Fields corresponding to the the origin of produts in foreign trade

My problem is that the invoice is not picking up the origin of products please help?

Dear ashis
Go to ox10, select your plant and see whether the Country Key is maintained.
Also in material master, select the tab Foreign trade export and see country of country of origin is maintained.  But it is not mandatory to maintain here.  Even if you dont maintain, it should flow.
G. Lakshmipathi

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  • Foreign trade data is incomplete for the line item eg 70!

    Dear Sapients,
    I have encountered an issue related to invoice while releasing it to accouting.
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    Read the following SAP note. This can also be the case.
    Note 354222 - Foreign trade data incomplete for domestic business
    A billing document cannot be transferred into accounting because the foreign trade data is incomplete.
    However, the underlying business process is a domestic business!
    Additional key words
    VF01, VF02, EIPO, EIKP, foreign trade, incompleteness, domestic, delivery, billing document, EXNUM, EXPKZ,export indicator, export number
    Cause and prerequisites
    In the respective delivery or in the billing document, for domestic business you by mistake go to the foreign trade data into a field. Since the incompletion log requires at least one entry for foreign trade, you must fill one field in order to be able to leave the foreign trade data again without canceling document processing.
    Here, an export indicator and an export number is assigned which cause the incompleteness of the whole document due to missing export data.
    A solution in the standard system is currently not planned since because of various customer requests the foreign trade data in the delivery should be accessed and maintained for domestic business too. An example is the inbound delivery in a bonded warehouse where the forwarding agent should get information already in advance.
    To avoid incorrect billing documents, proceed as follows:
    Copy data transport routine 001 to a routine 601 and enhance the new routine according to the attached correction instruction (RV60C601). Store this new data transport routine in Customizing for the copying control for billing documents for the processes you use, for example
    F2 - LF, item category TAN. (delivery-related)
    If you already use an own data transport routine, in this data transport routine include the attached source code.
    You must cancel existing billing documents and then create them again.
    If you do not want to cancel existing documents, implement the attached correction (program RV60AFZZ) and release the documents either individually (VF02, default transaction) or via the list of blocked billing documents (VFX3).
    After you completed the correction, you should cancel this solution (RV60AFZZ) again.
    Also refer to the attached Note 170183.
    Source code corrections
    Header Data
    Release Status: Released for Customer
    Released on: 16.02.2005 17:15:20
    Priority: Recommendations/additional info
    Category: Consulting
    Primary Component: SD-BIL-GF Basic Functions
    Secondary Components: SD-FT-PRO Basic Functions
    SD-BIL-CA Account Assignment

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    The setting is done in IMG
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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sreehari/Vinoth,
    Thank you for your replies.
    if only two fields are then I can get the max/min values of one field corresponding to other field.
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    Thanks & Regards,

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    Yes, just create a new PDF and replace the pages of the old one that has the form fields with the pages from the new: Document > Replace Pages
    Any fields, code, bookmarks, links, etc. will be retained.

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    Kind regards Isabelledc

    Also consider a messaging only solution if performance is a real non functional requirement and drop the orchestration. Sounds like you not doing very much other than changing the production Id. Create a pipeline to split your message and update the production
    If however the splitting of the messaging becomes more complex later then consider a debatching pattern as described in Ashwins blog
    Hope that adds to your list of possible solutions. 

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    Contact support by web chat.

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    Just like the Reports To Field has XML Name as *[<ManagerFullName>]*
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    Thanks in advance,

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    action is Update Field Owner with UserValue('<ManagerAlias>')
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    Edited by: Royston Goveia on May 12, 2009 9:59 PM

  • An error occured while creating the original attribute for

    Hi All,
    We encounter  this error in  "An error occured while creating the original attribute for " DMS  very often when a user edits a file & tries to check in.
    I searched the forums & realized that this is caused by the inconsistencies in the KPRO & DMS server and removing these
    inconsistencies will repair this issue.
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    Hi Neha,
    Please go to transaction SE16 and enter 'SDOKPROP' as table. Then enter 'DMS*' in the field PROP_NAME and press F8. Now all DMS related entries should be displayed to you. Please compare them with the following entries displayed in the attached screenshot and maintain the missing entries.
    DMS_ACTIVE_VERSION 00 Active Version
    DMS_APPLICATION 00 Logical application
    DMS_CHECKOUT_USER 00 Checkout User
    DMS_CREATE_AUDIT 00 Generate new version of the original
    DMS_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE 00 Default Language
    DMS_DELETEABLE 00 PHIO deletable
    DMS_DOC_KEY 02 IWB_DMS01 DMS_DOCKEY Document info record
    DMS_DOC_VERSION 00 Version of relevant document
    DMS_DRAW_APPNR 00 Application number from DRAW
    DMS_DRAW_DTTRG 00 Data carrier from DRAW
    DMS_DRAW_FILEP 00 File name from DRAW
    DMS_FILE1 00 File name(firstpart)
    DMS_FILE2 00 File name(secondpart)
    DMS_FILE3 00 File name(thirdpart)
    DMS_FILE_ID 00 GUID that points to table DMS_PHIO2FILE
    DMS_FRMTXT 00 Format description, ID of additional file
    DMS_MUP_CAT 00 Markup category
    DMS_MUP_FLAG 00 Markup flag
    DMS_ORDER 00 Sequence of additional files
    DMS_STATUS 00 Document status
    DMS_STATUSNR 00 Number in status protocol
    DMS_STATUSNR_X 00 References to Status Log
    Please pay attention that all entries are typed well and that there are no spelling errors. If all these values are maintained correctly in table SDOKPROP the dump and the error message should no longer appear.
    For further information you can also see the corresponding SDN WIKI page under

  • How do you get a cfwindow to update a query on the origin page

    I can't seem to get my head around this problem. I've got an accounting app where I want to add a new bill and if I type in a vendor who is not yet in the database I want to pop up a window to record the new vendor information, then return to the add bill page and continue with the information i've entered so far. I've tried cfwindows, but they don't seem to actually submit to the database, and even so, when I return to the origin page all typed data is cleared. Even a pointer towards a solution would be great. Sorry if the problem is spelled out well.

    Why do it with a pop-up, when you can do it without? You could do it as follows.
    Make, for example, Vendor name an autosuggest input field. When the user types, Coldfusion fetches the matching name from the database, if any exists. The bind attributes ensure that Coldfusion will automatically fill in the ID that corresponds to a matching name, and eventually the product that corresponds to the vendor name and ID.
    If no such match exists, then you know the vendor is new. In that case, the application will add the new vendor. You may also choose to update, for example, the name or product of a vendor.
    <cfif isDefined("form.vendor_name")> 
    <!--- Assmumes Vendor.cfc is in the current directory ---> 
    <cfset vendorObject = createobject("component","Vendor")> 
    <cfset vendorObject.updateVendor(form.vendor_name, form.vendor_id, form.vendor_prod)> 
    Vendor name: <cfinput type="text" name="vendor_name" autosuggest="cfc:Vendor.getName({cfautosuggestvalue})"><br><br>
    Vendor ID: <cfinput type="text" name="vendor_id" bind="cfc:Vendor.getId({vendor_name})"><br><br>
    Vendor product: <cfinput type="text" name="vendor_prod" bind="cfc:Vendor.getProduct({vendor_name},{vendor_id})"><br><br>
    <cfinput name="sbmt" type="submit" value="Add or update vendor">
    <cfcomponent output="false">
        <cffunction name="getName" access="remote" returntype="array" output="false">
            <cfargument name="suggestvalue" required="true">
            <cfset var local = structNew()>
            <!--- The function returns suggestions as an array. --->
            <cfset local.vendorArray = ArrayNew(1)>
            <!--- Get all unique last names that match the characters the user types. --->
            <cfquery name="local.getVendorName" datasource="myDSN">
            SELECT DISTINCT vendorName FROM Vendor
            WHERE vendorName LIKE <cfqueryparam value="#suggestvalue#%"
            <!--- Convert the query to an array. --->
            <cfloop query="local.getVendorName">
                <cfset arrayAppend(local.vendorArray, vendorName)>
            <cfreturn local.vendorArray>
        <cffunction name="getId" access="remote" returntype="array" output="false">
            <cfargument name="vendorName" required="true">
            <cfset var local = structNew()> 
            <cfset local.idArray = ArrayNew(1)>
            <cfquery name="local.getVendorId" datasource="myDSN">
            <!--- Get ID that matches vendor name --->
            SELECT id FROM Vendor
            WHERE vendorName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.vendorName#"
            <cfloop query="local.getVendorId">
                <cfset arrayAppend(local.idArray, id)>
            <cfreturn local.idArray>
        <cffunction name="getProduct" access="remote" returntype="array" output="false">
            <cfargument name="name" required="true">
            <cfargument name="id" required="true">
            <cfset var local = structNew()>
            <cfset local.prodArray = ArrayNew(1)>
            <cfquery name="local.getProd" datasource="myDSN">
            <!--- Get product that matched vendor name and id --->
            SELECT product FROM Vendor
            WHERE vendorName = <cfqueryparam value=""
            AND id = <cfqueryparam value=""
            <cfloop query="local.getProd">
                <cfset arrayAppend(local.prodArray, product)>
            <cfreturn local.prodArray>
        <cffunction name="updateVendor" access="public" returntype="void" output="false">
            <cfargument name="name" required="true">
            <cfargument name="id" required="true">
            <cfargument name="product" required="true">
            <cfset var local = structNew()>
            <!--- I have assumed vendor ID is unique --->
            <cfquery name="local.verifyVendor" datasource="myDSN">
            SELECT count(*) as noOfVendors
            FROM Vendor
            WHERE id = <cfqueryparam value=""
            <!--- If vendor exists in table, update; else insert--->
            <cfif local.verifyVendor.recordCount GT 0>       
                <cfquery name="local.updateVendor" datasource="myDSN">
                UPDATE Vendor
                SET product =  <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.product#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">,
                vendorName = <cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
                WHERE id =    <cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">             
                <cfquery name="local.saveVendor" datasource="myDSN">
                INSERT INTO Vendor(vendorName,id,product)
                VALUES(<cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">,
                       <cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">,
                       <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.product#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">)

  • How to hide a field based on the value of a field in a different subform - null check doesn't work!

    I'm using Javascript to set the actions. I need to hide a text field if the value of a field in another sub-form is null.
    - tried checking the value of the other field for null - doesn't work
    - tried setting a variable str2 where I know the value of the other field is available then checking that variable when I initialize the text field - doesn't work
    What am I missing?

    Try this in the originating sub form referring to the text field (X). 
    if (this.rawValue = 1)
              X.presence = "visible";
    else if (this.rawValue = null)
              X.presence = "hidden";

  • How do I output the smoothest video when changing or mixing frame rates from the original footage?

    I have been experimenting with various Media Encoder settings, and wondered if there was anything else I can try to get the smoothest video output possible, especially when changing frame rate and possibly resolution.  For clarification, let me start from the beginning and explain what I'm doing and what I've tried so far.  I'll try to be as brief as possible, but if I do go into too much detail, I apologize. 
    My original footage is AVCHD 1080p - 60fps.  (my camera only does 60fps...specifically 59.94fps)  We're not talking interlaced video here, I'm staying away from that.  This is definitely full frame, progressive video at 60 frames (not fields) per second.  My output will ultimately be for the web.  I have been keeping my output codec (H.264) and bit-rate (VBR 2-pass, relatively high-bitrate) consistent, and have been trying numerous output options and even sequence settings to see what would yield the best results.  I am using Premiere Pro CS5.5 along with Media Encoder.  Here's what I've done and the results I've observed:
    1.  I created a sequence with 1080p - 59.94fps settings to match my original footage.  I then output both 1080p and 720p versions at 59.94fps, and at 29.97fps.  The 59.94fps output files looked absolutely great, as would be expected.  Extremely smooth.  The 29.97fps output files were generally smooth, but not near as smooth as the 59.94fps.  This is expected since it's half the frame rate as my original footage.  However, my question is this:  What exactly is Media Encoder doing when "down converting" from 60p to 30p?  From a technical stand point, is it dropping every other frame?  I'm just curious to understand exactly what it does.  I tried the Frame Blending option as well, and that only yielded a bit more blur to the images which wasn't desirable for any of the output files. 
    2.  Just to see what would happen, I created a sequence with 1080p - 29.97 settings.  I then output both 1080p and 720p versions at 29.97fps.  The video was much more choppy in these cases, even with Frame Blending on.  Now, I know not matching my sequence settings with my original media isn't ideal, but I again just want to understand why this yields less smooth video than the 29.97fps options above.  Why does cutting the sequence settings frame rate in half from the original, then outputting the same frame rate as the sequence yield video that is not as smooth?
    3.  Next, I wanted to try mixing frame rates to see how Premiere and Media Encoder handled the footage and output files.  Premiere handled it great, no issues there.  However, I had some interesting things happen when I output the files.  Here's what I did:  I created a sequence with 1080p - 59.94fps to match my original footage.  Then I took the same exact footage that was in my sequence, copied it in my project panel and interpreted it at both 23.976 and 29.97 fps, yielding slow motion video.  The slow motion video looked great in Premiere, so I went ahead and just added it to my sequences, along with the original 59.94 footage.  I also created separate sequences for the 29.97 and 23.976 footage respectively, each with matching sequence settings, then added a nested sequence to another original footage sequence (with 59.94fps sequence settings) to see which yielded the best results.  Basically, I'm trying to output 59.94fps that match my original footage, but also throw in some slow motion footage at different framerates.  I'll explain my results in a moment as they are a bit convoluted, however, here is my question:  When mixing frame rates and trying to output the smoothest video, am I going about this the right way?  I would assume you would use your sequence settings that match the original footage (which is what the majority of the footage will be), then bring in a nested sequence for the slow motion (as oppose to just dropping the slow motion video directly into my main sequence), and then output to the same frame rate of the majority of the footage, in this case 59.94fps. Is there a better workflow for this?
    The results to #3 above were as follows.  Initially, it looked like it didn't matter if I nested the slow motion sequence into my main sequence, or simply dropped the actual slow motion video into my original 59.94fps sequence.  It seemed to produce smooth results either way.  Frame Blending blurred the video a bit, but didn't seem to make much difference, and quite honestly I like the footage without Frame Blending in general.  However, when I closed down Premiere, and opened the output files later (opening in Quicktime), the footage looked choppy.  In fact, it would go from choppy to smooth and back, almost like it had an irregular cadence (don't know if I'm using "cadence" in the right context here).  I would then open up Premiere again, import the output footage into my project panel, and play the footage in Premiere, and it would play back smooth again. Is this a Quicktime issue?  I was playing 1080p 59.94fps files when this happened, so maybe it's just because it's a large file.  Doesn't seem to have issues with the 720p files I created.  But it sure threw me off with my testing because I then started second guessing the settings I was using.  My iMac is the latest 2011 model with plenty of RAM, so I wouldn't think it's the computer.  Thoughts?
    4.  Next, I noticed on ALL my output files (again, using the H.264 codec from Media Encoder) that the color of my video seemed to flatten quite a bit.  It seems that the original footage has more contrast and saturation than the output files.  I figured maybe this was just how it was, but when I re-imported the output files back into Premiere, they looked IDENTICAL to the original footage.  And in Media Encoder's Source/Output windows, I don't see any difference there either. Is Quicktime again the culprit here, doing some odd things to the color of my videos?
    5.  Regarding Frame Blending, when is the best situation to enable this option in Media Encoder?  I've read it is when mixing frame rates, but I honestly didn't see too much of a change except for a bit more blur, which I didn't care for.
    6.  Lastly, my conclusion is that 60fps yields the smoothest video, which is an obvious conclusion.  However, I know that 60fps isn't the best or easiet frame rate for web delivery.  It seems 30p is more the standard.  Are there any integrated web players that would play 60fps?  Can you get 60fps video on YouTube/Vimeo?  If yes to any of these questions, can they do 720p and 1080p at 60fps? 
    Those are all my questions.  I hope I am clear enough without being overly wordy and hopefully I didn't put too many questions into one post.  Thanks in advance for any insight, I really appreciate it.

    Did you ever figure out which output worked the best? I have the same original footage; trying to determine the best output settings to make a dvd for tv.

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