Fact table data type changed from int to nvarchar -- rebuild on cube fails

 I change one of my data types in the Fact table from INT to Nvarchar... When I look at the properties it appears
correct but when I try to Process it fails still thinking it's data type INT.
 How can the DSV be refreshed( I did try REFRESH  and it noticied the change to field) to reflect new nvarchar data type without
having to rebuild entire Cube.
SSAS 2005

Did you try to view the code on the Data Source view and cube that it is reflecting the correct data type on both places? if not you can change there and save it.
prajwal kumar potula

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    Dear All,
    I have a requirement of craetion of dynamic inetrnal table which I have created referring to a custom table .
    In that custom table there is field ZDC002 of type DEC(16,7) which is converted to data type P(9,7) .
    Now it works fine if 2 digit and 7 decimals  value passed like 12.1234567 but it gives overflow error when passing more than 2 digit value .
    Please help me as I have no control to SAP standard functinality while creation of data-type . My piece of code :
    ref_table_des ?=
          cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'ZBW_EE_DCONTR' ).
          idetails[] = ref_table_des->components[].
    In this idetails[] table filedname data type changed from DEC16,7 to data type P(9,7). => Total Length of Packed Data Type is 9 which allows to contain only 2 numericdigits and 7 decimals => puts overflow error if more than 2 numeric data passed.
    Any suggestions will be appreciated.

    Did you try to view the code on the Data Source view and cube that it is reflecting the correct data type on both places? if not you can change there and save it.
    prajwal kumar potula

  • How to find the Column data type changes in table

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    I need to find out the column data type changes where made recently in table .
    How do i check past changes in column data type. Any data dictionary are there to find out the data type changes in the column .
    Thanks in advance..

    <FONT FACE="Arial" size=2 color="2D0000">
    You have the answer on hand (user_arguments / all_arguments)!
    SQL> desc user_arguments
    Name                                      Null?    Typ
    OVERLOAD       VARCHAR2(40)
    DATA_TYPE      VARCHAR2(30) --> Data Type
    IN_OUT         VARCHAR2(9) -->Argument direction (IN,OUT,or IN/OUT)
    RADIX          NUMBER
    TYPE_OWNER         VARCHAR2(30)
    TYPE_NAME          VARCHAR2(30)
    TYPE_LINK          VARCHAR2(128)
    PLS_TYPE           VARCHAR2(30)
    CHAR_USED          VARCHAR2(1)
    Look for Data_Type where IN_OUT say OUT. That will be the data type retruned by that function.
    Edited :
    or POSITION in argument list,or null for function return value

  • How to migrate 'table' data type into oracle solution?

    Say, I have following sample code in Sql Server:
    Declare @v1 table(old_value int, new_value int)
    insert into @v1 select old_value, new_value from aTable where....
    declare cur cursor for
    select new_value from @v1 where old_value=...
    what should I use in oracle to convert above code? I was thinking about nested table, but it seems not very suitable here. Any better solutions out there?

    It's been a while since I've done any SQL Server development, but if I recall correctly, a table data type in Transact SQL is used for storing temporary result sets.
    In your example, you seem to be temporaily storing the results of a query in a Transact SQL table, and then opening a cursor to iterate over the results.
    In Oracle PL/SQL, there is usually no need to do this, just open a cursor:
    create or replace procedure test_proc as
    for curs_rec in (select old_value, new_value from myTable) loop
    ... process each row ...
    end loop;
    end test_proc;
    If you really want your results in an array which your code can iterate over, look into the BULK COLLECT clause of the SELECT statement:
    create or replace procedure test_proc as
    my_array array_type;
    SELECT * BULK COLLECT INTO my_array FROM myTable;
    for idx in my_array.FIRST..my_array.LAST loop
    end loop;
    end test_proc;
    Note that I have not actually compiled the above code, so there may be syntax errors :)
    Also, prior to 9i you can not BULK COLLECT into a table based on a rowtype (you need to created an array for each attribute).
    SQL Server also allows function which return table types. This is similar to PL/SQL pipelined table functions (available in 9i and higher - see the PL/SQL guide), which can be used to materialize rows which can be processed like any other result set.
    SQL Server also has a concept of temporary tables which is totally different than Oracle's temporary tables. SQL Server developers must often resort to using temporary tables in their stored procedures; in Oracle, this is rarely necessary.

  • Package with table data type as out parameter.

    Hi there, I managed to compile the package without error but when I am trying to test this package and
    I am keep facing this error message. 
    Am I using correctly for the table data type as out parameter.  I have no idea what is wrong with the package to fix. 
    Pls. help and advise me.  Thanks.
    Error starting at line 1 in command:
    p_stmodel VARCHAR2(40):=null;
    p_item_number VARCHAR(40):='9BX158-300';
    p_item_id NUMBER:=0;
    l_attribute_out test_common_api.l_item_attr_tab:=test_common_api.l_item_attr_tab();
    Error report:
    ORA-06550: line 8, column 18:
    PLS-00302: component 'TEST_ATTRIBUTE' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 8, column 2:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    06550. 00000 -  "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
    *Cause:    Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE test_common_api
                                   PRODUCTTYPE VARCHAR2(30),
                                   INTERNALPRODUCTNAME VARCHAR2(20),
                                   NUMBEROFHEADS VARCHAR2(2),
                                   NUMBEROFDISCS VARCHAR2(2),
                                   GENERATION  VARCHAR2(10),
                                   FACTORYAPPLICATION VARCHAR2(150),
                                   PRODUCTFAMILY  VARCHAR2(60),
                                   FORMFACTOR VARCHAR2(10),
                                   FORMATTEDCAPACITY NUMBER,
                                   FORMATTEDCAPACITY_UOM VARCHAR2(20),
                                   INTERFACE  VARCHAR2(30),
                                   SPINDLESPEEDRPM  NUMBER,
                                   PRODUCTCACHE VARCHAR2(10),
                                   WARRANTYMONTHS   VARCHAR2(2),
                                   PHYSICAL_SECTOR_SIZE  NUMBER,
                                   MODELHEIGHT  VARCHAR2(10),
                                   ENCRYPTION_TYPE VARCHAR2(40));
    TYPE l_item_attr_tab IS TABLE OF item_attr_rec;
    END test_common_api;
    show errors
    create or replace package body test_common_api
    PROCEDURE test_attribute (p_stmodel IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_number IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_id IN NUMBER,
                               l_item_attr_list OUT l_item_attr_tab)
    l_stmodel st.stmodelnumber%TYPE;
    l_market_segment VARCHAR2(10) ;
    l_sub_market_segment VARCHAR2(10) ;
    l_app_segment VARCHAR2(10);
    l_market_name VARCHAR2(40) ;
    l_ccitem seaeng_ccitemnumber.ccitemnumber%TYPE;
    l_query_item  VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_query_model VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_where VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_bind_var1      VARCHAR2(40);
    l_bind_var2      VARCHAR2(40);
    l_sql            NUMBER:=0;
    l_config VARCHAR2(40):=null;
       IF p_stmodel is not null THEN
           l_where :='WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber
                      AND sc.pricingdescriptor=''MODEL''
                      AND sc.ccdashnumber =''000''
                      AND sp.detailedproductname=''GENERIC''
                      AND st.stmodelnumber= :1';
                  IF p_item_number is null AND p_item_id is null THEN
                      l_config :='null';
                      l_config :='sc.configuration';
                  END IF;
            l_bind_var1 :=p_stmodel;
            l_sql :=1;
            IF p_item_id is null and p_item_number is not null THEN
                l_where := 'WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber = :1';  
                l_bind_var1 :=p_item_number;
            ELSIF p_item_id is NOT null and p_item_number is null THEN
                l_where := 'WHERE sc.ccmodel= sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber in ( select msi.segment1
                            from mtl_system_items msi
                            where msi.inventory_item_id = :1)';
                l_bind_var1 := p_item_id;
            ELSIF p_item_id is not null and p_item_number is not null THEN
                l_where :='WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber in (select msi.segment1
                           from mtl_system_items msi
                           where msi.inventory_item_id = :1
                           AND msi.segment1=:2)';
                l_bind_var1 := p_item_id ;
                l_bind_var2 :=p_item_number;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    l_query_item :='SELECT sc.configuration,st.producttype, sp.internalproductname, sp.numberofheads , sp.numberofdiscs,
      sp.generation,sp.factoryapplication, st.productfamily,st.formfactor , st.formattedcapacity , st.formattedcapacity_uom,
      st.interface,st.spindlespeedrpm,st.productcache,st.warrantymonths, st.physical_sector_size, st.modelheight, st.encryption_type
       FROM  pm sp , st st, seaeng_ccitemnumber sc ';
    l_query_model :='SELECT '|| l_config|| ' , st.producttype, null,null , null, null, sp.factoryapplication, null,st.formfactor, st.formattedcapacity,
      st.formattedcapacity_uom,st.interface , st.spindlespeedrpm, st.productcache, st.warrantymonths,st.physical_sector_size, st.modelheight,
      FROM  pm sp , st st, seaeng_ccitemnumber sc ';
       IF l_sql = 1 THEN
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  l_query_model ||l_where
                             BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                             USING l_bind_var1 ;
             l_sql =2 THEN
               EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_query_item || l_where
                                 BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                                 using l_bind_var1;
           EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  l_query_item ||l_where
                             BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                             USING l_bind_var1, l_bind_var2 ; 
        END IF;
    END test_attribute;
    END test_common_api;
    show errors

    I think you forget to declare "PROCEDURE test_attribute" procedure in your package definition. like:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE test_common_api
                                   PRODUCTTYPE VARCHAR2(30),
                                   INTERNALPRODUCTNAME VARCHAR2(20),
                                   NUMBEROFHEADS VARCHAR2(2),
                                   NUMBEROFDISCS VARCHAR2(2),
                                   GENERATION  VARCHAR2(10),
                                   FACTORYAPPLICATION VARCHAR2(150),
                                   PRODUCTFAMILY  VARCHAR2(60),
                                   FORMFACTOR VARCHAR2(10),
                                   FORMATTEDCAPACITY NUMBER,
                                   FORMATTEDCAPACITY_UOM VARCHAR2(20),
                                   INTERFACE  VARCHAR2(30),
                                   SPINDLESPEEDRPM  NUMBER,
                                   PRODUCTCACHE VARCHAR2(10),
                                   WARRANTYMONTHS   VARCHAR2(2),
                                   PHYSICAL_SECTOR_SIZE  NUMBER,
                                   MODELHEIGHT  VARCHAR2(10),
                                   ENCRYPTION_TYPE VARCHAR2(40));
    PROCEDURE test_attribute (p_stmodel IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_number IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_id IN NUMBER,
                               l_item_attr_list OUT l_item_attr_tab);
    TYPE l_item_attr_tab IS TABLE OF item_attr_rec;
    END test_common_api;
    show errors
    create or replace package body test_common_api
    PROCEDURE test_attribute (p_stmodel IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_number IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_item_id IN NUMBER,
                               l_item_attr_list OUT l_item_attr_tab)
    l_stmodel st.stmodelnumber%TYPE;
    l_market_segment VARCHAR2(10) ;
    l_sub_market_segment VARCHAR2(10) ;
    l_app_segment VARCHAR2(10);
    l_market_name VARCHAR2(40) ;
    l_ccitem seaeng_ccitemnumber.ccitemnumber%TYPE;
    l_query_item  VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_query_model VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_where VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_bind_var1      VARCHAR2(40);
    l_bind_var2      VARCHAR2(40);
    l_sql            NUMBER:=0;
    l_config VARCHAR2(40):=null;
       IF p_stmodel is not null THEN
           l_where :='WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber
                      AND sc.pricingdescriptor=''MODEL''
                      AND sc.ccdashnumber =''000''
                      AND sp.detailedproductname=''GENERIC''
                      AND st.stmodelnumber= :1';
                  IF p_item_number is null AND p_item_id is null THEN
                      l_config :='null';
                      l_config :='sc.configuration';
                  END IF;
            l_bind_var1 :=p_stmodel;
            l_sql :=1;
            IF p_item_id is null and p_item_number is not null THEN
                l_where := 'WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber = :1';  
                l_bind_var1 :=p_item_number;
            ELSIF p_item_id is NOT null and p_item_number is null THEN
                l_where := 'WHERE sc.ccmodel= sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber in ( select msi.segment1
                            from mtl_system_items msi
                            where msi.inventory_item_id = :1)';
                l_bind_var1 := p_item_id;
            ELSIF p_item_id is not null and p_item_number is not null THEN
                l_where :='WHERE sc.ccmodel = sp.productmodelnumber AND sp.stmodelnumber = st.stmodelnumber and sc.ccitemnumber in (select msi.segment1
                           from mtl_system_items msi
                           where msi.inventory_item_id = :1
                           AND msi.segment1=:2)';
                l_bind_var1 := p_item_id ;
                l_bind_var2 :=p_item_number;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    l_query_item :='SELECT sc.configuration,st.producttype, sp.internalproductname, sp.numberofheads , sp.numberofdiscs,
      sp.generation,sp.factoryapplication, st.productfamily,st.formfactor , st.formattedcapacity , st.formattedcapacity_uom,
      st.interface,st.spindlespeedrpm,st.productcache,st.warrantymonths, st.physical_sector_size, st.modelheight, st.encryption_type
       FROM  pm sp , st st, seaeng_ccitemnumber sc ';
    l_query_model :='SELECT '|| l_config|| ' , st.producttype, null,null , null, null, sp.factoryapplication, null,st.formfactor, st.formattedcapacity,
      st.formattedcapacity_uom,st.interface , st.spindlespeedrpm, st.productcache, st.warrantymonths,st.physical_sector_size, st.modelheight,
      FROM  pm sp , st st, seaeng_ccitemnumber sc ';
       IF l_sql = 1 THEN
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  l_query_model ||l_where
                             BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                             USING l_bind_var1 ;
             l_sql =2 THEN
               EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_query_item || l_where
                                 BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                                 using l_bind_var1;
           EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  l_query_item ||l_where
                             BULK COLLECT INTO l_item_attr_list
                             USING l_bind_var1, l_bind_var2 ; 
        END IF;
    END test_attribute;
    END test_common_api;
    show errors

  • Problem with pl/sql table data type

    hai friends,
    i have one procedure it has some in parameters and one out parameter which fetches values to front end.
    But the out parameter will be pl/sql table data type.
    if it is ref cursor
    then i declared as
    var x refcursor;
    exec procedure_name(1,:x);
    it is ok.
    but for pl/sql table data type is out parameter then what i will do in the prompt .
    give me syntax and clarify my doubt.
    advanced thanks...

    The SQL*Plus VARIABLE statement does not support user-defined types, hence it cannot support nested tables. It can support cursors because they can be weakly typed (so we can use the one SQL*Plus VAR to hold any shape of resultset). Nested tables are strongly typed; SQL*Plus is a relatively stupid interface and cannot be expected to understand UDT.
    So, it you want to use nested tables as output you'll need to code a wrapping procedure that can understand your nested table type and handle it accordingly.
    Cheers, APC

  • Advice on Promoting Master Data Services Changes from one environment to another, e.g. DEV to UAT

    Has anyone got experience of creating a script to promote Master Data Services changes from one environment to another, e.g. Development to Production please?
    The changes basically consist of adding several new MDS members which can be accessed via Excel.
    Thanks in advance,
    Kind Regards,
    Kieran Patrick Wood http://www.innovativebusinessintelligence.com http://uk.linkedin.com/in/kieranpatrickwood http://kieranwood.wordpress.com/

    In MDS terminology an Entity is metadata, and Entity Members are the data. 
    Typically changes to an Entity (ie model design changes) are promoted to different environments.  Model design changes can be replicated manually in each environment or you can Export the model and Import it into the target environment.
    Adding, editing and deleting entity members is performed directly in each environment.
    If you want to selectively import data from a Dev environment, you can use staging.
    David http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dbrowne/

  • Why does data type change if "increment​" function added?

    I have a state machine with a shift register coupling data between states. In an early state I connect an I32 constant to the data path which causes the data path to take on an I32 type. In a later state I insert an increment (+1) function and the data path changes to a DOUBLE type. Why? I can insert an I32 conversion before or after the +1 function and the data path remains or is converted back to I32 type.

    It is good programming practice to initialize your variables, be that in C/C++, VB, etc. Likewise, the reason I say you should always initialize your shift register is so that when your VI runs, you know that it starts at your initialized value and not something else.
    There will be times when your shift register will start at a previously defined value and you get intermittent problems. It's similar to creating data dependencies in LabVIEW. It's not required but it's good programming practice to have some form of dataflow, be that for troubleshooting or debugging. And yes, there are times (not a whole lot), where you cannot create data dependencies but at times like this, you'll need to make sure you can safely say, I am very sure that this VI wi
    ll run before this VI will. Likewise, by initializing a shift register, I can safely say that my loop will always start with 0.
    Sorry but I get defensive at times... Gorka is right about how the data type changes. You can changet the data type by changing the representation by right clicking on the shift register.
    Shan Pin Koh

  • How to store and retrieve blob data type in/from oracle database using JSP

    how to store and retrieve blob data type in/from oracle database using JSP and not using servlet

    JSP? Why?
    start here: [http://java.sun.com/developer/onlineTraining/JSPIntro/contents.html]

  • Fact columns Datatype is changing from char to int in OBIEE 11g

    Hi ,
    I am taking measure columns - "product description","tot cost" against a dimension "project name" .
    I am generating this report in a planing form and OBIEE .
    in planing form :
    product description tot cost
    project name
    P1 A 1500
    p2 B 1700
    p3 C 1800
    in obiee report :
    product description
    project name
    P1 16 1500
    p2 17 1700
    p3 19 1800
    Somehow , measure's datatype are getting changed from char to number , in OBIEE report.
    By default , the data type for all fact's is Double .I tried changing that to varchar , but result is same .
    Do I need to change anything in physical layer / RPD .
    OBIEE version :
    Essbase version : 11.1.2

    Hi ,
    Thanks for your reply . To confirm , the data type of product description column is "double" in essbase .
    I found out ,thers's a RDBMS table , consisting of two columns - ID, text value . where product description's are in text value's with the corresponding ID's(integer values) .
    Now , when I am creating a form in planning , its fetching the text values of product description (there's some inbulit setting's available for this in plannng) .
    However , in obiee its fetching the ID values of product description .
    So ,
    1. Is there any similer setting I can do for OBIEE , so that it's fetches only text value's of product description .
    2. If not , then I have to join the essbase fact table with this RDBMS table . I am not sure how to do it .

  • Web report data provider change from Master data table to InfoCube

    hi Experts,
    I have created one report on top of multiprovider but in the selection screen when i check the values for a variable I came to know that data is coming from master data table and not from data provider(InfoCube).Can any one help to change the data selection from master data table to data provider(InfoCube) and i am sure that there is no ODS involved in the multiprovider.
    Thanks in advance
    With Regards,

    If u are using Analyser then just put a Analysis Grid on the output of the query(should cover all the rows and column) , click on the grid and put the dataprovider. and do auto fit.

  • What needs to be done in OBIEE 11g when underlying data types change?

    I have an SQL table that I am referencing. It contains several date fields that were varchar(8). In order to do calculations, I just cast the fields as date, and performed my calculation.
    Recently, the DBA changed the fields to date type.
    I did a "View Data" and "Update row count", but it seems as if OBIEE is still treating the fields as varchar fields.
    What is the proper procedure in OBIEE 11g to recognize the changes that occurred in the underlying table?

    In your scenario, I can suggest you can change manually to  each field lengths in physical layer.
    If you really looking one time fix then try to import the new table stricture into new rpd then save it then try to  merge original rpd . – But it is risky process ( We have two methods, patch merge and fully repository merge).
    Before doing above method take the backup original rpd and do it in your local.
    Satya Ranki Reddy

  • Restricting the Prompt Values based on Fact table data

    We need dashboard prompts in OBIEE reports that will fetch data from dimension tables. Our all dimensions are conformed dimension having joined with multiple fact tables.
    Because prompts are showing data from dimension table, it is showing all dimension data and few data might not present in the particular fact table that we have used in the report.
    For Example:
    We have one Calendar dimension table that has 20 years data that means all dates. Now we have two fact tables Fact1 and Fact2.
    In Fact1 we have records related to only 2007 Years data. And In Fact2 We have 2008 years data.
    Now We are creating two separate reports in two separate page in one dashboard where the prompt is same. That is Calendar date prompt.
    So In report1, The prompt will be Calendare and Result will be from Fact1. But as the calendar prompt from Calendar dimension, it showing all 20 years data though only 2007 years data is valie.
    Similarly for Report2, It is showing all calendar dates in the prompt where Fact2 is having 2008 year data.
    I want to show only 2007 years dates in the prompt for Report1 and 2008 years dates for Report2. That means I want to restrict prompt values based on the fact.
    It will be great if someone can suggest on this.

    Hi, I have a similar problem.
    I have two dimensions: time and customer.
    The two dimensions are joined into two Fact Table (Order, Forecast).
    I created a dashboard prompt with two selections: the first is the Year (time dimension) and the second is the Region (customer dimension) with the option "cosntraint."
    When I select a Year, not all Regions are shown, but only those that are present in one of two fact table for the year chosen. Which fact table?
    What criteria will limit the values of the Region?

  • DATE type returned from function does not return the time component

    I'm dealing with a strange problem. I have a PL/SQL function (running on Oracle which returns a DATE value. Like we all know the DATE datatype includes a date component and a time component.
    The function I used for testing is like this:
    FUNCTION ReturnDate return Date is
    dReturn Date;
    select sysdate into dReturn from dual;
    return dReturn;
    end ReturnDate;
    When I call this function from .NET using ODP.NET the date value I get does not have the time component included only the day-month-year components.
    This is a code-snippet that calls the function :
    I use the OracleDbType.Date type which I think is the most logical choice, because the type in the Database is after all DATE.
    However this does not include the time componet. But if I change the OracleDbType.Date to OracleDbType.TimeStamp I get the time component. I'm not happy with this "hack" because I'm not sure what will happen when we upgrade our version of the Database to Oracle 9i which uses the new TimeStamp datatype.
    Is this a bug that the OracleDbType.Date does not include the time component??

    How do you examine the output Date value?
    If it is from the string, then the time components will
    not show because the NLS_DATE format in the client
    machine does not contain the time components.
    In American, the Date format is 'DD-MON-RR' by default whereas, the TimeStamp format is 'DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM' by default.
    Can you take a look at the time components from the OracleDate by accessing the time properties, eg. OracleDate.Hour, OracleDate.Minute..etc to see if the time values are there?

  • Extracting data of data type 'real' from the sql server database

    In my job, my source is a sql server database.
    I am connecting to the source sql server database using ODBC (sqlserver driver) in the datastore.
    In one of my source tables i have a field of data type real.If one of the value is 3.45678 , data services brings it in as 3.456780, which is OK, but if the real value is 4.7 in source, data services brings it  as 4.699997. I want it to be brought in as 4.700000 and not as 4.699997(i.e it is expanding upto 6 digits after the decimal point).
    Is this a default behavior of how data services reads the 'real' data types or is it because of how the ODBC sql server driver reads the data ?
    Is the above problem connected to an option in the DS.config file called
    LAZY_DECIMAL_CONVERSION which is set as true in our file.Should i set as false and will it solve this problem?
    Thanks in Advance.

    I tried reproducing your case, I read a value with real datatype from sql server DB. For me the values are coming fine, 4.7 is read as 4.700000 or 4.528 as 4.528000. I have also checked the value of LAZY_DECIMAL_CONVERSION, it is true. So I dont think it is a problem with that being set to true. Try something out with the Column properties in Query transform.
    I am using DS 3.2/ SQLSERVER 2008.
    Edited by: Lakhan Lalla on Oct 31, 2011 12:04 PM

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