Event types for Nomination

Is there any inbound IDOC type available for the Nomination , we like to updated the Event types in the nominations from an external system .
Can some one throw some light on this ?
Thanks in advance!!!

Hello Harish,
Good Day!
Got your reference from SDN. Can you help me configure IDoc basic type: OIJ_NOM_DETAIL01, Message type: OIJ_NOM_COMM for updating  Nomination Events. I need Inbound Process Code and Inbound Function Module Name.
Thanks in Advance for your help.
Thanks and Best Regards

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    Revision: 12962
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-12-15 10:32:23 -0800 (Tue, 15 Dec 2009)
    Log Message:
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    Check  table T156SY (old: T156S)
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    Hi Sandeep
    The transaction /event types delivered by Std SAP are very exhaustive.
    However you can create for various delivery costs (similar to FR1)
    - Create your own key in IMG at conditions --> Define price determination process --> Define transaction event keys
    - Assign rules, posting keys and GL account in OBYC
    - Assign the new ket for the appropriate condition type in prcicing procedure.
    This enables credit posting the this account to generate liability to the extent of material valuated by this condition.
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    Hi Kevin,
    What DataSource does your testalias refer to?
    - If it is a custom DataSource, you must have created this custom DataSource also.
    - If it is the default DataSource, you shouldn't have this problem in general...
    In either case, you can try deploying your DataSource and/or DataSource alias together with your application:
    I hope that helps!

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    I dont think you can do this.
    from OSS Note 18614 - MMIM: Transaction/event type for goods movements
    The transaction/event type (field: T158-VGART) for goods movements is set in table T158 for the transaction code. This transaction/event type cannot be set via Customizing.
    Additional key words
    Cause and prerequisites
    The transaction/event type has a program control function. If the customer sets the transaction/event type, this may lead to errors. For this reason, the setting should not be possible via Customizing.
    Please do not change the transaction/event type in table T158. You should look for alternatives to reach your aim without making any changes.
    Can you explain why you want to do this, what do you want achieve with a new transaction type?

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    yup it's in the same application. weird though, I started from scratch and it started to work. Must have been an error in other EPN components that screwed the event repository initialization.
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    With regards

    Dear Pushpa,
    Transaction Code :SHD0 is working fine.
    Please accept my sincere thanks for your sharing your Knowledge.
    I am able to fulfill my
    Regarding the enhancement, I have not tried.
    Once I will complete, I will award the fulll marks to you.
    With Best Regards,
    Raghu Sharma

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    Please help me in adding listeners and their relevant coding.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for reply, Actually I am asking about listeners in the wizard of B1DE, code generator wizard. I think you are telling me about adding listeners directly in the vb.net. Kindly, tell me first, what event type I should add for item, form etc while adding listeners during  the wizard. Or If you know some link where event types of listeners are decribed, you are more than welcome.

  • MIGO -Number range for trans./event type WE in year 2012 does not exist

    Hi  to all
    i got one erro while  going do MIGO , error is  
    Number range for trans./event type WE in yar 2012 does not exist .But i checked in OBA7 for the document type WE for that company code i have already maintain number ranges for the year 2011. but system showing error message is  WE in year 2012 does not exist . how it showing .Actually My fiscal year is 2011 . why system asking maintain number ranges WE in year .After that i maintaion number ranges for the fiscal year 2012 . and try to post MIGO but i got the same error .Please help us in this sence
    Error Details :
    Number range for trans./event type WE in yar 2012 does not exist
    Message no. M7562
    The number range for document number assignment has not been maintained in the year 2012 for the transaction/event type WE.
    Contact your system administrator.
    If you are authorized to do so, do you want to check the number ranges for the
    u2022     Material documents
    u2022     Reservations?
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Tej,
    Even I am getting the same error
    "number range for trans./event type WE in year 2014 does not exist"
    I have maintained the below number range in tcode OMBT,
    Am I missing anything?? Please help!!

  • Number range for trans./event type WA in year 2006 does not exist

    while posting stock in MB1C screen the following error has been faced by me, i hope a answer from any one of u.

    Hi Venu,
    In the sytem there is no number range assignment for event type WA (Goods issues)in the year 2006. In SPRO -- Materials Management -- Inventory Management -- Number ranges for material documents -- Number ranges for Goods Issues/transfer posting -- For WA insert year 2006 and assign the number range for the year 2006.
    Number ranges for material documents will be maintained year wise.
    Hope this clarifies. If you have any issue. Post it back.

  • How to remove event handlers for a content type currently in use?

    We had a SP 2007 solution that managed event handlers as described in
    Brian Wilson's blog regarding event handlers. We then did a in-place upgrade to SP 2010. It so happend that we wanted to remove some of our old event handlers and this is where our problem started. We managed to delete event handlers
    (SPEventReceiverDefinitions) for
    Site and List by using the ui from Brian Wilsons feature "Manage Event Handlers" (ref the link above), but not anyone at all for
    Content Types... It simply wouldn't be deleted
    (remove was grayed out in the ui). 
    We then tried to do it by code. Below is a code snippet illustrating how we tried to delete the event handlers for content types:
    using (SPWeb web = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb)
    string targetClassName = "targetClassName.";
    web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
    // Removing Content Type event handlers
    foreach (SPContentType ct in web.ContentTypes)
    for (int i = ct.EventReceivers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    if (ct.EventReceivers[i].Class.StartsWith(targetClassName))
    The Content Types are not sealed and are
    not readonly. When debugging, we can see that the
    Delete() method are called on one of the Content Types we wanted to delete event handlers for. We noted that the
    ct.EventReceivers.Count remains the same, before and after Delete() is called. We did not get any exceptions when running this code.
    When running the code a second time and debugging again, we see that the very same Content Type still has the very same event handler attached... As in, it wasn't deleted....
    We also tried to delete the event handlers through PowerShell as described
    here in the post by Per Jakobsen. However, the script did not really seem to find any EventReceivers... We tried to write the
    $site.AllWebs | % {$_.Lists} | % {$_.ContentTypes} | % {$_.EventReceivers} list to file, but it was empty.. We did however get a long list when writing $site.AllWebs | % {$_.Lists} | % {$_.ContentTypes} to file. We could then in
    that file see the event handler references we want to remove registered to our Content Types, as we did during code debugging earlier on. So PowerShell might still be the way to go here...
    So, does anyone know if there is a way to force this delete through, either by code, PowerShell or some other means? Any help regarding this matter would be very much appreciated :)

    For your information, there's two versions (at least) exists for each content types. One is Site Content Type - exists in Root web and another is list content type. Once you add a content type to a list, a copy of the site content type is taken and stored
    in the list. If you update the site content type, it may or may not affect the list conten type. So make sure you are updating the both - site content and list content type. Once you update site content type with passing paramater true to 'ct.Update(true)',
    the list content types are supposed to updated too.
    Sohel Rana

  • No. Range for Tarns/Event Type

    Dear Sirs,
    While posting the material using MB1C   -
    Message displayed
    Number range for trans./event type WA in year 2008 does not exist ?
    Have checked the fiscal year variant and posting periods.
    I would appreciate for the earliest help.
    Anil Kumar.B

    Hi Anil,
              Go through the transaction MMPV m, I hope it will solve your issue.

  • No range for trans/event type WA in year 2011 does not exist

    Hi, All Gurus
    while posting goods in MB1C,getting error 'No range for trans/event type WA in year 2011 does not exist'
    while doing PGI,getting error 'No range for trans/event type WL does not exist'.I'm getting trained in IDES system.
    Plz help me..

    And welcome to SAP SDN
    System asking Number range for trans./event type WA for year 2011, as it not maintain in the system.
    Now 1st set u201CWAu201D document type for material document & then u201CWAu201D document type for accounting document
    Set for WA document type for material document
    Use TCode: OMBT
    In the Menu Click Group - maintain - again click Group-insert - Number Range Group Text (new material document)
    & then enter
    Year_From Number __ To Number.
    2011_100000000____ 199999999
    And now
    Double click "WA"
    and select check box of your "Number Range Group text of new material document
    "and click Element/Group in the Application Bar ( you can see WA is assigned to Number Range Group text ) and Save.
    Now use t.code: OMBA
    Click u201CGoods Receipt Document Typeu201D
    Next screen assign u201CWAu201D document type to t.code MB1C and save.
    Set for WA document type for accounting document
    Again Use t.code: OMBA
    Click u201CFinancial Accounting Number Rangeu201D & enter company code u2026.and click change interval.
    Now in next screen, click u201Cinsert intervalu201D
    & then enter
    Number range number__Year____From Number____To Number.
    10__________________2011____200000000____ 299999999
    And save.
    Now again use t.code: OMBA
    Click u201CFinancial Accounting Document typesu201D & next screen double click u201CWAu201D and you will have new screen and enter Number range u201C10u201D and save.
    Similarly for WL
    In  t.code: OMBA check under automatic movements doc type for TCode VL01, VL01N, VL01NO, VL02,,VL02N,,VL03N, VL07, VL08, VL09, VL32, VL32N,,VL33N, VLMOVE, etc
    Now, Set for WL document type for accounting document
    Again Use t.code: OMBA
    Click u201CFinancial Accounting Number Rangeu201D & enter company code u2026.and click change interval.
    Now in next screen, click u201Cinsert intervalu201D
    & then enter
    Number range number__Year____From Number____To Number.
    20__________________2011____200000000____ 299999999
    And save.
    Now again use t.code: OMBA
    Click u201CFinancial Accounting Document typesu201D & next screen double click u201CWLu201D and you will have new screen and enter Number range u201C10u201D and save.
    If you still face the any issue. Do revert back
    Thanks & Regards

  • No. Range for trans./event type WE in the year 2009 does not exist..

    No. Range for trans./event type WE in the year 2009  does not exist...message.No.7562.....
    this error came when i try to post good receipt thro' PO...
    help me..
    thanks in advance...
    Edited by: venkateshnov14 on Nov 12, 2009 12:01 PM

    Set number ranges for WE in following path  for Accounting document &  Material document
    SPRO --> materials management --> Inventory management and physical inventory --> Number range assignment -->
    under this path you can maintain number ranges for accounting documents and material documents.
    1. Accounting documents (OMBA)
    2. Material documents (OMBT)
    Biju K

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