Event bubbling

On my root timeline I have the following event dispatch.
dispatchEvent(new Event("TICK_CLICK", true));
Then in a class that is attached to a movie clip, I want to listen to this event, but can't seem to do so.
Here is what is in the class:
addEventListener("TICK_CLICK", closeQuiz);
Why is this not working?
Thank you for any help!!!

only the object that dispatched the event can listen to the event.  in your case, that's the root timeline.

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    One of the new things flash flex and xaml have are ways which
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    currently this logic is maintained else where. I serialize
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    how should i implement bubbling using custom objects?
    3 implementation ideas:
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    2) If i use binders as discussed in Apress’s book:
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    project website http://www.opensourcemediaframework.com/
    returns a PHP error.
    and many unanswered questions about OSMF in this forum.
    i think it would be wise to not use OSMF if possible, although
    I'm also stuck with it since we are utilizing HDS/PHDS
    protocols which are utilized in the framework.
    otherwise its quite a head-ache.
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    that is being produced via an HDS connection.
    and haven't found any solution that works.

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    Components have to listen/register to receive events, either
    during the capture or bubble phase. So a child component can listen
    for a component by its using parent.addEventListener( "eventname",
    eventHandlerFunction );

  • Custom Event Bubble

    I'm new to flex and how it handles Event Bubbling.  I can make a custom event work with this code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                   xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                   applicationComplete="init()" name="app">
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
                import flash.events.Event;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                private function init():void {
                    var testEvent:Event = new Event("myEvent",true);
                private function testListener(event:Event):void {
                    Alert.show("Trigger Worked");
    But when I break out the code so the Event fires in a class the parent does not catch it.
    MyEvent.as file:
    package comp {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.events.Event;
        public class MyEvent extends MovieClip{
            public function MyEvent() {
                var testEvent:Event = new Event("myEvent",true);
    TestEvents.mxml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                   xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                   applicationComplete="init()" name="app">
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
                import comp.MyEvent;
                import flash.events.Event;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                private function init():void {
                    var tempEvent:MyEvent = new MyEvent();
                private function testListener(event:Event):void {
                    Alert.show("Trigger Worked");
    I know I'm missing something simple.  Could someone please point me in the correct direction.

    Thanks for the help!!!  I got it to work using most of your code.  The only change I had to make was move the dispatchEvent out of the construtor and into it's own function.  That way the listener is definded before it fires.
    Now I noticed you added the listener to the object itself is this bubbling?  I thought if you have bubbling turned on the main app can have the listener and if a child fires an event it would bubble up.  If the listerner is not on the MyEvent class it does not work.
    Here is the new Working code if you take the : tempMyEvent off this line:
    addEventListener(MyEvent.MY_EVENT, myEventHandler);
    it does not work
    Should it?  Should the event bubble up and still be fired?
    Below is working code:
    package comp {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.events.Event;
        public class MyEvent extends MovieClip{
            public static const MY_EVENT:String = 'myEvent';
            public function MyEvent() {}
            public function disEventTest():void {
                dispatchEvent(new Event(MyEvent.MY_EVENT,true));
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                   xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                   applicationComplete="init()" name="app">
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
                import comp.MyEvent;
                import flash.events.Event;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                private function init():void {
                    var tempMyEvent:MyEvent = new MyEvent();
                    tempMyEvent.addEventListener(MyEvent.MY_EVENT, myEventHandler);
                private function myEventHandler(event:Event):void {
                    Alert.show("Trigger Worked");
    Thanks again for your help this will at least get me moving forward again.

  • Stop Event Bubbling w/ VidPlayer Component

    I am having trouble with event bubbling when using the flash video player
    I've tried several methods to stop the player,before submitting here - but nothing I've tried seems to work
    The example is posted at
    The scenraio is:
    The site loads great - the buttons function correctly
    When the fourth button is click - it loads a frame with an embeded FLV player
    (the default vid player Flash uses when importing video into the swf)
    When the fourth button is click (Cheetah Coloring System)
    The video starts to play
    When any other button is clicked
    The video continues to play
    The embeded vid clip is named movie1
    and i've tried using move1.stop();
    but that stops the entire swf
    Any suggestions on how to stop the movie - when another button is clicked?
    Thank you for your time and attention
    COde used for the buttons::::
    btn1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bhp1DownHandler);
    function bhp1DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
    btn2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bhp2DownHandler);
    function bhp2DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
    btn3_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bhp3DownHandler);
    function bhp3DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
    btn4_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, bhp4DownHandler);
    function bhp4DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {

    don't embed your flv in your swf.  add an flvplayback component to your frame where you want the flv to be displayed, assign it an instance name (say flv) and use:
    and, if publishing for fp 10, use:
    when about to exist that frame.
    if publishing for fp9, use:

  • Event Bubbling from inside a MediaElement

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    I've tried dispatching from the ProxyElement, the SerialElement it creates, the VideoElement inside the serialElement, and also from the DisplayObjectTrait of each of those. I'm unable to successfully capture it via bubbling.
    In contrast I've modified the AdProxy example (org.osmf.examples.ads.AdProxy) and I can successfully capture a bubbled event dispatched via the displayObject it creates. I believe this may be due to its use of a custom AdProxyDisplayObjectTrait? It doesn't seem to do anything fancy so I'm not sure why it works yet my other attemps don't.
    Speaking of the AdProxy example. If i modify it to create a SerialElement and prepend a clip only the first clip plays correctly, all subseqwuent clips are heard but not seen. Is this a bug or do I need to somehow remove the custom AdProxyDisplayObjectTrait to resolve this issue? The child media claims it correctly has its own DisplayObjectTrait and the dimensions are correct. I'm using OSMF 1.6.1.

    I have a strong sensation that the OSMF project is quite dead.
    no new submits since 2010, the contact form on the offical OSMF
    project website http://www.opensourcemediaframework.com/
    returns a PHP error.
    and many unanswered questions about OSMF in this forum.
    i think it would be wise to not use OSMF if possible, although
    I'm also stuck with it since we are utilizing HDS/PHDS
    protocols which are utilized in the framework.
    otherwise its quite a head-ache.
    I'm unable to get to a video element coming from a proxied element
    that is being produced via an HDS connection.
    and haven't found any solution that works.

  • Event bubbling from PopUp

    How to listen to a event dispatched from a PopUp? The PopUp from an Application (as parent). However, the Application is not able to listen to the event.

    as an example
    _customWindow = TitleWindow(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, TitleWindow, true));
    _customWindow.addEventListener(CloseEvent.CLOSE, onCloseCustomVars);
    _customWindow.addEventListener("settingsChanged", onChangeCustomVars);

  • AS2 ... how to NOT capture an event, how to pass the event onwards through the event bubbling flow

    I have:
    Class my_class
      { public function my_class( an_mc )
             an_mc.onUnload = function()
               { // this capture prevents other listeners from getting it also;
                 //  in Adobe Director's Lingo, there is a pass method.

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    it seems that mine is preventing the flipbook component from receiving it's;
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    Tap on the event to open the event. Click the 'Edit' button in the event bubble, then press the 'Delete Event' button at the bottom of the Edit pop-up. It's a little different for events that come through Microsoft Exchange, you tap the event to bring up bubble and click the 'Details' button, and then press 'Decline' to remove the event.

  • Coalescing events from multiple components in a JPanel

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    Ideally I would like it if all component events were routed to a single listener in the parent JPanel, all I really need to do (initially) is set a boolean to note that a change may have been made. Do I have to explicitly set a handler for each component or is there way to automagically have the parent to catch the events from its child components?

    Thanks jvaudry, this is kinda what I suspected. It seems somewhat cumbersome to have to set up a listener for each of the many JTextField's in my form but definitely wrapping all of that up in a class is a good way to go. I'm pretty new to Swing and usually when something seems harder than it should it's a sure sign that I just don't know how to do it right :)
    I may try an altogether different approach just for curiousity's sake. I'm thinking of adding a method to the parent JPanel that will iterate all of its text fields and create a checksum of their combined contents. The idea is that I will compute the checksum once after populating the form and then later to see if any of the fields have changed. A simple notion that may not turn out to be so simple once I get to coding, but it's worth a try.

  • Possible bug, at least serious problem, in the AS3.0 event architecture

    Event bubbling causes a compiler error when it should not.
    High up in the display list, a
    listener has been added for TypeBEvent which extends
    Lower in the display list, a
    different object dispatches a TypeAEvent, and sets bubbling to true
    (and possibly, cancellable to false).
    A Type Coercion error (#1034)
    results! The listener receives the bubbled event which is of the
    same type as the base class of the handler event type. The event
    object "cannot be converted" to the TypeBEvent it is
    This situation came up in a real Flex project, where a video
    player that had been loaded as a module within another module
    dispatched a PROGRESS ProgressEvent, and a listener had been added
    to the higher level module for its ModuleEvent PROGRESS event,
    ModuleEvent subclasses ProgressEvent. The video player bubbled its
    event, and the compiler threw this error: "TypeError: Error #1034:
    Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
    flash.events::ProgressEvent@1f2de0d1 to mx.events.ModuleEvent."
    This compiler error does not make sense from a developer
    perspective, because it means any class lower on the display list
    can break the player (not the program, the player) simply by
    dispatching an event.
    Our team lost a great deal of (expensive) time trying to
    locate the source of this problem, since nothing about the compiler
    error – including the stack trace! – indicated the
    high-level class. In fact, the module developer didn't know
    anything about the high-level class which was compiled to a swc
    library, and the event being dispatched was in the flex class
    library, so neither end of the problem was very visible. Because
    the error only pointed to the video player class the developer
    naturally went into the flex classes first and tried to solve the
    problem in their scope before finally giving up and bringing the
    problem to others on the team.
    Truly a case where the software defeated team workflow.
    Our conclusion
    We love the new event framework but, this seems to come
    pretty close to qualifying as a bug. The high-level event listener
    simply should NOT have received, then choked the player on the
    bubbled base-class event. It should either receive it or not. If it
    did receive the event, the code in the handler could check whether
    the event target was appropriate... but instead the player breaks
    and does not provide any clue as to where, it only indicates the
    dispatching class as a culprit. Even short of fixing the problem,
    improving the error message so that the receiving event handler is
    clearly implicated would be a start.
    Again I am of the opinion that this compiler error should not
    take place at all because the top class subscribed specifically to
    the subclassed event type. A bubbled event that breaks the player
    due to an unrelated listener is just a huge black hole, especially
    when multiple developers are working on different tiers of a
    Could we get a reply from someone at Adobe on this issue?
    Thanks very much,
    Moses Gunesch

    If you create a metadatatype with a single metdata block, and you reference that in your vm/cm cell attribute using a *one* based index, Excel seems to see the link and it honors it when saving the spreadsheet.
    So, I ended up with something like:
    <c ... cm="1"/> (I'm dealing with cell metadata, but the concept is equivalente to value metadata)
    <metadataTypes count="1">
      <metadataType name="MyMetaType" .../>
    <futureMetadata count="1" name="MyMetaType">
    uri="http://example" xmlns:x="http://example"><x:val>87</x:val></ext></extLst>
    <cellMetadata count="1">
    t="1" v="0"/></bk> <!-- this is what gets referenced as cm=1 on the cell -->
    Hope this helps. 

  • How to override component default events

    How to override the scroll panel default click event to custom event.

    Events bubble by default... It sounds like you want to look at the Event class' stopImmediatePropagation method.

  • Prevent default behavior of events

    How can I prevent the default behavior of events?
    I know this concept from JavaScript or ActionScript where you could prevent the default behavior of an event by calling e.preventDefault().
    How can I achieve this in JavaFX?
    E.g. I have a KeyEvent on a TextArea and want to catch the Enter key and prevent it from positioning the cursor in the new line.
    I tried consume(), but it seems, it is the equivalent to e.stopPropagation().

    TextArea has a bug about mouse event handling: http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-17902, whereby the scrollpane enclosing the editable text eats events and so the events are not exposed to API users, not sure if this will also effect the key processing to the TextArea you are trying to perform. If the issue in 17902 is also causing the TextArea to not respond correctly to user defined key event processing, you can add an extra comment to that Jira to note it.
    Information on event handling can be found here: Re: Understanding Mouse Event Bubbling
    If TextArea event handling was working correctly, you should probably be able to do what you want by adding an EventFilter on the TextArea and consuming the event you want to capture. Doing this in an EventFilter so you can intercept the event in the capturing phase is preferable to trying to do it in an EventHandler during the bubbling phase. If try to consume the event in an EventHandler, it may not work because the event may already have been handled by the target node or the target node's children.

  • Event logging in Parent-Child packages

    I have a set of Parent-Child SSIS packages. A Parent package invokes a bunch of child packages via "Execute Package Tasks".
    I have set up custom event logging (to a SQL table) inside both Parent and Child Packages' Event Handlers (OnPreExecute, OnPostExecute, OnError).
    I noticed that when a Child Package raises an event, both the Child Package's event handler and the Parent Package's event handler get fired, thereby creating duplicate event logging entries.
    So, as a quick work around, I disabled event handlers in Child packages hoping that the Parent Package's event handlers will catch and log all events nicely. However, when the Parent Package's event handler writes event details to the table, it uses the
    Parent Package's System::PackageId, System::PackageGUID and System::PackageName rather than that of the Child Package that originally raised the event!. So, my event log table records all events as if they were raised by the Parent Package!
    Is it possible to disbale event bubbling up from Child Packages to the Parent package?
    What options do I have to fix this problem?

    I came across this same issue and found a pretty nice workaround.
    In brief, I used a Stored Procedure to write the OnError to a Logging table. So when this stored procedure was called I checked if the error was already in the logging table, and if it was then no record would be inserted.
    I was already using the logging method 2 detailed here with a few changes.
    To the PackageLog table I added a ParemtExecutionID value, which was passed into the child package through a Parent Variable Configuration. So for the OnPreExecute handler, the Parent Package passed NULL for the ParemtExecutionID, but the Child Package passed
    in the Variable.
    In the ErrorLog table I added a SourceID column, which is the GUID of the task that generated the error. In the Parent/Child Package configuration, the SourceID is the same in both OnError handlers.
    So then when the Parent OnError handler calls the stored procedure, it checks if an ErrorLog record exists for the ParentExecutionID and SourceID combination.
    Below is the OnError Stored Procedure I used. (Note: In my example only the Child Package has a Queue ID value.)
    Create Procedure [dbo].[usp_Integration_Log_Error] (
    @Queue_Id INTEGER = NULL,
    @Source_Name VARCHAR(255),
    @Err_Code INTEGER,
    @Err_Message NVARCHAR(MAX)
    IF @Queue_Id IS NULL
    @ErrorCount = Count(*)
    IE.SOURCE_ID = @Source_Id
    IF ISNULL(@ErrorCount,0) = 0
    VALUES (

  • Swipe event handling

    Hello all!
    I need some help with swiping in my mobile project....
    O want swipe between views. So I add  addEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, onSwipe); to my View init function
    A it is OK. Its work!
    But, I also added <s:List> (horizontal) to view. And when i try scroll (swipe) that List horizontally with finger, i also swipe/scroll my View to another!
    I understand that it is something with event bubbling , but I don't know how to fix this. I try use removeEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, onSwipe) on navigator.activeView : View when I startTouch List. No positive effect.
    So. I would glad for any help.

    To swipe between views, there is a new atttibute "pageScrollingEnabled" for List in Flex 4.6
    For more information, see Jason's Flex blog:
    For your example :
    - use addEventListener in viewActivate method,
    - use removeListener in viewDeactivate method
    - in the method for TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE,
    test the target and use event.preventDefault to cancel the event.
    - in the method onSwipe, test isDefaultPrevented
      (in some case, systemManager that redispatches a cancellable
       version of an event)
          protected function onSwipe(event:TransformGestureEvent):void
              if (event.isDefaultPrevented()) return;
    And if your are problems, post a code snippet...

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