Executing Windows EXE program through JNLP

I am trying to execute Windows .exe and dlls through Java web start/JNLP but unable to implement successfully. I tried by creating the content (exe and dlls) as a jar file and added as native resource library in the JNLP but not sure how to call the exe program?
Any help or sample code is much appreciated.
Edited by: b_raja on Feb 21, 2008 2:58 PM

I am trying achieve similar thing using JNLP. So far in my research, I think you need to use the installer-desc and have an implementation in ExtensionInstallerService.
Refer to the JNLP specifications. I havent tried to implement that yet, but will update here if I get anywhere.

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    roamer wrote:
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    Not a top programmer here, just happen to like to play with funny ideas.
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    Try a restart.
    If that doesn't fix the problem, shut down the computer and then power it back up. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application unistaller. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don't do them all at once.
    Safe Mode
    Safe Mode - About
    General information.
    Isolating issues in Mac OS X
    Troubleshooting Permission Issues
    Step by Step to Fix Your Mac

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    at java.lang.runtime.loadLibrary0<Unknown source>
    at java.lang.system.loadLibrary <Unknown source>
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    at com.oberon.runtime.NativeValue.<clinit><Unknown source>
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    at com.oberon.runtime.ProsperoRuntime.SetValueClass<Unknown source>
    at com.vignette.integrate.runtime.ZipFileRuntimeMain<Unknown source>
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    Thank you

    Hi John,
    I didn't do it because I read this in the HAL user guide:
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    • The adapter process will reside in a location other than your VBIS bin
    • The VBIS bin directory is not in your path
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    Operating system command = sapevt
    Parameters for operating system command = ? -p ? -t pf=$/DIR_INSTALL/\profile\default.pfl
    Additional Parameters Allowed is checked
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    There could is likely a compatibility problem between the old software and the newer operating system.

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    Hi sb00349044,
    As I have already mentioned in multiple replies to your previous questions, the SUMO forums focuses on providing help to end users with usage-questions and issues.
    For developer-related questions, please refer to one of the many resources readily available that I have linked to in the past:
    * [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS MDN]
    * [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/firefox-os StackOverflow]
    * [https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo Mozilla Mailing Lists]
    - Ralph

  • Executing a Windows EXE within Java Enviornment

    I would like to know how can i call a windows exe from within a Java Application.
    For instance i would like to call the windows calculator or the paint program that has the exe file calc.exe
    How would i get this calculator from within Java
    I am working on the follwoing code but it dosent work.
    Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime ();
    Process p = r.exec ("cmd /c calc.exe");

    ThankX a million dear nuno ....
    Ur help n post certainly helped me a great deal and made my concepts even clearer ...!!!
    thankyou so very much once again.
    i came across another solution at this forum that works really KEWL ...!
    the solution that i came across is ......
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class runWinProg {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    //String[] callAndArgs = { "Notepad.exe","D:\\TEMP\\Test.txt" };
    String[] callAndArgs = { "calc.exe"};//,"D:\\TEMP\\Test.txt" };
              try {
              Process child = rt.exec(callAndArgs);
              System.out.println("Process exit code is: " + child.exitValue());
              catch(IOException e) {
              "IOException starting process!");
              catch(InterruptedException e) {
              "Interrupted waiting for process!");
    } //end of main method
    } //end of class

  • Invoking exe file through java program

    I have one exe file,which i want to invoke it from java program.I have used Runtime class to execute the exe, but it throws an exception
    java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: afp2web.exe -q -PDF -c -fm samples\medform.a
    fp error=2
    at java.lang.Win32Process.create(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Win32Process.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
    at Afp2PdfDemo.main(Afp2PdfDemo.java:7)
    However if i give the absolute path of exe file then it doesn't throw an exception but at the same time,it doesn't the do the expected job.
    Can somebody throw some light on this?
    Thanx in advance

    Have you tried also supplying the absolute paths of the file arguments like "samples\medform.a"?

Maybe you are looking for

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