FCPX Post Upload Edit

Hey all,
I recently uploaded a 3 min "Who We Are" video to Vimeo for a non-profit I work for. I have captions in the video. The video wouldn't upload, but after I deleted the render files it uploaded fine. I then realized one of the captions has a typo. This wouldn't be a problem but a few hours after the video uploaded when I shut down FCPX, the project I was working on was deleted. I've imported the finished/typo video. Any thoughts on how best to change a word though? As well as why the video deleted itself and if it's possible to get back? Thanks in advance. Definitely needing some help.

Not sure whether it's a feature or a bug, but shared  files now get deleted after you close that edit session. They used to persist in the Shared Items folder.
The solutions: either drag the files out of the folder  to a new location before quitting the app or export the project somewhere to your computer and upload with the site's uploader.
As for the deleted project, the best way would be to go to Movies>Final Cut Backups and get the latest timestamped library that has that project. Double-click to open it.
Otherwise, I suggest posting a screenshot of the mage so people can better advise you.

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    here are my two cents ...
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    Hope this helps ...
    Best regards

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    Wonderful news. And, many thanks for sharing the news of your project's success.
    Those Windows Media exports (.wmv) are convenient because your export will have a smaller file size than if you had used another category under Publish+Share. File size can be important depending on how you are sharing your project's export.I believe you will do very well because of your instinct to explore and experiment with the program. Great learning tools.
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    Message was edited by: Brett N

    Actually, I just took a quick look on some Google help pages, and I may have got the size thing slightly wrong - it seems that the 2048 long edge is specifically for Google+, not Picasa:
    "Automatic resizing
    All photos uploaded in Google+ will be automatically resized to 2048 pixels (on their longest edge) and won't count towards your free storage quota.
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    Hi Pam0,
    Let me sum up your issue: In Organizer (read EO) you have some images in your catalog and you were signed into Revel. You edited your images (either in EO/Editor/External editor) and the edited files were shown in Organizer. Both edited and original files are on Revel. Now you want to download some/all edited or original or both images. Am I correct in this assumption?
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    - How are you trying to download?
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