Escaping html from JSP

I'd like to be able to run some java code, then in the middle print out a single line, then continue running the rest of my code.
When I try escaping out of the jsp with %>, adding a <br> then returning to the jsp code with <%, it's really weird, but it seems like the jsp compiler runs ALL my code, then goes back and prints out the html.
Instead of executing code1, then printing out a line (same thing with <hr>), then doing code2, it does code1, code 2, and THEN prints out the blank line.
Also for some reason, when I do
PrintWriter output = response.getWriter();
It ignores the line feed character and the result is no different from
Am I doing something wrong? It shouldn't be this hard to insert a single blank line!!

Yeah, in my post I omitted the ending jsp tag. But in my actual code it's just the way you have it...there's something strange about the way the jsp compiler handles the html.
My actual code looks like this (now you see why, for simplification I just put down code1, code2!):
PrintWriter output = response.getWriter();
String workdir = application.getRealPath("/")+"DA_web\\work\\";
String monitordir = application.getRealPath("/")+"DA_web\\monitor\\";
DiskFileUpload fu = new DiskFileUpload();
List fileItems = fu.parseRequest(request);
Iterator itr = fileItems.iterator();
while(itr.hasNext()) {
FileItem fi = (FileItem);
//Check if not form field so as to only handle the file inputs
//else condition handles the submit button input
if(!fi.isFormField()) {
output.println("\nNAME: "+fi.getName());
output.println("\nSIZE: "+fi.getSize());
               File tempfile = new File(fi.getName());
File fNew= new File(monitordir, tempfile.getName());
if (fi.getName()!=null && fi.getName().length()>0 && fi.getSize()>0)
else {
System.out.println("Field ="+fi.getFieldName());

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    It should only be displayed in the browser if you're not catching the exception in the jsp itself. If the exception is happening in the jsp, then there's no point in trying to catch it in the servlet.
    What happens if you put a try-catch just around the actual code in the jsp? You could put it around the entire jsp, but that's not necessary.
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    Hi Ashok,
    You can use rwservlet - nothing really to do with JDeveloper. Once you have report server up and running (hint: read, you can call a report like this:
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    <%@ page import=""%>
    <%@ page import="*"%>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.reports.reportengineinterface.JPEReportSourceFactory" %>
    <%@ page import="" %>
    <%@ page import="" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.reports.reportengineinterface.JPEReportSource" %>
    <title>Crystal Report with Database Logon information</title> </head>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
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    ConnectionInfos newConnInfos = new ConnectionInfos();
    out.println("Connection Information: "+viewer.getDatabaseLogonInfos().getConnectionInfo(0).getAttributes().toString());
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    catch(Exception e)
    throw new JspException( e);

    I never really had much luck with this approach.
    Mind you I was using Crystal Reports 10, and as far as I recall it didn't allow setting/changing of database at this level.
    Things to check
    - can you create a database connection on your page with this URL/username/password?
    - what server are you using? Tomcat? WebLogic?
    I found this in your other post:
    Connection Information: {Server Name=ee6rpt, Connection String=DSN=s(ee6rpt);User ID=s(ee62test);Password=;UseDSNProperties=b(false), Database Name=, Database DLL=crdb_odbc.dll}That would indicate it is using odbc to connect to the database (crdb_odbc.dll). ODBC is a bad idea with java.
    The way I have got it to work for me (after much trial and error) was to in Crystal Reports to connect using the Oracle Driver, and specifying a tnsname - eg define REPORT_DS in tnsnames.ora.
    When running through the JRC, it looked for a JNDI datasource under that same name "REPORT_DS".
    Don't know if that will help you or not.
    Good luck,

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    thank you,

    y don't u eliminate your jsp from your HTML. you can inculde html files as a header and footer.
    tell to write a comment tag in html <Html code> <table><tr><td> <!--jsp output--></td></tr></table> <Html code>. you can write a small jsp which can String.indexOf("<!--jsp output-->");. you can easily create header and footer files. for your jsp, u can also change your jsp code like this.

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    3: Set it to initial view.
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    Hi ,
    I need help in writing the data from JSP to excel.I somehow able to retrieve the data into excel but unable to get the required format.
    For eg: The amount should be displayed in 0.00 format .when i am exporting it to excel it is displaying as 0 :( .
    I am using the following code in JSP.
    "out.print(amt + '\t');"
    Would like to know if there is any otherway where in i can get my requirement.

    Try using format part of the JSTL tag libs.
    Syntax :
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
    <fmt:formatNumber value="40" pattern="$#,##0.00"/>
    I need help in writing the data from JSP to excel.I
    somehow able to retrieve the data into excelHow do u convert the jsp to excel?
    One way to convert the jsp page to excel, is to render it as an excel appl instead of html. Set the content type of the response to application/ms-excel.
    response.setContentType("application/ms-excel")Hope this Helps....

Maybe you are looking for