FDM Classic vs. FDMEE

I've a client who is familiar & comfortable with use of FDM (classic) but we are starting a new project using and it has been suggested that FDMEE must be used as the current FDM will not form part of future Hyperion installations.
I also found an Oracle Blog that seems to suggest much the same, yet refers out to a KB article that does not actually say anything much and to the lifetime support policy where it shows FDqM is supported till Apr 2018/2021. Is there an official policy on this, or does the Blog article cover this?
Extract from the Blog...
"Please note that starting with EPM, existing FDM customers will be required to migrate to FDMEE if they chose to upgrade other EPM products to release (Release is the last release of FDM as it is currently offered.)
Please note that enhancements will not be provided for the current FDM and ERPI products after the release. Customers who wish to take advantage of enhanced features and functionality should plan to migrate to FDMEE."
I'm just very nervous having (like others) had fingers burned with the earlier ERPi versions where things like IE Language needed to be changed (in a corporate locked down browser env!!) from UK English to US English to get basic functionality to work (dropdowns with dimension names).

That is correct, FDM Classic last release is the codeline.  Beginning with the version, FDM Classic will no longer be available, users will be required to move to FDM Enterprise Edition (FDMEE) in the codeline.
FDM Classic is supported under lifetime support as you found, but that is only for the product as it stands.  Any bugs or enhancements will not be resolved after the standard support cutoff, as noted in the Blog.    

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    We are in FDM/ERPI (used for loading data from EBS and file systems into HFM and planning to upgrade (within the existing environment [in-place upgrade]) to As we see that FDM/ERPI are integrated together as FDMEE in, we had big grey area on how FDMEE would function in contrast to disparate FDM/ERPI.
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    Any insightful response will be helpful for us as it would help us to gain clarity/confidence and comfort in upgrading to

    hello Sathish
    As you are upgrading from to EPM (within the existing environment [in-place upgrade]) , it's called Applying maintenance release EPM on EPM
    [a] when you apply maintenance release , FDM gets upgraded to FDM ,
         and ERPi gets upgraded to FDMEE
    [b] i have not faced any issue while upgrading FDM
    [c] please check epm_install.pdf for EPM for upgradation  task for FDM and FDMEE  (see page 257 / 258)

  • FDM Classic / FDMEE Enable Force Translation

    Hi All,
    My goal is to load an entity (CAD currency) via FDM or FDMEE (same process) and have it automatically translate in HFM to another currency (USD).  I am aware that I can achieve this by having a parent entity in USD and set the validation entity as the parent which will automatically translate the child entity to that currency as well.  I am curious if there is another way to do it without involving the parent.
    In FDM / FDMEE, in Integration Settings / Application Options you can set Enable Force Translation to Yes and then you can select the Translation Level.  The default appears to be parent currency.  Not sure what this really does.  Is there something I can do in FDM to have it translate a CAD entity to USD without actually having it consolidate the parent?  If so, is there a way to have it do other currencies beyond that of the parent like EUR for instance?
    I am not sure I have a good understanding of what the Enable Force Translation setting does as consolidating the parent will automatically provide the translation for you.  Perhaps it can do something on the base entity without involving the parent.

    Was I the last to know this?  I guess I never really knew what the difference was b/w Parent Entity and Entity in the Check Entity Groups (aka Validation Entities).  Is my understanding right now?
    Assumptions: Force Translation / Force Calculation / Consolidations are all turned on in Application Options.  Parent Currency is the translation level entered in Application Options.
    If you put a USD Base Entity as the parent and as the entity, putting parent currency won't do anything as far as translating data.  The entity will just force calc.
    If you put a CAD Parent Entity as the parent and a USD Base Entity as the entity, a force calc will occur as well as a translation to CAD.  However, the CAD Parent Entity won't actually get consolidated.  All of the activity occurs at the base entity level.
    The most surprising thing is that the CAD Parent Entity doesn't actually need to be a real parent of the USD Base Entity in HFM.  I just grabbed a random CAD Parent and entered is as the parent with a USD Base entity that is in no way associated with that entity.  It still did the translation.  I tested this with another unrelated GBP Parent and it also translated the USD child entity to GBP.  I further tested this by putting a JPY Base entity as the parent and it force translated taht USD Base Entity to JPY.
    Am I going crazy or is this correct?  If it's correct, why aren't more people talking about this and why would anyone ever customize scripts when they could just tweak the Check Entity / Validation Entity settings.  This is the part where I am told I am completely wrong and I get deflated.
    Would love to know if anyone can provide some insight / clarification.

  • FDM Classic Email Notification

    I hope somebody can help me resolve an email notification issue.  Using the FDM accelerators, I generated the send mail script and appended it to the AftExportToDat event.  The email generates but it continuously sends the email nonstop for one load event. Can anybody assist?

    As I was trying to address the problem I posted above, I decided to revert back to the original problem that I was having.  I have an inherited Batch load script that does the load, publish the process report, and sends the email.  The script works with 2 other FDM applications in the same environment. However, with the new FDM application I recently built, it continuously publishes a report and sends an email.
    Based on my testing, it looks like the .lngStatus value is always equal 31 and does not reset and thus the report is always being generated and resent.  I double/tripled check the configuration and integration settings and they appear correct.
    Can you help me figure out what is going on?  I am new with FDM.
    Thank you,
    Below is the script.
    Sub BatchLoad()
    'FDM CUSTOM Script:
    'Created By:        Hypadmin
    'Date Created:    2/12/2015 3:32:32 PM
    'Purpose:             Execute a Batch Loader task.
    'Execute a STANDARD batch
    'Use Serial Processing
    'Declare Local Variables
    Dim lngProcessLevel
    Dim strDelimiter
    Dim blnAutoMapCorrect
    Dim lngbatchID
    'Declare Local Variables for Report Publishing Parameters
    Dim objReport
    Dim lngReportID
    Dim lngPublishType
    Dim strPublishPath
    'Declare Local Variables for Email Notification
    Dim strFromAddress
    Dim strToAddress
    Dim strSubject
    Dim strEmailMsgLine
    Dim objMsg
    Dim objConfig
    Dim intSendUsing
    Dim strSMTPServer
    Dim intSendPort
    'Initialize Variables
    lngProcessLevel = 12 'Up-To-Check
    strDelimiter = "~"
    blnAutoMapCorrect = 0
    'Create the file collection
    Set BATCHENG.PcolFiles = BATCHENG.fFileCollectionCreate(CStr(strDelimiter))
    'Execute a Standard Serial batch
    BATCHENG.mFileCollectionProcess BATCHENG.PcolFiles, CLng(lngProcessLevel), , CBool(blnAutoMapCorrect)
    With API.MaintenanceMgr.fProcessStatus(API.POVMgr.PPOVLocation, API.POVMgr.PPOVCategory, API.POVMgr.PPOVPeriod)
                    If .lngStatus = 31 Then
                                    'Report Publishing - Active Reports                                          
                                    'Initialize Variables
                                    lngReportID = 112                            'Example (TB Current Location With Targets)                     
                                    lngPublishType = 31        'PDF 
                                    'Grab the PeriodKey
                                    strPer = Trim(CStr(RES.PdtePerKey))
                                    strPer2 = Left(strPer,2)
                                    DW.DBTools.mLogError 1, CStr(strPer), CStr(strPer2), Nothing
                                    'Convert Period to Correct Format for Report
                                    If Left(strPer,2) = "10" Or Left(strPer,2) = "11" Or Left(strPer,2) = "12" Then
                                                    strPer = Right(strPer,4) & Left(strPer,2) & Mid(strPer,4,2)
                                                    strPer = Right(strPer,4) & "0" & Left(strPer,1) & Mid(strPer,3,2)
                                    End If
                                    strPublishPath = API.DataWindow.Connection.PstrDirOutbox & "\" & "ProcessReport" & "\" & "IS Process Monitor Report" & "~" & API.POVMgr.PPOVCategory & "~" & API.POVMgr.PPOVPeriod & ".pdf"
                                    'Create the Report object
                                    Set objReport = CreateObject("upsWReportingDM.clsReportPublisher")           
                                    objReport.mInitialize API                                                    
                                    'Set Parameters
                                    objReport.mParametersAddNew "CatKey", "12"
                                    objReport.mParametersAddNew "StartPeriod", strPer                                                    
                                    objReport.mParametersAddNew "EndPeriod", strPer                            
                                    'Publish the Report
                                    objReport.mReportPublishToFile CLng(lngReportID), CStr(strPublishPath), CLng(lngPublishType)                                                         
                                    'Destroy the objects
                                    Set objReport = Nothing
                                    DW.DBTools.mLogError 1, CStr(strPer), CStr(.lngstatus), Nothing
                                    strFromAddress = "emailsource"
                                    strToAddress = "Receipient"
                                    strSubject = "Company Income Statement Cube - Process Monitor Report"
                                    DW.DBTools.mLogError 1, CStr(strFromAddress), CStr(strSubject), Nothing
                                    'Initialize Mail Server variables
                                    'SMTP server name
                                    strSMTPServer = "mail.company.com"
                                    'CdoSendUsing enumeration-1=use smtp on local machine, 2=use smtp over network
                                    intSendUsing = 2
                                    'SMTP port on server
                                    intSMTPPort = 25
                                    'Create CDO configuration object
                                    Set objConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")       
                                    'Set Config object settings
                                                    With objConfig.Fields
                                                                    .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = intSendUsing
                                                    .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = strSMTPServer
                                                                    .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport")= intSMTPPort
                                                                    .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 10
                                                    End With
                                    'Create CDO message object
                                    Set objMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")    
                                    'Assign config object to configuration property of message object
                                    Set objMsg.Configuration = objConfig
                                    'Set Message object settings and send mail
                                                    With objMsg
                                                                    .To = strToAddress
                                                                    .From = strFromAddress
                                                                    ' Sets the subject line of the mail message
                                                                    strSubject = "Company Income Statement Cube - Process Monitor Report"
                                                                    .Subject = strSubject
                                                                    ' Sets the message body of the email
                                                                    .TextBody = "Attached file:" & vbNewLine & strPublishPath
                                                                    ' Add .PDF file as an attachment
                                                                    .AddAttachment strPublishPath
                                                    End With
                                    'Destroy message objects
                                    Set objMsg = Nothing
                                    Set objConfig = Nothing                                                               
                    End If
    End With
    End Sub

  • FDM import script need to reformat in fdmee

    Hi Guru's
    i am in the process of migrating from fdm classic to fdmee and require your help to come up on this as i am new to Python scripting.
    I am pulling the data from Oracle database through a view and want to change the below script in Jython FDMEE format to pull the data.
    Can someone help or guide me on how to proceed.
    Dim objSS
    Dim strSQL
    'SQL string
    Dim rs   
    Dim rsAppend
    'tTB table append rs object
    Dim Prd
    Dim Yr
    Dim Sp
    Dim Ct
    'Initialize objects
    Set cnSS = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set rsAppend = DW.DataAccess.farsTable(strWorkTableName)
    Prd = FormatDateTime(CDate(dblPerKey),1)
    Yr = Right(Prd, 4)
    Prd = UCase(CStr(Mid(Prd, InStr(Prd, ",")+2, 3)))
    'Connect to Oracle database
    cnss.open "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=" &  DecryptPassword(3, "ojwo`f") & ";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=test;Data Source=test"
    'Create query string
    strSQL = "Select * FROM "
    Select Case lngCatKey
    Case 13: strSql = strSql & "KDDBI_BUDG_STATIC_VW"
    End Select
    strSQL = strSQL & " where PERIOD_YEAR = '" & YR & "' and PERIOD ='" & Prd & "' And CURRENCY_CODE <> 'STAT'"
    'Get data
    CnSS.commandTimeout = 240
    rs.Open strSQL, cnSS
        'Check for data
    If rs.bof And rs.eof Then
    RES.PlngActionType = 2
            RES.PstrActionValue = "No Records to load!" & "SQL:" & StrSQL
    Exit Function
    End If
    'Loop through records and append to FDM Worktable table in location's DB
    If Not rs.bof And Not rs.eof Then
    Do While Not rs.eof
    For Ct = 1 To 2
    If Ct = 1 Then
    rsAppend.Fields("PartitionKey") = RES.PlngLocKey
    rsAppend.Fields("CatKey") = lngCatKey
    rsAppend.Fields("PeriodKey") = dblPerKey
    rsAppend.Fields("DataView") = "YTD"
    rsAppend.Fields("Account") =UCase (rs.fields("ACCT_CODE").Value)
    rsAppend.Fields("Entity") = UCase (rs.fields("CO").Value)
    rsAppend.Fields("UD1") = UCase("APPROVED")
    rsAppend.Fields("UD4") = UCase("CLBALANCE")
    rsAppend.Fields("UD3") = UCase (rs.fields("DEPT").Value)
    rsAppend.Fields("UD6") = UCase("LOCAL")
    rsAppend.Fields("UD7") =UCase (rs.fields("LOC").Value)
    rsAppend.Fields("UD9") = UCase (rs.fields("PRODUCT").Value)
    rsAppend.Fields("UD5") = UCase("HSP_INPUTVALUE")
    If Left(rs.fields("ACCT_CODE").Value, 1) = "3" Or Left(rs.fields("ACCT_CODE").Value, 1) = "2" Then
    rsAppend.Fields("Amount") = CDbl(Nz(rs.fields("BUDGET_LC").Value)) * -1
        rsAppend.Fields("Amount") = CDbl(Nz(rs.fields("BUDGET_LC").Value))
    End If
    rsAppend.Fields("PartitionKey") = RES.PlngLocKey
    rsAppend.Fields("CatKey") = lngCatKey
    rsAppend.Fields("PeriodKey") = dblPerKey
    rsAppend.Fields("DataView") = "YTD"
    rsAppend.Fields("Account") =UCase (rs.fields("ACCT_CODE").Value)
    rsAppend.Fields("Entity") = UCase (rs.fields("CO").Value)
    rsAppend.Fields("UD1") = UCase("APPROVED")
    rsAppend.Fields("UD4") = UCase("CLBALANCE")
    rsAppend.Fields("UD3") = UCase (rs.fields("DEPT").Value)
    rsAppend.Fields("UD6") = UCase("KWD")
    rsAppend.Fields("UD7") =UCase (rs.fields("LOC").Value)
    rsAppend.Fields("UD9") = UCase (rs.fields("PRODUCT").Value)
    rsAppend.Fields("UD5") = UCase("HSP_INPUTVALUE")
    If Left(rs.fields("ACCT_CODE").Value, 1) = "3" Or Left(rs.fields("ACCT_CODE").Value, 1) = "2" Then
    rsAppend.Fields("Amount") = CDbl(Nz(rs.fields("BUDGET_KD").Value)) * -1
        rsAppend.Fields("Amount") = CDbl(Nz(rs.fields("BUDGET_KD").Value))
    End If
    End If
    End If
    'Close Record Sets
    'Assign Return value
    Budget_Approved = True

    How is one supposed to modify VB functions in FDM such as farsTableAppend so that it is supported in FDMEE scripts?
    I generated an API documentation from FDMEE AIF-APIs.jar (which is supposed to have all the FDMEE APIs in it I guess) but I dont see replacement for VB functions such as farsTableAppend, fExpTRx, PstrClientType, though I can see other methods in the documentation for eg. getEPMOracleHome() etc.. (All these functions that we can view using eclipse as an editor for FDMEE Dev).
    Is there any other method in the FDMEE API that I should be using to replace these functions for FDMEE Support?
    I have one more question regarding AIF-CUSTOM.jar file, what is the purpose of this jar, do we get any  additional methods in this file
    Please advise..
    Thanks in Advance

  • FDMEE import script not working

    I had a simple import script in FDM Classic that was removing every lines of data from a source file for every amount lower than 0.50 and higher than-0.50.  The FDM Classic import script was:
    Function Remove_50(strField, strRecord)
    'Purpose: To skip lines of data  Between -0.50 AND
    If IsNumeric(strField) Then
       If Abs(strField) <= 0.50  Then
         RES.PblnSkip = True
         'Keep line:
         Remove_50 = strField
       End If
    End If
    End Function
    Now, I have to convert it to FDMEE Jython.  Here is my first try:
    def  PSA_Remove_50 ( strField, strRecord ):
    if abs(strField) <= 0.50:
    return 0
    return strField    
    Very simple import script but it is giving me a headache :Oo
    Thanks for your help!

    I'd also say to stick with the BigDecimal data type unless you have a really good reason for using the float data type. If you start to multiply floats then you can end up with horrors like this if you're not careful where inaccuracies can start to creep in:
    >>> f = float(1.1)
    >>> f*1
    >>> f*2
    >>> f*3
    That's just something to be aware of if you decide to take the float route

  • FValueGet Function in FDMEE

    Dear all,
    In FDM Classic I could use the fValueGet function to retrieve data from HFM. Is there a similar API existing in FDMEE if I want to create a mapping based on a pre-load data value in my HFM target application?
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    once the adapter is initialized maybe you are able to use:
    fValueGet(strEntity, strParent, strAccount, strICP, strC1, strC2, vaCustoms, strValue, strScenario, strYear, strPeriod, strView)
    Note, that using this method is not supported.
    in any case,
    API existing in FDMEE if I want to create a mapping based on a pre-load data value in my HFM target application?
    is that pre-loaded value loaded thru FDMEE?
    In that case, you could use SQL scripts in the mappings

  • FDM compatibility and URL

    Hi every one,
    We have installed Hyperion Planning on Linux, i have read some where that FDQM is not supported on linux but only on windows. What are the possible solution that we can adopt to use FDQM with hyperion planning and essbase on LINUX.
    I have two options in my mind.
    1- Install it on window based machine.
    2- Using Vmware on linux and install FDQM.
    Plus the linux installer shows that FDM is installed on our system. Are FDQM and FDM are the same things?
    Waiting for reply.

    FDM (which Oracle aer now calling FDM Classic) will not be available after the current V11.1.2.3 release. It is being replaced by FDMEE which uses ODI as the underlying engine, extending what was known as the ERPi part of the curent FDM. Wheter you consider FDMEE (so it can be installed on Linux) will be dependent on what version of Planning you have installed, and whether the current version of FDMEE has everything you need, as not all the current FDM functionalitiy is currenrly available. ,  .  

  • How do remove FDM from on Dev environment.

    I have installed FDM on my Dev environment. Then few days later installed FDMEE in the same server. I believe I may have done a big mistake here.  My goal now is too remove FDM and finalize FDMEE configuration. Currently, when trying to deploy FDMEE application I get the Deploy to Application server failed message. I have been looking on log files to identify the root cause, but I am not sure which log file is the correct one to view when we are deploying an application via the config tool. I am on a distributed windows 2008 r2 app server environment. I would appreciate any help. Thank you.

    The error you stated:
    Unable to access application source information in Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\FinancialDataQuality\AppServer\InstalleableApps\aif.ear'
    means that it can't access those files on the Weblogic admin server machine, are you sure the fdmee web application was installed on both machines.

  • Upgrading from to

    Hi Guys,
    I'm about to upgrade my environment and i just have one issue. Currently were using a classic HFM applications and Essbase. I know that  still supports classic applications. Therefore would simply downloading the files and applying a maintenance release upgrade from to be sufficient? Or should i move from to and then to
    As for FDM, would a maintenance release work from to after all those changes were made and FDM is now FDMEE?
    I'm just looking for suggestions as to the best approach.

    If this is something you have not done before I really recommend discuss your options with an infrastructure consultant
    Classic is definitely supported and if you look at new features there are lots aimed at classic and not so many for EPMA.

  • ERPi Installation - No

    I want to install ERPi component but I could not select the ERPi component under FDM component links on installation screen. I installed the FDM zip file form edelivery.oracle.com site.
    I did not install ODI, is this caused?
    How can installation ERPi component?
    Best Regards,

    In version ERPi is now branded as FDM Enterprise Edition (FDMEE) it should be listed this way in the list of products to install if you have downloaded the binaries for it with the EPM system installer.
    ODI will install along with FDMEE in this version, so there is not a need for a separate ODI install.

  • Data import from EBS failed via FDMEE in fdm . Getting error message as "Error connecting to AIF URL.

    FDM Data import from EBS failed via FDMEE after roll back the patch . Getting below error message in ERPI Adapter log.
    *** clsGetFinData.fExecuteDataRule @ 2/18/2015 5:36:17 AM ***
    PeriodKey = 5/31/2013 12:00:00 AM
    PriorPeriodKey = 4/30/2013 12:00:00 AM
    Rule Name = 6001
    Execution Mode = FULLREFRESH
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040209): Error connecting to AIF URL.
    at Oracle.Erpi.ErpiFdmCommon.ExecuteRule(String userName, String ssoToken, String ruleName, String executionMode, String priorPeriodKey, String periodKey, String& loadId)
    at fdmERPIfinE1.clsGetFinData.fExecuteDataRule(String strERPIUserID, String strDataRuleName, String strExecutionMode, String strPeriodKey, String strPriorPeriodKey)
    Any help Please?

    Getting this error in ErpiIntergrator0.log . ODI session ID were not generated in ODI / FDMEE. If I import from FDMEE its importing data from EBS.
    <[ServletContext@809342788[app:AIF module:aif path:/aif spec-version:2.5 version:]] Servlet failed with Exception
    at com.hyperion.aif.servlet.FDMRuleServlet.doPost(FDMRuleServlet.java:76)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:727)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:227)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:301)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(TailFilter.java:27)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:57)
    at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter$1.run(JpsAbsFilter.java:119)
    at oracle.security.jps.util.JpsSubject.doAsPrivileged(JpsSubject.java:324)
    at oracle.security.jps.ee.util.JpsPlatformUtil.runJaasMode(JpsPlatformUtil.java:460)
    at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter.runJaasMode(JpsAbsFilter.java:103)
    at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter.doFilter(JpsAbsFilter.java:171)
    at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsFilter.doFilter(JpsFilter.java:71)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:57)
    at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(DMSServletFilter.java:163)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:57)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(RequestEventsFilter.java:27)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:57)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun(WebAppServletContext.java:3730)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:3696)
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:120)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:2273)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:2179)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1490)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:256)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:221)

  • Loading Metadata to HFM Classic from FDM

    Can anyone please explain is there any possibility to load Metadata (Members) in HFM Classic Application using FDM.
    If so please explain in detailed.
    Thanks in advance

    FDM is not designed to load metadata but data. It can be done but would involve a fair bit of custom code (including a wrapper dll) as the metadata load functionality is not exposed by the HFM web SDK. I'd look at alternative method for doing this and stick to loading data via FDM.

  • Classic FDM  :  getting error while importing data : internet explorer can not display the webpage

    hello All,
    we are on EPM
    when FDM client user click on import from workflow in FDM , for some time it shows processing then they get following error.
    when user gets log off and then log in then they found gold fish for import.
    so it mean that imports gets completed but it is not getting updated in FDM web url.
    any idea ?
    -Dattatray Mate

    The web session is timing out on the user, but the process is still going to be running in the background.
    The FDM doc cites the one-hour timeout related to IE and links to the TechNet doc on this... does the session time-out after an hour?:

  • Import Format Audit FDM

    I have a few questions around import formats as I have recently seen some new approached that I have not seen before:
    Firstly are Import Formats auditable? Can the changes etc be tracked?
    Secondly the formats I see are concatenating GL accounts and a few things from the GL to create a new "unique" account that is then mapped in FDM.
    in the GL
    GL Account
    810000 - Revenue $10,000
    GL Attribute1
    BL - Blue
    GL Attribute2
    T1 - Dakota
    FDM Import
    Then creates a source GL Account of
    FDM mapping
    810000BLT1 = TO_00001
    TO_00001 $10,000
    Has anyone seen this before, where effectively a new account is created from the import format ?

    1. I can't make a comment on FDMEE, but what is now 'classic' FDM does not audit the import format table. However if it is a requirement, then i am sure your DBA could sort something out
    2. Yes, this is quite common, but perhaps more for the other dimensions rather than the account dimension.     

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