Export Java-based external stored procedure

I've got a properly deployed external Java-based stored procedure deployed properly. I can see it by querying user_objects as well as user_java_classes. Is there any way I can export it so that I can deploy it in a different database? Please note that I mean a different way than performing a complete export, I just want to selectively export this external procedure.
Thanks, Tom

I would think that the following would work:
expdp user/password directory=my_dir dumpfile=java.dmp include=java_source
This would export the java source for the user performing the export. If you need to export java_source for another user, you would have to add
Adding the other schema would only work if the user running the job was privileged.

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    I'd like to know if there are ways that the query procedure returns to reference cursors that one with multiple records and one with the sums? The FORM will then be able to show rows of sales and the bottom row with show the sale totals.
    Thank you in advance.

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    Sumary Block: BLOCK_A
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    2.line - annual fee name and price
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    I have kin od fdone this by using the additem fucntion, if you look at the HTML of the add file page, you can see the parameter that are required for the form.

  • Block based on Stored Procedures & Locking_Mode

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    thanks in advance..
    -- Table and package source:
    -- GRP
    create sequence grp_s
    create table grp
    id number constraint grp_pk primary key,
    name varchar2(10) not null constraint grp_uk unique,
    description varchar2(30) not null,
    active varchar2(1) default 'Y'
    create or replace trigger grp_bri before insert on grp for each row
    select grp_s.nextval
    into :new.id
    from dual ;
    end ;
    TYPE grpidrec IS RECORD( id grp.id%TYPE ) ;
    TYPE grprec IS RECORD ( id grp.id%type, name grp.name%type, description grp.description%type, active grp.active%type ) ;
    TYPE grp_cursor IS REF CURSOR RETURN grp%rowtype ;
    TYPE grp_tab IS TABLE OF grp%rowtype INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER ;
    TYPE grp_id_tab IS TABLE OF grpidrec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER ;
    PROCEDURE grp_refcur( p_grp_data IN OUT grp_cursor,
    p_group_name IN grp.name%type ) ; -- use if a ref cursor is required
    PROCEDURE grp_query( p_grp_data IN OUT grp_tab, p_group_name IN grp.name%TYPE ) ;
    PROCEDURE grp_insert( p_grp_data IN grp_tab ) ;
    PROCEDURE grp_update( p_grp_data IN grp_tab ) ;
    PROCEDURE grp_delete( p_grp_data IN grp_id_tab ) ;
    PROCEDURE grp_lock( p_grp_data IN grp_tab ) ;
    END grp_pkg ;
    sho err
    create or replace package body grp_pkg as
    -- ================================================================================
    PROCEDURE grp_refcur( p_grp_data IN OUT grp_cursor, p_group_name IN grp.name%type ) AS
    open p_grp_data FOR select id, name, description, active
    from grp
    where name = nvl( p_group_name, name ) ;
    end ;
    -- ================================================================================
    PROCEDURE grp_query( p_grp_data IN OUT grp_tab, p_group_name IN grp.name%TYPE ) AS
    i number ;
    CURSOR grp_select IS
    SELECT id, name, description, active
    FROM grp
    WHERE name = nvl( p_group_name, name ) ;
    OPEN grp_select ;
    i := 1 ;
    FETCH grp_select INTO p_grp_data(i).id, p_grp_data(i).name, p_grp_data(i).description, p_grp_data(i).active ;
    EXIT WHEN grp_select%NOTFOUND ;
    i := i + 1 ;
    END LOOP ;
    end ;
    -- ================================================================================
    PROCEDURE grp_insert( p_grp_data IN grp_tab ) AS
    i NUMBER ;
    FOR i in p_grp_data.FIRST .. p_grp_data.LAST
    INSERT INTO grp( name, description, active )
    VALUES ( p_grp_data(i).name, p_grp_data(i).description, p_grp_data(i).active ) ;
    END LOOP ;
    end ;
    -- ================================================================================
    PROCEDURE grp_update( p_grp_data in grp_tab ) AS
    i binary_integer ;
    rec_modified exception ;
    FOR i in p_grp_data.first .. p_grp_data.last LOOP
    UPDATE grp
    SET name = p_grp_data(i).name,
    description = p_grp_data(i).description,
    active = p_grp_data(i).active
    WHERE id = p_grp_data(i).id ;
    if sql%rowcount = 0 then
    raise rec_modified ;
    -- success
    null ;
    end if ;
    END LOOP ;
    when rec_modified then
    raise_application_error(-20006, 'Record already modified' ) ;
    when others then
    raise_application_error(-20007, 'Other error : ' || sqlerrm ) ;
    END ;
    -- ================================================================================
    PROCEDURE grp_delete( p_grp_data IN grp_id_tab ) AS
    FOR i IN p_grp_data.FIRST .. p_grp_data.LAST LOOP
    WHERE name = p_grp_data(i).id ;
    END LOOP ;
    end grp_delete ;
    -- ================================================================================
    PROCEDURE grp_lock( p_grp_data IN grp_tab ) AS
    grec grprec ;
    err varchar2(255) ;
    errcd number ;
    rec_modified exception ;
    FOR i in p_grp_data.FIRST .. p_grp_data.LAST LOOP
    SELECT id, name, description, active
    INTO grec
    FROM grp
    WHERE id = p_grp_data(i).id
    FOR UPDATE OF description NOWAIT ;
    -- this part returns true
    -- if locking_mode = 'Delayed'
    -- Forms is passing NEW values in p_grp_data if mode is Delayed
    -- and OLD values if mode is Immediate
    if ( grec.name != p_grp_data(i).name
    OR grec.description != p_grp_data(i).description
    OR grec.active != p_grp_data(i).active ) THEN
    raise rec_modified ;
    end if ;
    when no_data_found then
    raise_application_error( -20007, 'Record deleted by another user' ) ;
    when rec_modified then
    raise_application_error(-20006, 'Record modified by another user' ) ;
    when others then
    raise_application_error(-20009, 'Others' ) ;
    end ;
    END LOOP ;
    end ;
    -- ================================================================================
    end grp_pkg ;
    show error package body grp_pkg

    Yes, I was hoping to use these procedures to map the collection type returned to the database to the block data. I guess I was wrong. Except for the initial query and reading some other information from the database, I don't have to use these procedures as I do not write anything to it.
    Thank you for your help, I will go on from there.
    So, it means that I will have to iterate through my collection inside Forms and manipulate my data row by row. Or, is there a way to pass an Oracle collection type between the database and the Forms client and have it displayed without having to iterate through the rows and mapping each field?

  • Help: FRM-40505 for a FORM based on stored procedures

    I am working on a FORM based on stored procedures. When it performs a query, it actually returns record, but still comes with the message FRM-40505: ORACLE error: unable to perform query. Any recommendations on the possible coding area to check?
    Thank you in advance.

    To base a block on a stored procedure is not a simple task because it depends on the .....
    .... stored procedure !
    If you do not provide much information (like the famous stored procedure), we could not do anything for you.
    As much information you provide, as much chance we have to understand the problem.


    I have a form based on stored procedure.
    I want to handle exceptions in the stored procedure and show it to users.
    Here is what i want to do.
    I have a sku# field in the form and i want to validate it(against the database
    table) in the procedure before inserting into the database.
    I want to give a message to users when the validation fails.
    How is this possible with the forms based on stored procedure?
    Can i use javascript to do the same?
    Thanks in Advance

    I have a form based on stored procedure.
    I want to handle exceptions in the stored procedure and show it to users.
    Here is what i want to do.
    I have a sku# field in the form and i want to validate it(against the database
    table) in the procedure before inserting into the database.
    I want to give a message to users when the validation fails.
    How is this possible with the forms based on stored procedure?
    Can i use javascript to do the same?
    Thanks in Advance

  • Forms [32 Bit] Version :: BLock based on stored procedure

    Trying to develop a form having a block based
    on stored procedure. My form works fine if
    the stored procedure having REF CURSOR as one
    of the argument but if I am using dynamic SQL
    in my procedure I can not use Strong REF CURSOR, so I had to use Pl/Sql Table as one of the parameter in the proceudre.
    In that case when I run my form and Execute the query it just comes out of the form without displaying anything and also it doesn't throw any error.
    Don't know what I am doing wrong.
    Pl. Help...

    I drilled down the proble further and identified that i can
    recreatr the problem in any 7.3.4 database ....
    But in 8.0.5 it's working fine .....
    Is developer 6.0 is going to support Oracle 7.3.4
    it'll be highly appreciated if any one from Oracle development
    team can give me a response
    Thanks in advance...
    Lebon Mathew (guest) wrote:
    : Problem : If a block value is refered in
    : a LOv - record group query
    : the form cannot adjust the out put .. and
    : is not generating.....
    : Record group query which works :
    : select security_role, sec_role_desc, database_role
    : from security_role
    : where wnd_appln = 'XXXXXXXXX'
    : order by security_role, database_role
    : Record group query which is not working :
    : select security_role, sec_role_desc, database_role
    : from security_role
    : where wnd_appln = :APP_ROLES_BK.wnd_appln
    : order by security_role, database_role
    : Error Generated :
    : FRM-30064: Unable to parse statement icrgg/icrggc: hicrg.
    : Record Group SECURITY_ROLE_LOV
    : Form: EMPLOYEE
    : FRM-30085: Unable to adjust form for output.
    : Table structure :
    : CREATE TABLE security_role
    : security_role VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL,
    : sec_role_desc VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,
    : open_nsr VARCHAR2(1),
    : open_pkt VARCHAR2(1),
    : chg_wk_grp VARCHAR2(10),
    : asgn_anlst VARCHAR2(10),
    : updt_oth_wkgp_pkt VARCHAR2(1),
    : admin_tasks VARCHAR2(1),
    : create_po VARCHAR2(1),
    : billing_changes VARCHAR2(1),
    : invoice_changes VARCHAR2(1),
    : change_owner VARCHAR2(1),
    : wnd_appln VARCHAR2(15),
    : database_role VARCHAR2(20)
    : PCTFREE 10
    : PCTUSED 40
    : INITRANS 1
    : MAXTRANS 255
    : TABLESPACE wa0dat0t01
    : STORAGE (
    : INITIAL 32768
    : NEXT 8192
    : MAXEXTENTS 121
    : w@w Lebon Mathew
    : WellsFargo - Telecom Applications
    : (415)-477 6445

  • Prompts in Universe based on Stored Procedure

    Hello All,
    I have a universe based on stored procedure. There are two prompts "Date from" and "Dateto" which I set up as "prompt me a for a new value" in the universe.
    When I run the webi report it prompts me to enter the date range. I enter and run the report, but when I refresh the report the dates that were selected before shows up in the prompt window(last values selected). How do I make it in a way that when I refresh the report the values are blank i.e it doesnt have the last values selected?
    I have saved the report as refresh on open but how do I avoid the prompt values?

    Hi Nisha,
    Can you please share the code where you have mentioned the prompts?
    You may try to use @prompt function in stored procedure. Below post can help you:
    @Prompt('Enter prompt text','A/N/D',<lov>,mono,free,non-persistent)
    Use non-persistent parameter value as it is like unchecking "Keep last selected values" in prompt properties.
    Hope it will help.

  • Forms9i, data block based on stored procedures, refresh on update ?

    I am using
    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
         With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
         JServer Release - Production
    Oracle Toolkit Version (Production)
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V9. Build #1022 - Production
    PL/SQL Editor (c) WinMain Software (www.winmain.com), v1.0 (Production)
    Oracle Query Builder - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools GUI Utilities Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE     ProductionI have a module based on stored procedures. I have defined query, lock and update procedure. All of them are working as they should, I mean that when looking at the input and output from these procedures I don't see anything blatantly wrong.
    Now, when I update a table field in the form and call the update stored procedure, this procedure takes the updated values in considerations, updates some more fields, and remove some records.
    It is working as it should, except for two details :
    1- I don't see the values updated by the procedure in the Form;
    2- even though some records were removed from the table by the procedure, I still see all my records.
    Is there a way to display the returned table?
    And, is there any documentation about data block based on stored procedures, what are the required signatures and limitations of those stored procedures, what a lock procedure is supposed to do (mine does 'null;' ...), how to map a collection type defined in Oracle to a Form data block ? Any link will be appreciated, I have found half a dozen page vaguely detailing this on Google, but nothing that can compare to a usual Oracle manual. Maybe I have missed something.
    Thank you for your help.

    Yes, I was hoping to use these procedures to map the collection type returned to the database to the block data. I guess I was wrong. Except for the initial query and reading some other information from the database, I don't have to use these procedures as I do not write anything to it.
    Thank you for your help, I will go on from there.
    So, it means that I will have to iterate through my collection inside Forms and manipulate my data row by row. Or, is there a way to pass an Oracle collection type between the database and the Forms client and have it displayed without having to iterate through the rows and mapping each field?

  • Data block based on stored procedure with  input arguments

    I am able to create a data block based on stored procedure.
    but I want that procedure to take input arguments as well and I am facing the issue while setting the value for that input arguments from another block item.
    Please somebody help, How to set the value for input argument from another control block- item?.(Note :Data block is based on the stored procedure)
    Thanks in Advance,
    Anandan Muthukannan

    I did exactly the same way you mentioned.
    But while building the form, The call to the procedure in 'QUERY-PROCEDURE' trigger has been modified like this way
    so in procedure i am getting the value as ':BLOCK.ITEM' not the expected value.

  • Java Class - Oracle Stored Procedure - ABAP Program

    My client asked me to design a Java Class that calls a Oracle stored procedure. I was a Java developer so I can do that part. Now this Java Class will be called by a ABAP program. All the data that I got from Oracle Stored Procedure should be retuned to the calling ABAP program.
    In the past I did use JCA and SAP Connectors to get data from SAP R3 by calling BAPI programs.
    I would like to know if the ABAP program uses JCO or the latest JCA based SAP Connectors. Any advice on how I should structure my Java Program is welcome. I do know from pure Java side how to get data from Oracle database using JDBC.

    Hi venkat,
    This link(PDF) gives good info about JCO.
    JCO is used as two way communication between JAVA and R/3. so for yours JCO may be the suitable one.
    Message was edited by: venkataramanan

  • How to edit a report based on Stored procedure in Deski

    hi all,
    We have a report based on a stored procedure in Deski format.I can see the sp name it is using under View Data >definition but cannot figure out which database or server it is pointing to .
    Also ,please let me know how to edit/change the sp it is pointing to.

    When you click on View Data, at bottom click on Edit button
    It will prompt a connection details tab wherein you can view and modify the connections

  • Send a array of user-defined java objects to stored procedure

    I´d like to know if its possible send java user-defined objects to a collection. I've tried the exemple bellow but it doesn´t work:
    1) In database
    -- nested table type
    create or replace type client_table_type is table of client%rowtype;
    -- table client:
    ( id number(18,0),
    name varchar2(80),
    birthday date)
    -- stored procedure
    create or replace package client_pkg
    procedure insert_clients(
    p_array_clients client_table_type
    2) In Java
    java.lang.Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
    java.sql.Connection conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin .....);
    ArrayDescriptor descriptor = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("client_table_type", conn);
    ARRAY a2 = new ARRAY(descriptor, conn, anArrayIn);
    PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement)conn.prepareStatement("{ call client_pkg.insert_clients(?) }");
    ps.setArray(1, a2);
    Where anArrayIn is an array of Client and Client is a java user-defined class with these attributes:
    public class Client{
    public long id;
    public String name;
    public Date birthday;
    3) when I´ve tried to run the java code its returned the error in the ArrayDescriptor line:
    Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: .....:
    Unable to resolve type: "SISSERV.CLIENT_TABLE_TYPE"
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:134)
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:179)
    at oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor.initPickler(ArrayDescriptor.java:1976)
    at oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor.<init>(ArrayDescriptor.java:199)
    at oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor(ArrayDescriptor.java:118)
    at teste_array_oracle.Carga.callPLSQL(Carga.java:60)
    at teste_array_oracle.Carga.<init>(Carga.java:41)
    at teste_array_oracle.Carga.main(Carga.java:32)
    erro de execuþÒo
    Tks for any help!

    A brief answer to this from my side (not knowing Java that wel), but hopefully suffices to put you on the right track.
    A SQL user defined type is basically a class (it can contain properties and methods). It has only superficial resemblence to a traditional record struct. So you cannot use one. Even if you could (assuming you code a PL/SQL "traditional" record struct), there are issues around how char and numeric data are represented binary inside Oracle and issues around byte/word alignment.
    So bottom line - what you're doing will not work (as the errors show).
    Okay, so what then? Well, the OCI (Oracle Call Interface) supports all Oracle data types, including these user types (also called Advance Data Types in Oracle-speak). You therefore need to use the supplied API calls to deal with instantiated objects (structures) of these type.
    You're best bet is to have a look Oracle® Database Java Developer's Guide

  • How do you send a date from java to a stored procedure

    Oracle 8.0.5
    using thin drivers
    I'm trying to pass a date to a stored procedure. Does anybody
    have an example of how to do this.
    I want to send a month-day-year 01/01/1999 to oracle to be
    inserted into the table. what should the java code look like?
    and what should the (in) line look like in oracle.

    Wow. You got me there.  All of the pdfs that i have, when i tap that icon, open a drop down window with the choices of e mail or print.  I wonder if the particular pdf you are working on is somehow protected?  Try a different pdf and see if the box recats the same way.   You might also do a full shut down and just try again.  Make sure there is not an old instance of i books, or some other pdf editor sitting in the task bar, by doblue clicking the home button, and shutting down any open apps.

Maybe you are looking for

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