Hi all!
Cud anyone guide me as to how to pass values to the event parameters created by me in a BUSINESS OBJECT.
To be more precise: I have created an event with some parameters in it in a Z-Object. Now thru Select query, want to assign values to the event parameters from DB-tables. But unable to access event parameters in the object-program thru object-(parameter-name).
Cud anyone guide me as to how to do the same else any other way out?

You can use the FM SWE_EVENT_CREATE to trigger the event.
When calling you can use the tables parameter EVENT_CONTAINER to populate the event container.
With the macro below you initialize the event container
with the macro below you add/set elements to the container
SWC_SET_ELEMENT event_container 'ELEMENT1' 'VALUE1'.
This must be it...

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  • How to get parameter value from report in event of value-request?

    Hi everyone,
    The customer want to use particular F4 help on report, but some input value before press enter key are not used in event of "at selection-screen on value-request for xxx", How to get parameter value in this event?
    many thanks!

    You probably want to look at function module DYNP_VALUES_READ to allow you to read the values of the other screen fields during the F4 event... below is a simple demo of this - when you press F4 the value from the p_field is read and returned in the p_desc field.
    report zlocal_jc_sdn_f4_value_read.
      p_field(10)           type c obligatory,  "field with F4
      p_desc(40)            type c lower case.
    at selection-screen output.
      perform lock_p_desc_field.
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_field.
      perform f4_field.
    *&      Form  f4_field
    form f4_field.
    *" Quick demo custom pick list...
        l_desc             like p_desc,
        l_dyname           like d020s-prog,
        l_dynumb           like d020s-dnum,
        ls_dynpfields      like dynpread,
        lt_dynpfields      like dynpread occurs 10.
      l_dynumb = sy-dynnr.
      l_dyname = sy-repid.
    *" Read screen value of P_FIELD
      ls_dynpfields-fieldname  = 'P_FIELD'.
      append ls_dynpfields to lt_dynpfields.
      call function 'DYNP_VALUES_READ'
          dyname     = l_dyname
          dynumb     = l_dynumb
          dynpfields = lt_dynpfields
          others     = 1.
      check sy-subrc is initial.
    *" See what user typed in P_FIELD:
      read table lt_dynpfields into ls_dynpfields
        with key fieldname = 'P_FIELD'.
    *" normally you would then build your own search list
    *" based on value of P_FIELD and call F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST
    *" but this is just a demo of writing back to the screen...
    *" so just put the value from p_field into P_DESC plus some text...
      concatenate 'This is a description for' ls_dynpfields-fieldvalue
        into l_desc separated by space.
    *" Pop a variable value back into screen
      clear: ls_dynpfields.
      ls_dynpfields-fieldname  = 'P_DESC'.
      ls_dynpfields-fieldvalue = l_desc.
      append ls_dynpfields to lt_dynpfields.
      call function 'DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE'
          dyname     = l_dyname
          dynumb     = l_dynumb
          dynpfields = lt_dynpfields
          others     = 0.
    endform.                                                    "f4_field
    *&      Form  lock_p_desc_field
    form lock_p_desc_field.
    *" Make P_DESC into a display field
      loop at screen.
        if screen-name = 'P_DESC'.
          screen-input = '0'.
          modify screen.
    endform.                    "lock_p_desc_field

  • CrystalReportViewer: "Missing parameter values with implemented error event

    I'm using the CrystalReportViewer in APS.net (C#), and try to display a report in it.
    I've implemented the error event of the viewer to show the user a different error message than the viewer itself does.
             this.CrystalReportViewer.Error += new CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventHandler(CrystalReportViewer_Error);
          protected void CrystalReportViewer_Error(object source, CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventArgs e)
             var msg = "Error in CrystalReportViewer\r\n{0}".FormatInvariant(e.ErrorMessage);
             throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
    But.... Now if I want to show a report that has parameters in it, the parameter page does not appear before the report itself. How can I make my code work (without removing the implementation of the error event), so the viewer first shows the parameter page, before showing the actual report?

    And in the Page_Load method:
    this.CrystalReportViewer.Error += new CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventHandler(CrystalReportViewer_Error);
    I've done this so i can show my own error page to the user of the website. Otherwise the CRViewer shows his own error, and I do not want the user of the website to see this 'technical' error.
    So i've implemented the CrystalReportViewer.Error method:
    protected void CrystalReportViewer_Error(object source, CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventArgs e)
       // Missing parameter values.
       var discardToShowParameterPrompt = (e.ErrorMessage.ToUpperInvariant() == "Missing parameter values.".ToUpperInvariant())
         || (e.ErrorMessage.ToUpperInvariant() == "Ontbrekende parameterwaarden.".ToUpperInvariant());
       if (discardToShowParameterPrompt)
          _Log.Debug("The parameter screen should be displayed now.");
          var msg = "Error in CrystalReportViewer: {0}".FormatInvariant(e.ErrorMessage);
          throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
    If I load a report with no params in the report, the page shows immediately the report.
    If I load a report with params in the report, the params page is shown, the user can enter the param values, and after pressing OK, the report is shown.
    If an error occurs (for example the report cannot connect to the database), the viewer does NOT show the error (because i've implemented the _error event) but my code throws an InvalidOperationException, and this is handled by code so the error is logged to a file, and the user gets a user friendly message on the website.
    If i do not implement the _error event, the user will see the technical error in the crystal reports viewer.
    If I comment out the code where I'm looking for the string "Missing parameter values." (or "Ontbrekende parameterwaarden") the parameter page will not be shown, and an error will be thrown by the Crystal Reports viewer.
    If I put e.handled = true in the _error event, and there is an error (for example the database cannot be found), no error will be thrown, and there is nothing to see in the viewer.
    So for now the only way to get the params page is to implement the _error event the way i've done in the above code, checking the error message on a string value.

  • Problems using event structure to write new parameter values to VISA

    FMA_event_2.vi ‏28 KB
    FMA_event_2.vi ‏28 KB

    It seems I'm also having trouble using forums..not sure what happened...updated and corrected thread: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Problems-using-event-structure-to-write-new-parameter-values-to/td-p...

  • Raising event when value for a parameter in alert monitor changes

    Hi All,
    We are using Redwood Cronacle version 7 and have connected it to SAP solution Manager System to get the central monitoring data. Now we want to raise a particular event whenever value for a specific parameter in alert monitor gets changed.
    I had a look of already present functions in JCS_MON package, but was not able to find any pre-existing function.
    Any pointers on how to achieve this...
    Thanks a lot.
    Best regards,

    Hi Anton,
    Thanks for your reply. We want the event to be raised on one of the parameters which is coming from SAP solution Manager. This event is required to be raised every time the value of that parameter gets changed from its current value. So it is not possible to define some severity where value can be defined.
    One way can be to store the previous value in one custom table in repository and keep on checking with the present value. Once the difference is found then raise the even & replace the current value with the new value. But just want to know if there is some better solution for this.
    Thanks a lot.
    Best regards,

  • Iowagie - How do I pass in parameter values to an event handler -onEndPage?

    I have spent a while on this and is getting quite frustrating, so any help much appreciated.
    I am trying to create a footer on each of my PDF pages that will contain an image and a table. I have successfully created a separate class to my servlet, EndPage.java that contains an onEndPage() method. The problem is, I need to pass in three parameter values into this method, storeNo, langId and transNo.
    How do I go about doing this?
    public class PDFPrint extends HttpServlet {
        private ByteArrayOutputStream getDoc(ByteArrayOutputStream baos, HttpServletRequest requ, String transNo, String storeNo, String langId)     {
            HttpSession session = requ.getSession();
            Document document = new Document();                    
            PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, baos);
            writer.setPageEvent(new EndPage());     
    public class EndPage extends PdfPageEventHelper {
        public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
            try {
                Rectangle page = document.getPageSize();
                PdfPTable head = new PdfPTable(3);
                PdfPCell cell1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Pueblo Nativo S.A. de C.V", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 17f)));
                for (int k = 1; k <= 1; ++k)
                head.setTotalWidth(page.width() - document.leftMargin() - document.rightMargin());
                head.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, document.leftMargin(), page.height() - document.topMargin() + head.getTotalHeight(),
                PdfPTable foot = new PdfPTable(1);
                PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Disclaimer to go here.", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 17f)));          
                for (int k = 1; k <= 1; ++k)
                foot.setTotalWidth(page.width() - document.leftMargin() - document.rightMargin());
                foot.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, document.leftMargin(), document.bottomMargin(),
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
         public static void main(String[] args) {

    Try adding that information data as properties to the HTTP session.
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
    HttpSession session = (HttpSession)externalContext.getSession(false);
    session.setAttribute("stornNo", storeNo);
    session.setAttribute("langId", langId);
    session.setAttribure("transNo", transNo);In PDFPrint, you can get those properties using session's getAttribute method, and pass them to the constructor or as parameters to onEndPage.

  • "Missing parameter values."  --  Export and Print only...

    I have a web application and I am using CrystalReportViewer.  I am passing several parameters to Crystal using: 
    report.SetParameterValue(field.Name, Session[field.Name]);
    I have session variables which will hold parameters needed to pass into the report.  The session variables are populated from controls on my webpage after an onclick event.  This even not only populates session, but also passes parameters to the report with the following code: 
    ReportDocument report = new ReportDocument();
    Session["MapPathName"] = "./Reporting/CaseStudy.rpt";
    report.FileName = Server.MapPath(Session["MapPathName"].ToString());
    ParameterFields fields = new CrystalDecisions.Shared.ParameterFields();
    fields = report.ParameterFields;
    foreach (ParameterField field in fields)
          report.SetParameterValue(field.Name, Session[field.Name]);
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report;
    This works great for reporting and is very extensible.  However, when clicking on the "Print" or "Export" buttons on the toolbar I get "Missing parameter values."  I attempted to export manually in code using the .ExportToStream function but I still get the error, "Missing parameter values." 
    I received this error also in Refresh, Search, and Navigate functions.  This was corrected by calling a function that supplies the above code block to these functions.  However, I do not see any events for controlling the Print nor the Export events. 
    QUESTION: How can I print or export a report when passing parameters using CrystalReportViewer?  Thanks in advance!
    P.S. - Crystal Reports XI Release 2
    Edited by: KyleSavant on Jun 18, 2009 5:42 PM

    There are no Export or Print events accessible for the viewer
    Since it sounds like you are creating the reportdocument object in your click event, the settings on this object become out of scope on successive postbacks executed by other events.
    to get around this without major changes, you can place your "report" object in session in this event and retrieve it from session on successive postbacks.  This should solve your problems around navigation, printing and exporting.  What you will need to do is check if the session object exists (usually in page_load or page_initialze) and if so, retrieve it from session and bind it to the viewer's reportsource.  If the session object does not exist, then do nothing (ie you have not clicked your button yet that retrieves the parameter values from session and loads the report).  Also, in your click event you can check if the report session object exists and if so, remove it so that it can be re-created with your new parameter values (ie i'm assuming the only time you want to set parameter values is in this event).

  • Why are my parameter values not setting in report?

    Like many others I am a developer who is new to crystal reports.  I have researched a lot for setting report parameters and although my code seem to be working when I open the report through code I'm always asked to re-enter the parameter values.
    Here is my code:
    behind button event
    PersonalAttendance myReport = new PersonalAttendance();
    ReportUtility ru = new ReportUtility();
    ru.SetReportParameter(myReport, "reportName","the title");
    myReport.SetDataSource([a data source]);
    ReportViewer.ReportSource = myReport;
    method behind custom class "ReportUtility()"
    public void SetReportParameter(ReportClass rc, string FieldName, object parameterValue)
    //Get the collection of parameters from the report
    crParameterFieldDefinitions = rc.DataDefinition.ParameterFields;
    //Access the specified parameter from the collection
    crParameterFieldDefinition = crParameterFieldDefinitions[FieldName];
    //Get the current values from the parameter field.  At this point
    //there are zero values set.
    crParameterValues = crParameterFieldDefinition.CurrentValues;
    //Set the current values for the parameter field
    crParameterDiscreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
    crParameterDiscreteValue.Value = parameterValue;
    //Add the first current value for the parameter field
    //All current parameter values must be applied for the parameter field.
    I'd really appreciate any assistance....

    For better assistance on this question I would suggest you to post this issue on "Business Objects SDK Application Development".
    Sumit Kanhe

  • How to pass parameter values to a report befor schedule it?

    I tried to use Business Objects web service to schedule a report. But I failed to pass in any parameter values. The report was able to run successfully. But check all history from Infoview, all parameter are with NULL value. Does anybody encounter the same problem and has good resolution for this? Many thanks.
    Here's my code:
    // Logon Crystal Report Server
    // Find Report
    GetOptions oGetOptions = new GetOptions();
    oGetOptions.IncludeSecurity = false;
    ResponseHolder rh = _bipService.Get("cuid://<" + reportCuid + ">@SI_SCHEDULEINFO, SI_PROCESSINFO", oGetOptions);
    InfoObjects oInfoObjects = rh.InfoObjects;
    if (oInfoObjects == null || oInfoObjects.InfoObject == null) return;
    // Set Scheduling Info
    CrystalReport oReport = (CrystalReport)oInfoObjects.InfoObject[0];
    oReport.Name = oInfoObjects.InfoObject[0].Name;
    SchedulingInfo oSchedulingInfo = oReport.SchedulingInfo;
    oSchedulingInfo.RightNow = true;
    oSchedulingInfo.ScheduleType = (ScheduleTypeEnum.ONCE);
    oReport.SchedulingInfo = oSchedulingInfo; 
    // Set Format Info.
    ReportProcessingInfo procInfo = oReport.PluginProcessingInterface;
    CrystalReportFormatOptions repFormat = new CrystalReportFormatOptions();
    repFormat.Format = ReportFormatEnum.EXCEL;
    repFormat.FormatSpecified = true;
    repFormat.UseExportOptionsInReport = true;
    repFormat.UseExportOptionsInReportSpecified = true;
    procInfo.ReportFormatOptions = repFormat;
    // Get Report Parameters and Set their values
    // I don't know if the step has any problem. I copied from wssdk sample.
    ReportParameter[] repParams = procInfo.ReportParameters;           
    for (int i = 0; i < repParams.Length; i++)
        CurrentValues oCurrentValues = new CurrentValues();
        BusinessObjects.DSWS.BIPlatform.Desktop.PromptValue[] oPromptValue = new BusinessObjects.DSWS.BIPlatform.Desktop.PromptValue[1];
        oPromptValue[0] = new BusinessObjects.DSWS.BIPlatform.Desktop.PromptValue();
        oPromptValue[0].Data = "Test";
        oCurrentValues.CurrentValue = oPromptValue;
        repParams<i>.CurrentValues = oCurrentValues;
    procInfo.ReportParameters = repParams;       
    oReport.PluginProcessingInterface = procInfo;
    // Schedule run the report   
    InfoObjects infoObjects = _bipService.Schedule(oInfoObjects);
    //Get new instance id
    string instanceCuid = infoObjects.InfoObject[0].NewJobID;
    Edited by: Shao Zelian on Jan 19, 2010 11:51 AM

    Can you clarify your scenario? Which is the case you're talking about?
    1) You want to pass a parameter from OmniPortlet to a PL/SQL procedure.
    2) You want to pass a parameter from a PL/SQL procedure to OmniPortlet.
    In both cases the most obvious way of doing it is through request (URL) parameters.
    Render a link in your portlet (either in OmniPortlet or using PL/SQL) that invokes a portal page, containing the other portlet.
    Both OmniPortlet and PL/SQL allow you to wire and access page parameters.
    Take a look at the Using Parameter and Events section of the Portal User's Guide and the Parameters and Events section of the Portal Developer's Guide.
    Hope this helps,

  • Set a parameter value using Search help exit

    Hi All,
    I want a search help such as If I enter a warehouse number on my screen then search help for storage bins should have that warehouse number populated in selection dialog.
    I guess i have to write some code in search help exit if CALLCONTROL-STEP = 'PRESEL'.
    But I am not able to set the warehouse value to parameter.
    Does any one have done something like this?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Shailly,
    I don#t know if that will be the best option for you, but you can make use of the abap program event at value request for your parameter_id.
    What you need is to insert a similar code like the one below:
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_param
      select fielda fieldb from storage bin table into gi_warehouse_bin
                 where  warehouse = warehouse parameter.
      delete adjacent duplicates from gi_zzdez comparing all fields.
      call function 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST'
         retfield               = space
         dynpprog               = 'REPORT_NAME'
         dynpnr                 = '1000'
         dynprofield            = 'P_BIN'
         window_title           = 'Text'
         value_org              = 'S'
          value_tab              = gi_warehouse_bin
         parameter_error        = 1
         no_values_found        = 2
         others                 = 3
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

  • Parameter value selected is not getting into paramater variable.

    I have a parameter variable in which there is a list of values(2007,2006,2005,2004).
    By default, parameter value is 2007. But when I select any other value form the list, variable doesnot show that selected value at all. Someday back variable was showing me value , but now its not showing. Please give me some suggestion.

    While declaring the Parameter do not assign directly,  i mean Declare the paramter and do not use the DEFAULT option with the parameter, instead of this assign the 2007 value in INITILIZATION event, then ones you select it then the value will come into this parameter

  • How to get the selection parameter values to Posting logic method

    How can i  read the selection parameter values at " posting logic" method, which are given in  " Select Option function module"?

    max bianchi wrote:
    > The selection-screen data are stored in ABAP memory, so it need to clear it .
    > Now how set ID parameter can depend on SAP release, anyway in ECC 6 this should work:
    >           INT_MODE(2) TYPE N,
    >           KIND(1)     TYPE C,
    >         END OF MEMKEY.
    > But in this way it'll clea whole selection-screen...do you wnat do it?
    > Max
    @Max : The above hack seem to work fine unless you assign a  'DEFAULT' value to the selection fields.
    @OP   : Here is an other work around,  however, this approach needs an additional effort to create
        new PF-STATUS('MYLIST') and assign a function code of your choice to the function keys in the standard toolbar and handle them in the 'AT USER-COMMAND'   event as shown below. Let us know if you have/find any issues with this.
      p_test TYPE char5 DEFAULT '123'.
      CASE syst-ucomm.
        WHEN 'MBACK'.
          SUBMIT zytest WITH p_test = '' VIA SELECTION-SCREEN.

  • Event parameter setting

    Hi All,
    I have a event DISPLAY of the BOR Object ZTESTBOR.
    The Event DISPLAY has a parameter 'Matnr' of type mara-matnr.
    Now i want to start a work flow when the event is triggered.
    So i have done the binidng in the worl flow.
    How can i pass a value say '1000001' to Matnr ( i.e the event parameter ) and then trigger the event so that the work flow container element can take the value in the container element so that i can use it in the WF.
    Can u suggest any FM's or documents where this could be found.

    This program might Help:
    tables :
    data :
    * object key
    objectkey type SYSUUID_C,
    objkey like sww_contob-objkey.
    * defining the event container..........................................
    data begin of event_container occurs 0.
    include structure swcont.
    data end of event_container.
    * workitem list
    data :
    t_wid like SWOTOBJID occurs 0 with header line.
    clear event_container.
    refresh event_container.
    UNIQUE_ID = objectkey.
    objkey = objectkey.
    clear objectkey.
    call function 'SWC_ELEMENT_SET'
    element = 'CONTEXT'
    field = 'UAD'
    container = event_container
    exceptions others = 1.
    call function 'SWC_ELEMENT_SET'
    element = 'SUBJECT'
    field = '3333'
    container = EVENT_CONTAINER
    exceptions others = 1.
    objtype = 'ZPSKUMAR'
    objkey = objkey
    event = 'GENERIC'
    * CREATOR = ' '
    * START_WITH_DELAY = ' '
    * DEBUG_FLAG = ' '
    * NO_LOGGING = ' '
    * IDENT =
    * EVENT_ID =
    OTHERS = 2
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Hope That Helps
    Anirban M.

  • FirePartialAction event parameter

    Hi, I'm a newbie, Thanks for your patience ...
    I have a custom create rec page, there is an Item (SupplierCode) poplist with a firePartialAction, event name is "hoho", parameters I have defined "parm1" with value ${oa.CreateDetailVO1.SupplierCode}
    In my Controller, processFormRequest I have the following code... just to see what I got from the parameter value,
    if ("hoho".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
    String parmValue = pageContext.getParameter("parm1");
    System.out.println("got parameter from firing event:"+parmValue);
    When I run this page, the poplist is on the blank value, when I select a value 'A', it fire "hoho", but the parameter print out in the System.out.println msg is null, when I change the value to 'B', the "hoho" got fire again, with parameter value print out in the msg is 'A', when I change the value to 'C', hoho got fired again with value of 'B'.
    Seems like the parameter value passed back is the old value? was it suppose to pass back with the old value? or did I do something wrong?

    In the parameters of the firePartialAction, you must be passing some parameters to get the resultant values in the CO.
    In general the format is ${oa.ViewInstance.AttributeName}
    For your case try using ${oa.*current*.AttributeName}
    This will give you the new value.

  • Displaying  page parameter value

    I have a LOV portlet that contains division names with no bind variables involved. In the same portlet region, I have a calendar component that show documents for a division.
    When the user select a division name from the Lov, the onChange event calls the same page passing the division name as a url parameter. The calendar has a bind variable mapped to the page parameter division_code.
    When the page redisplays, I want the default value of the LOV set equal to the page parameter value. How do I do this?

    Try using wwpro_api_parametes.retrieve.
    This Retrieves a list of all the URL parameters (names and values) from every
    portlet instance that belongs to a provider.
    The names and values are returned, unchanged, into a table. If a parameter has more than one value, only the first is returned.
    Any user can use this procedure.
    If a URL has these parameters:
    Then this call:
    Sets the following names and values:
    'empno', 'deptno', 'a.deptno', 'a.deptno', 'a.folderid' in l_names
    '10', '10', '20', '25', '30' in l_values
    Hope this helps.

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