Essbase Error list

Hi , there
i was wondering that whenever an error occurs in essbase then it shows gives an error code along with it (genraly) , so is there any particular list or a pdf where we could find what does an error code means , beacuse at times the explanation given along with the error code is not sufficent .
Edited by: sharad sapra on Aug 23, 2010 11:40 PM

hi john , thanks for the answer but to be precise , i found out another link which gives the description of all the errors
just click on search tab and enter the error number and you get the exact error .
and thanks a lot for your help

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    IF("Scenario" == "Budget" AND ((FTE<>0) OR (FTE<>#MISSING)))
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    +"TBH" = "Headcount" - "Existing";+
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    Why you want to complicate the BR?
    you can simply use @ismbr(&LE_Month:JUN) or whatever based on your months ordered in the dimension.
    - Krish

  • Unexpected Essbase error 1030818

    Hi All,
    I am able to login into EAS and when try to connect to Essbase server, i get the error:
    Error: 103: Unexpected Essbase error 1030818
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    I checked the Essbase. log as well as Essbase_ODL.log. All seems good
    I checked the Essbase status and can see Essbase.exe running in process list. Similarly when I check OPMN status, I get EssbaseAgent is active.
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    ERROR -     103 - Unexpected Essbase error 1051293.
    ERROR - 1051293 - Login fails due to invalid login credentials.

    Thanks. I was able to find out the solution for this.
    On replacing the Essbase security file, the credentials for admin user is no longer valid which i provided during installation. In that case the admin/password works.
    I was able to connect to essbase using EAS and then followed the following steps:
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    2. Externalize security from EAS to change it to shared services mode
    3. Restart the services once.
    It worked !!!

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    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 43119] Query Failed: [nQSError: 96002] Essbase Error: Internal error: Set is too large to be processed. Set size exceeds 2^64 tuples (HY000)
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    Thanks In advance,

    Well if you want to export in I think you have to manually do it.
    The workaround it to open your aperture library by right clicking it and show contents...
    Then go into your project right click show contents...
    In here there are sub folders on dates that the pictures were added to those projects. If you open the sub folder and search for your pictures name it should be in that main folder.
    You can just copy it out as you would any normal file to any other location.
    Voila you have manually exported out your file.
    There is a very similar post that has been close but again you can't export the original file that you are working on - FYI

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    I tried to retrieve the members in the spreadsheet addin client and I am getting the error as follows:
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    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Raja,
    Check this out../
    Weird problem regarding Essbase Excel plug in
    It might help

  • Getting an error in the preview but no errors or warnings in the error list

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    An error occurred during rendering of the report.
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    Parameter name: index"
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    So, how can there be "no errors, warning or messages" and yet there's nothing to be seen in the preview? And why does it work when I run it in SSDT?

    Hi Rod,
    It's probably caused by data caching in the designer. When you changed the query and remove one of the fields returned by one of the datasets in the report, the dataset definition has been changed, but the actual cached data stored by Visual Studio (i.e.
    the * file) still has data based on the old Dataset definition when reprocessing the report. This is in internal error caused by the mismatch between the data the report is expecting and what has been cached.
    In this scenario, we can delete the * files from the drive, hit the "Refresh Fields" under the dataset properties for my dataset, then try previewing again.
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem with Business rule-Essbase Error(1042017):

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    Detail:Cannot calculate. Essbase Error(1042017): Network error: The client or server timed out waiting to receive data using TCP/IP.  Check network connections.  Increase the NetRetryCount and/or NetDelay values in the ESSBASE.CFG file. Update this file on both client and server.  Restart the client and try again.
    I dont get this error with any other rule. I have checked the solution provided in this link
    _[]_. But this solution wont help because i dont get this error in any other rule.
    The rule i run is
    "Depreciation Value" = "Cumulative.Asset value"/ ("Assumptions_Programs"->Jul->@UDA(Entity,@NAME(@CURRMBR(Location)))->@UDA(Location,@NAME(@CURRMBR(Location)))->"Assets life in months");
    The functions in the above rule will get replaced as below
    "Depreciation Value" = "Cumulative.Asset value"/ "Assumptions_Programs"->Jul->IND_Assumptions->LOC_IND->"Assets life in months";
    If i hardcode and run, i dont get this error. Please help.

    The reason it works when you hard code it and why it doesn't when use UDA is simply that you should never have a multiple answers in a cross dimensional. @UDA function returns multiple answers. Even if for your case it only brings back one I believe it is tripping up the calculation. Worse if you are actually bring back multiple answers for @UDA that is definitely not going to work.
    I would have to understand all your fixes above the calcultion to recommend you the best possible solution. But at least you understand why you are getting the error and what you have to fix

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    This is bug and fixed in Smart View

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    Rohit Pasrija

    try these links:

  • Substitution varialbe does not exist Essbase error 1051083

    I have a query about this error.
    Essbase Error 1051083 - Substitution variable APP.DATABASE.YMNTH does not exist
    This substitution variable is is created in global level - for ALL APPS/ALL DBS.
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    What could be reason we get this error even though we have the member available in the cube.
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    Any advise?

    Which version?
    Is that error populated in Essbase logs?
    Error "1051083 Substitution variable <<app.db.substitutionvariablename>> is not found" [ID 1259386.1]
    By default Planning looks at specific app/db level variable, then at app level and then at global level. (Just checked that in Planning and didn't see any issues)

  • Hyperion analyzer essbase error

    Hello alll,
    I am trying to connect to essbase database (7.1.x) using analyzer, for some reason I am getting an exception
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    Can any one face this kind of issue.
    Thank you for your time!!!

    I got the answer , it is looking for runtime client dll, for some reason dll was corrupted, reinstallling Run time client fixed this issue.
    Thank you everyone!!

  • Essbase Error(1021001) Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database...?

    Hi there!
    I am very new in Essbase and I am receiving the error message quoted below while trying to load data in a Cube. Weird thing is that we have checked all connections already and they are working correctly, however this process is still failing.
    If someone can give us an idea to troubleshoot it, that would be really appreciated.
    Thanks very much in advance for any help and regards!
    MAXL> deploy data from model 'Production_GL_Cube_SchemaModel' in cube schema '\Production_GL\Cube_Schemas\Production_GL_Cube_Schema' login AdminUserAccount identified by MyPassword on host '' to application 'ORA_HFM' database 'GL' overwrite values using connection 'ServerName' keep all errors on error ignore dataload write 'E:\Logs\DataLoad_Error_2013.';
    BPM Connect Status: Success
    Failed to deploy Essbase cube. Caused by: Failed to load data into database: GL. Caused by: Cannot get async process
    state. Essbase Error(1021001): Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log for more information
    BPM maxl deployment ...failure.

    Hi Celvin,
    Thanks for your reply and my apologies for not coming back before on this issue.
    For the benefit of other readers, after hours struggling with the issue, we focused our attention in the following portion of the ORA_HFM.log file:
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/54996/Info(1013157)
    Received Command [Import] from user [Service_Acct@Native Directory] using [GL.rul] with data file [SQL]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021041)
    Connection String is [DRIVER={DataDirect 6.1 Oracle Wire Protocol};;Port=1521;SID=PRODUCTION;UID=...;PWD=...;ArraySize=1000000;]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021006)
    SELECT Statement [SELECT cp_127."ACCT" AS "Accounts_CHILD",
             cp_127."PERIOD_MEMBER" AS "Period_CHILD",
             cp_127."PERIOD_YEAR" AS "Years_CHILD",
             'INPUT'  AS "View_CHILD",
             cp_127."ENTITY"  AS "Entity_CHILD",
             cp_127."PRODUCT_LINE" AS "Custom1_Product_CHILD",
             cp_127."Function" AS "Custom4_Function_CHILD",
             cp_127."B_U" AS "Business_Unit_ORACLEBUSINESS",
             cp_127."ORACLEFUNCTION" AS "Oracle_Function_CHILD",
             cp_127."LEGALENTITY" AS "Oracle_Entity_CHILD",
             'P' || cp_127."PRODUCTLINE" AS "Oracle_Product_CHILD",
             'A'[Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021043)
    Connection has been established
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021044)
    Starting to execute query
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021013)
    ODBC Layer Error: [S1000] ==> [[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-04063: view "REP_ESSBASE.VW_GL_BALANCES" has errors]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Info(1021014)
    ODBC Layer Error: Native Error code [4063]
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Error(1021001)
    Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log for more information
    [Sat Apr 20 11:48:34 2013]Local/ORA_HFM/GL/Service_Acct@Native Directory/8964/Error(1003050)
    Data Load Transaction Aborted With Error [1021001]
    Then we concentrated in the following error message: *ODBC Layer Error: [S1000] ==> [[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-04063: view "REP_ESSBASE.VW_GL_BALANCES" has errors]*
    So, we checked the database and noticed the schema and their views were damaged and -due to this- they lost all their properties (like data types, for example). So, we had to recompile all of them in order to avoid any loss of data. This was done in TOAD, as per the following info:
    Finally, once all the views on this schema were rebuilt and fixed, we were able to deploy the Cube again.
    Hope this help in the future. Cheers!!

  • MaxL Command    :    ERROR - 1241101 - Unexpected Essbase error 1007083

    I have created outline here I have created one dimension i.e. Account
    and also created Rule file as per databse outline. It is valid
    Now I have to load dimension by using MaxL command.
    I have created Account.csv
    within that I have take :
    xyz->abc members.
    I am loading dimension by using following statement:
    import database PLAN.PLANDB dimensions from data_file 'D:\Practice\Account
    .csv' using rules_file 'C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\EssbaseSer
    ver\essbaseserver1\app\PLAN\PLANDB\plan.rul' on error append to 'C:\Oracle\Middl
    So I getting following error:
    OK/INFO - 1053012 - Object [PLANDB] is locked by user [admin@Native Directory].
    OK/INFO - 1053012 - Object [52772261] is locked by user [admin@Native Directory
    ERROR - 1007083 - Dimension build failed. Error code [1090003]. Check the ser
    ver log file and the dimension build error file for possible additional info..
    OK/INFO - 1053013 - Object [52772261] unlocked by user [admin@Native Directory]
    ERROR - 1241101 - Unexpected Essbase error 1007083.
    OK/INFO - 1053013 - Object [PLANDB] unlocked by user [admin@Native Directory].
    and also in log file I getting message like:
    \\Column 1 Ignored; No DimBuild Dimension (3325)
    \\Column 3 - Invalid Dimension
    So could you tell me why I getting this types of error.
    what is the meaning of log file information i.e. "Invalid dimension."

    As per the error message, there was a mismatch of the dimension tagging or incorrect rules. Did you try to build the dimension/members using EAS Console?
    Take a simple sources file and rules file and re-build the dimension.
    You can try the following:
    1. Launch EAS Console and login using Administrative user credentials
    2. Connect to Essbase Server using administrative user credentials
    3. Create a test Application & Database say TestApp & TestDb
    4. Open the outline in the edit mode and create a dimension "Measures"
    5. Open the notepad and Create a source file as:
    Profit Margin Sales
    Profit Margin COGS
    Save the file in the c:\ drive as Sales.txt
    6. In EAS Console, right-click on database and select create Rules File and import the Source file
    7. Set the Field Properties.
    8. Build the dimension and check if the members are added to the Measures dimension
    9. Delete the members under Measures and then try the MaxL Script.
    Hope it helps....

  • OBIEE Evaluate - "Essbase error : Repeated dimension in MDX query"

    I'm using OBIEE BP1 on top of Essbase.
    I have a project dimension in Essbase with three levels - Total Project -> Project Class -> Project. I have created a new logical column in OBIEE to query two levels from project dimension, using evaluate function as below:
    Evaluate('%1.Members, %2.Members',  "Oracle Hyperion Planning"."ASOCUBE".""."Planning"."Gen2,Project" ,   "Oracle Hyperion Planning"."ASOCUBE".""."Planning"."Gen4,Project" ).
    The above column when used in analysis, works fine, returning "Total Project" and all the projects. It breaks however when any filter is applied on project dimension with the following error:
    "[nQSError: 96002] Essbase Error: Repeated dimension [Project] in MDX query".
    I donot have any MDX skills and would appreciate if anyone can explain this error and provide any workaround for this. Here's the MDX that fails:
      set [_Project0] as '{[Project].Generations(2).Members, [Project].Generations(4).Members }'
      {} on columns,
      {{[_Project0]}} properties GEN_NUMBER on rows
    from [ASOCUBE.Planning]
    where ([Project].[1000000-Treatment Plant])
    Many Thanks

    This issue regarding BIEE
       because MDX is wrong
      set [_Project0] as '{[Project].Generations(2).Members, [Project].Generations(4).Members }'
      {} on columns,
      {{[_Project0]}} properties GEN_NUMBER on rows
    from [ASOCUBE.Planning]
    where ([Project].[1000000-Treatment Plant])

  • Server error[1012]:Essbase error[1260052]

    Dear All,
    We created a report in Hyperion Interactive reporting using Hyperion Essbase as database connection file .
    We have a substitution variables in Essbase.We want to use the Substitution variables ("CMonth","CYTD") in IR report Substitution variables were already created in Essbase.
    In Query when i select Period dimension i saw an option called Substitution variables i selected the variables("CMonth","CYTD").When i hit process button i am getting the following error Message
    "server error[1012]:Essbase error[1260052]:Syntax error in input MDX query on line 2 at token 'OctYTD'
    Please let me is there a better way to bring the variables in Query.
    Any suggestions to resolve issue will be really helpful.
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Pros,
    I am new to ASO and would like to know this simple formula where i am making a mistake.
    over here Date is attribute dimension which is associated with Entity dimension. I am trying to apply the formula on account saying in which Entity the date is less that 01-01-2013 put 1 else but 0. but i am getting syntax error and not able to figure out. any help will be great.

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