Fake Flash Player Website

I just want to report a fake Flash Player website I was redirected to while in the middle of reading an article on a blog.  The website is as follows:
easyinstantupdates.be/f3/45a1fe9cfc437806baabec9a08484289/?subid=77bb65d6281f6654ee5cc4f6f 3168355&transaction_id=bf0ca036-0f77-4d53-b87b-295e4d01eebc&rand=545c50d803146&source=mbs- f3
Luckily, I noticed the url ahead of time.  I went to the official Adobe Flash Player website and it said Flash Player on my Chrome browser is up-to-date.  Also, did a who is domain search and the information about the registrant and the registrar was very sketchy.

I am embarrassed to admit that I fell for this. I was multitasking and inattentive. Earlier today I had been prompted by a legitimate Flash reminder to upgrade my player, which primed me to agree with the installation. When I realized the mistake, I force quit the process and may have canceled the installation before it was completed.
I am not entirely sure what it installed in my brand-new Retina 5K iMac (I know... I want to kick myself too) but it appears to have installed a folder named InstallMac and an application named "Reset Search". (I verified it by Date Modified.)
I deleted the folder. I am unaware of any other changes this may have made to my system. It appears to be Adware, but Chrome and Safari appear to not have been infected.
Any other ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
This is where I got the file from (Clicking on the link will not download the "dmg" file, but the browser will prompt you to):
[removed sketchy links]
I was reading a news story on The Guardian when I was prompted.

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    So, you didn't need help with anything, you just wanted to rant?

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    IS legitimate. It's the download site for Flash Player.
    I have no idea how the download got to 800Mb. The "stub" installer is 1mb and it downloads a 17mb file for the full installer.
    I don't use the "updater" myself. I prefer to use the FULL offline installers for my updating:
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)

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    If you're seeing THIS...
    Specifically, "Flash Player PRO"....
    It's not a virus. Not on your computer, anyway. Your router is one of the victims of a hack. Hackers have hacked 300000+ wireless routers, Check yours NOW!
    You'll most likely end up replacing the router. The ones that can be erased (flashed) and reloaded are few and far between.

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    I suggest that you start afresh, by following these steps
    download the FP uninstaller from http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/141/tn_14157.html (save to disk);
    download the offline installers
    for Internet Explorer http://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_ax.exe (save to disk);
    for all other browsers http://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player.exe (save to disk);
    close all browser windows and run the downloaded uninstaller;
    reboot windows to remove all residual FP files;
    with all browser windows closed, run the downloaded installers.

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    From Brazil
    sorry for bad English  
    I am a TI support  and i have a strange problem, in a particular website, and only in one computer, always the website ask to download the flash player  again even if  it has the last version.
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    the site that have the problem is:
    any sugestions ?
    Computer information
    Windows 7 64 Bit
    Internet explorer 9
    java 7 update 9
    flash player 11.5.502.110

    add on is enable, and the filterling is desable
    But how i sad the problem is only in that particular website that "think" the flash isn't installed and make pop up directing to the adobe Flash Player website.
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    or here http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/find-version-flash-player.html
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    once again

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    I am trying to access Flash player website settings manager.
    http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager02.htm l
    I link from a browser to the settings manager but instead of a panel there is a download required to get latest Flash Player which I already have.
    I have no idea what you are talking about.  Just at what site are you getting this message to download instead of the settings panel?
    My ultimate goal is to remove Flash player cookies which I learned about today to be a problem. Thanks.
    If you want to temporarily remove Flash Player LSO's(cookies), just delete the browser's temporary files.  If you want to permanently remove LSO's, go to your control panel and activate the Flash Player Settings Manager.  Change the Local Storage Settings to Block all sites from storing information on this computer.  However, most sites with Flash Player videos will not work with this setting.

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    Hello Maria,
    I went through the "terminate Safari" processes as well.  I did all of that, including uninstalling the previous version.  Nothing worked with the download from the main site.  I would get the disc image and click on it.  I would then get the red "Install Adobe Flash Player" and click on that.  I would get the black box that said "initializing."  Nothing would happen with this until it said that the download was bad and that I needed to reinstall.  I went through that process several time, including deleting the downloaded disc image that didn't work and redownloading a new disc image.  No matter what I did, the results were the same...the downloaded disc image was not working. 
    I then started sniffing around the Adobe website and came across some trouble shooting instructions.  I followed those, including right clicking on the "Install Adobe Flash Player" button to get to the "contents" folder.  The instructions then told me to click on a folder, which was not there in what I had downloaded.  I deleted what I downloaded and tried this process again, with the same results. 
    I only had success with the link on the bottom of the other Mac trouble-shooting page referenced in my post.  Once I downloaded that package, I noticed the size difference between the two disc images.  The last package worked like it was supposed to, and I finally got the updated Adobe Flash Player downloaded and operational.  I could not get anything from the download from the Adobe Flash Player update website.
    I have a mid-2011 MacBook Pro with an Intel Core i5.  I've never had this much trouble updating Flash Player before.  Since the link on the referenced troubleshooting page work like it should, and since all other previous updates worked like they should, I can only conclude that something must be wrong with the main Flash Player website link or package for this update to Flash Player 14.
    Thanks for the reply.
    Take care,

  • Adobe Flash Player Update 13._ _ _ _  _ _ _ _

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    I DO NOT ACCEPT, however, it is very resistant to disappearing after several attempts.  How do I get rid of this stupid popup.  I WILL NOT ALLOW A THIRD PARTY TO ACCESS OR STORE.
    Adobe people, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING by making this a part of your perfectly good program?  This is not something you make the public aware of before downloading.......shame on you.

    You're infected with adware.
    It didn't come from Adobe but it DOES use Flash Player to run the popups.
    There are literally millions of fake "Flash Player Updates" out there, and you most likely got one. It installed the adware with it.
    You'll need to run a throrugh system scan to remove the offending software, and afterward, ONLY update Adobe software from this site, to prevent a reoccurrance.

  • Mac will not update flash player, please advise

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    I don't believe that what you're experiencing is legitimate.  This sounds like an attempt to get you to install malware.  I'm thinking that you may have been tricked into downloading a fake Flash Player.  Let's throw that installer away and start again.
    Download Flash Player from here: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer
    Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.
    If that gives you trouble please try the alternate installer:
    http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/current/support/install_flash_player_osx. dmg

  • Flash player not working with windows 8

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  • Flash player is and isn't working!!

    Ok here are the specifics
    Running Windows 7 x64
    IE 9 with (unsure whether its 32/64) &
    Firefow 5 with  (unsure whether its 32/64).
    A while back I got the usual popup to say that there was an update and proceeded to use the updater to get it - can't remember exactly which version but believe I went from v9 to the v10. From then on It was problem after problem... I can view videos on youtube, other sites and some facebook applications work fine but other applications won't load they say I need version 10.1 or higher...
    An even stranger effect is that I can no longer get on the flash player website...!! obvioously I cen get here and also to the adobe main site but can't go:
    the link off of the main adobe website...
    To be honest I tried everything I could think off back when it happened but couldn't sort it out so just gave up - I could use it on most sites I went to and there was always the one at work for those I couldn't... I recently got a new PC and downloaded the latest flash player from work and brought it home - same result.... AAArrrggghhh
    I've done the usual... uninstall, reboot, install and reboot butit doesn't make a difference... I thinkI may have an older copy deposited somewhere in the reg and it's throwing off the system for certain websites...
    I really hope someone can help with this - It's starting to drive me round the twist - Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    My macromed/flash folder has:
         FlashInstall (Txt file)
         FlashUtil10t_ActiveX (app)
         FlashUtil10t_Plugin (app)
    Tried loading the 'About' page again - Firefox tab shows the page name and the Icon but won't load - It says its transferring data from wwwimages.adobe.com but won't actually load.
    Disabling Hardware acceleration has no effect
    Global settings also have no effect

  • Flash Player install plus unwanted adware.

    I just installed the update for flash player and to my surprise it came with a bunch of adware and other software piggy bagging with it that automatically installed with the player.
    It also had my Safari search page highjacked by Yahoo.
    What is up with this Adobe?

    Unfortunately, you got tricked into downloading a fake Flash Player installer.  Because of Flash Player's ubiquity, it's a popular target for impersonation by malware authors.
    Please always download software directly from the manufacturer, and/or opt-in to automatic updates:
    In terms of cleaning up the mess, it depends on your paranoia level and what you do with the machine.  If it was my personal machine, I'd back up my important files, wipe the disk and reinstall everything from pristine sources.  If it's just the machine that you goof around with Facebook on, you might opt for a good anti-virus and anti-malware scan, and/or restore from a backup before you downloaded the fake installer.

  • Remove NPSWF32.DLL from old version of Macromedia Flash Player

    A security check of my system has revealed the insecure file
    npswf32.dll (relating to Macromedia Flash Player sitting
    in both C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Bridge\browser\plugins\ and
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help
    I have run Adobe's flash uninstaller, and downloaded and
    installed the latest version of the player (presumably,
    but these dlls are still present.
    Does anyone have any idea how I can update them?

    Read this

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