Figuring out datagrid sort programmatically

OK I've got a datagrid with 4 columns. I'm giving the end
user the opportunity to sort on any of these columns. They also
have a report that is generated based on the data in the grid, but
I'm wondering how determine on which column the grid is sorted, and
which (ascending / descending) order so that I can sort the report
in that exact same manner.
I've added some code on the headerRelease event to track this
information (storing it in the Cairngorm ModelLocator), but if you
trace the results it doesn't foot to what you're actually doing,
for example the following writes inconsistent (to the apparent
action being taken in the interface) info to the console. I can
always get the correct dataField property, but its sortDescending
property is almost always opposite of what the datagrid displays:
private function
for(var k:int=0;k<myGrid.columns.length;k++)
trace(myGrid.columns[k].dataField + ":" +
Does anyone know of a better way to figure out on which
column the grid is currently sorted, and what sort nature is
currently applied?

OK I figured this out after remembering that the dataprovider
of the datagrid is just an ArrayCollection - here's the answer for
anyone who's looking for the same thing.
In the function that calls the report:
var s:Sort;
var sF:SortField;
s = summaryGrid.dataProvider.sort;
// if sort is null, they haven't clicked any column headers,
so use the default
if(s == null)
urlVariables.sortOrder = "dtAdded";
urlVariables.sortNature = "DESC";
otherwise use the first sort field
(this could be modified to build an appropriate order by
statement for multiple
sort fields if necessary)
sF = s.fields[0];
urlVariables.sortOrder =;
urlVariables.sortNature = sF.descending?"DESC":"ASC";
Hope this helps someone!

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    Although I'm far from being an expert in programming, I would answer NO. Imho, you've just got a brillant idea! (As for “repeating / updating the variable so many times in a row”… you could add a short delay (like “delay 1”) inside the repeat block, but I don't think it's a must.)

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    Reply Email
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    LINK 1:
    LINK 2:
    Message was edited by: 3pointer

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    If this post answered your question or helped, please mark it as such.

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    Be aware that "Freeze Header Rows" and "Freeze Header Columns" apply only to rows and columns that are Header rows or Header columns. You can have up to five Header rows, Five Header Columns (and five Footer rows) on a Numbers Table.
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    Well, first, Thomas, that was a very gracious reply. Nice to see that kind of thing on forums, as too many any more are just plain caustic. Shows what basic anonymity does to some people, huh.  And actually, such causticness is probably more along the lines of a pendulum swing *away* from the also too-prevalent "political correctness" that, well, weinies need to use. Methinks that perhaps all of America, perhaps all of the world, is becoming pathologically bipolar. LOL   So anyway, wanna say that you sound like a real decent guy. Must be a Mac guy. hehe
    Secondly, my reasons for submitting what I thought were helpful alternatives to looking at spinning beach balls while your fingernails waiting on the keyboard grow another half inch comes from my experiences. I'd like to elucidate.... When I got back into Macs in '06 after 18 yrs on The Dark Side, & 2 or 3 yrs with Macs, professionally, prior to that, I re-started with a PowerBook then. 1GB RAM, max. Lame, even then. And then a MacBook1,1 @1.83. Very first all-white one. 2GB max. Lame. Trouble, trouble. Frustratingly so. And now, I've got a 7,1 @2.4. Very last all-white one Apple made. I like the all-white ones. 2Gigs again, but that I bumped up to its 8Gig max. And STILL I have RAM jams. Not as frequently of course, but they happen. And what I run into *most* often, is the system NOT automagically releasing Inactive RAM. Just sits there. And if I've got FF or something that leaks memory running, & I myself crash & sleep, I wake up to completely or nearly so solidly wired-up RAM. Which means it's power button for 5 seconds time. & then Applejack at reboot to fix stuff that got hosed.   Doesn't happen often, but enough to make me go search for solutions when I shouldn't be having any with the above-average 8Gigs of RAM.
    So one day I discovered the Purge command. And using that has kept the aforementioned scenarios from deteriorating to the aggravating point when not even the beach ball comes up, nor of course anything else. 
    And so I use it. Use it a LOT when I've got open apps' icons spread from one side of my screen to the other, especially Win7 in VMWare when I've got a bunch of Mac stuff open, too. And I have read NOwhere, except what you have written, that there is any "harm" to purging at all. Hasn't caused me any probs, I know that. Only good stuff. I *would* like to know about any possible problems that, as you stated, purging could cause, as published by a Mac magazine or respected tech site. So if you can steer me & others who read this & are curious about the subject to any current articles about that, I would like to take a look-see & learn. But what I'm going by is what has proven to work, for me, & I am pretty certain that at least all Intel machines running 10.6+ work in pretty much the same way too, so....  That's why I posted. Just sharing my experiences, a screenshot, and the simple little script app I made in less than a minute. And I admit, yeah, the XCode DL is pretty darn big. But ya don't have to install everything. Just what's needed, & then you can dump the Receipt file if ya want, or save it to an external something or other.
    But not wanting to be a butt here, I will do some research about the use of purge, because you stated that 'true power users' understand when its use is apt, & when it's needed & so forth. Well, I *know* when it's needed in my experiences, & it does the job, without repercussions of any kind. But I'll look into it, willing to learn & throw away old ideas if appropriate.
    Thirdly, RE: Novice users taking my advice:
    Stupid is as stupid does, Thomas. You know that. I know I've been through that during my occasionally steeper learning curves, maybe you as well. That's how I learned stuff, particularly DOS/Windows, which just screams gimmee your attention anyway. So what I'm saying is that I find it loathsome to think that I or anyone would have to babysit the reckless ones. Who are they? Must I assume that ANYONE & EVERYONE fits that category, & so submit pablum & half-baked mostly useless mediocre BS smoke?  nyu uh. not me. I have enough respect, you might say, for people to give them the benefit of the doubt that they'll choose wisely. And those who don't, well, Darwin's Law steps in. Been there too, done that too. I consider submitting diluted blabla just so disgustingly pompous, really. Sayin' something, but then you're not, too. Self-serving junk, in other words.
    So...... done now.  Thanks for the tips, Thomas, & the advice, & I'll heed ya some but I can't think of readers of these forums as babies who need to be coddled. Mistakes made are learning experiences.  The most important learning being, of course, is when to gamble on possible learning, & when not to. That's the beginning of not making stupid-a** mistakes. And some want to learn that 'hard way' either by choice or, yeah, with intelligence-backed recklessness, & some wouldn't dream of learning that way on their machine. Scares 'em. They don't know that you can *always* click on the 'cancel' button, yaknow?  When in doubt, gamble or get out.  But don't straddle.
    I'm counting on folks having enough brains between their ears to figure out what's doable for them at their skill/knowledge level when they read about tech procedures, & what's not. And what's got the pretty good odds of coming out in their favor, should they take a plunge of some technical sort. And that's learning, too. Probably the best kind, actually. Which couldn't happen unless somebody "pushes the envelope" (apparently) & submits some obscure tech procedures. What I proposed isn't super-techy by any stretch of the imagination in those who know. Not saying my stuff's all that, but I will say that Jobs knew all about that sort of edginess, which hoisted only red flags in some people's minds of course, the mediocrity lovers' minds that is. And I am pretty much like-minded with Jobs' ways in that respect. And I abhor the 'hypersafe,' banal ways of doing things. That ain't different. That's crap. hehe  ok. nuff said. out.....
    Have a good Sunday, Thomas.
    And thanks again for your gracious good-attitude reply to me.

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    Hi Josie,
    I understand that you are having issues with iTunes recognizing your iPhone 4S. Let's see if we can tackle this.
    The following resource will provide helpful steps in resolving this issue, pay specific attention to Steps 3-6 as these usually resolve this sort of issue.
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Matt M.

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    I'd like to get convert all the old tapes so I can share digital copies
    I have done lots of that.
    I think I can hook up a VCR to my DV camera and then hook that to my iMac
    Yes, that is one way.
    Failing that I'll buy some sort of converter.
    I Like the Grassvalley ADVC300.
    I've played around with countless other conversion systems, ranging in price from $79 to $399. Short verison, this is the ONLY unit to own. No dropped frames at all, even with questionable quality tapes, no jitter, great color, excellent sound quality. Zero setup with iMovie 06 and iDVD 09/11.
    This is a prosumer deck. The time code function is alone worth the price if you have old analog footage. Absolutely NO "Out Of Sync" audio.
    ADVC300 is for anyone who wants to do editing and is concerned about quality of color and speed, for the novice it is an incredible gizmo that will restore VHS tapes to a state close to the original fixing midtones, highlights and shadows on the fly. Not only can you simply convert analog to digital you can actually manipulate the signal going in (if you want to).
    A bit pricey but it WORKS.
    I only want to do this conversion once and would hate to end up with a lower quality compressed file or something not compatible with editing when if I'd set things different I'd be better off if you get my drift.
    I do get your drift.
    I would use iMovie 06 with iDVD 09/11, why?
    iMovie 09/11 uses 'single field processing' meaning every other horizontal line of the video is thrown out, which reduces the sharpness of the footage. iMovie 06 uses ALL of the image to form the video.
    If your primary workflow is editing DV clips and making DVDs, iMovie '06 is better suited. Your movie will arrive at iDVD in DV format, which is an ideal match for making a DVD: same resolution, same pixels aspect ratio, and original quality. If you share your movie from iMovie 09/11, it gets re-rendered at 640x480 or less, and then iDVD upscales it back to 720x480. The end result is obviously not as good.
    Compared to today's standards DV Video's quality is not that great, so I don't want to lose ANYTHING in my conversion, I have no quality to "spare".
    iMovie 06 and iDVD 09/11 is a "lossless" combination.

Maybe you are looking for