Example cl_salv_table and cl_salv_tree

Hi all,
does anyone have a nice example where there's a combination of the cl_salv_table and cl_salv_tree?
In the SALV_OBJECTS package I didn't find a example which combines the two.
The RF monitor (ZLRF1) has both (even 2 tables), but uses the old-fashion cl_gui_alv_grid and cl_gui_column_tree,
I would like to create a programm which has a simular interface.
greetings Fred.

check with RSDEMO* in SE38

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    Hi Milan,
    this kind of error occurs when there is no service and end point description in the WSDL of provider who's service you are trying to consume using Consumer Proxy.
    Just open the provider's WSDL URL that you have given while creating Logical port for the consumer proxy   and check if service and end point exists there.
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    Here is an example of how to add a sales order. The invoice is very similar, just change the document type.
      Dim oBP As SAPbobsCOM.BusinessPartners
            Dim BPCodeStr As String
            oBP = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oBusinessPartners)
            Dim oOrderDoc As SAPbobsCOM.Documents
            oOrderDoc = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders)
            BPCodeStr = BPCode.Text
            If oBP.GetByKey(BPCodeStr) Then
                oOrderDoc.CardCode = BPCodeStr
                oOrderDoc.DocDueDate = Now
                oOrderDoc.Lines.ItemCode = Item1.Text
                oOrderDoc.Lines.Quantity = Qty1.Text
                oOrderDoc.Lines.ItemCode = Item2.Text
                oOrderDoc.Lines.Quantity = Qty2.Text
                lRetCode = oOrderDoc.Add
                If lRetCode <> 0 Then
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                ElseIf lRetCode = 0 Then
                End If
            End If
    Hope this helps

  • Example JSP and XML code inside that allows update of attributes

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <NAME>Test MATT Document</NAME>
    <TITLE>Matt Australia</TITLE>
    <KEYWORDS>Australia Brisbane Sydney</KEYWORDS>
    <content><![CDATA[<HTML><BODY>Example Document Content</BODY></HTML>]]></content>
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <Description>A MATT Document.</Description>
    <Superclass RefType="name">Document</Superclass>
    /* For information on deploying an instance class bean see iFS Developer's Guide 1.1 Section 4-14 */
    package qut.MATT;
    import oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectData;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Document;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.TieDocument;
    import oracle.ifs.common.IfsException;
    import oracle.ifs.common.AttributeValue;
    public class MATT_Document extends TieDocument
    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
    public static final String CLASS_NAME = "MATT_DOCUMENT";
    public static final String TITLE_ATTRIBUTE = "TITLE";
    public static final String INCLUDEME_ATTRIBUTE = "INCLUDEME";
    public static final String KEYWORDS_ATTRIBUTE = "KEYWORDS";
    public MATT_Document(LibrarySession ifsSession, java.lang.Long id, java.lang.Long classId, S_LibraryObjectData data)
    throws IfsException
    // Construct a Document object - standard variant.
    public void setTitle(String newValue)
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    public String getTitle()
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = getAttribute(TITLE_ATTRIBUTE);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public void setIncludeMe(boolean newValue)
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    public boolean getIncludeMe()
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = getAttribute(INCLUDEME_ATTRIBUTE);
    return av.getBoolean(getSession());
    public void setKeywords(String newValue)
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    public String getKeywords()
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = getAttribute(KEYWORDS_ATTRIBUTE);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    <%-- Copyright 2000 Matt Shannon / Oracle Corporation --%>
    <%-- This page is used for the modification of MATT Document Properties --%>
    <%-- Page Directives --%>
    <%@ page language = "java"
    import = "java.util.*, java.text.SimpleDateFormat"
    info="MATT Document Properties Screen"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.clients.webui.WebUILogin"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.clients.webui.WebUIUtils"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.clients.webui.resources.WebUIResources"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.clients.webui.resources.JspResourcesID"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.clients.webui.FileUtils"%>
    <%@ page i mport = "oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObject"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.beans.Attribute"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.common.AttributeValue"%>
    <%@ page import = "qut.MATT.MATT_Document"%>
    <META http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
    <META http-equiv="expires" content="0">
    <%-- Declarations --%>
    <%! final String headingTitle = "MATT Document Properties";
    <%-- Scriptlet --%>
    WebUILogin login = WebUILogin.getWebUILogin(request);
    if (login.isTimedOut())
    String msg = "" + WebUIUtils.getResourceString(WebUIResources.WEBUI_SESSION_TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODE);
    msg = msg.replace('\"','\'');
    <script language="JavaScript">
    else // if logged in
    String path = WebUIUtils.getBasePathFromServletPath(request,
    String container = WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"container");
    String Title = WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"Title");
    String IncludeMe = WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"IncludeMe");
    String Keywords = WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"Keywords");
    String actn = WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"actn");
    LibrarySession sess = login.getSession();
    if (actn == null)
    actn = "";
    if (Title == null)
    Title = "";
    if (IncludeMe == null)
    IncludeMe = "";
    if (Keywords == null)
    Keywords = "";
    if (path.indexOf(":") != -1)
    // path is fine no change
    else if (container.equals("null"))
    path = ":" + path;
    else if (container.endsWith("/"))
    path = container + path;
    else if (path.indexOf(container) == 0)
    // leave path alone
    path = container + "/" + path;
    path = FileUtils.convertPath(path, sess);
    PublicObject pObject = null;
    String displayName = path;
    pObject = WebUIUtils.findPublicObjectByPathOrId(login.getResolver(), login.getSession(),path);
    if (pObject != null)
    pObject = pObject.getResolvedPublicObject();
    if (pObject != null)
    String name = pObject.getName();
    if (name != null && !name.equals(""))
    displayName = name;
    <%= "QUT - " + displayName + " - " + headingTitle%>
    <link rel=STYLESHEET type="text/css" href="../webui/css/NewStyles.css">
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#FF0000" vlink="#FF0000" alink="#FF0000" onload="store_initial_values()">
    if (pObject == null)
    <td width="31" height="10" align=left>
    <input type="button" name="Button"
    else // pObject != null
    if (!(pObject instanceof MATT_Document))
    <h3>Error - Object not an instance of MATT_Document</h3>
    <td width="31" height="10" align=left>
    <input type="button" name="Button"
    <script language="JavaScript1.2">
    var success = true;
    var oldTitle = "";
    var oldIncludeMe = "";
    var oldKeywords = "";
    function store_initial_values()
    oldTitle = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.Title.value;
    oldIncludeMe = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.IncludeMe.selectedIndex;
    oldKeywords = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.Keywords.value;
    function validate_form()
    if (hasChanges())
    function hasChanges()
    var hasChanged = false;
    var newTitle = " ";
    var newIncludeMe = "";
    var newKeywords = "";
    newTitle = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.Title.value;
    newIncludeMe = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.IncludeMe.selectedIndex;
    newKeywords = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.Keywords.value;
    if (oldTitle != newTitle)
    hasChanged = true;
    else if (oldIncludeMe != newIncludeMe)
    hasChanged = true;
    else if (oldKeywords != newKeywords)
    hasChanged = true;
    return hasChanged;
    if (actn.equals("save_values"))
    // set Title if changed
    if (Title != null && !Title.equals(((MATT_Document)pObject).getTitle()))
    // set Keywords if changed
    if (Keywords != null && !Keywords.equals(((MATT_Document)pObject).getKeywords()))
    // set IncludeMe if changed
    if (IncludeMe != null)
    boolean l_includeMe = IncludeMe.equals("1");
    if ( ((MATT_Document)pObject).getIncludeMe() != l_includeMe )
    catch (Exception e)
    String msg = "" + login.getErrorResolver().getMessage(e);
    msg = msg.replace('\"','\'');
    <script language="JavaScript">
    var success = false;
    } // end catch block
    <script language="JavaScript">
    if (success)
    document.write("<h2><%=login.getJspResourceString(JspResourcesID.SHOWDOCPROPS_PROPERTIES_SAVED_TEXT)%></h2><form><input type=button value='<%=login.getJspResourceString(JspResourcesID.WEBUI_OK_BUTTON)%>' onclick='top.close();'></form>");
    else // if !actn.equals("save_values")
    <form name="docPropertiesForm" method="POST" action="MATTproperties.jsp">
    <table border="1" width="90%">
    <td width="100%" colspan="3" class="DH">
    MATT Document Class Properties <br>
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    Class Name:
    <td width="80%">
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    Bean Path:
    <td width="80%">
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    <td width="80%">
    <td width="100%" colspan="3" class="DH">
    MATT Document Properties <br>
    <td width="15%" class="required">
    <td width="85%" colspan="2">
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    <td width="80%">
    <input type=text name="Title" value="<%=((MATT_Document)pObject).getTitle()%>" size=100>
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    <td width="80%">
    <input type=text name="Keywords" value="<%=pObject.getAttribute("Keywords").getString(sess)%>" size=100>
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    <td width="80%">
    <select class="listbox" size="1" name="IncludeMe">
    if (((MATT_Document)pObject).getIncludeMe())
    <option value="1" selected>true</option>
    <option value="0" selected>false</option>
    <option value="1">true</option>
    <option value="0" selected>false</option>
    <table width="80%">
    <td width="58" height="10" align =left>
    <input type="button" name="Button" value="<%=login.getJspResourceString(JspResourcesID.WEBUI_OK_BUTTON)%>" onclick="validate_form();">
    <td width="62" height="10" align=right>
    <input type="hidden" name="actn" value="save_values">
    <input type="hidden" name="path" value="<%=WebUIUtils.getServletPathFromBasePath(request,path)%>">
    <input type="hidden" name="container" value="<%=container%>">
    <input type="button" name="Button" value="<%=login.getJspResourceString(JspResourcesID.WEBUI_CANCEL_BUTTON)%>" onclick="top.close();">
    } // end - if actn.equals
    } // end - if pObject instance of
    catch (Exception e)
    String msg = "" + login.getErrorResolver().getMessage(e);
    msg = msg.replace('\"','\'');
    <script language="JavaScript">
    var success = false;
    } // end catch block
    } // if pObject
    } // if logged in
    There is probably lots of better ways of doing the above. The iFS 1.1 Developer guide confused me alot particularly sections 4-10 and 4-11 where it talks about an instance class bean that extends the Tie classes, then the example shown on 4-12 is completely different!
    note.. also i got most of the above code using JAD having decompiled webui.jar. Seems these JARS are not obfuscated.
    webui.jar in $ORACLE_HOME/ifs1.1/lib

    Thanks. I have ifs 1.1 now and have modified this example to use my custom type. However, when the jsp runs and hits the code at the beginning that checks "if login.isTimedOut()", it always thinks I have timed out, even though I have just logged in via the webui.
    Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • Updated Examples, Tutorials and Documentation

    hello community and tlf-team,
    are there anywhere updated tutorials, examples, documentation on using the TLF? with classes like IContainerController removed, TextFilter renamed etc. it's quite hard to find your way into the framework.
    I use flex builder 3 for Actionscript Projects and try to make use of TLF for all text-rendering on those projects.
    what are the best resources to read?

    The most up to date samples are posted here:
    Recent online documentation is here:
    You can download documentation on the Flex Gumbo SDK downlad site found from the TLF opensource page.
    We're working on adding more examples.
    Hope that helps,

  • Docking Container and CL_SALV_TREE

    i get problems with this code.
    i'm using docking container, not customer container.
          RATIO  = 90.
              R_SALV_TREE  = GR_TREE
              T_TABLE      = ITAB ).
    i get the catch-event and the report ends.
    Question: Does the ALV-TREE need customer container or can
    i use docking container (how??).
    thanks for help.
    Regards Dieter

    Sure,  in this case, it is impelmented in a docking container hanging from a selection screen, but it is pretty much the same as hanging off a dynpro.
    REPORT zrich_0001.
    DATA: gt_outtab1 TYPE TABLE OF sflight,
          gt_outtab2 TYPE TABLE OF sflight.
    DATA: ls_outtab TYPE sflight.
    DATA: gr_tree  TYPE REF TO cl_salv_tree.
    DATA: nodes TYPE REF TO cl_salv_nodes,
          node TYPE REF TO cl_salv_node.
    DATA: docking TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container.
    PARAMETERS: p_check.
      CREATE OBJECT docking
               side = cl_gui_docking_container=>dock_at_left
              ratio = 90.
    *... Select Data
    *... Create Instance with an Empty Table
      CALL METHOD cl_salv_tree=>factory
          r_container = docking
          r_salv_tree = gr_tree
          t_table     = gt_outtab2.
    *... Add the Nodes to the Tree
      nodes = gr_tree->get_nodes( ).
      LOOP AT gt_outtab1 INTO ls_outtab.
            node = nodes->add_node( related_node = ' '
                                    relationship = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_first_child ).
            node->set_data_row( ls_outtab ).
          CATCH cx_salv_msg.
    *... Display Table
      gr_tree->display( ).
    RIch Heilman

  • WLS 6.0 beta2(Examples Server and Default Domain)

    I have downloaded Weblogic server v6.0 beta2
    Is it possilbe start examples server as Managed server to mydomain(myserver as admin server). If possilbe how do i do it......
    In "mydomain" through console I created a new new server myserver-1.How do I start and stop myserver-1. When ever you create a new server in the console does it become automatically the managed server.
    I would appreciate if some one could clear my confusion...
    Thanks in advance

    I have downloaded Weblogic server v6.0 beta2
    Is it possilbe start examples server as Managed server to mydomain(myserver as admin server). If possilbe how do i do it......
    In "mydomain" through console I created a new new server myserver-1.How do I start and stop myserver-1. When ever you create a new server in the console does it become automatically the managed server.
    I would appreciate if some one could clear my confusion...
    Thanks in advance

  • HIS 2013 HISServerConfig.xml example location and unattended install question

        I've never used the unattended part of the installer but wanted to give it a try.  The installation guide refers to an example in the support\unattended_installs folder.  I don't see that folder or file on the media I down loaded. 
    The guild also instructs to "save" the configuration during setup to create my own xml.  I didn't see a "save" but tried using an export during my test unattended install but that didn't work.  I would appreciate any help/information.
    Thanks, Jim.

    Hi Jim,
    you are right. Unlike stated in the Installation guide this folder doesn't exist.
    Anyway, here it goes:
    When you install HIS the latest Setup/configuration screen will provide a link to create a XML file. Anyway, exporting the XML file out of the configuration utility will create the reference XML of your current installation and configuration.
    You may modify the XML file according to the required settings of your new Server by changing the subdomain name, role,  etc....
    Also please note that we do not store the password in the XML file for security reasons, so you need to add this manually.
    Once done, please run a similar command according to you settings as below:
    Setup.exe /InstallPlatform /L c:\HISInstall.log /S c:\HISServerConfig.xml /INSTALLDIR C:\HIS Configuration.exe /L c:\ConfigFramework.Log /S c:\HISServerConfig.xml
    The following table describes the command options.
    This flag causes the installation program to install any platform prerequisites.
    /L c:\HISInstall.log
    This flag determines the log file location that is created during setup.
    /S C:\HISServerConfig.xml
    This flag specifies the configuration file (list of features) that is used on installation. The file "HISServerConfig.xml" contains information about which features to install and how they should be configured. Sample copies of these files are located
    in the Support\Unattended_Installs directory of the installation folder. This file can also be created during setup by clicking Save in the summary panel of the Configuration Tool.
    This option tells Setup where to install the product.
    The Setup.exe installs all required binaries according to you reference installation while the configuration.exe configures you HIS Server the same as the reference configuration.
    Hope that helps
    Manfred Mittermüller
    -- MSFT --

  • DNP3 Configuring Example Code and sbRIO-9605

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    Does anyone have documentation or working LabVIEW examples for properly configuring the Industrial Communications for DNP3 drivers to Create Channels and Sessions for reading a single Class-1 Binary Input table value?  Do I need to create a LV Real-Time Project and deploy code to the sbRIO target?

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    Using the DNP3 LV code running on my Host PC, how do I configure the TCP/IP and serial port of the sbRIO and what should the Source/Destination session values be configured to? 
    Thank you,
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    If using the traditional menus, in the File menu select Page Setup
    If using the orange Firefox button, click on it, then select Print and then Page Setup
    Once you have the page Setup dialog displayed, go to the "Margins & Header/Footer" tab. You need to change all of the options for header and footer to "--blank--"

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  • Basic pl/sql doubt

    Declare cursor curname is select * from employees where employee_id in (100,101); v_emp curname%rowtype; begin open curname;--this stage the query is executed and datas are available in Active set which is the area oracle allocated for this cursor lo

  • Loading metadata resets Develop settings

    Because I'm scanning slides and Lightroom apparently cannot add capture dates and the like, I am using exifer to write metadata to my scans. I first load them into Lightroom and then import XMP metadata. I load them first so I can see them while I de

  • Open Directory Broken After 10.8.4 Update

    Running Mountain Lion Server.app under Mac OS X Server 10.8.4 on a Mac Mini Server. After updating, Server.app can't read any of its settings. I can't view logs or certificates. I can't view users or groups. I can't enter Time Machine Backup. The Con