Error13 Invalid or Unsupported Executable format

Trying to install Solaris 10 on my PC and get the above message from Grub.
Grub starts up and I pick Solaris as the install option, I then get the error message as above..
on checking the command it shows
kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -B install_media=cdrom
I'm using the DVD iso image.
I can view the DVD from Windows XP Pro
My system
AMD Athlon +3200 with 1Gb Memory
Nvidea Nforce 2 chipsets on Gigabyte Ga7NNXP motherboard.
Video is Nvidea GeForce FX5700Le (256MB)
Installing on to 2 x 80Gb Maxtor PATA Disks, last used on a windows system, do these need to be reformatted ? How ?

Could still be a bad burn. Try burning a new DVD at a slower rate?

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    itsakc wrote:
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    Have you Found the way to solve this problem yet?
    I  have got the same problem. Here is the error log when building the IPA:
    ld: warning: ignoring file /var/folders/c0/m8m1_z5915qblkj9d_7jhmcw0000gn/T/3cb383e9-0092-4b1c-909f-5c219b2fbcd4/Par tytrack.framework/Partytrack, file was built for unsupported file format ( 0x56 0x65 0x72 0x73 0x69 0x6f 0x6e 0x73 0x2f 0x43 0x75 0x72 0x72 0x65 0x6e 0x74 ) which is not the architecture being linked (armv7): /var/folders/c0/m8m1_z5915qblkj9d_7jhmcw0000gn/T/3cb383e9-0092-4b1c-909f-5c219b2fbcd4/Par tytrack.framework/Partytrack
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    <arg value="extension.xml"/>
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    <arg line="-platform default -C ../default/ ."/>
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    You are likely saving RAW images to the camera's card, while the TV probably reads only JPG files. 
    1) Change the camera's image mode from RAW to L (Large JPG) OR
    2) Connect to the TV using an HDMI cable, so the file format becomes irrelevant. 

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    Make sure the connections are good and tighten down the thumb screws on all connectors. If two monitors are giving problems with DVI, it could be there is a hardware problem with the DVI port on the mini.
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    Reload web page(s) and bypass the cache.
    * Press and hold Shift and left-click the Reload button.
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    * Press "Cmd + Shift + R" (MAC)
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    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    * Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"

  • Pre Lion iPhone videos show Thumbnail but can't play - new video generates Unsupported Video Format popup, no thumb but will play via quicktime

    This is really frustrating -
    Over the last year I have been uploading all of my photos and occasional iPhone video to Aperture 3 (latest version all patches in place).    Aperture would recognize the video, create a thumbnale and otherwise treat it nicely.
    Now, since upgrading to Lion I find that though I can "see" the old videos in their folders or projects and the associated Thunbnale, I can't play them - I either get the spinning color wheel and then nothing or Aperture will crash and report an error relating to Quicktime (sorry don't have an error code at the moment).
    If I try and export a video I can - but what I get also can't be played by Quicktime - just a black screen.  When I hit Play - the scroll bar moves, but there is no sound or video.
    From Final Cut Pro X, I can imoprt this exported video file and see that it appears complete - but FCPX uses it's own playback elements.
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    I have also had some issues with Lion Mail crashing when trying to play a video made on an iPhone and sent to me via email.   Seems more likley to be a Lion / Quicktime issue then an Aperture and Mail issue - but who knows.
    I spent 2.5 hours of quality time with the Genius bar this morning.  We reinstalled Lion and after that the suggestion was to trash and re-install Aperture, but that would require my disc and of coruse a trip home.   Mail doesn't seem to still have the issues with iPhone movies that it had - but Aperture is still not happy.
    Did as instructed and dragged Aperture 3 to the trash, did the empty trash option, restarted and reinstalled.   Then did a software update to catch the new update for Aperture and it found that.   Interestingly when I did start it up after that it DID NOT ask me for my key - so clearly some elements were left over.  
    Now upon retstarting Aperture 3 once again I find that I can still see my old movies (their thumbnails show up) but I still can't play them.   The new test movie is there but still generates the popup regarding it being an Unsupported Video Format.
    And it's not just my iPhone.   Video sent via email from another iPhone can play as an attachment, or when dragged and dropped to the desktop, but once imported into Aperture is once again proclaimed to be an Unsupported Video Format.  
    Hoping someone out there knows how to resolve this....

    For some reason it just started to work now. Have no idea what didn't work before.

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  • Fed up with "Unsupported File format" crashes!

    I really like Aperture - but, I am totally fed up with only being able to edit a few photos before I get the dreaded red/brown screen and the message of 'Unsupported file format' This cannot be the case as they are all .tifs and I have just edited several OK. My whole day is now one of 'stop/start' and either quit or sometimes 'Force quit'. Then Aperture works fine for another short series of edits - before the same problem recurs. It wastes a lot of valuable editing time - and completely spoils the otherwise pleasurable experience of using Aperture!
    I have made a lot of scans from original slides via a Nikon Coolscan 5000 - using Silverfast I have converted these from 48 bit to 24 bit. However, the file size is still large at 100MB - to get the best from the slides. I then import these .tifs into Aperture 2.1. I am using a MacBook Pro, 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4 MB RAM. I have an external 24 inch monitor. The .tif files are on an external firewire hard drive - 500 GB LaCie. My Aperture library is in my pictures folder on my MacBook Pro.
    Can someone PLEASE explain how and why I can make a series of edits fine in Aperture and then suddenly I get the red/brown screen and this unsupported file format message?
    Is it a memory problem? Given that I need to edit such large files is it a problem for my (powerful) MacBook Pro? Or, is it a more general problem with Aperure 2.1?
    Any advice - or solutions - PLEASE

    It's a bug in Aperture 2.x with large files and/or large pixel dimensions on images (not clear which). I have submitted a bug report, as should anyone who is seeing this. You'll find quite a few threads on this if you search back. The error message is frustratingly incorrect: there is nothing whatsoever unsupported or wrong with the file format, it just leads you down some dead ends in trying to find a solution while you figure that out.
    I could sometimes not even work on one image before it would do this. I went from 6GB to 10GB in my Mac Pro, and now I can pretty reliably work on two images before having to restart. So that to me smells like a memory leak or memory mismanagement of some sort is at the root of this, but who knows. We're all just waiting for each next release, hoping Apple has finally found and fixed this, because as you know they don't spend a lot of time discussing what bugs they're addressing; they just show up fixed eventually (one hopes!)
    If anyone chimes in here to tell you it's your fault for working with such large images, just ignore them. There were releases of 1.5 that handled these images just fine, as Aperture should. It broke with 2.x.

  • "Unsupported Image Format" all of a sudden, with previously workable files

    I've got an issue that seems very strange indeed.
    Months ago, I bought a Pentax K20D. I also bought a 17" MacBook Pro and Aperture. Camera and Aperture played well together.
    I encountered the known issue with white spots on the image when using the 2-second timer for long exposures. I read about how the Pentax firmware update 1.01 changed the EXIF Make information, causing Aperture to be unable to read the K20D PEF RAWs. So I waited.
    When Aperture 2.1.1 was released (and I think the Apple RAW update), I installed both of those. When I heard through this forum that the updates fixed the problem, I also updated my camera's firmware and confirmed that it worked.
    So smooth sailing for a few months on Aperture 2.1.1, OS 10.5.3 (or .4, I forget), and K20D firmware 1.01.
    Then I bought a Mac Pro 8-Core with 10.5.4 on it. I sold the 17" MacBook Pro. I used the Migration Wizard to move my user account from one machine to the other, but did a fresh install of all applications. (I've been an Apple tech for the past 7 years, and have various certifications. I know the user transfer process isn't perfect, but it should have the following results... read on)
    Now, in Aperture 2.1.1 on 10.5.4 with all updates, PEF RAWs taken with K20D firmware 1.01 that were previously edited, manipulated, etc just fine on my MacBook Pro say "Unsupported Image Format" in a big reddish-black box when I try to view the master. If I switch to Quick Preview, it displays just fine, but is un-adjustable. Additionally, any NEW images I copy from my K20D show in the Import window as being 0x0 pixels (or occasionally 160x120 pixels) and will only show a tiny preview or "Unsupported Image Format." All PEF RAWs taken with K20D firmware 1.0 are just fine.
    So here's what I've done:
    1) Tested a fresh install of 10.5.4 on another HD in the Mac Pro. Installed Aperture 2.1, updated to 2.1.1. This should be perfectly clean. It gives the "Unsupported Image Format" error with any new images from my K20D. Copying the library from my other partition gives the same problems as described earlier.
    2) Tested a fresh install of 10.5.3 on another partition in a Macbook Pro. Installed Aperture 2.1, updated to 2.1.1. Applied the Apple RAW update and iLife enhancements. It gives the same errors as before.
    3) Tested a fresh install of 10.4.11 on another partition in a Macbook Pro. Installed Aperture 2.1, updated to 2.1.1. This worked perfectly for all PEFs and DNGs.
    4) Took a month-old backup (from when everything was working just fine) of my Aperture Library and loaded it into all of the above configurations. Same results!
    So what is the deal here? Aperture all of a sudden can't read images that it itself was able to edit a month ago? How come it works just fine in 10.4.11? This seems really messy. I have essentially lost a lot of the work I've put in.
    I can use DNGs moving forward, but my past work is now messed up, and the DNGs are almost 75% bigger than the PEFs!
    Anyone have any ideas for resolution or should I just call Apple?
    Message was edited by: MonsieurBon

    If it's any consolation, I had the EXACT same problem today; just opened Aperture 2 and my entire library of images shows "unsupported image format' -- the thumbnails are still intact but clicking on any image suddenly shows the red screen.
    Same situation, these images were previously editable and accessible. We had a power outage an hour ago and initially I thought my library had crashed, but I was not actually using Aperture 2 at the time of the outage so I don't think that's the case.
    Given the relatively sparse attention Apple gives to these forums, I don't expect there will be a quick response.
    I have Leopard 10.5.4 installed, I don't have access to another version of the OS to see if I can get it work. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't there a series of Software Updates recently? I click on these without really checking the apps that are affected; could Aperture have been one of the apps 'revised' by the recent update?

  • Canon EOS 350D .CR2 pics still 'unsupported image format'?

    I was releaved to see updates in Mac OS X (10.4.8) and Aperture 1.5 the other week, hoping it would solve my problem, being able to finally work with my RAW files (.cr2) from the Canon EOS 350D (yes, being in Europe these days).
    I followed the posts on the forum throughout the summer, which recommended waiting for the next OS X update (which should support the camera in that raw definition file) and I didn't want to use the workaround, which clearly had problems with the colors on the pics.
    After all the updates the other week, nothing has changed on my MBP. Still the 'Unsupported Image Format' on my RAW files. On the other hand, I don't see any posts on problems with the 350D camera anymore as well (only on CR2 files in general).
    Am I missing something really basic here (tried rebuild library)? Or, have all the CR2 formats gone down the drain on Aperture 1.5?
    Any help is appreciated, as I have already looked into Adobe Lightroom Beta and although I don't want to switch, the files seem to work there...

    Yes, the import thumbnail is as you describe, the low res. JPG that is embedded in the RAW wrapper.
    10.4.8 needs to be installed prior to Aperture 1.5 .... from a functionality point of view. I am not aware of a dependence that says AP 1.5 has to be uninstalled before a 10.4.8 upgrade or any such, not that AP 1.5 should need re-installing after a 10.4.8 upgrade .... assuming it was working correctly beforehand.
    But to this last point, since you have an issue which may be related to AP or OS X, it is likely worthwhile updating both and in order.
    Final thought. do you import directly from the CF card / camera vs. using an intermediary tool such as ImageBrowser or DP Professional? I am wondering if Aperture is very OCD aboout the image format wrapper and chokes at the least excuse that other apps. and tools ignore.

  • Raw Files Appear Deleted or Corrupted Suddenly in Aperture with Unsupported Image Format Error

    I have been using Aperture 3, latest update, for the past year. Today, I tried to import new raw files from my new Sony RX1r and, as far as I can see, all raw files in Aperture give the "Unsupported Image Format" and alert symbol in the library where not only new files should be, but also ALL PREVIOUS RAW FILES. These files do no even show up as existing in the iPhoto Library.
    This is, needless to say, distressing, as hundreds and hundreds of photos seem lost. Also, the files show a reduced pixel size and file sizes all go to .5 Mb. Some of the photos seemed to show up initially and look fine until I tried to open them, then they all either disappear or show the Unsupported Image Format instead of the opened file. I have tried rebuilding the iPhoto library, but no help.
    I have looked in these discussions and see similar problems with Aperture. Perhaps, Apple has not made an update for the RX1r from the RX1 for raw files, but why should all older raw files now be corrupted, especially those recently made with my Olympus OM-D? Had no problem with Aperture until this disaster.
    Please help.

    Just an update. Restarted computer and attempted rebuilds of iPhoto library a couple more times and finally files and photos mostly recovered, except for those I had tried to open. Aperture seems to have a problem, or a host of them, dealing with RAW files, and there is no update yet for the Sony RX1R for Aperture or iPhoto. Lightroom 5, on the other hand, seems to work great with these files directly, so that will be where all photos go for now. Will iPhoto and Aperture just become old archives? It is so infuriating that Apple does not allow for simple importing and exporting compatibility with such an excellent program as Lightroom 5 just to protect their somewhat poorly supported Aperture. I've been a staunch Apple supporter and user since the 80's, but having more doubts about the direction this company is taking.

  • Unsupported image format after moving from one project to another

    I scanned several thousands of images to my Aperture library. Went thru all of them providing adjustments to many of them, keywords to all of them and adjust date/time to all of them. All of the pics were visible, format is jpeg.
    This is a managed library (all pics within Aperture db).
    This morning started to restructure the project files (had three of them). After moving couple of hundred images to newly created project file I started seeing "unsupported image format" red screen after clicking the jpeg. 20-30% of the pictures clicked showed on viewer "unsupported image format".
    Tried regenerating the previews. Tried command-option start with first fix the preferences option. Then with rebuild option.
    Tried moving the pictures back to their original project file.
    No joy... Still 20-30% of the pictures show the "unsupported image format".
    Aperture 2.1.
    Amy other tricks I could try?
    Reported this to Apple aperture feedback of course.

    Link the two Macs together: there are several ways to do this: Wireless Network, Firewire Target Disk Mode, Ethernet, or even just copy the Library to an external HD and then on to the new machine...
    But however you do choose to link the two machines...
    Simply copy the iPhoto Library from the Pictures Folder on the old Machine to the Pictures Folder on the new Machine.
    Then launch iPhoto. That's it.
    This moves photos, events, albums, books, keywords, slideshows and everything else.
    +Note: there is no importing involved+
    The thumbs appear, but the images are added 2 or 3 times each and the events are all messed up.
    This happens when you import one Library to another, which you've done by drag and drop:
    Creating a black library and over writing the new with the old.
    Your problem is arising because of the Network Share. iPhoto needs to have the Library sitting on disk formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Users with the Library sitting on disks otherwise formatted regularly report issues including, but not limited to, importing, saving edits and sharing the photos.

  • Unsupported Image Format after opening a file in Photoshop.

    As from today,I am getting an unsupported Image Format after opening a file in Photoshop. I have made nothing more than as crop on the image. Why?

    Ernie, I misread your post indeed. I never saw a option to send RAW files to an external editor. All I can see is the option to chose what editor and then specify if PSD or TIFF is used. I always use PSD, usually 16bit and in one other installation in 8bit (due to RAM restrictions there).
    So Aperture creates the PSD version and PS edits that very version and saves it back into aperture. This is where I sometimes () get that "unsupported image" problem.
    I think this also is what Mike does: select a RAW master, use an external editor -> Aperture creates a PSD or TIFF. I haven't tried the TIFF option , though.
    My main point was: it all worked for a very long time and with the latest updates it is broken.
    have a good day.

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    im converting stringwriter objec to Memory stream and saving this as .xlsx uploading file in library ,but when i try to open the file im getting error as below
    WorkBook may be in unsupported file format
    and when trying to open in excel getting message as
    Excel cannot open file  because file extention or file format is not valid .verify thet the file has not been corrupted and file extensions match file format

    May be you can use this approach:

Maybe you are looking for

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