Errors running converted application (from applet)

I've converted some codes (applet) into an application. When I run the application, I can see the GUI, but the application reports error as follows:
Exception occurred during event dispatching:
     at swarmCanvas.paint(
     at sun.awt.RepaintArea.paint(
     at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
     at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
     at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
     at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
What I see is only the GUI less the animation that occurs when it was an applet. Could anyone offer me any suggestions or help? Thanks a lot.

Here's my codes, many thanks:
* Swarm.class
* This is the major class of the swarm animation. The Swarm class is
* responsible for initialising and coordinating the Flock, swarmCanvas,
* and swarmPanel classes.
* @see Flock.class
* @see Bird.class
* @see Barrier.class
* @author Duncan Crombie
* @version 2.02, 20 September 1997
import java.awt.*;
public class Swarm extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable {
Thread animator; // animation thread
swarmCanvas arena; // display canvas
swarmPanel controls; // control panel
static int NUMBLUE = 15, NUMRED = 5, MAXPOP = 20;
static double SPEED = 5.0;
static int TURN = 15, MINDIST = 30, MAXDIST = 60;
boolean paused = false;
public void init() { // initialise applet components
arena = new swarmCanvas();
controls = new swarmPanel(NUMBLUE, NUMRED, MAXPOP);
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
add("Center", arena); // add canvas to applet at 'Center'
add("South", controls); // add panel to applet at 'South'
public void start() { // start thread when applet starts
if (animator == null) {
animator = new Thread(this);
public void stop() { // stop thread when applet stops
if (animator != null) {
animator = null;
public void run() {
boolean flocking = false;
while (true) {
if (!flocking && arena.unpacked) { // once canvas component is unpacked
Bird.setBoundaries(arena.w, arena.h); // set swarm boundaries
flocking = true;
} else if (flocking) {
Bird.setBoundaries(arena.w, arena.h);
if (!paused)
arena.flock.move(); // animate the flock
arena.repaint(); // update display
try {
Thread.sleep(20); // interval between steps
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
public boolean handleEvent(Event ev) { // check for control panel actions
if ( == Event.ACTION_EVENT && == controls.reset) {
resetApplet(); // reset button pressed in controls
return true;
if ( == Event.ACTION_EVENT && == controls.pause) {
paused = !paused; // toggle paused status
controls.pause.setLabel((paused) ? "Continue" : "Pause");
return true;
if ( == controls.sbRed) {
if ( == Event.SCROLL_LINE_UP)
arena.flock.removeBird(; // remove a red Bird from flock
else if ( == Event.SCROLL_LINE_DOWN)
arena.flock.addBird(new Bird(; // add a red Bird
return true;
if ( == controls.sbBlue) {
if ( == Event.SCROLL_LINE_UP)
arena.flock.removeBird(; // remove a blue Bird from flock
else if ( == Event.SCROLL_LINE_DOWN)
arena.flock.addBird(new Bird(; // add a blue Bird
return true;
return super.handleEvent(ev); // pass on unprocessed events
public boolean keyDown(Event e, int x) { // check for key press
boolean shiftKeyDown = ((e.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK) != 0);
if (shiftKeyDown) {
if (x == Event.DOWN) Flock.minDISTANCE -= 5; // less separation
if (x == Event.UP) Flock.minDISTANCE += 5; // more separation
if (x == Event.LEFT) Flock.maxDISTANCE -= 5; // lower detection
if (x == Event.RIGHT) Flock.maxDISTANCE += 5; // higher detection
Barrier.minRANGE = Flock.minDISTANCE;
Barrier.maxRANGE = Flock.maxDISTANCE;
} else {
if (x == Event.DOWN) Bird.maxSPEED -= 1.0; // slower
if (x == Event.UP) Bird.maxSPEED += 1.0; // faster
if (x == Event.LEFT) Bird.maxTURN -= 5; // less turning
if (x == Event.RIGHT) Bird.maxTURN += 5; // more turning
return true; // all key events handled
public void resetApplet() {
controls.sbBlue.setValue(NUMBLUE); // initialise scrollbars
* swarmPanel.class
* A Panel holding two scrollbars and two buttons for controlling the
* Swarm applet.
* @see Swarm.class
* @author Duncan Crombie
* @version 2.01, 20 September 1997
class swarmPanel extends Panel { // class defines applet control panel
Button reset, pause;
Scrollbar sbBlue = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL);
Scrollbar sbRed = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL);
Label label1, label2;
* The construction method creates and adds control panel components
swarmPanel(int numRed, int numBlue, int maxBoid) {
setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 3)); // define 2 x 3 grid layout for controls
label1 = new Label("Blue #");
label1.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); add(label1);
label2 = new Label("Red #");
label2.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); add(label2);
reset = new Button("Reset"); add(reset);
sbBlue.setValues(numRed, 1, 0, maxBoid);
sbRed.setValues(numBlue, 1, 0, maxBoid);
pause = new Button("Pause");
* swarmCanvas.class
* A Canvas for displaying the Flock and Swarm parameters.
* @see Swarm.class
* @author Duncan Crombie
* @version 2.01, 20 September 1997
class swarmCanvas extends Canvas {
Flock flock;
Image offScrImg;
boolean unpacked = false;
int w, h;
/* Double buffered graphics */
public void update(Graphics g) {
if (offScrImg == null || offScrImg.getWidth(this) != w || offScrImg.getHeight(this) != h)
offScrImg = createImage(w, h);
Graphics og = offScrImg.getGraphics();
g.drawImage(offScrImg, 0, 0, this);
public void paint(Graphics g) {
Dimension d = this.preferredSize();
if (!unpacked) {
this.w = d.width;
this.h = d.height;
unpacked = true;
g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); // draw white background
g.setColor(; // set font and write applet parameters
g.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 10));
g.drawString("Bird Speed: " + Bird.maxSPEED, 10, 15);
g.drawString("Bird Turning: " + Bird.maxTURN, 10, 30);
g.drawString("Minimum Distance: " + Flock.minDISTANCE, 10, 45);
g.drawString("Maximum Distance: " + Flock.maxDISTANCE, 10, 60);
flock.display(g); // draw Flock members
if (this.w != d.width || this.h != d.height)
unpacked = false;
public boolean mouseDown(Event ev, int x, int y) {
int radius = Barrier.maxRANGE;
boolean top, bottom;
flock.addBird(new Barrier(x, y)); // place Barrier at click coordinates
top = (y < radius);
bottom = (y > h-radius);
if (x < radius) { // if left
flock.addBird(new Barrier(w + x, y));
if (top) flock.addBird(new Barrier(w + x, h + y));
else if (bottom) flock.addBird(new Barrier(w + x, y - h));
} else if (x > w-radius) { // if right
flock.addBird(new Barrier(x - w, y));
if (top) flock.addBird(new Barrier(x - w, h + y));
else if (bottom) flock.addBird(new Barrier(x - w, y - h));
if (top) flock.addBird(new Barrier(x, h + y));
else if (bottom) flock.addBird(new Barrier(x, y - h));
return true;
* Bird.class
* This class defines the appearance and behaviour of a Bird object.
* @see Swarm.class
* @see Flock.class
* @see Barrier.class
* @author Duncan Crombie
* @version 2.02, 21 September 1997
import java.awt.*;
class Bird {
int iX, iY, iTheta;
Color cFeathers;
static int arenaWIDTH, arenaHEIGHT; // canvas dimensions
static double maxSPEED; // speed of Bird
static int maxTURN; // maximum turn in degrees
Bird(int x, int y, int theta, Color feath) {
iX = x;
iY = y;
iTheta = theta;
cFeathers = feath;
Bird(Color feath) {
this((int)(Math.random() * arenaWIDTH),
(int)(Math.random() * arenaHEIGHT),
(int)(Math.random() * 360),
public void move(int iHeading) {
int iChange = 0;
int left = (iHeading - iTheta + 360) % 360;
int right = (iTheta - iHeading + 360) % 360;
if (left < right)
iChange = Math.min(maxTURN, left);
iChange = -Math.min(maxTURN, right);
iTheta = (iTheta + iChange + 360) % 360;
iX += (int)(maxSPEED * Math.cos(iTheta * Math.PI/180)) + arenaWIDTH;
iX %= arenaWIDTH;
iY -= (int)(maxSPEED * Math.sin(iTheta * Math.PI/180)) - arenaHEIGHT;
iY %= arenaHEIGHT;
public void display(Graphics g) { // draw Bird as a filled arc
g.fillArc(iX - 12, iY - 12, 24, 24, iTheta + 180 - 15, 30);
public int getDistance(Bird bOther) {
int dX = bOther.getPosition().x-iX;
int dY = bOther.getPosition().y-iY;
return (int)Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dX, 2) + Math.pow(dY, 2));
static void setBoundaries(int w, int h) {
arenaWIDTH = w;
arenaHEIGHT = h;
public int getTheta() {
return iTheta;
public Point getPosition() {
return new Point(iX, iY);
public Color getFeathers() {
return cFeathers;
* Flock.class
* This class creates and coordinates the movement of a flock of Birds.
* @see Swarm.class
* @see Bird.class
* @see Barrier.class
* @author Duncan Crombie
* @version 2.02, 21 September 1997
import java.util.Vector;
import java.awt.*;
class Flock { // implement swarming algorithm on flock of birds
private Vector vBirds;
static int minDISTANCE, maxDISTANCE;
Flock(int nBlue, int nRed, double speed, int turn, int minDist, int maxDist) {
vBirds = new Vector(5, 5);
for (int i=0; i < nBlue + nRed; i++)
addBird(new Bird((i < nBlue) ? :;
Bird.maxSPEED = speed;
Bird.maxTURN = turn;
Barrier.minRANGE = minDISTANCE = minDist;
Barrier.maxRANGE = maxDISTANCE = maxDist;
public void addBird(Bird bird) { // add Bird to vector
synchronized void removeBird(Color col) { // remove Bird from vector
for (int i=0; i < vBirds.size(); i++) { // loop through vector of Birds
Bird bTemp = (Bird)vBirds.elementAt(i);
if (bTemp.getFeathers() == col) { // search for Bird of given colour
vBirds.removeElementAt(i); // if found, remove Bird..
break; // ..and stop searching
* The move function simply tells each Bird in the Vector vBirds to move
* according to the resultant Point of generalHeading.
synchronized public void move() {
for (int i=0; i < vBirds.size(); i++) {
Bird bTemp = (Bird)vBirds.elementAt(i);
* The display function simply draws each Bird in the Vector vBirds at its
* current position.
public void display(Graphics g) { // display each Bird in flock
for (int i=0; i < vBirds.size(); i++) {
Bird bTemp = (Bird)vBirds.elementAt(i);
public Point sumPoints(Point p1, double w1, Point p2, double w2) {
return new Point((int)(w1*p1.x + w2*p2.x), (int)(w1*p1.y + w2*p2.y));
public double sizeOfPoint(Point p) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p.x, 2) + Math.pow(p.y, 2));
public Point normalisePoint(Point p, double n) {
if (sizeOfPoint(p) == 0.0) return p;
else {
double weight = n / sizeOfPoint(p);
return new Point((int)(p.x * weight), (int)(p.y * weight));
* The generalHeading function determines the point a Bird will turn towards
* in the next timestep. The Bird b checks for all Birds (other than self)
* that fall within the detection range. If the Bird is of a different colour
* or closer than the separation distance then they are repulsed else the
* Birds are attracted according to the flocking algorithm.
private int generalHeading(Bird b) {
if (b instanceof Barrier) return 0;
Point pTarget = new Point(0, 0);
int numBirds = 0; // total of Birds to average
for (int i=0; i < vBirds.size(); i++) { // for each Bird in array
Bird bTemp = (Bird)vBirds.elementAt(i); // retrieve element i
int distance = b.getDistance(bTemp); // get distance to Bird
if (!b.equals(bTemp) && distance > 0 && distance <= maxDISTANCE) {
* If the neighbour is a sibling the algorithm tells the boid to align its
* direction with the other Bird. If the distance between them differs from
* minDISTANCE then a weighted forces is applied to move it towards that
* distance. This force is stronger when the boids are very close or towards
* the limit of detection.
if (b.getFeathers().equals(bTemp.getFeathers())) { // if same colour
Point pAlign = new Point((int)(100 * Math.cos(bTemp.getTheta() * Math.PI/180)), (int)(-100 * Math.sin(bTemp.getTheta() * Math.PI/180)));
pAlign = normalisePoint(pAlign, 100); // alignment weight is 100
boolean tooClose = (distance < minDISTANCE);
double weight = 200.0;
if (tooClose) weight *= Math.pow(1 - (double)distance/minDISTANCE, 2);
else weight *= - Math.pow((double)(distance-minDISTANCE) / (maxDISTANCE-minDISTANCE), 2);
Point pAttract = sumPoints(bTemp.getPosition(), -1.0, b.getPosition(), 1.0);
pAttract = normalisePoint(pAttract, weight); // weight is variable
Point pDist = sumPoints(pAlign, 1.0, pAttract, 1.0);
pDist = normalisePoint(pDist, 100); // final weight is 100
pTarget = sumPoints(pTarget, 1.0, pDist, 1.0);
* In repulsion the target point moves away from the other Bird with a force
* that is weighted according to a distance squared rule.
else { // repulsion
Point pDist = sumPoints(b.getPosition(), 1.0, bTemp.getPosition(), -1.0);
pDist = normalisePoint(pDist, 1000);
double weight = Math.pow((1 - (double)distance/maxDISTANCE), 2);
pTarget = sumPoints(pTarget, 1.0, pDist, weight); // weight is variable
if (numBirds == 0) return b.getTheta();
else // average target points and add to position
pTarget = sumPoints(b.getPosition(), 1.0, pTarget, 1/(double)numBirds);
int targetTheta = (int)(180/Math.PI * Math.atan2(b.getPosition().y - pTarget.y, pTarget.x - b.getPosition().x));
return (targetTheta + 360) % 360; // angle for Bird to steer towards
* Barrier.class
* This class creates and coordinates the movement of a flock of Birds.
* @see Swarm.class
* @see Flock.class
* @see Bird.class
* @author Duncan Crombie
* @version 2.01, 21 September 1997
import java.awt.*;
class Barrier extends Bird {
static int minRANGE, maxRANGE;
Barrier(int x, int y) {
super(x, y, 0,; // position Barrier and define color as black
public void move(int dummy) {
// do nothing
public void display(Graphics g) { // paint Barrier
g.fillOval(this.iX-5, this.iY-5, 10, 10);
g.setColor(Color.gray); // paint separation circle
g.drawOval(this.iX-minRANGE, this.iY-minRANGE, 2*minRANGE, 2*minRANGE);
g.setColor(Color.lightGray); // paint detection circle
g.drawOval(this.iX-maxRANGE, this.iY-maxRANGE, 2*maxRANGE, 2*maxRANGE);
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class SwarmFrame extends Frame implements ActionListener {
public SwarmFrame() {
super("Flocking Bird");
MenuBar mb = new MenuBar();
Menu fileMenu = new Menu("File");
MenuItem exitMenuItem = new MenuItem("Exit");
Swarm swarmApplet = new Swarm();
add(swarmApplet, BorderLayout.CENTER);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
if(evt.getSource() instanceof MenuItem) {
String menuLabel = ((MenuItem) evt.getSource()).getLabel();
if(menuLabel.equals("Exit")) {
import java.awt.*;
public class SwarmApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Frame frame = new SwarmFrame();
frame.setBounds(10, 10, 600, 400);

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    Kiran Joshua
    Message was edited by:
            Kiran Joshua

    Hi ALL,
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    Also, I tried to run the application in debug mode and this is what I find:
    1. Unable to find source file for the package oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.application, filename
    2. Unable to find source file for the package oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp, filename
    Am I missing any libraries?

    if you used a starter workspace then make sure that the adf-faces-impl.jar file and the jsf-impl.jar file in the WEB-INF/lib directory of the ViewLayer project is from the JDeveloper build you use. In JDeveloper you find the adf-faces-impl.jar in the JDeveloper jlib directory and the jsf-impl.jar in the jsf-ri directory

  • Running LV application from remote panel which measures FP through different LAN

    My LabVIEW application is running in a PC and it takes measurements from the FieldPoint modules which are connected via the FP-1601 network module.
    I want to view and execute the application from another PC using remote panel option. The master PC has two LAN connections, one seperate connection for the FieldPoint module and the second one to connect with other PCs.
    But the application returns error while initializing the FP modules when executed from remote panel.
    Will the application be able to communicate and take measurements from the FieldPoint module in this case? Please explain.
    Thanks for the help and awaiting earlier response.
    Thank you,

    In principle this I believe this is a TCP/IP routing issue.
    If your fieldpoint unit is connected to one card lets say
    Card 01 Host ---- Fieldpoint
    Card 02 Host ---- Lan 168.95.x.x
    The routing in the host takes care of which card is used for which network segment.
    My guess is that you have not seperated the network segments as shown above.
    Is this correct ?

  • SQLE_COMMUNICATIONS_ERROR while running SFA application from Visual Studio

    I am trying the SFA (Sales Force Automation) example.
    I am using the Windows Mobile 6.0 emulator from Visual Studio to run the application.
    When I go to the "Configure" button, change the configuration values and try to Save, I am getting the following error.
    iAnywhere.Data.UltraLite.ULException: SQLE_COMMUNICATIONS_ERROR at iAnywhere.Data.UltraLite.ULConnection.RuntimeError(IntPtr natKey, ULSQLCode code, Object p0, Object p1, Object p2) at iAnywhere.Data.UltraLite.ULConnection.RuntimeError(ULSQLCode code) at iAnywhere.Data.UltraLite.ULConnection.Synchronize() at SalesForceAutomation.SalesForceAutomationDB.Synchronize(String synchronizationGroup, SyncStatusListener listener) at SalesForceAutomation.SalesForceAutomationDB.Synchronize() at SalesForceAutomation.FormConfiguration.menuItem1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Menu.ProcessMnuProc(Control ctlThis, WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam) at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam) at System.Windows.Forms.Control._InternalWnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam) at Microsoft.AGL.Forms.EVL.EnterMainLoop(IntPtr hwnMain) at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form fm) at SalesForceAutomation.Program.Main() Details: StreamErrorCode = SOCKET_CONNECT StreamErrorSystem = 10061 StreamErrorParameters =
    I am unable to sort out this.
    Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Finally I fixed this issue.
    I ran the SybaseServerSync.v35.CAB on the device emulator. Then tried the program. It worked. This helps establish the synchronization between the device and the SUP server. This CAB file can be located at the path <UnwiredServerInstallationLocation>\UnwiredPlatform\ClientAPI\RBS\WM\ServerSync.

  • Calling report from forms while running the application from thin clients

    I am using thin client technology with 64MB RAM for running developer 6i application.
    The server has windows 2000 advanced server with 256 MB RAM.
    When I run the apllication from a single client, it works fine even for multiple windows.
    But the moment I switch on more thin clients, the client which fired the printing job first works fine, while the others allow data entry using forms but any call to report for direct printing throws an illegal condition error. I have tried both run_product and host option for running reports. The error returned is the same.
    Howver if the report is run from command prompt simultaneously from both the clients it works fine.
    Immediate help required in this case

    you better off using Run_Report_Object() instead of Run_Product(). There is a Whitepaper available on that details this. The problem that you run into is that Forms Services(thin clients) are multi user environments while Reports called via Run_Product() is a single user environment. This means that the Reports Runtime does not handle Reports requests in parallel but sequential one at a time. The first user blocks the runtime engines and all other hang for this time.

  • Installing and Running Air application from webpage

    Hello ,
    I am trying to run the air application from web page and its working fine in my system. (http://localhost:8080/examples/test1.html)
    if i try to run the same air application from another system's webpage by pointing the url to my system's IP Address,(http://lpAdres of my system:8080/examples/test1.html) its showing error "The application could not be installed because the installer file is damaged. Try obtaining a new installer file from the application author"
    Air Application version are . Flex3.6 sdk and Air2.7 sdk & runtime
    Any of you know what could be the problem.
    please help em to resolve this issue asap.
    its very urgent requirement

    Hi, Jeff;
    Make sure you have compiled your application as 32 bit, and not "any cpu".
    See this document for some more info: [64|]
    Follow us on Twitter u2013

  • Converting applications to applets

    please,can someone help run this code of mine and convert it to applet for me.couldn't change the file access.thanks in advance.
    //package personalData;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Parent extends JPanel
         //private JLabel ;
         private JSeparator labelseparator,personalseparator;
         private JLabel picLabel;
         private JPanel picP;
         private JButton browseB;
         private Image image;
         private ImageIcon passport;
         private JTextField surnameF,othernameF,rankF,sexF,bloodgroupF,maritalF,
         String fileName,fileS;
         private JFileChooser fc;
         private File file;
         /*public void init()
         {     try{
              catch(Exception e)     {System.err.println(e);}
         public Parent()
              JLabel logo=new JLabel(new ImageIcon("flower.gif"));
              JLabel label1=new JLabel("FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA");
              JLabel label2=new JLabel("FEDERAL ROAD SAFETY COMMISSION");
              JLabel label3=new JLabel("NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS,WUSE,ABUJA");
              JLabel label4=new JLabel("COMPUTER DATA FORM");
            label1.setFont(new Font("SanSerif", Font.BOLD, 12));
            label2.setFont(new Font("SanSerif", Font.BOLD, 12));
            label3.setFont(new Font("SanSerif", Font.BOLD, 12));
            label4.setFont(new Font("SanSerif", Font.BOLD, 12));
              labelseparator=new JSeparator();
              fc=new JFileChooser();
              File f1=new File("My Pictures");
              /*passLab=new JLabel("Passport");
              picP=new JPanel();
              picP.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              picLabel=new JLabel();
              browseB=new JButton("Browse");
              browseB.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        int returnVal=fc.showOpenDialog(Parent.this);
                             passport=new ImageIcon(fileName);
              picP.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED));
              JLabel personaldata=new JLabel("PERSONAL DATA:");
              personaldata.setFont(new Font("SanSerif",Font.BOLD,12));
              personalseparator=new JSeparator();
              JLabel surname=new JLabel("Surname:");
              surnameF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel othername=new JLabel("Other Names:");
              othernameF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel rank=new JLabel("Rank:");
              rankF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel sex=new JLabel("Sex:");
              sexF=new JTextField(10);
              JLabel bloodgroup=new JLabel("Blood Group:");
              bloodgroupF=new JTextField(10);
              JLabel marital=new JLabel("Marital Status:");
              maritalF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel maiden=new JLabel("Maiden Name:");
              maidenF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel m=new JLabel("M");
              JLabel f=new JLabel("F");
              JLabel children=new JLabel("No. of Children:");
              children1F=new JTextField(5);
              children2F=new JTextField(5);
              JLabel dateofbirth=new JLabel("Date of Birth:");
              dateofbirth1F=new JTextField(10);
              JLabel placeofbirth=new JLabel("Place of Birth:");
              placeofbirth1F=new JTextField(30);
              JLabel stateoforigin=new JLabel("State of Origin:");
              stateoforiginF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel lga=new JLabel("LGA:");
              lgaF=new JTextField(10);
              JLabel nationality=new JLabel("Nationality:");
              nationalityF=new JTextField(10);
              JLabel homeaddress=new JLabel("Permanent Home Address:");
              homeaddressF=new JTextField(200);
              JLabel contact=new JLabel("Contact Address:");
              contactF=new JTextField(200);
              JLabel tel=new JLabel("Tel. No:");
              telF=new JTextField(15);
              JLabel email=new JLabel("E-mail:");
              emailF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel nextofkin=new JLabel("Next of Kin Name:");
              nextofkinF=new JTextField(200);
              JLabel nextofkinaddress=new JLabel("Next of Kin Address:");
              nextofkinaddressF=new JTextField(200);
              JLabel qualification=new JLabel("Qualification at Entry:");
              qualificationF=new JTextField(200);
              JLabel date=new JLabel("Date");
              daybox=new JTextField(10);
              JLabel additionalqualification=new JLabel("Additional Qualifications Acquired:");
              additionalqualificationF=new JTextField(100);
              JLabel info=new JLabel("RECORD OF SERVICE:");
              info.setFont(new Font("SanSerif",Font.BOLD,12));
              JSeparator infos=new JSeparator();
              JLabel dateofappointment=new JLabel("Date of First Appointment:");
              dateofappointmentF=new JTextField(10);
              JLabel typeofappointment=new JLabel("Type of Appointment:");
              typeofappointmentF=new JTextField(50);
              JLabel ageofentry=new JLabel("Age of Entry:");
              ageofentryF=new JTextField(10);
              JLabel dateofpresappointment=new JLabel("Date Pres. of Appointment:");
              dateofpresappointmentF=new JTextField(10);
              JLabel dateofconfirmation=new JLabel("Date of Confirmation:");
              dateofconfirmationF=new JTextField(10);
              JLabel dateoflastpromotion=new JLabel("Date of Last Promotion:");
              dateoflastpromotionF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel presentcommand=new JLabel("Present Command/Dept:");
              presentcommandF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel previouscommand=new JLabel("Immediate Previous Command/Dept:");
              previouscommandF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel dateoflastposting=new JLabel("Date of Last Posting:");
              dateoflastpostingF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel postingtype=new JLabel("Posting Type:");
              postingtypeF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel presentdesignation=new JLabel("Present Designation:");
              presentdesignationF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel basictraining=new JLabel("Year of FRSC Basic Training:");
              basictrainingF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel venue=new JLabel("Venue:");
              venueF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel approvedcourse=new JLabel("Approved Course of Study (if on course):");
              approvedcourseF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel institution=new JLabel("Institution:");
              institutionF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel dateenrolled=new JLabel("Date Enrolled:");
              dateenrolledF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel duration=new JLabel("duration of Study:");
              durationF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel completiondate=new JLabel("Completion Date:");
              completiondateF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel profession=new JLabel("PROFESSION:");
              profession.setFont(new Font("SanSerif",Font.BOLD,12));
              JSeparator infos1=new JSeparator();
              JLabel appointed=new JLabel("Appointed As:");
              appointedF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel remuneration=new JLabel("REMUNERATION:");
              remuneration.setFont(new Font("SanSerif",Font.BOLD,12));
              JSeparator ren=new JSeparator();
              JLabel salary=new JLabel("Salary Happss:");
              salaryF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel steps=new JLabel("Steps:");
              stepsF=new JTextField(20);
              JLabel basicsalary=new JLabel("Basic Salary:");
              basicsalaryF=new JTextField(20);
         public static void main(String k[])
              Parent p=new Parent();
         //Container c=f.getContentPane();
              JFrame f=new JFrame();
              Container c=f.getContentPane();

    i did it my self and it didn't display components and
    gave me a complain of i used.please, someone
    help me.thanks in advance.That didnt make any sense. If youre getting an error, post the complete error message, along with the relevant code.

  • How to run Oracle applications from Oracle Test Manager(OTM)

    Hi All,
    I have done a recording in Oracle Applications and I have sucessfully imported into OTM.
    Whenever I run that script from OTM, it is showing some error called JIT Debugger error.
    After that it is going to next screen, but after that , it is skipping the rest of the steps.
    It is generating Reports as Skipped.
    Please help me out.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Nishanth Soundararajan.

    Hi Alex,
    These are the lines which got populated when I run those commands,
    C:\Documents and Settings\310700>C:\OracleATS\agentmanager\bin\AgentManagerServi
    ce.exe -c C:\OracleATS\agentmanager\bin\AgentManagerService.conf
    wrapper | --> Wrapper Started as Console
    wrapperp | port 1787 already in use, using port 1788 instead.
    wrapper | Launching a JVM...
    jvm 1 | Wrapper (Version 3.0.3)
    jvm 1 |
    jvm 1 | log4j:ERROR setFile(null,false) call failed.
    jvm 1 | ..\..\logs\agentmanager.log (Access is
    jvm 1 | at Method)
    jvm 1 | at<init>(
    jvm 1 | at<init>(
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.setFile(
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.activateOptions(FileAppender.ja
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.activate(PropertySette
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(Property
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(Property
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseAppender(PropertyC
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseCategory(PropertyC
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configureRootCategory(P
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(PropertyCon
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(PropertyCon
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyWatchdog.doOnChange(PropertyConfigur
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.helpers.FileWatchdog.checkAndConfigure(FileW
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.helpers.FileWatchdog.<init>(FileWatchdog.jav
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyWatchdog.<init>(PropertyConfigurator
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(Prope
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(Prope
    jvm 1 | at oracle.oats.empstart.EmpStartMain.main(
    jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAcces
    jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMet
    jvm 1 | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    jvm 1 | at
    jvm 1 | at
    jvm 1 | log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed.
    jvm 1 | ..\..\logs\agentmanager_auth.log (Acce
    ss is denied)
    jvm 1 | at Method)
    jvm 1 | at<init>(
    jvm 1 | at<init>(
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.setFile(
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.activateOptions(FileAppender.ja
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.activate(PropertySette
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(Property
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(Property
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseAppender(PropertyC
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseCategory(PropertyC
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseCatsAndRenderers(P
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(PropertyCon
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(PropertyCon
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyWatchdog.doOnChange(PropertyConfigur
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.helpers.FileWatchdog.checkAndConfigure(FileW
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.helpers.FileWatchdog.<init>(FileWatchdog.jav
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyWatchdog.<init>(PropertyConfigurator
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(Prope
    jvm 1 | at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(Prope
    jvm 1 | at oracle.oats.empstart.EmpStartMain.main(
    jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAcces
    jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMet
    jvm 1 | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    jvm 1 | at
    jvm 1 | at
    Please help me out.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Nishanth Soundararajan.

  • Error running 9i reports from forms.

    Hi folks,
    i am having problems running 9i reports from a form.
    i have installed Oracle 9iDS on a Win XP machine with 256 MB RAM and a Pentium 1.4Ghz processor.
    i also have a local Oracle 9i database. i have created several reports that i am trying to run from some forms but all efforts to date have failed.
    below is some sample code.
    v_rid report_object;
    v_rjob varchar2(100);
    v_rptstatus varchar2(100);
    v_jobid varchar2(100);
    /*get handle to report object itself*/
    v_rid := find_report_object('pbranchlist');
    v_rjob := run_report_object(v_rid);
    v_rptstatus := report_object_status(v_rjob);
    while v_rptstatus in ('RUNNING','OPENING_REPORT','ENQUEUED') loop
         v_rptstatus := report_object_status(v_rjob);
    end loop;
    if v_rptstatus = 'FINISHED' then
         /*display report in browser*/
    --      web.show_document('http://steve:8888/reports/rwservlet/getjobid'||
    --      substr(v_rptsvrjob,instr(v_rptsvrjob,'_',-1)+1)||'?'||'server=repsrv','_blank');
         message('error running Report');
    end if;
    pbranchlist is defined in the form,
    repsrv is a report server i installed and explicitly started.
    on clicking the button to run the above code, i get a message on the browser status bar as follows
    opening http://steve:8888/reports/rwservlet/getjobid11?server=repsrv...
    that's it. it stays like that forever and a progress bar showing the status of the operation gets to the halfway mark and stays there for up to 15 minutes.
    I eventually halted the operation by clicking the stop button of the browser. The form then becomes totally non-responsive with the mouse indicator changing to the hour-glass shape and a small vertical bar moving rapidly back and forth at the bottom of the form window.
    My only recourse then is to explicitly close the browser window.
    I have already configured Reports to run in non single sign-on mode by setting SINGLESIGNON=NO in the file.
    Is there anything i have not done properly?
    Thanks in advance.

    can you check the Reports cache directory if the Reports file got created? I would assume yes, but better check.

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