Extract text from a line using power shell

I'm beginner, exploring options in powershell.
File with the following info:
Line 1: 22-Aug-2014 : Entry 1.Info : Alex : here it says "Hello World" ok?
Line 2: 24-Aug-2014 : Entry 1.Info : Micheal : here it says "Welcome to my world"
Line 3: 24-Aug-2014 : Entry 1.Info : Alex : here it say "Remember? i said Hello world", done.
Search through the file and only extract specific info related to Alex
Alex: Hello World
Alex: Remember? i said Hello world
Any suggestions to achieve this output using powershell?

Hello jrv, Infact i have started writing some scripts (not an expert though ;) )
tried something like this..
Get-Content .\demo.txt | Select-String -Pattern "Alex" | %{$_.Line.split(":")[3,4]}
here it says "Hello World"
here it say "Remember? i said Hello world"
however as i mentioned.. trying to get output in this specific format:
Alex: Hello World
Alex: Remember? i said Hello world

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    bool result = false;
    var redirectionUri = new Uri(redirectionUrl);
    if (redirectionUri.Scheme.Equals("https"))
    result = true;
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    // Extract the Exchange Web Services URL from the response.
    autodiscoverUrl = new Uri(response.Settings[UserSettingName.InternalEwsUrl].ToString());
    // Update Service Url
    service.Url = autodiscoverUrl;
    service.Url = autodiscoverUrl;
    catch (FormatException fe) // The user principal name(email) is in a bad format. UPN format is needed.
    return null;
    catch (AutodiscoverLocalException ale)
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    return null;
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    var runSpace = getRunspace();
    var pwShell = PowerShell.Create();
    pwShell.Runspace = runSpace;
    var command = new PSCommand();
    command.AddParameter("Identity", userPrincipalName);
    command.AddParameter("RecipientTypeDetails", recipientType);
    pwShell.Commands = command;
    var result = pwShell.Invoke();
    if (result.IsNotNull() && result.Any())
    // TODO : fill appropriative DTO and return it.
    // TODO : send back appropriative error.
    catch (Exception e)
    // TODO : log the exception and send back appropriative error.
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    var runSpaceConfig = RunspaceConfiguration.Create();
    var runSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(runSpaceConfig);
    PSSnapInException snapEx;
    var psInfo = runSpaceConfig.AddPSSnapIn("Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010", out snapEx);
    return runSpace;
    private void closeRunSpace(Runspace runSpace)
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    private Runspace getRunspace()
    var newCredentials = (PSCredential)null;
    var connectionInfo = new WSManConnectionInfo(new Uri("http://exchange.domainname.local/powershell?serializationLevel=Full"),
    connectionInfo.AuthenticationMechanism = AuthenticationMechanism.Kerberos;
    var runSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(connectionInfo);
    return runSpace;
    Now I am receiving exception :
    "Connecting to remote server exchange.domainname.local failed with the following error message :
    Access is denied. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic."
    Please help me to understand what I am doing wrong.
    Thank you.

    In Exchange 2010 you should be using Remote Powershell not local powershell and the snap-in.  Here is a sample that may help you:

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    There are many ways. But this out of scope of this forum. You can try this forum: http://forum.planetpdf.com/

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    Okay so I went ahead and actually added the text extraction functionality to my own C# application, since this was a requested feature by the client anyhow, which originally we were told to bypass if it wasn't "cut and dry", but it wasn't bad so I went ahead and gave the client the text extraction that they wanted. Decided I'd post the source code here for you. This returns the text from the entire document as a string.
           private static string GetText(AcroPDDoc pdDoc)
                AcroPDPage page;
                int pages = pdDoc.GetNumPages();
                string pageText = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < pages; i++)
                    page = (AcroPDPage)pdDoc.AcquirePage(i);
                    object jso, jsNumWords, jsWord;
                    List<string> words = new List<string>();
                        jso = pdDoc.GetJSObject();
                        if (jso != null)
                            object[] args = new object[] { i };
                            jsNumWords = jso.GetType().InvokeMember("getPageNumWords", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, jso, args, null);
                            int numWords = Int32.Parse(jsNumWords.ToString());
                            for (int j = 0; j <= numWords; j++)
                                object[] argsj = new object[] { i, j, false };
                                jsWord = jso.GetType().InvokeMember("getPageNthWord", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, jso, argsj, null);
                        foreach (string word in words)
                            pageText += word;
                return pageText;

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    what's wrong with using automator for this? this certainly seems the easiest. I'm not aware of any built in apple script commands that will do this. But You should also ask on the Apple script forum under Mac OS Technologies.
    Message was edited by: V.K.

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    Hi Everyone,
    I get supplied hundreds of PDFs which each contain a stock code, but the PDFs themselves are not named consistantly, or they are supplied as multi-page PDFs.
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    2. Extract text from PDF
    3. Rename PDF using the extracted text
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    You may also try the following applescript script, which is a wrapper of rubycocoa script. It will ask you choose source pdf files and destination directory. Then it will scan text of each page of pdf files for the predefined pattern and save the page as new pdf file with the name as extracted by the pattern in the destination directory. Those pages which do not contain string matching the pattern are ignored. (Ignored pages, if any, are reported in the result of script.)
    Currently the regex pattern is set to:
    which means HB- followed by two characters and _ and 6 digits.
    Minimally tested under 10.6.8.
    Hope this may help,
    on _main()
        script o
            property aa : choose file with prompt ("Choose pdf files.") of type {"com.adobe.pdf"} ¬
                default location (path to desktop) with multiple selections allowed
            set my aa's beginning to choose folder with prompt ("Choose destination folder.") ¬
                default location (path to desktop)
            set args to ""
            repeat with a in my aa
                set args to args & a's POSIX path's quoted form & space
            end repeat
            considering numeric strings
                if (system info)'s system version < "10.9" then
                    set ruby to "/usr/bin/ruby"
                    set ruby to "/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby"
                end if
            end considering
            do shell script ruby & " <<'EOF' - " & args & "
    require 'osx/cocoa'
    include OSX
    require_framework 'PDFKit'
    outdir = ARGV.shift.chomp('/')
    ARGV.select {|f| f =~ /\\.pdf$/i }.each do |f|
        url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(f)
        doc = PDFDocument.alloc.initWithURL(url)
        path = doc.documentURL.path
        pcnt = doc.pageCount
        (0 .. (pcnt - 1)).each do |i|
            page = doc.pageAtIndex(i)
            page.string.to_s =~ /HB-.._[0-9]{6}/
            name = $&
            unless name
                puts \"no matching string in page #{i + 1} of #{path}\"
                next # ignore this page
            doc1 = PDFDocument.alloc.initWithData(page.dataRepresentation) # doc for this page
            unless doc1.writeToFile(\"#{outdir}/#{name}.pdf\")
                puts \"failed to save page #{i + 1} of #{path}\"
        end script
        tell o to run
    end _main

  • How to extract text from a PDF file?

    Hello Suners,
    i need to know how to extract text from a pdf file?
    does anyone know what is the character encoding in pdf file, when i use an input stream to read the file it gives encrypted characters not the original text in the file.
    is there any procedures i should do while reading a pdf file,
    File f=new File("D:/File.pdf");
                   FileReader fr=new FileReader(f);
                   BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(fr);
                   String s=br.readLine();any help will be deeply appreciated.

    jverd wrote:
    First, you set i once, and then loop without ever changing it. So your loop body will execute either 0 times or infinitely many times, writing the same byte every time. Actually, maybe it'll execute once and then throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. That's basic java looping, and you're going to need a firm grip on that before you try to do anything as advanced as PDF reading. the case.oops you are absolutely right that was a silly mistake to forget that,
    Second, what do the docs for getPageContent say? Do they say that it simply gives you the text on the page as if the thing were a simple text doc? I'd be surprised if that's the case.getPageContent return array of bytes so the question will be:
    how to get text from this array? i was thinking of :
        private void jButton1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            PdfReader read;
            StringBuffer buff=new StringBuffer();
            try {
                read = new PdfReader("d:/getjobid2727.pdf");
                byte[] data=read.getPageContent(1);
                int i=0;
    String str=buff.toString();
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("D:/test.txt");
    Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF8");
    } catch (Exception f) {
    "D:/test.txt"  hasn't been created!! when i ran the program,
    is my steps right?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • How to read/extract text from pdf

    Respected All,
    I want to read/extract text from pdf. I tried using etymon but not succed.
    Could anyone will guide me in this.
    Thanks and regards,

    Thank you very much Abhilshit, PDFBox works for reading pdf.

  • Add or delete the summary links web part's[deployed as a VS solution] link using power shell

     i am having a visual studio custom solution having page layouts implemented. In that solution i am having 1  summary links web part and in that i have hard coded few links and this is  deployed on ion dev and staging env.
    Now, the issue is : yesterday, customer came to me and asking me to change the links from http://abc to
    http://xyz/ in this summary links. can anyone pls throw some light,such that i can change this link using a power shell script. i know  if i go the VS solution and change the link and redeploy [ update-spsolution
    command] will work.
    but if the links are changing regularly , chnaging the vs solution and redeploying is not a good practice.
    if i elaborate li'l bit,  i am adding the screen shot : i need to get the summary link column's value and  need to update[ delete xisting one and  add new ones ]
    is there any way , i can change the links using power shell script?
    i tried the belwo power shells cript to get the page in the page layouts :
    $web = get-spweb
    $pubWeb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($web)
    $pagesListName = $pubWeb.PagesListName
    $defaultAspxFile = $pubWeb.GetPublishingPage("$pagesListName/mycustomhome.aspx")
    $summaryLinkFieldValue = New-Object
    // here am getting the NULL VALUE
    can i get the  summary links field correctly and  delete / modify the same?
    help is appreciated!
    ##$groupLink = New-Object
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.SummaryLink("My group")
    #$groupLink.IsGroupHeader = $true $summaryLinkFieldValue.SummaryLinks.Add($groupLink)

    Hi Shabeaut,
    Could you tell us why do you want to add a link web part to the master page for all pages?
    I tested that Summary Links web part (and other types of web parts) added in the master page under Quick Launch couldn't be edited when I edit the pages inherited from v4.master page, it looks by design.
    Have you tried using the Quick Launch to add the link instead if you want to show links in all pages.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem to extract text from HTML document

    I have to extract some text from HTML file to my database. (about 1000 files)
    The HTML files are get from ACM Digital Library. http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm
    The HTML page is about the information of a paper. I only want to get the text of "Title" "Abstract" "Classification" "Keywords"
    The Problem is that I can't find any patten to parser the html files"
    EX: I need to get the Classification = "Theory of Computation","ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY","Numerical Algorithms and Problem","Mathematics of Computing","NUMERICAL ANALYSIS"......etc .
    The section code about "Classification" is below.
    Please give any idea to do this, or how to find patten to extract text from this.
    <div class="indterms"><a href="#CIT"><img name="top" src=
    "img/arrowu.gif" hspace="10" border="0" /></a><span class=
    "heading"><a name="IndexTerms">INDEX TERMS</a></span>
    <p class="Categories"><span class="heading"><a name=
    "GenTerms">Primary Classification:</a></span><br />
    � <b>F.</b> <a href=
    target="_self">Theory of Computation</a><br />
    � <img src="img/tree.gif" border="0" height="20" width=
    "20" /> <b>F.2</b> <a href=
    COMPLEXITY</a><br />
    � � � <img src="img/tree.gif" border="0" height=
    "20" width="20" /> <b>F.2.1</b> <a href=
    target="_self">Numerical Algorithms and Problems</a><br />
    <p class="Categories"><span class="heading"><a name=
    "GenTerms">Additional�Classification:</a></span><br />
    � <b>G.</b> <a href=
    target="_self">Mathematics of Computing</a><br />
    � <img src="img/tree.gif" border="0" height="20" width=
    "20" /> <b>G.1</b> <a href=
    target="_self">NUMERICAL ANALYSIS</a><br />
    � � � <img src="img/tree.gif" border="0" height=
    "20" width="20" /> <b>G.1.6</b> <a href=
    target="_self">Optimization</a><br />
    � � � � � <img src="img/tree.gif" border=
    "0" height="20" width="20" /> <b>Subjects:</b> <a href=
    target="_self">Linear programming</a><br />
    <br />
    <p class="GenTerms"><span class="heading"><a name=
    "GenTerms">General Terms:</a></span><br />
    <a href=
    target="_self">Algorithms</a>, <a href=
    <br />
    <p class="keywords"><span class="heading"><a name=
    "Keywords">Keywords:</a></span><br />
    <a href=
    target="_self">Simplex method</a>, <a href=
    target="_self">complexity</a>, <a href=
    target="_self">perturbation</a>, <a href=
    target="_self">smoothed analysis</a></p>

    One approach is to download Htmlparser from sourceforge
    http://htmlparser.sourceforge.net/ and write the rules to match title, abstract etc.
    Another approach is to write your own parser that extract only title, abstract etc.
    1. tokenize the html file. --> convert html into tokens (tag and value)
    2. write a simple parser to extract certain information
    find out about the pattern of text you want to extract. For instance "<class "abstract">.
    then writing a rule for extracting abstract such as
    if (tag is abstract ) then extract abstract text
    apply the same concept for other tags
    Attached is the sample parser that was used to extract title and abstract from acm html files. Please modify to include keyword and other fields.
    good luck
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.FileReader;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    public class ACMHTMLParser
         private String m_filename;
         private URLLexicalAnalyzer lexical;
         List urls = new ArrayList();
         public ACMHTMLParser(String filename)
              m_filename = filename;
          * parses only title and abstract
         public void parse() throws Exception
              lexical = new URLLexicalAnalyzer(m_filename);
              String word = lexical.getNextWord();
              boolean isabstract = false;
              while (null != word)
                   if (isTag(word))
                        if (isTitle(word))
                             System.out.println("TITLE: " + lexical.getNextWord());
                        else if (isAbstract(word) && !isabstract)
                             isabstract = true;
                   word = lexical.getNextWord();
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
              ACMHTMLParser parser = new ACMHTMLParser("./acm_html.html");
         public static boolean isTag(String word)
              return ( word.startsWith("<") && word.endsWith(">"));
         public static boolean isTitle(String word)
              return ( "<title>".equals(word));
         //please modify according to the html source
         public static boolean isAbstract(String word)
              return ( "<p class=\"abstract\">".equals(word));
         private void parseAbstract() throws Exception
              while (true)
                   String abs = lexical.getNextWord();
                   if (!isTag(abs))
         class URLLexicalAnalyzer
           private BufferedReader m_reader;
           private boolean isTag;
           public URLLexicalAnalyzer(String filename)
                m_reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
              catch (IOException io)
                System.out.println("ERROR, file not found " + filename);
           public URLLexicalAnalyzer(InputStream in)
              m_reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
           public void close()
              try {
                if (null != m_reader) m_reader.close();
              catch (IOException ignored) {}
           public String getNextWord() throws IOException
              int c = m_reader.read();   
              if (-1 == c) return null; 
              if (Character.isWhitespace((char)c))
                return getNextWord();
              if ('<' == c || isTag)
                return scanTag(c);
                   return scanValue(c);
           private String scanTag(final int c)
              throws IOException
              StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
              if ('<' != c) result.append('<');
              int ch = -1;
              while (true)
                ch = m_reader.read();
                if (-1 == ch) throw new IllegalArgumentException("un-terminate tag");
                if ('>' == ch)
                     isTag = false;
              return result.toString();
           private String scanValue(final int c) throws IOException
                StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
                int ch = -1;
                while (true)
                   ch = m_reader.read();
                   if (-1 == ch) throw new IllegalArgumentException("un-terminate value");
                   if ('<' == ch)
                        isTag = true;
                return result.toString();

  • New-CMGlobalCondition unable to create New script Condition using Power Shell

    I am using config Manger 2012 and trying to use power shell cmdlet to create a new Global Condition using PowerShell but its not working for me using this
    Do not understand how to use that command any idea.
    New-CMGlobalCondition -DataType Boolean -DeviceType Windows -FilePath file.ps1 -Name test -ScriptLanguage PowerShell
    Error comes as 
    New-CMGlobalCondition : No object corresponds to the specified parameters.
    At line:1 char:1
    + New-CMGlobalCondition -DataType Boolean -DeviceType Windows -FilePath file.ps1 - ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Microsoft.Confi...onditionCommand:NewGlobalConditionCommand) [New-CMGlobalCondition], I 
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ItemNotFound,Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Cmdlets.AppModel.Commands.NewGlobalConditionCommand

    What's your version of SCCM? I ran this command line on SCCM 2012 R2 CU2.
    It seems SCCM 2012 R2 CU2 fixed New-CMGlobalCondition cmdlet issue.
    "The New-CMGlobalCondition cmdlet incorrectly requires use of the
    -WhereClause parameter."
    Description of Windows PowerShell changes in Cumulative Update 2 for System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager
    Best Regards,

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