Failed to call InitLVClient function

I'm trying to use LabView Interop Assembly in a .net framework 4.0 in a solution VS2010.
I known it's doesn't work with this framework.
Then i tried to make a new project ( in 3.5 ) in my solution. But it doesn't work and i can see this message : "Failed to call InitLVClient function."
I wonder why, when i create a new solution with just one project in 3.5, it works.
Can you help me ?
I don't want generate a new dll juste for that.
PS : I'm using Labview2011, VS2010, Framework 4.0 and 3.5, C#.

Hello Seb,
Even though it should work with the .net 3.5 try using the workaround implemented for using labVIEW interop with the 4.0 framework:
call Win32's LoadLibrary function (from kernel32) prior to calling the assembly in your application. This will load the assembly twice in your .NET application, so be aware of any potential issues that may arise from that, depending on your assembly/application.
internal static class Utility
static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle(string moduleName);
static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string moduleName);
internal static void ensureModuleLoaded()
string moduleName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(LabVIEW_Built_Assembly.Exports)).Location);
if (GetModuleHandle(moduleName) == IntPtr.Zero)
if (LoadLibrary(moduleName) == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to load assembly.", new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
internal static void handleExceptions(VIAssemblyException e)
if (e.ErrorSource != null)
throw new ArgumentException(e.ErrorSource + ". Error Code: " + e.ErrorCode, e);
else if (((Exception)(e)).Message == "Invalid LV Client." || ((Exception)(e)).Message == "Failed to call InitLVClient function.")
throw new Exception("A resource dependency could not be found by your application. Check that all DLLs referenced can be found by your executable (ie. in the same folder as your executable) and that all applicable NI drivers are installed.", e);
throw e;
The attached Code is provided As Is. It has not been tested or validated as a product, for use in a deployed application or system, or for use in hazardous environments. You assume all risks for use of the Code and use of the Code is subject to the Sample Code License Terms which can be found at:
Best regards
Romain DUVAL || Application Engineer Specialist ||Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA) || Certified TestStand Architect (CTA)
National Instruments France

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    Go to Solution.

    This became a problem when Call Library Nodes got error terminals (and optional path terminals) in LabVIEW 8.20.  I should be able to get a fix in to VI Analyzer Toolkit 2010.
    Thanks for taking the time to report the bug.
    Darren Nattinger, CLA
    LabVIEW Artisan and Nugget Penman

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    Issue solved.
    In /etc/hosts the first entry was SAPE11.
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    In SM51 we could see that
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    procedure update_costing(in_period in DATE,
                   in_project_id IN VARCHAR2,
                   in_user_id IN VARCHAR2,
                   in_thu IN VARCHAR2,
                   in_fri IN VARCHAR2,
                   in_sat IN VARCHAR2,
                   in_sun IN VARCHAR2,
                   in_mon IN VARCHAR2,
                   in_tue IN VARCHAR2,
                   in_wed IN VARCHAR2)
                   HOURS_THU = to_date (in_thu, 'HH24:MI'),
                   HOURS_FRI = to_date (in_fri, 'HH24:MI'),
                   HOURS_SAT = to_date (in_sat, 'HH24:MI'),
                   HOURS_SUN = to_date (in_sun, 'HH24:MI'),
                   HOURS_MON = to_date (in_mon, 'HH24:MI'),
                   HOURS_TUE = to_date (in_tue, 'HH24:MI'),
                   HOURS_WED = to_date (in_wed, 'HH24:MI'),
                   WHERE PERIOD = in_period
         AND PROJECT_ID = in_project_id
         AND USER_ID = in_user_id;
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    END update_costing;

    UPDATE statement
    INSERT statement|procedure
    end if;
    i have a simple doubt over here, i read somewhere that cursor attributes can be used only as long as the cursor is open, then in the above case whiel doing the update operation, oracle implicitly will open an cursor and will do the operation and then will close the cursor, then how does SQL%ROWcount works???please revert...

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    Loading data using FNDLOAD function.
    FNDLOAD APPS/***** 0 Y UPLOAD @ONT:patch/115/import/ontpmdef.lct @ONT:patch/115/import/US/ontsys.ldt -
    Connecting to APPS......Connected successfully.
    Calling FNDLOAD function.
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    Log file: /global/spare/apps/dev_apps/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/DEV/log/US_ontsys_ldt.log
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    WHERE worker_id > 0
    AutoPatch error:
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    Altering database NLS_LANGUAGE environment to AMERICAN
    Dumping from LCT/LDT files (/global/spare/apps/dev_apps/apps/apps_st/appl/ont/12.0.0/patch/115/import/ontpmdef.lct(120.3.12010000.1), /global/spare/apps/dev_apps/apps/apps_st/appl/ont/12.0.0/patch/115/import/US/ontsys.ldt) to staging tables
    Dumping LCT file /global/spare/apps/dev_apps/apps/apps_st/appl/ont/12.0.0/patch/115/import/ontpmdef.lct(120.3.12010000.1) into FND_SEED_STAGE_CONFIG
    Dumping LDT file /global/spare/apps/dev_apps/apps/apps_st/appl/ont/12.0.0/patch/115/import/US/ontsys.ldt into FND_SEED_STAGE_ENTITY
    Uploading from staging tables
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    Here goes the error:
       DIO Port Config
       DIO Port Write
    Block Diagram Errors
       Call Library Function Node: library not found or failed to load
    ErrorList.JPG ‏200 KB

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    The guys that installed the drivers on the old computer are no longer here in my department.
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    OS: Windows XP Pro
    By the way, I have unzipped the TraditionalDAQ drivers. First I tried the 7.4.1, but installation error appeared.
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  • Call Library Function Node 'Wrapper.C​reate': Library not found or failed to load. using windows 7 64 bits

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    I try to interface my spectrometer (NIRquest from ocean optics) using labview on my 64 bits cumputer using windows 7.
    I have absolutely no problem to run the spectrometer with the program dedicated to the spectrometer (called Spetrasuite).
    I've installed "OmniDriverSPAM-1.66-win64-development-installer.e​xe" and everything went right.
    When I select a VI in LabView (e.g."") from the wrapper.llb, LabView returns an error :
    "Call Library Function Node 'Wrapper.Create': Library not found or failed to load."
    I chek the call library function, but everyting seems to be right :
    I use LabView 8.6.1 and my others *.vi are running perfectly...
    Do you have any idea from where does the problem comes ?
    Thank you very much

    Hello Flanguy,
    In addition to smercurio_fc's feedback I can confirm that LabVIEW 8.6.1 doesn't exist in 64-bit version.
    Officially, LabVIEW 8.6.1 doesn't support Windows 7 either.
    The minimal version of LabVIEW you would need to both support Windows 7 and exist in 64-bit version is LabVIEW 2009 64-bit or any 64-bit versions which are more recent.
    In the two links (1 & 2) you can find more background information.
    Kind Regards,
    National Instruments Belgium

  • Call Library Function Node: library not found or failed to load

    I had a VI that could not find some of the dll functions it needed.  It works on one machine and not on another.  So foolishly I copied the dll in question from the working machine and pasted it over the one on the non-working machine. 
    Now all my math functions are broken on the machine I copied the dll too.  The error is "Call Library Function Node: library not found or failed to load"
    And if I try to relink in the VI I get "Error loading C:\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.2\resource\lvanlys.dll" A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed."
    I tried a repair labview and that did not help.
    I tried uninstall and reinstall labview and that did not help!
    Please help me fix this!
    Version 8.2
    dll: C:\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.2\resource\lvanlys.dll

    What library did you first copy?
    Also lvanlys.dll depends on the Intel Math Kernel Library that gets installed in a different location "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\MKL".
    This Intel Math Kernel Library again depends on the Visual C runtime libraries. Most likely you replaced one of those runtime libraries somehow and now the Math Kernel Library (MKL) fails to initialize which causes thelvanlys.dll to fail its load.
    Without a good view on your system and what other NI software you have installed it is very hard to recommend a good way of proceeding. There are various versions of the MKL used by various versions of NI products and just deleting the entire MKL folder might get you into trouble with other NI tools.
    Deinstalling everything from NI, deleting the entire National Instruments folder and then reinstalling what you need would be the most safe proceeding.
    And next time don't just copy some Visual C runtime libraries between machines. Their dependencies are complicated at the least and simply not graspable by us mere mortals. Use the according C runtime installer for the version you need as that installer will take care of installing the right versions of C runtime components and registering everything proberly so you do not usually run into problems with other applications using different versions of the C runtime.
    Message Edited by rolfk on 03-01-2010 10:26 AM
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • What does this Adobe Muse error message mean: MuseJSAssert: Error calling slector function:SecurityError: Failed to read the 'contentDocument' property from 'HTMLIFrameElement': Blocked a frame with orign "null" from accessing a cross-origin frame.

    So what is up with this error message in Muse?
    MuseJSAssert: Error calling slector function:SecurityError: Failed to read the ‘contentDocument’ property from ‘HTMLIFrameElement’: Blocked a frame with orign “null” from accessing a cross-origin frame.

    This is a genuine security error generated by the browser when viewing a page with iFrame content locally.
    Please refer to Zak's reply in the following thread:

  • Calling a function in a swf with TLFTextField from an external program fails

    I have a program A that loads another swf B, and after B is loaded, A will call a function of B.  It used to work when B creates a TextField and uses TextFormat, but when I changed to creating a TLFTextField, I got this error:
    Reference Error: Error #1069:  Property loadCurrentPictureFromMenu not found on ECard__Preloader__ and there is no default value.
    at ECard/swfLoadCompleteEventHandler()....
    And also
    Warning: Ignoring 'secure' attribute in policy file from  The secure attribute is only permitted in HTTPS and socket policy files......
    So I wrote these 2 programs to test this:
    ----------------------- Test B -------------------------
    import fl.text.TLFTextField;
    import flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    var myFormat:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat();
    myFormat.fontFamily = "Kids";
    myFormat.fontSize = 24;
    var tlfTextField:TLFTextField = new TLFTextField();
    tlfTextField.x = 50;
    tlfTextField.y = 50;
    var myTextFlow:TextFlow = tlfTextField.textFlow;
    myTextFlow.hostFormat = myFormat;
    tlfTextField.text = "Testing this";
    function changeText(string:String):void
         tlfTextField.text = string;
    ---------------------- Test A -----------------------------------
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("testTLFTextField.swf");
    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadingCompleteEventHandler);
    function loadingCompleteEventHandler(evt:Event):void
         loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadingCompleteEventHandler);
         var mc:MovieClip = evt.currentTarget.content;
         mc.changeText("We are here");
    I got Error #1069 again, but when I changed TLFTextField back to TextField, it works again.  Test A can now find the function "changeText()" in Test B.
    I am using CS5.5.
    Any help is appreciated!
    Thanks in advance!

    I had this written in the program and commented it out when I was trying to debug an earlier problem.  I uncommented the Embed statement, but it is still not working on Android.  Running on PC is fine.  I will try out a few more things, if it still does not work, I will open a new thread.
    Thanks all for your help!

  • Failed to run parallel path when using call library function node in LV2009

    I have a problem with two parallel paths not being run in parallel on LabView 2009.
    See the image below.
    This code initializes an external device, the upper part contains a call library function node to download my code into the device. When done, the function returns and the "Done" flag is set to True.
    The lower part contains a call library function node to check the download status, reporting the percentage of downloaded code.
    This updates a progress bar that is referenced by the calling VI module and this works fine in LV 7, 8 and 2011. The lower path of the VI updates the progress bar while the CLFN in the upper part is still downloading code to my device.
    Somehow, in LV2009 this does not work when running this inside my application. When running just the calling VI (the window showing the progress bar) it works but not when that VI is called by my application.
    Is there some limit on parallel threads that is different in 2009 than in other versions ?
    Or is there some other problem in 2009 that might cause this problem ?
    My labview version is 9.0f3 (32-bit).

    I've just installed the DETT tool and checked what the different versions of LabView do.
    In LV2009 the application instance runs in a thread (5) but the modal dialog (the VI above) then drops to thread 0 and stays in thread 0.
    In LV2011, stays in the same thread as the application instance and only a trigger event (this could be the progress bar reference?) is executed in thread 0.
    So it seems there is a 'feature' in LV2009 where modal dialogs are by default not following the preferred execution system set in the VI properties ...
    When I change this from "same as caller" into another thread (I used "other 1") then my progress bar works as expected.
    I'm not a LabView thread expert (not even a novice ) so I'm just guessing that "other 1" as a thread is OK. This VI only runs during startup of the application to download the code to my device.
    To answer Ben's question: "What thread does a modal VI run in?":
    In LV2009, the modal VI runs in thread 0 (UI thread ?). When the preferred execution system is set to another thread, the modal dialog still starts in thread 0 but then switches over to the other thread.
    In LV2011, the model VI runs in the caller's thread (preferred execution system set to "follow caller") from start.

  • Error when call RFC Function module in R/3

    Dear All,
    We are trying to call RFC function module CBIF_GLM1_PROCESS_ORDER_READ (This is not a BAPI and also not released ) in R/3 from XI system.
    we are facing the error "Error while lookup Exception during processing the payload. Error when calling an adapter by using the communication channel CC_PPPI_MES_RFC_Rcvr (Party: , Service: WCD_320, Object ID: 16563889b449328eac76caa6a3bc592e) XI AF API call failed. Module exception: 'error while processing the request to rfc-client: error while processing message to remote failed to parse BAPI response due to: Parameter with name RETURN not found.'. Cause Exception: ' error while processing message to remote failed to parse BAPI response due to: Parameter with name RETURN not found.'."
    This is the first time we are doing this configuration.
    Could you please let me know what woulbe the reason.

    read the original message
    We are trying to call RFC function module CBIF_GLM1_PROCESS_ORDER_READ (This is not a BAPI and also not released ) in R/3 from XI system.
    I am talking about the above Receiver RFC channel which you guys are using to call R/3 from XI. That where you need to change the commit parameter

  • Calling a function module from within a transformation routine

    I created a routine within a transformation and experience the following weird behavior now:
    When I call a function module within that routine, the load fails with the following error message:
    Exceptions in Substep: Rules
    When I click on the button next to this text, it point me to my function module call.
    What I do not understand is, that the following two scenarios work fine:
    - Having the same function call (with fake values) in a plain ABAP program works beautilfully
    - If I copy the content of my function module directly into my transformation routine, everything works fine as well
    I am now wondering whether the routine does not "see" the function module I am calling. The module resides in a different package. Is that a problem? Do I have to include something first?
    Here is the code that calls my FM (
            PSOURCEVAL                      = SOURCE_FIELDS-/BIC/USFRZMFC
            PSOURCEUOM                      = SOURCE_FIELDS-BASE_UOM
            PUSITM                          = SOURCE_FIELDS-/BIC/USITM
            PTARGETUOM                      = PRODUCTION_UOM
            PTARGETVAL                = RESULT
           PARTNO_NOT_FOUND          = 2
           OTHERS                    = 3.
    Thanks a lot for your help. Points will be assigned.

    Good catch, BI Learner. This was exactly it: when assigning the values from SOURCEFIELDS directly to the import/export parameters, you have to make sure that the types are EXACTLY the same, otherwise it will not work (the routine stops with an error when calling the FM, but there is no dump).
    Therefore, to solve my problem, I created the declarations precisely as expected by the FM and assigned the values to these fields:
    " get the Production UOM
        IF ( SY-SUBRC = 4 ). " no records found
    " load the parameters
    " then you can call the FM
            PSOURCEVAL                = SOURCEVAL
            PSOURCEUOM                = SOURCEUOM
            PUSITM                    = USITM
            PTARGETUOM                = PRODUCTION_UOM
            PTARGETVAL                = CONVERTED_COST
            PARTNO_NOT_FOUND          = 2
            OTHERS                    = 3.
    " ... [do the rest]
    Thanks for your help,

  • How to call a function module in VC

    I want to call a function module for an addition formula which shall calculate and infer the value.
    eg. quantities of 5 different characteristics (of numeric data) is to be summed up and inferred against the 6th characteristic.
    I want to know the detailed process to create a Variant Function and use it in a dependency.
    Request to please advise the steps, type of dependency and its code.
    Rajesh Mohapatra

    Dear Rajesh,
    I also wanted to learn how to do that, your post motivated me to use a bit of freetime and investigate on the subject. I finally made my function work, so here are the tips.
    The example is very simple, just a variant function with two inputs and which multiplies inside the input values and transfer that result to the output ( 3 x 4 => 12 ).
    Deducting how to add five values or any other logic would be easier starting from there.
    STEP 1: Create Variant Class for the product. I imagine you already have that. In my case its name is ZVC_CLASS, you have already a material assigned to the class, a configuration profile, etc....
    STEP 2: Create Three Characteristics Z_NUM_CH_1,Z_NUM_CH_2,Z_NUM_CH_3 the three of numeric type
    STEP 3: Assign characteristics from step 2 into class ZVC_CLASS
    STEP 4: Create the function module with the code given below. I put the name ZVC_FUN_TEST
    ""Interfase local
    *"  TABLES
    *"      QUERY STRUCTURE  CUOV_01
    *"      MATCH STRUCTURE  CUOV_01
    *"      FAIL
    *"      INTERNAL_ERROR
    *- Inicializar los valores.
      GV_VALOR_NUM1         TYPE CUOV_01-ATFLV,
      GV_VALOR_NUM2         TYPE CUOV_01-ATFLV.
          ARGUMENT            =  'Z_NUM_CH_1'
         VTYPE               =  P_VTYPE1
         SYM_VAL             =  P_VALOR_SYM1
          NUM_VAL             =  gv_valor_num1
      IO_FLAG             =
          QUERY               =  QUERY
          ARG_NOT_FOUND       = 01.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
          ARGUMENT            =  'Z_NUM_CH_2'
         VTYPE               =  P_VTYPE1
         SYM_VAL             =  P_VALOR_SYM1
          NUM_VAL             =  gv_valor_num2
      IO_FLAG             =
          QUERY               =  QUERY
          ARG_NOT_FOUND       = 01.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    *- Calculate final value
      gv_valor_final = gv_valor_num1 * gv_valor_num2.          "Especifico de c/u.
    VTYPE = 'NUM'.
          ARGUMENT                = 'Z_NUM_CH_3'
          VTYPE                   = VTYPE
          NUM_VAL                 =  gv_valor_final
          MATCH                   = MATCH
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    STEP 5: Activate the function module for Variant Configuration in transaction CU65, put there your function module, release int and in button characteristics write  Z_NUM_CH_1,Z_NUM_CH_2,Z_NUM_CH_3. Flag the first two lines as they are inputs.
    STEP 6: Create a Dependency ZVC_PROC_TEST of type Procedure to call the function with this code:
    000010 Function ZVC_FUN_TEST           
    000020 (Z_NUM_CH_1 = $root.Z_NUM_CH_1, 
    000030 Z_NUM_CH_2 = $root.Z_NUM_CH_2,  
    000040 Z_NUM_CH_3 = $self.Z_NUM_CH_3)  
    STEP 7: Lets say I want to calculate the multiplication only upon the selection of another characteristic "Calculate" YES/NO. For this I create a characteristic in CT04 Z_CALCULATE type CHAR 1 with possible values Y or N. For the value Y y add the procedure ZVC_PROC_TEST so that formula only activates on Y.
    STEP 8: Add characteristic Z_CALCULATE to class  ZVC_CLASS
    STEP 9: VA01, it should work

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