
We have a list box with the following code on list box change command:Private Sub cmbAccount_Change() X = EssMenuVRetrieve()End SubWe'd like the spreadsheet to update after a new selection is made. We are getting "Function not Defined" error message.Any help is appreciated.

If you have licensed the Extended Spreadsheet Macros, you need to define the function in the workbook (or set a reference to a workbook that has this function defined):Declare Function EssMenuVRetrieve Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As LongOtherwise, you can use the built-in Excel 4 style macros which, I believe, do not require the Extended Spreadsheet Macro license:application.Run "EssRetrieve"Tim TowApplied OLAP, Inc

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  • Hyperion Essbase QAT Menu with Excel 2007

    I just upgraded to Hyperion Essbase and I recently upgraded to Excel 2007. Moving to XL2007 made the Essbase add-in two levels deep in the ribbon so I wanted to move this to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). I found a great tool to develop QAT menus authored by [url]Ron Debruin.
    I took his code and customized it to work with the Hyperion commands. Picture of menu here:
    Everything worked great for a few month for both myself and about 75 coworkers but once we upgraded to Essbase from 7, the menu macros stopped working for almost everyone except for myself and a few others.
    I set this macro in the xlstart folders so that it opens with excel. The QAT menu still appears for everyone, but when selecting any of the menu items to run, nothing runs.
    Example: When running
    Sub MyMacro21()
        Call EssMenuVConnect
    End Subfrom the custom QAT menu, nothing happens. What should occur is a popup login for Hyperion. I've even tried to run the code outside of the QAT menu and it does not work so this leads me to believe something is wrong with my Hyperion code. Now mind you, this work fine on my machine.
    I'm unable to determine the cause for the macro to not work. Any help or troubleshooting pointers would be appreciated.
    Here is the code that I'm using.
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    <font color="blue">First Module (Hyperion Code and subs for the QAT menu)</font>
    Option Explicit
    Option Private Module
    Declare Function EssMenuVRetrieve Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVKeepOnly Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVZoomIn Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVZoomOut Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVPivot Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVWizard Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVQueryDesigner Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVFlashBack Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVOptions Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVMemberSelection Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVCurrencyReport Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVCascade Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVRetrieveLock Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVLock Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVUnlock Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVSend Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVCalculation Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVConnect Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVDisconnect Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVDatalessNav Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVLinkedObjects Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVRemoveOnly Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    Declare Function EssMenuVLaunchTableau Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" () As Long
    ' The following prototype declares the VBA-specific functions
    Declare Function EssVGetHctxFromSheet Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVGetMemberInfo Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal mbrName As Variant, ByVal action As Variant, ByVal aliases As Variant) As Variant
    Declare Function EssVFreeMemberInfo Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByRef memInfo As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVFreeDataPoint Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByRef Info As Variant) As Long
    ' The following constants are suitable as actions
    ' for the EssVGetMemberInfo function
    Const EssChildLevel = 1
    Const EssDescendentLevel = 2
    Const EssBottomLevel = 3
    Const EssSiblingLevel = 4
    Const EssSameLevel = 5
    Const EssSameGenerationLevel = 6
    Const EssCalculationLevel = 7
    Const EssParentLevel = 8
    Const EssDimensionLevel = 9
    ' The following prototypes declare the Visual Basic
    ' Extended Spreadsheet macro-equivalent functions
    Declare Function EssVCalculate Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal calcScript As Variant, ByVal synchronous As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVCancelCalc Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVCascade Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal selection As Variant, ByVal path As Variant, ByVal prefix As Variant, ByVal suffix As Variant, ByVal level As Variant, ByVal openFile As Variant, ByVal copyFormats As Variant, ByVal overwrite As Variant, ByVal listFile As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVCell Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ParamArray memberList() As Variant) As Variant
    Declare Function EssVConnect Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal userName As Variant, ByVal password As Variant, ByVal server As Variant, ByVal application As Variant, ByVal database As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVDisconnect Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVFlashBack Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVGetCurrency Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Variant
    Declare Function EssVGetDataPoint Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal cell As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal aliases As Variant) As Variant
    Declare Function EssVGetGlobalOption Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal item As Long) As Variant
    Declare Function EssVGetSheetOption Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal item As Variant) As Variant
    Declare Function EssVKeepOnly Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal selection As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVRemoveOnly Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal selection As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVPivot Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal startPoint As Variant, ByVal endPoint As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVRetrieve Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal lockFlag As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVSendData Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVSetCurrency Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal currencyIdentifier As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVSetGlobalOption Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal item As Long, ByVal globalOption As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVSetSheetOption Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal item As Variant, ByVal sheetOption As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVUnlock Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVZoomIn Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal selection As Variant, ByVal level As Variant, ByVal across As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVZoomOut Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal selection As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVSetMenu Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal setMenu As Boolean) As Long
    Declare Function EssVGetStyle Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal styleType As Variant, ByVal dimName As Variant, ByVal item As Long) As Variant
    Declare Function EssVSetStyle Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal styleType As Variant, ByVal dimName As Variant, ByVal item As Long, ByVal newValue As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVLoginSetPassword Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As Variant, ByVal newPassword As Variant, ByVal oldPassword As Variant, ByVal server As Variant, ByVal userName As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVSetSKUMouse Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal fSKUWithMouse As Variant) As Long
    Sub MyMacro1()
        Call EssMenuVRetrieve
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro2()
        Call EssMenuVKeepOnly
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro3()
        Call EssMenuVRemoveOnly
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro4()
        Call EssMenuVZoomIn
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro5()
        Call EssMenuVZoomOut
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro7()
        Call EssMenuVDatalessNav
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro9()
        Call EssMenuVLinkedObjects
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro12()
        Call EssMenuVFlashBack
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro13()
        Call EssMenuVOptions
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro14()
        Call EssMenuVMemberSelection
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro15()
        Call EssMenuVCurrencyReport
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro17()
        Call EssMenuVLock
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro18()
        Call EssMenuVUnlock
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro19()
        Call EssMenuVSend
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro20()
        Call EssMenuVCalculation
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro21()
        Call EssMenuVConnect
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro22()
        Call EssMenuVDisconnect
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro23()
        Call SHRetrieveRetain
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro24()
        Call WBRetrieveRetain
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro25()
        Call SHRetrieveSuppress
    End Sub
    Sub MyMacro26()
        Call WBRetrieveSuppress
    End Sub<font color="blue">Second Module (this is Ron Debruin's QAT code)</font>
    Option Explicit
    Option Private Module
    'After you click on "Edit Menu" in the menu you can change the button image.
    'Right click on the QAT and choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar.
    'In the “Choose commands from” dropdown choose Macros and in the
    'Customize Quick Access Toolbar dropdown choose "For My Add-in.xlam".
    'Select the RDBDisplayPopUp macro and press the Modify button to change the icon.
    Sub WBCreatePopUp()
        Dim MenuSheet As Worksheet
        Dim MenuItem As Object
        Dim SubMenuItem As CommandBarButton
        Dim Row As Integer
        Dim MenuLevel, NextLevel, MacroName, Caption, Divider, FaceId
        '   Location for menu data
        Set MenuSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MenuSheet")
        '   Make sure the menus aren't duplicated
        Call WBRemovePopUp
        '   Initialize the row counter
        Row = 5
        '   Add the menu, menu items and submenu items using
        '   data stored on MenuSheet
        ' First we create a PopUp menu with the name of the value in B2
        With application.CommandBars.Add(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MenuSheet"). _
                                         range("B2").Value, msoBarPopup, False, True)
            Do Until IsEmpty(MenuSheet.Cells(Row, 1))
                With MenuSheet
                    MenuLevel = .Cells(Row, 1)
                    Caption = .Cells(Row, 2)
                    MacroName = .Cells(Row, 3)
                    Divider = .Cells(Row, 4)
                    FaceId = .Cells(Row, 5)
                    NextLevel = .Cells(Row + 1, 1)
                End With
                Select Case MenuLevel
                Case 2    ' A Menu Item
                    If NextLevel = 3 Then
                        Set MenuItem = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
                        Set MenuItem = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
                        MenuItem.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!" & MacroName
                    End If
                    MenuItem.Caption = Caption
                    If FaceId <> "" Then MenuItem.FaceId = FaceId
                    If Divider Then MenuItem.BeginGroup = True
                Case 3    ' A SubMenu Item
                    Set SubMenuItem = MenuItem.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
                    SubMenuItem.Caption = Caption
                    SubMenuItem.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!" & MacroName
                    If FaceId <> "" Then SubMenuItem.FaceId = FaceId
                    If Divider Then SubMenuItem.BeginGroup = True
                End Select
                Row = Row + 1
        End With
    End Sub
    Sub RDBDisplayPopUp()
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    Sub EditMenu()
        ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = False
    End Sub
    Sub WBRemovePopUp()
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub<font color="blue">Third Module (some custom Essbase comands to toggle between "retain formula options" and "suppress zero options")</font>
    Option Explicit
    Sub WBRetrieveRetain()
    Dim sh As Worksheet, HidShts As New Collection 'to handle hidden sheets
        For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
            If Not sh.Visible Then
                HidShts.Add sh
                sh.Visible = xlSheetVisible
            End If
        Next sh
    For Each sh In Worksheets
       'Turn On Retain and Turns off Suppress and double clicks
        If EssVGetSheetOption(Empty, 6) = True Or _
           EssVGetSheetOption(Empty, 7) = True Then
           Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 6, False)
           Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 7, False)
        End If
        If EssVGetGlobalOption(1) = True Or _
           EssVGetGlobalOption(2) = True Then
           Call EssVSetGlobalOption(1, False)
           Call EssVSetGlobalOption(2, False)
        End If
        Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 11, True)
        Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 21, True)
        Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 22, True)
        For Each sh In HidShts
            sh.Visible = xlSheetHidden
        Next sh
    End Sub
    Sub SHRetrieveRetain()
       'Turn On Retain and Turns off Suppress and double clicks
        If EssVGetSheetOption(Empty, 6) = True Or _
           EssVGetSheetOption(Empty, 7) = True Then
           Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 6, False)
           Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 7, False)
        End If
        If EssVGetGlobalOption(1) = True Or _
           EssVGetGlobalOption(2) = True Then
           Call EssVSetGlobalOption(1, False)
           Call EssVSetGlobalOption(2, False)
        End If
        Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 11, True)
        Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 21, True)
        Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 22, True)
    End Sub
    Sub SHRetrieveSuppress()
       'Turn Off Retain and Turns on Suppress
        If EssVGetSheetOption(Empty, 11) = True Or _
           EssVGetSheetOption(Empty, 21) = True Or _
           EssVGetSheetOption(Empty, 22) = True Then
           Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 11, False)
           Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 21, False)
           Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 22, False)
        End If
        Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 6, True)
        Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 7, True)
    End Sub
    Sub WBRetrieveSuppress()
    Dim sh As Worksheet, HidShts As New Collection 'to handle hidden sheets
        For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
            If Not sh.Visible Then
                HidShts.Add sh
                sh.Visible = xlSheetVisible
            End If
        Next sh
    For Each sh In Worksheets
       'Turn Off Retain and Turns on Suppress
        If EssVGetSheetOption(Empty, 11) = True Or _
           EssVGetSheetOption(Empty, 21) = True Or _
           EssVGetSheetOption(Empty, 22) = True Then
           Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 11, False)
           Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 21, False)
           Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 22, False)
        End If
        Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 6, True)
        Call EssVSetSheetOption(Empty, 7, True)
        For Each sh In HidShts
            sh.Visible = xlSheetHidden
        Next sh
    End Sub<font color="blue">Excel Object Code</font>
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        Call WBCreatePopUp
        MsgBox "Click on the button in the QAT to see if your menu is correct.", vbOKOnly, "Favorite Macro Menu"
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
        Call WBCreatePopUp
        ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
        ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = True
        ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
    End Sub
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
        Call WBCreatePopUp
    End Sub
    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
        Call WBRemovePopUp
    End Sub

    Hi Mathieu,
    As per support matrix documentation, Essbase 7.1.3 is not supported with Excel 2007.
    You may have to upgrade to client version which supports Excel 2007.

  • Visual basic code for essbase

    Hi there
    does anyone know what the VB code is for using essbase retrieve in Excel?
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    to clarify what John is saying,In excel, if you go to Essbase help, there is a section on the Essbase toolkit. It has examples of all of the Essbase functions. What you want is a menu equivelent function.
    In order to get them to work, you have to remember to copy declare statement into the the module(not into the subroutine.
    To do a menu retreive what you want is EssMenuVRetrieve
    Declare Function EssMenuVRetrieve Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL"() As Long
    Sub MRetrieve()
    End Sub

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