F-48 Validation

Hi Gurus...
I want to validate the AMOUNT in F-48 transaction which comes in DOwn Payement.
Validation is
1) If this Amt.is greater than EKPO-EFFWR than want Error Msg u201CAmount is greater than PO Amt.u201D
Second at Purchase document --
2) In EKPO condition should be check amount against this BSEG-EBELN and BSEG-EBELP.
Can u plz Suggest me how will i do

Moderator message - Please do not post your requirements and ask the forum to do your work for you - post locked

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    Hi Folks
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    Hi Kevin.
    Kevin McLatchie wrote:
    > Would it be possible to view data in client B from client A in the same system without a valid logon to client B or RFC connection to client B from client A?   For example via the use on an ABAP program to
    Short answer: yes.
    If someone has the right to write and execute ABAP reports on the system he is able to access the data of all clients. So I don't think that this setup is advisable. Don't mix development and production data in one system.
    Best regards,


    Boa tarde a todos!
    Estamos em um projeto de NFE XML 2.00 e nos deparamos com o seguinte erro:
    Ao emitirmos um NF-e de devolução da mercadoria que se encontrava no Porto (devolução de exportação - CFOP 3201), a validação do monitor GRC informa que é necessário constar os dados de importação, apesar deste processo não se tratar de importação. Os seguintes logs de validação são gerados:
    Erro de validação: campo Código do fabricante estrangeiro no sistema. Campo é obrigatório e não pode ficar em branco. (campo IT_NFE_ADI-CFABRICANTE, ID campo I028)
    Erro de validação: campo Nº da adição. Campo é obrigatório e não pode ficar em branco. (campo IT_NFE_ADI-NADICAO, ID campo I026)
    Erro de validação: campo Nº sequencial do artigo na adição. Campo é obrigatório e não pode ficar em branco. (campo IT_NFE_ADI-NSEQADIC, ID campo I027)
    Erro de validação: campo . Campo é obrigatório e não pode ficar em branco. (campo IT_NFE_IMP-CEXPORTADOR, ID campo I024)
    Erro de validação: campo . Campo é obrigatório e não pode ficar em branco. (campo IT_NFE_IMP-DDESEMB, ID campo I023)
    Erro de validação: campo . Campo é obrigatório e não pode ficar em branco. (campo IT_NFE_IMP-DDI, ID campo I020)
    Erro de validação: campo . Campo é obrigatório e não pode ficar em branco. (campo IT_NFE_IMP-NDI, ID campo I019)
    Erro de validação: campo . Campo é obrigatório e não pode ficar em branco. (campo IT_NFE_IMP-UFDESEMB, ID campo I022)
    Erro de validação: campo . Campo é obrigatório e não pode ficar em branco. (campo IT_NFE_IMP-XLOCDESEMB, ID campo I021)
    Estamos no SAPK-10015INSLLNFE e as seguintes notas relacionadas a validação estão aplicadas:
    1493980     Validation for field xJust in cancel and skipping messages
    1499921     Problem with validation after implementing SP15
    1500046     Upgrade validation rule for field ID for version 2.00
    1500742     Adjust validation for field NADICAO and NSEQADIC layout 2.00
    1502217     Extend validation rules for , layout 2
    1504379     Adjust validation for field X_CLISTSERV
    1511291     Update allowed values for field E1_CPAIS for validation
    1511577     Update validation rules for field VUNCOM_V20
    1520861     Update validation rules for OIL_CPRODANP and OIL_UFCONS
    Não encontrei nenhuma nota SAP recente para o componente SLL-NFE que seja relacionada a este problema.
    Desde já agradeço pela ajuda.
    Sds / Renato Penido.

    Boa tarde, Fernando,
    Obrigado pela pronta resposta.
    Debugamos a BADI e descobrimos que os dados de importação estão sendo gravado "em branco", gerando o erro de validação no GRC, tal qual dito por você.
    Aprimoramos a lógica da BADI para que a tag de importação não seja preenchida indevidamente para as notas de devolução do porto e as notas foram aprovadas.
    Muito obrigado,
    Renato Penido.

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    I am not suprised no one answered your questions, there are simply to many of them. Can I suggest you read the faq on 'how to get help quickly at - http://forums.adobe.com/thread/470404.
    Especially the section Don't which says -
    Don't post a series of questions in  a single post. Splitting them into separate threads increases your  chances of a quick answer.

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    Change App Store
    1. Tap "Settings"
    2. Tap "iTunes & App Stores"
    3.Tap "View Apple ID"
    4. Enter your user name and password.
    5. Tap "Country/Region."
    6. Tap "Change Country/Region"
    7. Select the region where you are located.
    8. Tap "Done".

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    Can you provide some light on what I'm doing wrong, and how I can accomplish what I want to do?
    Thank you!

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    Hi folks!
    I have a simple Z table (say ZTABLE) and a Z view based on it with some related description (say ZVIEW).  The ZTABLE has a DEC field (called COEF) with 2 decimals and it should have only numbers between 0 and 1.
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    Could anybody tell me what can I do?

    Since it is a Z TABLE..
    You can directly modify the flow logic in SE51.
    Go to SE51
    Give the program name - SAPL + Function group name
    Screen number
    Press change..
    In the flow logic..
    Add a module after the FIELD ztable-number, in the PAI event..
    And in the module validate the number..
      IF ZTABLE-NUMBER <> '0' OR
          ZTABLE-NUMBER <> '1'.
         MESSAGE E208(00) WITH 'Not a valid number'.

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    We already have a database package that can check a table row to see if it is 'complete', it knows all the circumstances for when an items becomes mandatory and can produce a list of fields and the reasons why they have failed validation.
    Is it possible to call this db package during page validation and use it to perform 'item' validations i.e. identify the invalid items and place the appropriate message inline with them?

    You can create a pl/sql page validation where you call you procedure.
    You should define the type of the validation, but it is very straight forward,

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    There is no BES10 Service involved in my environment. Mails are synced with with active sync.
    OS Version:
    Any suggestion appreciated.
    Best regards,

    Stuffit is the only app I know of which can decompress its own format. Your Windows clients must use the free Expander to open them. Otherwise, use OS X's built in zip compression and they'll be able to open the files without the need of third party software. Right click on any item, or group of items and choose, "Compress xxx Items" (how it will read if more than one item is chosen).

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    VN     Vendor     
    PI     Invoice presented by     
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    Any reason for this Error?

    Dear Naseer C ,
    We got similar experiences for several time.
    We quried like that.
    Selet moth from table;
    We changed several time until diappear the message.
    Hopefully, it will help you.
    Best regards,

  • Error/Warning while validating a mapping

    I'm using OWB version 9.2 and database 9i.
    I have few major problems in OWB. We have stage and star schemas on the same database instance. The source system is on a different database instance. There are database links created between target instance to source.
    I have about 20 mappings; all validated, deployed and executed successfully about 2 weeks back.
    Beginning of this week I logged on to OWB and tried to make some changes to one of the mappings. Before I made changes I tried to validate the mapping and I got following warnings:
    "VLD-1008: Referenced mapping column <COLUMN_NAME> does not exist"
    "VLD-1003: Reference <COLUMN_NAME> between mapping object and repository object does not exist".
    When I click on "View Details" it says I need to reconcile outbound of the staging table.
    When I have not made any changes to the mapping why do I need to do this? I want to know under what circumstances do we get this message?
    Another weird thing is I validated the mapping, after 15 minutes I tried to deploy this and still got the above warnings, although I had reconciled outbound and successfully validated the mapping. Am I missing something here?
    Another problem is I have a mapping which loads a dimension from staging table. Very simple basic mapping all it does is dumps from staging table to dimension and key is generated by sequence generator. Both stage and star schemas are on the same database instance. When I try to validate this mapping it gives me error:
    "VLD-2769: Database link is not allowed for data target <DIMENSION_NAME>" and when I click view details it shows following:
    "Loading of data across database link is not supported. Deploy this mapping within the same database instance as the actual target and remove the database link access specification from the physical configuration of this data target operator."
    I have not specified any database link or schema name in the mapping configuration; both stage and star schemas are on same instance. Although there are two instances that it works fine. First if I provide the schema name in the mapping configuration it gives me warning but deploys and executes fine. Secondly if I go to deployment manager, select the mapping and click deploy it validates successfully. Why do I get this error when I validate in the mapping editor?
    I never had these problems before; all the mappings were validated, deployed and executed successfully.
    I would like to know where/what could have gone wrong? Could any of you point me in the right direction? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    ok look i also had this errors:
    "VLD-1008: Referenced mapping column <COLUMN_NAME> does not exist"
    "VLD-1003: Reference <COLUMN_NAME> between mapping object and repository object does not exist".
    this errors could be due to that something has change in the source database, in this case could be that somebody change the name column since the last time you did the load.
    A possible solution is that you open the mapping (edit) and reconcile the tables both the table "from"(where the table came) and the table "to"(the table destination).
    ooh and check the source system for any table that has changed, if it changed, so you have to load again the table.

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    Error message when trying to install iTunes on my Pc:
    Using Windows 7, had to replace hard drive.  HELP!!
    This installation package could not be
    opened. Verify that the package exists
    and that you can access it, or contact
    the application vendor to verify that
    this is a valid Windows installer package

    Hello JAH1961,
    I recommend following the steps in the article below when getting an error message trying to install iTunes:
    Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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