Expression , REC constraints

I am trying use REC function to create new record.
Following part of  logic  I have issue...
But after the second dimension in expression for the 3rd dimension onwards the message starts coming that 'Invalid Dimension' while executing pacakge.
Is there any number of dimension we can express in a single 'EXPRESSION' statement. Appreciate inputs


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    claim no: claimant: subclaim:
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    1002 abc 1 
    1002 abe 0 
    1004 0
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    You need to have a package with below work flow
    1. ForEachLoop container with file enumerator to loop through files
     Have variable inside loop to get the filename during each iteration. Create another variable called emailaddress, set EvaluateAsExpression property to true and set expression as
    REPLACE(@[User::FileName],".xls","") + (DT_STR,20,1252) ""
    2. Add tasks for validating data. Capture details of error on a string variable @[User::Error]
    3. link a sent mail task to previous task and choose expression and constraint option. Set Constraint as On Completion and Expression as LEN(@Error) > 0
    Inside Sent mail task set expression for ToLine and MessageSource properties to map to variables @[User::EmailAddress] and @{User::Error] respectively to sent notifications
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    Inside foreach loop add a script task to check if file exists in destination folder. if exists set a boolean flag variable to True. Then link it to file system task you've using a conditional precedence constraint (Expression And Constraint). Set constraint
    as OnSuccess and expression as below
    @FlagVariable == False
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  • XML to Flat File design issue

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    Hope my question makes sense and let me know if you need more clarification.
    Thanks in advance.

    As I understand what you're asking for is a way to create conditional branches to do different typeof processing for each subset of data. For this you can do like below 
    1. Add set of tasks to additional processing for each type of flat file and link them to Execute sql task.
    2. Make the precedence constraint option as Expression And Constraint for each of them. Make constraint as OnSuccess and expression based on your condition. You may need to create SSIS variables to capture value of fields to be used in expression manipulation.
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    Column0 Column1 Column2
    abcd efgh LINESTRING (-71.4555487 41.6079686, -71.4550113 41.6088851)
    ijkl mnop LINESTRING (-70.0748669 48.6634506, -70.0499 48.6548479)
    qrst uvwx LINESTRING (-70.3159285 48.4199802, -70.3168512 48.4187551)

    FOr that what you can do is dump the records to staging table and use STisValid function
    finally take the count of failed ones and if cnt > 0 set boolean value as true/false. Then for true cases move data to final table and for false cases (invalid values), move it to error folder
    So package will look like below
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    2. execute sql task to call a procedure which does validation on staging data and returns a bit result. Set it to SSIS variable using output variable from procedure
    3. Connect to data flow task to do transfer from staging to destination. the precedence constraint option would be Expression And Constraint with expression as 
    @BooleanVariable == True
    and constraint as OnSuccess
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    and constraint as OnSuccess
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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         id = "distributorList"
         width = "100%"
         height = "100%"
                                           selected = "{outerDocument.isSelected(data)}"
                               change = "{outerDocument.handleSelectedChange(event)}"/>
                        <mx:Label text="{}"/>
    public function isSelected(item:Object):Boolean
         var partner:Partner = item as Partner;
         var selected:Boolean = false;
         for each(var schedPartner:Partner in
              if( ==
                   selected = true;
         return selected;
    public function handleSelectedChange(event:Event):void
         var partner:Partner = as Partner;
              } else {

    Hi Aakcse,
    In this condition, you need to make use of both the Precedence Constraint between Control Flow Tasks and the Conditional Split Transformation. Supposing you get the value in the flat file and store it in a variable via Script Task, you can create two Data
    Flow Tasks, and connect the Script Task to the two DFTs.
    For the Precedence Constraint between the Script Task and the Data Flow Task 1, set the “Expression and Constraint” expression to @[User::vEntryStatus]=="Y". And for the Precedence Constraint between the Script Task and the Data Flow Task 2, set the “Expression
    and Constraint” expression to @[User::vEntryStatus]=="N".
    In Data Flow Task 1, add a Conditional Split Transformation with this expression [Entry]==”YES”, and direct this output to the destination component. In Data Flow Task 2, also add a Conditional Split Transformation with expression [Entry]==”NO”, and direct
    the output to the destination component.
    Mike Yin
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Xml source Reading

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    check if file size is empty before you go ahead with data flow task. You can do it inside script task by using 
    IIF(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(<filename>).Length > 0,true,false)
    Set a  boolean variable inside SSIS from above value and use it in precedence constraint following it to check whether you need to execute data flow task with XML Source.
    Set precedence constraint option as Expression and Constraint and Set Expression as
    @BooleanVar == false
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Move dynamic file task in SSIS

    I want to copy the dynamic files end of every month from one location to another.
    File format : \\test\data\<databasename>_<backup>_<year>_<month>_<day>_<system generated number>_<system_generated_number>.bak
    I went through many articles to use file system task to move files. There are daily backup which are already present in the same location. I don't want to copy those files in the same location. I want to copy only EOM file created in the previous month 
    dated as "_2014_04_30_".
    Any help here would be highly appreciated.

    1. Create a variable to store the end of month date value first in format you want
    2. Add an execute sql task to populate variable . Set resultSet as SingleRow, query as below
    SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(11),DATEADD(MM,DATEDIFF(MM,0,GETDATE()),-1),102),'.','_') AS MonthEnd
    and map MonthENd value to your variable created above
    3. Have a ForEachLoop with file enumerator pointing to your directory with backup files. Inside loop define a string variable to get filename for each iteration
    4.Create a boolean variable (say FileMove)  with default value False
    4. Inside loop add a script task and pass the date valued variable and filename variable to it in ReadOnly mode and FileMove variable in ReadWrite mode . Inside script write logic to check for date pattern within filename and set FileMove variable value
    the code will look like below
    Dts.Variables("FileMove").Value = IIF(InStr(Dts.Variables("FileName").Value,Dts.Variables("DateVariable").Value)>0,True,False)
    Then join the script task to your File System Task, set precedence constraint option as Expression And Constraint. Set Constraint as OnSuccess and Expression as below
    @FileMove == True
    Refer this also where I've used similar logic
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • The type of the value (DBNull) being assigned to variable "User::AlereCoachingEnrolledID" differs from the current variable type (Int32)

    This occurred within an Execute SQL Task
    I am trying to get my entire result set with the following SQL...
    SELECT [Alere_Coaching_Enrolled].[AlereCoachingEnrolledID]
    FROM [dbo].[Alere_Coaching_Enrolled]
    WHERE ([Alere_Coaching_Enrolled].[MatchMember] IS NULL
    OR [Alere_Coaching_Enrolled].[MatchMember] = 0)
    AND ([Alere_Coaching_Enrolled].[Processed] IS NULL
    OR [Alere_Coaching_Enrolled].[Processed] = 0)
    SELECT [Alere_Coaching_Enrolled].[AlereCoachingEnrolledID]
    FROM [dbo].[Alere_Coaching_Enrolled]
    WHERE ([Alere_Coaching_Enrolled].[MatchMember] IS NULL
    OR [Alere_Coaching_Enrolled].[MatchMember] = 0)
    AND ([Alere_Coaching_Enrolled].[Processed] IS NULL
    OR [Alere_Coaching_Enrolled].[Processed] = 0)
    SELECT 0 AS [AlereCoachingEnrolledID]
    I want to handle using a Sequence Container and an Expression and Constraint if I have rows to process and if I do not...thus the 0 portion of the SQL...
    Thanks for your review and am hopeful for a reply.

    Hi ITBobbyP,
    As per my understanding, you created Execute SQL Task with the query and created a variable of int32, then set ResultSet to Full result set. When you run the package, you got the error message.
    I reproduced the issue in my local machine, since the query can return a result set, you set type of variable to int32, so the error occurred. A Full result set must map to a variable of the Object data type. The return result is a rowset object. We can
    use a Foreach Loop container to extract the table row values that are stored in the Object variable into package variables, and then use a Script Task to write the data stored in packages variables to a file.
    For more information, please refer to Populating a variable with a result set section in the document:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
    Wendy Fu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Send Email using Execute SQL Task??????

    I need to send the bad records in the data flow.  I am attempting to do this using Execute SQL Tasks.  Please give me steps I need to accomplish this.  I have not set any variables up yet, assuming I need too.

    Just add a Send mail Task (or Script Task if using gmail etc which requires authentication) and pass the file as an attachment. Make sure you've a step (Script Task) to check if file length > 0 (ie file has records) before you link it to Send mail Task
    ie use a conditional precedence constraint (Expression And Constraint option)
    See these links for more details
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  • Conditon in control flow that needs sequencing

    Is there a way to make two Analysis Services DDL tasks, that can potentially run in parallel in a control flow (according to a condition) to run sequentially via configuration ?

    just create  a variable of type boolean in ssis. set default value as False. then in control flow have three tasks, one execute sql task and your two analysis services DDL tasks
    Give a dummy statement inside execute sql task like say SELECt 1 after defining a db connecton. link the execute sql task to one of analysis services ddl tasks ( say ddl1). Change precedence constraint option as Expression and Constraint, set constraint
    to OnSuccess and Expression to
    @Variable == False
    add the other analysis services ddl task (dd2) and dont connect anything to it. take the output from it and connect to dd1 and give precedence constraint option as Expression and Constraint, set constraint to OnSuccess and Expression to below
    @Variable == True
    Also set Multiple constraints option as Logical OR for ddl1
    This will make sure when variable is true ddl2 executes first followed by dd1 and when variable is 1 they execute parallely
    You can change variable value through configuration (XML file/SQL table value)
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Dynamic tuple expression in *REC statement

    Hi there,
    I think I know the answer to this already, but here goes...
    I need to use a tuple expression in a *REC statement (in place of the old-fashioned GET) but I want it to be dynamic, so at least one of the tuple members changes at runtime.
    To use the basic example from SAP Help, but amended slightly, let's say this is the standard expression:
    *XDIM_MEMBERSET P_ACCT = CE0004010,CE0652000
    *IS "CE0004010"
    *REC(EXPRESSION=%VALUE%/([P_ACCT].[CE0652000],[P_ACTIVITY].[LABPRD],[P_ENTITY].[E123]), P_ACCT="CE0661000")
    *ENDWHENBut what if the P_ENTITY member should be dynamic, depending on the ENTITY member the user selects in the DM package? What I WANT to do is something like this:
    *XDIM_MEMBERSET P_ACCT = CE0004010,CE0652000
    *IS "CE0004010"
    ...but it doesn't work. Is this even possible? And if so, what am I doing wrong?
    Thanks very much,
    PS. I'm already using a lookup to pull out a tax% in the same script, so I can't use it for this as well...

    Some theory:
    You have some scope at the script start (defined by user selection in DM prompt)
    For each dimension you have variable %SOMEDIM_SET% containing initial script scope. If you change scope of some dimension using *XDIM_MEMBERSET SOMEDIM=MEM1,... you can always later restore original scope with *XDIM_MEMBERSET SOMEDIM=%SOMEDIM_SET%
    WHEN/ENDWHEN will loop records with base members of the scope before WHEN. %VALUE% is a current record value.
    You can use tuple references to other members in EXPRESSION=... Dimensions not defined in tuple will have the same base member as current record. In tuple you can also use parent members.
    You can use LOOKUP as a replacement of FLD to get member from the property of the member in current record. LOOKUP can get data from current model or other model.

  • Use property value in *REC EXPRESSION statement

    How can I use the value of a property in a *REC EXPRESSION statement.
    Assuming I have a property PRIORYEAR in my TIME dimension that indicates the same period in the previous year
    Example: ID: 2009.JAN, PRIORYEAR=2008.JAN
    I want to fetch the value from the PRIORYEAR with something like:
    But it won't work. I tried few other options such as
    to no avail.
    Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Regis,
    Just checking, have you tried using 'TMVL' function in your script logic. Please check the for the usgae and some examples.
    We could use TMVL in all the following places.
    - in a 'WHEN' statment
    - in an REC expression
    - and also in a scoping statement.
    We had some issues validating the script logic with TMVL in SP04 and teh same have been resolved in SP05. You might have to write the logic and validate the logic if your BPC version has any SP related issues.
    *IS TMVL(-1, 2010.DEC)
    *REC(FACTOR=1, TIME=201.DEC)
    we could also use TMVL with a data manager prompt value such %TIME_SET%.

  • Logic Rec Expression

    We are in BPC 7.5NW.
    I have to refer 2 accounts and make a calculation and passon the value to 3 rd account in the same applicaiton.
    I have written a logic as follows:
    *IS ECC
    //ACCT1/ACCT2 = ACCT3 (Value)(
    After execution of package checked the result and noticed than the amount posted to ACCT3 is far higher than expected value by customer .
    Is the any thing wrong in the REC/EXPRESSION statement.
    Is there any better way to write the logic for the given scenario?
    Appreciate/welcome inputs
    Edited by: BPC Lover on Sep 28, 2011 8:39 PM

    If you want to have formula like Account 1= Account2/Account3
    Then the code will be:
    *IS ECC
    The code will select only records with ACCOUNT=ACCT3 and for each record will divide the value in [ACCOUNT].[ACCT2] by the value in the current record (with ACCOUNT=ACCT3) and will store the result in [ACCOUNT].[ACCT1]

Maybe you are looking for

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