Extracting x,y co-ordinates of SDO_GEOMETRY into two variables say x1, ya

Hi All,
I am able to store the output SDO_GEOMETRY into a variable but i am facing difficulties in extracting ordinates in sdo_geometry to two independent variables say xa, ya. Kindly suggest some solution.
The procedure is as follows:
(Input_Fiber_Id IN NUMBER,
Length_Fiber IN FLOAT,
ProjPoint_a mdsys.sDo_Geometry := NULL;
v_Point_xa FLOAT := NULL;
v_Point_ya FLOAT := NULL;
SELECT sDo_lrs.Project_pt(a.Shape,m.DimInfo,mdsys.Sdo_geometry(2001,8307,NULL,mdsys.Sdo_elem_info_array(1,1,1),
INTO {color:#0000ff}ProjPoint_a
{color}FROM lrs_Access_Fiber a,
User_sDo_geom_MetAdAta m
AND m.Column_Name = 'SHAPE'
AND a.Unique_Id = Input_Fiber_Id;
{color:#0000ff}-- SELECT t.x, t.y INTO v_Point_xa, v_Point_ya FROM TABLE(sDo_util.Getvertices(ProjPoint_a)) t;
{color:#0000ff}-- dbms_Output.Put_Line('Point Xa is ' ||v_Point_xa||' and point Ya is '||v_Point_ya);
{color:#0000ff}-- xCordInAte := v_Point_xa;
{color:#0000ff}-- yCordInAte := v_Point_ya;
-- Result := 'success';
Kindly advice on the options available to extract the ordinates of sdo_geometry into 2 independent variables.

Please find the output as below for the following inputs: INPUT_FIBER_ID :=2005; XA := 78.424; YA := 17.643; LENGTH_FIBER :=500;
Point Xa is 78.48686988 and point Ya is 17.61674904
RESULT = success
XCORDINATE = 78.48686988
YCORDINATE = 17.61674904
Is this output correct? Actually, I have to integrate this with UMN MapServer. Kindly advice

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    @PkgName varchar (257),
    @appid int,
    @MsgHistCreateDate date,
    @messageFriendlyName varchar(500),
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    System::PackageName Input VARCHAR 1
    User::AppID Input SHORT 2
    User::todaysDate Input DATE 3
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    Hi DaSaint,
    best to check the online documentation
    Notes about transferring data from SAP HANA using ODP - Modeling - SAP Library
    Best regards,

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    Jadz_Core wrote:
    RandomAccessFile? If you know where you want to insert it.Are you sure about this? If using this, the receiving file would have to have bytes inserted that exactly match the number of bytes replaced. I'm thinking that you'll likely have to stream through the second XML with a SAX parser and copy information (or insert new information) as you stream with an XML writer of some sort.

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    If I run this without the $Variable, I at least return this output which is a good sign, though still throws back an error.
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    Get-CsRgsAgentGroup -Identity service:ApplicationServer:server.company.net -Name "Dispatch" | Select -ExpandProperty AgentsByUri | Select -First 1
    AbsolutePath   : [email protected]
    AbsoluteUri    : sip:[email protected]
    LocalPath      : [email protected]
    Authority      :
    HostNameType   : Unknown
    IsDefaultPort  : True
    IsFile         : False
    IsLoopback     : False
    PathAndQuery   : [email protected]
    Segments       : {[email protected]}
    IsUnc          : False
    Host           :
    Port           : -1
    Query          :
    Fragment       :
    Scheme         : sip
    OriginalString : sip:[email protected]
    DnsSafeHost    :
    IsAbsoluteUri  : True
    UserEscaped    : False
    UserInfo       :
    Get-CsRgsAgentGroup : The pipeline has been stopped.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Get-CsRgsAgentGroup -Identity service:ApplicationServer:server.company.net -Name " ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-CsRgsAgentGroup], PipelineStoppedException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Rtc.Rgs.Management.GetOcsRgAgentGroupCmdlet
    Thank you so much for your help!

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    How would I acheive it??
    Thanks, V!

    Try tis way
    message e999(00) with i_emp-empno into lv_text.
    press f1 in message will provide you more details

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    How do I achieve this?

    user633278 wrote:
    How do I achieve this?Function SQLCODE in PL/SQL exception handler returns error code. SQLERRM returns message:
    SQL> declare
      2      x number;
      3  begin
      4      x := 1/0;
      5    exception
      6      when others
      7        then
      8          dbms_output.put_line('Error code: ' || SQLCODE);
      9          dbms_output.put_line('Error message: ' || SQLERRM);
    10  end;
    11  /
    Error code: -1476
    Error message: ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SY.

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    hi all,
                can we take the data from the input field of HTML Template and collect into BSP variable? i have the shown the HTML Template into BSP page by passing the url in <IFRAME> tag now i have to take the data form the into field of HTML Template and save it back to the BSP table onclicking the Save button of BSP Page. please help me out thanks in advance.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Amol,
    This is very simple....
    In the onInputProcessing event of the page use the following code to read data from the InputField into an ABAP variable...
    Then you can use it at will..!
    Code is :
    data : event       TYPE REF TO if_htmlb_data,
           but_event   TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event_button.
    event = cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( request ).
    IF event->EVENT_NAME = 'button' and event->EVENT_TYPE = 'click'.
          but_event ?= event.
          CASE event->EVENT_ID.
            when 'your_button_id'.
              data : lw_inf type ref to cl_htmlb_inputfield.
                 lw_inf ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data(
                                request = runtime->server->request
                                name    = 'inputField'
                                id      = 'your_inputField_id'  ).
              if lw_inf->value is not initial.
                lw_variable = lw_inf->value.

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    if i go on the facebook site and update there through a brower on iphone it will work fine just cant us IPHONE mobile upload,  . But its a pain of not using my IPHONE APP for facebook cause it does that.

    The warranty entitles you to complimentary phone support for the first 90 days of ownership.

  • How I can transfer data from the database into a variable (or array)?

    I made my application according to the example (http://corlan.org/2009/06/12/working-in-flash-builder-4-with-flex-and-php/). Everything works fine. I changed one function to query the database - add the two parameters and get the value of the table in String format. A test operation shows that all is ok. If I want to display this value in the text area, I simply drag and drop service to this element in the design mode
    (<s:TextArea x="153" y="435" id="nameText" text="{getDataMeanResult.lastResult[0].name}"  width="296" height="89"  />).
    It also works fine, just a warning and encouraged to use ArrayCollection.getItemAt().
    Now I want to send the value to a variable or array, but in both cases I get an error: TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties..
    How can I pass a value from the database into a variable? Thank you.
    public var nameTemp:String;
    getDataMeanResult.token = authors.getDataMean(arrayOfNumber[0], dir_id);
    nameTemp = getDataMeanResult.lastResult[0].name;
    public var nameArray:Array = new Array();
    for (var i:uint=o; i<3; i++){
    getDataMeanResult.token = authors.getDataMean(arrayOfNumber[i], dir_id);
    nameArray[i] = getDataMeanResult.lastResult[0].name;
    And how i can use syntax highlighting in this forum?

    Astraport2012 wrote:
    I have to go back to the discussion. The above example works fine when i want to get a single value of the database. But i need to pass an array and get an array, because i want to get at once all the values for all pictures tooltips. I rewrote the proposed Matt PHP-script and it works. However, i can not display the resulting array.
    yep, it won't work for Arrays, you'll have to do something slightly more intelligent for them.
    easiest way would be to get your PHP to generate XML, then read that into something like an ArrayList on your HTTPService result event (depends what you're doing with it).
    for example, you could have the PHP generate XML such as:
    then you'll read that in as the ResultEvent, and perform something like this on it
    private var tempAC:ArrayList = new ArrayList
    protected function getStuff_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
        for each(var item:Object in event.result.pictures)
           var temp:String = (item.@location).toString();
    in my example on cookies
    you'll see an example of how to format an XML structure containing multiple values:
            print "<stored>true</stored>";
            print "<userInfo>
            print "<stored>false</stored>";
    which i handle like so
    if(event.result.stored == true)
                        entryPanel.title = "Welcome back " + event.result.userInfo.firstName + " " + event.result.userInfo.lastName;
                        firstName.text = event.result.userInfo.firstName;
                        lastName.text = event.result.userInfo.lastName;
                        userAge.value = event.result.userInfo.userAge;
                        userGender.selectedIndex = event.result.userInfo.gender;
    depends on what type of Array you're after
    from the sounds of it (with the mention of picture tooltips) you're trying to create a gallery with an image, and a tooltip.
    so i'd probably adopt something like
         <tooltip>tooltip for picture #1</tooltip>
         <tooltip>tooltip for picture #2</tooltip>
         <tooltip>tooltip for picture #3</tooltip>
    <picture location="example1.png" tooltip="tooltip for picture #1"/>
    <picture location="example2.png" tooltip="tooltip for picture #2"/>
    <picture location="example3.png" tooltip="tooltip for picture #3"/>

  • Fetches more values into one variable

    Hi, inside a cursor loop I'd like to assign, each fetch, a value to a variable, in order, at the end to have a collection of all the values fetched into the same variable.
    The code is the following:
    v_pino varchar2(64);
    CURSOR tks_opened_range IS
    SELECT incident_number AS YP_TKS_OPENED_WITHIN_RANGE FROM cs.cs_incidents_all_b a, cs_incident_statuses_b b, Cs_Incident_Statuses_Tl c
    WHERE b.incident_status_id = c.incident_status_id
    AND a.incident_status_id = b.incident_status_id
    AND (b.attribute1 <> '3' OR b.attribute1 IS NULL)
    AND c.language = 'EL'
    AND ((sysdate - to_date(incident_attribute_6, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'))*1440) BETWEEN 1 AND 11111111111
    AND incident_attribute_2 IN ('ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ')
    ORDER BY incident_number;
    rec_tks_opened_range tks_opened_range%ROWTYPE;
    FOR rec_tks_opened_range IN tks_opened_range
    v_pino := rec_tks_opened_range.YP_TKS_OPENED_WITHIN_RANGE;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_pino: ' || v_pino);
    end loop;
    end AAA;
    This works with the variable v_pino!....but at the end, the value of the variable v_pino is ONLY the last fetched by the cursor.
    Is there a way to declare a variable (or better a collection) or a new type in order to have all the data fetched into this variable and the end of the fetching ?
    I need to know this trick because, after, I have to assign this variable to a pipelined table function.
    Thanks in advance

    Great Devang !! Thanks a lot ! It works ! Now I am able to retrieve all the values I need and store them into my variable gino
    I searched on the note you mentioned in your mail in order to pass an array as a variable to a table function (PIPE ROW call), but I didn't find nothing about it.
    Now I explain to you my situation.
    I already implemented a table function that works perfectly. I have 2 cursors declared and 2 PIPE ROW calls.
    FUNCTION statistic_report_2_1 (p_resolv_time_ll varchar2, p_resolv_time_ul varchar2, p_ypiresia varchar2)
    RETURN xxi_statistic_rep_2_1_tab PIPELINED
    -- CURSORS FOR THE FIRST SHEET - Tickets opened per group and per duration
    -- Cursor for tickets opened within 1 hour --
    CURSOR tks_opened_1_h IS
    FROM cs.cs_incidents_all_b a, cs_incident_statuses_b b, Cs_Incident_Statuses_Tl c
    WHERE b.incident_status_id = c.incident_status_id
    AND a.incident_status_id = b.incident_status_id
    AND (b.attribute1 <> '3' OR b.attribute1 IS NULL)
    AND c.language = 'EL'
    AND ((sysdate - to_date(incident_attribute_6, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'))*1440) < 60
    AND incident_attribute_2 IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(xxi_szf_discoverer.ypiresia_values(p_ypiresia) AS xxi_ypiresia_list_tab)))
    ORDER BY incident_number;
    rec_tks_opened_1_h tks_opened_1_h%ROWTYPE;
    -- Cursor for tickets opened between 1 hour and 3 hours --
    CURSOR tks_opened_1_3_h IS
    SELECT incident_number AS YP_TKS_OPENED_BE_1_3_HOURS FROM cs.cs_incidents_all_b a, cs_incident_statuses_b b, Cs_Incident_Statuses_Tl c
    WHERE b.incident_status_id = c.incident_status_id
    AND a.incident_status_id = b.incident_status_id
    AND (b.attribute1 <> '3' OR b.attribute1 IS NULL)
    AND c.language = 'EL'
    AND ((sysdate - to_date(incident_attribute_6, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'))*1440) BETWEEN 60 AND 179
    AND incident_attribute_2 IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(xxi_szf_discoverer.ypiresia_values(p_ypiresia) AS xxi_ypiresia_list_tab)))
    ORDER BY incident_number;
    rec_tks_opened_1_3_h tks_opened_1_3_h%ROWTYPE;
    FOR rec_tks_opened_1_h IN tks_opened_1_h
    PIPE ROW(stat_rep_2_1_type(
    FOR rec_tks_opened_1_3_h IN tks_opened_1_3_h
    PIPE ROW(stat_rep_2_1_type(
    END statistic_report_2_1;
    But, in this way and with this syntax, I obtain for each PIPE ROW call only one field filled each time, because I can’t call 2 cursors in a nested loop together (data duplication);
    For example:
    1st PIPE ROW call : only the first field is filled and into the second I have to put ‘’
    2nd PIPE ROW call : only the second field is filled and into the first I have to put ‘’
    ….and I cant’ call with a single PIPE ROW call two cursor variables…..
    Into a Discoverer report this data layout is really bad (you can imagine with thousand
    of records).
    For this reason I thought to use an array variable (gino) to pass to a single PIPE ROW call outside the cursor loop……but it doesn’t work !!!
    Can you suggest me how to resolve this problem….if it possible ?
    Did I have to declare other TYPE or collection ?
    Thanks you so much

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