Explain plan for timesten and Oracle

we have a base table in our Oracle 10g database. We created a DSN for this in timesten 7.0 database and are able to connect. Now we have created 3 materialized views in timesten on top of the Oracle Base Table. How can we get the explain plan in timesten to find out when the table is being called by a custom java application, the materialized views are being used or not ? Please advice

Hi Can you help me in this regards,
i am getting the following error. Can you tell me how can i get rid of them?
Command> call ttcachestart();
15001: User lacks privilege ADMIN

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    I suggest you can try running sql advisor on the query maybe something fruitful comes up
    I am not sure about the explain plan being printed in html format but
    You may also want to try the sqlhistory.sql query from below page
    I have used it many times to check on executions and explain plans which may have changed over the period
    I have faced it many times , the query picks up a bad explain plan and performs poorly

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    d.att_fcc extrt_prod_dim_id,
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       pd_pack_attribs   d ,
        lrx_tmp_rxer_geog e,
        lrx_tmp_pat_daterank p,
        lrx_tmp_valid_fact_link     a
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    Why do you think using Indexes will improve the performance of the query? How many rows this query is returning? Optimizer might chose a Full table scan when it finds out that Index plan might not be useful. Why are you using /*+ USE_HASH (c,e,b,a) */ hint? This Hint will force oracle to use Full table scan instead of using the index. Try removing it and see if the plan changes.

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    Thanks in Advance.

    teckfreak wrote:
    Hi Robert,
    I am working on an utility application which will execute the procedure and show the explain plan to the user for him to analyze the explain plan and take necessary steps for optimization. I am showing the Procedure inputs to the user, allowing him to enter values and taking them and executing the procedure. I am setting the trace and extracting the explain plan for the procedure using TKPROF utility and showing it to the user.
    While doing so, the trace file is stored in udump folder. I am accessing the trace file from TKPROF utility. I am able to run the TKPROF from the command prompt. But if I try automating the TKPROF command in a .NET application using Process.Start, it says "Not able to access the file.". I tried giving full permissions to Everyone and it still throws the error. Kindly guide me how to proceed.. A different approach that you might want to consider (as indicated by William):
    - Flush the shared pool and use a unique MODULE description for each execution of your procedure (e.g. using DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE), e.g. using a logon trigger
    - Query V$SQL for your unique MODULE description and run DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR for each corresponding child cursor found (SQL_ID + CHILD_NUMBER) in the shared pool. This plan generation could be automated using a procedure
    The result of this approach corresponds to the tracing using TKPROF since it will provide the actual execution plans used at runtime rather than separate EXPLAIN PLAN results which might differ from the actual plans.
    This assumes that your shared pool is sufficiently large to hold all the child cursor created by your procedure without aging them out while the procedure is running. It's probably also only applicable to an environment where not too much work is being done while running this test and the recommended flushing of the shared pool.
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

  • Explain Plan for Multiple SQL

    Hi ,
    Our db version is Oracle 8i and looking for solution.
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    Happy Halloween.

    Not sure exactly you are looking. But if you do
    set autotrace on
    from sqlplus and put all the query in a script, you should get all explain plan in one shot. You can spool the output to a file.

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    EXPLAIN PLAN creates an execution plan for SQL statements. PL/SQL is not SQL.
    PL/SQL procedures can contain SQL, yes. These SQLs can be copied and pasted from PL/SQL into something like TOAD and execution plan determined.
    However, if the aim is to see the "execution/performance plan" for PL/SQL code, then you need to profile the PL/SQL code using the DBMS_PROFILER package. This will tell you the execution path and elapsed time to execute a line of PL/SQL.
    Details can be found in the [url http://download-east.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14258/d_profil.htm#sthref5502]Oracle® Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference guide.

  • What privileges needed for producing explain plan for other user's object ?

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    What privileges needed for producing explain plan for other user's object (tables) ?

    Experiment: (public plan table exists)
    create user bob identified by bob;
    grant create session to bob;
    connect bob/bob
    start sample_plan
    If will error off on the table being read in the plan
    connect dba_or_privileged_user
    grant select on the referenced_table(s) to bob;
    connect bob/bob
    start sample_plan
    It will now work providing a public plan table exists or you give bob create table and create a bob.plan_table
    I ran the experiment on Oracle version running on AIX 5.3. Select privilege on all referenced tables in the explained SQL must exist
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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    My question is what else should I look for this optimizer behaviour? the database version is
    Please help.

    user627471 wrote:
    We have three databases dev, uat and test, all have same init parameters and almost same data. We are running a query which runs long on dev and on uat and test it runs very fast, the explain plan on uat and test shows a cost of around 4000 but on dev the cost is 20000. Statistics were collected on three instances 2 days ago and the objects are also same.
    My question is what else should I look for this optimizer behaviour? the database version is
    Please help.
    Clinpost both EXPLAIN PLAN here

  • How to find Explain Plan for a large querry which has multiple sub querries

    Hi All,
    I have a Package which has many procedures and one of the procedure has a cursor which is like 2000 lines. This cursor has a main select statement which again has many select statements in it.
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    If it can be done easier way in toad(or SQLPLUS), please tell me...

    When your query takes too long ...

  • Explain Plan for Materialized Views in 10g

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    Couldn't find information in 10g documentation
    thanks in advance

    I've put together a query for the v$sql_plan in 9iR2.
    Depending on what you use, you can probably drop some columns (eg OTHER and partition columns) and you could drive it from the v$session by getting the hash_value from there for the sid you are interested in :
    (select * from v$sql_plan where hash_value =
    (select sql_hash_value from v$session where sid=:sid))
    select level, optimizer, lpad('_',1*(level-1),'_')||operation operation,
    options, object_owner||'.'||object_name obj_name, search_columns,
    ltrim(to_char(cardinality,'999,999,999')) no_rows,
    ltrim(to_char(bytes/1024,'999,999')) kbytes, cost tot_cost,
    object_node link, id, parent_id, other_tag||':'||other other,
    partition_start, partition_stop, cpu_cost, io_cost,
    access_predicates, filter_predicates,
    round(temp_space/(1024*1024),2) temp_space_mb
    from (select * from v$sql_plan where hash_value = :hash_val)
    start with id=0
    connect by prior id = parent_id and prior child_number = child_number
    order by child_number, id, position;

  • Explain plan for query with variables

    Trying to Explain plan for some sql in sql*plus. The query has a variable in it. How do I do this ?
    I did look into explain plan and dbms_xplan but could not find anything with variables

    use sqlplus bind variables:
    SQL> --define variable
    SQL> var x varchar2
    SQL> -- notice the colon prefixing the variable
    SQL> explain plan for select * from customer where cid = :x;
    SQL> select * from table( dbms_xplan.display );
    Plan hash value: 1709312366
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name     | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |          |     1 |    67 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| CUSTOMER |     1 |    67 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | CID      |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("CID"=:X)
    14 rows selected.the variable does not need to be set to explain the query, since explain does not actually execute.
    Edited by: shoblock on Nov 6, 2008 4:51 PM

  • Explain plan for Procedures

    I know we can generate explain plan for queries using "Explain plan" statement or "Autotrace option". I would like to know how can we generate explain plan for oracle procedures.
    Thanks in Advance..

    Check this link very helpful info from Rob
    When your query takes too long ...
    There are no explain plan for procedures.
    MAy be you want to do DBMS_PROFILER for procedures execution

  • Explain plan for MVIEW....

    Hi All,
    please tell me how to invoke EXPLAIN PLAN for CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW.
    while i am trying to get plan i am getting following error
    ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for reply.
    I need it for estimation and solution design. so all
    parameters are necessary. second thing is DDL and
    simple SELECT statements plan are differ. I can get
    explain plan for CREATE TABLE AS SELECT but not for
    Santosh.In case you didn't notice: Create table as select (CTAS) is also DDL.
    There is nothing additionally from point of the execution plan that is added by the CREATE MV command.

  • Explain plan for Query performance

    Hi Gurus,
    I need to improve the performance of a procedure. The procedure has the below QUery. I dont have Idea on how to imrpove the perf by seeing the explain plan. Can anyone please help me to explain where I need to change the code.
    The below are the code and Explain plan for the same.
                                   TO_CHAR(RD.ITEMCODE) AS ITEMCODE,
                              FROM RECEIPTS R
                             INNER JOIN RECEIPTDETAILS RD
                                ON R.RECEIPTID = RD.RECEIPTID
                             INNER JOIN ITEMCOMPANY IC
                                ON IC.ITEMCODE = RD.ITEMCODE
                             INNER JOIN ITEMCATEGORY C
                                ON IC.ITEMCATEGORY = C.ITEMCATEGORYID
                             LEFT OUTER JOIN ITEMSUBCATEGORY1 ISUB
                                ON ISUB.ITEMSUBCATEGORY1ID = IC.ITEMSUBCATEGORY1
                               AND ISUB.ITEMSUBCATEGORY1ID IN
                                   (SELECT ITEMSUBCATEGORY1ID
                                      FROM ITEMSUBCATEGORY1
                                     WHERE ITEMCATEGORYID = IV_ITEMCATEGORY)
                             INNER JOIN STORE SE
                                ON SE.STORECODE = R.STORECODE
                             WHERE R.STORECODE = IV_STORECODE
                               AND SE.HOSPITALID = IV_HOSPITALID
                               AND TRUNC(R.CREATEDDATE) BETWEEN V_FROMDATE AND
                               AND R.STATUSID NOT IN (99, 5)
                                   (IV_DRUGTYPE IS NULL OR
                                   IC.DRUGTYPECATEGORYID = IV_DRUGTYPE)
                            SELECT IV_STORECODE AS STORECODE,
                                   TO_CHAR(STD.ITEMCODE) AS ITEMCODE,
                              FROM STOCKTRANSACTION ST
                             INNER JOIN ITEMCOMPANY IC
                                ON IC.ITEMCODE = STD.ITEMCODE
                             INNER JOIN ITEMCATEGORY C
                                ON IC.ITEMCATEGORY = C.ITEMCATEGORYID
                              LEFT OUTER JOIN ITEMSUBCATEGORY1 ISUB
                                ON ISUB.ITEMSUBCATEGORY1ID = IC.ITEMSUBCATEGORY1
                               AND ISUB.ITEMSUBCATEGORY1ID IN
                                   (SELECT ITEMSUBCATEGORY1ID
                                      FROM ITEMSUBCATEGORY1
                                     WHERE ITEMCATEGORYID = IV_ITEMCATEGORY)
                             INNER JOIN STORE SE
                                ON SE.STORECODE = ST.STORECODE
                             WHERE ST.STORECODE = IV_STORECODE
                               AND SE.HOSPITALID = IV_HOSPITALID
                               AND ST.STATUS <> 99
                               AND STD.ITEMCODE NOT LIKE '%#%'
                                   (IV_DRUGTYPE IS NULL OR
                                   IC.DRUGTYPECATEGORYID = IV_DRUGTYPE)
                            SELECT D.STORECODE,
                                   TO_CHAR(D.ITEMCODE) AS ITEMCODE,
                              FROM DAILYINVENTORY D
                             INNER JOIN ITEMCOMPANY IC
                                ON IC.ITEMCODE = D.ITEMCODE
                             INNER JOIN ITEMCATEGORY C
                                ON IC.ITEMCATEGORY = C.ITEMCATEGORYID
                              LEFT OUTER JOIN ITEMSUBCATEGORY1 ISUB
                                ON ISUB.ITEMSUBCATEGORY1ID = IC.ITEMSUBCATEGORY1
                               AND ISUB.ITEMSUBCATEGORY1ID IN
                                   (SELECT ITEMSUBCATEGORY1ID
                                      FROM ITEMSUBCATEGORY1
                                     WHERE ITEMCATEGORYID = IV_ITEMCATEGORY)
                             INNER JOIN STORE SE
                                ON SE.STORECODE = D.STORECODE
                             WHERE D.STORECODE = IV_STORECODE
                               AND SE.HOSPITALID = IV_HOSPITALID
                               AND TRUNC(D.UPDATEDDATE) <= V_TODATE
                               AND D.QTY > 0
                               AND D.ITEMCODE NOT LIKE '%#%'
                               AND C.ITEMCATEGORYID = IV_ITEMCATEGORY
                                  AND (IV_DRUGTYPE IS NULL OR
                                   IC.DRUGTYPECATEGORYID = IV_DRUGTYPE)
                               AND (IV_SUBITEMCATEGORY IS NULL OR
                                   ISUB.ITEMSUBCATEGORY1ID = IV_SUBITEMCATEGORY) Will post the explain plan ..
    Thanks in advance..

    Ensure you also include all the other information people will need to help you, e.g. database version, table structures/relationships and cardinalities, row counts etc.
    See the two threads linked to in the FAQ: {message:id=9360003}

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