Esternal drive HD WD 3T My Passport with Mavericks suddenly unmount

I've a problem with my external HD WD 3T with my mac with Mavericks. When my HD is linked to my macbook air and I work with him (view foto, copy and cut file, open file) suddenly the HD unmount from my mac.
I tried to exclude my HD from Spotlight search but the problem persists.
I've scary because I might miss all my works and all my files.
Who can help me??? Please!!!
Thank you!

Take the WD HDD out of the enclosure and install it in another enclosure, preferably a non WD one.  See if it is recognized then.

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    Is it just bootable or does it have the Mavericks installation files on it? If so, yes. If not, no. You might consider getting an external enclosure. Put your old drive in it and boot to its Recovery partition. You can install from there. As a matter of fact, you can run Migration Assistant and get all your stuff over too. ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1396656137&sr=8-3&keywords=2.5+enclosure

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    Try with the latest Apple driver package for Canon (released 15th Feb):
    This solved my problem with the printing.

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    Hi christianfromvohenstrauß
    I'm glad you know where to check for drivers for your Photosmart 7500A.  I have included a link for you to sign up to get  an email when there is update to your printer.
    I have included a document on installing and using the printer for Mavericks.  The document walks you through installing the printer using Apple Software Update. 
    Get connected with updates from HP
    OS X v10.9 Mavericks: Installing and Using the Printer on a Mac
    I work on behalf of HP

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    Is "passport" some kind of external disk drive or something?
    Assuming the answer is "yes"...
    Some standard ways to see it so you can eject it:
    Finder, Preferences, General, "Show these items on the desktop" (shows up on desktop, eject via control-click or via dragging to the trash-turned-eject-button)
    Finder, Preferences, Sidebar, "Show these items in the sidebar"  (shows up in sidebar of a Finder window, eject by pushing eject button.)
    Copyright 2014
    Everything on the internet belongs to me.

  • External Drives for Mac Experiencing Data Loss with Maverick OS -- UPDATED FOR NOVEMBER 6, 2013

    --- Updated November 6, 2013 ---
    On October 30th, 2013 Western Digital informed registered customers of affected products via E-mail regarding reports of Western Digital and other external HDD products experiencing data loss when updating to OS X Mavericks (10.9).  Our investigation to date has found that for a small percentage of customers that have the WD Drive Manager, WD Raid Manager and/or WD SmartWare software applications installed on their Mac, there can be cases of a repartition and reformat of their Direct Attached Storage (DAS) devices without customer acknowledgement which can result in data loss.  
    WD has been tracking this issue closely through our WD Forum and through our Technical Support hotline and the occurrence rate of this event has been very low.  A specific set of conditions and timing sequences between the OS and the WD software utilities has to occur to cause this issue.  Should this event occur, the data on the product can likely be recovered with a third party software utility if the customer stops using the device immediately after the OS X Mavericks (10.9) upgrade.  WD will be issuing updated versions of these software applications that resolve this issue.
    WD strongly urges our customers to uninstall these software applications before updating to OS X Mavericks (10.9), or delay upgrading until we provide an update to the applications.  If you have already upgraded to Mavericks,  WD recommends that you remove these applications and restart your computer.  If you have already upgraded to Mavericks and are experiencing difficulty in accessing your external hard drive,  please do not save anything to the drive, disconnect the drive from your computer, and contact Western Digital Customer Service at
    --- Updated November 5, 2013 ---
    There are reports of Western Digital and other external HDD products experiencing data loss when updating to Apple's OS X Mavericks (10.9).  Western Digital is urgently investigating these reports and the possible connection to the WD Drive Manager, WD Raid Manager and WD SmartWare software applications. 
    Until the issue is understood and the cause identified, WD strongly urges our customers to uninstall these software applications on their systems before updating to OS X Mavericks (10.9), or delay upgrading.  If you have already upgraded to Mavericks, WD recommends that you remove these applications and restart your computer. WD has removed these software applications from our web site solely as a precaution as we investigate this issue.
    If you have already upgraded to Mavericks and are experiencing difficulty in accessing your external hard drive, please do not save anything to the drive, disconnect the drive from your computer, and contact Western Digital Customer Service at for further assistance.
    You can now download the WD Software Uninstaller.  This utility will remove Mac WD SmartWare and WD Drive Manager software.  You can find the uninstaller under any of the Mac Drive Downloads sections such as the My Book Studio below.

    I agree. After installing Mavericks I was troubleshooting and reinstalling drivers for days. Many Apps did not work anymore, although the updates slowly arrive. As total divergence of the old Apple philosophy, I had to use endless library cleaning terminal commands to get a new Canon network printer running again. Canon provided the procedures after updating from OS X10.6 to 10.7 already. Now it seems, that the first time I used the Super Drive (CD-DVD Drive) trying to burn an audio CD with baffling error messages (Drive already used..). After this, the RAID1 status of the two MyBook archives changed to JBOD. The changes of OS X10.8 to 10.9 I find unnecessary (iBooks could be an App, Maps we have already the same on other channels). Some changes are even a step back (calendar graphics), the so much more user friendly Office suite iWorks is free, but degraded an of limited use!MadOverlord wrote:
    I have had multiple cases of data loss on WD drives since upgrading to Mavericks, and I do not use any WD software. I was using a 4-bay PROBOX USB3 enclosure with 4 independant drives, each with 1 volume, no RAID. I have managed to copy large files off the WD drive onto my MBP internal drive using the finder, and then find that they are not identical. This problem is intermittent, does not generate any Finder errors, and the drives all show 100% health via SMART. The configuration was rock-solid before Mavericks, and has trashed the directories of 4 drives since I upgraded last week. I am attempting to find a solid replication case for this, but it is difficult. I have not been able to replicate the issue on another 2-bay USB2 dock that I have (different manufacturer). One thing is clear: only one thing changed -- I upgraded to Mavericks. 

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    the problem is with the WD Passport drives.   I also have one, and since upgrading to 10.9 I can no longer use mine either.  See if this solution works for you:

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    I don't think it'll cause a problem, but I'd disable/turn off Time Machine before disconnecting, then turn it back on after you connect it again.

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    A Time Machine backup drive should be substantially larger than the system drive.  If you have a 128 or 256 GB SSD then a 1 TB drive will suffice.  If you have a 512 GB SSD then a 2 TB drive will suffice.  As leroydouglas indicated any brand other than WD will do.
    For 1 TB drives PlotinusVeritas gives some great suggestions here:
    A 2 TB drive sold by Apple: 3-desktop-hard-drive
    A 2 TB drive just as good for only $92. odel-HDTB220XK3CA-/231162655273

  • Best External Hard Drive with Mavericks Compatibility?

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    Justin, your new HD needs to be formatted for Time Machine in Mac OSX Extended Journaled.
       Seagate backup plus all the way.  It works on both Windows and Mavericks . Download Paragon NTFS driver
    .....Peter, incorrect, Time Machine cannot communicate THRU Paragon, it has to be Mac OSX Ext. Journaled formatted,
    1. There is no such entity as "backup plus", its just a mfg. name given to a HD, it doesnt designate anything.
    Terms such as:    "WD Passport, Expansion drive, Seagate Backup Plus, PC hard drive, Mac hard drive, Free agent, backup drive, Passport plus, Elements, Toshiba Canvio, Slim, ultraslim, pocket drive, Touro" etc. etc. ........all these terms,...they dont designate or mean anything.
    2. Any HD will work with PC or Mac
    3. Paragon is for use with a NTFS drive for use with a Mac to communicate with a PC NTFS formatted HD....., not however for Time Machine to do a backup.
    For using your new HD for Time machine format it ..... >
    Go to .... > Finder > Go >  Utilities > DISK UTILITY
    enter DISK UTILITY
    Format (erase) it in "mac osx Extended journaled"
    see from mine below, HD on left selected,   .......ERASE tab highlighted.... and middle right roughly, it says "MAC OSX EXTENDED JOURNALED"
    thats the format,  but yours may be different of course
    bottom right ERASE tab lets you erase/ FORMAT your external as you like (remember this erases all data ON THE HD)
    highlighted in RED   Erase.......format (middle) ...........erase ACTION to Erase/Format (bottom)
    To show your HD on your desktop
    go into FINDER at top then PREFERENCES  then GENERAL tab
    then check "hard disks" and "external disks"
    FAT32 (File Allocation Table)
    Read/Write FAT32 from both native Windows and native Mac OS X.
    Maximum file size: 4GB.
    Maximum volume size: 2TB
    You can use this format if you share the drive between Mac OS X and Windows computers and have no files larger than 4GB.
    NTFS (Windows NT File System)
    Read/Write NTFS from native Windows.
    Read only NTFS from native Mac OS X
    To Read/Write/Format NTFS from Mac OS X, here are some alternatives:
    For Mac OS X 10.4 or later (32 or 64-bit), install Paragon (approx $20) (Best Choice for Lion)
    Native NTFS support can be enabled in Snow Leopard and Lion, but is not advisable, due to instability.
    AirPort Extreme (802.11n) and Time Capsule do not support NTFS
    Maximum file size: 16 TB
    Maximum volume size: 256TB
    You can use this format if you routinely share a drive with multiple Windows systems.
    HFS+ ((((MAC FORMAT)))) (Hierarchical File System, a.k.a. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) Don't use case-sensitive)
    Read/Write HFS+ from native Mac OS X
    Required for Time Machine or Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper! backups of Mac internal hard drive.
    To Read HFS+ (but not Write) from Windows, Install HFSExplorer
    Maximum file size: 8EiB
    Maximum volume size: 8EiB
    You can use this format if you only use the drive with Mac OS X, or use it for backups of your Mac OS X internal drive, or if you only share it with one Windows PC (with MacDrive installed on the PC)
    EXFAT (FAT64)
    Supported in Mac OS X only in 10.6.5 or later.
    Not all Windows versions support exFAT. 
    exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table)
    AirPort Extreme (802.11n) and Time Capsule do not support exFAT
    Maximum file size: 16 EiB
    Maximum volume size: 64 ZiB
    You can use this format if it is supported by all computers with which you intend to share the drive.  See "disadvantages" for details.

  • I connected my external hard drive to my new imac to put all of the information from my macbook onto it. i have been working on the macbook now and want to reconnect the external hard drive so my imac is updated with the work. How is that done?

    I connected my external hard drive to my new imac to put all of the information from my macbook onto it. I have been working on the macbook now and want to reconnect the external hard drive so my imac is updated with the work. How is that done? or is it possible?

    As I said, I don't use Time Machine, so it'd be best to wait for an "expert" answer, but, with my very limited knowledge, I'd say: probably not - so, for now, I'd suggest you read up on Time Machine: e=en_US&q=time%20machine
    And, you might be attracting more knowledgeable answers if you were to post this question in the Time Machine Forum (part of the Snow Leopard forums).

  • I downloaded CS6 and am having issues with my print driver. It is not compatible with the HP 2600n and have tried to download drivers given to me by adobe ( (Jupiter 3) but it is not working. after a few days. Its a temporary fix and is still looking for

    I downloaded CS6 and am having issues with my print driver. It is not compatible with the HP 2600n and have tried to download drivers given to me by adobe ( (Jupiter 3) but it is not working. after a few days. Its a temporary fix and is still looking for the HP driver when i boot up. It also will not save in any print or postscript format. Does anyone know how to fix?
    Currently use a Mac with the latest Mavericks 10.9.4

        Oh boy! Acting kind of weird seems to be an understatement, aquaequus!
    What type of troubleshooting were we able to do with you? I want to make sure that we can get some sort of resolution for this problem.
    It is quite possible the battery door may get your phone in working order again. I'm not sure if the store has it in stock, but it is available in our warehouse for $14.99 which can be ordered via customer service.
    Tamara H.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • I have a power pc (g5) computer that I will soon be replacing with a current i5 or i7 mini. How do I transfer the Time Machine files from the internal hard drive on the G5 to an external drive that I will later use with the Mini?

    I have a Power PC G5 computer that I will soon be replacing with a current i5 or i7 Mini. How do I transfer the Time Machine files from the internal hard drive on the G5 to an external drive that I will later use with the Mini?

    Hi, likely the easiest is to just poll the drive & get something like this...
    Get MacScan...
    But if you have a good external drive already, just clone it.
    Get carbon copy cloner to make an exact copy of your old HD to the New one...
    Or SuperDuper...

  • After replacement of my hard drive iPhoto is no longer compatible with my lion software - why ?

    after replacement of my hard drive iPhoto is no longer compatible with my lion software - why ?
    any suggestions on how to fix this ?

    what version of iPhoto are you using? i can't begin to answer that - it is no longer listed in my applications & has only a shadow of its icon in the dock
    what version did you have before the drive replacement? same answer
    what system version are you running? 10.8.5 - the one i was using when the hard drive died
    what exactly do you see when iPhoto attempts to launch? -it doesn't attempt to launch - i get a message saying "You can’t use this version of the application “iPhoto” with this version of OS X. You have  OS X 10.8.5. The application requires OS X 10.9 or later".
    what have you tried? wringing my hands ! i daren't try anything after the hard drive crash
    where is your library located? there is an iPhoto library folder on my desktop with random photos & albums - not all - put there by me - i vaguely remember a problem with iPhoto when i upgraded from snow leopard
    did you apply any updates or upgrades just prior to the problem occurring? after the drive replacement i uploaded saved data from a week old back up and found iphoto looking somewhat sick - no updates were offered in software updates
    are you running a "managed" or "referenced" library? i'm afraid i do not know what that means
    what type of Mac? a macbook pro
    how much free space on your boot drive? about 380 GB
    thank you very much for your questions - i hope i find some answers 

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