Executing PL/SQL from a varchar2 variable

so i've got an instruction ie:
test in varchar2;
test <= TO_DATE('2009-08-27', 'YYYY-MM-DD') ;
how to execute "test" from inside a stored function/procedure?
thanks i'm kind of noob, any help would be appreciated :)

¿Not sure here whether you've edited your original question, as Toon uses := instead of <=?
so i've got an instruction ie:
test in varchar2;
test <= TO_DATE('2009-08-27', 'YYYY-MM-DD') ;
how to execute "test" from inside a stored function/procedure?
thanks i'm kind of noob, any help would be appreciated :)So, I'm assuming your 'instruction' in human language would be something like:
"Check if your in-parameter is older or equal to the current present day (a.k.a. SYSDATE)"
But, WHY you need a stored function/procedure you do not mention.
So, please read this to begin with, to get the most and maximum out of your questions:
And if my assumption is right, you could do something like:
MHO%xe> create or replace function date_in_future
  2  (p_date_str in varchar2)
  3  return varchar2
  4  as
  5    rtn varchar2(1);
  6  begin
  7    case when to_date(p_date_str, 'yyyy-mm-dd') > trunc(sysdate)
  8         then rtn := 'Y';
  9         else rtn := 'N';
10    end case;
11    --
12    return rtn;
13    --
14  end date_in_future;
15  /
Functie is aangemaakt.
Verstreken: 00:00:00.25
MHO%xe> select date_in_future('2008-02-12') from dual;
Verstreken: 00:00:00.07
MHO%xe> select date_in_future('2020-02-12') from dual;
YBut perhaps a BOOLEAN return or whatever would suit your requirement better.
But then you'd need to provide a more complete and concisive case/requirement/question.
Please remember these sites as well in any way, besides OTN, they contain tons of useful stuff (that's an understatement ;) ):

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    Srinivas Bhat

    Try something like this:
          final ApplicationModule am = panelBinding.getApplicationModule();
          final CallableStatement stmt =  ((DBTransaction) am.getTransaction()).
              createCallableStatement ("{? = call yourpackage.yourfunction(?)}", 10);
          stmt.registerOutputParamter(1, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.INTEGER);
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            stmt.setInt (2, id.intValue());
          return stmt.getInt(1);

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    Do you have a final / in your script to execute it (which is presumably an anon pl/sql block).

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    Do you have a final / in your script to execute it (which is presumably an anon pl/sql block).

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    do u want to execute PL/SQL files? or just you want to execute the block of code?
    in the case of PL/SQL file:
    you need to read total file as StringBuffer/String and then execute.
    Block of code:
    you can directly pass the code to the java file as input and then execute.
                   StringBuffer queryString = new StringBuffer();
                    queryString = queryString.append("BEGIN execute immediate ' ");
              queryString = queryString.append(query);
              //queryString = queryString.append("BEGIN dbms_job.run(142);END;");
              queryString = queryString.append(" '; END; ");
              final_Query = queryString.toString();
              try {
                   System.out.println("final :   "+final_Query);
                   cstmt = con.prepareCall(final_Query);
                   System.out.println("Job is Running...");
                   new ThreadCountdownExtThread().start();
                   System.out.println("bfore execute()...............");
                   cstmt.execute();Note: if you are running pl/sql file read file and save it in a Stirng , and then do the same as above stated

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    end loop;
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    dbms_output.put_line('Read data of length ' || length(myvar));
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    end loop;
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    Thanks for any tips/hints/ideas...

    For those curious about this, here's the word from Oracle support (courtesy of Metalinks):
    Test the issue for different DB version and different characterset.
    --Testing the following PL/SQL blocks by using direct assignment method(myvar := arec.col1;) on
    different database version and different characterset.
    SQL>create table test1(col1 CLOB);
    --Inserting four CLOB data into test1.
    myvar VARCHAR2(32767);
    myvar := RPAD('a',4000);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1) VALUES (myvar);
    myvar := RPAD('a',8191);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1) VALUES (myvar);
    myvar := RPAD('b',8192);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1) VALUES (myvar);
    myvar := RPAD('c',32767);
    INSERT INTO test1 (col1) VALUES (myvar);
    --Testing the direct assignment method.
    cursor c1 is select col1, length(col1) len1 from test1;
    myvar VARCHAR2(32767);
    for arec in c1 loop
    myvar := arec.col1;
    --DBMS_LOB.READ(arec.col1, arec.len1, 1, myvar);
    dbms_output.put_line('Read data of length: ' || length(myvar));
    end loop;
    The following are the summary of the test results:
    1. If the database characterset is WE8ISO8859P1, then the above direct assignment
    method(myvar := arec.col1;) works for database version 9i/10g/11g without any
    2. If the database characterset is UTF8 or AL32UTF8, then the above direct assignment method(myvar := arec.col1;) will generate the "ORA-06502:
    PL/SQL: numeric or value error" when the length of the CLOB data is greater
    than 8191(=8K-1). The same error can be reproduced across all database versions
    3. Using DBMS_LOB.READ(arec.col1, arec.len1, 1, myvar) method to read CLOB data into a VARCHAR2 variable works for both WE8ISO8859P1 and UTF8
    characterset and for all database versions.
    So - it seems as I'd surmised, UTF8 changes the way VARCHAR2 and CLOB data is handled. Not too surprising, I suppose - may you all be lucky enough to be able to stay away from this sort of issue. But - the DBMS_LOB.READ workaround is certainly sufficient for the text processing situations we find ourselves in currently.
    Jim C.

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    20100809001^Aselect count(prod_id) from product_logs;
    20100809002^Aselect count(order_id) from order_logs;
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    It is a simple two step process.
    Step 1. Convert your log files statements to meaningful oracle statements. like removing prefixes 20100809001^A from each line.
    This can be done in two ways.
    (a). Using OS editors OR
    (b). Following PL/SQL code...
    -- Connect as sysdba
    create or replace directory dir_tmp as '/tmp';                        -- If oracle server is on Unix
    create or replace directory dir_tmp as 'C:\your_folder';            -- If oracle server is on Windows
    -- Grant permission to your_schema
    grant read, write on directory dir_tmp to your_schema;    Removing prefixes using:
           SELECT regexp_replace (vNewLine, '([[:alnum:]]{1,})\^A', '\2')
             INTO vStmt
             FROM DUAL;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE convert_to_sql_stmts
    ( input_file     in varchar2,
      output_file   in varchar2
        InFile   utl_file.file_type;
        OutFile  utl_file.file_type;
        vNewLine VARCHAR2(4000);
        vStmt    VARCHAR2(4000);
        i        PLS_INTEGER;
        j        PLS_INTEGER := 0;
        SeekFlag BOOLEAN := TRUE;
      -- open a file to read
      InFile := utl_file.fopen(dir_tmp, input_file,'r');
      -- open a file to write
      OutFile := utl_file.fopen(dir_tmp, output_file, 'w');
      -- if the file to read was successfully opened
      IF utl_file.is_open(InFile) THEN
        -- loop through each line in the file
            utl_file.get_line(InFile, vNewLine);
            i := utl_file.fgetpos(InFile);
            SELECT regexp_replace (vNewLine, '([[:alnum:]]{1,})\^A', '\2')
              INTO vStmt
              FROM DUAL;
            utl_file.put_line(OutFile, vStmt, FALSE);
            IF SeekFlag = TRUE THEN
              utl_file.fseek(InFile, NULL, -30);
              SeekFlag := FALSE;
            END IF;
        END LOOP;
      END IF;
        RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20099, 'Unknown UTL_FILE Error');
    END convert_to_sql_stmts;
    Step 2. Directly executing above output log file
    Use spool to generate the count....
        set termout off
        set feedback off
        set trimspool on
        set pagesize 0
        set timing OFF
        spool   count.log
        spool off;Hope this helps...

  • Passing PL/SQL varchar2 variable to XML Query

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    i'm having trouble passing a pl/sql varchar2 variable to an XMLQuery.
    This is the relevant part of my code:
       lo_result   XMLTYPE;         --contains the XML which is being parsed below
       lo_return   XMLTYPE;             -- for the XML result returned by XMLQuery
       lo_start    VARCHAR2 (100) DEFAULT 'Toronto'; -- a PL/SQL varchar2 variable
       lo_end      VARCHAR2 (100) DEFAULT 'Ottawa';  -- a PL/SQL varchar2 variable
                 'for $i in //leg[start_address[text()[contains(.,$lo_start)]] and end_address[text()[contains(.,$lo_end)]]]/distance/value/text() return ($i)'
                 PASSING lo_result, lo_start AS "lo_start", lo_end AS "lo_end"
                 RETURNING CONTENT)
         INTO lo_return
         FROM DUAL;
    END;The XPath expression is correct but it doesn't seem to accept my variables since lo_return is empty.
    I think the variables should be of type Xmltype but the compiler won't let me convert them because they do not contain any XML tags .
    Hope anyone can help.

    may be i missed anything but
    <start_address>Toronto, Ontario, Kanada</start_address>
    <end_address>Huntsville, Alabama, Vereinigte Staaten</end_address>
    lo_start VARCHAR2 (100) DEFAULT 'Toronto'; -- a PL/SQL varchar2 variable
    lo_end VARCHAR2 (100) DEFAULT 'Ottawa'; -- a PL/SQL varchar2 variable
      2              'for $i in //leg[start_address[text()[contains(.,$lo_start)]] and end_address[text()[contains(.,$lo_end)]]]/distance/value/text() return ($i)'
      3               PASSING
      4               xmltype('<DirectionsResponse>
      5    <status>OK</status>
      6    <route>
      7      <summary>I-75 N</summary>
      8      <leg>
      9        <duration>
    10          <value>48220</value>
    11          <text>13 Stunden, 24 Minuten</text>
    12        </duration>
    13        <distance>
    14          <value>1404935</value>
    15          <text>1.405 km</text>
    16        </distance>
    17        <start_location>
    18          <lat>43.6533100</lat>
    19          <lng>-79.3827700</lng>
    20        </start_location>
    21        <end_location>
    22          <lat>34.7303300</lat>
    23          <lng>-86.5860700</lng>
    24        </end_location>
    25        <start_address>Toronto, Ontario, Kanada</start_address>
    26        <end_address>Huntsville, Alabama, Vereinigte Staaten</end_address>
    27      </leg>
    28    </route>
    29  </DirectionsResponse>'),
    30               'Toronto' AS "lo_start", 'Ottawa' AS "lo_end"
    31               RETURNING CONTENT)
    32       FROM DUAL;
      2              'for $i in //leg[start_address[text()[contains(.,$lo_start)]] and end_address[text()[contains(.,$lo_end)]]]/distance/value/text() return ($i)'
      3               PASSING
      4               xmltype('<DirectionsResponse>
      5    <status>OK</status>
      6    <route>
      7      <summary>I-75 N</summary>
      8      <leg>
      9        <duration>
    10          <value>48220</value>
    11          <text>13 Stunden, 24 Minuten</text>
    12        </duration>
    13        <distance>
    14          <value>1404935</value>
    15          <text>1.405 km</text>
    16        </distance>
    17        <start_location>
    18          <lat>43.6533100</lat>
    19          <lng>-79.3827700</lng>
    20        </start_location>
    21        <end_location>
    22          <lat>34.7303300</lat>
    23          <lng>-86.5860700</lng>
    24        </end_location>
    25        <start_address>Toronto, Ontario, Kanada</start_address>
    26        <end_address>Huntsville, Alabama, Vereinigte Staaten</end_address>
    27      </leg>
    28    </route>
    29  </DirectionsResponse>'),
    30               'Toronto' AS "lo_start", /*'Ottawa'*/'Huntsville' AS "lo_end"
    31               RETURNING CONTENT)
    32       FROM DUAL;

  • Strange problem with executing PL/SQL procedure from sqlplus.

    basicly, I'm strugling with executing a procedure written in PL/SQL from sqlplus.
    It's all because I convert a data in procedure by other function.
    SELECT partition_name
    INTO strpartition
    FROM user_tab_partitions
    WHERE table_name = tablename_in
    and substr(partition_name, -8, length(partition_name)) = (SELECT F_CONVERT_DATE(tablename_in,p_date) from dual);
    /tablename_in and p_date are input parameters/
    Function F_CONVERT_DATE looks more less like :
    TO_CHAR(TRUNC(NEXT_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(substr(partition_name, -8, length(partition_name)), -3), 'MONDAY')-7), 'YYYYMMDD')
    AS p_date
    INTO v_okr
    FROM user_tab_partitions
    where substr(partition_name, -8, length(partition_name)) = p_date;
    Well, the thing is that procedure is executable from TOAD without any errors !! But when I try to execute it straight from sqlplus it returns:
    ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
    ORA-06512: at "F_CONVERT_DATE", line 13
    ORA-06512: at "NAME_OF_PROCEDURE", line 17
    Tip: When I don't use functions ADD_MONTHS, NEXT_DAY and TO_CHAR in function F_CONVERT_DATE sqlplus can execute it. But only when I use them it returns an error.
    Anybody has a clue how to solve it?
    Regards !

    Hi, Nodex,
    Avoid implicit conversions.
    For example:
    TO_CHAR(TRUNC(NEXT_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(substr(partition_name, -8, length(partition_name)), -3), 'MONDAY')-7), 'YYYYMMDD')ADD_MONTHS expects a DATE as its first argument.
    SUBSTR returns a VARCHAR2, so you're calling ADD_MONTHS with a VARCHAR2 where it expects a DATE.
    For good or ill, the system tries to avoid raising an error in this case by implicitly converting the VARCHAR2 to a DATE. Exactly how it does that depends on
    (a) the tool you are using (SQL*Plus or Toad, for example),
    (b) the version (Oracle 10 behaved quite different form Oracle 9),
    (c) environmental settings (such as NLS_DATE_FORMAT), which in turn may depend on initialization parameneters, and
    (d) who knows what else.
    When you have to convert, do so explicitly.
    You can convert a VARCHAR2 to a DATE using TO_DATE, like this:
    TO_CHAR ( TRUNC ( NEXT_DAY ( ADD_MONTHS ( TO_DATE ( SUBSTR ( partition_name
                                                       , -8
                                          , LENGTH (partition_name)
                                     , 'YYYYMMDD'     -- or whatever
                             , -3
                      , 'MONDAY'
              - 7
         , 'YYYYMMDD'

  • Need help, executing a SQL file from Forms

    Hi everyone,
    I don't know if this can be done. I want to execute a SQL file from a When-Button-Pressed trigger. I checked a couple of place but havent found anything yet on how to do this. If someone know of a way, please help.

    procedure p_call_sqlplus is
       l_filename varchar2 (1000) := 'C:\abc\def\test.sql'  ;
       host ('sqlplus /NOLOG @' ||  l_filename ) ;
    end ;
    rem ======== test.sql ========
    connect scott/tiger
    spool 'C:\abc\def\test'
    select * from emp ;
    spool off
    rem ======================working on the machine where forms is running

  • Executing a sql command from a menu item

    I am working on a forms migration from 4.5 to 10g.
    On 4.5, if I execute a sql using a sqlplus -s command, from a menu item, a window is opened showing the execution messages, if there were errors and it's details.
    It doens´t happen on 10g anymore. Is there any chance I can keep on 10g this functionality that used to work on 4.5 ??
    The procedure I use to execute the sql is:
    Menu item code:
    plus('sql_ name',null);
    procedure plus(
    program in VARCHAR2, /* sql name*/
    parameters in VARCHAR2 /* aditional parameters */
    ) is
    V_USERNAME varchar2(100);
    V_PASSWORD varchar2(100);
    V_DATABASE varchar2(100);
    str varchar2(300);
    str := V_USERNAME||'/'||V_PASSWORD||'@'||V_DATABASE;
    HOST ('sqlplus -s '||''''||str||''''||' @$PATH/'||program||' '||parameters);
    Tks a lot,

    With C/S versions, the Host() command execute on the machine that runs the Forms runtime, that is the client machine.
    With Web versions, Host() is also executed on the machine that runs the Forms runtime, that, this time is the application Server.
    Use the Client_Host() Webutil equivalent.

  • Error when execute a package from SQL Server Agent

    We have the next problem:
    When we execute a package from a Job of SQL Server agent, it shows the success messege, but reviewing the results, the package didnt do all the tasks.
    When we run it mannually by MSIS the package, it shows the success message and it works fine.
    The workflow of the package is :
    1) Shrink the databases (executing a sql file)
    2) Backup the databases (Back up Database task of MSIS)
    3) Rename the files to .BAK extension (by the Foreach loop container and fyle system task)
    4) Execute command to compress the it (by a .bat)
    5) Move the compress file to another location  (by another Foreach loop)
    Manually run correct, but when is a a SQL AGent Job that execute the package it does only the first 2 steps.
    we are ussing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP1) - 10.50.2500.0 (X64) Jun 17 2011 00:54:03 Copyright (coffee) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) 
    We are using a user with administrator privilegies

    Can you check if account running package has proper access. You may need to define a proxy account for that.
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

  • How to execute a  .sql file from a batch file

    Hi all
    I've to take backup of a database weekly twice on every wednesday & Friday @ 5pm IST. I've written a hot backup script, which works every well.
    now i want to automate the script. ie i want this script to run on wednesday & friday @ 5pm without any human interfearance ie with out actually any1 executing this script.
    i created a batch file prod.bak with the following lines
    @echo off
    set oracle_sid=testdb
    set oracle_home=d:\oracle\ora92
    sqlplus /nolog
    connect sys as sysdba/oracletest@testdb
    this batch file when eexecuted connects me to sql prompt.
    Now i want to execute my backup script bkp.sql automatically when it is connected to sql prompt.
    (i tried with these lines in the above batch file...
    call bkp.sql---it just opens the bkp.sql file in notepad & displays the script
    start bkp.sql---same as call
    connect / as sysdba/pwd@[email protected] --- does not work simply remains a the sql prompt.
    At 17:00 /Every:w,f "d:\bkp.sql"---does not work simply remains at the sql promt.)
    Can any1 let me know what should i write in the batch file that will execute the bkp.sql file automatically after it gets connected to sql prompt. M using oracle 9i.
    I'll manage he time through windows utility of scheduling task.. Let me know how to execute the .sql file from a batch file.

    sqlplus "sys/oracletest as sysdba" @bpk.sql
    Working locally, and having set the ORACLE_SID, you don't need to specify the SqlNet alias (@testdb).
    Remember to put an exit at the end of the bpk.sql script.

  • It is possible to execute a SQL query from OMBPlus?

    We have some simple SQL scripts we'd like to be able to incorporate into our existing TCL scripts, instead of having to run them outside of OMBPlus in sqlplus. Is is possible to run a SQL SELECT query from OMBPlus and/or TCL? And get a result set back to iterate through?
    Jim C.

    You can execute SQLPlus from OMB or just get down and use JDBC to execute the SQL, see others posts on forum such as below;
    How to run SQL from OMB+

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    pl/sql procedure from oracle db.Am i wrong ????

    this should be similar to how it worked in JDeveloper 9.0.3. hava a look at <JDev903 Home>\BC4J\samples\StoredProc for a code example.

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