Error while creating Project using API - PA_PROJECT_PUB.CREATE_PROJECT

I am working on Projects conversion and currently trying to create a project using the API.
I have recetified all the errors it was giving and struck at 1 error. please find the error message below.
"You have submitted invalid parameters to this process, preventing its successful completion. Please contact your system administrator."
It gives me this error and I was not able to know the cause for this error. Please let me know how to bypass this error and go ahead with projects conversion???
Attached below is my package:
     PROCEDURE xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_proc(errbuf           OUT      VARCHAR2
                         ,retcode           OUT      VARCHAR2);
END xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_pkg;
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xxbwp.xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_pkg
     PROCEDURE xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_proc(errbuf           OUT      VARCHAR2
                         ,retcode           OUT      VARCHAR2)
v_data VARCHAR2(2000);
v_index_out NUMBER;
     v_msg_count               NUMBER;
     v_msg_data               VARCHAR2(2000);
     v_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
     v_api_version_number          NUMBER          :=     1.0;
     v_commit               VARCHAR2(1)     :=     apps.fnd_api.g_false;
     v_init_msg_list               VARCHAR2(1)     :=      apps.fnd_api.g_false;
     v_workflow_started          VARCHAR2(1)      :=      'Y';
     v_pm_product_code          VARCHAR2(30)      :=      NULL;
     v_op_validate_flag          VARCHAR2(1)      :=      'Y';
     v_project_in               apps.pa_project_pub.project_in_rec_type;
     v_project_out               apps.pa_project_pub.project_out_rec_type;
     v_customers_in               apps.pa_project_pub.customer_tbl_type;
     v_key_members               apps.pa_project_pub.project_role_tbl_type;
     v_class_categories          apps.pa_project_pub.class_category_tbl_type;
     v_tasks_in               apps.pa_project_pub.task_in_tbl_type;
     v_tasks_in_rec apps.pa_project_pub.task_in_rec_type;
v_tasks_out               apps.pa_project_pub.task_out_tbl_type;
     v_org_roles               apps.pa_project_pub.project_role_tbl_type;
     v_structure_in               apps.pa_project_pub.structure_in_rec_type;
     v_ext_attr_tbl_in          apps.pa_project_pub.pa_ext_attr_table_type;
     v_deliverables_in          apps.pa_project_pub.deliverable_in_tbl_type;
     v_deliverable_actions_in     apps.pa_project_pub.action_in_tbl_type;
-- Variables declaration related to project_in_rec_type
l_pm_project_reference VARCHAR2(25);
l_pa_project_id NUMBER;
l_pa_project_number VARCHAR2(25);
l_segment1 VARCHAR2(25);
l_project_name VARCHAR2(30);
l_description VARCHAR2(250);
l_long_name VARCHAR2(240);
l_department_mapping VARCHAR2(50);
l_department_mapping_c VARCHAR2(50);
l_department_mapping_e VARCHAR2(50);
l_created_from_project_id NUMBER;
l_carrying_out_organization_id NUMBER;
l_proj_start_date DATE;
l_completion_date DATE;
l_temp_project_type VARCHAR2(30);
l_company_id VARCHAR2(10);
l_company_id_c VARCHAR2(10);
l_company_id_e VARCHAR2(10);
l_proj_type VARCHAR2(30);
l_cnt NUMBER := 0;
l_task_cnt NUMBER := 0;
l_responsibility_id NUMBER;
l_application_id NUMBER;
l_user_id NUMBER;
l_global_info_msg_count NUMBER;
l_global_info_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
l_global_info_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
FROM xxbwp.xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_tbl
WHERE proj_type = 'STORAGE';
FOR C1_REC in C1
SELECT APPS.pa_projects_s.nextval
INTO l_pa_project_id
SELECT description
               INTO     l_proj_type
               FROM apps.fnd_lookup_values
               WHERE lookup_type = 'BWP_PROJECT_TYPES_LKP'
               AND     lookup_code = C1_REC.proj_type
               AND     1 = 1;
SELECT project_id, project_type, carrying_out_organization_id
INTO l_created_from_project_id, l_temp_project_type, l_carrying_out_organization_id
FROM apps.pa_projects_all
WHERE project_type = l_proj_type
AND template_flag = 'Y';
SELECT rt.responsibility_id, rt.application_id
INTO l_responsibility_id, l_application_id
FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_tl rt
WHERE rt.responsibility_name = 'BWP PA Projects Superuser';
SELECT u.user_id
INTO l_user_id
FROM APPS.fnd_user u
WHERE u.user_name = 'CHUNDURK';
-- Set the environment
(p_api_version_number => 1.0
,p_responsibility_id => l_responsibility_id
,p_user_id => l_user_id
,p_resp_appl_id => l_application_id
,p_msg_count => l_global_info_msg_count
,p_msg_data => l_global_info_msg_data
,p_return_status => l_global_info_return_status);
--Assign values to project_in_rec_type
v_project_in.pm_project_reference := C1_REC.PROJ_NUM;
v_project_in.pa_project_id := l_pa_project_id;
v_project_in.pa_project_number := C1_REC.PROJ_NUM;
v_project_in.project_name := C1_REC.PROJ_NAME;
v_project_in.description := NULL;
v_project_in.long_name := C1_REC.PROJ_LONG_NAME;
v_project_in.created_from_project_id := l_created_from_project_id;
v_project_in.carrying_out_organization_id := l_carrying_out_organization_id;
v_project_in.start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
v_project_in.completion_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
v_project_in.scheduled_start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
v_project_in.scheduled_finish_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
v_project_in.project_status_code := 'APPROVED';
FOR x IN (SELECT person_id, project_role_type, start_date_active, end_date_active
FROM apps.pa_project_players
WHERE project_id = 262)
APPS.fnd_file.put_line(APPS.FND_FILE.LOG,'PERSON ID '||x.person_id);
APPS.fnd_file.put_line(APPS.FND_FILE.LOG,'PROJECT ROLE TYPE '||x.project_role_type);
l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
v_key_members(l_cnt).person_id := x.person_id;
v_key_members(l_cnt).project_role_type := x.project_role_type;
v_key_members(l_cnt).start_date := x.start_date_active;
v_key_members(l_cnt).end_date := x.end_date_active;
-- Retrieving and assigning tasks from template to a project
FOR x IN (SELECT task_id, parent_task_id, task_name, long_task_name, task_number, description,
billable_flag, cint_eligible_flag, chargeable_flag
FROM apps.pa_tasks t
WHERE t.project_id = l_created_from_project_id
START WITH parent_task_id IS NULL CONNECT BY PRIOR task_id = parent_task_id)
l_task_cnt := l_task_cnt + 1;
v_tasks_in_rec.pm_task_reference := x.task_id;
v_tasks_in_rec.task_name := x.task_name;
v_tasks_in_rec.long_task_name := x.long_task_name;
v_tasks_in_rec.pa_task_number := x.task_number;
v_tasks_in_rec.task_description := x.description;
v_tasks_in_rec.task_start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
v_tasks_in_rec.task_completion_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
v_tasks_in_rec.scheduled_start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
v_tasks_in_rec.scheduled_finish_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
v_tasks_in_rec.pm_parent_task_reference := x.parent_task_id;
v_tasks_in_rec.billable_flag := x.billable_flag;
v_tasks_in_rec.cint_eligible_flag := x.cint_eligible_flag;
v_tasks_in_rec.chargeable_flag := x.chargeable_flag;
v_tasks_in_rec.tasks_dff := 'Y';
v_tasks_in_rec.attribute1 := l_pa_project_id;
v_tasks_in(l_task_cnt) := v_tasks_in_rec;
v_class_categories(0).class_category := 'Reimbursable';
v_class_categories(0).class_code := 'No';
(p_api_version_number => v_api_version_number
,p_commit => v_commit
,p_init_msg_list => v_init_msg_list
,p_msg_count => v_msg_count
,p_msg_data => v_msg_data
,p_return_status => v_return_status
,p_workflow_started => v_workflow_started
,p_pm_product_code => v_pm_product_code
,p_op_validate_flag => v_op_validate_flag
,p_project_in => v_project_in
,p_project_out => v_project_out
,p_customers_in => v_customers_in
,p_key_members => v_key_members
,p_class_categories => v_class_categories
,p_tasks_in => v_tasks_in
,p_tasks_out => v_tasks_out
,p_org_roles => v_org_roles
,p_structure_in => v_structure_in
,p_ext_attr_tbl_in => v_ext_attr_tbl_in
,p_deliverables_in => v_deliverables_in
,p_deliverable_actions_in => v_deliverable_actions_in
APPS.fnd_file.put_line(APPS.FND_FILE.LOG,v_return_status||' '||v_msg_count);
IF v_msg_count > 0 THEN
FOR i in 1 .. v_msg_count
(p_encoded => 'F'
,p_msg_count => v_msg_count
,p_msg_index => i
,p_msg_data => v_msg_data
,p_data => v_data
,p_msg_index_out => v_index_out);
end xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_proc;
end xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_pkg;
show errors;
Edited by: user644005 on Sep 11, 2009 11:02 AM

Hi Kesava,
I notice that in the package you used the application user_name=CHUNDUK calls the API pa_project_pub.create_project.
I wonder if you used chunduk as database user to execute the package Or you used APPS to execute the package?
The APi document states that it is a requirement to create a db username as the same name with the application username.
I have been running the problem to execute API 's delete project and try to figure what could be my problem.

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    Hi Gurus,
    I'm getting an error while creating a New project.
    My code looks like this:
    (p_api_version_number => l_object_version_number --IN Parameter
    ,p_commit => l_commit --IN Parameter
    ,p_init_msg_list => l_init_msg_list --IN Parameter
    ,p_msg_count => l_msg_count --OUT Parameter
    ,p_msg_data => l_msg_data --OUT Parameter
    ,p_return_status => l_return_status --OUT Parameter
    ,p_workflow_started => l_workflow_started --OUT Parameter
    ,p_pm_product_code => g_pm_product_code --IN Parameter
    ,p_op_validate_flag => l_op_validate_flag --IN Parameter
    ,p_project_in => g_project_in --IN Parameter
    ,p_project_out => g_project_out --OUT Parameter
    ,p_tasks_in => g_task_in --IN Parameter
    ,p_tasks_out => g_task_out --OUT Parameter
    The out put params are: p_msg_count => 1
    p_return_status => E
    p_workflow_started => N
    g_project_out.pa_project_id => 170000000000000000000
    g_project_out.pa_project_number => ^
    g_task_out_rec.pa_task_id => 170000000000000000000
    End process record p_proj_insert => 1
    Resetting the task count variable
    when I checked the API code I found this:
    PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PROJECt_ID := null; --bug 2471668 ( not in the project context )
    (p_api_version_number => p_api_version_number,
    p_responsibility_id => l_resp_id,
    p_function_name => 'PA_PM_CREATE_PROJECT',
    p_msg_count => l_msg_count,
    p_msg_data => l_msg_data,
    p_return_status => l_return_status,
    p_function_allowed => l_function_allowed
    . I think I am getting the error because of this.
    Now, question.
    Do I need to run the Create Project from a specific Responsibility?
    because when I ran the underlined query, I fpound the final status as 'N'.
    I'm a HR guy and PA is a new world for me. Any help will be appreciated.

    You need to find any responsibility and userid that lets you create a project using the screen.
    And then in your code, you need to set your context to that resp/userid.
    Hope this helps
    Sandeep Gandhi

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    'API failed in one stage 1 Project: '<Project_Number>'
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    HI All
    I resolved both the issues. In case there are others facing similar issues, following was the cause and resolution of my errors
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    The cause was that the data loaded into our custom staging table was not in the right fields. This was because the data file values and the CTL were not in sync.
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    2. Error 2: The class category is invalid.
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    Hope this helps somebody else

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    FLEXFIELDS SERVER-SIDE VALIDATION package reports error:
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    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FLEX_DESCVAL", line 931
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    resp_id => 21739
    resp_appl_id => 514 );
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    Can you please help??

    Hi Kesava,
    I notice that in the package you used the application user_name=CHUNDUK calls the API pa_project_pub.create_project.
    I wonder if you used chunduk as database user to execute the package Or you used APPS to execute the package?
    The APi document states that it is a requirement to create a db username as the same name with the application username.
    I have been running the problem to execute API 's delete project and try to figure what could be my problem.

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    l_user_id NUMBER;
    l_resp_id NUMBER;
    l_appl_id NUMBER;
    l_header_rec_in oe_order_pub.header_rec_type;
    l_line_tbl_in oe_order_pub.line_tbl_type;
    l_action_request_tbl_in oe_order_pub.request_tbl_type;
    l_header_rec_out oe_order_pub.header_rec_type;
    l_line_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_tbl_type;
    l_header_val_rec_out oe_order_pub.header_val_rec_type;
    l_header_adj_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_tbl_type;
    l_header_adj_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_val_tbl_type;
    l_header_price_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_price_att_tbl_type;
    l_header_adj_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_att_tbl_type;
    l_header_adj_assoc_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_adj_assoc_tbl_type;
    l_header_scredit_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_scredit_tbl_type;
    l_header_scredit_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.header_scredit_val_tbl_type;
    l_line_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_val_tbl_type;
    l_line_adj_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_tbl_type;
    l_line_adj_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_val_tbl_type;
    l_line_price_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_price_att_tbl_type;
    l_line_adj_att_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_att_tbl_type;
    l_line_adj_assoc_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_adj_assoc_tbl_type;
    l_line_scredit_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_scredit_tbl_type;
    l_line_scredit_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.line_scredit_val_tbl_type;
    l_lot_serial_tbl_out oe_order_pub.lot_serial_tbl_type;
    l_lot_serial_val_tbl_out oe_order_pub.lot_serial_val_tbl_type;
    l_action_request_tbl_out oe_order_pub.request_tbl_type;
    l_chr_program_unit_name VARCHAR2 (100);
    l_chr_ret_status VARCHAR2 (1000) := NULL;
    l_msg_count NUMBER := 0;
    l_msg_data VARCHAR2 (2000);
    l_num_api_version NUMBER := 1.0;
    CURSOR c_so_details IS
    SELECT oh.order_number, ol.
    FROM oe_order_lines_all ol, oe_order_headers_all oh
    WHERE oh.header_id = ol.header_id
    AND oh.org_id = ol.org_id
    AND NVL (ol.cancelled_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND oh.order_number = '90015792'
    AND ol.line_number in (1,2)
    AND ol.shipment_number = 1
    AND ol.flow_status_code = 'INVOICE_HOLD';
    SELECT user_id
    INTO l_user_id
    FROM fnd_user
    WHERE user_name = 'CSK_C1';
    SELECT responsibility_id, application_id
    INTO l_resp_id, l_appl_id
    FROM fnd_responsibility_vl
    WHERE responsibility_name = 'Order Management Super User';
    fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_appl_id);
    FOR iso_rec IN c_so_details LOOP
    l_line_tbl_in (1) := oe_order_pub.g_miss_line_rec;
    l_line_tbl_in (1).line_id := iso_rec.line_id;
    l_line_tbl_in (1).ordered_quantity := 0;
    l_line_tbl_in (1).change_reason := 'Admin Error';
    l_line_tbl_in (1).change_comments := 'CANCEL ORDER';
    l_line_tbl_in (1).operation := oe_globals.g_opr_update;
    mo_global.set_policy_context ('S', iso_rec.org_id);
    *(p_api_version_number => l_num_api_version,*
    p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false,
    p_return_values => fnd_api.g_false,
    p_action_commit => fnd_api.g_false,
    p_header_rec => l_header_rec_in,
    p_action_request_tbl => l_action_request_tbl_in,
    p_line_tbl => l_line_tbl_in,
    x_header_rec => l_header_rec_out,
    x_header_val_rec => l_header_val_rec_out,
    x_header_adj_tbl => l_header_adj_tbl_out,
    x_header_adj_val_tbl => l_header_adj_val_tbl_out,
    x_header_price_att_tbl => l_header_price_att_tbl_out,
    x_header_adj_att_tbl => l_header_adj_att_tbl_out,
    x_header_adj_assoc_tbl => l_header_adj_assoc_tbl_out,
    x_header_scredit_tbl => l_header_scredit_tbl_out,
    x_header_scredit_val_tbl=> l_header_scredit_val_tbl_out,
    x_line_tbl => l_line_tbl_out,
    x_line_val_tbl => l_line_val_tbl_out,
    x_line_adj_tbl => l_line_adj_tbl_out,
    x_line_adj_val_tbl => l_line_adj_val_tbl_out,
    x_line_price_att_tbl => l_line_price_att_tbl_out,
    x_line_adj_att_tbl => l_line_adj_att_tbl_out,
    x_line_adj_assoc_tbl => l_line_adj_assoc_tbl_out,
    x_line_scredit_tbl => l_line_scredit_tbl_out,
    x_line_scredit_val_tbl => l_line_scredit_val_tbl_out,
    x_lot_serial_tbl => l_lot_serial_tbl_out,
    x_lot_serial_val_tbl => l_lot_serial_val_tbl_out,
    x_action_request_tbl => l_action_request_tbl_out,
    x_return_status => l_chr_ret_status,
    x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
    x_msg_data => l_msg_data);
    l_msg_data := NULL;
    IF l_chr_ret_status <> 'S' THEN
    FOR iindx IN 1 .. l_msg_count LOOP
    l_msg_data := l_msg_data|| '.' ||oe_msg_pub.get (iindx);
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Sales Order => '||iso_rec.order_number||' - Line Number => '||iso_rec.line_number||' - Shipment Number => '||iso_rec.shipment_number||' Having Line ID=> '||iso_rec.line_id||' Cancelled Successfully' );
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Return Status: '|| l_chr_ret_status);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error Message: '|| l_msg_data);
    but the ouput is*
    Sales Order => 90015792 - Line Number => 1 - Shipment Number => 1 Having Line ID=> 3269602 Cancelled Successfully
    Return Status: U
    Error Message: .FND
    Sales Order => 90015792 - Line Number => 2 - Shipment Number => 1 Having Line ID=> 3269603 Cancelled Successfully
    Return Status: U
    Error Message: .FND
    also the lines still remain INVOICE HOLD
    Could anyone help me on this .
    I want cancel this order by today please suggest.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Kesava,
    I notice that in the package you used the application user_name=CHUNDUK calls the API pa_project_pub.create_project.
    I wonder if you used chunduk as database user to execute the package Or you used APPS to execute the package?
    The APi document states that it is a requirement to create a db username as the same name with the application username.
    I have been running the problem to execute API 's delete project and try to figure what could be my problem.

  • Error while creating Project.

    Hi All,
    While creating project, I'm getting an error as below:
         [wdgen] WARNING: Metadata of component VcOADP is not valid! ComponentUsage "//WebDynpro/", Role "UsedComponent": A minimum of 1 object(s) is required
       Generating packages/com/sap/xss/ser/oadp/wdp/
         [wdgen] [Info]    Generating packages/com/sap/xss/ser/oadp/wdp/
         [wdgen] [Info]    Generating packages/com/sap/xss/ser/oadp/wdp/
         [wdgen] [Info]    Generating packages/com/sap/xss/ser/oadp/
         [wdgen] [Info]    Generating packages/com/sap/xss/ser/oadp/wdp/
         [wdgen] [Info]    Generating packages/com/sap/xss/ser/oadp/FcOADPInterfaceCfg.wdcontroller
         [wdgen] [Info]    Generating packages/com/sap/xss/ser/oadp/wdp/
         [wdgen] [Error] --> Component VcOADP: Has invalid component usage 'FcObjectSelection'
         [wdgen] [Error] --> Component VcOADP [FcObjectSelection]: Component usage has no used component
         [wdgen] [Error] --> Component VcOADP [FcNavigation]: Component usage has no used component
         [wdgen] [Info] --> TransparentContainer RootUIElementContainer [Children]: Container does not contain children
         [wdgen] [Info] --> TextView ColumnConfigurationTextView: UIElement does not have a label
         [wdgen] [Info] --> TransparentContainer RootUIElementContainer [Children]: Container does not contain children
         [wdgen] [Info] --> TransparentContainer RootUIElementContainer [Children]: Container does not contain children
         [wdgen] [Info] --> TransparentContainer RootUIElementContainer [Children]: Container does not contain children
         [wdgen] [Info]    Catching throwable null
         [wdgen] [Info]
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         [wdgen]      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         [wdgen]      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         [wdgen]      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at$BuildRequestHandler.handle(
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         [wdgen]      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         [wdgen]      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         [wdgen]      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at$1.execute(
         [wdgen]      at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceModifyOperation$
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at
         [wdgen]      at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$
         [wdgen] ERROR: Unknown exception during generation null (
         [wdgen] ERROR: Generation failed due to errors (5 seconds)
    Error: C:\Documents and Settings\agoel\.dtc\0\DCs\\pcui_gp\oadp\_comp\gen\default\logs\build.xml:97: [Error]   Generation failed!
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceModifyOperation$
         at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$
    If anybody has some idea about this, please help me with the same.

    Hi Thunder Feng,
    In My case that is the same a rempote DC , kindly assist me in solving the issue ...
    im getting error as shown below
    Error Fri Feb 01 09:48:28 IST 2013 Feb 1, 2013 9:48:28 AM [Thread[main,5,main]] Error: No team provider found for the project.

  • Error while creating project through import.wdl

    We are having issues creating project using the import.wdl.
    We are able to create content administration and merchandising projects though.
    We are getting the following error while creating a programatic import project through import.wdl
    [12/8/13 23:26:27:259 CST] 00000021 SystemErr     R atg.workflow.WorkflowException: The inner project was not created. Check that your project workflow has been initialized by the workflow engine.
    [12/8/13 23:26:27:260 CST] 00000021 SystemErr     R  at atg.epub.project.ProcessHomeMethods.initializeProcess(
    [12/8/13 23:26:27:260 CST] 00000021 SystemErr     R  at atg.epub.project._ProcessHome_Impl.initializeProcess(
    [12/8/13 23:26:27:260 CST] 00000021 SystemErr     R  at atg.epub.project._ProcessHome_ReposImpl.initializeProcess(
    [12/8/13 23:26:27:260 CST] 00000021 SystemErr     R  at atg.epub.servlet.CreateProcessFormHandler.handleCreateProcess(
    We have checked all the workflow manager settings. The workflowProcessManager.xml is properly pointing to the system name and drp port.
    We had delete entries from
    upon enabling the logdebugs of WorkFlowProcesManager, we are seeing the following debugs.
    [12/8/13 23:31:08:101 CST] 00000020 SystemOut     O /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager received message on port IndividualEvents message: ObjectMessage()
    [12/8/13 23:31:08:101 CST] 00000020 SystemOut     O /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager [message]: received an individual event message StartWorkflowMessage[messageId=96000003subjectId=prc272003,subjectType=process,processName=/Commerce/import.wdl,segmentName=main,user=user : admin null] of type atg.workflow.StartWorkflow
    [12/8/13 23:31:08:101 CST] 00000020 SystemOut     O /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager [message]: created individual execution context ProcessExecutionContextImpl[individual,subject=process:prc272003,messageType=atg.workflow.StartWorkflow,message=StartWorkflowMessage[messageId=96000003subjectId=prc272003,subjectType=process,processName=/Commerce/import.wdl,segmentName=main,user=user : admin null],sessionId=Tw-Yr5CQqqkADS3q8MadASz,parentSessionId=Tw-Yr5CQqqkADS3q8MadASz,request=atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest@1009990707,response=atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse@3c9e3c9e]
    [12/8/13 23:31:08:103 CST] 00000020 SystemOut     O /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager [message]: 0 individual instances found for subject process:prc272003
    [12/8/13 23:31:08:103 CST] 00000020 SystemOut     O /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager [message]: going through process segments registered for type atg.workflow.StartWorkflow for subject process:prc272003

    If you have a support contract with Orcale you can find out hoe to fix this error by checking out Knowledge Article 1038072.1 How to troubleshoot "atg.workflow.WorkflowException: The inner project was not created. Check that your project workflow has been initialized by the workflow engine."
    The article says you should:
    delete from epub_wf_server_id
    delete from epub_coll_workflow
    delete from epub_workflow_info
    restart server and retest
    2. If problem exists check that you have configured the Workflow Process Editor Server correctly.
    The problem is that probably the workflow has not been not been initialized correctly by the Workflow Editor Server.

  • Error while creating projects in SAP-PS from cProjects

    Need suggestion on creating projects in SAP-PS from cProjects. There is cProjects & SAP-PS interface.The requirment is to create project in SAP-PS from cProjects. All the configuration has done in cProjects & PS module also. While saving the projects & checking the accouting the following error & project is n't creating.
    1.Combination company / CO area is invalid Message no. KO124
    2.Acct assignment determination is not the account assgnmnt manager
    Message no. IAOM220
    3.Only one error message is transferred from the log to the cockpit
    Message no. IAOM_CPROJECTS029
    I would like to request all to suggest in fixing the issue.
    Thank you for your coopearation.

    Hi Ranjan,
    If the companay code does not belong to the Co area,  the system will certainly raise an error message. The question is, where do the values come from.
    Woud you please check the customizing in ERP system, if you can find the inconsistence:
    1. Customizing of the Proj.Profile under 'Create Project Profile' , SAP standard delivered is CPR0001, may be replaced by customer,
    Which Co-area & company code are used. In Tab 'organization'
    2. Which responsible Org.unit is maitained at involved cProject, to which co-area or company codes is this org.unit assigned.
    3. If the Badi under the
    Integration with Other Components ->
    Collaboration Projects -> Controlling ->  Business Add-Ins (BAdIs),
    which set the org. information hardly via Badi method.
    Kind regards,

  • Error while creating project automatically from cProjects

    Need suggestion on creating projects in SAP-PS from cProjects. There is cProjects & SAP-PS interface.The requirment is to create project in SAP-PS from cProjects. All the configuration has done in cProjects & PS module also. While saving the projects & checking the accouting the following error & project is n't creating.
    1.Combination company / CO area is invalid Message no. KO124
    2.Acct assignment determination is not the account assgnmnt manager
    Message no. IAOM220
    3.Only one error message is transferred from the log to the cockpit
    Message no. IAOM_CPROJECTS029
    I would like to request all to suggest in fixing the issue.
    Thank you for your coopearation.

    The neccesary configuration for cProjects & SAP-PS interface are as follows.
    1. Project Types in cProjects, Object types, Organisation unit with Org structure in line with project profile
    2. Activate Accounting integration
    3. Object types for object link (WBSE in this case)
    4. Accounting integration using cost collector
    5. Easy cost planing settings both in R/3 systems & cProjects
    6. Project profile configuration in R/3 (cProjects standard)
    7. CO Scenario maintainance view determination (Multi level controlling-Project role, automatic)
    All the enterprise structure assignments should be same in cProjects & R/3.
    Hope this may help you.
    Rakesh Pradhan

  • Error While Creating Project From Active Workspace.

    Hi Friends,
    While I am trying to create Project (WebDynpro DC) from my Active Workspace.
    I am getting few errors..They are as follows.
    1> .classpath (read only exception) --- By mistakenly .classpath was added to one of my activity and it is in DTR. So kindly suggest me a solution to Delete this file.
    2> Resource ProjectProperties.wdproperties is not in sync with latest version.
    To delete resource:
    - check-in changes and then delete.
    - revert resource and then delete.
    Kindly suggest me some solutions.
    Thanks and Regards.
    Yajush Mishra

    The neccesary configuration for cProjects & SAP-PS interface are as follows.
    1. Project Types in cProjects, Object types, Organisation unit with Org structure in line with project profile
    2. Activate Accounting integration
    3. Object types for object link (WBSE in this case)
    4. Accounting integration using cost collector
    5. Easy cost planing settings both in R/3 systems & cProjects
    6. Project profile configuration in R/3 (cProjects standard)
    7. CO Scenario maintainance view determination (Multi level controlling-Project role, automatic)
    All the enterprise structure assignments should be same in cProjects & R/3.
    Hope this may help you.
    Rakesh Pradhan

  • Error while deploying project using HL7Adapter

    I have created a sample project trying to read HL7 message from a text file and printing the output to another text file. The whole process goes through series of steps and adapters involved e.g. Text File to Queue to HL7Adapter to TCPIP adapter to final output text file. I am not modifying the contents.
    Build is done successfully, but I am getting error while deployment which I am not able to figure out. If anybody is having any idea, please let me know. I am using Windows Vista 32-bit, JDK 1.6.07, Java CAPS 6.
    If I reduce the steps to File->Queue->File, then it works fine, but involving HL7Adapter I am getting this error.
    Following is the stack trace extracted from the server log:
    RAR7096: Exception null while trying to set the value BASE64... on property RAConfiguration
    RAR6035 : Resource adapter start failed : {0}
    com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorRuntimeException: Wrong parameters for pool creation : null
    at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ActiveInboundResourceAdapter.loadRAConfiguration(
    at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ActiveInboundResourceAdapter.<init>(
    at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ActiveRAFactory.createActiveResourceAdapter(
    at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ResourceAdapterAdminServiceImpl.createActiveResourceAdapter(
    at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorRuntime.createActiveResourceAdapter(
    ... 71 more
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    ... 72 more
    Caused by:
    ... 77 more
    Caused by:
    ... 78 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    at com.sun.enterprise.loader.EJBClassLoader.findClassData(
    at com.sun.enterprise.loader.EJBClassLoader.findClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    ... 79 more
    CORE5021: Application NOT loaded: [Deployment1CAPSProject1]
    ADM1075:Error on listening event:[Error while enabling application [Deployment1CAPSProject1]. Please refer to the server log for more details. ]

    I have created a sample project trying to read HL7 message from a text file and printing the output to another text file. The whole process goes through series of steps and adapters involved e.g. Text File to Queue to HL7Adapter to TCPIP adapter to final output text file. I am not modifying the contents.
    Build is done successfully, but I am getting error while deployment which I am not able to figure out. If anybody is having any idea, please let me know. I am using Windows Vista 32-bit, JDK 1.6.07, Java CAPS 6.
    If I reduce the steps to File->Queue->File, then it works fine, but involving HL7Adapter I am getting this error.
    Following is the stack trace extracted from the server log:
    RAR7096: Exception null while trying to set the value BASE64... on property RAConfiguration
    RAR6035 : Resource adapter start failed : {0}
    com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorRuntimeException: Wrong parameters for pool creation : null
    at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ActiveInboundResourceAdapter.loadRAConfiguration(
    at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ActiveInboundResourceAdapter.<init>(
    at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ActiveRAFactory.createActiveResourceAdapter(
    at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ResourceAdapterAdminServiceImpl.createActiveResourceAdapter(
    at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorRuntime.createActiveResourceAdapter(
    ... 71 more
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    ... 72 more
    Caused by:
    ... 77 more
    Caused by:
    ... 78 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    at com.sun.enterprise.loader.EJBClassLoader.findClassData(
    at com.sun.enterprise.loader.EJBClassLoader.findClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    ... 79 more
    CORE5021: Application NOT loaded: [Deployment1CAPSProject1]
    ADM1075:Error on listening event:[Error while enabling application [Deployment1CAPSProject1]. Please refer to the server log for more details. ]

  • Error while creating Project Change Control - You are trying to access a page that is no longer active.

    Hi there
    We are on Release 12.2.4 (on Linux x86-64) and getting the following error while assigning the Agreement to a Change Control's Action Item. As a result of this we are unable to proceed ahead with completing the Project Change Control process.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Steps to reproduce
    Navigation - Project SU Vision Services Responsibility > Project > Control > Change Orders
    1. Create a new Change Order > Create a new Action > Impact > Check Financial Impact checkbox
    2. Under the 'Agreement Information' choose the Funding Agreement. Following error is thrown:
    You are trying to access a page that is no longer active.
    - The referring page may have come from a previous session. Please select Home to proceed.
    3. I tried clearing the cache, bounced Apache, and even restarted the entire Application Tier. The error doesn't go away.
    Kabeer Khan

    Hi there
    We are on Release 12.2.4 (on Linux x86-64) and getting the following error while assigning the Agreement to a Change Control's Action Item. As a result of this we are unable to proceed ahead with completing the Project Change Control process.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Steps to reproduce
    Navigation - Project SU Vision Services Responsibility > Project > Control > Change Orders
    1. Create a new Change Order > Create a new Action > Impact > Check Financial Impact checkbox
    2. Under the 'Agreement Information' choose the Funding Agreement. Following error is thrown:
    You are trying to access a page that is no longer active.
    - The referring page may have come from a previous session. Please select Home to proceed.
    3. I tried clearing the cache, bounced Apache, and even restarted the entire Application Tier. The error doesn't go away.
    Kabeer Khan

  • Error while creating Resource using GDS

    Iam trying to create Resource using GDS and it is throwing me error
    clresource: (C189917) VALIDATE on resource egateq00-haegate_reg-res, resource group egateq00-rg, exited with non-zero exit status.
    clresource: (C720144) Validation of resource egateq00-haegate_reg-res in resource group egateq00-rg on node uhegateq02 failed.
    clresource: (C891200) Failed to create resource "egateq00-haegate_reg-res".
    This is the command I executed
    rclresource create -g egateq00-rg -t SUNW.gds
    -p Scalable=false -p Start_timeout=120 -p Stop_timeout=120 -p Probe_timeout=30
    -p Port_list="23001/tcp" -p Start_command="/egateq00/scripts/" -p Stop_command="/egateq00/scripts/"
    -p Probe_command="/egateq00/scripts/" -p Child_mon_level=1 -p Network_resources_used=egateq00-lh-res -p Failover_enabled=FALSE
    -p Stop_signal=15 egateq00-haegate_reg-res
    The log under /var/cluster/logs/DS says following
    07/01/2008 17:56:43 uhegateq02 START-INFO> scha_resource_open failed [14]. Keeping the old Log_level value
    07/01/2008 17:56:43 uhegateq02 START-ERROR> Cannot access the start command </egateq00/scripts/> : <No such file or directory>
    07/01/2008 18:13:23 uhegateq02 START-INFO> scha_resource_open failed [14]. Keeping the old Log_level value
    07/01/2008 18:13:23 uhegateq02 START-ERROR> Cannot access the start command </egateq00/scripts/> : <No such file or directory>
    However, I can open these scripts and run it from anywhere. I also tested these scripts and they all work fine. They are all set to chmod 777 , so everyone should have execute permission
    Iam not returning any return value from these Start and Stop script , is that the why it is failing

    I disabled the PMF as described on the This is what I did
    1>Added following line in the top of my Start script
    while getopts 'R:G:' opt
    case "${opt}" in
    sleep 60 &
    /usr/cluster/bin/pmfadm -s ${RESOURCEGROUP},${RESOURCE},0.svc
    2>While creating the resource , I used property for Start_command="/egateq00/scripts/ -R %RS_NAME -G %RG_NAME"
    Now , after doing this , My RG is not getting lost. Also , in the message file I do not see the errors of "Start script failed to stay UP"
    However, My Application is not started either.
    This is what the message file says
    Jul 3 16:43:32 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 515159 daemon.notice] method <gds_validate> completed successfully for resource <egateq00-haegat
    e-reg-res>, resource group <egateq00-rg>, node <uhegateq01>, time used: 0% of timeout <300 seconds>
    Jul 3 16:43:32 uhegateq01 Cluster.CCR: [ID 973933 daemon.notice] resource egateq00-haegate-reg-res added.
    Jul 3 16:43:32 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 224900 daemon.notice] launching method <gds_svc_start> for resource <egateq00-haegate-reg-res>,
    resource group <egateq00-rg>, node <uhegateq01>, timeout <120> seconds
    Jul 3 16:43:32 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 252072 daemon.notice] 50 fe_rpc_command: cmd_type(enum):<1>:cmd=</opt/SUNWscgds/bin/gds_svc_star
    t>:tag=<egateq00-rg.egateq00-haegate-reg-res.0>: Calling security_clnt_connect(..., host=<uhegateq01>, sec_type {0:WEAK, 1:STRONG, 2:DES} =<1>, .
    Jul 3 16:43:35 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 515159 daemon.notice] method <gds_svc_start> completed successfully for resource <egateq00-haega
    te-reg-res>, resource group <egateq00-rg>, node <uhegateq01>, time used: 2% of timeout <120 seconds>
    Jul 3 16:43:35 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 224900 daemon.notice] launching method <gds_monitor_start> for resource <egateq00-haegate-reg-re
    s>, resource group <egateq00-rg>, node <uhegateq01>, timeout <300> seconds
    Jul 3 16:43:35 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 252072 daemon.notice] 50 fe_rpc_command: cmd_type(enum):<1>:cmd=</opt/SUNWscgds/bin/gds_monitor_
    start>:tag=<egateq00-rg.egateq00-haegate-reg-res.7>: Calling security_clnt_connect(..., host=<uhegateq01>, sec_type {0:WEAK, 1:STRONG, 2:DES} =<1
    , ...)Jul 3 16:43:35 uhegateq01 Cluster.RGM.rgmd: [ID 515159 daemon.notice] method <gds_monitor_start> completed successfully for resource <egateq00-h
    aegate-reg-res>, resource group <egateq00-rg>, node <uhegateq01>, time used: 0% of timeout <300 seconds>
    4>Also , in the /var/cluster/logs/DS , I see the Start script started succesfully
    07/03/2008 16:43:32 uhegateq01 START-INFO> Start succeeded. [egateq00/scripts/ -R egateq00-haegate-reg-res -G egateq00-rg]
    5>Also , in the /var/cluster/logs/DS , I see the Probe script returning 0 , but this is wierd because it should return Non zero number. When I run the Probe script from the command line , it is returning me non zero value when the application is down
    07/03/2008 16:43:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The GDS monitor (gds_probe) has been started
    07/03/2008 16:44:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:44:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:45:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:45:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:46:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:46:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:47:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:47:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:48:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:48:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:49:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:49:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:50:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:50:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:51:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:51:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:52:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:52:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:53:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:53:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:54:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:54:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:55:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:55:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0
    07/03/2008 16:56:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> Probe has been executed with exit code 0 [egateq00/scripts/]
    07/03/2008 16:56:35 uhegateq01 PROBE-INFO> The probe result is 0

Maybe you are looking for