Expandable nodes- anyone here really use them?

I recently discovered the "expandable node" in LV ( I know, I'm late to the game here but as an old LV hand I often discover "new" features a bit late).  Does any non-beginner actually use these?  I think of these the same way I think of the big terminal icons- a waste of BD space.  Plus it sort of makes your BD look like the "Playskool" version of LabVIEW....

Ravens, you know I just posted this question to show off my "Elmo" icon

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    Hi, and thanks. And I am using iCab, but it's the free version so maybe that's the problem. How'd you get it to identify itself as Firefox? Never mind, I probably wouldn't understand anyway. lol Looks like my Browse tab got lost somewhere, then. It seems I have no choice but to find time to upgrade since I don't have any problems when I use the office iMac, which has Tiger. On my Mac, I also have the old IE browser and I was able to use that to get Classic email before they messed with it. But the other day when I tried to get through to Yahoo using that, now there's just a bare-bones version of the email system, with everything on this vertical list, so maybe that's about to go, too. Maybe Microsoft needs to try again to grab Yahoo and fix things up!

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    generally most people use a local testing server to do their work.  the easiest way to do this on your mac is MAMP. http://www.mamp.info/en/downloads/index.html
    Although macs do come ready to support php/mysql, it will make you're life much easier using mamp.  simply start it up and apache php mysql are all ready to rock.  test your pages in the htdocs folder and connect to mysql using the localhost connection (and make sure you pay attention to the ports... use 3306 if confusion sets in).
    as for connecting remotely to a database, yes it can be done... i do it all the time with my hosting (that is not NS), and you're have to do it that way if you're working on a sql server database / asp from your mac.  but for now, i'd just work locally.

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    I'm using FreeBSD on my desktop that I'm typing from right now, Arch is on the laptop.
    About a year ago, I started to get really frustrated with Linux distros -- thanks to Linux itself.  You upgrade the kernel and stuff breaks.  Kernel devs implement shiny new stuff instead of making sure that it at least works.  I thought that using some less bleeding-edge distro than Arch would make things better, but I can't stand Debian, Gentoo is broken, Ubuntu and Fedora are too overcomplicated for me.  So I switched to Windows.  I was happy for some time, but my fingers are too used to the shell, and stuff like Cygwin just doesn't cut it.  Then I found FreeBSD and been using it ever since.
    The system itself is very simple and clean.  Documentation is excellent so there's no smashing your head against the keyboard involved.  All you really get is a basic Unix system: you have a shell, an editor (vi, ed), a compiler and the base necessary tools.  You then build the rest yourself.
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    That said, I find the Ports Tree very mature and easy to use.  You can install third party scripts that will help you with software management, like portupgrade or portmaster (the latter being my favourite).  But the system itself is very simple and thus easy to understand -- there's no magic involved.
    (Some posters before me have mentioned packages being outdated.  You probably were running a -RELEASE version, which is all fine and great, but it also means that the packages that are fetched by default are the packages that were available and built when -RELEASE was released.  You can define the environment variable PACKAGESITE to point pkg_add to newer packages.  It's all explained in the handbook -- especially the grey note may be of interest to you.)
    During my day-to-day desktop usage, I don't see any difference from my previous Arch desktop.  I have Xfce running, with Opera, Pidgin, Transmission, ePDFReader, and a bunch of terminals.  I don't like shiny stuff, I didn't have it on Arch, I don't have it here.  If you want, though, you can have it, there's no difference -- GUI software doesn't usually suffer any portability problems between Linux and FreeBSD.  If I sat you at my desktop, I think you wouldn't even tell this is not a Linux distro, until you typed "uname -a" into the terminal.
    HAL may be even more pain on FreeBSD than it is on Linux, but I hate HAL, I hated it when I was using Arch, I had it disabled back then, I have it disabled now.  I have seen people reporting they got it to work successfully on FreeBSD, though.  So if you like things like automounting, I believe you can have them.  But I'm not of the sort of people who like auto- stuff, myself.
    All in all, if you like barebones simplicity and like learning new things (it's different from Linux!), I don't see why you couldn't just give it a try.  You can install it into VirtualBox, if you don't feel like messing up your primary PC and get some feel for what the system is and is not about.

  • Expanded node and children are seen only after second expansion

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    I am using TreeModel's removeNodeFromParent(childNode) and insertNodeInto(childNode, parentNode, childIndex) method to remove and add children respectively.I believe we don't have to explicitly call TreeModel's nodeChanged(), nodesWereInserted() etc?
    Could you please let me know if I am missing something fundamental here?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi db,
    I didn't realize that there was a response to my earlier thread. I added the thread to my watchlist. I was under the impression that I would be notified via email in case of a reply to the thread. However, I didn't receive any. Anyway, I did reply to that response there now.

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    Many Thanks

    I used next-tech.de to purchase Photoshop CS6 upgrade. They gave me a link to the Adobe Website which failed, and after a convoluted search I downloaded files which I could not install as there was no instructions with the email.  I emailed Next Tech back and they sent me a boxed copy via UPS from the USA and I was told to use the Serial Number which they gave me in my email acknowledgement for the download.  The Software installed, launched and worked but when I tried to register, it would not recognise the serial number.  I opened a support ticket with Adobe and gave them all the details and so far they have told me that it is a Volume Licence Copy that I have and as I don't have any volume licence products on my profile the registration will not work.  I went back to Next Tech and they said they had registered it on my behalf.  I am still waiting for Adobe to come back to me with their findings.  In the meantime the software appears to work and it has updated itself.
    If Adobe hadn't tried to force us on to subscription we wouldn't be exposed to risky bucket shops who have seen the gap in the market and are exploiting it.

  • Re: Interfaces in Forte - has anyone used them?

    We are making use of interfaces extensively and have never had the
    slightest problem. Interfaces do not cause any overhead, since they are
    mainly a means to support type checking by the compiler. At run-time the
    interface does not appear any more.
    Using Forte 3.0.F.2
    General wrote:
    We are embarking on the analysis phase of a large pay/personnel project. =
    We have been advised to use interfaces wherever possible, because they =
    promote flexibility and reusability. I am fairly well convinced of the =
    benefits of using interfaces - they appear to have a lot of advantages, =
    and no drawbacks. However, I do wonder whether Forte's implementation of =
    interfaces is stable and usable (..it was only introduced in version 3). =
    If not, we may be better advised to use standard techniques.
    If you have used Forte interfaces I would be interested to hear how you =
    got on.
    Tim Kimber--
    Dr. Thomas Kunst mailto:[email protected]
    sd&m GmbH & Co. KG http://www.sdm.de
    software design & management
    Thomas-Dehler-Str. 27, 81737 Muenchen, Germany
    Tel +49 89 63812-221 Fax -444
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    You are correct, "manipulate anAIFace object" is not really the correct
    way of thinking about what is happening. We are really manipulating an
    instance of an object through an interface.
    In regards to your other statement: "if Project C needs visibility to B,
    it must have B as a supplier Plan." Forte does not force this to happen
    when you are using interfaces, which is what causes the problem. Let me
    expand on my initial example and add enough detail so that you can create
    the problem, which surfaces as a deserialization error:
    Project A (No Supplier Plans)
    Defines Interfaces: UnitIFace with method GetValue() which returns an
    Project B (Contains A as a Supplier Plan)
    Defines Class: Unit with attribute _Value as an integer and method  
    GetValue() which returns _Value.  Implements interface UnitIFace.
    Project C (Contains A as a Supplier Plan)
    Defines Class: Square with method Calculate which accepts an
    UnitIFace as an input parameter and returns an integer. This class needs
    to be setup as a distributed object so that I service object can be
    defined using this class.
    Defines Service Object: SqaureSO using the Square class.
    Project D (Contains B and C as Supplier Plans)
    Defines a class or uses a window that creates an instance of Class B
    and passes it to the SquareSO service object that sqaures the value and
    returns an integer.
    Once this is setup, use the running man to run everything locally. This
    will run fine because the dependencies for the local partition end up
    including Projects A, B, C and D. Next, run distributed and move the SO
    to a remote partition. Now when you execute you will receive a
    deserialization error. This happens because the dependencies for the
    remote partition only included project A and C. The partition did not
    have the necessary information to deserialize the underlying instance of
    Class Unit that is referenced through the inteface UnitIFace.
    The problem can be resolved by either adding Project B as a supplier plan
    to Project C or ensuring that the interface and class are declared in the
    same project as I suggested in my previous message. In either case, this
    must be resolved by the programmer since Forte is not yet smart enough to
    correctly resolve the project dependencies, even though all of the
    information needed to establish the correct dependency hierarchy is
    Bradley K Wells
    [email protected]
    Strong Capital Management, Inc
    From: Eric Pereira
    Sent: Friday, July 31, 1998 5:57 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Interfaces in Forte - has anyone used them?
    Thanks for that descriptive note on interfaces.
    I do have a observation : in that example you gave us, if Project C
    needs visibility to B, it must have B as a supplier Plan. Therefore, I
    don't quite understand how partioning classes in C would end up with a
    run-time errror in distributed mode, given that B supplies C (something
    you've perhaps missed out in your example ?).
    Also, is it really possible to "manipulate AIFace objects" ? Interfaces
    are'nt really objects, they just help implement a compile-time type
    Eric Pereira
    Forte Consultant
    Project A - Contains AIFace
    Project B - Contains Class B which implements AIFace, depends on Project
    Project C - Contains Classes manipulating AIFace objects, depends on
    Project A
    This can run fine locally since the local partition has knowledge of all
    the classes in A, B, and C. Now as soon as you throw a service object
    classes on Project C and push them into a remote partition, your
    application starts failing because that partition does not contain the
    information form project B since there is no dependency on that project.
    The partition needs the information from project B though since it
    contains the definitions for the actual implementation objects, however
    there was no way for Forte to determine that need when it generated the
    This problem is initially eliminated by keeping the interfaces in the
    same project as the underlying business objects. But once you start to
    have interfaces implemented by multiple classes from multiple projects,
    then this won't cover all the bases either. In any case, it is an issue
    that you will need to consider at some level when using interfaces.
    Good luck!
    Bradley K Wells
    [email protected]
    Strong Capital Management, Inc
    From: "Ngai, Stuart" <[email protected]>
    Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:10:50 -0400
    Subject: RE: Interfaces in Forte - has anyone used them?
    With version 3G, you can not create an array of interfaces. I believe
    will have that feature in version 4 (which is scheduled to be in
    at the end of next year).
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Thomas Kunst [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, July 30, 1998 8:52 AM
    To: [email protected]
    Cc: General
    Subject: Re: Interfaces in Forte - has anyone used them?
    We are making use of interfaces extensively and have never had the
    slightest problem. Interfaces do not cause any overhead, since theyare
    mainly a means to support type checking by the compiler. At run-timethe
    interface does not appear any more.
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  • System won't boot. Could really use some help here.

    I have the K8T-Neo FISR2 mobo. When I set up the system, the SATA drive was set up as drive F: (onto which I installed Windows XP Home). I added a 2nd SATA drive later, and it became C:. Both drives are plugged into the Promise SATA ports. The system has been running fine for about a year now.
    I was having a problem with a program not running properly. I stopped the process and tried to restart it, but it didn't work. It was a program that drives my Logitech gaming keyboard (with LCD screen). After I rebooted, the system would load windows, then after Windows was loaded, it would load up a program when I went into it and crash. It looked like it would crash on PXHELP.DLL (something like that). I booted up into safe mode, renamed the file so it wouldn't load, and now it won't boot at all. It starts to show the Windows logo and then instantly reboots. I can't even get into Safe Mode as it does the same thing.
    I tried booting from an XP CD to do a repair, but when it boots, it doesn't see the hard drives. I downloaded the Promise drivers, put them onto a floppy, and load them as Windows is booting from the CD. It seems to load the drivers, but when I choose to do a repair (or even a new install), Windows comes back and tells me that I have no hard drives attached to the computer. I just can't seem to get Windows to see those hard drives!
    I could really use some advice here......

    Quote from: Tiresmoke on 04-January-06, 01:36:35
    Try swapping the Drive Cables. You may have one that is not engaging as well as it should.
    When I let the PC boot up like normal (without booting from the CD), it sees the drives and Windows tries to load, so I don't think it's the cables. I'll make sure they're reset, but I really don't think that's it.

  • Has anyone here used Premiere CC for historical documentaries and similar archival-heavy projects?

    Is anyone here using Premiere CC to edit a PBS-style historical documentary? I'm thinking of an American Experience episode or something similar. Something with thousands of photos and hundreds of low-res archival screener clips that will all have to be replaced with high-res masters for the online, etc.
    I ask because I work as an assistant editor for this kind of show, and all the projects I've worked on have been in Media Composer 6.5 or MC 7, or occasionally in FCP 7. But I love using Premiere when I edit my own (non-broadcast) projects. And several producers I know are wary of staying with the discontinued FCP 7, don't like FCP X, and aren't thrilled with Media Composer either. So...I'm wondering if Premiere is a viable option for us.
    Please note that I do NOT want to have a general discussion or flamewar here about which NLE is "best," whether Adobe's rental system is good or bad, or whether FCP X is brilliant or a disaster. I really don't want to talk about any of that.
    Instead, what I DO want is to learn from those of you who have tried it, how well in practice does Premiere CC work in this kind of project? Specifically:
    1) Does it work smoothly with EditShare so multiple editors can work together?
    2) How reliable and straightforward is the offline/online workflow (so that screener footage can be replaced by master footage, etc.)?
    3) Associate producers and archival researchers often ask me for EDLs of the latest cut (which I clean up in MS Word to make more readable). How reliable is EDL export from a complex Premiere project?
    4) We often work with online houses that rely on Avid Symphony for color correction. Is that a no-go for a Premiere project? Or is there some way to get from Premiere into Symphony? If not, is Resolve the preferred tool?
    5) We typically keep a Filemaker Pro database to keep track of stills and archival footage. Can we import a lot of image metadata from Filemaker into a Premiere bin the way we do with MC 7?
    5) What other issues and problems have you faced in doing this?
    6) On the flip side, what are the real advantages?
    Again, I'm interested in hearing others' personal experiences. I can read online a lot about how it's SUPPOSED to work. But in my experience, there are always quirks and issues that are not in the documentation that you can only learn through trial and error, or through asking here on the ever-valuable and helpful COW.
    Thanks in advance!

    We do - but generally with a different workflow. I can't answer all your questions but a few thoughts. ps. We mostly do short —not feature length— projects.
    • For online we most often export the sequence (or a series of sequences) at PR444 with an EDL. Haven't found an online house primed for Premiere in a way that would make it easier than that. (again: generally 5-10min long projects.)
    • Premiere CC 2014 is a nightmare. CC was great. But recently upgraded to 2014 and have had nothing but problems related to the app crashing. It only seems to happen on projects that include either mixed media or large files that require caching (for us .MXF files.) Haven't received any helpful advice on how to fix.
    • Haven't used Avid in a while but the metadata works great for us in Premiere. The integration with Adobe Story is excellent: doc interview set-up, transcribe dialog, import into Story, synch with Premiere and: get an interactive metadata script that can be searched and clicked (word by word) to the related point in the footage.
    • Have also found that the integration with AE —turning a clip into an AE composition in the timeline with one click— is one of the more flawless features. Works great for quick clean-up or adjustments to footage.
    Hope this helps.

  • Anyone here using Palringo?

    I know Fring is available for chatting on MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk, AIM and so on but is anyone here a Palringo http://www.palringo.com/my-account/index.php user?
    I discovered it when Fring wasn't available for my E71 and I got to say it's very cool. You can even join Groups in Palringo.
    I just wanted to share this with you all (I'm not associated with them in anyway).
    visit my blog at http://wytchecraft-blog.blogspot.com/

    First download opera mini from www.m.opera.com and uc browser from www.ucweb.com
    Use UC browser for downloading.
    It also has lots of preloaded shortcuts to mobile websites.
    -------------------If this post helped you, click on accept as solution.------------------
    -----------------------------Appreciate by clicking on white star.----------------------------

  • Can anyone help me find the free full semester labview course slides that were on the labview web site but recently disappeared. I would like to use them in my course.

    Can anyone help me find the free full semester labview course slides that were on the labview web site but recently disappeared. I would like to use them in my course.

    The main page of the Academic section can be found here.
    I think the material you are looking for is the courseware.
    Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
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    when you say "Mac flat screen LCD", do you mean this:
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