EXCEL unicode export LabVIEW

Dear members
I like to export unicode strings from EXCEL to LabVIEW using ActiveX.
The ActiveX programming isn't the problem the problem ist the transfer.
I tried to use a variant and cast it into a LabVIEW string but it doesn't seam to
work for me.
Any suggestions a welcome.
With kind regards
Martin Kunze
KDI Digital Instrumentation.com
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +49 (0)441 9490852

This thread explains LV and unicode.
Using whatever version of LV the customer requires. (LV5.1-LV2012) (www.carya.nl)

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    Intensity.vi ‏162 KB

    Where in the code are you reading from the Excel Spreadsheet? What VIs are you using? What are the problems are you experiencing (errors, unexpected values, etc.)?
    There is a Read From Spreadsheet File.vi in LabVIEW. LabVIEW uses ActiveX controls for .xlsx files, so saving the spreadsheet as a CSV file may be better for this VI. Try it out! See what happens.
    Here some more info on reading from spreadsheets:
    LabVIEW Manual: Read From Spreadsheet File VI
    KnowledgeBase article: How Can I Import Spreadsheet Files into LabVIEW using the .csv Format?
    Taylor B.
    National Instruments

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    We do have Excel import/Export feature at Designtime. Do we have same feature at runtime in RulesManager also ?
    Regards, Anil

    Hi Anil
    Currently Import/Export of Decision Table to Excel sheet is not available in CE 7.2. However, this is available from the 7.3 release.

  • Error in unicode export...

    We are doing an inplace conversion of an ERP2005SR2 system. We have just upgraded the system from 4.6C yesterday and are now performing an unicode conversion.
    Unfortunately we have an error in the unicode export... See below:
    From the SAPINST_DEV.LOG file:
    ERROR      2007-08-25 17:08:03 [iaxxbdbld.cpp:1001]
               CR3ldStep::startR3ldProcesses lib=iamodload module=CR3ldStep
    MSC-01015  Process finished with error(s), check log file G:\usr\sap\SAPinst\CPC\EXP/SAPSDIC.log
    From the SAPSDIC.LOG file:
    /sapmnt/BNP/exe/R3load: START OF LOG: 20070825202939
    /sapmnt/BNP/exe/R3load: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#13 $ SAP
    /sapmnt/BNP/exe/R3load: version R7.00/V1.4
    Compiled Aug  8 2007 00:22:00
    /sapmnt/BNP/exe/R3load -datacodepage 4102 -e /usr/sap/SAPinst/CPC/EXP/SAPSDIC.cmd -l /usr/sap/SAPinst/CPC/EXP/SAPSDIC.log -inplace
    DbSl Trace: CPFB755 occured. Refer to job log.
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (EXP) INFO: check NameTab widths: Result=0.
    (RC) WARNING: unexpected "ext:" entry at line 6 in file /usr/sap/SAPinst/CPC/EXP/SAPSDIC.cmd,
                entry will be ignored
    (RSCP) WARN: UMGCOMCHAR read check, skip: no data found; probably old SPUMG.
    (RSCP) INFO: "/usr/sap/SAPinst/CPC/EXP/SAPSDIC004.xml" created.
    (RSCP) INFO: I18N_NAMETAB_TIMESTAMPS not in env: checks are ON (Note 738858)
    (RSCP) INFO: UMGSETTINGS nametab creation: ok.
    (RSCP) INFO: Global fallback code page = 1100
    (RSCP) INFO: Common character set is  not  7-bit-ASCII
    (RSCP) INFO: Collision resolution method is 'fine'
    (RSCP) INFO: R3trans code pages = Normal
    (RSCP) INFO: EXPORT TO ... code pages = Normal
    (RSCP) INFO: Check for invalid language keys: active, by default
    (RSCP) INFO: I18N_NAMETAB_NORM_ALLOW = 999999999
    (RSCP) INFO: I18N_NAMETAB_NORM_LOG   = 1000000002
    (RSCP) INFO: I18N_NAMETAB_ALT_LOG    = 10003
    (RSCP) INFO: I18N_NAMETAB_OLD_LOG    = 500
    (GSI) INFO: dbname   = "BNPSAP001                                                                                "
    (GSI) INFO: vname    = "DB400                           "
    (GSI) INFO: hostname = "SAP001                                                          "
    (GSI) INFO: sysname  = "OS400"
    (GSI) INFO: nodename = "SAP001"
    (GSI) INFO: release  = "3"
    (GSI) INFO: version  = "5"
    (GSI) INFO: machine  = "006500039C6C"
    (GSI) INFO: instno   = "0020141614"
    (EXP) INFO: starting NameTab check. Allow 999999999 misses in DDNTT, 10000 misses in DDNTT_CONV_UC, 0 outdated alternate NameTab entries according to CRTIMESTMP.
    (EXP) INFO:  /SSF/DHEAD                        missing in DDNTT_CONV_UC
    (EXP) INFO:  /SSF/DTAB                         missing in DDNTT_CONV_UC
    (EXP) INFO:  /SSF/PTAB                         missing in DDNTT_CONV_UC
    (EXP) INFO:  TIBAN_ACTIVE                      missing in DDNTT_CONV_UC
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for COPABBSEG                         in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073714 > 20070825073318
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for COPABBSEG_GLX                     in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073756 > 20070825073318
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for COPACRIT                          in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073801 > 20070825073318
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for COPAOBJ                           in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073804 > 20070825073318
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for EE72_COPAKEY                      in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073756 > 20070825072528
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for JBDCHARDERI                       in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073804 > 20070825071134
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for JBDCHARPAFO                       in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073805 > 20070825071134
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for JBD_STR_FO_PA_CHAROBJ             in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073805 > 20070825071127
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for JHF11_KOMP_STR                    in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073820 > 20070825071037
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for JVKOMP                            in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073822 > 20070825070937
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for KOMG                              in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073808 > 20070825070802
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for KOMGF                             in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073823 > 20070825070802
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for KOMGFNEW                          in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073836 > 20070825070802
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for KOMGFOLD                          in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073838 > 20070825070802
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for KOMP                              in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073814 > 20070825070755
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for KOMPAKE                           in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073805 > 20070825070755
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for OICIL                             in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073825 > 20070825070219
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for OIRCPMITEM                        in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073826 > 20070825070148
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for STR_KOMG                          in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073828 > 20070825063750
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for SVVSC_COPA                        in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073757 > 20070825063738
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for TRCON_CONTRACT_DATA               in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073846 > 20070825053905
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for TRCON_CONTRACT_DATA_MM            in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073847 > 20070825053905
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for TRCON_CONTRACT_DATA_SD            in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073848 > 20070825053905
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for TRCON_IT_KOMP                     in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073830 > 20070825062450
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for TRCON_OUTP_DBDATA                 in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073848 > 20070825053905
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for WB2_EKOMP                         in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073831 > 20070825060540
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for WCB_COND_DATA                     in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073848 > 20070825053905
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for WCB_COND_DISP                     in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073839 > 20070825053905
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for WCB_KEY_CHANGE                    in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073843 > 20070825053905
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for WCB_KOMG                          in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073832 > 20070825053905
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for WCB_KOMG_HELP                     in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073834 > 20070825060526
    (EXP) ERROR: entry for WRF_POHF_KOMP_STY                 in DDNTT is newer than in DDNTT_CONV_UC: 20070825073844 > 20070825060357
    (EXP) INFO: NameTab check finished. Result=2  #20070825203013
    (EXP) INFO: check for inactive NameTab entries: Result=0.
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    /sapmnt/BNP/exe/R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
    /sapmnt/BNP/exe/R3load: END OF LOG: 20070825203013
    I have an OSS message on "very-high" on this error, but they are not helping very much! SAP has proposed note 738858 were we set two environment variables. We have done this and that did not help.
    We have upgraded and unicode converted two test systems and one development system in the last 2 months without this error.
    Do you have any ideas?
    Best regards
    Henrik Hviid

    I'm doing a CU&UC (as say the CU&UC Guide), and now i'm in the phase of upgrade from 46C MDMP to ECC6.0 no unicode (later in other phase i've to change to unicode).  I've generated all the SCAN's, and launch the SAPup (Upgrade Process).  The phase UPGRADE/SHADOW: START OF PHASE RUN_RADCUCNT_ALL of the SAPup has created the job RADCUCNTUPG, and has been running during 20 hours. It's possible to do this phase quickly??.                                                           
    Otherwise, in the chapter 3.2.2 Phase RUN_RAD_CUCNT_NEW is going to regenerated the DDIC Objects. So in the Additional Preparation Steps in SAP NW7.0 nonUC (chapter 4.1. of the guide) will be neccesary to launch again the program RADCUCNT with the variant UNICODE-02??? or we've only to do the seven steps that appears in the Guide???.                           
    I've seen the Note 932779, 837173, about this, but i don't see the solution. In the page 7 and 8 of the Note OSS 932779, say that:
    - during CU&UC nametab is touched twice, once for upgrade and once for unicode conversion (in phase RADCUCNT_ALL and in phase RADCUCNT_NEW).
    - later appears that during unicode conversion preparation (SPUM4/SPUMG) RADCUCNT runs again twice.
    So in the chapter 4.1 about additional preparation steps in NW7.0 non UC there is not this step (only appears7 steps). It's really neccesary in the CU&UC in this moment?

  • Excel 97 avec labview 5.0

    Je désire lire une cellule Excel 97 avec LabView 5.0.
    Comment dois-je faire?

    I have LV 6.i, so I´m not sure if you have the same functions in LV 5.0 but I think so. To communicate with Excel, you can use the functions in the picture excel.jpg. Another way is to use ActiveX. You can find the functions in the picture ActiveX.
    For further informations you should be a little more exacter with what you want to do with Excel.
    Regards Thomas D
    Message Edited by ThomasD on 10-13-2005 04:03 AM
    excel.jpg ‏60 KB
    ActiveX.jpg ‏53 KB

  • How can I creat or open an excel file in labview?

    I am using Labview 7.1 and report generation toolkit. I got the example code from this address :"Creating a report in Microsft excel using the labview report generation toolkit"
    But seems this example only can creat report when the excel file exist, otherwise it will get error code 7.
    How can I creat a new file if it doesn't exist and open the file if it exist? Can I creat a report without openning excel because I need to creat more than one report and check it after the test.

    Simply use the "Open/Create/Replace File.vi, and wire a constant "Create / Replace".
    Wire a path/filename and make sure the name ends with the extention .xls
    If you have multiple lines (likely), place aech line in an array and use the "Array to Spreadsheet String.vi" before sending it to "Write to file.vi". Don't forget to close the file.
    Hope this helps..

  • How to open an excel file from labview?

    I tried to use "open file" vi from File I/O -- Advanced file functions to open an excel file in LabVIEW. Why the excel file wouldn't open after I run the program?

    In addition to ActiveX, you can also manipulate Excel data files using the Windows ADO interface - a technique that is more robust, faster and IMHO easier. Do a search on the forum as there have been several threads within the last week or so discussing this very thing.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • Unicode Export - unable to retrieve nametab info for logic table BSEG

    We are performing a unicode export (CUUC from 4.6C upgrade to ECC 6.0) and we have incurred this error.
            Without ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY the exported data may be unusable for some databases
    Our OS is HPUX11.31 & Database is
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1610: inconsistent settings for table position validity detected.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1611: nametab says table positions are valid.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1614: alternate nametab says table positions are not valid.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1617: for field 310 of nametab displacement is 1877, yet dbtabpos shows 1885.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1621: character length is 1 (in) resp. 2 (out).
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1257: unable to retrieve nametab info for logic table BSEG      .
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 8358: unable to acquire nametab info for logic table BSEG      .
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 2949: failed to convert cluster data of cluster item.
    myCluster: RFBLG      *400**AT10**0000100000**2004*
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 322: error during conversion of cluster item.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 323: affected physical table is RFBLG.
    (CNV) ERROR: data conversion failed.  rc = 2
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    /usr/sap/SBX/SYS/exe/run/R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
    /usr/sap/SBX/SYS/exe/run/R3load: END OF LOG: 20081102104452
    We checked the note 913783 as per the CUUC guide but the correction only for package SAPKB70004 to 6. but we are in package SAPKB70011.
    We had found two notes:
    1. Note 1238351 - Hom./Het.System Copy SAP NW 7.0 incl. Enhancement Package 1
    There are two possible workarounds:
    1. Modify DDL<dbs>.TPL (<dbs> = ADA, DB2, DB4, DB6, IND, MSS, ORA) BEFORE the R3load TSK files are generated;
                  search for the keyword "negdat:" and add "CLU4" and "VER_CLUSTR" to thisline.
    2. Modify the TSK file (most probably SAPCLUST.TSK) BEFORE R3load import is(re-)started.
                  search for the lines starting with "D CLU4 I" and "D VER_CLUSTR I" and change the status (i.e. "err" or "xeq") to "ign" or remove the lines. "
    I tried the above solution by editing the file DDL*.TPL but it is skipping the table and marks it as completed but its not the good solution as we will be miss the data from the table RFBLG.
    2. Note 991401 - SYSCOPY EXPORT FAILS:SAPCLUST:ERROR: Code page conversion:
    Activate the table.
    Then call the RADCUCNT report. Do not change the selected parameters, but ensure that 'Overwrite Entries' is selected.  Set the 'Unicode Length' to 2 and fill the last two fields 'Type' and 'Name' with TABL and TACOPAB respectively. Then select 'No Log' or specify a log name.
    Execute the RADCUCNT report and restart the export.
    We have not tried this solution, bcos SAP is still down and CDCLS job is still running.
    We would like to know whether you have faced any issues like the above one and what is your suggested approach and solution.
    Is it safe to start SAP now (when the CDCLS job runs) and then try to activate the table RFBLG?
    Edited by: J. Senthil Murugan on Nov 3, 2008 1:41 AM
    Edited by: J. Senthil Murugan on Nov 3, 2008 3:36 AM

    Hi Senthil,
    If you have done your pre-conversion steps before upgrade and after upgrade successfully then you should not see the below errors. However changes to SPDD tables may some times also have some impact during conversion and throws nametab errors occurs. Program RADCUCNT runs in the end of upgrade to update nametab tables if any new changes happned during upgrade.
    You can do any no of exports to complete  jobs successfully.yeah When export running you shouldnt bring SAP up.
    The tables you have mentioned all are cluster tables and CDCLS being the biggest table it will take hrs to complete depending on your size of the database.
    Do not pay around with the .TSK file until if you are sure you want to re-execute it.Your first possiblility is skipped because there may be multiple same .TSK files present locally(where u r running distribution.monitor (or) sapinst ) and on the common directory. You may also look at the .TSK.bkp files because it get information and creates a new .TSK. This is not complicated but tricky.
    secound possibility is to update the changed tables(eg: RFBLG...)  to conversion tables.Follow the Note but make sure no R3load processes are running before you start SAP. If you dont want to wait long and sure to restart other processes which are running you can kill it and start SAP. Specify your error tables only and follow instructions given in the note.Once done bring down  SAP app. and restart the export process using ur sapinst or distribution monitor.

  • Estimating Unicode Export / Import time

    Is there a good methog of estimating the unicode export/import runtime . for a 9cpu system with 500 GB of database size , what is the thumbrule of calculating the runtime.
    welcome your ideas and suggestion..

    You can also use [SAP Downtime Assessment Service|https://websmp105.sap-ag.de/upgradeservices] from SAP.

  • Read an Excel cell using LabView

    I'm trying to read Excel cells with LabView, witch can be numeric data
    or text.
    I want to chose the Excel cell to read.
    I try to use AtiveX commands in order to do so, but it doesn't work,
    and I don't understand all concepts of activeX.
    I searched on the web, but I didn't find any simple example witch can
    run for me.
    Can we do it without activeX commands?
    Do you have any simple example to send me?
    Thank you for your help.
    Jean-Louis, France.

    Here is a simple VI that uses ActiveX to read an Excel cell. It is set up for string values, but it can be changed. If you get a broken run arrow, than you may have to reconfigure some of the propery nodes for your version of Excel.
    Get_Excel_Cell_Sub.vi ‏99 KB

  • Inserer feuille Excel dans FA Labview sous Vista et Seven

    je cherche à inserer dans une face avant une feuille Excel (eventuellement Open Office) sous Vista ou Seven. Je n'ai pas besoin des fonctionnalitées de macros ou de formules, juste de la facilité de saisie d'un tableau Excel (insertion supression de colonnes et lignes, redimensionnement facile).
    Sous XP il y avait moyen d'utiliser un browser web dans un container mais cette fonctionnalitée ne semble plus gérée. Existerait t'il une autre solution?
    Merci d'avance pour vos réponses
    Sebastien DEVISSCHER - Nerys

                        Office Web Components (OWC) est un groupe de composants OLE ( permet d'intégrer et de relier à des documents ) mis en œuvre comme les contrôles ActiveX dans Microsoft Office 2000, Office XP et Office 2003. Ces contrôles ActiveX peuvent être utilisés sur des pages Web, Visual Basic et VBA formes. L'OWC peut être utilisé par n'importe quel langage compatible COM. Des applications comme Excel, Access et FrontPage ont permis la création de pages Web interactives utilisant Microsoft Office Web Components.
                      Les Office Web Components ont été abandonnées dans Office 2007, et ne sont pas inclus, sauf une partie dans Microsoft Office Project Server 2007. Microsoft n'a pas encore offert un remplacement complet pour Office Web Components.
    Si vous souhaitez continuer d’utiliser cette méthode, il va falloir chercher du coté de Microsoft.
                 Les technologies Microsoft Office ne permettent pas directement d’utiliser en control ActiveX le tableur. Cependant, vous pouvez vous tourner du coté des contrôles Active X pour vous rapprocher le plus possible de votre besoin. Si vous le possédez, le report generation toolkit peut vous êtres utile (vous avez accès au diagramme en double cliquant dessus donc n’hésiter pas a comprendre comment les ActiveX sont utilisés).
    Une autre solution qui peut vous être utile est d’ouvrir une fenêtre Excel dans une nouvelle fenêtre LabVIEW. Pour cela il faut utiliser la librairie User32.ddl.
    Voici quelque lien pour vous aider :.
    Use user32.dll and shell32.dll to Open, Edit, Print, Explore, and Find Files Based on Windows Defaul...
    Find the Handle of an Open Window and Bring to Front
    En vous inspirant spécialement de ceux-ci :
    Bring Excel 2010 Window to Front Programmatically
    Programmatically Copy and Paste Data in Excel
    Si vous voulez que la fenêtre Excel s’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre LabVIEW utiliser les fonctions suivante :
    SetParent (utiliser la fonction SetParent permet de configurer la fenêtre parent d'une fenêtre pop-up).
    SetParent 0 (fermer la fenêtre).
    Pour les utilisateurs utilisant windows XP et office 2007 voila les liens qui expliquent comment afficher un tableur Excel sur la face avant :
    Using the Microsoft Web Browser Control to Embed an Excel Spreadsheet in LabVIEW
    How to Import the excel sheet with its property
    Labview 2010 activex container Excel 2007
    Unable to find spreadsheet otion in ActiveX Control
    Samuel G. | Application Engineer Team Leader
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Été de LabVIEW 2014
    12 présentations en ligne, du 30 juin au 18 juillet

  • Viewing Excel Sheet in LabVIEW

    I have a series of MS Excel 2007 files (xlsx) that I would like to embed and view in LabVIEW 2012 by selecting them individually. Currently the only way I can see the Excel sheet in LabVIEW is to place my ActiveX container on the front panel and then 'Select ActiveX Object' followed by 'Create Object from File'. The Excel sheet then fills the ActiveX container and that is exactly what I want my front panel to look like. However, I do not seem to be able to 'Create Object from File' programmatically using Nodes and have to manually link each file to display my result in the ActiveX container. I am sure I am missing something and any suggestion on how to acomplish this programmatically would be greatly appreciated - thanks in advance!
    Original Excel file example
    Inserting an ActiveX container and selecting 'Create Object From File'
    Desired result below!
    Go to Solution.

    I tracked that link down from nyc's broken one.  That kept wanting to open the Excel file in Excel itself, rather than in the web browser window.  BUT, there was a note in the help for one of the subVIs that said this "Note: If the Excel Workbook opens in a new window instead of the Web browser window, change the view options for the file type. From the Windows Control Panel, double-click Folder Options and click the File Types tab.  Select the .xls file extension and click the Advanced button. Place a checkmark in the Browse in same window checkbox.?
    In Windows 7, that option apparently doesn't exist, but it led me here, which told me to change the registry.  After doing so, the Excel file now opens in the embedded web browser. 
    Thanks, gentlemen.
    Tim Elsey
    LabVIEW 2010, 2012
    Certified LabVIEW Architect

  • Why was formatting removed from Export to Excel when exporting from PWA 2013?

    We have recently moved from using Project Server 2007 to Project Server 2013 and one thing that we have noticed is that when we Export to Excel all the formatting has been removed and all the task grouping and alignment has been flatted. 
    Why did Microsoft remove this feature from the Project Server 2013?
    Is there an easy way for anywhere there is an Export to Excel option on the Ribbon to add the formatting back?
    What is the best solution to still retain the indents, bolding, and grouping?

    Jason --
    I can confirm your findings with exporting PWA pages in Project Server 2013 to Excel.  As to why Microsoft removed the feature previously found in Project Server 2007, I have no idea, as I do not work for Microsoft.  I do not believe there is any
    way to force the Export to Excel feature to work the same in 2013 as it did in 2007.  I think it will be up to the user to format the exported Excel workbook as needed.  Hope this helps.
    Dale A. Howard [MVP]

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    When that report is exported to MS Excel from Report Manager and viewed, this static text object must appear "once" at the bottom of every page without using "print preview."
    Furthermore, it must appear only "once" on every page regardless of both the number of groups as well as the number of records in each group.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Mike,
    By default, Excel does not have a concept of a "page" in "Normal" view. So when we export the report to excel and open the file, Excel automatically hides the footers as they are displayed in "Normal" view. Since this issue is relevant to Excel, if we want
    to see the page footer in Excel, we can try to switch to "Page Layout" view in the View Tab. Just as you said, they also shown up while printing.
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • ORA-00942 Error during unicode export of BI 7.0

    Hello Everyone,
    I am doing an export of a non-unicode BI 7.0 system to convert and import it into a Unicode database. All the jobs have passed except one and I see the following error in the log file (SAPAPPL0_3.log)
    /usr/sap/ABD/SYS/exe/run/R3load: START OF LOG: 20080302124247
    /usr/sap/ABD/SYS/exe/run/R3load: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#13 $ SAP
    /usr/sap/ABD/SYS/exe/run/R3load: version R7.00/V1.4
    Compiled Jun  9 2007 09:20:06
    /usr/sap/ABD/SYS/exe/run/R3load -e SAPAPPL0_3.cmd -datacodepage 4102 -l SAPAPPL0_3.log -stop_on_error
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (RSCP) INFO: I18N_NAMETAB_TIMESTAMPS not in env: checks are ON (Note 738858)
    (RSCP) WARN: UMGCONTAINER has 1 problems.
    (RSCP) INFO: UMGSETTINGS nametab creation: ok.
    (RSCP) INFO: Global fallback code page = 1100
    (RSCP) INFO: Common character set is  not  7-bit-ASCII
    (RSCP) INFO: Collision resolution method is 'fine'
    (RSCP) INFO: R3trans code pages = Normal
    (RSCP) INFO: EXPORT TO ... code pages = Normal
    (RSCP) INFO: Check for invalid language keys: active, by default
    (RSCP) INFO: I18N_NAMETAB_NORM_ALLOW = 999999999
    (RSCP) INFO: I18N_NAMETAB_NORM_LOG   = 1000000002
    (RSCP) INFO: I18N_NAMETAB_ALT_LOG    = 10003
    (RSCP) INFO: I18N_NAMETAB_OLD_LOG    = 500
    (GSI) INFO: dbname   = "ABD20070922100908
    (GSI) INFO: vname    = "ORACLE                          "
    (GSI) INFO: hostname = "ussbbdd5                                                        "
    (GSI) INFO: sysname  = "HP-UX"
    (GSI) INFO: nodename = "ussbbdd5"
    (GSI) INFO: release  = "B.11.23"
    (GSI) INFO: version  = "U"
    (GSI) INFO: machine  = "ia64"
    (GSI) INFO: instno   = "INITIAL   "
    (EXP) ERROR: DbSlExeRead failed
      rc = 103, table "/BIC/SZTERR_CD"
      (SQL error 942)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    /usr/sap/ABD/SYS/exe/run/R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
    /usr/sap/ABD/SYS/exe/run/R3load: END OF LOG: 20080302124251
    When I run the following command on /BIC/SZTERR_CD, I do not get any table information back. I am not sure how to fix it though.
    I did finish all the unicode preconversion steps and also ran the SMIGR_CREATE_DDL program. I had exported recently from the same system but I never got this error during that run.
    Another question is about the order in which the steps need to be performed. I completed the preconversion steps, then ran the SMIGR_CREATE_DDL program before proceeding to the export phase. Is this right or does it not matter?
    Thanks again for your help!

    Hello Stacy,
    > When I run the following command on /BIC/SZTERR_CD, I do not get any table information back. I am not sure how to fix it though.
    If the object does not exists on the source target database, please check if the ddic of sap still contains the table definition. (SE11 or SE14)
    If yes you can set the status of the table /BIC/SZTERR_CD to "ok" in the corresponding task file.
    You can not fix this problem in other way after you have started the conversion, because of the export files are already generated (with the information of the sap ddic)...
    > I completed the preconversion steps, then ran the SMIGR_CREATE_DDL program before proceeding to the export phase. Is this right or does it not matter?
    That was the right way.

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