Export to Web

My end goal is to export my 6 minute "music video" into a format that will be most easily usable on the web. I know MPEG-4 is usually the preferred format, but I don't know much about how much quality I can get away with and still have it run reasonably fast, etc. Could someone please walk me through the process of the best way to export a clip to the web?

It looks like you are still using Panther as a system... So QT7 and h.264 will be out of the question.
I've also gotten great results with Sorenson3's codec. It's built into QT6 so you'll be able to use it.
Try going to:
http://www.proapptips.com and registering. Then go to the downloads area and pick up some of the Compressor droplets. Make sure you get the ones for Compressor 1.
I also assume you are using FCP4?? So Compressor v1??
I'm not at my FCP computer for a few more days, but I'd mess around with Sorenson3... use your in/out on the sequence for about 20 seconds. File/Export/QTConversion and make a few exports with different settings.
Look for size and quality for the #of megs you get.
Sorenson will work on any computer with QT on it... pc or mac. QT7 and h264 will ONLY work with QT7 machines and those are still few.
Good luck,

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    Uhh, the system requirements for Photoshop CC state you need 2 GB RAM, 8 GB recommended. This is likely your problem.

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    Try adding:
    Effect >> Path >> Outline Object
    So  your type will still be editable
    If that does not work you may want to:
    Type: Create Outline
    I only had this problem once before, on some snickerdoodle cookies package, and that was a script font. Might be related to the font you use.

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    Message was edited by:

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    Thanks, good stuff, though I'm still having a small problem with this. I'm getting a gray line around the top and left of my movie and the right side of the player is getting cut off. When I try to make the width larger, it just moves the gray line further to the left.
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    style="width:720px; height:505px";
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
    <title>QuickTime Pro - Export for Web - KANYE PT 1</title>
    <script src="http://www.apple.com/library/quicktime/scripts/ac_quicktime.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="http://www.apple.com/library/quicktime/scripts/qtp_library.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="http://www.apple.com/library/quicktime/stylesheets/qtp_library.css" rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" />
    <body><script type="text/javascript"><!--
    QTWritePosterXHTML('Click to Play', 'KANYE%20PT%201-poster.jpg',
    '720', '496', '',
    'controller', 'true',
    'autoplay', 'true',
    'bgcolor', 'black',
    'scale', 'aspect');

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    Allow me a shameless plug as well: http://www.scottsimmons.tv/
    If you look at any clips on my site and save them as a quicktime movie, then open them an playback in Quicktime player, you can hit command + i and see the movie info where you can see exact specs on each clip. That can give you an idea of quality and file size. It's really an imperfect science.
    G5 dual 2.7   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

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    Here are several examples:
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    Posted yesterday on my server:http://vista.adventureadv.com/jackall/cherry-proof1/index.html
    Posted yesterday on my remote server (hosted by 1&1): http://www.adventureadv.com/cherry-proof1/index.html
    In case you think I screwed up the original exported HTML file: http://vista.adventureadv.com/jackall/cherry-proof1/readme-cherry.html
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    Best regards,
    Petr Götz

    Hello Victor,
    This is the webcast which states XML as a possible export format. It even states that XML export was already available in 4.0SP5, which is clearly not true:
    What is new with Web Intelligence BI 4.1 – Part 1, Developer Support ASUG Webcast
    See Figure 3.
    Export to XML would be highly appreciated for our project, since we will need to export the report structures and then import them to a custom-coded application.
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    Best regards,

  • Export  To Web Not Working

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    My goal is to embed the QT File and Player so that anyone who opens the file will be using the QT video player.
    Question: Should the READ ME preview work without any modifications if all files are loaded in the same directory?
    Question 2: How could my H246 16MB file become 248 kb MOV file?
    Any help?

    Check this.
    In the ReadMe file a JavaScript in the <head> of the file has a uppercase L
    In the sample code on the page it is with a lowercase l.
    The file with the uppercase L cannot be found. The file is used to display the video HTML code.
    Change the l and see if it works.

  • Export for web

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    Web galleries created by LR use more storage than those created by PS because (at least some) LR galleries have three images plus a thumbnail for each image file compared to only one image plus a thumbnail in PS. The three images are of different size; this may be how LR galleries match the displayed image size to the user's browser window on the fly, a neat trick.
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    Mac users are the ones who choose to use an OS which creates this type of compatibility issue.  Honestly, I'd just create an AVI and let them solve the problem. 
    Your clients must really appreciate you as a great "solution providor" Jim!

  • Export To Web feature not fully working under windows browsers

    I have a real problem and I can't figure it out for the life of me. I have a .mov file. I used QuickTime Pro to "Export To Web", and selected desktop. It then gives me a nice, neat folder with all the files I need to upload to the web.
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    If I refresh the page, the movie will play again.
    Why could this be happening? I have all the code included within the HEAD tags as well as the QuickTime movie code that is created during the export. I don't know why it works under Mac but in Windows it gives problems.
    Here is the link if anyone can look and see what the problem may be:
    The video is for my boss, and a couple people (who mostly use windows) have been complaining of the error. I was oblivious to it, as I never had the error using my Mac.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    Hi Kyn- Yes, I got that same controller bar in the middle as well. Very strange. To answer your questions, for my Mac, I have "save movies in cache" checked, and 100MB cache. I don't know the settings for my Windows QuickTime.
    I think I'm just going to end up using the export "Movie To QuickTime" and choose the "fast start" option. I've never had trouble with that for Windows. I will lose the nice "Click to Play" poster screen before the movie starts, but I can live with that.
    I'll mess around with this a bit more and try different settings, but I'm gonna put up a new one using the "regular" "object", "embed" method code, and just use .mov. For the main poster, I can always insert an image at the front of the movie.
    Thanks for your reply.

  • CS5 Export to web images not anti-aliased

    Never saw this in CS3. Don't see a preference in export to web to turn on anti alias. Any export to web out of AI has bitmapped edges.
    I have to export to Photoshop first.
    What am I missing?

    sonofmrsnak wrote:
    I have to export to Photoshop first.
    Are you saying you have a need to use Photoshop or that, because of the lack of anti-aliasing, you are forced to go through Photoshop? If the former, then just open the Illustrator file in Photoshop. If the latter, then look at his in Illustrator’s Save for Web window…
    Note: This is in Illustrator CS5. I think it’s just an Antialias check box in earlier versions.

  • Quicktime Export for web

    i have exported a video for web using quicktime and when i try to upload it, i wont play... i have the video uploaded (the actual .mov) but i dont upload another file that is exported (the .m4v) because is like 200MB and the .mov is only 4KB. how can i make the player on the web, play the .mov file instead of the .m4v? hope u understand... Thanks in advance.

    How to make it smaller in file size than your original 5.5 GB file?
    You just did when you used the "Export for Web" feature and it was reduced to 200 MB's in file size.
    200 MB's is still much too large for Web use as your viewers will not wait for your file to download.
    Break up your 25 minute "masterpiece" into 5 minute "chunks" or compress it further by using:
    Export > Movie to QuickTime Movie
    Reduce the data rate, file dimensions and choose H.264 video codec and AAC audio. Forget "stereo" to reduce that part of the file. Reduce dimensions to reduce the video part of the file size. Cut the "frame rate" by 50% to make even a smaller file size. Your Web viewers will probably not notice.
    Do some tests with a one minute sample file to learn what works best for your file. Compare the new exports (side by side) by using the "Play All Movies" feature of QuickTime Pro.
    After a few sample exports you'll quickly see which data rate, frame rate and video compression codec works best for your file.

Maybe you are looking for