Error while creating Attribute View

When I try to get Attribute view through two joined table with same type join indices I get following error ;
Could not execute 'CREATE COLUMN VIEW "_SYS_BIC"."MyDB/TEAM_EVENT" TYPE JOIN WITH PARAMETERS ( joinIndex = ...' in 112 ms 159 µs . SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: logical index creation error:  [2434] join index inconsistent;object=MyDB/TEAM_EVENTen
I tried everyhing in mind but cannot solve the problem. Any idea ?

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW rdr_le_info_view
SELECT l.strategic_le
,cun.ucn cunucn
,cccs.ucn ucn
FROM strat_le l
,ucn_name cun
,customer_setup cccs
,cccs.run_num run_num
WHERE l.gfa_until_dt = '31-dec-9999'
AND l.glas_until_dt = '31-dec-9999'
AND l.int_until_dt = '31-dec-9999'
AND cccs.ucn_lead_office = cun.ucn
AND cun.OID = l.client_oid;Then call it like:
select *
from rdr_le_info_view
where run_num = v_run_num;

Similar Messages

  • Error while creating parameterise view

    I m getting below error while creating parameterise view
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW rdr_le_info_view (v_run_number , v_isin_cob )
    SELECT l.strategic_le
    ,cun.ucn cunucn
    ,cccs.ucn ucn
    FROM strat_le l
    ,ucn_name cun
    ,customer_setup cccs
    WHERE l.gfa_until_dt = '31-dec-9999'
    AND l.glas_until_dt = '31-dec-9999'
    AND l.int_until_dt = '31-dec-9999'
    AND cccs.run_num = v_run_num
    AND cccs.ucn_lead_office = cun.ucn
    AND cun.OID = l.client_oid;
    AND cccs.run_num = v_run_num
    ERROR at line 13:
    ORA-00904: "V_RUN_NUM": invalid identifier
    Plese help me in above.

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW rdr_le_info_view
    SELECT l.strategic_le
    ,cun.ucn cunucn
    ,cccs.ucn ucn
    FROM strat_le l
    ,ucn_name cun
    ,customer_setup cccs
    ,cccs.run_num run_num
    WHERE l.gfa_until_dt = '31-dec-9999'
    AND l.glas_until_dt = '31-dec-9999'
    AND l.int_until_dt = '31-dec-9999'
    AND cccs.ucn_lead_office = cun.ucn
    AND cun.OID = l.client_oid;Then call it like:
    select *
    from rdr_le_info_view
    where run_num = v_run_num;

  • Error while creating Attribute In BPM Object

    I am getting error while creating attributes in BPM Object.I am not able to open BPm object. while opening I am getting Below error.
    Please suggest.
    java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 28
         at java.lang.String.charAt(Unknown Source)
         at fuego.type.TypeFactory.createFromName(
         at fuego.type.TypeFactory.forNameLazy(
         at fuego.lang.CollectionTypeDescription.getIndexTypeRef(
         at fuego.compiler.type.TypeRenderer.renderArrayType(
         at fuego.compiler.type.TypeRenderer.renderType(
         at fuego.compiler.type.TypeRenderer.renderArrayType(
         at fuego.compiler.type.TypeRenderer.renderType(
         at fuego.compiler.type.TypeRenderer.render(
         at fuego.compiler.type.TypeRenderer.render(
         at fuego.compiler.type.TypeRenderer.render(
         at fuego.designer.XObjectComponentStructurePanel$CellTypeRenderer.getText(
         at fuego.designer.XObjectComponentStructurePanel$CellTypeRenderer.getText(
         at fuego.ui.peer.swt.SwtTable$SwtTableModel.getColumnText(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableColumnViewerLabelProvider.update(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerColumn.refresh(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer.doUpdateItem(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.JFaceUtil$
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.updateItem(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer.internalRefreshAll(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer.internalRefresh(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer.internalRefresh(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.preservingSelection(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.preservingSelection(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.refresh(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ColumnViewer.refresh(
         at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.refresh(
         at fuego.ui.peer.swt.SwtViewer.repaint(
         at fuego.ui.peer.swt.SwtColumn.setLabelProvider(
         at fuego.ui.Column.setLabelProvider(
         at fuego.designer.XObjectComponentStructurePanel.buildUI(
         at fuego.designer.AbstractEditor.init(
         at fuego.designer.XObjectComponentStructurePanel.<init>(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPartHelper(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPart(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference.getPart(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane.setVisible(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.PresentablePart.setVisible(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.util.TabbedStackPresentation.selectPart(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.refreshPresentationSelection(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.setSelection(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.showPart(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.add(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorStack.add(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.add(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorStack.add(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorSashContainer.addEditor(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorAreaHelper.addToLayout(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorAreaHelper.addEditor(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.createEditorTab(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.openEditorFromDescriptor(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.openEditor(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditorBatched(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditor(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.access$13(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage$
         at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.openEditor(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.openEditor(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.openEditor(
         at org.eclipse.jface.action.Action.runWithEvent(
         at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.handleWidgetSelection(
         at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.access$2(
         at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem$5.handleEvent(
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
         at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.access$4(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$
         at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
         at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
         at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.application.IDEApplication.start(
         at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
         at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
         at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(

    When you say you're having trouble "opening" the BPM Object, is it possible you instead mean you're having trouble expanding the BPM Object?
    Just a guess, but if you're having trouble expanding the BPM Object I'd suspect that the object's xcdl contents might be corrupted. You might want to consider exporting and saving a backup of the project and then try deleting the object from the Project Navigator. Rebuild the BPM Object once you've deleted it.

  • Error while creating a view

    Hi All,
    I am getting the below errors while creating view.
    ORA-03135:connection lost contact
    ORA-03134:not connected to ORACLE
    Please suggest. Thanks

    check this link... even this can also be a reason
    Ravi Kumar

  • Error While Creating Materialized View

    I am getting error ORA-22818: subquery expressions not allowed here while creating materialized view. I am using Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release Below pasted is my SQL Script.
    Any help is highly appreciable.
    select distinct(id),NAME,(select count(GRADE) from employees where
    nationality like '%US%'and id=a.organization_id and grade=a.grade
    group by ID,GRADE) US,(select count(GRADE) from employees where
    nationality not like '%US%' and organization_id=a.organization_id and grade=a.grade
    group by ORGANIZATION_ID,GRADE) NON_US,grade from employees a
    where grade is not null
    group by GRADE,ID,name
    order by to_number(grade) desc

    This is a documented restriction on MVs. You cannot have a scalar express (i.e a select statement) in the select list.
    You can get round this by joining your select count(grade).. expression in as an inline view in your FROM clause. Or you can create a normal view without the scalar expression, create your MV as a select from this view, then re-define your view to contain the query you want.
    Hope that helps,
    Rod West

  • Error while creating Materialized View step 3 of 6 using wizard

    have oracle 9i Rel 1 on Windows 2000 server. Master Site has been setup. Database links are created at Materialized view site. But while creating Materialized View Group using wizard there is following error on step 3 of 6.
    /*OracleOEM*/ SELECT 1 FROM SYS.dba_constraints@masterdbname WHERE OWNER='username' and table_name='tabname' AND constraint_type='P'
    Stack Trace:----------------
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
    ORA-02063: preceding line from masterdbname.
    All parameters for replication are correct.
    Please help me early.

    In the masterdbname, logging as sys user, you must grant select permission on sys.dba_constraints view to mvadmin_dbname user (where dbname is the replicated database name).

  • Error while creating Materialized View step 3 of 6

    I have oracle 9i Rel 1 on Windows 2000 server. Master Site has been setup. Database links are created at Materialized view site. But while creating Materialized View Group there is following error on step 3 of 6.
    /*OracleOEM*/ SELECT 1 FROM SYS.dba_constraints@masterdbname WHERE OWNER='username' and table_name='tabname' AND constraint_type='P'
    Stack Trace:----------------
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
    ORA-02063: preceding line from masterdbname.
    All parameters for replication are correct.
    Please help me early.

    In the masterdbname, logging as sys user, you must grant select permission on sys.dba_constraints view to mvadmin_dbname user (where dbname is the replicated database name).

  • Error: while creating a view - Help needed

    When i am trying to create the view i am getting the error msg as:
    ==>ORA-02070: database does not support operator NLS_CHARSET_DECL_LEN in this context<==
    Please advise in this regard to overcome this issue.
    the view is nothing but
    create or replace view f_test as
    WITH metadata1 as
    (SELECT fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt,
    rec_eff_to_dt, rec_type, eff_to_dt,
    active_flg, nm_long, nm_short,
    rplcmnt_bu_id, pc_cc_cd, tax_cd, bu_type_cd,
    ledger_cd, internal_id, create_dt,
    last_upd_dt, last_upd_id,
    DENSE_RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt
    ORDER BY fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt) RANK
    aud1 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '1')      ,
    aud2 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '2'),
    aud3 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '3'),
    aud4 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '4'),
    aud5 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '5'),
    aud6 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '6'),
    aud7 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '7'),
    aud8 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '8'),
    aud9 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '9'),
    aud10 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '10'),
    metadata2 as
    (select aud1.column_name,
    '' col_val_old,
    from aud1
    union all
    select aud2.column_name, DECODE(aud2.rec_type,'D','',aud2.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud1.col_val_new col_val_old, aud2.fre_id, aud2.bu_id,
    aud2.eff_from_dt, aud2.rec_eff_from_dt, aud2.rec_type, aud2.rank
    from aud1, aud2
    where (aud1.fre_id = aud2.fre_id and aud1.bu_id = aud2.bu_id and aud1.eff_from_dt = aud2.eff_from_dt
    and aud1.column_name = aud2.column_name
    and ( (aud2.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud1.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud2.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud2.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud1.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud2.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud3.column_name, DECODE(aud3.rec_type,'D','',aud3.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud2.col_val_new col_val_old, aud3.fre_id, aud3.bu_id,
    aud3.eff_from_dt, aud3.rec_eff_from_dt, aud3.rec_type, aud3.rank
    from aud2, aud3
    where (aud2.fre_id = aud3.fre_id and aud2.bu_id = aud3.bu_id and aud2.eff_from_dt = aud3.eff_from_dt
    and aud2.column_name = aud3.column_name
    and ( (aud3.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud2.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud3.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud3.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud2.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud3.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud4.column_name, DECODE(aud4.rec_type,'D','',aud4.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud3.col_val_new col_val_old, aud4.fre_id, aud4.bu_id,
    aud4.eff_from_dt, aud4.rec_eff_from_dt, aud4.rec_type, aud4.rank
    from aud3, aud4
    where (aud3.fre_id = aud4.fre_id and aud3.bu_id = aud4.bu_id and aud3.eff_from_dt = aud4.eff_from_dt
    and aud3.column_name = aud4.column_name
    and ( (aud4.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud3.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud4.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud4.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud3.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud4.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud5.column_name, DECODE(aud5.rec_type,'D','',aud5.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud4.col_val_new col_val_old, aud5.fre_id, aud5.bu_id,
    aud5.eff_from_dt, aud5.rec_eff_from_dt, aud5.rec_type, aud5.rank
    from aud4, aud5
    where (aud4.fre_id = aud5.fre_id and aud4.bu_id = aud5.bu_id and aud4.eff_from_dt = aud5.eff_from_dt
    and aud4.column_name = aud5.column_name
    and ( (aud5.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud4.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud5.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud5.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud4.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud5.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud6.column_name, DECODE(aud6.rec_type,'D','',aud6.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud5.col_val_new col_val_old, aud6.fre_id, aud6.bu_id,
    aud6.eff_from_dt, aud6.rec_eff_from_dt, aud6.rec_type, aud6.rank
    from aud5, aud6
    where (aud5.fre_id = aud6.fre_id and aud5.bu_id = aud6.bu_id and aud5.eff_from_dt = aud6.eff_from_dt
    and aud5.column_name = aud6.column_name
    and ( (aud6.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud5.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud6.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud6.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud5.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud6.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud7.column_name, DECODE(aud7.rec_type,'D','',aud7.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud6.col_val_new col_val_old, aud7.fre_id, aud7.bu_id,
    aud7.eff_from_dt, aud7.rec_eff_from_dt, aud7.rec_type, aud7.rank
    from aud6, aud7
    where (aud6.fre_id = aud7.fre_id and aud6.bu_id = aud7.bu_id and aud6.eff_from_dt = aud7.eff_from_dt
    and aud6.column_name = aud7.column_name
    and ( (aud7.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud6.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud7.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud7.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud6.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud7.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud8.column_name, DECODE(aud8.rec_type,'D','',aud8.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud7.col_val_new col_val_old, aud8.fre_id, aud8.bu_id,
    aud8.eff_from_dt, aud8.rec_eff_from_dt, aud8.rec_type, aud8.rank
    from aud7, aud8
    where (aud7.fre_id = aud8.fre_id and aud7.bu_id = aud8.bu_id and aud7.eff_from_dt = aud8.eff_from_dt
    and aud7.column_name = aud8.column_name
    and ( (aud8.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud7.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud8.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud8.rec_type <>'C' or (nvl(aud7.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud8.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud9.column_name, DECODE(aud9.rec_type,'D','',aud9.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud8.col_val_new col_val_old, aud9.fre_id, aud9.bu_id,
    aud9.eff_from_dt, aud9.rec_eff_from_dt, aud9.rec_type, aud9.rank
    from aud8, aud9
    where (aud8.fre_id = aud9.fre_id and aud8.bu_id = aud9.bu_id and aud8.eff_from_dt = aud9.eff_from_dt
    and aud8.column_name = aud9.column_name
    and ( (aud9.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud8.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud9.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud9.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud8.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud9.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud10.column_name, DECODE(aud10.rec_type,'D','',aud10.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud9.col_val_new col_val_old, aud10.fre_id, aud10.bu_id,
    aud10.eff_from_dt, aud10.rec_eff_from_dt, aud10.rec_type, aud10.rank
    from aud9, aud10
    where (aud9.fre_id = aud10.fre_id and aud9.bu_id = aud10.bu_id and aud9.eff_from_dt = aud10.eff_from_dt
    and aud9.column_name = aud10.column_name
    and ((aud10.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud9.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud10.col_val_new,'~') )
    or (aud10.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud9.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud10.col_val_new,'~'))))
    select * from metadata2
    where (rec_type = 'C' and (col_val_new is not null or col_val_old is not null))
    or (rec_type <> 'C');

    create or replace view frd_bu_test as
    WITH metadata1 as
    (SELECT fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt,
    rec_eff_to_dt, rec_type, eff_to_dt,
    active_flg, nm_long, nm_short,
    rplcmnt_bu_id, pc_cc_cd, tax_cd, bu_type_cd,
    ledger_cd, internal_id, create_dt,
    last_upd_dt, last_upd_id,
    DENSE_RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt
    ORDER BY fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt) RANK
    aud1 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '1')      ,
    aud2 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '2'),
    aud3 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '3'),
    aud4 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '4'),
    aud5 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '5'),
    aud6 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '6'),
    aud7 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '7'),
    aud8 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '8'),
    aud9 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '9'),
    aud10 AS
    (SELECT column_name,
    DECODE (column_id,
    7, TO_CHAR (eff_to_dt, 'MMDDRRRR'),
    8, active_flg,
    9, nm_long,
    10, nm_short,
    11, rplcmnt_bu_id,
    12, pc_cc_cd,
    13, tax_cd,
    14, bu_type_cd,
    15, ledger_cd) col_val_new,
    '' col_val_old, fre_id, bu_id, eff_from_dt, rec_eff_from_dt, rec_type, rank
    FROM metadata1 m, all_tab_columns u
    WHERE table_name = 'AUD_TEST'
    AND column_name IN
    AND rank = '10'),
    metadata2 as
    (select aud1.column_name,
    '' col_val_old,
    from aud1
    union all
    select aud2.column_name, DECODE(aud2.rec_type,'D','',aud2.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud1.col_val_new col_val_old, aud2.fre_id, aud2.bu_id,
    aud2.eff_from_dt, aud2.rec_eff_from_dt, aud2.rec_type, aud2.rank
    from aud1, aud2
    where (aud1.fre_id = aud2.fre_id and aud1.bu_id = aud2.bu_id and aud1.eff_from_dt = aud2.eff_from_dt
    and aud1.column_name = aud2.column_name
    and ( (aud2.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud1.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud2.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud2.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud1.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud2.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud3.column_name, DECODE(aud3.rec_type,'D','',aud3.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud2.col_val_new col_val_old, aud3.fre_id, aud3.bu_id,
    aud3.eff_from_dt, aud3.rec_eff_from_dt, aud3.rec_type, aud3.rank
    from aud2, aud3
    where (aud2.fre_id = aud3.fre_id and aud2.bu_id = aud3.bu_id and aud2.eff_from_dt = aud3.eff_from_dt
    and aud2.column_name = aud3.column_name
    and ( (aud3.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud2.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud3.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud3.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud2.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud3.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud4.column_name, DECODE(aud4.rec_type,'D','',aud4.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud3.col_val_new col_val_old, aud4.fre_id, aud4.bu_id,
    aud4.eff_from_dt, aud4.rec_eff_from_dt, aud4.rec_type, aud4.rank
    from aud3, aud4
    where (aud3.fre_id = aud4.fre_id and aud3.bu_id = aud4.bu_id and aud3.eff_from_dt = aud4.eff_from_dt
    and aud3.column_name = aud4.column_name
    and ( (aud4.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud3.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud4.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud4.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud3.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud4.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud5.column_name, DECODE(aud5.rec_type,'D','',aud5.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud4.col_val_new col_val_old, aud5.fre_id, aud5.bu_id,
    aud5.eff_from_dt, aud5.rec_eff_from_dt, aud5.rec_type, aud5.rank
    from aud4, aud5
    where (aud4.fre_id = aud5.fre_id and aud4.bu_id = aud5.bu_id and aud4.eff_from_dt = aud5.eff_from_dt
    and aud4.column_name = aud5.column_name
    and ( (aud5.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud4.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud5.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud5.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud4.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud5.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud6.column_name, DECODE(aud6.rec_type,'D','',aud6.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud5.col_val_new col_val_old, aud6.fre_id, aud6.bu_id,
    aud6.eff_from_dt, aud6.rec_eff_from_dt, aud6.rec_type, aud6.rank
    from aud5, aud6
    where (aud5.fre_id = aud6.fre_id and aud5.bu_id = aud6.bu_id and aud5.eff_from_dt = aud6.eff_from_dt
    and aud5.column_name = aud6.column_name
    and ( (aud6.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud5.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud6.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud6.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud5.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud6.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud7.column_name, DECODE(aud7.rec_type,'D','',aud7.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud6.col_val_new col_val_old, aud7.fre_id, aud7.bu_id,
    aud7.eff_from_dt, aud7.rec_eff_from_dt, aud7.rec_type, aud7.rank
    from aud6, aud7
    where (aud6.fre_id = aud7.fre_id and aud6.bu_id = aud7.bu_id and aud6.eff_from_dt = aud7.eff_from_dt
    and aud6.column_name = aud7.column_name
    and ( (aud7.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud6.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud7.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud7.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud6.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud7.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud8.column_name, DECODE(aud8.rec_type,'D','',aud8.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud7.col_val_new col_val_old, aud8.fre_id, aud8.bu_id,
    aud8.eff_from_dt, aud8.rec_eff_from_dt, aud8.rec_type, aud8.rank
    from aud7, aud8
    where (aud7.fre_id = aud8.fre_id and aud7.bu_id = aud8.bu_id and aud7.eff_from_dt = aud8.eff_from_dt
    and aud7.column_name = aud8.column_name
    and ( (aud8.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud7.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud8.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud8.rec_type <>'C' or (nvl(aud7.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud8.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud9.column_name, DECODE(aud9.rec_type,'D','',aud9.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud8.col_val_new col_val_old, aud9.fre_id, aud9.bu_id,
    aud9.eff_from_dt, aud9.rec_eff_from_dt, aud9.rec_type, aud9.rank
    from aud8, aud9
    where (aud8.fre_id = aud9.fre_id and aud8.bu_id = aud9.bu_id and aud8.eff_from_dt = aud9.eff_from_dt
    and aud8.column_name = aud9.column_name
    and ( (aud9.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud8.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud9.col_val_new,'~') ) or
    (aud9.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud8.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud9.col_val_new,'~'))))
    union all
    select aud10.column_name, DECODE(aud10.rec_type,'D','',aud10.col_val_new) col_val_new, aud9.col_val_new col_val_old, aud10.fre_id, aud10.bu_id,
    aud10.eff_from_dt, aud10.rec_eff_from_dt, aud10.rec_type, aud10.rank
    from aud9, aud10
    where (aud9.fre_id = aud10.fre_id and aud9.bu_id = aud10.bu_id and aud9.eff_from_dt = aud10.eff_from_dt
    and aud9.column_name = aud10.column_name
    and ((aud10.rec_type = 'C' and nvl(aud9.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud10.col_val_new,'~') )
    or (aud10.rec_type <> 'C' or (nvl(aud9.col_val_new,'^') <> nvl(aud10.col_val_new,'~'))))
    select * from metadata2
    where (rec_type = 'C' and (col_val_new is not null or col_val_old is not null))
    or (rec_type <> 'C');

  • Error while creating a View Cluster

    Hello Gurus,
         I have created two maintenance views ZVIEW1 & ZVIEW2  with table maintenance generator.Know I am trying
         to create a view cluster using these views.
         I have Proceeded with the following steps to create the View Cluster:
         1. Tcode : SE54 --> GIven the name ZVIEWCLUSTER as View Cluster name & pressed ENTER.
         2. Filled the description of the View cluster.
         3.Selected the tab OBJECT STRUCTURE  and filled it with ZVIEW1 & ZVIEW2.
         4.Selected view ZVIEW1 and clicked on button "FIELD-DEPENDENCE" ,System throws a message
             "Field-dependence generated succesfully"
         5. Selected view ZVIEW2 and clicked on button "FIELD-DEPENDENCE" ,System throws an error message
             "No log generated".
          Am stuck up at point 5 in the above mentioned steps.
          Please guide me in coming out of this error message.

    Hi Najam,
    I don't think you need to define field dependencies for both tables, you only define the relationship from the second table to the first.
    Double-click on the Field dependencies folder and check the link between the two tables is correctly defined, if so you don't need to generate the field dependency twice.

  • Error while creating materialized view which using database link

    I'm getting error "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" when I want to create materialized view.
    1. On destination database I create a database link:
    => Command "SELECT * FROM TABLE1@SDATABASE" returns data normally!
    2. On source database I create MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG:
    3. Now, when I want to create MATERIALIZED VIEW on destination database:
    NEXT SYSDATE + 1/1440
    ...I get error "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist"!
    How is that possible if command "SELECT * FROM TABLE1@SDATABASE" returns data normally?

    And, I'm using Oracle 10g.

  • Error while creating a view and creating navigation link

    i created one view with one button and on click of button it has to navigate to DeleteOperationview.This is the exception i am getting while running.
    can u plz tell me where the problem might beee... Cannot create view element implementation
    *     at*
    *     at*
    *     at*
    *     at*
    *     at*
    *     at*
    *     at*
    *     at*
    *     at*
    Padma N

    Hi Padma,
    In Outline check the <b>id </b> property of the <b> Caption-Header </b> view elements from the properties window it seems some of the ids are duplicate it should be unique.
    Other wise delete the container elements and design the view layout once again.
    Re: dynpro table -dynamically change table header name

  • Error while creating a VIEW.Please GUIDE.

    I am getting the error
    FROM sdi S where S.sdi_num=35128
    Error: missing expression
    when I Try to create a VIEW AS defined below:
    Am I missing out anything please?
    Create or Replace VIEW sdiview
    SELECT sdi_num,
    cursor(SELECT acnt
    FROM sdi_account A WHERE
    A.sdi_num = S.sdi_num) Account,
    FROM sdi S where S.sdi_num = 35128;

    Not sure the CURSOR expression works with Oracle 9.0.2 or not.
    Connected to:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    SQL> create or replace view emp_dept_vw
      2  as (select deptno, deptname, cursor(select empno from emp a
      3  where a.deptno = d.deptno) empno from dept d
      4  where d.deptno = 10);
    as (select deptno, deptname, cursor(select empno from emp a
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-22902: CURSOR expression not allowedWhat about 10g?

  • Error while creating Power View Report via BISM connection.

    I am able to create a PowerView Report using Microsoft BI Semantic Model connection without any problem. Everything works from home. But when I try to create Power View report using a BISM connection, I am running into errors. I've verified all permissions
    are all set correctly and SQL Browser service is running as well. Please see below error message. Greatly appreciate any pointers.
    Detailed error message
    Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Cannot create a connection to data source 'TemporaryDataSource'. ---> Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnectionException:
    A connection cannot be made to redirector. Ensure that 'SQL Browser' service is running. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found     at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient..ctor(String
    hostname, Int32 port)     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.GetTcpClient(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo)     --- End of inner exception stack trace ---     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.GetTcpClient(ConnectionInfo
    connectionInfo)     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.OpenTcpConnection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo)     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.OpenConnection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, Boolean&
    isSessionTokenNeeded)     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.Connect(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, Boolean beginSession)     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.GetInstancePort(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
        at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.GetTcpClient(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo)     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.OpenTcpConnection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo)     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.OpenConnection(ConnectionInfo
    connectionInfo, Boolean& isSessionTokenNeeded)     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.XmlaClient.Connect(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, Boolean beginSession)     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection.XmlaClientProvider.Connect(Boolean
    toIXMLA)     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection.ConnectToXMLA(Boolean createSession, Boolean isHTTP)     at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection.Open()     at Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions.AdoMdConnectionBase.InternalOpen()
        at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.DataExtensionConnectionBase.OpenConnection(IProcessingDataSource dataSourceObj, DataSourceInfo dataSourceInfo, IDbConnection conn)     --- End of inner exception stack trace ---;

    So , have you actually came to a conclusion about the problem. I have a similar one in my environment.
    <detail><ErrorCode xmlns="">rsCannotRetrieveModel</ErrorCode><HttpStatus
    xmlns="">400</HttpStatus><Message xmlns="">Erro
    ao carregar o modelo para o item ou a fonte de dados 'http://gasmignethml/BICenter/Galeria%20PowerPivot/BIGASMIG.bism'. Verifique se as informações de conexão estão corretas e se você tem permissões para acessar a fonte de dados.</Message><HelpLink
    xmlns="">Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services</ProductName><ProductVersion xmlns="">11.0.5058.0</ProductVersion><ProductLocaleId
    xmlns="">127</ProductLocaleId><OperatingSystem xmlns="">OsIndependent</OperatingSystem><CountryLocaleId
    xmlns="">1033</CountryLocaleId><MoreInformation xmlns=""><Source>ReportingServicesLibrary</Source><Message
    msrs:ErrorCode="rsCannotRetrieveModel" msrs:HelpLink=";EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rsCannotRetrieveModel&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=11.0.5058.0"
    xmlns:msrs="">Erro ao carregar o modelo para o item ou a fonte de dados 'http://gasmignethml/BICenter/Galeria%20PowerPivot/BIGASMIG.bism'.
    Verifique se as informações de conexão estão corretas e se você tem permissões para acessar a fonte de dados.</Message><MoreInformation><Source>Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore</Source><Message msrs:ErrorCode="rsErrorOpeningConnection"
    xmlns:msrs="">Não é possível criar uma conexão com a fonte de dados 'TemporaryDataSource'.</Message><MoreInformation><Source>Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient</Source><Message>A
    connection cannot be made to redirector. Ensure that 'SQL Browser' service is running.</Message><MoreInformation><Source>System</Source><Message>The
    requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found</Message></MoreInformation></MoreInformation></MoreInformation></MoreInformation><Warnings xmlns=""
    Any help will be very welcome.
    Thanks in advance
    abcoura |

  • Syntax error while creating Calculation view script based

    Hi Folks,
    I'm creating Calc view based on script and drafted a simple code but I'm getting syntax error.
    Its just fetching few coloumns from two tables products and purchaseorderitem.
    /********* Begin Procedure Script ************/
      var_out = select productid , category, nameid, currency, grossamount, quantity
      FROM AS P , AS B
      where P.productid = B.productid;
    END /********* End Procedure Script ************/
    Could you pls take a look and let me know what wrong I'm doing?
    Error logs are:-
    sap.hana..package.project.folder.mytest.CALCSCRIPTVIEWInternal deployment of object failed;Repository: Encountered an error in repository runtime extension;Internal Error:Deploy Calculation View: SQL: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "democontent": line 5 col 18 (at pos 439)nSet Schema DDL statement: set schema "SYSTEM"nType DDL: create type "_SYS_BIC"."sap.hana..package.project.folder.mytest/CALCSCRIPTVIEW/proc/tabletype/VAR_OUT" as table ("PRODUCTID" NVARCHAR(10), "CATEGORY" NVARCHAR(2), "NAMEID" NVARCHAR(10), "CURRENCY" NVARCHAR(5), "GROSSAMOUNT" DECIMAL(15,2), "QUANITYT" DECIMAL(13,3))nProcedure DDL: create procedure "_SYS_BIC"."sap.hana.package.project.folder.mytest/CALCSCRIPTVIEW/proc" ( OUT var_out "_SYS_BIC"."sap.hana.package.project.folder.mytest/CALCSCRIPTVIEW/proc/tabletype/VAR_OUT" ) language sqlscript sql security definer reads sql data as n /********* Begin Procedure Script ************/ n BEGIN n t var_out = select productid , category, nameid, currency, grossamount, quantityn t FROM AS P , AS Bn t where P.productid = B.productid;nnEND /********* End Procedure Script ************/n

    Hi Rubane,
    I don't have EPM installed here but based on this Table User Defined Functions( Table UDF ) in HANA  you are not properly defining the source table.
    In your case missing 1) schema of EPM, 2) not using double quotes, 3) separation of package and view, 4) missing camel case on purchaseOrderItem:
    FROM AS P , AS B
    On blog:
    from "SAP_HANA_EPM_DEMO"."" as a
    SAP_HANA_EPM_DEMO is the schema is the package
    businessPartner is the view
    Start simple... before the seletion try it out on Studio SQL.
    Regards, Fernando Da Rós

  • Error while creating Materialized View in AWM

    I am using Oracle 11g with Analytic WorkSpace Manager
    I am trying to create materialized view on my Cube..
    The Cube has 5 Dimensions out of which Four are having two levels i.e.,
    TotalB-->DimensionB...and so on
    And one time Dimension having 4 levels
    When i try to create the materialized view, i get an error saying that
    "Your metadata changes have been saved, with the following errors
    ORA-02267:column type incompatible with referenced column type"
    When i googled regarding this error, it says to change the datatype of the column..
    But which column's data type is to be changed..Please throw some light regarding this...
    Awaiting for reply..

    My query is as follows:
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LEVEL_NAME = 'ALL_product' AND l.level_name='ALL_MODE' AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type1')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_Type1Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LEVEL_NAME = 'ALL_product' AND l.level_name='ALL_MODE' AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type2')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_Type2Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LONG_DESCRIPTION='product1'AND l.level_name='ALL_MODE'AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type1' )then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_product1_Type1Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LONG_DESCRIPTION='product1'AND l.level_name='ALL_MODE'AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type2')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_product1_Type2Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LEVEL_NAME = 'ALL_product' AND l.LONG_DESCRIPTION='Mode1'AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type1')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_Mode1_Type1Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LEVEL_NAME = 'ALL_product' AND l.LONG_DESCRIPTION='Mode1'AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type2')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_Mode1_Type2Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LEVEL_NAME = 'ALL_product' AND l.LONG_DESCRIPTION='Mode2'AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type1')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_CLRING_Type1Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LEVEL_NAME = 'ALL_product' AND l.LONG_DESCRIPTION='Mode2'AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type2')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_Mode2_Type2Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LEVEL_NAME = 'ALL_product' AND l.LONG_DESCRIPTION='Mode3'AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type1')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_TRSFER_Type1Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LEVEL_NAME = 'ALL_product' AND l.LONG_DESCRIPTION='Mode3'AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type2')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_Mode3_Type2Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LEVEL_NAME = 'ALL_product' AND l.level_name='ALL_MODE' AND m.level_name = 'ALL_TYPE')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LEVEL_NAME = 'ALL_product' AND l.long_description='Mode3' AND m.level_name = 'ALL_TYPE')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_Mode3_Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.LEVEL_NAME = 'ALL_product' AND l.long_description='Mode2' AND m.level_name = 'ALL_TYPE')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_Mode2_Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.long_description = 'product1' AND l.level_name='ALL_MODE' AND m.level_name = 'ALL_TYPE')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_product1_Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.long_description = 'product1' AND l.long_description='Mode1' AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type1')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_product1Mode1Type1_Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.long_description = 'product1' AND l.long_description='Mode1' AND m.LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'Type2')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_product1_Mode1_Type2_Txn_Amount,
    sum(cd.SALESAMT *(case when (k.long_description = 'product1' AND l.long_description='Mode1' AND m.level_name = 'ALL_TYPE')then 1 else 0 end)) as Cumm_product1_Mode1_Total_Txn_Amount
    /* From dimension views and cube view */
    product_product_HIER_VIEW k,
    /* Create level filters */
    WHERE b.level_name = 'CUSTOMER_ID'
    AND j.END_DATE between to_date('2007-10-31','YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('2007-10-31','YYYY-MM-DD')
    /* Join dimension views to cube view */
    AND k.DIM_KEY=cd.product
    ORDER BY j.end_date,

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