Extract First letter from each word

Hi All,
I have a requirement to extract first letter of each word as shown in below example
input: abcd output: a
input: abcd efgh output: ae
input: abcd efgh ijkl output: aejany help will be highly appreciated
I am on db version 11g

jeneesh wrote:
Just a note - This will not take care of spaces at the end of the line..You're right, and not just spaces but any non-word characters. Here is fixed solution:
with t as (
           select 'abcd ' str from dual union all
           select 'abcd efgh.' from dual union all
           select 'abcd efgh ijkl,' from dual union all
           select ' a abcd efgh ijkl! ' from dual
select  str,
        '[' || regexp_replace(str,'\W*(\w)(\w*)|(\W*$)','\1') || ']' initials
  from  t
STR                 INITIALS
abcd                [a]
abcd efgh.          [ae]
abcd efgh ijkl,     [aei]
a abcd efgh ijkl!  [aaei]
SQL> BTW, oldie_63's solution takes care of spaces but not:
with t as (
           select ' abcd' str from dual union all
           select '.abcd efgh' from dual union all
           select ',abcd efgh ijkl' from dual union all
           select '! a abcd efgh ijkl' from dual
select  str,
        '[' || trim(regexp_replace(str,'(\S)\S*\s*','\1')) || ']' initials
  from  t
STR                INITIALS
abcd              [a]
.abcd efgh         [.e]
,abcd efgh ijkl    [,ei]
! a abcd efgh ijkl [!aaei]
SQL> Also, OP needs to clarify what to do with hyphenated words:
SQL> with t as (
  2             select 'sugar-free' str from dual
  3            )
  4  select  str,
  5          '[' || regexp_replace(str,'\W*(\w)(\w*)|(\W*$)','\1') || ']' initials
  6    from  t
  7  /
sugar-free [sf]
SQL> with t as (
  2             select 'sugar-free' str from dual
  3            )
  4  select  str,
  5          '[' || trim(regexp_replace(str,'(\S)\S*\s*','\1')) || ']' initials
  6    from  t
  7  /
sugar-free [s]
SQL>Or words like:
SQL> with t as (
  2             select 'O''Reily' str from dual
  3            )
  4  select  str,
  5          '[' || regexp_replace(str,'\W*(\w)(\w*)|(\W*$)','\1') || ']' initials
  6    from  t
  7  /
O'Reily [OR]
SQL> with t as (
  2             select 'O''Reily' str from dual
  3            )
  4  select  str,
  5          '[' || regexp_replace(str,'\W*(\w)(\w*)|(\W*$)','\1') || ']' initials
  6    from  t
  7  /
O'Reily [OR]

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    data : begin of itab occurs 0,
             end of itab.
    data : v_sentence(1000).
    data : lv_firstchar.
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    AdamMarshall wrote:
    Nice to see so many 'helpful' responses.
    This casing is useful for example, on an Address field. It would be good if the OS had this option for developers.
    I'm pretty sure it does as I've certainly had apps that, in certain fields, do use title case.

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    import flash.net.URLLoader;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
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    var allWords:Array;
    var thisWord:String;
    var textContainer:MovieClip;
    var textFields:Array;
    var textStyle:TextFormat;
    var underline:MovieClip;
    var numCorrect:uint;
    var totalLetters:uint;
    //variables for creating games scoring limits
    var misses:uint;
    var missesToLose:uint;
    //buttons for new text versions
    artists_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, getArt);
    regular_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, regWords);
    function intializeGame():void
        loader = new URLLoader();
        allWords = new Array();
        textContainer = new MovieClip();
        textFields = new Array();
        textStyle = new TextFormat();
        guesses_txt.text = "";
        numCorrect = 0;
        misses = 0;
        missesToLose = 5;
        misses_txt.text = "0";
        missesToLose_txt.text = "/" + missesToLose;
        textStyle.font = "Andale Mono";
        textStyle.size = 48;
        textStyle.bold = true;
        textStyle.color = 0x5FC9D7;
        textContainer.y = 125;
        /*loader.load(new URLRequest("word_Game.txt"));
        loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, reg_textLoaded);*/
        guess_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, guess);
    //new loader events for different textGames
    function regWords(event:MouseEvent):void
        loader.load(new URLRequest("word_Game.txt"));
        loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, reg_textLoaded);
        loader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, art_textLoaded);
    function getArt(event:MouseEvent):void
        loader.load(new URLRequest("artists.txt"));
        loader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, reg_textLoaded);
        loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, art_textLoaded);
    function endGame(endMessage:String):void
        var winLose:MovieClip = new WinLose();
        winLose.x = stage.stageWidth / 2 - 60;
        winLose.y = stage.stageHeight / 2 - 70;
        winLose.end_txt.text = endMessage;
        winLose.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startOver);
    function startOver(event:MouseEvent):void
    function reg_textLoaded(event:Event):void
        var tempText:TextField;
        var stringOfWords:String = event.target.data;
        allWords = stringOfWords.split(",");
        thisWord = allWords[Math.floor(Math.random() * allWords.length)];
        totalLetters = thisWord.length;
        for (var i:uint; i < thisWord.length; i++)
            tempText = new TextField();
            tempText.defaultTextFormat = textStyle;
            tempText.name = ("textField" + i);
            tempText.text = "";
            tempText.selectable = false;
            tempText.width = 48;
            tempText.x = i * tempText.width;
            if (thisWord.charAt(i) != "")
                underline = new Underline();
                underline.x = tempText.x + tempText.width / 3;
                underline.y = tempText.y + tempText.height / 1.8 + 5;
        textContainer.x = stage.stageWidth / 2 - textContainer.width / 2;
    function art_textLoaded(event:Event):void
        var tempText:TextField;
        var stringOfWords:String = event.target.data;
        allWords = stringOfWords.split(",");
        thisWord = allWords[Math.floor(Math.random() * allWords.length)];
        totalLetters = thisWord.length;
        //var firstChar:String = thisWord.substring(0, 1);
        for (var i:uint; i < thisWord.length; i++)
            tempText = new TextField();
            tempText.defaultTextFormat = textStyle;
            tempText.name = ("textField" + i);
            tempText.text = "";
            tempText.selectable = false;
            tempText.width = 48;
            tempText.x = i * tempText.width;
            if (thisWord.charAt(i) != "")
                underline = new Underline();
                underline.x = tempText.x + tempText.width / 3;
                underline.y = tempText.y + tempText.height / 1.8 + 5;
        textContainer.x = stage.stageWidth / 2 - textContainer.width / 2;
    function guess(event:MouseEvent):void
        if (guess_txt.text != "")
            if (thisWord.indexOf(guess_txt.text) != -1)
                for (var i:uint = 0; i < textFields.length; i++)
                    if (thisWord.charAt(i) == guess_txt.text)
                        textFields[i].text = thisWord.charAt(i);
                        if (numCorrect >= totalLetters)
                            endGame("You Win");
            else if (guesses_txt.text == "")
                guesses_txt.appendText("," + guess_txt.text);
            misses_txt.text = String(misses);
            if (misses >= missesToLose)
                endGame("You Lose");
        guess_txt.text = "";

    After many hours of reading and trying out different strategies, I began to think that I was trying to do to much in one section.
    I created a new TextField (oneLtr) used the addChild(oneLtr) and using the charAt() method was able to isolate a uniquely different letter as a hint for each new word.
    I am now trying to work out the code so the x position moves dynamicaly with each new word.
    My hope was to have a leter sitting in the exact position but right now I'm learning a lot about text and arrays so that's ok.
    Any suggestions and help is always great
    function art_textLoaded(event:Event):void
        var tempText:TextField;
        var stringOfWords:String = event.target.data;
        allWords = stringOfWords.split(",");
        thisWord = allWords[Math.floor(Math.random() * allWords.length)];
        totalLetters = thisWord.length;
        //var firstChar:String = thisWord.substring(0, 1);
        oneLtr.text = thisWord.charAt(2);
        for (var i:uint; i < thisWord.length; i++)
            tempText = new TextField();
            tempText.defaultTextFormat = textStyle;
            tempText.name = ("textField" + i);
            tempText.text = "";
            tempText.selectable = false;
            tempText.width = 48;
            tempText.x = i * tempText.width;
            if (thisWord.charAt(i) != "")
                underline = new Underline();
                underline.x = tempText.x + tempText.width / 3;
                underline.y = tempText.y + tempText.height / 1.8 + 5;
        textContainer.x = stage.stageWidth / 2 - textContainer.width / 2;
        oneLtr.x = tempText.x - tempText.width / 3;

  • How to Capitalize the First Letter in Every Word in Mysql

    I have been trying to tidy up a massive database where visitors have been sloppy when entering text. The main thing I want to do is to Capitalize The First Letter In Every Word In Mysql.
    I have found the code below in PHP but it keeps finding an error on the WHILE line:
    <?php ini_set('display_errors', '1'); ?>
    <?php require_once('Connections/maison_connection.php'); ?>
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT column, id FROM table");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $id = $row["id"];
    $column2 = ucwords($row["column"]);
    $query2 = "UPDATE table SET column = '$column2′ WHERE id = '$id'";
    My table is called MailingList and the Column is called Name, so I have altered the script to this: but it still shows the same WHILE error:
    <?php ini_set('display_errors', '1'); ?>
    <?php require_once('Connections/maison_connection.php'); ?>
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT Name, id FROM MailingList");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $id = $row["id"];
    $Name2 = ucwords($row["Name"]);
    $query2 = "UPDATE MailingList SET Name = '$Name2′ WHERE id = '$id'";
    Any ideas??

    I got it to work this way in SQL: I am SURE there is an abbreviated way to do it, but at least it works
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," a"," A");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," b"," B");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," c"," C");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," d"," D");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," e"," E");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," f"," F");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," g"," G");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," h"," H");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," i"," I");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," j"," J");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," k"," K");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," l"," L");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," m"," M");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," n"," N");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," o"," O");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," p"," P");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," q"," Q");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," r"," R");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," s"," S");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," t"," T");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," u"," U");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," v"," V");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," w"," W");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," x"," X");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," y"," Y");
    UPDATE MailingList SET Name = replace(Name," z"," Z");

  • Styling first letter in each line differently [was: Dreamweaver cs4 question]

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    Ensuring compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations.
    Achieving and reviewing our set objectives and goals with continual improvements.
    Reducing environmental pollution by reducing, recycling and re-using by-products and waste.
    Training and communication to all our staff to participate and achieve environmental excellence.
    Having our environmental policy documented, implemented, maintained and made available to the public and interested third parties.
    Thank you in advance
    [Subject line edited for clarity by moderator]

    Your question went unanswered for nearly a day because of the meaningless subject line you used. Please take a moment to read How to get help quickly.
    There are a couple of ways to achieve what you want. The way I would do it is to make each line a separate paragraph, and wrap them in a div with an ID called "earth". The following CSS style rule will make the first letter of each paragraph 24px tall and green:
    #earth p:first-letter {
    This uses the first-letter pseudo-element and applies it to all paragraphs in the earth div.

  • First character in each word

    Hello All,
    I want to get the first character of each word:
    If I have "Statement To Be Parsed" so i want a query to return STBP.
    Your help please

    NB wrote:
    Hello Franck,
    One more thing i have the below case which is not covered
    "Test STMT Func/ Brg E.O.D Act ON LINE/ Ext" i want it to be TSF/BEAOL/E
    please your help againINITCAP conisders '.' to mark the end of a word, so INITCAP ('E.O.D.') returns 'E.O.D.' (all capital letters). If you want to ignore '.'s, so that you get 'Eod' (only 'E' capitalized) as a result, then use REPLACE (or some other string manipulation function) to get rid of the '.'s before calling INITCAP.
    REGEXP_REPLACE (str, '[^A-Z]') returns a copy of str with all characters except those indicated inside the square brackets removed. If you want other characters (such as '/') kept, then just add them to the list inside the square brackets, like this:
                     , '[^A-Z/]'
                     )     AS inits
    FROM    dual;Output:

  • FM to translate first letter of every word to upper case.

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement to change the first letter of every word in sentence to Upper case.For example if the sentence is 'fifty eight thousand' it has to be changed to 'Fifty Eight Thousand'.Is there any FM to acheive this? Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards

    it is useful for u :
    OR u can user below code:
    translate output_string to lower case.                 
      pos_max = strlen( output_string ) - 1.
      pos = 0.
      assign output_string+pos(1) to <poi>.
      assign input_string+pos(1)  to <hpoi>.
      <poi> = <hpoi>.
      assign input_string+pos(*) to <rest>.
      while <rest> ca separators.
        pos = pos + sy-fdpos + 1.
        if pos > pos_max. exit. endif.
        assign output_string+pos(1) to <poi>.
        assign input_string+pos(1)  to <hpoi>.
        <poi> = <hpoi>.
        assign input_string+pos(*) to <rest>.

  • Making the first letter of every word a capital

    hello CF oracles
    could you guys please advise me the best way to make the
    first letter in every word of a string a capital letter. (and make
    all the other letters lower case).
    eg. convert "the quick brown fox" into "The Quick Brown Fox"
    or convert "THE QUICK BROWN FOX" into "The Quick Brown Fox"
    I am taking form data and inserting it into my table, so i
    want to get it right as the data is inserted.
    i found a "UDF" on CFLIb.org that proports to do this, but i
    don't know how to set up a UDF, are there other ways or is this
    considered the best approach.
    thanks for any help you can give me

    found it, here's the top info, Titlecase is what you want for
    Rev 1.01
    cf_changecase is a simple custom tag to format case in given
    (c) 2001, Rizal Firmansyah, [email protected]
    Input var:
    * case (mandatory)
    possible inputs are
    - sentencecase: Sentence case (default)
    - titlecase: Title Case
    - lowercase: lowercase
    - uppercase: UPPER CASE
    "happysailingdude" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:e46tjv$e30$[email protected]..
    > hi Dan thanks very much. I have made an executive
    decision to do a bit of
    > a
    > hack for now as my site is only small so if a user
    enters something in the
    > wrong way i can quickly manually update it myself.
    > so now i have this which works 9 times out of ten if the
    user enters a one
    > word name eg "bill" or "fred" of "jane" then it works
    just fine
    > the only time it doesnt work is if the user's name is
    more than 1 word (or
    > is
    > hyphenated) eg "mary anne" or "anne-marie" hence the
    first cfif line - in
    > these
    > cases i can manually update
    > i put this here in case it is of use to anyone else
    > cheers
    > <cfif not (FORM.firstName contains " " or
    FORM.firstname contains "-")>
    > '#Left( UCase( "#FORM.firstName#" ), 1 )##Right( LCase(
    > "#FORM.firstName#" ), Len("#FORM.firstName#" ) - 1 )#'
    > <cfelse>
    > '#FORM.firstName#'
    > </cfif>

  • Apple wireless keyboard misses first letter in some words

    When I am typing, particularly in Word 2011, with my Apple Wireless Keyboard, it frequently does not type the first letter of a word.  I have searched and can find no resolution to this problem.  I have messed with Accessibility but that is all turned off.  The only other bluetooth device is my mouse.

    Thanks for this. It isn't the computer though, as it will happen very quickly. For example I can type in a web address, then look up to read the web page for 20 seconds or so, then if I type again it will miss the first key stroke.
    I am starting to get used to typing the first letter twice!
    I can see that it is a widely reported issue with Apple Macs, but I can't find a fix for Windows. I am keen not to have to buy a new keyboard!

  • First letter of each sentence in pages!

    how can I fix the first letter in each sentence, it doesn't turn to uppercase automatically, although i have tryed to choose none, title case etc. in the advanced setting? what should i do?

    We guess you are talking about Pages 5. You didn't say.
    Feature dropped by Apple along with 100 others.
    Pages '09 can capitalise the first letter of sentences automatically.

  • UDF for Find the First letter from Input

    Hi Masters,
    I want find the first letter from input, Can any one help me on this..UDF or any solution.
    Ex: E2HB means - Alpha Letter is the first
    Ex: 1234 means - Number is the first

    Hi Siva,
                I just want to clarify this doubt, you want the first character of the string you pass to the UDF i.e if input="E2HB"  output="E"   and if input="1234"   output="1". If my assumption is correct you can try the UDF "firstChar" I have shown below this gives exactly the output you want
    public class firstLetter {
         public static String firstChar(String s)
                   return null;
                   return s;
              String t="";
              return t;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              String s1="E2HB",s2="1234";

  • I was set up to use mac mail but it is slow so I have switched back to gmail. When I write an email the first letter of each sentence does not capitalize and it use to. what do i do...

    When I bought this computer it was set up for mac mail but i am not using it it's to slow. i am using my gmail thru safari and when I type an email the first letter of each sentence is NOT capitalized and it use to be, any help is appreciated.

    Talk to Google. Gmail is not an Apple product. Writing an email message is using the Google editor.

  • Getting the autocomplete setting to work by typing the first letter of a word

    Before I installed Firefox 5.0, I had made it so that whenever I visited a website that remembered an account/password of mine, this happened:
    1.- It asked for my master password.
    2.- After entering it, I would click on the form field and then type in the FIRST LETTER of the account.
    3.- When entering that exact first letter, Firefox would suggest in a drop-down menu the account or accounts that started with that letter on that particular site, e.g.: say I have a Twitter account that is "koko999". If I went to twitter.com and entered the letter "k" in the form field (after entering the master password), Firefox would suggest the account "koko999" in the drop-down menu.
    4.- After selecting the account that I desired from the drop-down menu, Firefox would automatically autocomplete the password.
    5.- Then, if I closed Firefox, all my active accounts would close/sign out. So, if afterwards I opened Firefox, I would have to repeat from Step 1 if I wanted to use an account, e.g.: if I closed FF while having my Twitter account logged in, and then opened FF again, I would have to start from Step 1.
    Now, I had this setting for a bunch of different websites. After installing Firefox 5.0, this configuration vanished or something. Now, when entering the master password, Firefox autocompletes EVERYTHING. Say, using the example from before, that I go to twitter.com. Firefox asks for the master password, I enter it and then the ID/password for the twitter account automatically fills in without me entering any letter in the form field. And I do not want Firefox to do that!
    So, I'm asking for help. I know that what I what to do is not impossible, I just can't find the way to do it! I kinda need the exact steps. Thanks a lot!

    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Password_only_filled_after_entering_user_name
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/signon.autofillForms (false)
    If you are in Private Browsing then Firefox wont fill the names and passwords automatically.
    You can set the pref <b>browser.sessionstore.privacy_level</b> to 2 (never) or 1 (non-HTTPS, default in Firefox 3 versions) on the <b>about:config</b> page to disable saving cookies via session restore.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/browser.sessionstore.privacy_level
    You can also use [[Clear Recent History]] to clear the "Active Logins" when you close Firefox.
    To open the <i>about:config</i> page, type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.<br />
    If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.<br />
    You can use the Filter bar at to top of the about:config page to locate a pref more easily.

Maybe you are looking for