Fast easy money*** no scams

Make Money Fast and Easy$$$
$$MAKE LOTS OF CASH THE EASY WAY$$ Dear Internet user, good day, this article i've written is all about the fact where u earned an ASTOUNDING amount of money in less than a month and I've decided to share or reveal the secrets behind making big bucks in the Mail Order Business. So all money seekers, read this carefully. **READING THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE!** I found this bulletin board just like this one and decided to give it a try. A little while back, I was browsing through several newsgroups, just like you are now, and came across an article similar to this that said you could make thousands of dollars within weeks with only and initial investment of only $6.00! So I thought, "Yeah right, this has got to be a scam," but like most of us, I was curious, so i kept reading. Anyway, it said that you need to send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and addresses stated in the article. You then place your own name and address in the bottom of the list at #6, and post the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands) No catch, that was it. So after thinking it over, and talking to a few people first, I thought about trying it. I figured: "what have I got to lose except $6.00 and six stamps, right?" Then I invested the measly $6.00. Well GUESS WHAT!!....within 7 days, I started getting money in the mail! I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the money just kept coming in, In my firist week, I made about $25.00. By the end of the second week, I had make a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $10,000.00 and its still growing. This is now my fourth week and I have made just over $42,000.00 and its still coming in rapidly. It's certaining worth $6.00 and 6 stamps, I have spent more than that on the lottery!! Let me tell you how this works and most importantly, why it works....Also, make sure to print a copy of this article NOW, so you can get the information off of it as you need it, I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly, that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy! SUGGESTION: Read this message carefully! (print it out or download it) Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in! It's easy. It's legal. And, your investment is only $6.00 (and postage). IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not illegal; and is virtually no risk- it really works!!!!! If all of the following is adhered to, you will receive extraordinary dividends. PLEASE NOTE: Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50,000 or more can be yours in 20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of the integrity and honesty of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. You will now become part of the Mail Order Business. In this business, your product is not solid or tangible, it's a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to the income which is made forom poeple like you and me asking to be included in that list.
HERE ARE 4 EASY STEPS TO GET STARTED<STEP ONE: Get six separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece f paper "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST." Now get 6 US $1.00 bills and place ONE inside EACH of the six pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope (Please make sure that the bill wouldn't be noticed in the envelope to prevent thievery). Send out US $DOLLAR, so it would be more acceptable. STEP TWO: Next, place one paper in each of the 6 envelopes and seal them properly. You should now have 6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating the phrase "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST.", your name and address , and a $1.00 bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it! Like most of us, I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the US Post Office (1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal! Mail the US $6.00 to the following adresses:
1)Brandon Corbin 307 N. Church St. Lancaster, PA 17603
2) Lierin Quinn P.O. Box 242 Bausman, PA 17504
3)L. Middlebrook P.O. Box 2079 Beaverton, Ontario Canada L0K 1A0
4) Phyllis M. Whiddon 256 JD Road DeRidder, LA
5) D. Goldring 1368 Kenton Rd. Parkville, MD 21234
6) J. Rowland 5039 Alta Colina Rd. Camarillo, CA 93012
STEP 3: Now tke the #1 name off the list that you see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR name as number 6 on the list. STEP 4: Copy this article. Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups. (I believe there are 2.4 million groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make! This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18, Section 1302 and 1341, US Postal and Lottery Laws or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of Federal regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which states; "a product or service must be exchanged for money received." The simple note in the letter, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST", makes it legal because you are paying for exchange of a service, (adding the purchasers name to his/her mailing list) for a $1.00 fee. IMPORTANT: Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need money, you can use it again and again. PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to the directions. Look at it this way. If you are of integrity, the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come way. NOTE: You amy want to retain every name and address sent to you, either on a computer or a hard copy and keep the notes people send you. This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service. (Also, it might be a good idea to wrap the $1 bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft.) So, as each post is downloaded and the directions are carefully followed, six members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the #1 position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH!!! What an oppurtunity for only $6.00 ($1 for each of the first six people listed above). Send it now, add your own name to the list and you're in business!
DIRECTIONS FOR HOW TO POST TO NEWSGROUPS<Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your mouse cursor at the beginning of this letter, click and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document, right-click and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire letter into the computer's memory. Step2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and place your mouse cursor at the top of the blank page. Right click and from the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can add your name and postal address to the list. Step 3) Save your new notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to come back to. Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet Explorer and try searching for various newsgroups (online forums, message boards, chat sites, discussions.) Step 5) Visit these mesagge boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click the "post" message button. You're done with your first one! Congratulations....THAT'S IT! All you have to do is jump from different newsgroups and post away, after you get the hang of it, it will take about a minute for each newsgroup! ***REMEMBER, THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST IN, THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL MAKE!!!BUT YOU HAVE TO POST A MINIMUM OF 200*** That's it! You will begin receiving money from around the world within days! You may eventually want to rent a P.O Box due to the large amount of mail you will receive. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can invent a name to use, as long as the postman will deliver it. **JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE ADDRESSES ARE CORRECT.**
Now the why part
Out of 200 postings, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example). So then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. Now, each of the 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, that is another $25.00 for me, now those 25 each make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 and only 5 replies each, I will bring in and additional $125.00! Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 200 with my name at #3 and only 5 replies each, I will make an additional $626.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 625 persons post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me $3,125.00!!! Those 3,125 persons will all deliver this messageto 200 newsgroups with my name at #1 and if still ONLY 5 persons per 200 newsgroups react I will receive $15,625.00!! With a original investment of only $6.00! AMAZING! When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest posting in the newsgroups, and send out another $6.00 to the names on the list, putting your name back at #6 again. And start posting again. The thing to remember is: do you realize that thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles everday?, JUST LIKE YOU ARE NOW!! So, can you afford $6.00 and see if it really works?? I think so...people have said, "what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money?" So what! What are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those joining the actual internet!!! REMEMBER, PLAY FAIRLY AND HONESTLY AND THIS WILL WORK FOR YOU!!! Good luck to all and please play fairly and reap the huge rewards from this, which is tons of extra CASH. By the way, please DON'T try to deceive people by posting the messages with your name on the list and not sending the CASH to the rest of the people already on the list, you will NOT get any. This is the fairest and most honest way I have ever seen to share the wealth of the world without costing anything but our time!! You also may want to buy mailing and e-mail lists for future cash. Make sure you print this article out RIGHT NOW!!! Also, try to keep a list of everyone that sends you CASH and always keep an eye on the newsgroups to make sure everyone is playing fairly. Remember, HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. IMPORTANT: If you're not interested in my article, (don't want instant cash), please pass this message to anyone who wishes quick money. Thank you so much.==============================

Right, thanks for your reply.
This is purely a report over an audit table. The "key" column represents the key columns of another table of what data has been inserted, updated or deleted.
In my example, there are three key columns;
and the value this audit relates to is stored too,
where ORDER_NO=35399
and RELEASE_NO='*'
and SEQUENCE_NO='* this is a unqiue row which has been audited.
All values are exact matches, including the *'s which are the ERPs system if representing "not selected" without actually using null.
You could have the following info:
For each audited table the key columns are fixed, of course. Since I am only ever reporting over a single audited table the defined columns in the key column will not change, but their values will (as shown above).
Therefore it is true to say that the key columns can be obtained from the 1st row (or any for that matter) row returned.
Perhaps I should make the report less flexible and hard code these, since I know themm (for now).
This means I only need to retrieve the three values for each.
(Sorry of this seems everso complicated)

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    FLA file if you want to browse it:
    FLA file
    SWF file if you want to view that:
    SWF file
    If you don't want to dload the files then here's AS code at the 3 locations (q1, q2, quizEnd)
    Code Block 1 at frame 1:
    // Initialize main timeline variables
    // next, create variables to store user's answers:
    var q1Answer;          // User's answer for question 1
    var q2Answer;          // User's answer for question 2
    //next, create a variable to track number of questions answered correctly:
    var totalCorrect = 0;  // Counts number of correct answers
    //finally, stop the movie at the first question:
    choice1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, answer1);
    function answer1(event_object:MouseEvent){
    q1Answer = 1;
    choice2_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, answer2);
    function answer2(event_object:MouseEvent){
    q1Answer = 2;
    choice3_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, answer3);
    function answer3(event_object:MouseEvent){
    q1Answer = 3;
    Code Block 2 at frame 10
    choice1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, answer21);
    function answer21(event_object:MouseEvent){
    q2Answer = 1;
    function answer22(event_object:MouseEvent){
    q2Answer = 2;
    function answer23(event_object:MouseEvent){
    q2Answer = 3;
    Code Block 3 at frame 20
    if (q1Answer ==  3) {
      totalCorrect = totalCorrect + 1;
      trace("Value for Q1 is 1 point");
      } else {
              trace("Wrong answer #1 " + q1Answer);
    if (q2Answer == 3) {
              totalCorrect++; //simply adds 1 more to the previous value of totalCorrect//
              trace("Value for Q2 is 1 point");
    } else {
                  trace("Wrong answer #2 " + q2Answer);
    //displays final score on interpreter
    trace("Your total is "+totalCorrect+"/2 points");
    //displays the answer on the stage
    var txtFld:TextField = new TextField();
    txtFld.text = ("Your total is" + totalCorrect);
    txtFld.appendText ("/2 points");
    //extra bits to un-comment once text output is understood
    //txtFld.wordWrap = true;
    //txtFld.textColor = 0xFF00FF
    //txtFld.height = 60

    Let's say I click on button1 at frame 1 returning a value for q1Answer as 1, then button 3 at frame 10 returning a value for q2Answer as 3, I'll get both questions marked as right. Button 3 is the "right button" in each case so only q1Answer = 3 and q2Answer=3 should be correct.
    Here's the trace output if I click as above:
    Value for Q1 is 1 point
    Value for Q2 is 1 point
    Your total is 2/2 points
    If I click on 1 and 2 say instead, here's the Interpreter result:
    Wrong answer #1 2
    Wrong answer #2 2
    Your total is 0/2 points
    kglad wrote:
    looks ok.
    which trace is giving an unexpected result?

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    I think Creative just wants to earn fast & easy money.
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  • Don't fall for scams!

    This is a IN-DEPTH guide on how to spot the nonesense that scammers try to tell you.
    SCAM: "A fraudulent scheme performed by a dishonest individual, group, or company in an attempt obtain money or something else of value. Scams traditionally resided in confidence tricks, where an individual would misrepresent themselves as someone with skill or authority, i.e. a doctor, lawyer, investor. After the internet became widely used, new forms of scams emerged such as lottery scams, scam baiting, email spoofing, phishing, or request for helps. These are considered to be email fraud. Also see phishing, scheme."
    - Quote from BusinessDictionary (
    Ways to prevent people SCAMMING you:
    The fraudulent individual scammer!
    This person will try his hardest to deceive you.
    Basic Equation for fraud of a individual: You want to give something to "person 1", "person 2" knows about this and pretends to be "person 1" and then he then accepts the gift as "person 1" then takes what you nicely gifted.
    = You lost something you most likely can't get back.
    IN-DEPTH Equation for fraud of a individual:
    It is a friends/relative of yours birthday who is "Person 1" and your in this awesome communication application called Skype and you are chatting to some "friends" or relatives, "Person 1" and "Person 2", but they haven't got the best relationship (or there relationship isn't as strong as there greed.), so on forward you want to buy "Person 1" something for his birthday, and you are to lazy/not able to go to the shop so you want to buy him something online and you want him to pick out whatever he wants and order it to his house but you will do it tommorrow. (I am assuming not the most common scenario but you understand.), Out of spite/greed Sam hears about this and then #1. Gets ahold of the account that "Person 1" is using Skype (Or other.) on, by hacking or finding the device "Person 1" is logged into. #2. Makes a new account pretending to be "Person 1".
    "Person 2" somehow accomplishes to do one of them 2 things how can you make sure it is who you think it is?
    Answer that always works for this type of scamming if done correctly: 2 I have used.
    #1. Have a way a secret list of characters or a word that isn't easily guessable by even your closest of friends, Eg. "Buttercups446" tell them that in person or privately and the next day you want to give him "item" you can tell him to send you that "password" before you do so. In my opinion that is an amature way of doing it in my opinion, because if "gender" writes it down somewhere to remember or if he doesnt remember at all, or if someone somehow overhears it is busted.
    #2. Come on! Use the the way the cavemans used to do it! Skype, a Phone (Not truth.)! Easiest way is to simply use voice communication there is no way they can 100% forge the voice of someone else by the details of what they say and how they say the words. You can talk over the phone or skype whilst giving the gift or transaction.
    #3. I wouldn't recommend using this one, maybe if you don't have anyway of voice communication you can nickname/rename someone and put brackets next to there name saying REAL. Eg. "Garrick Dale (REAL)". This has one major weakness if someone get's ahold of the account then it will still say that is the person you want to give/trade the item to/with.
    The fraudulent organisation or company scammer!
    These people/person will pretend to be an organisation or company and send you messages through something or emails that looks legitimate but isn't.
    Basic equation of fraud of a group: You get a message from "A Phony Organisation/Company" they ask for you to prove that you are the person you are by putting in credentials of something they could withdraw money out of but they say they won't.
    = They do take money out of the account possibly drain it, even if you do get your money back they might still keep the money they scammed.
    IN-DEPTH Basic equation of fraud of a group:
    So you get a email/message and it is written or they send you to a website that looks like the website you are using, "Someone has tried to log into your account, we have locked the account to open it you need to verify that this is really you, you need to put in your banking credentials here, no money will be extracted.".
    You then get that email/message how do you find out it's the real deal?
    Answer that always works for this type of scamming if done correctly: 2 option I have used.
    #1. If the company has a helpline (phone support) or email support you can contact (Get this from there website), you can then contact them and ask about the email/message or website they take you to that you recieved about you giving them banking credentials. They should give you an explanation.
    #2. Making sure the email, message or website that came from the apparent, organisation/company. people do pretty cheap things to trick you into believing things.
    Examples. Real website: - Fake website:
    The "I will" scammer!
    They will tell you they will do something, oath, swear on it, but never do it. Lies.
    Basic Equation for a "I will" scammer: "Person 1" says they'll give "Person 1's Item" for a item or/and money you have. = You give him the item/money and he doesn't give what he said in return, you never speak to him again.
    IN-DEPTH Basic Equation for a "I will" scammer:
    "Person 1" asks you if he/she could trade an item you own for "Person 1's Item" it sounds like a good idea.
    You want to trade but how do you know if he/she will give there part of the bargain?
    Answer that always works for this type of scamming if done correctly: 2 option I have used.
    #1. Trade your items/money through a secure network or service don't just do a "I give you this then you give me that.", for example, there is a gaming platform called Steam and they have a online item trading system if you use it correctly you cannot be scammed.
    #2. As simple as not trading, just sell for money on secure services where they then distribute whatever you are selling such as Ebay, or once again Steam.
    I strive to give people the power to have as much anonymity as they possibly can.

    The problem may not be Apple or iTunes but with Addmired, Inc.  The company which created those games.  The games are loaded with hackers, subject players to high levels of harassment, threats, and profanity from other players and yet, there is NO support from Addmired in regards to helping players who try to report the harassment or ask for help.
    I have been unable to play any of the games by Addmired, (iMob, Global War, Original Gangstaz) due to constant harassment from hackers who located me after I responded to a request for help from another member of my 'gang/mob'.  Now, because I was stupid enough to try and help someone - I am being bombarded by threats, harassment, profanity laced messages and unable to even play the game because an obvious hacker using a jailbroken iphone / ipod attacks me again, and again, and again so that I can't play the game.
    Addmired needs to be addressed, if they are going to charge players for a 'free' game where you pretty much have to buy the additional points (street cred, respect.. whatever they want to call it) then the company has a responsiblity to it's customers to provide support against harassment in the games yet they do not!  I have tried for weeks to get help from this company, sending emails to them through the contact form on their website with no response, and no action taken against the individuals harassing me.

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    This program has been proven by the Oprah show … make easy money using Liberty Reserve. Spend $10 to make thousands – proven by Oprah & 20/20
    This program is by no means new. It has been in existence in many forms for at least a decade. But in the early days, it required a lot more time and effort, as well as an investment of a few hundred dollars. However thanks to Liberty Reserve and the Internet, the investment is now virtually ZERO! And what's more, the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE than it has EVER been! Below is how the business works.
    How to Turn $10 into $15,000 in 30 Days with Liberty Reserve, I WAS SHOCKED WHEN I SAW HOW MUCH MONEY CAME FLOODING INTO MY Liberty Reserve ACCOUNT. I turned $10 into $14,706 within the first 30 days of operating the business plan that I am about to reveal to you. If you decide to take action on the following instructions, I will GUARANTEE that you will enjoy a similar return! STILL NEED PROOF? Here are just 3 testimonials from the countless individuals who decided to invest nothing more than $5 and half an hour of their time to participate in this program:
    "What an amazing plan! I followed your instructions just 3 weeks ago, and although I haven't made $15,000 yet, I'm already up to $9,135. I'm absolutely gob smacked." -Emeka Obikpo Owerri, NG.
    "Well, what can I say?... THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sent 400 e-mail's out like you said and then I just forgot about the whole thing. To be honest, I didn't really think anything would come of it. But when I checked my Liberty Reserve account a week later, there was over $5,000 in After 30 days I now have over $11,000 to spend! I can't thank you enough!"-Juan Tovar, Brooklyn , NY
    "I was shocked when I saw how much money came flooding into my Liberty Reserve account. Within 3 weeks my account balance has ballooned to $12,449. At first I thought there had been some sort of error with my account!" -Richard Barrie. Boulder, CO. Manhattan
    The only things you will need are: An internet connection, a Liberty Reserve account with at least $10 deposited in it and just 15 to 30 minutes of your time. This program takes just half an hour to set up. After that, there is absolutely no work whatsoever to do on your part. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose, and there is NO LIMIT to the amount of income you can generate from this one single business program.
    Let's get started, just follow the instructions exactly as set out below and then prepare yourself for a HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days! Here's what you need to do. . .
    #1 A fast internet connection
    #2 A Liberty Reserve account
    Now follow the steps: 1-4
    STEP #1 - Ok, if you're not already a Liberty Reserve user, the very first thing you
    need to do is go on this website and SIGN UP. It takes
    just 2 minutes!
    Liberty Reserve is the second online money transfer website that I am reviewing, Liberty Reserve is the most secure e payment means, and Liberty Reserve is already making headway into the European market.
    Here are their features
    Sign Up: Free
    Send Fee: Free but if you want to make a private payment which is optional.($0.75)
    Receive money: FREE OF CHARGE.
    Upload money: Many verified liberty reserve exchangers for every country.
    Liberty Reserve to me is the best online payment processing service. They have all the features that I needed plus it is scam free and that is because of the wonderful verification process they have for their accounts. STEP #2 - Sending Liberty Reserve money "It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive."
    Now all you have to do is send $2.00 by way of Liberty Reserve to each of the five Liberty Reserve accounts once you must have funded your account with $12 only (service charge 1%), then send $2 to each of the accounts on the List then move the top one and place yours in the #5 spot on the list of accounts #1-#5. Remember your name becomes #5.
    #1 U7725051------------------ Remove this account number.
    #2 U7775099------------------ This one should go to the top position.
    #3 U0423373
    #4 U1782832
    #5 U2187584 ------------------ Here is where your account number comes in.
    Note - Once you have made your payments to all the account numbers above, send a mail to [email protected] so that your account would be added to the liberty reserve database of steady participants for this list (registration otherwise your account won’t be registered and no money for you), this is what makes this business real and there is no room for cheat.
    The reason why your account should be at the 5th position is that your account continues get paid to for a long time till it comes to the first position and payments would stop. By then your account must have been up to $30,000. You may start posting again.
    Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are creating a service! A Business.
    If you have any doubts, please refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of the United States Postal laws.
    STEP #3 - Adding Your Liberty reserve account number. After you send your five $2.00 payments, it's your turn to add your liberty reserve account number to the list! And send a mail as ordered above for instant registration for the success of the business on your side.
    Once you have paid to all the accounts given, take the #1 account off the list that you see above, move the other addresses up one change the numbers (5 becomes 4&4 becomes 3, etc) then put YOUR account number (your Liberty Reserve account number) as #5 on the list.
    STEP #4 - Copy the whole of this letter (after you must have paid $2.00 to all the numbers above, your account registered and you have edited the letter with your acc. Number at position 5) to 200 new groups, message boards, forums etc...... The Pure Joy of Receiving Liberty Reserve Money!
    New groups, message boards, forums are places where people meet on the internet to discuss related topics. These are websites where you can place adverts, discuss different topics, or talk on your areas of difficulty (to seek help, answers) There are more than 400,000 such websites on the internet where you may create an account and start posting your information (this letter after you have added your acc. Number as directed after your payments).
    You are now ready to post your copy of this message, to at least 50-200 newsgroups, message boards, etc. (I think there are close to 400,000 groups because I posted to 60)
    All you need is 40, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make - as well as everyone else on the list! In this situation your job is to let as many people see this letter as possible. So they will make you rich!!!! You can even start posting the moment you have paid into the accounts above and your account gets verified. Payments will still appear in your Liberty Reserve account after the 30 days period because as people get this message they send you money and they post, you are still at number 5 and the money still comes in until the list is saturated to a stage that your account comes to the 1st position and gets replaced.
    Or you can send this letter to all your contacts and friends or out a minimum of 400 copies of the email - but only to people you know, or to people who respond to these offers, or to people who've sent YOU offers. By sending this letter via email, the response time is EXTREMELY fast.......... ELECTRONIC TRANSFER ON THE INTERNET IS FAST!!!
    Step #1) you do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your CURSOR at the beginning of this letter and drag your CURSOR to the bottom of this document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu or CTRL+A which means select all and then CTRL+C which means copy all. This will copy the entire letter into your computer's temporary memory.
    Step #2) Open a blank 'Notepad' file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'Edit' menu select 'Paste' or just CTRL+V. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can edit this article (adding your account number to the list) as required. Or copy to a Word Document. and Place in your account number upon completion.
    Step #3) Save your new Notepad file as a .txt file. If you want to do your postings in different sites, you'll always have this file to go back to.
    Step #4) Use Netscape, Mozilla Firefox, opera, apple safari, Google chrome and Internet Explorer browsers (any one of your choice) etc and try searching for various newsgroups, on-line forums, message boards, bulletin boards, chat sites, discussions, discussion groups, online communities, etc. EXAMPLE: go to any search engine like etc.- then search with subjects like millionaire message board or money making message board or opportunity message board or money making discussions or business bulletin board or money making forum etc. You will find thousands & thousands of message boards. Click them one by one then you will find the option to post a new message.
    Step #5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting 'Paste' from the 'Edit' menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll thru the list of postings in a particular group, click the post message button. You're done with your first one!
    Congratulations! THAT'S IT!! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away. After you get the hang of it, it will take about 30 seconds for each newsgroup! ha ha, when this is done, your next job is to just go to sleep for 5 days (??ha ha!??), come back and see how over flooded your account gets at that short period.
    That's it! You will begin receiving money within days!
    Explanation of why it works so well:
    $$$$$ NOW THE WHY PART: Out of 50 postings, say I receive only 10 replies (a very low example). So then I Made $20.00 with my account number at #5 on the letter. Now, each of the 10 persons who just sent me $2.00 make the MINIMUM 50 postings, each with my account at #4 and only 10 persons respond to each of the original 4, that is another $200.00 for me, now those 100 each make 50 MINIMUM posts with my account at #3 and only 10 replies each, I will bring in an additional $2000.00! Now, those 1000 persons turn around and post the MINIMUM 50 with my account at #2 and only receive 5 replies each, I will make an additional $20,000.00! OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 10,000 persons post a MINIMUM 50 letters with my account at #1 and hey!!, this is a huge amount of cash we are talking about within a short period of time, this is real cash over flow. This is a crazy cash income business that people don’t know too well about and it is time to make a real means out of it.
    The thing to remember is, thousands of people all over the world are joining the internet and reading these articles every day, JUST LIKE YOU are now!!
    So can you afford $10.00?? And see if it really works?? I think so? People have said, what if the plan is played out and no one sends you the money? So what are the chances of that happening when there are tons of new honest users and new honest people who are joining the internet and newsgroups everyday and are willing to give it a try? Estimates are at 20,000 to 50,000 new users everyday, with thousands of those joining the actual Internet.
    Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. This really isn't another one of those crazy scams! As long as people FOLLOW THROUGH with sending out $10.00, it works!
    With warm wishes, bless you and your loved ones,
    Edited by: user13073210 on May 3, 2010 6:28 PM

    it has been answered

  • CS6 System Requirements + Hardware Questions

    I am in hope that someone who is knowledgeable regarding hardware can confirm that my computer would meet the system requirements for CS6. I tried to get some answers via Adobe Chat, but the person was not that helpful.
    I have an old Mac Pro 1,1 Dual-Core Intel Xeon 3 GHz – vintage around 2007. The graphics card is the original NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT. I see that the system requirements for CS6 state, “Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0.” My knowledge of hardware is perhaps not as good as some, but I don’t seem to be able to find anything about the above on my computer. In Photoshop preferences (I have Design Premium CS5) under “GPU Settings” I do have “Enable OpenGL Drawing” selected and upon clicking the “Advanced Settings …” button it shows that I can only do “Mode: Basic” OpenGL—the other menu options (Normal and Advanced) are grayed-out. I see nothing about “OpenGL 2.0” and I don’t find anything about “Shader Model 3.0.” I also don’t know anything about the required “Java Runtime Environment 1.5 or 1.6.” I have been seriously considering purchasing the upgrade to CS5.5 that would allow for the automatic upgrade to CS6.
    I realize that my computer is old and would like something newer and faster, but money is an object for me. Ideally, I would like another Mac Pro, but with all the rumors about that model being discontinued, I am not clear as to what I should do. I personally cannot make up my mind as to whether or not it would be wise to put any more money into my present computer. I only have 5GB of RAM and wonder if it would be that helpful to purchase more on a somewhat older Mac. I have also seen that OWC has an AIT Radeon HD 5770 graphics card for $269.99. I don’t know if that would make much of a difference or could present problems. At times I wonder if my hard drive might be slowing down, but I am not sure of that. Most things still work well, but I was frustrated when doing some 3D in Illustrator. If I so much as wanted to move an object, the entire image would disappear for one or two seconds in order to re-draw. Again, I don’t know enough as to whether or not the addition of more RAM and a new graphics card would make that much of a difference.
    Perhaps I should wait to see what comes about with the Mac Pros or if and when there is a replacement. I have to admit that at times I consider going back to PCs in that Macs seem to be so over-priced. One time I was considering getting a laptop and looked at one of the lower-priced Macbook Pros. I then checked out the HP site and the laptop that I could get for the same amount was amazing. The HP had a bigger, higher resolution screen, more RAM, 3D (with glasses) and more. The difference was stark.
    Anyway, I am sorry for this very long post and apologize to anyone who might have waded through it. Hopefully, it wasn’t too boring; some people find hardware interesting. Also, for me, typing is easy and the words just sort of “fly.” I would appreciate any kind help/advice that might be available.
    Thank you in advance. 

    Without knowing what you’re doing it’s impossible for anyone to help.
    Dreamweaver system requirements are a whole lot different than Premiere Pro.
    Visit the product forum for the applications you’re interested in and ask there.

  • MacBook Pro won't recognize 1TB external drive

    Hey team,
    My mid-2010 MacBook Pro won't recognize my WD My Passport 1TB drive.  I was copying files from the drive to my computer when my computer went to sleep (didn't run out of power, just went to standby mode).  Turned computer back on and now it won't recognize the drive.
    It is a USB 3.0 cord (computer is only USB 2.0 and the cord works with other drives) and when plugged in, the light turns on and the disk spins but isn't recognized my this or other computers (also not in Disk Utility).
    Tried a handful of disk recovery programs but nothing wants to 'see' the disk plugged in.
    Thanks for any and all suggestions.

    yes yes yes,   I warn people about WD drives on this link:
    Your dead external hard drive is likely fine! Great hope for your 'faulty' external HD
    theReKleiner wrote:
    What now?
    Only option is to buy the SAME exact HD and swap controller boards,  or pay someone a LOT more $$$ to do the same thing.
    its not soldered there, its just a controller/ SATA  "one piece"
    They do that to save 50 cents in mfg. costs.
    I mention your "issue" in that link.    Which is why you do NOT buy WD ext. HD.
    they make the controller board and SATA card one piece. 
    CURRENT MFG. THAT HAVE controller board and SATA cards as one piece are :  WD USB drives, and Toshiba USB Canvio
    However Toshiba didnt USED to do that, but they started doing it at the end of 2013.
    avoid those 2.
    To avoid that nonsense, buy Hitachi drives in USB.
    Or, the best option:
    Save money and invest in a bare hard drive backup and redundancy plan
    Its cheaper
    less fuss
    more reiable, removes the nasty failure point of SATA card interfaces.
    takes up lot less space.
    Bare hard drives and docks. The most reliable and cheapest method of hard drive data storage, archives, and redundancies
    The best method for your data archives and redundancies, which is also the least expensive, the most reliable, and the most compact option is the purchase of naked hard drives and at least one USB 3.0 HD dock ($40 roughly).
    While regarding Time Machine and your Macbook or desktop, your primary backup is best saved to a conventional USB (or Firewire / thunderbolt) hard drive inside an enclosure, the most important part of your data protection begins after your 1st / primary Time Machine / backup; and these are your secondary (most important) data storage devices, archives and their redundancies.
    However bare hard drives and docks (below) also work perfectly as a Time Machine backup, this is for home use, since the docking station is certainly not very portable as a notebook Time Machine backup device should be; nor should bare HD be packed around with a notebook, rather remain at home or office.
    Six terabytes of 2.5" HD pictured below in a very compact space.
    Bare hard drives and docks have the lowest cost, the highest reliability, and take up the smallest storage space
    1. Care and knowledge in general handling of naked hard drives (how not to shock a bare HD, and how to hold them properly). Not a genuine drawback.
    1. By far the least expensive method of mass HD storage on a personal basis. Highest quality naked HD can be purchased in bulk very cheap.
    2. Eliminates the horrible failure point of SATA bridges and interfaces between external drives and the computer.
    3. Per square foot you can store more terabytes of data this way than any other.
    4. Fast, easy, no fuss and most simplex method of data storage on hard drives.

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