Exchange 2007 - how to recieve reports from WSUS

I have a strange problem with WSUS reporting, I cannot send reports through Exchange.
WSUS verison 3.1.6001.65, chekbox "my SMTP server requires authentication" is not set
I try to send test messages to group (checkbox "require  that all senders are authenticated" is not set) with error:
Code SnippetSystem.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.SoapExceptionProcessor.DeserializeAndThrow(SoapException soapException)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.AdminDataAccessProxy.SendTestEmail(String emailLanguage, String smtpUserName, String senderEmailAddress, String smtpHostName, Int32 smtpPort, String recipients)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.EmailNotificationConfiguration.SendTestEmail()
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.UI.SnapIn.Dialogs.EmailNotificationSettingsDialog.backgroundWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
I try to send report to himself with same result
My server uses special receive connector for anonymous in servers subnet and I can see that I use it when try to send reports.
My receive connector settings:
Code Snippet
Get-ReceiveConnector "Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*)"
AuthMechanism                           : Tls, Integrated, BasicAuth
Banner                                  :
BinaryMimeEnabled                       : True
Bindings                                : {}
ChunkingEnabled                         : True
DefaultDomain                           :
DeliveryStatusNotificationEnabled       : True
EightBitMimeEnabled                     : True
DomainSecureEnabled                     : False
EnhancedStatusCodesEnabled              : True
LongAddressesEnabled                    : False
OrarEnabled                             : False
Fqdn                                    :
Comment                                 :
Enabled                                 : True
ConnectionTimeout                       : 00:10:00
ConnectionInactivityTimeout             : 00:05:00
MessageRateLimit                        : unlimited
MaxInboundConnection                    : 5000
MaxInboundConnectionPerSource           : 20
MaxInboundConnectionPercentagePerSource : 2
MaxHeaderSize                           : 64KB
MaxHopCount                             : 30
MaxLocalHopCount                        : 8
MaxLogonFailures                        : 3
MaxMessageSize                          : 10MB
MaxProtocolErrors                       : 5
MaxRecipientsPerMessage                 : 200
PermissionGroups                        : AnonymousUsers, ExchangeUsers
PipeliningEnabled                       : True
ProtocolLoggingLevel                    : Verbose
RemoteIPRanges                          : {,,}
RequireEHLODomain                       : False
RequireTLS                              : False
EnableAuthGSSAPI                        : False
Server                                  : EXCHANGE
SizeEnabled                             : Enabled
TarpitInterval                          : 00:00:05
AdminDisplayName                        :
ExchangeVersion                         : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                                    : Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*)
DistinguishedName                       : CN=Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*\; 10.97.18.*),CN=SMTP Receive Connectors,CN=Protocols,CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Aministrative Groups,CN=CMS,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=mydomain,DC=com
Identity                                : EXCHANGE\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*)
Guid                                    : f1e6efa7-d4f6-45bf-8a5f-23e44d627b18
ObjectCategory                          :
ObjectClass                             : {top, msExchSmtpReceiveConnector}
WhenChanged                             : 13.10.2008 9:58:47
WhenCreated                             : 09.09.2008 16:35:12
OriginatingServer                       :
IsValid                                 : True
I try to send message from that server via VBS and compare Exchange SMTP Log. Script sends mail via SMTP  fine without authentication
Code Snippet
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,0,,,+,,
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,1,,,*,SMTPSubmit SMTPAcceptAnySender SMTPAcceptAuthoritativeDomainSender AcceptRoutingHeaders,Set Session Permissions
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,2,,,>,"220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Tue, 14 Oct 2008 15:36:41 +0400",
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,3,,,<,HELO nmswin01,
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,4,,,>,250 Hello [],
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,5,,,<,MAIL FROM: <[email protected]>,
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous'>mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]>,
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,6,,,*,08CAFB0FF92E9D86;2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z;1,receiving message
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,7,,,>,250 2.1.0 Sender OK,
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,8,,,<,RCPT TO: <[email protected]>,
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous'>mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]>,
2008-10-14T11:36:41.965Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,9,,,>,250 2.1.5 Recipient OK,
2008-10-14T11:36:41.980Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,10,,,<,DATA,
2008-10-14T11:36:41.980Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,11,,,>,354 Start mail input; end with .,
2008-10-14T11:36:42.168Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,12,,,>,250 2.6.0 <[email protected]>'>mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]>; Queued mail for delivery,
2008-10-14T11:36:42.168Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,13,,,<,QUIT,
2008-10-14T11:36:42.168Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,14,,,>,221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel,
2008-10-14T11:36:42.168Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E9D86,15,,,-,,Local
Code Snippet
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,0,,,+,,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,1,,,*,SMTPSubmit SMTPAcceptAnySender SMTPAcceptAuthoritativeDomainSender AcceptRoutingHeaders,Set Session Permissions
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,2,,,>,"220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Tue, 14 Oct 2008 15:33:28 +0400",
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,3,,,<,EHLO wsussrv,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,4,,,>, Hello [],
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,5,,,>,250-SIZE 10485760,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,6,,,>,250-PIPELINING,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,7,,,>,250-DSN,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,8,,,>,250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,9,,,>,250-STARTTLS,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,10,,,>,250-AUTH NTLM LOGIN,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,11,,,>,250-8BITMIME,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,12,,,>,250-BINARYMIME,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,13,,,>,250 CHUNKING,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,14,,,<,AUTH ntlm,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,15,,,>,334 <authentication response>,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.995Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,16,,,*,SMTPSubmit SMTPAcceptAnyRecipient BypassAntiSpam AcceptRoutingHeaders,Set Session Permissions
2008-10-14T11:33:28.995Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,17,,,*,GORODSKOI\WSUSSRV$,authenticated
2008-10-14T11:33:28.995Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,18,,,>,235 2.7.0 Authentication successful,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.995Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,19,,,<,MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.995Z,Exchange\Anonymous'>mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]>,
2008-10-14T11:33:28.995Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,20,,,*,08CAFB0FF92E97D0;2008-10-14T11:33:28.979Z;1,receiving message
2008-10-14T11:33:28.995Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,21,,,>,550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender,
2008-10-14T11:33:29.010Z,Exchange\Anonymous SMTP from Servers subnet (10.100.18(20).*; 10.97.18.*),08CAFB0FF92E97D0,22,,,-,,Remote
2008-10-14T11:33:56.729Z,Exchange\Default Exchange,08CAFB0FF92E98D1,0,,,+,,
WSUS is trying to authenticate as itself but it cannot.... And, as I have said, I don't use authenticate option in WSUS

This is still an active issue in WSUS 3.2.7600.226 and Exchange 2010 SP1. So for those struggling but finding this thread:
Instead of building another connector specifically for WSUS, one can also try setting the 'Send on Behalf" rights correctly. Unfortunately the Exchange management shell does not have the required rights to set these kind of permissions on computer accounts.
Hence one has to manually set them in active directory. To do so follow these instructions:
-Go to Active Directory Users and Computers,
-Enable "Advanced Features",
-Open the properties of the account that you want to send on behalf from,
-Go to Advanced Security,
-Add the WSUS$ server computer account,
-Set "Apply onto" to "This object only",
-Allow the "Send As" permission,
And voila, the WSUS website running under the WSUS$ computer account in IIS now has the appropiate rights to send on behalve of your account using integrated authentication.
Jori Huisman

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    here an example !
    I hope this example you can use it
    PROCEDURE pr_reporte IS
         repid REPORT_OBJECT;
    v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
    rep_status Varchar2(20);
    d1 DATE;
    d2 DATE;
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         d2 := :GLOBAL.DIA_FIN;
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         v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
         rep_status := report_object_status(v_rep);
              rep_status := report_object_status(v_rep);
         END LOOP;
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              ventana('E','error reporte no encontrado','S');
         END IF;
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    You could create a really complex SearchFilter using multiple OR statements it would be pretty ugly and possibly slow unless you have some massive number of contact you should generally just be able to enumerate the contacts with a restricted propertyset
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    Hi there,
    Most of the things do not come for free. You need to spend some effort in order to obtain results.
    Check run_product, run_report_object built-in.
    Also, download the documentation library and go through:
    The example of how to use the run_product directly from the book "Oracle Forms Developer Form Builder Reference, Volume 1 - Release 6i.pdf":
    RUN_PRODUCT examples
    ** Built-in: RUN_PRODUCT
    ** Example: Call a Report Builder report, passing the
    ** data in record group ’EMP_RECS’ to substitute
    ** for the report’s query named ’EMP_QUERY’.
    ** Presumes the Emp_Recs record group already
    ** exists and has the same column/data type
    ** structure as the report’s Emp_Query query.
    PROCEDURE Run_Emp_Report IS
    pl_id ParamList;
    ** Check to see if the ’tmpdata’ parameter list exists.
    pl_id := Get_Parameter_List(’tmpdata’);
    ** If it does, then delete it before we create it again in
    ** case it contains parameters that are not useful for our
    ** purposes here.
    IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
    Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
    END IF;
    ** Create the ’tmpdata’ parameter list afresh.
    pl_id := Create_Parameter_List(’tmpdata’);
    ** Add a data parameter to this parameter list that will
    ** establish the relationship between the named query
    ** ’EMP_QUERY’ in the report, and the record group named
    ** ’EMP_RECS’ in the form.
    **Pass a Parameter into PARAMFORM so that a parameter dialog
    will not appear
    **for the parameters being passing in.
    Add_Parameter(pl_id, ’PARAMFORM’, TEXT_PARAMETER, ’NO’);
    ** Run the report synchronously, passing the parameter list
    Run_Product(REPORTS, ’empreport’, SYNCHRONOUS, RUNTIME,
    FILESYSTEM, pl_id, NULL);
    Hope it helps,

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    Hi, did u find a solution for this? I'm having the same requirement.
    One way of solving the problem would be to copy the HR_HIS_READ function and change it to exclude the undesired reports. Then change the MDT Scenario by executing the Define Structure of Function Codes item in the IMG.

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    Oracle Forms & reports : 11.1.2
    O.S : Windows & Professional
    We have install oracle database, Oracle forms & reports in server. Near about 25 users are accessing that database, forms & reports from server through browser.
    I have one problem, when users runs a report there report goes in queue and runs one by one in FIFO manner.
    If one user has a report that take long time other users has to wait for that time.
    Can it is possible to run reports in multitasking manner, i.e multiple report can be run simultaneously.
    Using above url am able to see jobs in queue.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Denie,
    I am new to it and don't know how to add engines to server.conf , can you please tell me how to add engine to it.
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    Please help..
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    If you have another Oracle database you can use the following command to create a link to it from the one you are currently logged into
    CONNECT TO other_oracledb_usernane IDENTIFIED BY other_oracledb_password
    USING 'remote_oracledb_name';
    When you issue this command the 'remote_oracledb_name' must exist in your TNSNAMES.ORA file so that the remote database can be 'found'
    If this is still not enough info I would suggest that you talk to someone on your DBA team to help set up the link.

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    You can find examples in :
    Oracle® Application Server Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web
    10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
    14 Using the Oracle Reports Web Service

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