Failure: "exec.c",Line 1906

#Date: Wed, Jul 09, 2003 1:41:28 PM
#Desc: Failure : "exec.c", line 1906
LabVIEW version 5.1
For assistance in resolving this problem, please record the preceding information and navigate to, or contact National Instruments.
#OSName: Windows 95
#OSVers: 4.0
#AppKind: AppLib
0x101A213A - + 0
0x101A1F39 - + 0
0x101A1EE9 - + 0
0x10066B60 - + 0
0x10066AE2 - + 0
0x100D04DB - + 0
0x1021270D - + 0
0x102126A0 - + 0
0x102125B0 - + 0

Hi SMCardone,
Now that we are done jumping on poor Dan,
You have not given us much to work with here.
General recommendations include making sure you have the latest and greatest updates for 5.1. Check that first.
Have you tried this under different OS's?
When does this happen?
Paraphrasing Dr. Evil,
"throw us a bone here"
Ben Rayner
I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
Rayner's Ridge is under construction

Similar Messages

  • Labview version 6.1 failure:"linker.cpp", line 2302

    I have the labview version 6.1 failure:"linker.cpp", line 2302 fault.
    Does any one can help me please ?
    Go to Solution.

    Actually HeapPeak existed as far back as LabVIEW 4 or maybe even 3. However it is not usually helpful for linker errors as that is something in the LabVIEW compiler itself. HeapPeak can be sort of useful for Insane errors to locate the element that the compiler considers insane (and consequently delete and/or rewire it).
    If this is a recent error on a VI that used to work before, it is most likely related to a corruption to the VI and the best course of action is to replace the VI from a backup (source code revision control would be a great advantage here). If it is something where no previous (working) state is known about, then it is going to be a tough cookie. This version is 14 years old and eventhough I still have some installation of that version somewhere it is several years ago that I started that up for more than some accidential reasons. I'm pretty sure NI would need to do some archeological work nowadays to come up with a system they could use to replicate such an error and the OP would need to be a pretty high profile customer that they would go through that sort of effort.
    Maybe it is related to this error. It is the closest available in the publically accessible list of errors. A complete recompile of the entire source code tree is definitely one of the first actions to try. It may fix the problem or run into even more errors that could maybe point into a more specific location. Upgrading to a more recent LabVIEW version is another possibility although hampererd by the fact that the currently shipping version isn't officially supporting XP anymore and that the Vision software is one piece of software that underwent serious changes in the course of time and an update from 6.1 to the most recent version is most likely not a seamless operation.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Failure : "resource.cpp", line 2477

    When building an application on LABVIEW 6.1 on Window 98, I get the error message:"Failure : "resource.cpp", line 2477". Attached is my Labview failure log file
    LabVIEW_Failure_Log.txt ‏1 KB

    Hi Kluu,
    This error appears when checking the "Do not compress target file" option when building an application. The workaround is to not check that option in Application Builder.
    While in the application builder, in the "Target" tab, in "Build Options", do NOT check the "Do not Compress Target File" option.
    We are currently looking into this and will soon be fixing it up.
    Hope this helps.
    Pravin Borade
    Applications Engineer, National Instruments

  • Failure : "load.cpp"​, line 4081

    My main front panel VI will no longer open and I just get the error, Failure : "load.cpp", line 4081.
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    work I am not so sure.
    It occured after I added some tab controls to the front panel, so beware.

    Hi RCT,
    This error occurs in LV 6.0.1. It seems that it is fixed in LV 6.0.2 and LV 6.1.
    One thing you can do is ask NI to delete the insane objects for you. You have to redo your work you have done since the time the VI was correct until it got corrupt.
    The other thing you can do is use a copy from a backup and redo the rest of the work.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions

  • Failure: "might.cpp" line 815 on LabVIEW executable

    I have a program written in LabVIEW 6.1 on a Windows XP platform. The program includes an ActiveX container that shows an Internet Explorer content window (just like the "Using the Microsoft Web Browser ActiveX Control" example found on
    , but without the activex queue in that example).
    After I built the executable, I was able to run the exectuable on the development machine without problem. However when my client runs it on his PC with LabVIEW runtime engine 6.1 installed, he gets the message:
    Failure: "might.cpp" line 815
    For assistance in reso
    lving this problem, please record the procedeing information and navigate to or contact national insturments.
    I cannot find any information on might.cpp on the NI support site. Any idea of what can be done to fix this problem?

    Hi dan,
    you must contact NI support sending them the problem. "might.cpp" is a source module of LV and they can investigate the error.
    Another thing you have to take into account is that LV stores the class ID and not the application. Has the client PC the same MS IE version installed? If not, the error could also result from different versions of the Active-X control.
    As with the reporting Toolkit for MS Office you have to build a different version of your app for each different version of the control.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions

  • Failure: scalesup.cpp line 767

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    Failure: scalesup.cpp line 767
    I have isolated the problem, and it occurs at a waveform graph property node. I have the property node set for Xscale.Markervals[ ] . I'm trying to create a set of custom markers by sending a 1D dbl array to the property node. This custom marker array is the same length as the data array (600 points).
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    Are you using a logrithmic scale? If so, then make sure that the value of one of the markers is not zero.
    If not, then what version of LabVIEW are you running? Can you take your data and create a simple VI that das that data aas the default in an array and then plots it to a graph and then does the property node? This should be pretty easy to set up so that we can reproduce this issue.
    Also, bug reports such as this one are normally handled better in an e-mail or phone support request.
    Randy Hoskin
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Type: Error
    Severity: 30
    Time: Tue Nov 30 18:48:39 2010
    File: project/webxml/xmldocument.cpp Line: 107
    Properties: ThreadID-5832;HttpCommand-ReloadDashboard;Proxy-750129;RemoteIP-;User-750129;HttpArgs-InFrameset='false',Caller='Dashboard',Embed='true',icharset='utf-8',ViewState='p4ebtdld98ugskl9i4kleog9fi',saveLangPref='true',reloadTargets='d:dashboard~p:ck7j8ndot74tso41~r:3vsqlcks5vv851l0',PortalPath='/shared/ATLASBIEE/_portal/Indicador de Informa��',Page='R01',ajaxType='iframe',_scid='mykNLlsZhtg';Impersonator-
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    15 16 * * 5 mkdir /Users/Jeff/Desktop/Student\ Logins/; mkdir /Users/Jeff/Desktop/Student\ Logins/`date '+%m-%d-%y'`-`hostname`/; mkdir /Users/Jeff/Desktop/Student\ Logins/`date '+%m-%d-%y'`-`hostname`/iSight/; cp -v /var/log/isight /Users/Jeff/Desktop/Student\ Logins/`date '+%m-%d-%y'`-`hostname`/iSight/; cp -v /var/log/usertracking.log /Users/Jeff/Desktop/Student\ Logins/`date '+%m-%d-%y'`-`hostname`/ > /Users/Jeff/Desktop/lastrun.txt
    I can exec every line individually, but thats it, only one line at a time.
    Am i doing something wrong?

    Two things come to mind.
    First, you can collapse all the mkdir statements into one using the -p switch:
    <pre class=command>mkdir -p /Users/Jeff/Desktop/Student\ Logins/`date '+%m-%d-%y'`-`hostname`/iSight/</pre>
    The -p flag creates all the intermediate directories if they don't already exist.
    Secondly, what's the nature of your home directory? Is it local, or network-based? If it's network based I could see there might be a problem trying to run the command if the directory isn't mounted (e.g. you're logged out), but that's all I can think of off-hand.

  • I have the error: "failure: datasupp.c line 531" with LabView 5.1.1. Why?

    I have the error: "failure: datasupp.c line 531" with LabView 5.1.1. Why?
    I use WIN 2000.

    The datasupp.c failure can be caused by several reasons, we will need a detailed description of the operation you were making before this error happened, what is inside the VI that gave you this error, has this VI worked before, etc. Please contact us with this information, you can find the steps to email us at , please do so and we'll review the details you send to us to determine the causes and probable workaround. Thanks!...
    Nestor Sanchez
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    National Instruments

  • Failure: "load.c", line 4537

    I'm working with LabVIEW version 5.1.1 (very old version I know). I'm working on a very large
    LabVIEW VI. When I made my most recent changes and tried to save them, LabVIEW generated the
    following error message:
    Failure: "load.c", line 4537
    LabVIEW version 5.1.1
    For assistance in resolving this problem, please record the preceding information and navigate
    to, or contact National Instruments.
    Searching for help at the indicated web site did not provide any information and I know that
    NI is no longer providing support for version 5.1.1. Has anybody seen this problem and know
    what it means? I think I've basically made the application too large and LabVIEW crashes when
    it tries to save it.

    How big is your actual program? Have you checked to make sure that each subvi works in its own right? You could always try mass compiling and see if that takes care of it, but you might want to try some things to conserve memory, like using more subvi's or calling subvi's by reference.

  • Failure window.cpp line 2039

    Developed LV 5.1.1-Applications on Win NT4.0. Now i need to run them on WIN 2000 Systems but receive only errors while starting :
    window.c line 2019 (by starting my Application.exe)
    window.cpp line 2039 (by starting the LV Development system on the WIN 2000 PC)
    Until now I`ve tried two WIN 2000 PC`s, different graphic drivers and graphic settings,
    w/wo additional PCI-GPIB cards -> no result
    Even the LV 6.0 student edition shows this error after installing on Win 2000
    Any idea will be welcome
    Best Regards

    MarkusM wrote:
    > Developed LV 5.1.1-Applications on Win NT4.0. Now i need to run them
    > on WIN 2000 Systems but receive only errors while starting :
    > window.c line 2019 (by starting my Application.exe)
    > window.cpp line 2039 (by starting the LV Development system on the WIN
    > 2000 PC)
    > Until now I`ve tried two WIN 2000 PC`s, different graphic drivers and
    > graphic settings,
    > w/wo additional PCI-GPIB cards -> no result
    > Even the LV 6.0 student edition shows this error after installing on
    > Win 2000
    > Any idea will be welcome
    > Best Regards
    > Markus
    Does help?

  • Failure load.cpp line 4835 VI runs ok in 6i will not load in 6.1

    I have created a rather complex instrument interface in 6i and it works fine. I have recently upgraded to 6.1 professional; the VI will not load and an internal failure occurs in load.cpp on line 4835. Is this a bug, or did I do something incorrect? I tried to do a mass compile, but this fails also. The load seems to have problems with a specific VI, so I removed this VI and was able to load by cancelling attempts to locate. I have tried to re-link the problem VI, rebuild the problem VI in 6.1, modify the diagram so that the problem VI is not used/referenced; none of these worked. Labview generally would crash when I save after making the aforementioned modifications. Note: the problem VIs consist of a globa
    l variable, and a case VI that uses the same global variable.
    I hope that this information is complete enough to point to a solution. Thank You,
    Howard Havlicsek, Acutronic

    This is typically a result of having more than 555 controls/indicators on
    a front panel. A workaround is to place controls/indicators into clusters
    since each cluster only counts as a single UI object. Do this until you
    get below the 555 limit. A better ideal in most cases is that you don't
    need that many indicators on the front panel where a user has to try and
    figure out what he should be looking at. If they are not used often move
    them into subVIs and display the subVI front panels as needed.
    If this doesn't appear to be the cause of your load.cpp error I would
    contact NI tech support at
    Marcus Monroe

  • How to display Runtime.exec() command line output via swing

    Hi all, I'm new to java but have a pretty good understanding of it. I'm just not familiar with all the different classes. I'm having trouble capturing the output from a command I'm running from my program. I'm using Runtime.exec(cmdarray) and I'm trying to display the output/results to a JFrame. Once I get the output to display in a JFrame, I'd like it to be almost like a java command prompt where I can type into it incase the command requires user interaction.
    The command executes fine, but I just don't know how to get the results of the command when executed. The command is executed when I click a JButton, which I'd like to then open a JFrame, Popup window or something to display the command results while allowing user interaction.
    Any examples would be appreciated.
    Thank you for your help in advance and I apologize if I'm not clear.

    You can get the standard output of the program with Process.getInputStream. (It's output from the process, but input to your program.)
    This assumes of course that the program you're running is a console program that reads/writes to standard input/output.
    In fact, you really should read from standard output and standard error from the process you start, even if you're not planning to use them. Read this:
    When Runtime Exec Won't

  • Failure "save.cpp", line 1427

    i have this failure when i build an application
    any ideas to solve it?? and to explain it

    Hello sanaa,
    I use LV6.1 with windows XP.
    The different devices are SMT02, audio analyzer UPA, Power Supply NGSM32/10 from Rohde &Schwarz.
    I tried to build it with another PC but it is the same configuration. It is difficult to change the OS beacause I would have to make a lot of modificatio on my application (Excel..)
    Thank you very much

  • Failure "linker.cpp", line 2302

    How to solve this problem?

    Hi Sasha 1,
    Yes, you will first have to uninstall NI-DAQ that was shipped with LabVIEW. Make sure you have no reference to NI-DAQ on your system. You will then want to install NI-DAQ 6.1 on your system (which is the last driver to support your board).
    What probably happened was that you installed NI-DAQ 6.1 over NI-DAQ 6.9.2 and the problem is that the LabVIEW VIs for DAQ still referenced the old driver. Therefore when LabVIEW tried to call them at run-time, you got the linker error since the driver no longer existed on the system.
    You might have to go through a couple steps to clear things correctly. You might have to uninstall NI-DAQ 6.1, reinstall NI-DAQ 6.9.2 and then uninstall NI-DAQ 6.9.2 (remove reference from LabVIEW) and th
    en reinstall 6.1.
    It might simply be easier to remove all NI software on your system by uninstalling it from Add/Remove Programs and then reinstalling LabVIEW without the DAQ driver and then install the NI-DAQ 6.1 driver.
    Anyway, hope that helps. Have a good day.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

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