Exporting pages

when I export a page in layout as a pdf doc. an apostrophe does not translate if it's in italics. It is probably a coding fault that can only be fixed by software update! Is this correct?
If I export, say newsletter, as a word doc. graphics originally in pdf or png may not translate properly.
What is best strategy? I am not familiar with RTF. Can word on windows open it?

RTF is basically useless as export format, except for pure text files.
Pages does not export pictures or tables to RTF files. It pretends to export documents with pictures to RTF, but the resulting file is the ridiculously incompatible RTFD format, that no Windows program I know of can open.
The problem with the apostrophe is new to me, and there should be a way around it.
Do all apostrophes disappear? Which font are you using? What kind of formatting?

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    Thank you again.

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