FCP, soundtrackpro and 5.1 ssound

ok here is my problem.
I have an apple pro res 4:2:2 with 5.1 audio in FCP.
I select the audio region, right click and send them to soundtrack pro as audio region.
In soundtrack pro I select all the chanels open them in the edit window, aplly some time stretch and click ok!
Then soundtrack pro tell me: The rendered files can´t be written..?
Scratch disk and such are set right!
Do anybody know something about this problem??
Thank you everybody for your help!!!

I'd like to use a quicktime movie file from an intel Mac that has FCP v 5.1.4. < </div>
Not if it's just the QT file you're using. Even if your source is using a newer version of QT than you are, you should still be able to open the QT file. However, he may be using a hardware-specific codec you do not have at your disposal.
The FCP file? No, you'll need to upgrade or get yoru source to give you XML.

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  • Unable to capture in FCP, Quicktime and iMovie, camera not recognized.

    I am unable to capture in FCP, Quicktime and iMovie.
    I have been dealing with this problem for quite a while now, and I think I have tried everything posted on these forums regarding this issue. I have been to the Quicktime, iMovie, and this FCP forum looking for the solution. Hopefully someone has a suggestion that I have missed or have not tried yet. I have a Powerbook G4 running OSX Tiger 10.4. I am running Quicktime 7.04, and FCP 4.5.
    My problem is this… I am unable to capture from my Canon ZR-200 Mini DV camera, using Final Cut Pro, iMovie and also Quicktime. FCP says no camera recognized. iMovie says no camera attached, and Quicktime says no recording device found. In FCP, I am using the Firewire Basic setting, and NTSC DV settings. I have captured in FCP with the same camera several times in the past. I think the problem started when I upgraded to OSX 10.4, or one of the Quicktime upgrades.
    Here are the details…
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    - Deleted my FCP pref’s using FCP Rescue.
    - Deleted the Quicktime receipts, and re-installed Quicktime 7.04
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    - Tried the “GarageBand” fix, opening the programing, playing a few notes and closing.
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    I may have tried more solutions, but these are the fixes that I can recall.
    If anyone has any others suggestions, it would be much appreciated.

    Hi Brent:
    Although it looks as if you have tried all of the 'fixes' that are normally suggested here, please read through this Apple Article to see if some obscure thing applies to you.
    iMovie: Cannot see or control camera

  • Graphics render bug in FCP 6 and 7 - Dare to prove me wrong?

    I have an issue with an HD video that contains red and purple text and graphics in the edit. I've looked for an answer tirelessly online, with friends, and through trial and error for a good 7 hours before giving up. Here's the deal,
    Sequence settings: HD 1440x1080 16:9, 23.98, HDV 1080p24 for editing the canon7d footage that came in - this however doesn't matter because i tested with every setting imaginable including animation raw and ended up with the same results for the graphics problem I'm having (kind of unrelated to the actual footage).
    I need to output this 9 minute edit I have to an HD file 1280x720 for youtube upload. So, it has to be under 2gb (youtube's limit) but for client purposes, it needs to be crisp and great looking as you would imagine.
    I have a bunch of PSDs, each show a different line drawing of a brush. For each one, the line is a different color. For any of the colors that aren't red or purple, they render crisp and wonderful in final cut pro over top the video. However, the graphics that have the lines that are red or purple, come out pixelated and blurry no matter how i try to render them. The only solution that worked was to render and output them with the animation codec. ProRes HQ worked too but not as well. However, this makes a file way too big. Whenever I went from animation to h264 or from FCP to h264, or any other web friendly format, graphics come out way pixelated. It makes me frustrated as to why all the graphics that were exactly the same except not red or purple came out perfectly crisp. Also, why is animation codec the only codec out there (besides uncompressed obviously) that will create clean edges in these red/purple graphics?
    Conclusion: Found that reds and purples are the only colors that seem to be effected when rendering the graphics. Everything else comes out nicely. Animation and pro res codecs aside, any codec making the video small enough for the web (less than 2gb) resulted in the problem of pixelation with the red and purple graphics. Based on extensive research I did online, I was surprised not to find many people posting about the exact same problem. For the issues I did find that seemed related, people concurred that HD nor regular DV video do a good job rendering bright reds or variations of red. Because I found no solutions online or from all the things I tried in the list below
    -re-rendered the PSD's in Final cut pro with variation of sequence setting to see if that would make any difference - it didn't. Tried all kinds of different settings in export for h264, keyframes, max quality, etc. no luck.
    -tried rendering to "Animation/uncompressed" as far through the process as possible. For instance, I outputted a perfectly crisp "Animation" file that was perfect looking. As soon as I re-exported to h264, mpeg4, or sorenson, or any other codec dropping the file size down, all results returned pixelated results for the reds and purple graphics.
    -made sure photoshop settings were all good, even copied and pasted psd into new 1920x1080 project, played with DPI up to 300 to see if it did anything, saved as different formats TIFF, png, eps, layers, flattened, 8-bit, 24-bit, 36-bit, etc., none of the formats worked correctly.
    -outputted my own purple and red graphics and text and rendered in final cut to see if the file had anything to do with it. same problem with my red and purple graphics and text.
    -Tried adding slight moving grain to the graphic in Final cut to try and trick FCP to thinking it was a video instead of a graphic and therefore render it smoothly.
    -consulted with 2 other video editors/media experts, ended up frustrating them as well (and hurting their ego a little since they were sure they could figure it out)
    -Ran the shot and graphic through after effects and premiere pro separately (different video programs) to see if final cut pro was causing the problem, same problem with those programs.
    -tried rendering on a different mac, still the same.
    -Actually upgraded my final cut pro version to the new version (now Final cut studio 3). Ran tests on new version of final cut pro, same exact problem.
    -added black edge to purple graphics to see if that did anything different to the rendering. Didn't help
    -Changed the hue of the graphic to anything other than red or purple. Wouldn't you know...That fixed it.
    Here is a link to the Animation Output of a half second of the edit with a sample red graphic crisp as can be for you to test (12.7mb) -
    Here is a link to view screenshots before and after to show you what rendering does to the graphics.
    In case you'd like to try and find a solution, please download the link to the HD animation half-second clip and output to h264 or any other web friendly codec that would show these red graphics clean and not blurry and pixelated. Other rule is after doing the math, a 9 minute video with the compression you choose would need to be under 2gb. This shouldn't be too much of a problem because even a 1280x720 h264 at max quality for a 9min video is still under 2gb.
    The first person to show me that you are truly a FCP guru and can solve this, post a link of your successful solution, I will praise you as genius all over this forum. I will also be eternally grateful. Live in LA? I'll also buy you dinner, Haha. But seriously...

    Welcome to this forum,
    Sorry to hear you so struggling with this issue.
    And I doubt whether I can solve this for you, but I can say a few things.
    The title of this thread is:
    Graphics render bug in FCP 6 and 7 - Dare to prove me wrong?
    I'll prove you are wrong. Or actually you've already proved yourself wrong in your post:
    -Ran the shot and graphic through after effects and premiere pro separately (different video programs) to see if final cut pro was causing the problem, same problem with those programs.
    Seams that I try to annoy you, but I'm not. It's not a joke. The fact that other applications can't handle it as well AND the fact that Animation Codec (Which is pretty lostless) does not have this problem, tells you that the problem is likely the low compression you want OR the footage itself. And I dare say it's BOTH.
    I downloaded your testfile and have opened it in FCP and I can see in the Vectorscope that your color Red is too hot.
    [Click here|http://i843.photobucket.com/albums/zz356/rienkL/Screenshot2010-04-02at1324 20.png] to see the vectorscope of your picture?
    You also see the small boxes (clockwise)
    Red, Magenta, Blue, Cyan, Green, Yellow. The signal of your picture should stay somewhere between those boxes. You should read [this article|http://www.larryjordan.biz/articles/lj_scopes.html] (two third on the page) about the vectorscope. Also has a picture with the range to be broadcast safe.
    So back to your picture and your vectorscope. You'll see that just along the right side of the R in the vectorscope there's a peak which goes way out of the range. And that's exactly the color of your graphic.
    I tried isolating that color, reducing the saturation, and then do an export, but that failed. You should adjust that within the PSD's first and then see how exporting goes.
    So now you are thinking: My client wants his own colors! Sure he does. But those colors were probably designed for print, which does have another colorrange. Simple technical story. You're bound to specific saturation. Going over that means troubles....
    And I'm not claiming that your problem will be solved when you adjust this. It is still possible that h264 just doesn't like red too much. Maybe that's on purpose. Our eyes are most less sensitive to red, so that gives the compressor some extra room to compress in the reds (Don't know if this is what compression developers do; just thinking out loud, just an idea...)
    Hope this helps at least a little.

  • What Compressor codec should I use for footage recorded on a Canon T3i, edited on FCP 6, and intended for Vimeo?

    I am looking for help!
    My planned workflow is as follows:
    Footage recorded on Canon Rebel T3i  --->  Edited on Final Cut Pro 6 (sequence compression is apparently H.264 according to the browser)  --->  Compressed with Compressor (ver 3.0.5) in original 1920 x 1080, 24p format  --->  Uploaded to Vimeo
    I am now at the point where I am trying to find a Compressor setting that will create a compressed movie that looks somewhat similar to what I see in the canvas in Final Cut Pro 6.  I have tried using the H.264, Apple ProRes 422(HQ), HD Uncompressed 8-bit, and XDCAM HD 1080p24 settings and in all cases, my movie plays back fine, however, the brightness/exposure seems to be hiked up a few stops and there is a substantial amount of noise in both the blacks and midtones that doesn't appear in FCP's canvas.
    My compressed movie I wish to export is only intended for Vimeo (similar to Youtube).  Is there a different setting I should be trying, or perhaps a way of downloading a more effective or current codec??  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated as it is very disappointing to see my movie degraded so much from its orginal quality.
    Shaun M

    H.264.  But the FCP Legacy (FCP 7 and earlier) Canvas and Viewer aren't color accurate.  Not designed to be. Their purpose is to show you what you are doing, show you the footage so you can make editing decisions. For color accuracy, the ideal way, since this was designed with television and feature editing in mind, is to have an IO device like those AJA.com and DECKLINK.com make, and send the signal to an HDTV or broadcast monitor. 
    Apple has realized that more and more people are editing for the web and computers only, so they made it so that FCX's viewer IS color accurate.  So...what that means is that currently, using what you have, you won't get things to match....they aren't designed to. So you can adjust for what happens when you export.
    But a big issue is that you are editing H.264 in FCP native. FCP doesn't work with H.264 native well, all sorts of potential issues can arise.  Sync issues, quality issues, the correct shot be exported, all sorts of things.  FCP works best with the FCP editing codecs. What are they? They are found in the EASY SETUP list.  But for HD, the most commonly used option is ProRes 422.  There is a BIG problem that FCP Legacy will SEEM like it'll work with H.264 natively just fine...it doens't throw up any warnings. That is bad. Also something Apple fixed with FCX. 
    The fact that you are editing H.264, and trying to export H.264, might also lead to the footage being more off that it would if you edited ProREs 422, and exported H.264.  Note...H.264 is a higher data rate codec, and easier for FCP to work with...but because it has a higher data rate, the file sizes are much higher than the original H.264.  5-6x larger.  FCP 7 did have a way to import Canon 5D, 7D and T2i (needed a hack with the T2i) via Log and Transfer.  But it doesn't work with the T3i...not even with that hack. Because FCP 7 was no longer updated after the T3i came out. It's 4 year old software, discontinued 2 years ago.
    If you want to edit native, you need to look at Adobe Premiere Pro CC. It's interface is more accurate too.

  • I have a FCP event and project with all accompanying media saved on a harddrive.  I am now attempting to open the files on another computer that also has FCP X.  I cannot figure out how to get it to open.

    I have a FCP event and project with all accompanying media saved on a harddrive.  I am now attempting to open the files on another computer that also has FCP X.  I cannot figure out how to get it to open.

    The events and projects folders have to be on the top level of the drive for FCP to recognize them.

  • Anybody experience with FCP X and Macbook pro 15inch 2.2?

    My old mid 2009 macbook harddrive died on me today, and I'm thinking to upgrade. Sell the old one and buy the new 2011 2.2. The old one was slow in rendering and had lots and lots and lots of spinning beachballs. Was I pushing it too hard? Don't know, but it was horrible. I lost so much time.
    Anyway, does anybody have this combo fcp x and the new 15inch macbook pro with the 1gig card and what are your findings??

    I've got a 2011/2.2/8GB/6750 running FCPX. Once I troubleshooted my external HDs (a Drobo that was nearly full with Time Machine backups was slowing down the entire Firewire bus) things run a lot better. I'm currently storing video on a Promise Pegasus R4 Thunderbolt RAID and the entire system is pretty snappy. The only slowdowns are:
    1. clips, events, and projects on slower hard drives can slow down launching the app and screen refreshes
    2. FCPX is still flakey. It will run great for a whole day and then will refuse to launch the next morning.
    3. exporting through Compressor is slow, particularly when I'm under deadline! 10 minute HD segments can take an hour or so. The Activity Monitor shows the CPUs maxed out, so I suspect that's the bottleneck. I've tried setting up distributed rendering but it doesn't work quite yet.
    4. FCPX can be a RAM hog, so if you're a rabid multi-tasker like me, prepare to beachball or change your wicked ways.
    All in all, FCPX runs pretty well on my MBP. If video editing was my main line of business, I'd seriously consider a Mac Pro stuffed with RAM and as many cores as I can find. I might wait for a newer one with Thunderbolt though for a bit of future-proofing.
    Hope this helps...

  • When i install the new os my fcp,motion and many adobe software not working so please help me out.

    when i install the new os my fcp,motion and many adobe software not working so please help me out.
    there are so many videos on youtube but i want know any solution from apple side plz my so many works are pending becuze i am working as Video Editor.

    You need to be more specific about which software applications you're using, the versions and what happens when you try to open them.
    It would also be nice if you could include which model MacBook Air you're using.
    MacBook Pro (15” Late 2011), OS X Yosemite 10.10, 16GB Crucial RAM, 960GB M500 Crucial SSD, 27” Apple Thunderbolt Display

  • FCP 7 and FCP-X on same partition:  what problems are caused?

    I'm trying to figure out if the performance issues I'm having with FCP-X can be remedied, or if the problem is just buggy software.  Apparently, even a newer, faster, more powerful Mac is not the answer, as I read complaints from people with new, suped-up Mac Pros who say the software slows to a crawl.  Sounds familiar to me, but I'm on iMacs and a MacBook Pro -- all my Macs are 3-4 years old, and are from that Core 2 Duo era, not Quad Core processors.  All my Macs are maxed out at 4 GB or RAM.  So I'm certain new machines are in my future.  But judging from what some people say about their newer, faster machines, I'm not entirely convinced that it would solve the problem I'm having with FCP-X.
    There are numerous threads here reporting sluggish performance (perpetual spinning beach balls) relating to a memory leak or a problem relating to FCP-X's usage of memory (some say it happens worse in Lion).  Is that the problem?  And if it is, why hasn't Apple addressed it?
    Then there is this matter of having FCP-7 (FCP Studio) and FCP-X installed on the same partition.  Apple's "Best Practices" article clearly states that it's best to have the two applications installed on separate partitions.  Only problem (for me) is, I already had FCP-7 installed on the primary partition.  When I purchased FCP-X (the day it first became available), I hadn't read that article, so naturally, the software got installed...you guessed it...on the primary partition.  And yes, I could uninstall FCP-7 (FCP Studio), create a new partition, and then re-install it.  But I remember how long it took to install FCP Studio (about 4 hours, as I recall), so I've put off the ordeal of heading down that road.
    So I'm wondering.......
    What problems are known to occur as a result of having FCP-7 and FCP-X installed on the same partition?  Would my sluggish performance be related to this?  Or would going to the trouble of uninstalling FCP-7, re-partitioning, then re-installing FCP-7 (FCP Studio) into its own play space, only be a waste of time?
    What evidence is there that this co-install is the culprit causing sluggish performance?
    What ARE the problems that the co-install causes?  I've never heard anyone address this specifically.

    When FCP X first came out, Apple recommended keeping FCS 3 on a separate partition, so I did that.
    Recently I did a clean reinstall or Lion and installed FCS 3 as normal, followed by FCP X 10.0.3.
    During the FCP X install, FCP 7 was moved to a new folder called Final Cut Studio.
    'Studio' and FCP X now work happily on the same partition - but I have not tried opening both at the same time!
    Just now, both applications are the most stable they have ever been.
    These are my standard tips for improving performance:
    First, check the spec of your iMac against the system requirements:
    Particularly your graphics card. If it's listed here, it's not suitable:
    If you are getting crashes, there is some conflict on the OS. Create a new (admin) user account on your system and use FCP X from there - if it runs a lot better, there's a conflict and a clean install would be recommended.
    Other ways to improve performance:
    Keep projects to 20 mins or less. If you have a long project, work on 20 min sections then paste these into a final project for export.
    Create Optimised media - most camera native files are highly compressed and need a great deal of processor power to play back - particularly if you add titles, filters or effects. ProRes 422 takes up much more hard drive space but is very lightly compressed. It edits and plays back superbly.
    Hide Waveforms at all times when you don't need them (both in Browser and Storyline / Timeline). They take up a lot of processor power.
    Create folders in the Project and Events libraries and put any projects you are not working on currently, in those folders. This will help a lot.
    Move your Projects and Events to an external HD (make sure it's formatted OS Extended - with journaled on or off) and run from there.
    Contrary to what Ian said above, the biggest single improvement I saw in performance was when I upgraded the RAM from 8 GB to 16.

  • FCP 7 and FCP X on Same Computer, Problems?

    I am a user of FCP 7 and I want to start to learn how to use FCP X.
    If I install FCP X on the same computer as I have FCP 7, will there be any conficts or issues?
    Thanks in Advance
    Mac Pro 2.66 GHZ Quad -  Core Intel Xeon
    OS X Lion 10.7
    10 GB Ram

    Not really.
    All FCS the apps get moved to a sub folder in Applications, so you will have to relink their dock icons to match the new location (delete the old ones and drag them in again). After you installed FCPX and want to run FCP7 for the first time, start and then quit Motion 4 first -- wierd, but that's the official Apple position.

  • Upload FCP Projects and Associated Media to a Production

    This sounds very silly but I`m really disappointed and can`t figured out how to do it.
    Is there a way to upload a *.fcp project and associate NOT ONLY the project but ALSO the Media that this project contains?
    In other words, if I upload a FCP project and choose a Production to be associated the production is created but ONLY the FCP Project Asset is inside this production, not the whole medias.
    A scan production (for the FCP file) also doesn`t work.
    What works is uploading all media and associating to a production or do a Scan production into a directory with medias. But my FCP and Medias are in distinct places and a thought that FCP project could help me cleaning the Media directories (by uploading the project and after all medias are catalogued archiving them, so the rest in directories are useless).
    The work around would be:
    1- to do a Scan Production in the Media files and after that uploading a FCP project associating with that Production, but as I`ve said I can`t just scan the entire Media as it`s very messy and with this way I could be guaranteed that my important assets are catalogued (and archived) and the left ones in the messy directories could be quick filtered to exclusion and cleaning without worries.
    2- to upload a FCP and associate to a production and after that manually move fcp associated assets to this production (this almost impossible because the limitation of 200 assets per page).
    Can some one propose a better way?

    No, you are correct, but unfortunately these are Elements (inside the FCP project) and not real Assets. So for instance, if you fill in the annotations on the Asset it will not show on the Elements (inside FCP projects) and vice-versa. You can`t do a lot of other things as well with elements as you can with assets.
    So I would like to have a Production with all media created automatically when a FCP project is uploaded (or scanned).

  • In my app store i have one update which is angrybirds so i go to update it despite me not have and it say that i need to sign into (my) account i have two unauthorized apps FCP 10 and Motion 5 and i tried the other hack thingy help?

    n my app store i have one update which is angrybirds so i go to update it despite me not have and it say that i need to sign into (my) account i have two unauthorized apps FCP 10 and Motion 5 and i tried the other moving the masreceipt thingy help?
    <E-mail Edited by Host>

    Have you checked to see whether the App Store appis hidden via Settings > General > Restrictions > Installing Apps being set 'on' ?

  • FCP Canvas and Viewer

    My FCP canvas and viewer appears to be showing my 16:9 footage in a letterbox format - not the same as usual - normally when I make the canvas full screen the footage will fill the screen - but now it is letter boxed, if you see what I mean!?
    I am using FCP 5.0.4
    Can anyone help please?

    Widescreen mode can mean either letterboxed or anamorphic. Select a clip in the browser (or in the timeline for that matter) and hit command-9. Is the anamorphic check box, checked? If not, your original material is letterboxed and you've either got to live with it, or enlarge your images which will lose an enormous amount of quality. If your clips are anamoprhic, you've got to check the anamorphic check box in your sequence settings, then select all your clips, control click and choose remove attributes:basic motion. Should do the trick.
    This can be avoided by making sure your sequence settings match your clip settings BEFORE you start editing.

  • SOLUTION: Are you having problems using HDV in FCP X and iDVD?

    If you edit HDV (TAPE) in FCP X and want to burn the video in iDVD you will find the following problem  .  .  .  iDVD squashes the image as shown in the screenshot below.
    Whether you export as ProRes or H.264, iDVD will see it like this as a squashed image.
    This is because iDVD does not recognise HDV anamorphic images unless they are in the Apple Intermediate Codec.
    There are 2 solutions to this problem:-
    1. Create a ProRes 422 Custom Compressor Preset with a frame size of 1920 x 1080.
    The only downside to this is that the conversion process in my 2008 iMac takes about 5 times realtime.
    2. Create an Apple Intermediate Codec preset for HDV.  This encodes on my iMac in around realtime, so it is at least 4 times faster than the ProRes solution.
    Unfortunately, if you have Compressor 4 you cannot create Apple Intermediate Codec presets, but Compressor 3.5 will and what is more important, that preset can be installed in Compressor 4.
    So you can export your HDV project from FCP X using Compressor Presets in either ProRes or AIC and use the resulting file in iDVD to get a correctly proportioned image like this.
    I prefer to use the AIC preset as it is 4 times faster and there is no quality difference on the final DVD.
    What do you do if you haven't got Compressor 3.5 or 4?
    Well you can email me for a 12KB copy of the preset as I believe FCP X can use it even though you don't have Compressor.

    Thanks for the tip!

  • Export FCP project and linked media assets

    Sorry everyone, I know this is an easy question but I have searched for the answer and am still very confused.  I want to save my FCP project and just the appropriate used media assets in one place so I can send a condensed version of my entire project to someone to further edit.  I know there is an easy way to do this because I have done this before, but I can't remember.
    I was confused because I found a number of answers but some of them talked about how afterwards the media files will no longer be able to be tracked by the Final Cut Server?  This is what scared me.

    Use FCP's Media Manager to duplicate the project media.  Be sure to include handles if needed.

  • I recently downloaded FCP X and now FCP 7 won't open, any ideas why?

    All my projects are in FCP 7 but I am about to start usiing FCP X. Since I downloaded FCP X I am unable to open 7 from
    Applications or XML Files, please help.

    Hi Russ,
    I've tried all 3 of the instructions from the link you sent me. So I've uninstalled FCP X and Motion 3 times and re-downloaded it 3 times and the same thing happens with FCP 7.
    It boots up, right up until the part when the windows open on screen and then closes without leaving an error message.
    FCP X works fine... Unfortunately I have loads of projects on 7 that I need to complete before an(almost) complete transfer to X.
    Anny more ideas would be gratefully received

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