Export table data to Pdf file

Hi all,
I have a .jspx page wich contains a table and a button with an exportCollectionActionListener to export the table data to an excell file.
Now i want to do the same but to a pdf file.
Is that posible, and if so how can I do that?
If it isn't posible is there any way to do that.
Thanks all,

Yes, the first step is to learn iReport. Then, investigate Jasper Forums where you will find lot of code and hints.
To produce a report you have to:
1. Create report definition and compile it in report files used by Jasper API later on (this you learn on Jasper forums)
2. Create java code in your project to generate report (based on datasource in your app) - this is just java code which doesnt have anything special to ADF/JDev - learn this also on Jasper forums
3. Decide which mechanism you will use to downstream report output (whichever render you select when generate report - PDF, HTML, Excle, RTF...) - there are two options:
a. Use standard JSP Servlet, where you just have to generate report and downstream it into servlet's output stream
b. more ADF 11g way - using af:fileDownloadActionListener with backingbean to downstream a generated report content
That's it. You have to design your own strategy for supplying report query parameters (through Http Request params or any other way dependent on mechanism you decide to use).
Try Googling for Jdeveloper Jasper and you will find several blogs/forums on this topic (try JDeveloper and Jasper.. HTML Report without information The servlet technique is same as in 10g and for ADF 11g way you have to manage yourself.

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  • Exporting table data into text files

    I got a request to export the data from about 85 tables into 85 text files. I assume that they will want a header row and some delimiter character. This is a process that must run every night by a sql job.
    Obviously I want it to be flexible. Tables could be addede and removed and columns could be added and removed. There will probably be a control table that has the list of tables to export.
    Looked at bcp - but seems that it is command line only?
    SSIS package?
    What other options are there?

    Wanted to post my solution. Ended up using bcp in a PowerShell Script. I was unable to use bcp in SQL because it requires xp_cmdshell and that is not allowed at many of our client sites. So wrote a Powershell script that executes bcp. The ps script
    loops through a table that contains a row for each table/view to export along with many values and switches for the table/view export: export path, include column headers, enclose each field in double quotes, double up embedded double quotes, how to format
    dates, what to return for NULL integers - basically the stuff that is not flexible in bcp. To get this flexibility I created a SQL proc that takes these values as input and creates a view. Then the PS bcp does a SELECT on the view. Many of my tables are
    very wide and bcp has a limit of 4000/8000. Some of my SELECT statements ended up being GT 35k in length. So using a view got around this size limitation.
    Anyway, the view creation and bcp download is really fast. It can download about 4 gb of data in 20 minutes. It can download it faster the 7z can zip it.
    Below is the SQL proc to format the SELECT statement to create the view for bcp (or some other utility like SQLCMD, Invoke-SQLCMD) or SQL query by "SELECT * from v_ExportData". the proc can be used from SQL or PS, or anything that can call a SQL
    Proc and then read a SQL view.
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ExportTablesCreateView]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[ExportTablesCreateView]
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ExportTablesCreateView]
    Read in a tablename or viewname with parameters and create a view v_ExportTable of the
    data. The view will typically be read by bcp to download SQL table data to flat files.
    bcp does not have the options to include column headers, include fields in double quotes,
    format dates or use '0' for integer NULLS. Also, bcp has a limit of varhar 4000 and
    wider tables could not be directly called by bcp. So create the v_ExportTable and have
    bcp SELECT v_ExportTable instead of the original table or view.
    @pTableName VARCHAR(128) - table or view to create v_ExportTable from
    @pColumnHeader INT =1 - include column headers in the first row
    @pDoubleQuoteFields INT = 1 - put double quotes " around all column values including column headers
    @pDouble_EmbeddedDoubleQuotes INT = 1 - This is usually used with @pDoubleQuoteFields INT = 1. 'ab"c"d would be 'ab""c""d.
    @pNumNULLValue VARCHAR(1) = '0' - NULL number data types will export this value instead of bcp default of ''
    @pDateTimeFormat INT = 121 - DateTime data types will use this format value
    EXEC ExportTablesCreateView 'custname', 1, 1, 1, '0', 121
    @pTableName VARCHAR(128),
    @pColumnHeader INT = 1,
    @pDoubleQuoteFields INT = 1,
    @pDouble_EmbeddedDoubleQuotes INT = 1,
    @pNumNULLValue VARCHAR(1) = '0',
    @pDateTimeFormat INT = 121
    DECLARE @columnname varchar(128)
    DECLARE @columnsize int
    DECLARE @data_type varchar(128)
    DECLARE @HeaderRow nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ColumnSelect nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @SQLSelect nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @SQLCommand nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ReturnCode INT
    DECLARE @Note VARCHAR(500)
    DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR
    SELECT COLUMN_NAME, ISNULL(Character_maximum_length,0), Data_type
    OPEN db_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @ColumnName, @ColumnSize, @Data_type
    SET @HeaderRow = ''
    SET @ColumnSelect = ''
    -- Loop through each of the @pTableColumns to build the SELECT Statement
    -- Put double quotes around each field - example "MARIA","SHARAPOVA"
    IF @pDoubleQuoteFields = 1
    -- Include column headers in the first row - example "FirstName","LastName"
    IF @pColumnHeader = 1
    SET @HeaderRow = @HeaderRow + '''"' + @ColumnName + '"'' as ''' + @columnname + ''','
    -- Unsupported Export data type returns "" - example "",
    IF @Data_Type in ('image', 'varbinary', 'binary', 'timestamp', 'cursor', 'hierarchyid', 'sql_variant', 'xml', 'table', 'spatial Types')
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + '''""'' as [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- Format DateTime data types according to input parameter
    ELSE IF @Data_Type in ('datetime', 'smalldatetime', 'datetime2', 'date', 'datetimeoffset')
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '""' ELSE QUOTENAME(CONVERT(VARCHAR,[aaa], 121), CHAR(34)) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN ''""'' ELSE QUOTENAME(CONVERT(VARCHAR,[' + @columnname + '],' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@pDateTimeFormat) + '), CHAR(34)) END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- SET Numeric data types with NULL value according to input parameter
    ELSE IF @Data_Type in ('bigint', 'numeric', 'bit', 'smallint', 'decimal', 'smallmoney', 'int', 'tinyint', 'money', 'float', 'real')
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '"0"' ELSE QUOTENAME([aaa], CHAR(34)) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN ''"' + @pNumNULLValue + '"'' ELSE QUOTENAME([' + @columnname + '], CHAR(34)) END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- Double embedded double quotes - example "abc"d"ed" to "abc""d""ed". Only applicible for character data types.
    IF @pDouble_EmbeddedDoubleQuotes = 1
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '""' ELSE '"' + REPLACE([aaa],'"','""') + '"' END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @ColumnName + '] IS NULL THEN ''""'' ELSE ''"'' + REPLACE([' + @ColumnName + '],''"'',''""'') + ''"'' END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- DO NOT PUT Double embedded double quotes - example "abc"d"ed" unchanged to "abc"d"ed"
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '""' ELSE '"' + [aaa] + '"' END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @ColumnName + '] IS NULL THEN ''""'' ELSE ''"'' + [' + @ColumnName + '] + ''"'' END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- DO NOT PUT double quotes around each field - example MARIA,SHARAPOVA
    -- Include column headers in the first row - example "FirstName","LastName"
    IF @pColumnHeader = 1
    SET @HeaderRow = @HeaderRow + '''' + @ColumnName + ''' as ''' + @columnname + ''','
    -- Unsupported Export data type returns '' - example '',
    IF @Data_Type in ('image', 'varbinary', 'binary', 'timestamp', 'cursor', 'hierarchyid', 'sql_variant', 'xml', 'table', 'spatial Types')
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + ''''' as [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- Format DateTime data types according to input parameter
    ELSE IF @Data_Type in ('datetime', 'smalldatetime', 'datetime2','date', 'datetimeoffset')
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '''' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,[aaa], 121) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN '''' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,[' + @columnname + '],' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@pDateTimeFormat) + ') END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- SET Numeric data types with NULL value according to input parameter
    ELSE IF @Data_Type in ('bigint', 'numeric', 'bit', 'smallint', 'decimal', 'smallmoney', 'int', 'tinyint', 'money', 'float', 'real')
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '"0"' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR, [aaa]) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN ''' + @pNumNULLValue + ''' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,[' + @columnname + ']) END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- Double embedded double quotes - example "abc"d"ed" to "abc""d""ed". Only applicible for character data types.
    IF @pDouble_EmbeddedDoubleQuotes = 1
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,REPLACE([aaa],'"','""')) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN '''' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,REPLACE([' + @columnname + '],''"'',''""'')) END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,[aaa]) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN '''' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,[' + @columnname + ']) END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @ColumnName, @ColumnSize, @Data_Type
    RETURN (1)
    CLOSE db_cursor
    DEALLOCATE db_cursor
    -- remove last comma
    IF @pColumnHeader = 1
    SET @HeaderRow = SUBSTRING(@HeaderRow , 1, LEN(@HeaderRow ) - 1)
    SET @ColumnSelect = SUBSTRING(@ColumnSelect, 1, LEN(@ColumnSelect) - 1)
    -- Put on the finishing touches on the SELECT
    IF @pColumnHeader = 1
    SET @SQLSelect = 'SELECT ' + @HeaderRow + ' UNION ALL ' +
    'SELECT ' + @ColumnSelect + ' FROM [' + @pTableName + ']'
    SET @SQLSelect = 'SELECT ' + @ColumnSelect + ' FROM [' + @pTableName + ']'
    ---- diagnostics
    ---- PRINT truncates at 4k or 8k, not sure, my tables have many colummns
    --PRINT @SQLSelect
    --DECLARE @END varchar(max) = RIGHT(@SQLSelect, 3000)
    --PRINT @end
    --EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLSelect
    -- drop view if exists -- using view because some tables are very wide. one of my tables had a 33k select statement
    SET @SQLCommand = '
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SYS.views WHERE name = ''v_ExportTable'')
    DROP VIEW v_ExportTable
    EXECUTE @ReturnCode = sp_executesql @SQLCommand
    IF @returncode = 1
    RETURN (1)
    -- create the view
    SET @SQLCommand = '
    CREATE VIEW v_ExportTable AS ' + @SQLSelect
    -- diagnostics
    --print @sqlcommand
    EXECUTE @ReturnCode = sp_executesql @SQLCommand
    IF @returncode = 1
    RETURN (1)
    RETURN (1)
    RETURN (0)
    END -- CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ExportTablesCreateView]

  • RE: How to Export the Table data Into PDF File  in ADF

    Hi Experts,
    I am using Jdeveloper
    I am created employee VO and Drag and Drop as a Table in a page. So need to Export the Table data into A PDF file.
    So please give me some suggestions regarding this Scnerio.
    With Regards,

    Hi Guys ,
    Any more answers for this question.
    Please find my jsff below
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.1" xmlns:af="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/rich"
              xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:report="http://www.adfwithejb.blogspot.com">
      <af:panelGroupLayout layout="vertical" id="pgl2">
          <af:query id="qryId1" headerText="Service Tariff Mapping Details" disclosed="true"
         <f:attribute name="queryExpression" value="bindings.findByTarifValidFromQuery.processQuery"/>
        <af:panelCollection id="pc1" styleClass="AFStretchWidth">
          <f:facet name="menus"/>
          <f:facet name="toolbar">
              <af:toolbar id="t1">
                 <af:menuBar id="pt_m1">
                <report:reportDeclarative ButtonName="ExportToExcel" ReportName="ServiceTariffMappingDetails"
                                          ReportType="PDF" TableId=":::pc1:t2" id="rd1" Pagination="true"/>
                <af:commandButton text="excel" id="cb1" binding="#{exportToExcelBean.exportID}">
                <af:setActionListener from="pt1:pgl1:pgl2:pc1:t2" to="#{viewScope['exporter.exportedId']}"/>
                <af:setActionListener from="border:1px solid #cccccc" to="#{viewScope['exporter.thStyle']}"/>
                <af:setActionListener from="border:1px solid #cccccc" to="#{viewScope['exporter.tdStyle']}"/>
                <af:fileDownloadActionListener method="#{exportToExcelBean.exportToExcel}" filename="Service TariffMapping.xls"
                <af:commandMenuItem id="pt_cmi133" icon="/images/common/Excel-icon.png"
                                <af:exportCollectionActionListener exportedId="t2" type="excelHTML"
                                                                   title="Service Tariff Mapping"
                                                                   filename="Service Tariff Mapping.xls"/>
          <f:facet name="statusbar"/>
          <af:table value="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.collectionModel}" var="row"
                    emptyText="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                    fetchSize="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.rangeSize}" rowBandingInterval="0"
                    queryListener="#{bindings.findByTarifValidFromQuery.processQuery}" filterVisible="true" varStatus="vs"
                    id="t2" columnStretching="last" binding="#{ServiceTariffMappBean.testTable}">
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.NormalTariffCode.name}" filterable="true"
                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.NormalTariffCode.label}"
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.NormalTariffCode.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.NormalTariffCode.tooltip}" id="it1">
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.NormalTariffCode.validator}"/>
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.ServiceCode.name}" filterable="true"
                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.ServiceCode.label}"
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.ServiceCode.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.ServiceCode.tooltip}" id="it2">
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.ServiceCode.validator}"/>
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.TrfVldFrm.name}" filterable="true"
                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.TrfVldFrm.label}" id="c3">
              <f:facet name="filter">
                <af:inputDate value="#{vs.filterCriteria.TrfVldFrm}" id="id1">
                  <af:convertDateTime pattern="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.TrfVldFrm.format}"/>
              <af:inputDate value="#{row.bindings.TrfVldFrm.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.TrfVldFrm.tooltip}" id="id2">
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.TrfVldFrm.validator}"/>
                <af:convertDateTime pattern="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.TrfVldFrm.format}"/>
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.ServiceDesc.name}" filterable="true"
                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.ServiceDesc.label}"
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.ServiceDesc.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.ServiceDesc.tooltip}" id="it3">
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.ServiceDesc.validator}"/>
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.OtTrfCode.name}" filterable="true"
                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.OtTrfCode.label}" id="c5">
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.OtTrfCode.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.OtTrfCode.tooltip}" id="it4">
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.OtTrfCode.validator}"/>
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.OtUnitRate.name}" filterable="true"
                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.OtUnitRate.label}" id="c6">
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.OtUnitRate.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.OtUnitRate.tooltip}" id="it5">
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.OtUnitRate.validator}"/>
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.NtUnitRate.name}" filterable="true"
                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.NtUnitRate.label}" id="c7">
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.NtUnitRate.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.NtUnitRate.tooltip}" id="it6">
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.NtUnitRate.validator}"/>
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.TrfGrt.name}" filterable="true"
                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.TrfGrt.label}" id="c8">
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.TrfGrt.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.TrfGrt.tooltip}" id="it7">
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.TrfGrt.validator}"/>
            <af:column sortProperty="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.ChargePartyCode.name}" filterable="true"
                       sortable="true" headerText="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.ChargePartyCode.label}"
              <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.ChargePartyCode.inputValue}"
                            shortDesc="#{bindings.ServiceTariffMappingDtlsRVO1.hints.ChargePartyCode.tooltip}" id="it8">
                <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.ChargePartyCode.validator}"/>

  • Export table data in text file

    i am using oracle 8.0.7 , i want to export a table data in to text file, thanks in advance
    Noman ul haq

    2 options:
    1) Spool the query results into a file using SQL*PLUS
    2) If you can use the Oracle Server, look at the UTL_FILE package. This writes files, but ONLY to the Oracle server. It will NOT write out to your client machine. Your DBA will need to add an entry to allow for the UTL_FILE package to write out to the directory you choose.
    Hope that helps - the documentation should have detailed usage of UTL_FILE package. Or search on this site b/c this is a common question - see it at least 3 times a week.

  • Exporting table data to .csv file

    How to export the table data (this table is having 18 million records) to .csv file. using SQL Developer and PL/SQL deveoloper it is taking too long time to complete. Please let me know is there any faster way to complete this task.
    Thanks in advance

    Also bear in mind that SQL Developer and PL/SQL Developer are running on your local client, so it's transferring all 18 million rows to the client before formatting and putting them out to a file. If you had some PL/SQL code to export it on the database server it would run a lot faster as you wouldn't have the network traffic delay to deal with, although your file would then reside on the server rather than the client (which isn't necessarily a bad thing as a lot of companies would be concerned about the security of their data especially if it ends up being stored on local machines rather than on a secure server).
    As already asked, why on earth do you need to store 18 million rows in a CSV file? The database is the best place to keep the data.

  • Export table data to txt file

    I have to dump the BKPF table data(some selected columns) into a txt file. It has around 30 lakh records.
    I am planning to select the data from se16 for different date ranges and export into different txt files.
    Is there any way that i can dump the whole data into a txt file for some selected columns.

    goto se16> select the records as per requirement> goto change layout> select the number of column you required> click on the export option> select radio button unconverted> save the file in txt format.
    you will get only select columns in the text file.

  • Regarding exporting table data to pdf

         I am using installation pack 14  , do i need to  install the following  pack
         to run my interactive pdf form from webdynpro.suggest me
    a. Insert the SAP NetWeaver'04 SR1 Installation Master
    called <installation_DVD>) in your DVD drive:
    please answer this asap.

    i just forgot..
    when the user will click on the export button, i want to greet him with a "Save As"
    popup, so that he can specify the filename and location to save the file.

  • How to give path in plsql while exporting table data into .csv file

    i have a code like this
    PROCEDURE dump_table_to_csv (
    p_tname IN VARCHAR2,
    p_dir IN VARCHAR2,
    p_filename IN VARCHAR2
    l_output UTL_FILE.file_type;
    l_thecursor INTEGER DEFAULT DBMS_SQL.open_cursor;
    l_columnvalue VARCHAR2 (4000);
    l_status INTEGER;
    l_query VARCHAR2 (1000) DEFAULT 'select * from ' || p_tname;
    l_colcnt NUMBER := 0;
    l_separator VARCHAR2 (1);
    l_desctbl DBMS_SQL.desc_tab;
    l_output := UTL_FILE.fopen (p_dir, p_filename, 'w');
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set nls_date_format=''dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss''';
    DBMS_SQL.parse (l_thecursor, l_query, DBMS_SQL.native);
    DBMS_SQL.describe_columns (l_thecursor, l_colcnt, l_desctbl);
    FOR i IN 1 .. l_colcnt
    UTL_FILE.put (l_output,
    l_separator || '"' || l_desctbl (i).col_name || '"'
    DBMS_SQL.define_column (l_thecursor, i, l_columnvalue, 4000);
    l_separator := ',';
    UTL_FILE.new_line (l_output);
    l_status := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE (l_thecursor);
    WHILE (DBMS_SQL.fetch_rows (l_thecursor) > 0)
    l_separator := '';
    FOR i IN 1 .. l_colcnt
    DBMS_SQL.column_value (l_thecursor, i, l_columnvalue);
    UTL_FILE.put (l_output, l_separator || l_columnvalue);
    l_separator := ',';
    UTL_FILE.new_line (l_output);
    DBMS_SQL.close_cursor (l_thecursor);
    UTL_FILE.fclose (l_output);
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set nls_date_format=''dd-MON-yy'' ';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter session set nls_date_format=''dd-MON-yy'' ';
    I am getting error like :-------
    SQL> exec dump_table_to_csv('deptair','c:/csv','aa.deptair');
    BEGIN dump_table_to_csv('deptair','c:/csv','aa.deptair'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    ORA-06512: at line 8
    ORA-29280: invalid directory path
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.DUMP_TABLE_TO_CSV", line 58
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    pplease help me out

    look at your other thread, answer is already there.

  • How can we export table data to a CSV file??

    I have the following requirement. Initially business agreed upon, exporting the table data to Excel file. But now, they would like to export the table data to a CSV file, which is not being supported by af:exportCollectionActionListener component.
    Because, when i opened the exported CSV file, i can see the exported data sorrounded with HTML tags. Hence the issue.
    Does someone has any solution for this ... Like, how can we export the table data to csv format. And it should work similar to exporting the data to excel sheet.
    For youre reference here is the code which i have used to export the table data..
    ><f:facet name="menus">
    ><af:menu text="Menu" id="m1">
    ><af:commandMenuItem text="Print" id="cmi1">
    ><af:exportCollectionActionListener exportedId="t1"
    >type="excelHTML"/> ---- I tried with removing value for this attribute. With no value, it did not worked at all.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kiran Konjeti

    Hi Alex,
    I have already visited that POST and it works only in 10g. Not in 11g.
    I got the solution for this. The solution is :
    Use the following code in jsff
    <af:commandButton text="Export Data" id="ctb1">><af:fileDownloadActionListener contentType="text/csv; charset=utf-8"
    <af:commandButton text="Export Data" id="ctb1">><af:fileDownloadActionListener contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=utf-8"
    And place this code in ManagedBean
    > public void test(FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
    > DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    >DCIteratorBinding itrBinding = (DCIteratorBinding)dcBindings.get("fetchDataIterator");
    >tableRows = itrBinding.getAllRowsInRange();
    preparaing column headers
    >PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputStream);
    >out.print(" ID");
    preparing column data
    > for(Row row : tableRows){
    >DCDataRow dataRow = (DCDataRow)row;
    > DataLoaderDTO dto = (DataLoaderDTO)dataRow.getDataProvider();
    > }
    And do the following settings(*OPTIONAL*) for your browser - Only in case, if the file is being blocked by IE
    This resolves implementation of exporting table data to CSV file in 11g.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kiran Konjeti

  • How to export from VC a bapi output table to a PDF file

    How can I export a output table results from a BAPI (not BI Query) to a PDF file?

    There is very simple way of exporting the data to PDF. Follow the steps -
    1. Download PDF convertor on your machine.
    2. Create one button 'Convert to PDF' in your VC model.
    3. IN this button assign system command as 'Print'
    4. Save & Execute the model.
    After execution when you will click on this button, it will open normal print pop up window. Here you will find PDF convertor. Select this & Convert to PDF.

  • Export table data in a flat file without using FL

    I am looking for options where I can export table data into a flat file without using FL(File Layout) i.e., by using App Engine only.
    Please share your experience if you did anything as this

    A simple way to export any record (table/view) to an csv fiel, is to create a rowset and loop through all record fields, like below example code
    Local Rowset &RS;
    Local Record &Rec;
    Local File &MYFILE;
    Local string &FileName, &strRecName, &Line, &Seperator, &Value;
    Local number &numRow, &numField;
    &FileName = "c:\temp\test.csv";
    &strRecName = "PSOPRDEFN";
    &Seperator = ";";
    &RS = CreateRowset(@("Record." | &strRecName));
    &MYFILE = GetFile(&FileName, "W", %FilePath_Absolute);
    If &MYFILE.IsOpen Then
       For &numRow = 1 To &RS.ActiveRowCount
          &Rec = &RS(&numRow).GetRecord(@("RECORD." | &strRecName));
          For &numField = 1 To &Rec.FieldCount
             &Value = String(&Rec.GetField(&numField).Value);
             If &numField = 1 Then
                &Line = &Value;
                &Line = &Line | &Seperator | &Value;
    &MYFILE.Close(); You can of course create an application class for generic calling this piece of code.
    Hope it helps.
    Do not come complaining to me on performance issues ;)

  • Exporting table data to a CSV file

    hello everyone,
    i need help on exporting table data to a CSV file.
    I have a div element containing the table which displays some data.
    there is a "Export" button just above the table, which if clicked, will export the current data in the table to a .csv file.
    can this be done in jsp? or i need to use servlet?
    also how can i submit the table data only? (as my webpage contiain other data also)
    can anyone provide with some sort of sample code?
    thanks in advance!!

    i just forgot..
    when the user will click on the export button, i want to greet him with a "Save As"
    popup, so that he can specify the filename and location to save the file.

  • No Data in PDF file in FTP server

    Hi All,
    I am trying to place a PDF file in FTP server.
    CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF to convert spool to PDF
    FTP_R3_TO_SERVER to transfer data to FTP.
    I am able to see PDF file in FTP and no of pages matches with that of R/3 but there is no data in PDF file.

    To get pdf file , you need to set the itcpo-tdgetotf = 'X' and need to pass in the exporting parameter (options in open_form  function module ).Then in close_form function module take all the data of otfdata table into an internal table . Then use SX_OBJECT_CONVERT_OTF_PDF function module to convert it to pdf.
    I will show with an  example.
    tables itcpo.
    DATA: ch_otf  TYPE  STANDARD  TABLE OF  itcoo.
    DATA: w_otf TYPE itcoo.
    DATA: w_pdf TYPE solisti1. "For PDF
    DATA: i_content_txt TYPE soli_tab.   
    DATA: temp1 TYPE sx_format VALUE 'OTF',
            temp2 TYPE sx_format VALUE 'PDF'.
      DATA: c_printer TYPE sx_devtype VALUE 'PRINTER'.
      DATA: w_transfer_bin TYPE sx_boolean. "Content
      DATA: i_content_bin TYPE solix_tab, "Content
            wa_content_bin TYPE solix,
            i_objhead TYPE soli_tab.
    itcpo-tdnoprint  = 'X'.
      itcpo-tdpreview = 'X'.
      itcpo-tdgetotf = 'X'.
    These three parameters need to be passed along with other required parameters
           EXPORTING form = xformular
                     language = ekko-spras
                     OPTIONS = itcpo
                     archive_index  = toa_dara
                     archive_params = arc_params
                     device = xdevice
                     dialog = xdialog
                     mail_sender        = sender
                     mail_recipient     = recipient
           EXCEPTIONS canceled = 01.
          RESULT  = RESULT
          otfdata = ch_otf.
    LOOP AT ch_otf INTO w_otf.
        CONCATENATE w_otf-tdprintcom w_otf-tdprintpar
        INTO w_pdf.
        APPEND w_pdf TO i_content_txt.
    converting otf file to pdf file
          format_src      = temp1        "'OTF'
          format_dst      = temp2        "'PDF'
          devtype         = c_printer
          transfer_bin    = w_transfer_bin
          content_txt     = i_content_txt
          content_bin     = i_content_bin
          objhead         = i_objhead
          len             = v_len_in
          err_conv_failed = 1
          OTHERS          = 2.
    Then open dataset and transfer to ftp of the content of table content_bin(i_content_bin) as shown in above example.
    I think this will be helpful for you

  • No link after exporting Crystal report as pdf file

              If my Crystal Report contain link to the .avi file saved on the local hard disk and if I export the Report as .pdf file, pdf file does not contain that link. Why?
    The overall scenario is like-
    My application fires a query on SQL Server database and result of that query is stored in a Dataset. This dataset is set as a datasource to the Crystal report.  Now some, records (returned by the query) have .avi files(i.e. Event Videos which are stored on the local hard disk) associated with them. I have stored these .avi files in a specific path on local Hard disk say "C:/EventVideos/*.avi" .   I used a special format in these avi files name. (like - "EventVideo_1.avi" (This is for 1st event), "EventVideo_5.avi" (This is for 5th event)etc. to identify which avi is for which event. All events do not have avi files associated with them)
          Now, I take one object in crystal report. Using it's Format editor created a formula for hyperlink as -
          "file:///c:/EventVideos/EventVideo_" + {DataTable1.EventID} + ".avi" .
    EventID is the field of dataset which has ID's (like 0, 1, 2,  3, 4 etc) of all resulted events. It is of a String data type.
         Now when I export, my report as .xls, .rtf, .doc, I can open the avi files. When I bring cursor on this object, cursor get change to Hand and after click on it avi file start to play.
         But if I export it as .pdf, it does not contain the link for avi files. When I bring cursor on this object, it does not change to Hand, and after click on it nothing happens. No video play.
    I stick to this problem.
    Appreciate your help.
    Thanks in advance.

    Taken from CR Help File:
    "PDF format is a page-based format. The exported documents are intended for printing and redistribution. PDF format will export both layout and formatting in a manner that is consistent with how the report looks on the Preview tab. PDF format embeds the TrueType fonts that appear in the document. (Non-TrueType fonts are not supported.) This export format does not support Microsoft font-linking technologyu2014which is used to provide support for some extended character sets such as Chinese HKCS. Therefore, the fonts used in the report must contain all of the required glyphs. These URI types are supported for hyperlinks: "http:", "https:" and "mailto:".
    Therefore your hyperlink is not working as u are using File type when cr only supports http https and mailto uri types

  • How to download internal table data to .xlsx file ?

    Hello All,
    I am using SAP ECC 6.0. I need to download internal table data to .xlsx file.
    I tried GUI_DOWNLOAD, all the data are getting transferred to the .xlsx file, but while opening I am getting the below error.
    Excel cannot open the file "download.xlsx" because file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.
    Though Microsoft office 2007 is installed in my system.
    Please help <removed by moderator>.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Oct 24, 2011 10:55 AM

    Please find the below code to download data into excel file.
      DATA: ld_filename TYPE string,
            ld_path TYPE string,
            ld_fullpath TYPE string,
            ld_result TYPE i.
    Display save dialog window
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog
         window_title      = ' '
          default_file_name = 'accountsdata'
          INITIAL_DIRECTORY = 'c:\temp\'
          filename          = ld_filename
          path              = ld_path
          fullpath          = ld_fullpath
          user_action       = ld_result.
    Check user did not cancel request
      CHECK ld_result EQ '0'.
            filename         = ld_fullpath
            filetype         = 'ASC'
          APPEND           = 'X'
            write_field_separator = 'X'
            data_tab         = it_datatab[]     "need to declare and populate
            file_open_error  = 1
            file_write_error = 2
            OTHERS           = 3.
    Thanks and Regards

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