Executing native library under Java - shell script problem

I am running a Java application on the command line bash shell. I have a few JAR files in the directory and a few native libraries. When I run the application using the command line, all works fine. This is the command I use:
java -classpath MyGame.jar:log4j-1.2.16.jar:jme/jme-colladabinding.jar:jme-audio.jar:jme-awt.jar:jme-collada.jar:jme-editors.jar:jme-effects.jar:jme-font.jar:jme-gamestates.jar:jme-model.jar:jme-ogrexml.jar:jme-scene.jar:jme-swt.jar:jme-terrain.jar:jme.jar:jogl/gluegen-rt.jar:jogl/jogl.jar:jorbis/jorbis-0.0.17.jar:junit/junit-4.1.jar:lwjgl/jinput.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl_util.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl_util_applet.jar:swt/windows/swt.jar:jbullet/jbullet-jme.jar:jbullet/asm-all-3.1.jar:jbullet/jbullet.jar:jbullet/stack-alloc.jar:jbullet/vecmath.jar:trove-2.1.0.jar:sceneMonitor/jmejtree_jme2.jar:sceneMonitor/propertytable.jar:sceneMonitor/scenemonitor_jme2.jar:sceneMonitor/sm_properties_jme2.jar -Djava.library.path="lwjgl/native/linux" -Xmx1024m -Xms768m -ea com.mygame.MainThis works fine and the application starts up as expected. LWJGL native library is loaded in and works fine as expected.
The problem occurs when I try to run this command via the shell using a shell script. Here is my script:
# Set the minimum and maximum heap sizes
if [ "$MYAPP_JAVA_HOME" = "" ] ; then
if [ "$MYAPP_JAVA_HOME" != "" ] ; then
    if [ -f "$_TMP" ] ; then
        if [ -x "$_TMP" ] ; then
            echo "Warning: $_TMP is not executable"
        echo "Warning: $_TMP does not exist"
if ! which "$_JAVA_EXEC" >/dev/null ; then
    echo "Error: No Java environment found"
    exit 1
$_JAVA_EXEC -classpath $_MYAPP_CLASSPATH $_VM_PROPERTIES -Xmx${MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE} -Xms${MINIMUM_HEAP_SIZE} -ea $_MYAPP_MAIN_CLASSThe shell script is in the same directory as the JAR files (the same directory where I ran the Java command above). When I execute the shell script ( sh MyGame.sh ), I get the UnsatisfiedLinkError message:
    14-Feb-2011 19:46:28 com.wcg.game.DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtException
    SEVERE: Main game loop broken by uncaught exception
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no lwjgl in java.library.path
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1734)
       at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:823)
       at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1028)
       at org.lwjgl.Sys$1.run(Sys.java:73)
       at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
       at org.lwjgl.Sys.doLoadLibrary(Sys.java:66)
       at org.lwjgl.Sys.loadLibrary(Sys.java:82)
       at org.lwjgl.Sys.<clinit>(Sys.java:99)
       at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.<clinit>(Display.java:130)
       at com.jme.system.lwjgl.LWJGLDisplaySystem.setTitle(LWJGLDisplaySystem.java:118)
       at com.wcg.game.WcgStandardGame.initSystem(WcgStandardGame.java:287)
       at com.wcg.game.WcgStandardGame.run(WcgStandardGame.java:185)
       at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I am executing the exact same command via a shell script and it is not working. Any ideas, solutions, most welcome.
I am running Linux Mint Debian 201012, Linux mint 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Nov 25 18:02:11 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux. JDK is 1.6.0_22 64-bit. I have 64-bit .so files in the correct place too.

Thanks for the replies guys/gals.
I have modified the script and echoed my command that should be running under the shell script, it is:
java -classpath WcgFramework.jar:WcgPocSwordplay.jar:log4j-1.2.16.jar:jme/jme-colladabinding.jar:jme-audio.jar:jme-awt.jar:jme-collada.jar:jme-editors.jar:jme-effects.jar:jme-font.jar:jme-gamestates.jar:jme-model.jar:jme-ogrexml.jar:jme-scene.jar:jme-swt.jar:jme-terrain.jar:jme.jar:jogl/gluegen-rt.jar:jogl/jogl.jar:jorbis/jorbis-0.0.17.jar:junit/junit-4.1.jar:lwjgl/jinput.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl_util.jar:lwjgl/lwjgl_util_applet.jar:swt/windows/swt.jar:jbullet/jbullet-jme.jar:jbullet/asm-all-3.1.jar:jbullet/jbullet.jar:jbullet/stack-alloc.jar:jbullet/vecmath.jar:trove-2.1.0.jar:sceneMonitor/jmejtree_jme2.jar:sceneMonitor/propertytable.jar:sceneMonitor/scenemonitor_jme2.jar:sceneMonitor/sm_properties_jme2.jar -Djava.library.path="lwjgl/native/linux" -Xmx1024m -Xms768m -ea com.mygame.MainI am more confident that now the shell script should be fine (I am a shell script noob) because this very command if I copy from terminal and paste into the terminal, runs the application no problem at all. But I am amazed that it is still not working. I must be doing something obviously wrong. :-(
I used the code as suggested:
_VM_PROPERTIES='-Djava.library.path="lwjgl/native/linux"'I am stumped!? :-(
Thanks for help.

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    The root of the problem is that you're trying to quote the cd command for some reason:
    <pre class=command>do shell script " \" cd \" & (POSIX path of (result as text));
    In addition to that you're including the & (POSIX path of (result as text)) as part of the shell command whereas this should be OUTSIDE of the quotes in order to get evaluated
    If you work that through you'll end up with a shell command that looks like:
    <pre class=command>" cd " & (POSIX path of (result as text))</pre>
    If you try to run that in a terminal you'll get a cd : command not found error and that's why the rest of it appears to fail.
    The solution to that one is simple - just don't bother quoting the cd and put the POSIX path stuff outside of the quotes to get it evaluated at runtime:
    <pre class=command>do shell script "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of (FolderInQuestion as text)) & ";
    # rest of shell commands here"</pre>
    Now, as for the rest of the script there are a few things I would change.
    First, unless you need to know the index, don't do:
    >repeat for SomeVar from 1 to NumFolders
    set FolderinQuestion to folder SomeVar of DestinationFolder
    the issue is that the number of folders to process may change during the script's execution (other processes may create or remove folders). This will, at best, cause some folders to be skipped and, at worst, cause the script to fail.
    If you're iterating through a list, the best option is to just:
    <pre class=command>repeat with FolderInQuestion in (folders of DestinationFolder)
    This automatically sets the iterator (in this case, FolderInQuestion, to the first item in the list and increments it for each iteration through the loop.
    Secondly, in your shell script itself, scrub the entire do/done loop. You're already using find, so have that do the hard work using the -exec switch:
    <pre class=command>find path -name "*.mov" -exec /usr/local/bin/decode {} \;</pre>
    In find's case, {} is substituted with the current file's path.
    Putting this together you'd get:
    <pre class=command>tell application "Finder"
    set DestinationFolder to "xxxxxx:xxxx:xxxx"
    repeat with folderInQuestion in (get folders of folder DestinationFolder)
    do shell script "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of folderInQuestion & "; find . -name \"*.mov\" -exec /usr/bin/decode {} \\;"
    end repeat
    end tell</pre>
    Note that I've used 'quoted form of POSIX path' - this takes care of any shell-unsafe characters like spaces in the path name. I've also used \\; for the -exec switch - this is so that AppleScript passes the \ to the shell command rather than using it for its own escaping.
    But you're not done yet!
    There's still one fatal flaw in this process - and that is the fact that find by default, is recursive - it will walk through every directory that it finds.
    This means that if you start at the top folder and iterate through, find will find all .mov files and decode them. Your script then cd's to the first subdirectory and repeats the process - decoding all the .mov files in that directory and all its subdirectories even though they've ALREADY been decoded.
    The upshot is that you only need to run one loop starting at the top level. You don't need to iterate through all the subdirectories since find will do that for you.
    In addition to that, there might not be a need to use cd at all since the first argument to find is the directory to start searching in. Unless there's some reason that you need to start decode from the top level directory (e.g. is that where it saves the files?), you can drop the whole repeat loop altogether and just run with:
    <pre class=command>set startFolder to (choose folder)
    do shell script "find " & quoted form of posix path of startFolder & " -name \"*.mov\" -exec /usr/bin/decode {} \\;"</pre>
    That's the entire script - a radical compression of your original.

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    : bad interpreter: No such file or directory
    [root@]# .  testapp.sh
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    sunil_dba wrote:
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    The only CR SDK is for .NET and Java.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

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    ssh -l removeserver 192.168.xxx.xxx ls /remote/server/directory/ > /store/remote/directory/listing/motapp1files.txt
    $newfile < /store/remote/directory/listing/motapp1files.txt
    for file in $newfile;
    do echo $file
    if [ ! -d local/machine/directories/$file/ ]; then
    echo "this folder doesnt exist on on remote server "; echo $file;

    Re-inventing the wheel perhaps. Look into rsync. Great program!
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    set serveroutput on size 1000000
    set timing on
    execute wpl_1('0000010676','~')
    execute wpl_2('0000010676','~')
    execute wpl_1('0000010236','FIX')
    execute wpl_2('0000010236','FIX')
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    set serveroutput on size 1000000
    set timing on
    execute wpl_1('0000010676','~')
    execute wpl_2('0000010676','~')
    execute wpl_1('0000010236','FIX')
    execute wpl_2('0000010236','FIX')
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    I tried single quote, USERID= unsuccessfully. Any ideas?

    Single quote should work fine , can you post your shell script specially couple of line and try connecting from command line.
    $ sqlplus 'test$user'/*****
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Apr 14 14:36:04 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP and Data Mining Scoring Engine options
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP and Data Mining Scoring Engine optionsRegards
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    900441 wrote:
    We have a requirement that needs txkWfClone.sh to run inside a shell script (unix). We need to pass the username/password in the shell script. Basically we need to run this as a silent process.
    Any suggestions on how to accomplish that?Yes.
    How to Change the System Name in Workflow? [ID 387337.1]
    Txkwfclone.Sql Script Is Receiving The Parameters In Incorrect Order [ID 880264.1]
    You may also view the script and you will find if any parameters need to be passed.

  • Executing set of procedures from Shell script.

    I've set of procedures which i need to pass a parameter from the os ..like this.
    For table XXX ...i need to call
    a Procedure XXX ('parameter as file name ')..
    So i've a test.sql file which is calling
    EXEC XXX(&1);
    The Shell script file will be like this...
    sqlplus username/password @test.sql
    Like this i need to call 10 tbles.
    so 10 sql file and 10 shell script file.
    And also i need to scedhule the *.sh file.
    Is that a right way ....? or any other method to achive this ????
    IT'S URGENT...

    Make a file proc.txt containing the name of the proc :
    A second file for the tables names tables.txt containing :
    And the shell will be :
    for THE_TABLE in `cat $TAB`
    for THE_PROC in `cat $PROC`
    sqlplus system/manager <<!
    exec $THE_PROC ;
    exit ;

  • Rman shell script problem

    While running the following rman commands directly from the shell , its work fine :
    $ rman CATALOG=catman/man@rman TARGET=/
    RMAN> run {
    2>   allocate channel 'dev_1' type 'sbt_tape'
    3>   parms  'ENV=(OB2BARTYPE=Oracle8,OB2APPNAME=bz,OB2BARLIST=bz_archive,OB2BARHOSTNAME=bz)';
    4>   allocate channel 'dev_2' type 'sbt_tape'
    5>   parms  'ENV=(OB2BARTYPE=Oracle8,OB2APPNAME=bz,OB2BARLIST=bz_archive,OB2BARHOSTNAME=bz)';
    6>   restore archivelog from time "to_date('2011-02-14 08:31:55','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')" until time 'SYSDATE';
    7>     }
    allocated channel: dev_1
    channel dev_1: sid=323 devtype=SBT_TAPE
    channel dev_1: Data Protector A.06.11/243
    allocated channel: dev_2
    channel dev_2: sid=438 devtype=SBT_TAPE
    channel dev_2: Data Protector A.06.11/243
    Starting restore at 2011-02-14 19:01:38
    ....When trying to run it as shell script :
    ssh -l oracle 172.22.xx.xx . /software/oracle/.profile ;
    rman CATALOG=catman/man@rman TARGET=/
    run {
       allocate channel 'dev_1' type 'sbt_tape'
       parms  'ENV=(OB2BARTYPE=Oracle8,OB2APPNAME=bz,OB2BARLIST=bz_archive,OB2BARHOSTNAME=bz)';
       allocate channel 'dev_2' type 'sbt_tape'
       parms  'ENV=(OB2BARTYPE=Oracle8,OB2APPNAME=bz,OB2BARLIST=bz_archive,OB2BARHOSTNAME=bz)';
       restore archivelog from time "to_date('2011-02-14 08:31:55','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')" until time 'SYSDATE';
       }The script succeded to connect to rman but it stuck hir:
    $ ./yoav.sh  
    Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Feb 14 20:13:41 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    connected to target database: BZ (DBID=3044220964)
    connected to recovery catalog database
    RMAN> Any suggestion why it stuck ?

    It is stucked because RMAN it waiting input on STDIN and you don't give anything as input to STDIN.
    Try to use
    $ rman CATALOG=catman/man@rman TARGET=/ <<EOF
    <your RMAN script>
    EOFor try to use RMAN command file like a SQL file:
    Edited by: P. Forstmann on 14 févr. 2011 20:05

  • Calling a native library from Java

    I'm trying to call a native method (windows dll) from a web service implemented in Java. I've confirmed that the class I've created to call the native method works when used outside of my web service (ie. in a standard Java application). However, when I try to use the class in the web service, an exception is thrown when
    is executed. The exception thrown is:
    JAXRPCSERVLET28: Missing port information
    Does any one have any suggestions as to what might be causing this error?

    There are basically 3 steps to calling a native method from your Java code.
    1. Create a C/C++ stub function that will translate between your Java call and the native C method.
    2. Create the dll that exports the stub function.
    3. Invoke the System.loadLibrary("myDllName") method.
    Here's what I did to learn how to use the JNI.
    I first created the class that would be calling the dll:
    public class CallDll
    /** Creates a new instance of CallDll */
    public CallDll()
    //LVtoJava is my dll name.
    //AddDll is the name of the function I'm exporting from my Dll
    //It does not have to be static
    public native static double AddDll(int func, double x, double y);
    I then used the javah utility in the jdk/bin directory to create the C stub header file. Once you have the generated stub header file, you can create an implementation file, and compile it into a dll.
    //My C++ stub, generated by javah utility
    /* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
    #include <jni.h>
    /* Header for class LabViewDll_CallDll */
    #ifndef IncludedLabViewDll_CallDll
    #define IncludedLabViewDll_CallDll
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    * Class: LabViewDll_CallDll
    * Method: AddDll
    * Signature: (IDD)D
    JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_LabViewDll_CallDll_AddDll
    (JNIEnv *, jclass, jint, jdouble, jdouble);
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    You may want to note the stub function's signature and how it decorates the function name that you created from your Java class. Do not modify it, as the format is required by the JNI. The javah utility appends the fully qualified package name and the word Java, separated by underscores, to your original function name. You do not need to change the name in your Java class.
    All the other special key words in the function's signature are defined in the jni.h or the jni_md.h (if your using windows).
    You may want to refer to the JNI documention on Sun's website. The book I learned out of is the Core Java Volume 2, published by Sun Microsystems Press. It goes through the details of invoking your first native function and I've found it to be a good reference.
    Hope this helps,
    PS. I seemed to have found the issue with calling my dll from a web service. My dll is actually calling another dll and that seems to be the source of my problems. When I removed the call to the 2nd dll, everything worked fine. So now I need to figure out why the 2nd dll call is an issue.
    Any suggestions?

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    About a week ago, I had no problem clicking on pictures to open them to bigger size.....As of about 4 days ago - If I try to open a picture on Facebook, it shows the comments but no picture..I don't know what is going on!!! It works fine on Safari, b

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    Hi Can anyone help me with a calculation I need (if it is possible!) I have a field (Subjective) an example of the data is "I420-PrimaryCareTrustsInc" Im want to take the data from the 6th chararcter and add a space before every letter that is in cap

  • Change the status of Sales Order

    Hi, I have a scenario wheirin I need to forcefully change the status of a sales order to complete eventhough the delivery / invoice is not complete. Reason is because the user has stopped to take further deliveries. I already have 3 deliveries / invo