href="'||p_host_url||'f?p='||p_app_id||':60:::NO::IR_ID:' || p_feedback_id ||'" style="display: block; padding: 10px; background-color: #EEE; font: bold 16px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #444">View Response in OLL Application</a>
       apex_mail.send (
          p_to        => c1.feedback_by,
          p_from      => '[email protected]',
          p_subj      => 'Oracle Learning Library - Response to your Feedback',
          p_body      => l_body,
          p_body_html => l_body_html );
    end loop;
    end email_when_response;
    end eba_oll_api;
    /Error at line 274: PLS-00201: identifier 'UTL_TCP' must be declared
    Edited by: Fateh on Jan 13, 2012 7:32 AM

    Thanks & Sorry for not mentioning the full information about my environment.
    it was:
    Oracle 11g xe R2 on Windows 7 machine
    Apex listener deployed on Glass Fish server 3.1 on Windows 7 machine
    Apex 4.1
    Google Chrome
    So, to have OLL application worked locally . we need the following:
    grant execute on utl_tcp to [your_schema_name]And to
    Configure an Application Express Application as a Partner Application in Oracle AS Single Sign-On
    I think I am going to install on my work space on
    Edited by: Fateh on Jan 15, 2012 9:38 AM

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    Recently upgraded to SP1 of CR2008
    When installing the latest version of our software, which has the CrRuntTime_12_1.msm integrated into the installation, onto an XP sp2 machine, many of the DLL's failed to install with:
    'Failed to register c:\program files\business objects\businessobjects enterprise 12.0\win32_x86\cereportsource.dll
    and many more
    We had to download the runtime installer and run that for it to work (suppose we could have manually regsvr32'd many of them)
    Is this going to keep happening with our other clients ?

    That SAP Note is currently still internal.
    It says to install Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1, and ensure the following assemblies are referenced in the build:
    It's something Dave Hilton found with the XI 3.1 runtimes, caused by a  change in a Microsoft process that prevents us from including components from those msm's.
    Ted Ueda

  • [ALBPM 6.0 WLS] Error when installing the Engine

    Encountered error when doing 'Install Engine EAR in the application Engine'. here's an extract of the exception in WLS:
    HTTP:101216]Servlet: "engineStartup" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "/albpmServices/eng60j2ee". Exception [java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type]. at at at at at at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at$AccessorProxy.invoke( at $Proxy91.fetchHumanParticipant(Unknown Source) at at at at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at$AccessorProxy.invoke( at $Proxy88.connect(Unknown Source) at at at at at fuego.ejbengine.Engine.initDirectorySession( at fuego.ejbengine.Engine.start( at fuego.ejbengine.servlet.SchedulerServlet.init( at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ at at Source) at .....
    really scratching my head wondering what could've cause a 'Invalid column type' SQLException.
    anyone ever encounter this before or any kind soul can advise?
    thanks in advance!!

    After restart the OS, this issue seems to be vanished, but we met another error.
    In the installation where sap creating DB instance, there's a option to let us to choose the oracle db version, since i installed the oracle, i chose 102 as the version, but an error message pop up indicating that the version is wrong. And then i re-select version 112, it can continue...
    i looked back at our installation and noted that when we installed OFS 3.4.15, the installer indicated that 11g. i suspect it could be SAPinst read the version from the wrong place, instead of 102, it recognize 112.
    Did you guys have any similar experience of it?
    Could you give me some help?
    Thanks a lot in advance!

  • Error when installing the business content (update rules)

    Hi Gurus,
    I am trying to install the Business Content for Plant Maintenance. When trying to install the update rules UPDR BN10TVY8N84KARHU2FLSSYL56, I was able to see the update rules in the collected objects. But, when trying to install, it throws an error saying that the update rules is not found.
    Could you please help me in resolving the issue and install the update rules successfully.

    You should install corresponding neccessary object with it, like update rule data target, and connected infosources also.
    infosource -> update rules -> data target
    Cross check you have infosoure, and data target installed or not, and if not install all these together.
    You can also use grouping option as install all neccesary options. It will collect all neccessary objects.

  • Error  when installing the Business content obj

    Hi All,
    when I am installing the BC cube and ODS the particular infoobject and related cube and queries are not installing, it is giving the below error.
    Object 0DBMKTC01 (InfoCube,CUBE) could not be collected for object 0DB (InfoArea,AREA)
    Object 0DB_MC01 (MultiProvider,MPRO) could not be collected for object 0DB (InfoArea,AREA)
    Object 0DB_MC02 (MultiProvider,MPRO) could not be collected for object 0DB (InfoArea,AREA)
    Object 0DB_VCDS1 (DataStore Object,ODSO) could not be collected for object 0DB (InfoArea,A
    Object 0DB_CHA01 (InfoObject Catalog,IOBC) could not be collected for object 0DB (InfoArea
    Object '0DB_KYF01' (IOBC) of type 'InfoObject Catalog' is not available in version 'D'
    In the long text it is showing the below message.
    this object 0DBMKTC01 of type InfoCube,CUBE is not available in the metadata repository.
    Can anyone tell me how to rectify this and install all the obj.
    I am using BI 7.0

    Download  Patch BI_Cont 703 Patch level 6.
    I hope it helps.

  • 500 Internal error when installing the portalTools

    Hi all,
    After installing Oracle 9i portalTools in Windows 2000 system. We meet an Internal 500 error when loging in the http://...:7778/portalTool. That seems some files been not copied to the right folder.
    We have two Oracle 9i folder, one is: D:\Oracle9iAS for Oracle 9i AS instance and another one D:\Oracle9iASPortal for Oracle 9i Portal instance.
    I am not sure which one is the $Install_Path which mentioned in the portalTools installation guide?
    Thank you very much!

    Fixed. It is a version problem.
    For the version of 9iAS, we must use the portalTools version 9.0.2

  • Error when installing the latest software development kit

    Good morning. I have a dell dimension 4100 running the windows me operating system. Wen I download and try to install the latest software development kit, I get the following error message when I click the finish button. "_delis caused an error in _isdel". Any idea why?

    The copy that you downloaded sounds like it has been corrupted. Try redownloading the file, and reainstalling it. If this still happens. Let me know.

  • Error when installing the OID9022 Patchset - test: argument expected

    Hi to everybody.
    Currently, i try to install the OID9022 patchset in infrastructure instance.
    So, i try to run
    *** Important ***
    This patch should be installed on OID only
    Do you want to continue (Y/N):y
    Is this a INFRASTRUCTURE Installation? (Y/N):y
    Installation of OID PATCH in Progress...
    ./ make: not found
    ./ make: not found
    ***** Important ******
    Complete the following post-install steps
    Start the Listener
    Switch User (su) to root and execute /data2/oracle/infra/
    In order to do the schema upgrade, execute: -connect <Connect String>
    -systempwd <SYSTEM Password> -odspwd <ODS Password>
    -sudn <Super-User DN> -supwd <Super-User Password>
    -dippwd <Password to register DIP server>
    OiD Patch Installed
    The final message is "OiD Patch Installed ", so i assume it is ok, so then i tried to run the as the instruction ask.
    but, when i try to run it, got this error...
    # cd /data2/oracle/infra
    # ./
    ./ test: argument expected
    # not found
    # pwd
    # ./
    ./ test: argument expected
    Can anybody help? urgent.
    Best Wishes,
    Rushdan Md Saad.

    Hi Rushdan
    I think your assumption about the patch being installed correctly is false. A make error is generally serious as it implies that something has not been recompiled and probably several files have not been copied into the correct locations.
    In my past experience this has been caused by incorrect environment variable settings ie you can't find the make utility or incorrect OS level patches have been applied.
    And my final comment is that this is the Portal Upgrade forum. You are more likely to get a definitive response on OID issues from the OID forum.

  • Error when installing the BDK

    I am trying to install the BDK1_1-win for use with Beans, but it always returns the error below.
    I am using j2sdk1.4.0, operational system Windows 98. Somebody knows what it can be.
    Thank you. NIC�IA
    " Error of the LaucherAnywhere It could not initiate the executable one. (1157 of the Windows when loading Java VM Occurred error) It tries to reinstall the JavaVM or it modifies used Java VM for the applicatory one. "

    Go here:
    Download this JRE, install, then click on the BDK exe, and poof: suddenly BDK installs. I don't know why, but that's what I did, and the BDK installed.

  • Error when install the NetWeaver CE trial edition

    Hi experts,
          I tried to install the NetWeaver CE Developer Edtion. In the phase 2 "Define Parameters", there's a screen which asked me to input the "Database ID (DBSID)" and "Database Host", the value of "Database Host" is "48D26CA0500E46A", and it was in the unchangable status. When I click the next button the following information occurs:
    "This computer's host name is '48D26CA0500E46A' but a reverse lookup returned 'cedev'. This will lead to problems later on when starting the Web Application Server. SOLUTION: Insert a line: ' 48D26CA0500E46A' into the host file 'C:/WINDOWS/system32\drivers\etc\hosts', and then continue with the installation."
    I found only insert the ' 48D26CA0500E46A'  into hosts would also cause this error, so I removed the " cedev" line and tried to continue the installation, and following error info occurred in the "Prerequisites Checker Results" with Severity "HIGH":
    "The host name has to be an alphanumerical string of characters [A-Z] and [a-z] and digits [0-9], and the hyphen (or minus) character "-". Although the newer RFCs permit host names beginning with digits, we recommend that host names begin with an alpha character. Maximum host name length is 13. Current host name: 48D26CA0500E46A. See also SAP Note 611361. (Updated 2005-06-24)
    Anyone can help?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi YiNing,
    As described in the mentioned SAP Note, the hostname should begin with an alpha character and must be max. 13 characters long. Your current hostname does not fulfill any of these requirements. Please change it in the System Properties (Computer Name tab).
    -- Vladimir

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