Excel 2013 randomly changes row height to 409.5 pixels

So as I said, i open a file, and some of the rows are of the maximum possible height. For no reason. If a colleague of mine opens the same document on his/her laptop, there is no issue. This also makes scrolling almost impossible, since for some reason
a window is not enough to cover 409.5 pixels. Is there any kind soul who could help me out?

I haven't meet this issue, but did see similar issue many times in different forums.
Maybe you can try the menthods mentioned in the thread below:

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    If it is possible, can anyone let me know how this can be done.

    [url http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/events/componentlistener.html]How to Write a Component Listener
    Add the listener to the frame and then reset the row height when the frame is resized.

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    Is it possible to do so? I guess I will have to write a listener for the rows, don't know how to go about it though.
    Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.

    Well here is the table you're talkking about. I tried adding the cellrender and listen to the drag event. Could not proceed much though. I am still trying. In the mean time if any of you can progress on this then please let me know.
    I've attached my full code listing here.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import java.awt.Cursor;
    public class LineNumberTable extends JTable
         private JTable mainTable;
         public LineNumberTable(JTable table){
              mainTable = table;
              setAutoscrolls( false );
              addColumn(new TableColumn());
              getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setCellRenderer( mainTable.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer());
              //Attaching my cell renderer
              getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setCellRenderer(new myCellRenderer());
         public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
              return false;
         public Object getValueAt(int row, int column) {
              return new Integer(row + 1);
         public int getRowHeight(int row) {
              return mainTable.getRowHeight();
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(100, 5);
              JTable table = new JTable(model);
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( table );
              JTable lineTable = new LineNumberTable( table );
              scrollPane.setRowHeaderView( lineTable );
              JFrame frame = new JFrame( "Line Number Table" );
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              frame.getContentPane().add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              frame.setSize(400, 300);
         class myCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
              private Point start;
              private Point end;
              public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
              public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
              public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
                   setCursor(new Cursor(java.awt.Frame.N_RESIZE_CURSOR));
              public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
                   setCursor(new Cursor(java.awt.Frame.N_RESIZE_CURSOR));
              public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
              public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
                   start = e.getPoint();
               public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
                    end = e.getPoint();
                    int inc = end.y - start.y;
                    LineNumberTable.this.setRowHeight(inc + LineNumberTable.this.getRowHeight());

  • Change row height in new iTunes

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    No options for that, unless you currently have Use large text for list views selected under Edit > Preferences > General.

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    Thank you !

    go0ze wrote:
    How to change Row height in standart report template, if I use jquery.htmldbHscroll-0.0.1.min (which I found on this forum). Simply rows height are bit another than in colums without scrolling.
    Thank you !Hi,
    You did found from this forum??

  • Row Height Issue

    Oh Hi I have selected Optimize height by row content from Table and font tab and it shows all my text in activity name but when i saved the layout it changes back to keep current rows heights. Can any one tell me how do i fix this
    Thanks in Advanced

    *793199 ,*
    The "Row Height" issue is a common problem. Some things that affect my row height are:
    * Not saving my layout after changing row height
    * Notebook items in the gantt chart affecting the row height and may have to be manually widened to display all of the text or symbols
    Row Height*
    Optimize height by row content:* Indicates you want each row's height determined by its content. If you choose this option, type or select the maximum number of lines that should be included in each row.
    Good luck and let me know how it turns out.

  • Row height in tableheader

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    One way -
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    public class MultiLineTableCell extends JFrame
        private Object[][] data =
            {"This\nis\na\ncell\nwith\nsome\nlines.", "This\nis\na\ncell\nwith\nmany\nmany\nmany\nlines","Two\nLines"},
            {"Just two\nlines","Just\n3\nlines","A single longer line."},
        private Object[] headers =
            "<html><body align=center>Column<br>1","<html><body align=center>Column<br>2","<html><body align=center>Column<br>3",
            super( "Multi-Line Cell Example" );
            setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
            DefaultTableModel dm = new DefaultTableModel()
                public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex)
                    return Integer.class;
            dm.setDataVector(data, headers);
            JTable table = new JTable( dm );
            table.setDefaultRenderer(Integer.class, new MultiLineCellRenderer());
            JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane( table );
            getContentPane().add( scroll );
            setSize( 400, 130 );
        public static void main(String[] args)
            new MultiLineTableCell().setVisible(true);
        static public class MultiLineCellRenderer extends JList implements TableCellRenderer
            protected static Border noFocusBorder = new EmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1);
            protected Pattern lineSplitterPattern = Pattern.compile("\n+");
            // We need a place to store the color the JLabel should be returned
            // to after its foreground and background colors have been set
            // to the selection background color.
            // These ivars will be made protected when their names are finalized.
            private Color unselectedForeground;
            private Color unselectedBackground;
            public MultiLineCellRenderer()
                ListCellRenderer renderer = getCellRenderer();
             * Overrides <code>JComponent.setForeground</code> to assign
             * the unselected-foreground color to the specified color.
             * @param c set the foreground color to this value
            public void setForeground(Color c)
                unselectedForeground = c;
             * Overrides <code>JComponent.setBackground</code> to assign
             * the unselected-background color to the specified color.
             * @param c set the background color to this value
            public void setBackground(Color c)
                unselectedBackground = c;
            public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
                    boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column)
                if (isSelected)
                    super.setForeground((unselectedForeground != null) ? unselectedForeground
                            : table.getForeground());
                    super.setBackground((unselectedBackground != null) ? unselectedBackground
                            : table.getBackground());
                if (hasFocus)
                    Border border = null;
                    if (isSelected)
                        border = UIManager.getBorder("Table.focusSelectedCellHighlightBorder");
                    if (border == null)
                        border = UIManager.getBorder("Table.focusCellHighlightBorder");
                    if (!isSelected && table.isCellEditable(row, column))
                        Color col = UIManager.getColor("Table.focusCellForeground");
                        if (col != null)
                        col = UIManager.getColor("Table.focusCellBackground");
                        if (col != null)
                String str = (value == null) ? "" : value instanceof String ? (String)value : value.toString();
                String[] lines = lineSplitterPattern.split(str);
                table.setRowHeight(row, Math.max(getPreferredSize().height, table.getRowHeight(row)));
                return this;

  • Row height Issues

    I'm working in MS Project 2013. My row height has adjusted itself and the text within the rows has reduced in size and it looks silly. There's lots of unnecessary white space. Not sure if its something to do with text wrapping, regardless,
    I don't know how to adjust the row heights back to the standard height. Has anyone else encountered this issue in the past?

    In the format tab, unclick the "wrap text" option:
    Then select the entire table by clicking on the grey top left case, select a line between 2 rows in the grey first column (ID) and reduce the row height. Finally note that the row height is a parameter in your table definition.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MVP, P-Seller |

  • Excel row height changes when it should not change

    I have a client using Office 2010 on a Citrix server. They are using Windows XP Pro SP3 for the desktop and the server is running Windows Server 2003 R2 STD.
    I have two users working in a spreadsheet in Excel 2010. The spreadsheet opens fine and they can perform their updates by either adding manually or doing a cut and paste. The problem comes up when all of the sudden a number of rows in the spreadsheet
    change height for not reason. The spreadheet has the row height set to 14.5 but for some reason the rows that change height sent the height to 405.9. Usually all the user has to do is go back and reset the row height on these cells and save before they can
    go back to making changes.
    It's more annoying then anything else so if someone could provide any solutions, it would be greatly apppreciated.
    thanks, Joe Trainor
    Joseph Trainor [email protected] Weidenhammer Systems Wyomissing, PA

    I have been working with Excel for 20years, and have been hit with this resizing of row height and also drawings or shapes, after opening an old XL97-2003 file.
    Chad's method below works!
    Please try the following to resolve the issue:
    1. Boot Excel 2010
    2. Open [Excel Options] dialog. ([File]-[Options])
    3. Select [Advanced] tab, turn on [Cut, copy and sort inserted objects with their parent cells] option. (In [Cut, copy and paste] section)
    *This will not resize rows that are currently set to 409.5 but I would like to know if this keeps rows from doing this in the future.
    1) I found that after opening the workbooks the row height and shapes are correct.
    2) Save the file, then save as to the new .xlsx format (for a macro free workbook)
    3) After reverting to former; turn OFF[Cut, copy and sort inserted objects with their parent cells] option. (In [Cut, copy and paste] section), and then opening the XL97-2003 files, the fault is still there.  For the newer xlsx files, though,
    the fault has gone.
    4) So yes, Chad, it does keep rows from doing this in future, if the newer file format is used.  Thanks.
    Chad's answer is "the answer"!

  • Excel 2013 installed through 365 crashes when small row is in spreadsheet

    I have major issue with Excel files that makes Excel stop working when trying to print.
    Excel crashes already at the preview pane and it has nothing todo with print driver, it crashes if using the XPS driver as well.
    Using Excel installed locally through 365 (All patches applied)
    By searching for formatting error in the spread sheet I found out that there were a couple of rows that had very small height and removing those (or increasing them) made Excel not crashing when trying to print.
    This excel file is actually working on other installations of Exel 2013 but it seemes to only cause problems on the Excel 2013 installed through 365.
    When I found the problem and that it seemes only to be on the 365 Excel I also found another user with same problem but no solution. (community.office365.com/en-us/forums/172/t/168863.aspx)
    In my case I have several hundred Excel files and most of them are password protected which makes it impossible to fix the rows manually.
    It is not a problem on traditional installed Excel 2013 or earlier versions... So I would say it is a bug with the 365 version of Excel.
    Anyone out there with a solution or how to report this to Microsoft?

    I would escalate the issue and someone who is more familiar with this kind of issue to deal with this problem.
    Thank you for your feedback.
    Tony Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • SBS 2011 GPO for changing the default save location for Word/Excel 2013 not working

    So this is a strange one. I've got an SBS 2011 server that's the only domain controller in the org. I've created a GPO to change the default save location for Excel 2013 and Word 2013 using the Office 2013 ADMX files which were installed to the PolicyDefinitions
    The GPO (U-Office2013 Default Save Location) only contains:
    1. User Configuration - Microsoft Excel 2013/Excel Options/Save - Default file location - Enabled - Z:\
    2. User Configuration - Microsoft Word 2013/Word Options/Advanced/File Locations - Default file location - Enabled - Z:\
    The GPO is linked at the OU that contains my users for my SBS organization.
    When I do a gpupdate /force on a windows 7 system with office2013 installed, and then run a gpresult/rsop, the policy appears to be applied successfully as it lists my GPO under the Applied GPOs list on the workstation:
    Applied GPOs
    Default Domain Policy dyndns.local AD (24), Sysvol (24)
    U-Office2013 Default Save Location domain.local/SBSusers AD (6), Sysvol (6)
    In the gpresult report, the applied settings appear under:
    Administrative Templates
    Extra Registry Settings
    software\policies\microsoft\office\15.0\excel\options\defaultpath Z:\ U-Office2013 Default Save Location
    software\policies\microsoft\office\15.0\word\options\doc-path Z:\ U-Office2013 Default Save Location
    BUT, when I go to the workstation, and check office->options-Save-default file path, the path has not been changed to what the GPO is pushing.
    The strange thing is that in my test environment running 2008R2 server and Win7 with Office 2013 and identical settings the default save location is applied and works as expected.
    Any ideas?
    I've already tried re-installing the ADMX templates and re-created the GPO's several times.
    I should also note that other GPO's on the SBS2011 server such as the folder redirection GPO work as expected on the same windows 7 system. It just appears to be an issue with the default save location in office2013 and other Office 2013 related GPOs which
    utilize the recently added ADMX template that don't seem to be working for me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Justin,
    Thanks for your reply. I have tried several different user accounts (all have local admin privileges to the workstation) with the same issue. The default save path does not get applied from the GPO to any of the users i've tried. Here's the steps I took
    per your suggestion:
    1. log on as a user who has never logged onto the workstation before.
    2. run gpupdate /force (entered y for yes when prompted to log off).
    3. Log back in as the user and open Office and check the default save path. It has not been changed to match the GPO setting.
    4. Check rsop to see if the policy was applied. Rsop states the gpo was applied successfully.
    I have attached the gpsvc.log file from a the session described above. The GPO Guid in question is: {DC3C93EC-7C28-48E9-BA38-FCA1E275A207}. Its common name is: U-Word 2013 Default Save Location. It's only setting is:
    Policies\Administrative Templates\Policy definitions(admx files retrieved from central store\Microsoft Word 2013\Word Options\Advanced\File Locations\Default File Location = Enabled\Documents = F:\
    -------gpsvc.log sections containing the aforementioned GUID start---------
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  ==============================
    GPSVC(410.df0) 09:10:51:186 GetGPOInfo:  ********************************
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  Searching <cn={DC3C93EC-7C28-48E9-BA38-FCA1E275A207},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=gc,DC=local>
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  User has access to this GPO.
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  GPO passes the filter check.
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  Found functionality version of:  2
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  Found file system path of:  <\\gc.local\SysVol\gc.local\Policies\{DC3C93EC-7C28-48E9-BA38-FCA1E275A207}>
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  Found common name of:  <{DC3C93EC-7C28-48E9-BA38-FCA1E275A207}>
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:186 ProcessGPO:  Found display name of:  <U-Word 2013 Default Save Location>
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessGPO:  Found user version of:  GPC is 3, GPT is 3
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessGPO:  Found flags of:  0
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessGPO:  Found extensions:  [{35378EAC-683F-11D2-A89A-00C04FBBCFA2}{D02B1F73-3407-48AE-BA88-E8213C6761F1}]
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessGPO:  ==============================
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessLocalGPO:  Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 ProcessLocalGPO:  GPO Local Group Policy doesn't contain any data since the version number is 0.  It will be skipped.
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 GetGPOInfo:  Leaving with 1
    GPSVC(410.1730) 09:10:51:191 GetGPOInfo:  ********************************
    -------gpsvc.log start---------
    -------output of gpresult /r-------
    Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Group Policy Result tool v2.0
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1981-2001
    Created On 5/30/2014 at 9:24:08 AM
    RSOP data for GC\ssanders on OPTI9020-01 : Logging Mode
    OS Configuration:            Member Workstation
    OS Version:                  6.1.7601
    Site Name:                   Default-First-Site-Name
    Roaming Profile:             N/A
    Local Profile:               C:\Users\ssanders
    Connected over a slow link?: No
        Last time Group Policy was applied: 5/30/2014 at 9:10:47 AM
        Group Policy was applied from:      GCSBS.gc.local
        Group Policy slow link threshold:   500 kbps
        Domain Name:                        GC
        Domain Type:                        Windows 2000
        Applied Group Policy Objects
            Windows SBS CSE Policy
            Windows SBS Client - Windows Vista Policy
            Windows SBS Client Policy
            Update Services Client Computers Policy
            C-Create Syntiro Root Folders
            Default Domain Policy
        The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
            Local Group Policy
                Filtering:  Not Applied (Empty)
            Windows SBS Client - Windows XP Policy
                Filtering:  Denied (WMI Filter)
                WMI Filter: Windows SBS Client - Windows XP
        The computer is a part of the following security groups
            NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
            This Organization
            Domain Computers
            System Mandatory Level
        CN=Stephen Sanders,OU=SBSUsers,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=gc,DC=local
        Last time Group Policy was applied: 5/30/2014 at 9:13:17 AM
        Group Policy was applied from:      GCSBS.gc.local
        Group Policy slow link threshold:   500 kbps
        Domain Name:                        GC
        Domain Type:                        Windows 2000
        Applied Group Policy Objects
            Windows SBS User Policy
            Windows SBS CSE Policy
            Small Business Server Folder Redirection Policy
            U-Word 2013 Default Save Location
            U-Office 2013 Disable Backstage
            U-Office Disable Start Screen
            U-Office Trust Center Settings
            U-Word Autorecover Location
            U-Word Autosave Interval
            U-Word Disable Capitalization First Word
            U-Word Set Arial Default Font
            U-Word UI Customizations
            U-Power Plan Settings
            Default Domain Policy
        The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
            Local Group Policy
                Filtering:  Not Applied (Empty)
        The user is a part of the following security groups
            Domain Users
            CONSOLE LOGON
            NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
            This Organization
            Windows SBS Link Users
            Windows SBS Fax Users
            Windows SBS SharePoint_MembersGroup
            Windows SBS Folder Redirection Accounts
            Windows SBS Remote Web Workplace Users
            High Mandatory Level
    -------end gpresult output-------       
    Thanks in advance for any help. I also have a pps ticket open with Microsoft, but they're dragging their feet.

  • Excel 2013 and Random Excessive Processor Utilization

    Every now and then (about once per day), my Excel 2013 will randomly seize one of my 8 threads and max it out.  My PC is quad-core and hyper-threaded, so it shows up in task manager as 8 cores.  When Excel seizes, its UI still seems to function
    properly... I can input data and format cells, etc.  But even when my machine should be idle, I'll notice that my laptop fan is running at the maximum.  When this happens, a quick look at task manager shows me that "excel.exe *32" is consuming
    13% of my processor utilization (100% divided by 8).
    If I close Excel, the process typically will quit, but every now and then I must forcibly end the process even after Excel has appeared to close (the UI almost always closes fine, but sometimes even after the UI has closed the fan still runs high and there
    is still an excel.exe *32 process hanging out in my task list, consuming exactly 13% of the CPU until I end the process).
    I notice this more often when editing network files via VPN, but every now and then it will happen with local files, too.
    Perhaps this is an issue with multi-cores and memory locks?  I'm tempted to permanently set the processor affinity for excel.exe to see if this alleviates the issue...
    Do you have any suggestions?

    Seems that Excel crash issue only happen for a single user in your site, and you've tried some of troubleshoot steps already. Please continue to perform the following method which mention in the
    KB2758592 o narrow down the issue:
    Method 1: Verify/install the latest updates
    Method 4: Check whether your antivirus software is up to date or is conflicting with Excel
    Method 7: Test by using a new local or network profile
    Method 9: Repair or reinstall your Office program
    Tony Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Switch Linked (xl source) Tables - behavior change Excel 2010 PP vs. Excel 2013 PP -- In 2013 all calcs of table are lost

    PowerPivot 2010 Model based on 10 linked tables (this tables are generated and refreshed as needed by SQL 2012 MDS Excel-AddIn)
    Unfortunately Excel MDS AddIn changes sometimes the tablename (case: MDS Add-In Filter changed, MDS Server changed). So after Change of tablename we have to fix the powerpivot link to this Excel tables in powerpivot to get powerpivot refresh working again
    With Excel 2010 PowerPivot this was possible without big Problems. As Long as table has identical structure one can Change/Switch the table in powerpivot Windows > Ribbon "Linked" Table > DropDown "Linked Table X" or during update
    via Dialog "Errors in Linked Table"
    After upgrading the solution to Excel 2013 this is not possible any more without loosing any column- or measure calcs defined for this table! :( Every time you Change the assigned Excel table for an existing linked powerpivot table..you
    get following Dialog:
    "You are changing the source of X to Excel table Y. Changing the source will remove all formatting, measures, KPIs, hierarchies, and other Settings applied to the table. Are you sure you want to to continute?"
    Does anyone found a Workaround for persisting existing calc of linked tables when changing the sourcetable (to another Excel table with same structure)??
    Dear MS, this is IMHO really a step backwards and blocks the migration of our existing Excel 2010 PowerPivot Solution? Should i create a connect entry for that?!
    2010 Version: 11.0.3000.0 (PP Ribbon>Settings)
    2013 Version: 11.0.2809.81 (Product version displayed for dll c:\program files\Microsoft Office\Office15\Addins\PowerPivot excel Add-In\PowerPivotExcelClientAddIn.dll)

    There is a very similar issue discussed here where i tried to show the different behavior in terms of linked tables in Excel/PowerPivot 2010 vs 2013
    maybe it helps you to understand the issue
    I assume that MDS creates a new table every time you refresh it thereby breaking the link to PowerPivot
    in case you only have calculated measure you may created a separate, independent linked table and define all calculated measures there
    this way they at least would not get removed
    Gerhard Brueckl
    blogging @ http://blog.gbrueckl.at
    working @ http://www.pmOne.com

  • How To Make Shapes Change Colors When Clicking on them. Example Sheet Sales Data.xlsx template with Excel 2013

    My question is related to the Sales Data.xlsx template that comes with Excel 2013
    IN this workbook is a sheet named Sales Data. It has, 3 shapes. One each for each of the tab sheets in the workbook. When I click on the 'Sales Report' shape it selects the sales report tab. When you do this the shape changes color and the 'Sales Data' shape
    also changes color.
    However I'm unable to figure out how the colors are changing. 
    I don't see any macros in the workbook/worksheet. Nor do I see any code for worksheet events. I don't see any modules in VBA either. I think what is happening is that there are 2 shapes. When you click on one, the one shape goes to the background and the
    other one comes to the foreground.
    I'm no sure how it's doing that. 
    Can someone look at this template, Sales Data.xlsx that comes with Excel and explain how this functionality works?
    Thank You
    Keith Aul
    Keith Aul

    The shapes are exactly as I suspected, each of 3 sheets has 3 'navigation' shapes. The shape with the same name as the sheet has no hyperlink and is coloured differently to indicate it refers to the active sheet. The other two have hyperlinks linked to respective
    sheets. 3x3 shapes, 9 in total, none of them ever change colour!
    It's logical though not necessary to name each shape same as the sheet it links to, but they'd work just as well with their original default names.
    For aesthetics, the shapes that refer to own sheet have a horizontal line on top, actually two shapes as a group.
    If still confused copy each set of 3 shapes to a 4th sheet, or open two new windows so you can see all three sheets at the same time.

  • Can we adjust ROW height in ALV report as like of Excel ?

    Dear all,
    Can we adjust ROW height in ALV report as like of Excel sheet ?
    Can we increase/decrease the row height in the output display ?
    How ?

    kps204020 wrote:
    Thanks a lot for your response.
    I've tried your proposal, but it has no affect. The report cells show all their content using as much lines as necessary for this.This is the default behaviour for HTML table data (tables and cells expand to fit their content).
    So I still have rows with lots of lines and rows with only a few lines mixed in my IR dependant on the cell content. Because some rows filling nearly the whole screen, it is difficult to get an overview with regard to adjacent rows.
    I'm using Application Express with Theme 21. Scarlet and Firefox 17.0.1.Are all users using Firefox?
    Actually I'm working on my first APEX Solution for usage in my company and the customers demanding a solution for this topic . So I'm very keen to find a solution.
    I'm very much looking forward to your response.I've been involved with similar issues in the past. My first response is simple: Does this data have to be shown in the report? Can the offending column(s) be removed from the primary report? They will still be visible in the single row view, and the detail view if there is one.
    The second option is to create a detail view for the report with a structure that is better suited to the data involved, and make this the default view. (For an example of this, see the treatment of the PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION column in the detail view of the Products report in the Sample Database Application: click on the View Detail button on the Products page.)
    The third possibility is some kind of customization of the presentation of the data. This will involve using some combination of HTML/CSS/Dynamic Actions/Plug-ins/JavaScript that you may not be familiar with: do you have experience of these? To go down that route you need to describe in detail how you want to present the data, or what behaviour is required when the data is too long, and share an example of the report on apex.oracle.com that we can work with.

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