External hard-drive (NAS) treated as an internet connection

- Windows 7
- Office 2010
When opening an excel file from my NAS drive, I get the message "this file originated from an internet location and might be unsafe" with the option to click on "enable editing"
What I have done so far:
- Enabled "allow trusted locations on my network"
- Added the location of the NAS drive. (example:   \\XX-222X22\)
-- Enabled "subfolders of this location also trusted"
But the problem remains. 
When unboxing "enable protected view for files from the internet" the problem is resolved.
But off course I want actual files from the internet to be intercepted. So unchecking this box is not really an option.
- The issue occurs with all excel files from the network hard drive (NAS drive)
- It has the problem with all excel files. (.xlsx and .xls)
- I have another computer on the network, running on windows vista, and the same version of excel.
This computer does not have any problems with any of the excel files.
And I never had to assign a trusted drive, or un-check the "enable protected view for files from the internet"
The question is why the external hard-drive (NAS) is treated as an internet connection.
And how to fix this.
All help is much appreciated.

Have you tried to add the NAS drive path in Local intranet through IE, see if it solve your problem, thank you.

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    If the Apple Store couldn't get files off of the drive, it is unlikely that you will be able to. If you have backups, those would be the best way to go. You could also try booting up the computer and holding down T to boot into Target Disk Mode. Plug the broken computer into another one with FireWire and see if it works to recover data from external hard drive. If you can see it, try booting up the broken computer while holding down Option. Choose Recovery HD from the menu, then choose to Reinstall OS X.
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    The hard drive won't show up in finder or disk utility, however i can see it in airport utility.
    You would not expect it to show up in disk utility .. it does not work on network drives.
    Finder may or may not be able to see it.
    If the airport utility is showing the drive you have some possibility.
    Did you GUID partition the drive .. or is it still MBR.. ie if it was originally formatted for PC it will be MBR and won't work.. so put it on the Mac again and change the GUID partition.. I would also set a smaller partition size.. the internal drive of the TC is partitioned though you cannot see them.. put a first partition less than 1TB and see how it goes.
    In finder.. don't forget ML has issues with network drive.. make sure you tick all the extras in finder preferences.. and if the drive won't mount try to do it manually.. go .. connect to server.
    AFP://TCname or TCIPaddress.. where you use the actual name or IP.
    Also is the power supply for the hub at least 2A preferably more.. so the hub is powered but the disk is not powered??

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    Thanks in advance,

    I've read the help guide but once this stage completes, having read the next few steps, I'm lost.
    And those few steps were?  Care to share?
    Lacie has great tech support.  Call them - http://www.lacie.com/support/faq/faq.htm?faqid=10338

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    I think, it may be best to just buy a big external HD. It will even be cheaper than the TC. You wont have to worry about bandwidth etc, going over Thunderbolt/Firewire, etc.

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    kneedragger101 wrote:
    Note this is an iTunes Library that was on a PC
    you might want to read these articles: one and two.
    why not move your media files using _*Home Sharing*_ ?

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    Open the Finder.
    From the Finder menu bar click Finder > Preferences then select the General tab.
    Make sure: External disks is selected.

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    Message was edited by: lisuhhx

    I am having this same problem all of a sudden. My external hd shows up in disk utility; however, it does not show up under devices or is it recognized any more by time machine. When I try and repair it, the repair fails and list a "invalid node structure" and "volume check failed". I disconnect the external hd's power source and firewire connection, reconnected, and this did nothing.
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    may I know your external HDD model, to check which USB version to isolate power and cable connection issue 
    if this is USB 3.0 try to attached at USB 3.0 at your laptop, your laptop has 2 USB 3.0 and 1 for 2.0, for external HDD with USB 2.0 sometimes need more power / more than 1 connection, sometimes the power will loose
    but since the trigger it will disconnect if you nudge the HDD, I suggest back up data to your laptop first, try to change with other data or power cable, try also update your laptop chipset
    try to check with other device to isolate port issue
    may I know if you are using other PC, did your external HDD also will disconnect if you nudge it?
    contact your external HDD manufactured to get some suggestion   

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