Extend desk top past the screens border

My graphics card has a higher resolution them my screen.
Is there a way to extend the information past the border of my screen, and use the full resolution of the graphics card?

Hi Seema,
Can you please elaborate on your issue with some screenshots?

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    -> Tap '''ALT''' key or press '''F10''' to show the Menu Bar
    -> go to View Menu -> Toolbars -> select/unselect '''Taps on Top'''
    Check and tell if its working.

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    The menu toolbar is hidden at default in Vista. You can use F11 to show it temporarily. Please also read this article:

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    # Shockwave Flash 10.1 r82
    # Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_14 for Mozilla browsers
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    I found an answer to this on another page (I was having the same problem) This worked for me:
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    Swipe the app up to close it.
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    # Uncheck it as given in the screenshot.
    <img src=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7456129/Firefox/advancedgeneraltab.jpg width=600px height=600px>
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        Gene1234, updates can be fun and interesting, but some new things can be confusing as well. Does the bar say Google? If so, that would be a Google search bar. If not, is this bar on the screen at all times? Is it at the very top by the notification panel? If you're referring to an icon after you pull down the notification panel, this could be the Settings icon. What happens when you tap the bar?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    Last edited by thecarrotstick (2013-06-27 22:57:33)

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