Facing Problem in Perl Script

Hi ,
I m facing one problem in perl script.
Oracle Database 10g.
DBD::Oracle::db selectall_arrayref failed: handle 2 is owned by thread 225ffc not c
urrent thread 1c4f8ac (handles can't be shared between threads and your driver may
need a CLONE method added) at c:\perl\update_card_numbers_oracle.pl line 258, <STDI
N> line 1.
Thx in advance....

There are forums here at OTN for Perl related issues ... this isn't it.
Return to the list of all forums and find the one where your inquiry belongs.

Similar Messages

  • Problem in running Perl script through oracle

    I am facing one problem in perl script.
    " I have one perl script which is interact with sybase database.We have migrated the sybase database to oracle successfully.Now i wanna to change the perl script to interact with oracle database.
    I am using the code like that for interacting the oracle database
    Old Code with sybase database : use DBI::Sybase::GFAS;
    New code with oracle database : Use DBI::oracle::GFAS;
    When i am running the perl script,Its showing the below mentioned error:
    Can't locate DBI/oracle.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1
    \perl\5.8.3\lib\MSWin32-x86 C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\perl\5.8.3\lib/MSWin32
    -x86-multi-thread C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\perl\5.8.3\lib C:\oracle\product
    \10.2.0\db_1\perl\5.8.3\lib\MSWin32-x86 C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\perl\site\
    5.8.3 C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\perl\site\5.8.3\lib/MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
    C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\perl\site\5.8.3\lib C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1
    \sysman\admin\scripts C:/Perl/lib C:/Perl/site/lib .) at hello.pl line 4.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at hello.pl line 4.
    Anyone have any idea about this error.
    Thx in advance.

    If you look in the oracle home in the perl\site\5.8.3\lib\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread directory you will see two directories. Once is DBI and one is DBD.
    All you need in your perl program is a line 'use DBI'. It will use DBD automatically as and when required. You can specify the necessary connection information when you issue the DBI->connect statement.
    I have successfully managed to connect to Oracle databases and perform DML using the software installed by default. You don't need to download and install anything else.
    I'm no perl expert so maybe some functionality is missing using the interfaces provided by Oracle but for my needs it has sufficed.
    Hope this helps.

  • I have perl scripts that I want to be able to run with my iplanet web server 6.0. How can I make it work in Windows NT? (Because I have no problem when I use it with Linux).


    Hi Melanie,
    In order to run a PERL script under Windows NT the iPlanet Web Server needs to know where to find the PERL interpreter.
    follow these steps :
    1) Make sure Windows NT knows what a .pl file is. In file Manager click on file and choose associate from the menu. Check the "files with extension" drop-down list for pl - if it exists verify that it is pathed to your perl.exe. If it is not already on the list click the "New Type" button. In the Filetype box put pl. Choose open from the Action drop-down list. In the Command box specify the full path to your perl.exe interpreter (Make sure to use short filenames, rather than long filenames.) Click the OK button. Then click the Close button in the main Associate dialog box. Double click a .pl file to test - it should automatically launch the PERL interpreter and feed it your .pl file.
    2) Create a directory to contain your .pl scripts.
    ~server_root\shell-cgi is a good choice.
    or \cgi-bin\
    NOTE: Make very sure that this directory is NOT part of the document root, it should have it's own directory (preferably at the same level of the docroot).
    3) In the Admin Server select Programs.
    4) Choose CGI directory (normally) or WinCGI directory or ShellCGI Directory depending on ur choice from the Programs menu.
    5) Put the URL Prefix you would like to map to your Shell-CGI directory into the URL Prefix field.
    6) Put the full path to your Shell-CGI directory in the Shell CGI directory field.
    7) Click OK.
    8) The save and apply changes page will display your changes and give you the opportunity to verify them. If they are correct click the Save and Apply button. If not Click the Undo button and go back to step 4.
    (9)You can then call your .pl scripts directly by referencing the directory mapping that you have just created. For example:
    http://my.server.whatever/shell-cgi/ myscript.pl
    this should work now.
    If not Pls Mail me.
    [email protected]

  • Urgent Problem in Executing perl script from shell script

    I've a shell script on one server (source) and a perl script on another (target).
    My perl script will check whether the directoryname, filename provided by shell script exists on the target server or not.
    My shell script is as follows:
    #! bin/bash
    cmd=`ssh user@target "perl /home/user/test_dir/validate_file.pl"`
    echo $cmd
    And my perl script uses a package CU_Functions.pm, which is in the same directory as the perl script on the target server.
    But when I invoke the perl script from shell script, I get the following error:
    Source:user> (db:ias10g12_mid_db) /home/user/perl
    $ sh /home/user/arcs/arcs_conn.sh
    user@target's password:
    Can't locate CU_Functions.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /local/perl-5.6.1/lib/5.6.1/i686-linux /local/perl-5.6.1/lib/5.6.1 /local/perl-5.6.1/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux /local/perl-5.6.1/lib/site_perl/5.6.1 /local/perl-5.6.1/lib/site_perl .) at /home/user/test_dir/validate_file.pl line 13.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/user/test_dir/validate_file.pl line 13.
    Please let me know if I need to do any configurations prior to call the perl script.

    As for the Perl INC, I cannot recall the environment variable that sets that but the following example should work:
    ssh user@host "export ENV_VAR=/path/to/include/files:$ENV_VAR ; /full/path/to/script"

  • Call PERL script from JAVA

    I am facing a problem in running a PERL script in JAVA in UNIX box..
    I am able to call ther perlscript.
    Perl script has
    #! /usr/local/bin/perl
    print "\nEnter Your Name :";
    $name = <>;
    print "\nYour Name is : $name\n";
    exit 0;
    Perl script request for the INPUT(name) .
    My Java program is
    File perlfile = new File("test.pl");
    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
    Process process = runtime.exec("perl "+perlfile);
    Here is the problem tat IT IS says error =2 ..What has to be the solution so tat i can CALL PERL SCRIPT as similiar to running it separatly in prompt { >perl test.pl }
    PLEASE help me on this....

    In the PERL SCRIPT (test.pl)
    LINE 1 : #! /usr/local/bin/perl
    LINE 2 : print "\nEnter Your Name :"; .
    LINE 3 : $name = <>;
    LINE 4 : print "\nYour Name is : $name\n";
    LINE 5 : exit 0;
    When i run this script in perl test.pl in prompt (UNIX BOX), i am gettin the request for name "Enter Your Name:____ " but when i call this script from Java it doesn't request for name and moreover the process doesnt ends (use ctrl+c to come out of the process).When i come out forcefully it shows the ERROR=2.
    My requirement is such tat need to call a PERL SCRIPT from java so tat java process give the control to PERL script and it will continue the process..
    Sample scenario:
    Java move a file and store it in a new FOLDER
    MY perl script will read the file in new FOLDER.
    here the perl script will get the file name for processing... My issue comes here .$name is not be prompted while calling thro java..

  • How to launching a perl script by the "begin" script of a jumpstart

    Hi all,
    i have an urgent pb with my solaris jumpstart, let me explain to you :
    i want that the begin script launch some perl script, but i have a problem
    here is my "begin" script:
    echo "Begining ISO FLAR based jumpstart."
    echo ""
    echo "Starting Ullink Configuration"
    env > /tmp/env
    /bin/sh << EOF
    /usr/bin/perl /cdrom/.archives/admin-scripts/sethostname.pl
    EOFmy perl script use a STDIN
    with this configuration, the perl script is launching but it runs in a loop indefinitely with an error "use of uninitialized value", because (i think) a value is return to the begin scritp and not to the perl script.
    well, on a pre-installed solaris, if a launch the begin script, it happens the same thing, it runs in a loop, BUT if i comment the line "/bin/sh <<EOF" and "EOF", it works.
    at this step, i say "ok it's cool my script is working", but when i use it during the jumpstart instalaltion, the perl script does not start, without any particular error.
    here is my perl script, if you want to test :
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w^M
    # Set Hostname for Ullink Jumpstart^M
    use strict;^M
    sub hit_enter {^M
        print "Hit enter to continue\n";^M
        print "\033[2J";^M
    sub get_hostname {^M
        my %towns_list = (^M
            'Paris' => 'PA',^M
            'New-York' => 'NY',^M
        my %sites_list = (^M
            'Office' => 'OFC',^M
            'Redbus' => 'RED',^M
            'Telehouse' => 'TLH',^M
            'DTC' => 'DTC',^M
            'iAdvantage' => 'IAD',^M
            'Nutley' => 'NUT',^M
            'Level3' => 'LV3',^M
            'Equinix' => 'EQX',^M
            'Tata' => 'TAT',^M
            'Switch-data' => 'SWI',^M
        my %usage_list = (^M
            'Production' => 'PRD',^M
            'UAT' => 'UAT',^M
            'DMZ' => 'DMZ',^M
        sub select_list {^M
            my $counter=-1;^M
            my %hash_list = @_;^M
            my @keys = keys %hash_list;^M
            # Clear screen^M
            print "\033[2J";^M
            print "In which country this machine is hosted or will be host and will be used ?\n\n";^M
            # Get all keys from hash^M
            my $key;
            while ($key = each %hash_list ) {^M
                print "$counter - $key\n";^M
            print "\nChoose the number corresponding to your choice :\n";^M
            my $choice_number;
            chomp ($choice_number = <STDIN>);^M
            # Verify answer^M
            if (($choice_number =~ /\d+/) and ($choice_number <= $counter)) {^M
                # Add choice to chosen hostname^M
                my $chosen=$hash_list{$keys[$choice_number]};^M
                return $chosen;^M
            } else {^M
                print "\nYour answer is not correct, you need to enter a number between 0 and $counter\n";^M
        sub srv_number {^M
            print "\033[2J";^M
            print "What is the server number ?\n";^M
            my $server_number;
            chomp ($server_number = <STDIN>);^M
            if ($server_number =~ /\d+/) {^M
                return $server_number;^M
            } else {^M
                print "\nYour answer is not correct, you need to enter a number\n";^M
        my $full_hostname = &select_list(%towns_list).'-';^M
        $full_hostname = $full_hostname.&select_list(%sites_list).'-';^M
        $full_hostname = $full_hostname.'SRV-';^M
        $full_hostname = $full_hostname.&select_list(%usage_list).'-';^M
        $full_hostname = $full_hostname.&srv_number;^M
        sub write_hostname2tmp {^M
            open (HOSTNAME, ">/tmp/set_hostname") or warn "Couldn't write $_[0] to temp file : $!\n";^M
                print HOSTNAME "$_[0]\n";^M
            close (HOSTNAME);^M
        print "\033[2J";^M
        print "Is $full_hostname the correct name for this server ? (y/n)\n";^M
        if (<STDIN> =~ /y|yes/i) {^M
        } else {^M
            print "Would you like to retry (r) or set manually the hostname (s) ? (r/s)\n";^M
            if (<STDIN> =~ /s/i) {^M
                print "Type the full required name and hit enter when finished :\n";^M
                chomp ($full_hostname = <STDIN>);^M
            } else {^M
    # Start configuration^M
    print "\033[2J";^M
    print "\n########################################################\n";^M
    print "#\t\t\t\t\t\t       #\n";^M
    print "#\t\t\tULLINK\t\t\t       #\n";^M
    print '#  Solaris Environnement Installation for Datacenters  #';^M
    print "\n#\t\t\t\t\t\t       #";^M
    print "\n########################################################\n\n";^M
    print "Before starting installation, you need to enter a set of informations.\n(answer to all questions, you can Ctrl+C to stop now)\n\n";^M
    &get_hostname;^Mthank for your help
    Edited by: ullink on Jun 25, 2009 6:05 AM

    Hi Manju,
    You can try the following command and check if any helps:
    Get-Exchangeserver |where-object{$_.AdminDisplayVersion -like "Version 15*"} |Get-MailboxStatistics | Ft -auto -wrap DisplayName,database,servername,*size*,*time*
    Best regards,
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Facing problem with logo in the PDF attachment when sending mail...

    hi friends,
    i'm facing problem with logo in the PDF attachment to the mail.
    my requirement:
    1. enter spool number and mail id in the selection screen.
    1. now the program will fetch the spool data and converts it to PDF.
    2. but when i'm trying to send mail with this PDF as attachment.
    when i open the PDF file from the mail, logo is not coming properly (looks disturbed).
    can anyone help me how to resolve this issue...
    thanks in advance, murashali.

    hi dinakar, thanks for your mail...
    logo looks good in spool/script/smartform.
    even it look good when i download this spool to pdf and to the presentation server as pdf file.
    when i used CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF, is gives a msg - 'spool number not found'.
    here i'm using folloing code to pass pdf to the function module: SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1.
    Transfer the 132-long strings to 255-long strings
      lt_mtab_pdf[] = pdf[].
      LOOP AT lt_mtab_pdf INTO lwa_mtab_pdf.
        TRANSLATE lwa_mtab_pdf USING ' ~'.
        CONCATENATE lv_gd_buffer lwa_mtab_pdf INTO lv_gd_buffer.
        CLEAR lwa_mtab_pdf.
      TRANSLATE lv_gd_buffer USING '~ '.
        lwa_mess_att = lv_gd_buffer.
        APPEND lwa_mess_att TO lt_mess_att.
        CLEAR lwa_mess_att.
        SHIFT lv_gd_buffer LEFT BY 255 PLACES.
        IF lv_gd_buffer IS INITIAL.
    NOTE: problem i believe is with ''.  i'm getting this tilt symbol () in my pdf internal table.  here in the above code the line   TRANSLATE lv_gd_buffer USING '~ ' is changing the existing tilt to space.  so my logo is getting disturbed.
    even i tried with REPLACE this tilt with other char, but it doent work.
    can you give any idea...

  • Shell or perl script from OS command_Sender File Channel

    Hi All,
    I am trying to execute a perl script from the File Sender Channel(NFS), OS command Before Message Processing. The script works fine if i run it from the shell. But when PI calls the script,  the script does not get executed. The audit logs mention that the OS command has been called.
    I tried using:
    1) /<fullpath>perlScript.pl /<fullpath>filename.dat
    2) perl /<fullpath>perlScript.pl /<fullpath>filename.dat
    Both these commands work fine when i execute them on the shell.
    I am on solaris and PI 7.0. The permission for the perl script and input files are all 777.
    FYI.. i am using this perl script to transpose a complex file and make it # delimited file.
    I have already read the blogs for OS command and executed some sample scenarios successfully.
    I tried to call a shell script that does the same functionality as the perl script. Even that does not work.
    Also, wrote a shell script to call the perl script inside it. No luck.
    touch /fullpath>/create_before.dat
    perl /<fullpath>perlScript.pl /<fullpath>filename.dat
    touch /<fullpath>/create_after.dat
    In this case, the create_before.dat and create_after.dat is getting created but the perl is not called. I know this because i cant see the output files of the perl script.
    Edited by: Balaji M on Oct 30, 2008 2:36 PM

    The problem is fixed. The shell or perl both have logic to transpose a non industry starndard file to the delimited file which PI can use an FCC to pick up.
    This was the fix:
    we need to mention the shell the script is going to be run in.
    In the shell script we mentioned --> *#!/usr/bin/bash* as the first line
    normally, when we use the command -- which bash on the unix command prompt, it tells us the path for the bash used.
    another option --> #!/usr/bin/ksh
    again, on the command prompt -- which ksh command will tell us what ksh is being used.
    If the script is a simple one that does copy or move commands, i believe we need not use the commands above. But is a good practice to have them in the script.
    Edited by: Balaji M on Nov 3, 2008 4:38 PM

  • Converting Perl Scripts into Java Servlets

    I have just been assigned the job of converting some perl scripts into Java Servlets. The first problem i have run into is with quotes. The problem is in perl you can just print out blocks of html without worrying about the quotes. ie (name="joe"). It will be a pain if i have to delimit every quote that is in the html so that i can add it to my java string. I was just wondering if anyone knows of an easy way of accomplishing this task.

    jonhorsman said
       I have just been assigned the job of converting some perl
       scripts into Java Servlets.I was just wondering if anyone
       knows of an easy way of accomplishing this task. The easy way is to not do it - is there a business need to do this or just because someone likes java more than perl.
    But presuming there is a business need, then the easist way I can think (and certainly more interesting than doing it by hand) is to write a perl script that does it for you.

  • Facing problem while unloading the SWF file in SWF Loader

    Facing problem with SWF Loader.
    I've 4 SWF files (demo1.swf, demo1_skin.swf, demo2.swf and demo2_skin.swf).
    These swf files are created throgh Adobe Captivate.
    Playing demo1_skin, will play the demo1.swf with the controls at the button such as "Play", "Pause", "Stop", "Forward", "Backward" and Seekbar.
    Playing demo2_skin, will play the demo2.swf with the controls at the button such as "Play", "Pause", "Stop", "Forward", "Backward" and Seekbar.
    1. Clicked on the video1 leaf of the tree. Video1.swf is getting played.
    I am able to click on the seek bar to take the video pointer to the desired position. I can drag the seek bar forward and backward also.
    2. Clicked on the video2 leaf of the tree. Video2.swf is getting played.
    I am not able to click on the seek bar to take the video pointer to the desired position. Also, I am not able to drag the pointer on the seek bar either forward or backward also.
    Play, Pause, Stop, Forward, Backward buttons on the skin works properly.
    3. If I again, click on the video1 leaf, point 1 observation is found.
    4. clicking agian, on video2 leaf, point 2 observation found.
    Please suggest.
    I tried with Loader also. But, nothing fruitful. Same result, as I am getting from SWF Loader.
    Please find the below used code.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <gallery label="All">
              <file label="video1" src="demo1_skin.swf" />
              <file label="video2" src="demo2_skin.swf" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" verticalAlign="middle" backgroundColor="white">
                  import mx.events.ListEvent;
                  private function tree_itemClick(event:ListEvent):void {
                        var t:Tree = event.currentTarget as Tree;
                        var dataObj:Object = event.itemRenderer.data;
                        if (dataObj.hasOwnProperty("@src")) {
    <mx:XML id="dp" source="dp.xml" />
        <mx:HDividedBox width="100%" height="100%">
              <mx:Panel width="200" height="100%">
                  <mx:Tree id="tree" dataProvider="{dp}" labelField="@label"
                        showRoot="false" width="100%" height="100%" itemClick="tree_itemClick(event);" />
                  <mx:Panel id="panel" width="100%" height="100%" backgroundColor="white">
                        <mx:SWFLoader id="swfLoader" width="100%" height="100%" />
    log in the console
    [SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\Sample3.swf - 951,034 bytes after decompression
    Clicked on the video1 leaf of the tree
    [SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo1_skin.swf - 31,309 bytes after decompression
    this.getSWFVersion() = 7
    contentSWFFullPath = file://C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo1.swf
    [SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo1.swf - 323,414 bytes after decompression
    incrementWait = 1
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    decrementWait = 0
    Clicked on the video2 leaf of the tree
    [SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo2_skin.swf - 31,311 bytes after decompression
    [Unload SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo1.swf
    this.getSWFVersion() = 7
    contentSWFFullPath = file://C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo2.swf
    [SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo2.swf - 477,273 bytes after decompression
    incrementWait = 1
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    decrementWait = 0
    Clicked on the video1 leaf of the tree (Again)
    [SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo1_skin.swf - 31,309 bytes after decompression
    [Unload SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo2.swf
    this.getSWFVersion() = 7
    contentSWFFullPath = file://C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo1.swf
    [SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo1.swf - 323,414 bytes after decompression
    [Unload SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo2_skin.swf
    incrementWait = 1
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    decrementWait = 0
    Clicked on the video2 leaf of the tree (Again)
    [SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo2_skin.swf - 31,311 bytes after decompression
    [Unload SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo1.swf
    this.getSWFVersion() = 7
    contentSWFFullPath = file://C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo2.swf
    [SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo2.swf - 477,273 bytes after decompression
    incrementWait = 1
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    onLoad m_movie = null
    decrementWait = 0
    [Unload SWF] C:\Java_Flex_Practice\FlexPractice\Sample\bin-debug\demo1_skin.swf

    Try calling unloadAndStop() before loading a new swf.
    Note that unLoadAndStop()is FP10 only.

  • How to disable "This Connection is Untrusted" warning in firefox using shell or perl script running on Linux Platform

    We have QA automation jobs that invoke user interface tests in Firefox running on a virtual Linux host.
    My tests perform regression, but I'm held up because of the Firefox This Connection is Untrusted warning.
    My current requirement is to ignore this connection untrusted warning, which comes up when accessing an HTTPS website and i want this to be disabled through either a shell or a Perl script.
    I can do this manually using the steps below, but this will not work for my current problem since the virtual Linux hosts are created dynamically on submission of automation jobs.
    Go to Tools > Options > Advanced "Tab"(?) > Encryption Tab Click the "Validation" button, and uncheck the checkbox for checking validity.
    Is there any Perl or shell script that disables this certificate warning?

    There might be an add on to accomplish this:
    *[https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/skip-cert-error/ Skip Cert Error]
    However if we cannot find a solution there might be another place for support:
    *[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/where-go-developer-support Where to go for developer support]

  • How to run Perl script in Java program?

    Some say that the following statement can run Perl script in Java program:
    But when I run it, it'll throw IOException:
    java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: C:\runPerl.pl error=193
    at java.lang.Win32Process.create(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Win32Process.<init>(Win32Process.java:63)
    at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:566)
    at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:428)
    at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:364)
    at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:326)
    at test.runPerl.main(runPerl.java:16)
    Exception in thread "main"
    Where is the problem? In fact, I do have a Perl script named "runPerl.pl" in my C:/ directory. Could anybody tell me why it can't be run? Thanks in advance.

    Hello sabre,
    First of all thanks for your reply.
    I have tried like what you mentioned.
    Eventhough, i could get the exact error message.
    I could get the Exception
    "Exception:java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: process hasn't exited"
    import java.io.*;
    public class Sample{
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    String s = null;
    Process p;
         p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("tar -vf sample.tar");
         if(p.exitValue() == 0)
    catch(Exception ex)
    In this code, i tried to run the "tar command". In this command i have given -vf instead -xvf.
    But it is throwing
    "Error opening message catalog 'Logging.cat': No such file or directory
    Exception:java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: process hasn't exited
    "Error opening message catalog 'Logging.cat'" what this line means ie,
    I dont know what is Logging.cat could you explain me its urgent.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Recovering Permissions on /usr/lib - pkgchk or perl script?

    We have a SUN 280R running solaris 8 which accidently had a 'chmod-R 644 /usr/lib' run on it. The result was that on reboot, the system could not 'execute' or 'find' specific libraries such as ld.so.1 and some files associated with the veritas volume software we have installed on the system. We have been able to chmod most of /usr/lib 755 including ld.so.1. We would like to restore permissions to prevent any system stablity problems. so what is the better method to use here?
    1.) do a grep /usr/lib on /var/sadm/install/contents, pull out all the package names with an awk statement and then run them in a loop with pkgchk -fa?
    2.) Run a perl script which parses /var/sadm/install/contents, pulls out all the individual files in /usr/lib, and run a chmod <perm> $file on each file name?
    Which method would be less destructive? My concern is that running pkgchk on all packages associated with /usr/lib may 'fix' something, or modify something which would prevent the system from coming up.
    What key files in /usr/lib would prevent the system from coming back up, if permissions were incorrect? (i.e 644)? Should a chmod <perm> <file> for each file in the contents file for all files in /usr/lib resolve this problem completely?
    Any advice would be appreciated.

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data, then reinstall the OS. You don't need to erase the startup volume, and you won't need your backup unless something goes wrong. If your Mac was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you’ll need the Apple ID and password you used to upgrade.
    If you installed the Java runtime distributed by Apple and still need it, you'll have to reinstall it.

  • Best method for timestamping? (for later use with perl script)

    What is the best method that I can use to timestamp events in Linux for later use with perl script?
    I am performing some energy measurements.. where I am running several tasks separated by 20 secs in between. Before I start any execution of tasks, I always place initial delay for me to start the script and start the measurement device.
    My problem is that I don't know how long is that first delay exactly. So to solve this, I thought I could use date commands to time stamp all tasks.. or at least to timestamp first dela.
    Here is example of what I am doing:
    1st delay
    task 1
    task 2
    task 3..... etc
    What would be the best to use?

    It posts messages straight to the system log.  You can see the message, in all its glory using tools like journalctl.  You will see the message, the date, time, host name, user name, and the PID of logger when it ran.

  • PRoblem in SAP Script Address Comand

    HI Frnds,
    I am using Address command to display Vendor Address in SAP Script.
    But I am facing problem like that vendor's post code is display first rather then City name and after PO code.
    I have change alignment to display format for City and PO Code display. But it also gives same error.
    Kindly Help me out for this problem.

    I am using same format.. then also gives such display in output as: First City then POstal code
    my code:
    /:   ADDRESS DELIVERY PARAGRAPH AN                      
    /:   NAME    &LFA1-NAME2&, &LFA1-NAME3&, &LFA1-NAME4&   
    /:   STREET   &LFA1-STRAS&                              
    /:   CITY     &LFA1-ORT01&, &LFA1-ORT02&                
    /:   POSTCODE &LFA1-PSTLZ&                              
    /:   COUNTRY  &LFA1-LAND1&                              
    /:   REGION   &LFA1-REGIO&                              

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