Expire specific users sessions

Hello everybody,
I hope to write in the right forum.
We want to modify the portal login to obtain the following scenario:
1) Only one session (via web browser) is allowed for each user
2) A login-option to allowed user to login into the portal and expire all other existence sessions of the same user
We have already modified portal login page to set up a checkbox that enable user to force the expiration of all other session of the same user.
We create new login module and correctly added into the portal login stack.
This module correct reads the checkbox in the portal page.
In this login module we want to add code to satisfied the operation 2)
Still now we try some tricks but with no successful results.
Here an example
InitialContext initCtx;
MBeanServer mbs;
Set names;
String namePattern;
Object security;
try {
     initCtx = new InitialContext();
     mbs = (MBeanServer) initCtx.lookup("jmx");
        ObjectName pattern = ObjectNameFactory.getNameForServerChildPerNode("SAP_J2EEServiceRuntimePerNode", "security", null, null);
        names = mbs.queryNames(pattern, null);
        RemoteSecuritySessionsImpl rss = (RemoteSecuritySessionsImpl)mbs.getAttribute(pattern, "SecuritySessions");
        SecuritySession[] ss = rss.listSecuritySessions();
        for(int i=0; i<ss.length; i++){
             SecuritySession s = ss<i>;
          java.security.Principal principal = s.getPrincipal();
                // userName is the string contain userName previously get from CallBackHandler
                        // forceDisconnect is the boolean previously get from CallBackHandler. Specify if we have to disconnect all other user sessions
                           throw new LoginException("Session already exists");
                                // we also try either expire or logout exclusively...
In this manner seems that from server side the session iwa expired but the logon ticket still live inside web browser cookie.
We have to use callbackhandler of each user session and force expiration of cookies? How we can get these callbackhandler?
any suggestions?
We use SSO tickets
thanks in advance

Hello everybody,
I hope to write in the right forum.
We want to modify the portal login to obtain the following scenario:
1) Only one session (via web browser) is allowed for each user
2) A login-option to allowed user to login into the portal and expire all other existence sessions of the same user
We have already modified portal login page to set up a checkbox that enable user to force the expiration of all other session of the same user.
We create new login module and correctly added into the portal login stack.
This module correct reads the checkbox in the portal page.
In this login module we want to add code to satisfied the operation 2)
Still now we try some tricks but with no successful results.
Here an example
InitialContext initCtx;
MBeanServer mbs;
Set names;
String namePattern;
Object security;
try {
     initCtx = new InitialContext();
     mbs = (MBeanServer) initCtx.lookup("jmx");
        ObjectName pattern = ObjectNameFactory.getNameForServerChildPerNode("SAP_J2EEServiceRuntimePerNode", "security", null, null);
        names = mbs.queryNames(pattern, null);
        RemoteSecuritySessionsImpl rss = (RemoteSecuritySessionsImpl)mbs.getAttribute(pattern, "SecuritySessions");
        SecuritySession[] ss = rss.listSecuritySessions();
        for(int i=0; i<ss.length; i++){
             SecuritySession s = ss<i>;
          java.security.Principal principal = s.getPrincipal();
                // userName is the string contain userName previously get from CallBackHandler
                        // forceDisconnect is the boolean previously get from CallBackHandler. Specify if we have to disconnect all other user sessions
                           throw new LoginException("Session already exists");
                                // we also try either expire or logout exclusively...
In this manner seems that from server side the session iwa expired but the logon ticket still live inside web browser cookie.
We have to use callbackhandler of each user session and force expiration of cookies? How we can get these callbackhandler?
any suggestions?
We use SSO tickets
thanks in advance

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    Hi ,
    TH_DELETE_USER kills the sessions of the user.But there is no FM to delete the particular session.
    But if you Debug SM50 you get some info.
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    A good place to ask questions and advice about web development is at the mozillaZine Web Development/Standards Evangelism forum.<br />
    The helpers at that forum are more knowledgeable about web development issues.<br />
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    See http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewforum.php?f=25

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    Thank You for the answer Frank.
    unfortunately I cannot see full view of how this proposal differ from what I am doing..
    Can You please be more specific...
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    String requestedSession =
    String currentWebSession =
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    Thanks and Regards,

    I consider that you can do that at your httpd.conf.

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    Did you apply session disconnected policy setting in your environment?
    There are different ways for getting user log off. As you have commented that it’s happening with specific user, once check whether the user profile is not corrupted or any other related case. Also it might relates that some application or related services
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    For policy related to session setting you can check beneath article. (point 1)
    [Forum FAQ] Restrict number of Active Sessions
    in RDS 2012 and 2012 R2
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Hi ankur,
    By what you said the report dont have any date parameters or no date columns.
    "Query execution was not successful ORA-01843 not a valid month." This means it is related with date mask passing a invalid month into date column or argument to to_date function.Check once the session date that is 'dd-mm-yy' or anything else
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    Hope its helpful.
    Best Wishes,
    Edited by: Kranthi.K on Jun 8, 2009 9:00 AM

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    Hello N K,
    sorry thats not possible. Sharing a data item / object instance requires at least a common physical memory. As this is not guaranteed between different app. server this is technical not possible.
    With release 640 ABAP offers the new feature Shared Objects. These mechanism allows access by different users and some propagation to differnt servers.There is an interesting article on the ABAP SDN homepage
    For relases below more or less the database is the only chance to store data accross application servers (known to me). One exception might be the ENQUEUES which might (mis)used to store some Flags.
    Kind Regards
    Link to Shared Objects PDF
    https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.km.cm.docs/documents/a1-8-4/shared objects in abap

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    User2 browser loads Flash app
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    Call is placed from User2 to User1
    User1 answers
    Video and audio transmission starts from User1, and is received by User2
    No Video and audio transmission is received by User1 from User2 (text chat over Cirrus is however possible)
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    The only time it doesn't work, it when I try to call my friend.
    The behaviour described above can be seen in both my app, and the sample provided by Adobe at:
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    Thanks for answer.

    You can use sql trace on a session level even you can set this parameter on db level. There might be no other way to get a log of a particular user's queries.

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    If anybody has worked on this FM and knows how to use the FM to satisfy the requirement please let us know or any other suggestions which can help us in loging off the users will be of great help.

    first you need a user who has this administration authorities.
    Then you have to get some informations about servers and users, e.g.:
    *    Get server list
    call function 'RFC_GET_LOCAL_DESTINATIONS'
          localdest     = xt_server
          not_available = 1
          others        = 2.
                                                                                    check sy-subrc          eq  0.
                                                                                    refresh                     xt_users.
                                                                                    loop                    at  xt_server.
        refresh                   xt_usrvr.
                                                                                    call function 'THUSRINFO'
          destination xt_server
            usr_tabl = xt_usrvr
            others   = 4.
        if  sy-subrc          eq  0.
          loop                at  xt_usrvr.
            if xt_usrvr-bname in  xp_uname.
              xt_users-bname  =  xt_usrvr-bname.
              xt_users-tid    =  xt_usrvr-tid.
              xt_users-apserver  =  xt_server.
              append             xt_users.
          message  w999(zz) with  text-m00
                                                                                    *    SORT list
      sort                        xt_users
                              by  bname
                                                                                    *    delete duplicates
      delete  adjacent duplicates from xt_users
                       comparing  bname
    At least you have to logoff the user
    call function 'TH_DELETE_USER'
        destination xt_users-apserver
          user            = xt_users-bname
          client          = sy-mandt
          authority_error = 1
          others          = 2.

  • Access to Oracle Database by a specific user from a client system.

    Hi All,
    I need to restrict a particular client system to access the database only by a specific user credentials. I mean system A(hostname) can only connect the database PQR only and only by user U123. Any help is sincerely appreciated.

    I solved it by a trigger at logon on V$SESSION which validates MACHINE like [HOSTNAME] and username not like [the_user_I_would_allow].
    It works now.
    Thanks for your reply.

  • Problem in implements ADF Faces: Detecting and handling user session expiry

    Hello everybody
    I´m trying to implement a method to handle user session expiry as explained by frank nimphius in his blog.
    I have implemented the class bellow and add the filters in web.xml. However when I add the JavaServer Faces Servlet to sign the filter, my hole application get nuts. I try to publish the applicatoin in the OAS and it seems that it already starts expired.
    Someone konw what I´m doing wrong?
    I use the filter
    then I add
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    package adf.sample;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import javax.servlet.Filter;
    import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
    import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    this is the class
    public class ApplicationSessionExpiryFilter implements Filter {
    private FilterConfig _filterConfig = null;
    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
    _filterConfig = filterConfig;
    public void destroy() {
    _filterConfig = null;
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
    FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    String requestedSession = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getRequestedSessionId();
    String currentWebSession = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getSession().getId();
    boolean sessionOk = currentWebSession.equalsIgnoreCase(requestedSession);
    // if the requested session is null then this is the first application
    // request and "false" is acceptable
    if (!sessionOk && requestedSession != null){
    // the session has expired or renewed. Redirect request
    ((HttpServletResponse) response).sendRedirect(_filterConfig.getInitParameter("SessionTimeoutRedirect"));
    chain.doFilter(request, response);
    I'm really having trouble controlling user sessions. if someone know where I can get materials to learn how to implements session in Jdev ADF + BC, I´m very grateful.
    Thank you Marnie

    The class works fine.. the issue is when I add the this code into web.xml
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    bellow the web.xml
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    <description>Empty web.xml file for Web Application</description>
    <filter-name>ApplicationSessionExpiryFilter</filter-name> ==> the problem occurs when I try to add this code
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    By the way, how can I post code on the forum properly?

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