External Drive Use

I'm sure this has been addressed, but I haven't found it: I apologize in advance for that.
I've recently started using FCP X. My iMac has a 1 Tb drive. After a month of working in FCP I had used 500 Gb of space and needed to get the videos - especially the project render files - off of my main drive onto an external drive. Copying them onto a drive is no problem. Getting Final Cut to work with the external drive is another question.
How do I get FCP to work with my external drive instead of my main drive?
Thanks for all of the help!

may be this information could be helpful
The drive you use for events and projects must be formatted either ‘Mac OS Extended’, or ‘Mac OS Extended (journaled)’. You can modify the formatting of your disc through the Disk Utility application (included on all Macs).
Your drive should be Firewire (not USB).
You cannot have the same projects and/or events on two mounted drives.  If so, FCP X will ignore one drive.
Projects/events must reside in the root of the drive (not within another folder).
i founded this article from http://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/fcpx-bug-best-practices-for-using-external-hard- drives-and-final-cut-pro-x/

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    You're welcome anytime.
    Microsoft doesn't make it easy sometimes
    As for the harddisk it surely is possible.
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    Bad idea, thats putting everything in once place. Worst premise for data protection
    Methodology to protect your data. Backups vs. Archives. Long-term data protection
    Everything is about 1. redundancy, 2. redundancy and 3. multiple storage platforms (DVD, multiple HD, online server archives ala a personal website etc.)
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    A: redundancy (copies) of data archives.
    B: redundancy of data on different platforms (optical, online, magneto-optical, HD).
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    Data Backup
    Deja Vu
    Synk Pro
    Others may be found at VersionTracker or MacUpdate.
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on backup and restore.  Also read How to Back Up and Restore Your Files.
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    You cannot re-size the existing partitions in such a way that you can take the space from a shrunken partition and add it to another partition. Disk Utility cannot do that. If you have an existing partition that lives above another partition, then you can delete the lower partition in order to expand the upper partition into the freed up space. This concept applies to any additional partitions that are below another partition. Disk Utility can do this. You can resize down, but not up, except when creating new partitions. You would need third-party software such as iPartition 3.4.3 to accomplish that feat.

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    here is an example of mounting a network drive if you have to go across the network and actually have the external drive mounted, as opposed to just copying to/from (which would probably be the case coz' things like "scp" are going to ask you for a password):
    mount -t smb server.work.com:/vol/vol0/Projects /Projects
    -t is keyword for type of of filesystem and smb is the actual type.
    server.work.com:/vol/vol0/Projects is path to actual directory on external networked drive. The trailing "/Projects" is the mount point and name on your computer.
    Visit the "man" pages for mount in Terminal for more info, at prompt, type
    man mount
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    Both drives are LaCie.
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    MPEG-2 is not a function of QT pro export. Please give us full details. What software are you using exactly? What OS? What version of QT? Are you using a old version of these applications? Do you have an old version of DVD Studio Pro?

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