Extract Sql Query with Actual Parameters from Report

I am able to extract query from Crystal Report using the following code :
ReportDocument.ReportClientDocument.RowSetController.GetSqlStatement(new GroupPath, out tmp);
But the sql query retrieve comes in the following format :
select name , trans_code, account_code from command_query.accounts
where account_code = {?Command_query_Prompt0}  and effective_date < '{?Command_query_prompt1 }'
The parameters which I m using in the reports are :
Account_Code and Effective_Date .
Why does my extracted sql translates it into {?Command_query_Prompt0} and '{?Command_query_prompt1 }' .
Is there any way to map this to the actual parameter values ?
Can we extract the query after assigning the values ?
Any help is appreciated ... 

You can create nested sql query with conditional parameters,
For example
Select Code From OITT Where Code IN (Select ItemCode From OITM
Where ItemName LIKE '[%0]' + '%%')
Edited by: Jeyakanthan A on Jun 9, 2009 12:31 PM

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    You are in the wrong place. The ireport support forum may be found here

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    Can anyone please help me with this issue.

    I got it. Below is the correct syntax.
    Source = Sql.Database("ABC-PC", "SAMPLEDB", [Query="EXEC DBO.spGetData '" & Name_Value & "'"]

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    Edited by: CharlesRoos on 13.02.2013 15:28
    Edited by: CharlesRoos on 13.02.2013 15:29
    Edited by: CharlesRoos on 13.02.2013 15:29

    CharlesRoos wrote:
    In APEX 4.2 page i have created region "Report data".
    Type="SQl Query".
    "User Interface"-->"Template"="Reports Region".
    "Region Source"="select apex_item.text(1, '111') as c1 from dual".
    Actually the select query is little bit more complex, but generally simplified it is such, that it uses function "select apex_item.text" to construct HTML textfield.
    If i run in Sql Developer query
    select apex_item.text(1, '111') as c1 from dual;Then result is:
    <input type="text" name="f01" size="20" maxlength="2000" value="111"  />But in APEX 4.2 the report is rendered so:
    <td  headers="c1">&lt ;input type=&quot ;text&quot ; name="f01" size="20" maxlength="2000" value="111"  /&gt ;</td>(for this forum to display correctly i had to put extra spaces between" &gt" and ";" and so on)
    And APEX 4.2 shows ugly html inside report cell/slot for me, displaying characters/symbols ">". The reason is that APEX HTML page source does not have symbol ">" but has " &gt ;" .
    In APEX 3 i have similar query working well, without such anomaly.
    What attribute should i change in APEX 4.2 region to display my query result as needed?Ensure that the Display As Column Attribute for the C1 column is Standard Report Column.

  • SQL query with JSP and WML-parameters

    Could you help me?
    I'm trying to do the following. WML deck card 1 send parameter to same WML deck's card help. I try to read the parameter with JSP in card help by putting the parameter to SQL query, but it doesn't work. I can read the parameter with WML in card help. I can also print the value of the parameter with JSP if I generate WML with JSP.
    /*parameter sending from card 1 to card help*/
    out.println("<go href='#helpcard'>");
    out.println("<setvar name='valittukurssi' value='$(valittukurssi)'/>");
    /*parameter read with WML in card help */
    <p>Valitse kurssi.
    /'parameter read with JSP by generating WML with JSP*/
    /* SQL query with JSP */
    ResultSet uudettulokset = uusilause.executeQuery("select * from kurssi where lyhenne='$valittukurssi'");

    You're problem is easy to fix. You're confusing WML variables with JSP variables. See below:
    /*parameter sending from card 1 to card help*/
    out.println("<go href='#helpcard'>");
    out.println("<setvar name='valittukurssi'
    Above you set a var that will work on the phone, not in JSP.
    /*parameter read with WML in card help */
    <p>Valitse kurssi.
    Yes the above does display the parameter, because it is a client side WML var, but you cannot use this variable in the JSP code (that's why your SWL fails).
    /'parameter read with JSP by generating WML with
    out.println("<p>$valittukurssi</p>");Here's you're problem, the above line is EXACTLY the same as the one before it. When the container parses through this JSP code it translates the above line to:
    <p>$valittukurssi</p> on the WML page and the CLIENT uses it's local variable to display it.
    What you need and want is to have a variable that can be used in JSP code and output to your WML page. Here's how it's done:
    out.println("<go href='#helpcard'>");
    String some_name = "valittukurssi";
    out.println("<setvar name='"+some_name+"'
    //note that you may have to escape the ( and ) with a \
    //so we displayed the variable above into the WML page, now we can use it in the SQL query:
    /* SQL query with JSP */
    ResultSet uudettulokset =
    uusilause.executeQuery("select * from kurssi where
    lyhenne='"+some_name+"'");//the end of the command is: " ' " ) ;
    Frank Krul
    Got Node?

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    how to do this?
    or put the resulr from sql query
    in array
    please help me?

    Hi dejani
    first get the user name and password enter by the user
    String sUsername=request.getParameter("name of the textfield");
    String sPassword=request.getParameter("name of the textfield");
    after executeQuery() statement
    int exist=0;
    String sUserId= rs.getString("username");
    String sPass_wd= rs.getString("password");
    if(sUserId.equals(sUsername) && sPass_wd.equals(sPassword))
    out.println("user exist");
    out.println("not exist");

  • Calling a Stored Procedure with output parameters from Query Templates

    This is same problem which Shalaka Khandekar logged earlier. This new thread gives the complete description about our problem. Please go through this problem and suggest us a feasible solution.
    We encountered a problem while calling a stored procedure from MII Query Template as follows-
    1. Stored Procedure is defined in a package. Procedure takes the below inputs and outputs.
    a) Input1 - CLOB
    b) Input2 - CLOB
    c) Input3 - CLOB
    d) Output1 - CLOB
    e) Output2 - CLOB
    f) Output3 - Varchar2
    2. There are two ways to get the output back.
    a) Using a Stored Procedure by declaring necessary OUT parameters.
    b) Using a Function which returns a single value.
    3. Consider we are using method 2-a. To call a Stored Procedure with OUT parameters from the Query Template we need to declare variables of
    corresponding types and pass them to the Stored Procedure along with the necessary input parameters.
    4. This method is not a solution to get output because we cannot declare variables of some type(CLOB, Varchar2) in Query Template.
    5. Even though we are successful (step 4) in declaring the OUT variables in Query Template and passed it successfully to the procedure, but our procedure contains outputs which are of type CLOB. It means we are going to get data which is more than VARCHAR2 length which query template cannot return(Limit is 32767
    6. So the method 2-a is ruled out.
    7. Now consider method 2-b. Function returns only one value, but we have 3 different OUT values. Assume that we have appended them using a separator. This value is going to be more than 32767 characters which is again a problem with the query template(refer to point 5). So option 2-b is also ruled out.
    Apart from above mentioned methods there is a work around. It is to create a temporary table in the database with above 3 OUT parameters along with a session specific column. We insert the output which we got from the procedure to the temporary table and use it further. As soon the usage of the data is completed we delete the current session specific data. So indirectly we call the table as a Session Table. This solution increases unnecessary load on the database.
    Thanks in Advance.

    please check if this following proposal could serve you.
    Define the Query with mode FixedQueryWithOutput. In the package define a ref cursor as IN OUT parameter. To get your 3 values back, open the cursor in your procedure like "Select val1, val2, val3 from dual". Then the values should get into your query.
    Here is an example how this could be defined.
    type return_cur IS ref CURSOR;
    PROCEDURE myProc(myReturnCur IN OUT return_cur) ...
    OPEN myReturnCur FOR SELECT val1, val2, val3  FROM dual;
      MYRETURNCUR myPackage.return_cur;
        MYRETURNCUR => ?
    Good luck.

  • How could I replace hard coded value in my sql query with constant value?

    Hi all,
    Could anyone help me how to replace hardcoded value in my sql query with constant value that might be pre defined .
    PROCEDURE class_by_day_get_bin_data
         in_report_parameter_id   IN   NUMBER,
         in_site_id               IN   NUMBER,
         in_start_date_time       IN   TIMESTAMP,
         in_end_date_time         IN   TIMESTAMP,
         in_report_level_min      IN   NUMBER,
         in_report_level_max      IN   NUMBER
      bin_period_length   NUMBER(6,0); 
      SELECT MAX(period_length)
         INTO bin_period_length
        FROM bin_data
         JOIN site_to_data_source_lane_v
           ON bin_data.data_source_id = site_to_data_source_lane_v.data_source_id
         JOIN bin_types
           ON bin_types.bin_type = bin_data.bin_type 
       WHERE site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id = in_site_id
         AND bin_data.start_date_time     >= in_start_date_time - numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data.start_date_time     <  in_end_date_time   + numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data.bin_type            =  2
         AND bin_data.period_length       <= 60;
      --Clear the edr_class_by_day_bin_data temporary table and populate it with the data for the requested
      DELETE FROM edr_class_by_day_bin_data;
       SELECT site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id,
        FROM bin_data
        JOIN bin_data_set
          ON bin_data.bin_serial = bin_data_set.bin_serial
        JOIN bin_data_value
          ON bin_data_set.bin_data_set_serial = bin_data_value.bin_data_set_serial
        JOIN site_to_data_source_lane_v
             ON bin_data.data_source_id = site_to_data_source_lane_v.data_source_id
            AND bin_data_set.lane = site_to_data_source_lane_v.data_source_lane_id
        JOIN (
               SELECT CAST(report_parameter_value AS NUMBER) lane_id
                 FROM report_parameters
                WHERE report_parameters.report_parameter_id    = in_report_parameter_id
                  AND report_parameters.report_parameter_group = 'LANE'
                  AND report_parameters.report_parameter_name  = 'LANE'
             ) report_lanes
          ON site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_lane_id = report_lanes.lane_id
        JOIN (
               SELECT CAST(report_parameter_value AS NUMBER) class_id
                 FROM report_parameters
                WHERE report_parameters.report_parameter_id    = in_report_parameter_id
                  AND report_parameters.report_parameter_group = 'CLASS'
                  AND report_parameters.report_parameter_name  = 'CLASS'
             ) report_classes
          ON bin_data_value.bin_id = report_classes.class_id
        JOIN edr_rpt_tmp_inclusion_table
          ON TRUNC(bin_data_set.start_date_time) = TRUNC(edr_rpt_tmp_inclusion_table.date_time)
       WHERE site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id = in_site_id
         AND bin_data.start_date_time     >= in_start_date_time - numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data.start_date_time     <  in_end_date_time   + numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data_set.start_date_time >= in_start_date_time
         AND bin_data_set.start_date_time <  in_end_date_time
         AND bin_data.bin_type            =  2
         AND bin_data.period_length       =  bin_period_length;
    END class_by_day_get_bin_data;In the above code I'm using the hard coded value 2 for bin type
    bin_data.bin_type            =  2But I dont want any hard coded number or string in the query.
    How could I replace it?
    I defined conatant value like below inside my package body where the actual procedure comes.But I'm not sure whether I have to declare it inside package body or inside the procedure.
    bin_type     CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;But it does't look for this value. So I'm not able to get desired value for the report .
    Edited by: user10641405 on May 29, 2009 1:38 PM

    Declare the constant inside the procedure.
    PROCEDURE class_by_day_get_bin_data(in_report_parameter_id IN NUMBER,
                                        in_site_id             IN NUMBER,
                                        in_start_date_time     IN TIMESTAMP,
                                        in_end_date_time       IN TIMESTAMP,
                                        in_report_level_min    IN NUMBER,
                                        in_report_level_max    IN NUMBER) IS
      bin_period_length NUMBER(6, 0);
      v_bin_type     CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;
      SELECT MAX(period_length)
        INTO bin_period_length
        FROM bin_data
        JOIN site_to_data_source_lane_v ON bin_data.data_source_id =
        JOIN bin_types ON bin_types.bin_type = bin_data.bin_type
       WHERE site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id = in_site_id
         AND bin_data.start_date_time >=
             in_start_date_time - numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data.start_date_time <
             in_end_date_time + numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
         AND bin_data.bin_type = v_bin_type
         AND bin_data.period_length <= 60;
      --Clear the edr_class_by_day_bin_data temporary table and populate it with the data for the requested
      DELETE FROM edr_class_by_day_bin_data;
      INSERT INTO edr_class_by_day_bin_data
        SELECT site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id,
          FROM bin_data
          JOIN bin_data_set ON bin_data.bin_serial = bin_data_set.bin_serial
          JOIN bin_data_value ON bin_data_set.bin_data_set_serial =
          JOIN site_to_data_source_lane_v ON bin_data.data_source_id =
                                         AND bin_data_set.lane =
          JOIN (SELECT CAST(report_parameter_value AS NUMBER) lane_id
                  FROM report_parameters
                 WHERE report_parameters.report_parameter_id =
                   AND report_parameters.report_parameter_group = 'LANE'
                   AND report_parameters.report_parameter_name = 'LANE') report_lanes ON site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_lane_id =
          JOIN (SELECT CAST(report_parameter_value AS NUMBER) class_id
                  FROM report_parameters
                 WHERE report_parameters.report_parameter_id =
                   AND report_parameters.report_parameter_group = 'CLASS'
                   AND report_parameters.report_parameter_name = 'CLASS') report_classes ON bin_data_value.bin_id =
          JOIN edr_rpt_tmp_inclusion_table ON TRUNC(bin_data_set.start_date_time) =
         WHERE site_to_data_source_lane_v.site_id = in_site_id
           AND bin_data.start_date_time >=
               in_start_date_time - numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
           AND bin_data.start_date_time <
               in_end_date_time + numtodsinterval(1, 'DAY')
           AND bin_data_set.start_date_time >= in_start_date_time
           AND bin_data_set.start_date_time < in_end_date_time
           AND bin_data.bin_type = v_bin_type
           AND bin_data.period_length = bin_period_length;
    END class_by_day_get_bin_data;

  • SQL query with parameter returns empty result set, please help !!!

    Hi there,
    When I use the following query :
    <sql:query var="beroepsthemas" >
    select *
    from beroepsthemas
    where beroepsthemaid = ?
    <sql:param value="12"/>
    When I want to browse the result set with :
    <c:forEach items="${beroepsthemas.rows}" var="rij">
    it shows no records. But it must return at least one.
    All my jsp pages with sql queries and parameters have the same problem.
    This is all on my test environment. I'm using Ubuntu 5.10, Netbeans5.0, JDK 1.5_06, application runs in Bundeled Tomcat 5.5.9, MySQL 4.1.12, mysql-connector3.1.6
    When the same code is run on the live environment, it works just fine.
    The difference is :
    Mysql 4.1.10a, tomcat5.5.9, mysql-connector3.1.6
    What can there be wrong !!

    When the same code is run on the live environment, it
    works just fine.
    The difference is :
    Mysql 4.1.10a, tomcat5.5.9, mysql-connector3.1.6
    I didn't catch this. I think you may need to update the database driver.

  • How to write XSJS Select Query with input parameters

    Hello Experts,
    I am creating a xsjs file and in that file I am trying to write a Select Query based on a Calculation View
    I have tried it the following way:
    var query = 'SELECT TOP 100 \"Name\", \"Address\", \"City\", \"Country\" FROM \"_SYS_BIC\".\"Test.HL/AddressView\"'
        + 'WITH PARAMETERS(\'PLACEHOLDER\' = (\'$$P_Name$$\', \' Akhil \'),'
      + '\'PLACEHOLDER\' = (\'$$P_City$$\', \' Lucknow \'))';
    But it gives me the "Mixed spaces and tabs error".
    How should I write XSJS Select Query with input parameters?

    >But it gives me the "Mixed spaces and tabs error".
    Mixed spaces and tabs has nothing to do with the syntax of the statement. You used both spaces and the tab in the content - which JSLint doesn't like.  Remove the beginning spaces of each line and use only one or the other.
    The actual syntax of your statement doesn't look right.  The problem is that you are escaping the \ when you don't need to if you are using ' instead of " for your string.  You escape with \" in the first line but then escape with \' in the 2nd and 3rd line.  That is going to cause serious parsing problems with the command.

  • SQL query with Bind variable with slower execution plan

    I have a 'normal' sql select-insert statement (not using bind variable) and it yields the following execution plan:-
    Execution Plan
    0 INSERT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=7 Card=1 Bytes=148)
    1 0 HASH JOIN (Cost=7 Card=1 Bytes=148)
    2 1 TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'TABLEA' (Cost=4 Card=1 Bytes=100)
    3 2 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'TABLEA_IDX_2' (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=3 Card=1)
    (Cost=2 Card=135 Bytes=6480)
    0 recursive calls
    18 db block gets
    15558 consistent gets
    47 physical reads
    9896 redo size
    423 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    1095 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    3 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    1 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    55 rows processed
    I have the same query but instead running using bind variable (I test it with both oracle form and SQL*plus), it takes considerably longer with a different execution plan:-
    Execution Plan
    0 INSERT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=407 Card=1 Bytes=148)
    1 0 TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'TABLEA' (Cost=3 Card=1 Bytes=100)
    2 1 NESTED LOOPS (Cost=407 Card=1 Bytes=148)
    3 2 INDEX (FAST FULL SCAN) OF TABLEB_IDX_003' (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=2 Card=135 Bytes=6480)
    4 2 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'TABLEA_IDX_2' (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=2 Card=1)
    0 recursive calls
    12 db block gets
    3003199 consistent gets
    54 physical reads
    9448 redo size
    423 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    1258 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    3 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    1 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    55 rows processed
    TABLEA has around 3million record while TABLEB has 300 records. Is there anyway I can improve the speed of the sql query with bind variable? I have DBA Access to the database

    Many thanks for your reply.
    I have run the statistic already for the both tableA and tableB as well all the indexes associated with both table (using dbms_stats, I am on 9i db ) but not the indexed columns.
    for table I use:-
    dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname=> 'IVAN', tabname=> 'TABLEA', partname=> NULL);
    for index I use:-
    dbms_stats.gather_index_stats(ownname=> 'IVAN', indname=> 'TABLEB_IDX_003', partname=> NULL);
    Is it possible to show me a sample of how to collect statisc for INDEX columns stats?

  • SEQUENCE Select within an SQL Query with an ORDER BY statement

    Does anyone know why you cannot use an ORDER BY statement within an SQL query when also selecting from a SEQUENCE? My query was selecting production data as a result of a filtered search. I want to take the results of the filtered search and create a transaction. I have a sequence for generating transaction numbers where I select NEXTVAL. Since I could possibly obtain multiple, yet distinct, rows based upon my search criteria, I wanted to use an ORDER BY statement to simplify and order the resulting row(s).
    I was able to get the SQL select with SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL to work without the ORDER BY, so I know that my SQL is correct. Thanks in-advance.

    I understand. You want the sequence assigned first and the you want to ORDER BY. You
    can do this using pipelined functions. See here:
       seq     NUMBER,
       ename   VARCHAR2 (20),
       job     VARCHAR2 (20),
       sal     NUMBER
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE emp_tab_seq AS TABLE OF emp_rec_seq;
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_emp_with_sequence
       RETURN emp_tab_seq PIPELINED
       my_record   emp_rec_seq := emp_rec_seq (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
       FOR c IN (SELECT dummy.NEXTVAL seq, ename, job, sal
                   FROM emp)
          my_record.seq := c.seq;
          my_record.ename := c.ename;
          my_record.job := c.job;
          my_record.sal := c.sal;
          PIPE ROW (my_record);
       END LOOP;
    END get_emp_with_sequence;after that, you can do a select like this:
    SELECT seq, ename, job, sal
      FROM TABLE (get_emp_with_sequence)
      order by enamewhich will get you this:
           SEQ ENAME                JOB                         SAL
          1053 BLAKE                MANAGER                    2850
          1054 CLARK                MANAGER                    2450
          1057 FORD                 ANALYST                    3000
          1062 JAMES                CLERK                       950
          1055 JONES                MANAGER                    2975
          1052 KING                 MANAGER                   20000
          1060 MARTIN               SALESMAN                   1250
          1063 MILLER               CLERK                      1300
          1064 DKUBICEK             MANAGER                   12000
          1056 SCOTT                ANALYST                    3000
          1058 SMITH                CLERK                       800
          1061 TURNER               SALESMAN                   1500
          1059 WARD                 SALESMAN                   1250Denes Kubicek

  • Need help with SQL Query with Inline View + Group by

    Hello Gurus,
    I would really appreciate your time and effort regarding this query. I have the following data set.
    1234567----------11223-------------- 7/5/2008----------paid for cleaning----------------------44345563------------------I-----------------*20.00*-------------19
    1234567----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment for bad quality---------44345563------------------A-----------------10.00------------19
    7654321----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment from last billing cycle-----23543556-------------------A--------------------50.00--------------19
    4653456----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------paid for cleaning------------------------35654765--------------------I---------------------30.00-------------19
    Please Ignore '----', added it for clarity
    I am trying to write a query to aggregate paid_amount based on Reference_No, Check_Number, Payment_Date, Invoice_Number, Invoice_Type, Vendor_Number and display description with Invoice_type 'I' when there are multiple records with the same Reference_No, Check_Number, Payment_Date, Invoice_Number, Invoice_Type, Vendor_Number. When there are no multiple records I want to display the respective Description.
    The query should return the following data set
    1234567----------11223-------------- 7/5/2008----------paid for cleaning----------------------44345563------------------I-----------------*10.00*------------19
    7654321----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment from last billing cycle-----23543556-------------------A--------------------50.00--------------19
    4653456----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------paid for cleaning------------------------35654765-------------------I---------------------30.00--------------19
    The following is my query. I am kind of lost.
    select B.Description, A.sequence_id,A.check_date, A.check_number, A.invoice_number, A.amount, A.vendor_number
    from (
    select sequence_id,check_date, check_number, invoice_number, sum(paid_amount) amount, vendor_number
    from INVOICE
    group by sequence_id,check_date, check_number, invoice_number, vendor_number
    ) A, INVOICE B
    where A.sequence_id = B.sequence_id

    It looks like it is a duplicate thread - correct me if i'm wrong in this case ->
    Need help with SQL Query with Inline View + Group by
    Satyaki De.

  • SQL Query involved to Generate the reports

    I have created Vendor report which internally refers two tables from the vendor and store table (Both the tables are not directly Joined each other)
    i want to see the SQL Query involved to generate the report.
    where can i see that?

    in nqquery.log file:
    10g -> $BI_ORACLE_HOME/server/Log
    11g -> $ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1

  • Physical SQL Query of the BI Publisher Report

    Where can we see the Physical SQL Query of the BI Publisher Report with OBIEE as a Data Source? As you people might be knowing, when we chose OBIEE - a logical SQL will/need to be placed.

    I don't see it in NQQuery log:(
    Ideally, it should be because it will hit BI Server. Moreover, I can see it (report's logical SQL) in BI Server Cache.
    Any other thoughts?

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